fIOOD:RlYEIi GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913 0 i 4 X r I THE FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR EASY TO OPERATE On account of the many features for safety in driving and because of its simplic ity in control, the Ford Model T is especially adapted for the use of the lady driver. The fact that there are more women drivers of Ford cars than any other motor car on the market is directly responsible to the ease of Model T operation and its safety in driving. There is no complex shiftfrg of gears to bother the driver in fact there is very little machinery about the car-none that a woman cannot understand in a few minutes and learn to control with a very little practice. At no time in the operation of the Ford car is it neccessary to remove the hands from the steering wheel. Starting, stopping and reversing are controlled by foot pedals, leaving the hands of the driver free at all times for the more delicate operation of steer ing the car. This feature for safety will be recognized as a great advantage to men and women drivers alike. Columbia Auto & Machine Co. n-Ku-y m. .wa. rf n. tfii.v .n tfvjntM'- White River Flour N Makes Bread IIavinghe Old Bready Flavor 0 AT YOUR GROCERS S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Dirktor and Practical Embalmer Established 18 Years HOOD RIVER, OREGON MEAT goes a long way from the stockyard to the butcher's block. Its the quality that tells in the end. Meat may be fresh and yet not be first quality. FRESHNESS AND QUALITY is the standard we set for our customers. Ve buy the best, and sell at prices within the reach of all. HOOD RIVER MARKET THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK im 3 ON f SAVINGS (lAccoiwmJ HOOD RIVER OREGON BANKING A bank account, even though it may be a small one, is the safest means of doing business. Your checks are the best receipts for all bills paid and your funds will be neither lost nor stolen from our vaults. It only requires a small balance with us, and we will obligate ourselves to keep your finances straight and furnish you with the necessary check books and deposit books free of charge. Talk It Over With Our Cashier CAPITAL 6 SURPLUS $ 1 33.00 O ") UNDU U.S.K J jtOKINMtNTj I (UoptimsjwjjJ Oregon Lumber Co. Dee, Oregon ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETC. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANT aTY Both Phones Estimates Furnished 11 m f IIP ill 1 Atk jrour Sttiu bout the in PRESENTS for boy. tni firU tbU go wltk "Olympic" WWt Hearte and "Olympic" Pancake Flour Juit the dandiest, eatoh ittt, aioit interesting "w" noveltias imagina ble, especially Imported from Germany. Portland Flour in 2 Mill. T r-tut. mwmmmmm WW iiiaiai fMI UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List Your Places for Special Attention With WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valler Real Ettate-lmuranf Improved and UnlmproTtd Orchard Land Phon Odall SST Hood River Connection Guy Y. Edwards & Co. U. C. M. RANCH Parkdale Upper Hood River Valley PERSIAN TALES. They Happened Many Years Ago, but Are Just as Good. THE KING GOES EXPLORING. And Return With Dteettreua Reoutta, Ale tetter Knowledge ef Bee He Meet a Peaeant, an Am and an Unpleaaant Earthquake. By M. QUAD. (CepyrlcBt, Hit, by Associated Literary Free ONE day tb king of Perala and ruler of th earth took It Into bia bead to wander oat Into tb country alone and bar a cbat with aome of bla boneat subject. Coming acroa a peasant at work In bU Held, tb king baited to aay: "I bar beard a traveler to aay that la tb field wber tb grass Is tblck and UU there dwelt a apedea of bird wblcb mad and stored op honey. Hatb een a flock of ancb bird around here?" "I doot think I bare." replied tb peasant "The tal of a traveler may "HUB, TOO OLD B1AST, OCT ALONG I" be true, but tb blrda ar evidently coy and by." "He described them as about the size of my thumb." "Haven't aeen any." "With yellow line across their backa and many feet" "Haven't beard 'em singing around here." "But they slngetb not," protested the king. "Instead of a song they make a noise as of 'up-m-m-m-' " "And do tbey sometimes light down on a logr " "Truly tbey do." ' . "And tbe man who alts down on one Imagines be baa a bradawl for a cushion T" "Now yon are btttlng It Even ao did the traveler relate. Let me see those birds at once." "Tou'll flnd a nest of them over by tbe gooseberry bush," said tbe peasant as a grin spread over bis face, "but I'd leave a few young ones for seed If I was 70a. A nest of 'em makes the place seem homelike, you know, and their bltea keep the boys from getting Isiy." The King Explores, The king climbed tbe fence and wad ed through tbe grass to the spot, and bis yells and antics soon proved that be had found the birds. After galloping three times around the meadow and rolling over It once be got rid of their company, and, limping up to the peas ant, be said: "Hatb a name for these birds?" "They are called bumblebees." "And how long are their teeth?" "About the SOgtb of a crowbar." "And, knowing this, you still let your king place bis life In peril! Caitiff, tbe az of my executioner awaits thee!" "I let tnee go forward, O king, not knowing that thou wert king, but In stead of deserving the ax thou sbouldst reward roe with a bag of gold." "S'deathl But how so?" "Because, O king, thou bast never had a circus within thy realm, tuough often longing for one. Here ' one ready made. Let thy suit of a hundred follow thee out here tomorrow, and when all are assembled send them Into the meadow to flnd tbe nestlings." "B'gosb, If I don't do itl" exclaimed tbe king as bla frown disappeared and a balmy smile stole over bis face, and next day tbe performance came off as advertised and waa reported as an un precedented auccesa. One day aa tbe ruler of all Persia and a large slice of tbe rest of the world was riding out with his courtiers . be came across a peasant who waa pulling bard at a rope attached to the neck of an ass. The ass was sagging back on bis haunches, and It was a question whether be would be pulled ahead or bave bis neck pulled off. He Interfere. "Itv tbe corns of my grandfather, but what a fool that man Is!" exclaim ed the king as be came to a halt "Ho, thou idiot! I would apeak wltb thee!" Tbe peasant let fall tbe rope and came forward and rubbed bla nose on tbe earth to prove bla humility, and the king continued: "Do my eyea deceive me when I see a man of fifty pulling to get an ass along? In all these years haven't you learned that the way to treat an ob stinate beast Is to push from behind?" "I dare not push 00 account of bis heels, O ruler," replied tbe man. "But what bave heels to do with. It?" "Tbey ar on springs. O wis and senescent, and ar apt to fly upward at a toocb." "I never beard of sucb a thing. Bo, Abraham, grand secretary of agricul ture, what b this about aaaea? Isn't It tb proper way to push 'm along?" "It might work, O king, but I bav been too busy wltb ooions and turnips to try It" "Did yon ever bear of springs 00 tb heels of an ass?" "In a dim, undefined way. 0 mighty." "Well, I never did. and ber goes to flnd out about It I want to know wbat I'm running In tbla country" It waa In vain that tb grand secre tary, secretary of war, blgb chamber lain and tb rest of tb crowd protest ed. Tb king was a determined man when be got bla dander np. and ba swung out of bla saddle and approach ed tbe asa. The King Is Jarred, "0 king, but I am afraid of a jar," aatd tbe peasant, wltb alarm In bis face. "Please po him with a fenc rail when yon look for aprlnga." "Not by the bat of Sardanapalua! Here, you old beast, get along with you I Now, tbep. heave, oh, beaver Twenty mlnutea later tb mighty ruler opened bla eyea to flnd ammonia at bla nose and tee on bla stomach, and wben be asked If tb earthquake had killed any on bis grand secretary replied: ( o) "O blgb and mighty, buttn heels of tbe asa were on springs, and tb aprlnga worked!" "In other words," said the king, "I've been kicked Into tbe middle of next week by an ass?" "That'e about It O king." "I see. As I pushed he kicked. Well, I can't let things go this way. Grand secretary, for not kiQwlng more about asses you are bounced from your position. Peasant for not know ing all about 'em you shall receive fifty lashes P "But we ask for JustlceP' cried both men together. "Tben you shall exchange places!" "But It was tbe ass that did It!" tbey chorused again. "Tben be shall die!" "O ruler," said the peasant, "If you bad kept away from tbe ass' heels you wouldn't bav been kicked." "Ah, that'a something like!" replied the king as be rose up. "As It now transpires that there were two asses Instead of one and as It Is bard to tell wblcb ass was most to blame, we'll call tb whole thing off and go over and look at those pumpkins. I want to know bow tbe seeda get Inside 'em." Misunderstood. On a farm In South Africa there was a Kaffir whom the men used to call "Coalscrrtle." He milked the cowa morning and evening, but one day tbe boss came to his hut, bringing a three legged stool. "Here, Coalscuttle, Is a stool from home," said he. "You can use it when you are milking." "Yes, boss," said tbe man. That evening be went a-mllklng as usual, holding tbe stool at arm's length and looking a trifle bewildered. A full hour elapsed and be did not come borne. At length be arrived bruised and battered, the cans shape less and not a drop of milk In tbem. "Why, Coalscuttle, what's wrong?" said tbe boss, appearing. "Ah," said the servant, shaking bla head, "him berry good stool, mossa, but the cows won't sit on it" New York Journal - I I 1 I 1 ! l -l -l-1 I t 1 11 1 1 I I H I I I I I' T A Definition. Tbe difference between life . . ; I and love Is that life's Just one '. '. darned thing after another and ! ', love's two darned things after . . one. another. Chicago Record- i! J Herald. 11 minium ii Mill nn The Old Man's Hint. Mother (at 11:30 p. m.)-Wbat's the mntter, Johu? You look disturbed. Father I thought I'd give that young man calling on our daughter a vigorous bint It was time to go, so I walked right Into tbe parlor and de liberately turned out tbe gas. Mother Oh, my! And did be get angry? Father Angry? The young Jacka napes said "Thank you." St Louis Times. They Wanted to Hear it "Now, children," said the teacher to her kindergarten class, "I want you all to be quiet, so quiet, In fact, that you could hear a pin drop." Everything had quieted down nice ly and tbe teacher was about to speak when a little voice in tbe rear of the schoolroom squeaked forth, "Go ahead, please, teacher, and let her drop." Fun. His Downfall. Frayed PhllIp-WoM becom of Pete? Gritty George-Pete? Oh, he's gone to de bad. . Frayed Philip-In Jail, Is he? Gritty George- Worse'n that; be'a working reg'lar In a factory. Boston Transcript He Knew the Kind. The guide In referring to the Egyp tian pyramids remarked: "It took hundreds of years to build them." , "Then it was a government Job eh?" replied the wealthy contractor. Lon don Tit Bits. More Often Now. First Chicago Dame People take shorter w eddings trips than tbey ld formerly. Second Chlcogo Dame Perhaps, but they take them more often. Life. . The Highest liuana mmm. Tb big beet oavlgabl body of water m th world la Lake Tltlcaca, whfcfc Ua In South America about midway between tb Horn apd tb. qnator. With a six nearly aa great aa Lake Erie, ft U two mile above tb level of tb sea and la continually brooded la tb clouds and mlsta of th And, Bugged, rocky Islands dot IU iTiriaca, and It possesses down of great, un explored baya. Ita avtrag depth U 1.000 feet-neariy twice that of Lak Buperlor-bot In many place bottom ba never been found. Th lak Dov er freezes, although, bacanaa of height It la situated In a land of al most perpetual winter. Aloof th bores ar rulna of gre't cities, prob ably of tb Incae, but ao ancient ar they that tven tb Indiana bav no Idea of tnelr origin or tlatory. Several steamers ply over th lak and carry on a valuable trad In gold and other products of tb moontaina. New lor UalL Th To Good Alibi There la no defena ao familiar to criminal courts as tb alibi proof thai tb accused wss not near tb seen or a rHma when that crlm was commit ted. There Is no defense mora satis factory, except when It Is too good. A too gooty alibi Is on of tb most sus picious things on earth. When an ac cused man brings witnesses who swear tn hie whereabouts for each minut or tbe period In question tbajury begins to doubt The foreman or in jnry rannnt nrov where be WSS St tb ssme time with that mocb assurance. Pmhnhi the ludee cannot How does the accused man happen to bar that proof which othera lack? Ar bla wit nesses lying, or was tb crlm commit ted earlier than tbe state tmnxs. ana Is the alibi a "plant r Honest men. going unthinkingly about tbneat bust nesa, can seldom prove their where about mlnut by mlnut. Tb fallow who knows th need of an alibi has on ready. Chicago Journal. How He Would Take It President Lincoln used to tell wild cat currency story. It to tbs sf Ot that he waa zolng dowo tb Mis sissippi river on a steamboat when tba pilot announced to tbe captain tnai hoT worn out of Wood. Tb captain said. "Well, put Into tb first, wood pile." Th flat bottomed boat was ran np to tb mud shore, and th captain balled a man who waa walking among several piles of wood. "Will yon sell your wood?" be shouted. "Yes," cam th reply. "For caabT "Yea." ! "Take wildcat currency?" 1 "Certainly." "Well, bow will yon take It?" Tbe answer cam back without hesi tation, "Cord for cord." New York Times. What Would You DoT "What would you do If yon were millionaire?" was tbe question pro pounded to the little boys ot an east aide school tbe other day. . The little east alders' answers wr Interesting. Some of tbem wrote: "1 would have a bouse wltb rooms for each kind of use, such as sitting room, bedroom and dining room." "1 would buy banks and be a bank president at a large Ulary." "I would live 00 Fifth avenue In a clean bouse and buy autoa and chari ots." "I would be proud of my situation and also glad, and I would own antos and earn money by hiring tbem out" "1 would feast my peasants; also In stitute an education school." "1 would buy the subway and get rich by charging 10 cents." New York Tribune. A Queer View of Education. Opposition to state education in tb past was due largely to a belief that too much learning waa not good for tb masses. Tbe worthy Hannah Mors even, wbo waa one of the moat ear nest supporters of tba movement fot the establishment of schools for tbi poor tu England, bad very deflnltt Ideaa as to bow far the children should be educated. Tbe curriculum, ah de clared, should comprise only reading the Bible and the catechism, and "sucb coarse works as may Ot tbe children for servants," adding decisively, "I al low of no writing for tb poor." Chi cago News. Way Behind the Times, He Is this tbe new cook's bread? 1 never ate better. She Yes, but ahe's woefully unscientific not np to date at alL I asked ber If aba knew what caused tbe bread to rise and ah said It was tbe yeast. Said she'd nevet beard of fermentation! I'm not at all sure I want to keep ber. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Good Enough to CGW With. "These Millers are dreadful people hardly fit to be associated with!". "Yea; If tbey didn't glva, such ex cellent dinner tbey would be altogeth er onbearabler-FIIegend Blatter. When Language Falls. Wife of His Bosom (In course of do mestic difference! Coward! Brutel Ruffian! Pig! Monster! Beast! Ob, I wish you knew wbat I thought of you) London Punch. Not His Say. Begga Wbat do you say to yoor wlfa when you come home late at nlgutt Jaggs Foolish man! Wbat makes yoo think I get s cnaoc to talk? No rush to battle atones for aln la the tent-U. Campbell Morgan, FRUIT STAMPS MADE TO ORDER at the Glacier Office Order them early and be ready to mark your Pear and Ap ' pie Boxes when it is time to pack.