1 . HOOD RIVER GLACimTnURSDAl, OCTOBER 23, li)13 " i..t rmrn I CTftT T7YHTRIT5 PORN I it 1 U TELLS UUtiv fltriJa fKUJifliAitiVLEi rLAtLii j-f Have You Bought These Lately? HOT WATER BOTTLES A new'seamle'sa one."! We guarantee for two'years. FOUNTAIN.SYR1NGES A guaranteed article ABSORBENT COTTON Hie Red Cross Brand. Bath Sponges, Castile'Soap. K. CLemon Witch Hazel Cream, The great Cream for chaffed or rough hands. TOOTH BRUSH That holds its bristles. Good Toilet or Bath Soaps. Hair Brushes and Combs. . K. C. LINIMENT For sprains, burns or rhumatics. K- C. Belladona and Capsicum Plaster For lame backs, cold on chest or strains. October 22, 1913. It makes me a little tore, when I . , a a a. -. Vmu.. f.lsrier- come 10 town at xma season u tdilor liiacier. .... l j .i l. ; r.awn li a di. nMNii central lanuinK i Tear, inu iki n". : . i ,, " ..;h n i. sto ii t. nunwn to encour- lur an u"i - - , . age the river traffic, which ia almost a minus quantity v" :.v .1.- ....... , annditlona. B hav- Wllfl l w ,7 . 7 ing a central landing and joint agency it would eliminate a rai ""i Minvunimea and expense for the trav eling public add freight shippers, at may readily be eeen without any ex- mii tn nut aMiiintrV. .mid1 D. 1. Stone. wboae ranch ia the last on the Loat Lake road and one of the tnoa t remote t Mimt. mnA mWit waa in the eitv 111 .ire vw.i.j, - -- .. h.,.in.u laat wk. 'We. 01 course, have more mow in the winter i.., k.van't had nv vet. and our rmna are matunna well, uur nm WE AIM TO PLEASE WE GIVE S..H, GREEN TRADING STAMPS y be eeen wiuuui iT." .ri lanation. Also, with tne steamooai inning iruai iu on nwn.j . .liminate the necea-1 of last week." iti and enormous expense of keeping Mr. Stone exhibited some matured ally ana enor ni t r that had hni?rown on the up four landing p "- :r'V.V" :"u' ;rr hhnr th vane and aave toe exiienae ui na- i yiatw vi - tne case, anu pw " , i r t uin, nn nuttins bet ing to manj '-? ."7",, ;:nr a.va Mr. give eacn eteamer - S." r.,.:.s" .,".h- h.. 20 ner ia nireetlv a Deneni M ""o auiJ:t". i vjiviiv, v....'h 7, "j . ia a rv laree Item aou ia nuw ucing i mi . - - - - . 18 ,er7.'"r. . j i... . i :i a I .,.., v... n.nnii.a to nut a bridne practically an nanaieu bjihiiw wn ". vrr t if , eompamea. r " , "j . I ,nnBt . road there petition to. aeep ww. " ? "p' A "uk ,ntiv .dviied rP.n?m7cU..ndthe and canal the Uolumoia river w... rr-u, - - -. . leadinir outlet for H000 Kiver proauceiwiu nav mj ' f - leaaing ouue. m ' r .. . i o. . srnat honster for the TIME is a firm believer in the "Survival of the Fittest" Under his stern scrutiny and relentless sifting that of little merit is short lived. u J w q Maaaaaa-aaT-aaa-aWaaMeaaaaa-aaaava-aaaa . ..-aaaaawaaiTaWa"M' a-aaaaaa tzizt. I a, U ea-fl ffltirl flf th II Hit I w ilio iuuvu ai.u r r . , led States at well aa all oi tne oriental countries and we muft nave an erociem landing place for all steamers. ti ... tii.u nrnniwitions to COD tider. First, to build a jetty out from . i ur.nk nniA. innra bikiul lui cc lUO , nuiuJ " . fourthi of mile up river froo the White Salmon ferry lanoing, turning o. umh a channel towarua me IXeod Tikis Befbte you buy. We ask you to call and msfcc our compltte line of New and Second Hand Furniture, Stovts and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings C7 (Ch C. tot O-SOSES PH0SK 8281 Cob. Focbth and Stat St. Sumtrions i- i.. r iro.iii tOft nf tha Htata of Orraon SUKof OrvoD, FlaiDtin r. A. Hyde and A. 8. Raldwln. Defendanla, L. ..in. iinrr - l i 'i n g Land Far gate S 1 kijflwut 1,900 acl8 of No. 1 Apple Land, $ 8 raort i ihmIw d?t t prices ranging from $G0 g O Bt am nfc. Im tract from ten acas up. v g j.ttDBSLE I Ortffon TnK. A. Hvde and A. B. Baldwin, abova . . . i. .. IN THE KAMI OF THB 8TAT Of ORMOK, yOO and each ol you are ar herbT requi U'd P; pear and aower the complaint filed aatnat you lu tbe above entitled ault on or before Hie Inin aay OI woveiuoer, n.. v. wis, or ell Iter of you fall lo ao appear and aniwer, . wt .l. ' ' .... - t i ir 0,111 . m.lu in the lofwannnerwi mtJ jiiu.m. "I'l-i-r j eourt 6 the relief prayed for la the enni- tilulnu a succinct nnifPirw ui wii'i". r j 111.. U.i, a i, m 1 1 1 11 if (Vf. IO"K UWIW ciiiiciiiin " " ' - . , , . i i Uln deeda of tbe ile of Oregon to A. S. Bald win of dale June 28th, m, aud certain deedt of A. K Baldwin and Emm C, hla wife, to United Hlatea or America, oi uw "". .ui.i . u.mi. ih I'uvjt anh nreiendlna to convey certain lands itltnaie In Townatilna 1 and 2 Moutn ttange iu ejwi. iiiwinia Z dlan. all in omi rviver , uhuu, i"r"ui - to ranoel aud annul all otber contracta, eerll- nratea oi aaie, appociiou, ctc., the complaint relating to aald landiideacrlbed therein or to any patfc thereof, and for coau and disbursements, aud auch other and fur ther ayllef aa may to the court seem equltaHe In the premiiiea. , This iuinniona la publlihed In pnrauanoeof an oiaeroi vn nminoi,u. iv.vi"iii ...-..- . i . .... Uimil Rlv.P I 111 1 II I V . lue 1'OUUiry wiuii i. . Oretron, made and entered on the lal day of Oelober, 1H18, directing thla aummoni to be Rubllahed for alx oonaenutlve weeha In the iood River Olacler a weekly newspaper of renernl circulation printed aud publutied in HoodlRlver, Hood River County, Oreirn . . n i 1 ........ thin lu rluu lf I 1IV. ber.lWS . ., A..tBawrui.i', nii,ra.ftif P n ni ff. Pale of flmt publication October nd, 113 Date of final publication November 13, 1M3 road that will lead from the Lost Lake region to the headwaters oi tne oanay river. Uses of Quicksilver inltr arrordinff to the United States Geologic Sur- TCJl 111 Mlai. . . , the Columbia channel o" " (of expoaive caps, of drugs, or electric mouth of Hood river, then by dredging ,jhting ,ni iCientific apparatus, and out the upper end of the bar, a space . he nc0StTJ 0( the precioua meUle, 3000 feet wide and uiree-iourins oi e.n-cially of gold, by amalgamation. mile long, with an average aepin oi ia A lncreMing demand has been report ful fmm ti nraicni iwiini. i uib cur . , .-a.t.ia nf flprtrlC BI1DI1 rent wouiu seep it urcuKcu "" ouU However, this oeing a govern. nn.,tinn it won ill verv liKeiv iiiei.ii uih"...... ---- - - - I .....InH Mil, IM I l wuuiu ..a u u m lie icjci-vu v,v . . - filling in on tbe Wasnington snore at he United States dock. o a n hniM a dock startins at iTl C t U 1 1 1 J . Ml " " ' .. . i n iai o A M ilnnnt runmnff north- east across the Hood Rivea flat and across Hood river ana men across m ii.... A., tha White S mon ferrv i.niimii anrl there have the dock. Then dredge out the river in front ofnit, as it u until rirv har about 300 yards out A nraaant resular dock, ex .. . ,L. ... .. I, A,,,BlHa t.nninff nn river iruin wic iuvn wu.m the ferry landing to Stanley Rftk -a n.mif.i.hitin nf plpftric ai)Dll- eu III ,iiii... : r;v " a- nn fii lncreasine SIILCO, mi iii.v.., i use in Scotland is the floating of the lights of lighthouses upon a oouy .i..:i.,. Tk. rnntal ia not con-1 UUILIDIIVCI. iiw - - - - , I sumed, of course, and the loss in use is insignificant. Concerning tnia wmaui V 1 j i a. tm aiiDifAa mm vniinwi ' "Quantities oi quicniiuver ubcu iu Edinourgh are for resilvering mirrora a nno;nn' tha rnunlvintr llffhtB Mill! 1 (I I .lUOLHiK uv . m - - I in lighthouses. The commissioner!! of northern iigntnouBei, iwinuuritu, - i kdl AhaVIIII Mil I LT II L llIlIllt-aB Ull I 111 VllVIt Vllffc,w Jl T coast of Scotland. Up to he year 1900 the revolving lights were borne on miiora. The 'float' system nas Deen It is our policy to handle goods that have estab VvihoA rpmitAtinns have stood the test of time, and mention with pardonable pride that we are agents for the great Majestic Ranges Mitchell Wagons For 76 Years the Leader Paroid Roofing Over 100 Years Back of It Yale Locks Known All Over, the World, , Cattaraugus Cutlery Every Blade Warranted 0 Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaKei Good" Phone 1 69 1 Oak and 1 st Sts. 6" I Etfc6fist4 Ninetotm Hundred tanley Ki?tk. I .xi...nu inOvti.r1 however, and is The steamers run tobtanley rock ow ,n operatlon Bt 30 coast stations and then down on the Inside of this bar nd wi be uged at , others. The at low water but thit will soon be m- iehtjn. machinery rests'on a pontoon possible as that is fast fining in. .jch , on quicksilver in a groove, inira, w north from IU. P. iruill pin. - - .i a laosl with that road and running nOrth across the bar, a dis . ww. tt tn rlRn water. It being 18 feet above low water at the outer end. Thiacwill M at a piace equidistant from the United States j -i. .a rinck and makinn a UUUB, RIIU Hl-l " v.v ---- frr Undint? for both ferries, thus combining the traffic and making con a that is fast tilling in. . jch runi on quicksilver in a groove. ; to build a dock extending Th quantity -f mercury required for rrp f JJT f TT TVT A TD M ,m the end of Second street e'in a lighthouse is from I J IvliN IN AIlvL-J place known as the Point. to eight flasks of 75 pounds each. a.Aii milh thai rOBj and . .. . . ! .-:n: lka nol na. Ill accii w via,.. ' i , As the waste ia trifling, the total pres ent demand for mis purpose .nai Forest Notes Bat left of rtBetriii& eta Pimd Atconoi In the County Court of Hood River County Oregon. -In the Matter ol the Estate ot Jaraea MoBaln, .. .... i ... i ih.1 Ik. nnilamlirned haa filed her final account as Executrix of the will of Ham aeceaaea, n im fixed the 25th day of October, UHS. at II o'clock 0. in., in the fiburt room In the County Court houBe In the City of Hood Blver, Oregon, a tbe tune and place o, 2 interested in said estate may appeiir and nie I ana prwwui uib cAwrr-nu"- v.. j - gAia aooouuiur uy ft""" y1" vu Executrix of Will of James McBaln, deceased cn.,;..nla Knllaot much of the seed I DUIIIGIII . X. - , I used lor planting oy me lorem win. k ...Am!nit orritu nf Willow, ffen combining th. traffic .nd J e.lly used for wooden shoe, in Europe veyance easier to . uu- ta an adoption of poplar. the dOCK to H00Q n.ver. -- - . . rai;forni, done with very reasonaDie expenac. iorrcy - """"r-"T. the driving of piling is easy and no species, hat been found in only two ine urivinR f a. j i .- . .ij,ip. in ha southern Dart ' Groceries Thai river riaea and lulls aooui ou t , Tv,on i hla rlnck wnuld be cov 1VCL. .IV. II ..... " ... , I 1 o faal liiir. fK inni bihvh liih crcu i w vvv, .n.n. a ahla tn land in the mouth of the slough and at 20 feet at the de pot. The danger or carnage m a uw I. i : v. . .V. 1 1., ii ni4n. oBntor IB BIIKUt Villas imf V, ' U A ianlsted localities in the touthern oPart of the state. the Florida na- ,:i fn.niii mill h anwn to maritime bllldl .Wivn. ..... 1 . , . I pine seed this fall. Maritime pine is the source oi tne r rencn luupeim"" m- riiiatrv. O.- Cannlai. rOPOntlv WPeiVed ItS I first cargo of lumber from the Tongass Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 2121 ' Hood River, Oregon This proposition iwouMijfJvwnuwu firg-t carK 0f umber from the Tongass River a ceniral landing place for all nationai forest, Alaska. The shipment steamers and ferries, and woffld I at- igtdtj of j 600,000 feet of Sitka tract a great deal of business to Hood ,"su, tract a great aeai vi !"""' """" gpruce, River which now goes to Portland and H CAPITAL OR IOTS33B2ID TODUSND DOIARS General Banking Savings CObpattment. Safe Depositcpoxes. o OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS , n , Truman Butler, Vice President E H French. President French & Co.. Bankers, The Dalles. Oregon C. H. Vaffghan, fishier r.Mcrr.Zm Pay $1S00 per year ror rental aiune. mcu j -imnt asencv the steamers could oper Late with much less expense than at orcsent with more emcieni waya oi handling freight Notice for Pufelecalion. . Department ot the Interior, V. 8. Land Office at The Dallef Oregon, October 7, Wl. .. . , a w i ...... ih.t i rfhiir .1. VI A 1111 Oil IOllCe 111 UHIT3UJ HI"" ... . - ol Hood River, Oregon, who, on July U. i mi made tiomeaieatisr.uirj-ii-j.uiw..,, .". of 167.50 acres situated In what will PJobMy lie when surveyed, Sees. 1. , 17. 18 T xH K 10 E. V, . Mr. oounuea ana umcrnieu m Jieglnnlugatthe ITorent Bervice noouinem, t stake marked F. 8. M R , whence the south east corner of Boc. 31. r. i-o., . i" due north approximately iu"-, . i ' ( iv, .i..in. fhAnna anul.ll ln chains, thence W. 15 chains, thence south 16 chains, thence w. xu cnpina, nieftu" j" .......... . . 11? tic: nhuln. f.llPfinA N. A CUUllia, IUBUWB it. mi "-I .. . chains, thence eat5 ejains, theuce north 6 chains, thence east 86 chains, thence north IS Cha us in .P"''''S'"'''V.h",, notice OI lUWSUUOU m m" .." i 'T proof to establish claim to the land above de- ' . . . v. . ui A Ul.hnn IT M I ' fl til 111 1 - KTIUWl, urn II n I . IV. u.ouuki - ... , ... i, sloner. at. Hood River, Oregon, on tha 10th aay oi noveimmr, ifi-T. - Claimant name as witnesses: F. Elwin man, all of Hood Klver, Ore.;Cyro 8park8,of rrauaie,wenu. . Wiruir o9n6. Register. .Inrfil.-.a kniaiiao nf ailC.h DOOr. 8C comodatio'ns from the boat landings to town. - .... i. This is a county proposition to be promoted by the counts end if it feels vat it can not make a free dock, then Three native species of larch furnish i. k.. i tha UnitPit states, une iuiiiuc, iii ; , , 7, i i 1 erows in New England and the lake .... ciha. In the Pacific northwest Binic. anvii...... ... - - , . and the third in the high mountaina of the flbrthern Rockies. European larch not make a free docK, r - . . ... charge . rental for each a Btaom nnnc ana even hi a iiuiimium i Sailing Wheelbanows in China ti.. aniline mhnplharrowa of China. as shown in the October Popular Me- i ; univaiiKA nnvair iihmi vii. hits aa C II HI lien rooKOi.ii.tj ,wv. -. n HoiioKt the eves of an old salt riHrticulnrlv in the DUBin... r"- M l a Shenesl district, wnere ums-iuut pessiona of these queer vehicles may be met witb. Wheelbarrow transporta- Eczema and Itchlinr tared The soothing, healing medication in DrMlobson's EC7.ema nF- oe --. " "r trate every t ny pore oi tne SKin, ciear non, bibiob nii-, - - it of aT Impurities-stops itching in- impossible in this district, due tc .the w 1 .LV.ranintman1 I k nmn aon1 Wflm IE III I. IUf 1. 113 HKCII stantiy. vr. noosm. --" y" .,. Nil?ht and ,av is guaranteed to apeeui.y . .tch without ceas ightly IrapUons Ecwma Ointment is ing. the wind blows steadily from west a docWs prescription, not an esperi- to east aPan average velocity of more a aiH-wji b I . --ii ro. I k iRmilp an hour. Luckily this Do You Know that awashing m&hine will only cost you three-fifths of a cent an hour to operate? , The fallowing table gives the cost of0 using var ious apparatus on the 3 cent rate: APPARATUS DC 3DC D O Notice of Final Settlement la the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for Hooa mver uiuuijr. Inrte matter of the Estate of John u.jonn sWn, deceased. . . . , i i. i,,n i V. ill the, nnflnrslffned admlnlstrtor of the estate of John . Johnston baa heretofore niea uis nusi nowuuv ui tlement In the alwve entmea couriauu j""" . . .. . ii 1 1 d r..inii. .liiiidA nf said ana hiki uu. . v--.-.i l'xunty uouri, nas appuiiiwrn iiu Haturday, the ISth day of November, 1HI8, at the hour oi iu o cioca a. the oonrt room In the county courthouse lu the CUyi" Hood River. Oregon, as t ne lime Pleiffer- Chemical Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Summer Folks o Summer folks are different from chances to be the direction oi u ..,,n,na nrnriupA transnortfttion. 80 that ih heaviest laden of the barrow ka nort" With a Linn ni" - , A uiinri "dead astern. 1UII WIIIU. - I A I however. 'A by no means absolutely Summer rows are umereni ',u"' however. "Si by no means ansoiuteiy winter folks. Summer folks are those necegary for by ingeniously contrived you happen to meet, chince comers, Dortg on the sides of the barrowB. ,,ttW iTTOT uvnir.ivTm A FRESH SUPPLY OF I wri naio . y Nitrate of Soda. Muriate of Potash U AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZEKS Q rnfF. Tft na DIRECT FOR WOOD -FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS CTDANAHAN & CLARK W M ( Hood River, Oregon JJ D BUUUU11B " " " , , . - the sailmay be set to take advantage of almost every siant oi ureeic Avoid Sedative dongh Medicines. if'.,,,., m.nf ti ontrihiite directly to ll.n lUMIITMItlllA nf ranillarv bronchitis ,11C lV, I. u I i V J- I 1 anrl nnHiimonia. use couifh medicines iwini.in viilinA. mnrnhine. heroin ilia ,uv... i" -.---., .--- r . . l and other seilatives when you have a rr An 1 ATI nTDHITLtiritllb 1 AC nii.inWliilnii Cotiifh Remedv is what Z tllle,t an unBde7.Ued man with in M Th cleans out the culture " .7 a. ii a ..J abatli ' vnu 1 nAila nr hrflAilinff DlaC68 lor tile KwrDlD OI a meeK ibco. " " i . 1 r ., 7i:o. ...... ... B i k i-haM i .... ..is anrl m iir miriii uicnaniai WimillMHIllimnwi say to yourseii in nne -,ou ..... ever nmAu s about the woods than you will from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough - a. rnm I IAH 4 aa IT B WIIFIU W1UC pvpt know, ne can iuiiuw mh i ivwuicuj . - , 1 30 miles and come in a day and coriie in reputation for its cures It contains no do miieB anu tu ofi.ainv mnmhine nr other sedative, tor sale by and plaoeor hearing on and final settlement of aald account. Any Interested person hay. ing objections thereto may then and there auDear and present such objections or D for- ever uarieu . --.' "T.r ,n,k 101a uate OI nrsi iiuuiivvn.iii " " . HaKRY B.JOHNrVTON, Administrator John Baker, Attorney for Estate. Hood River, Oregon, October 16, 113. 016-013 Goto B. B's. Dairy Lunch 4. ....na Annrnr t All tinrla nf Rnnnwifhea and T rmmAmnnP rakea and Dies a . .....w... - J specialty, uooa conee ana soups. B. B. SMITH, Prop. Supervised by Mrs. Smith Bt. opp. Krani Hardware Store ii iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VUU liaiip ... , . J .. . . , i I .L,A; nnnnlum unsoiicitea, wno ai:im urcu ov... in the same camp, uunruuiK ..uuv Chautauqua, where you are. It is an expedience in aemocracy. ine i. and their faces are no longer mo law fully losen lot which contribute to the winter evenings in club and church and home. The assortment is good for you. You lose a sense oi importance, of overrefinement, of narrowness. You I...- l amnthAF rilHCUBt. YOU trSjn icaiu "iim."" o , , o.ia nnt tn btow offended. At 20 candle-power Maida lamp Kailianl toaster Chafing dish Disk (stove i Coffee peColator. nib. iron t"' 8 in. fan (full speed) Sewing machine motor Ice cream freesor Waahing machine motor Luminous rauitor t,srnaii) Hoatino nail ............. Tubular air hfjlter (small) Tea kettle.. v Osonator DomeBtic bulling and grinding motor Kadiant gnu Cost Hydro-Electric Company 1 ..k I iicnu vb - and treacherous, repeat! ana ;torage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete DuiiuinS Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anytning Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Co. ireads your-1 rt all dealers. nimm ii:im nt i in m Let Us I .ffk.nil ramarlcs.and VOU fin i i. . i..n.i tv niaiian- -111 kiib ldiliic. ..,a 7 . j you guarded speech and much-needed self-control. A young woman, uii tu rning over with vitality, in puo ui m- norance, noise, ana vulgarity, uc, liked than any member of your anemic 1 Nn vnu learn mat won ucupic ':. i;f a oift nf nnercv. of hope, is more' valued than ineffectual sensitiveness, a ooy vi more attentively ustenea to man men three times has age, because his un failing courtesy, his thougntfulness, have cleared a pam lor mm mw umci minria and hearts. Your ailence and Musical Team niu. l..on tha tinklino1 bells UCII Vliw mi" a .l. that are placed over the hames of the , mule team used by W. B. Davidson, u haiiilna annlps from the upper miw I. ...'a -M . : ... .1.- I . v.n.o tn tha oitv. he mieht think he was in far away Andalusia or down in the valleys of California, where the 1- Mma in frnm the moun- muia icnwo vvi.nw ... i - tains drawing great loads of wood. u. n.oiH.nn'1 team afl it DSSSeS along 1,1,. VI . IV..'..- v " . i the roads and streets, making music i:i. r,t aarld alptffhhellB hSS CfC- a onnrl deal of attention. In east PA.linp vmir Coat and Cloak. iWe also clean, press and j. mane ciouiea. ncai uiuc fnlka rpmpmber us and leave . - - your garments at our snop I T..rlffV, CtOOt "TVlA t Heiehts." t F. T. ANDERSON I Telephone Z62Z iiiiiiiiMiiniimimiii minds and hearts. Your ailence and ej.n 0reon the teams are sometimes selfishness, tolerated at home, receive bas)ed on account of the heavy dust in this freer, Dinner air a u valua tion and well-merited reward. You have to mend your ways and join the human lamiiy, or oe uuipumwu friendliness, in influence, by youngsters and persons without "advantages. belled on account of the heavy dust they raise and as warnings to other teami on the road. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO. extends a cordial invitatn to yni, personally, to call and open a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our savings department We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfac tion. HOOD RIVER BANKING AND TRUST CO. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS M. M. Hill, President 8. A. Mitchell, Vice-Pres. R. VV. Peatt, Cashier Wilson Fike, W.W. Remington, C. II. Btranahan - Taking Toll of Babies . nv. Ui. it. tnll and persons witnout uyshwjc. i n,acn "eson ui mo j. : Vnn hecrin all over, you abandon your 0 ti,e babies, and to wateh and safeguard city crust and cheap irony. And one trom common celds and cougha is a mat day after some soreness and many ter of Importance to their parents. To clumsy attempU. you find you are as i,eep Foley's Honey and Tar Compound . i ' M . i n .a lli. I . 1 i 1 ... if nrnmntlv la tA much a meiorjer o mo ""iin vne uouiw uu mm t-j All tnia lur vie Stranalian & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. ...I .varfloii eitiKen. ii - r, - price of board in a Maine a Wisconsin conference. - Weekly. camp or Colliers' ... ,t lixio hum frnm the serious el- i. nf il.uii. cnlila. tn ward off CTOUD, K.nni.ial nruiilia. hoarseness. Stunv wheezy breathing and violent coughing t at.A a! miinratt nd may be given to the little one with Clarke ri a imnoli nr mid in tbe 1 lines be- Vi.c.m m . . ' fore it develops a serious case, iiaiiara s iaDrmful resulu. - Re liorehound Hyrup is an effect ve remedy ,8ftr 01 , by chM. N fur all soreness or congestion In the suiuies. "'""" I 1 ' AC a Ca 1 aBaaaaaaBBaaBBBPaaaaBBiaBBaaaBa The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk TflOS. D. CALKINS M -.4 I e ri Phone 4111 L lama. . - l'-w r -- - t; J I'