The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 10, 1913, Image 2

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    n t niiTn ni .ii l P If TtlTTTfSnAY. JULY 10 1913
llJJU iW JUi VJ - -f. v : L mam
Subscription, tlM Ver Tear.
'Wbeo u briber. "" '
Mil. orrire should I notified promptly, e "J
drwa asaella the new. A Is". ,K, !
uboritMT should uoiiry iin"rt1 alone
ibrtf "',',1r,,,r,u;rrrTi
... ... ..,.,il,sr or Irom city delivery I"
If you lli Dot
country delivery, or vice vi-r.
H your paper promptly, not i
ttleplioiit aud the matter will
notify m y ti t I or
I- uivt-tlgiea
Kiwi.t It pertain to live msller. r in
n1ul.U-:l.)..rr ar'lclcsofa gciier.l naliir.
d iJlr, ttieofflre Monday 1.1 l.s.ire
ilielr Minx-Mi ikk I" iueol ihectirn-ul -
Hood Kiver's Fourth of July oele
ri.m wasn't a marvelous event.
i.lood curdling thrills
a.irin the day. nor are those who ,ar
ticitmled soiwt to remember it for any
The example of Mrs. Porter, the Se
attle women who hai made fortune
elling salad dressing, should prove an
incentive to tome one to enter the bua-
nesg of making sun cooked strawberry
Dreaervea. Both here and in Underwood
hundreda of pounds of over ripea have
been allowed to decay on the vinea this
year. Some energetic woman could
make a fortune from this waste.
Strawberries are waning and today
. .. D-.,l
it h Kinir limit ana me queen, huy.
Anne. And who can nay that Hood
River valley is not adapted to cherry
raisine after having heatjil of the re
turns of Mr. Nunamaker and that won
derful branch load of luscious Royal
Amies, grown by W. L. Smith.
Het aue the water is high and the
high water wharfsite is settled for this
vear and nobody has any worries just
at present, let us not furget that the
wharfaite is not settled fr next year.
"In time
atupemlous and startling, as the circus emembr that old motto:
spieler would eay, bit of entertainment of p(!a(.e prepare for war."
Yet we are all going to remember the
. i ,.f ih ,irivil'tfe it nave ue
oay uecHunc ui r
to iret together and become better ac
q.iainted. Did any one see tht grim
face of a grouch on the streets last
, Wa think not. ur nuuu
The taking of the greased pigs was
a kind of a surreptitious taking or tne
Hi tter roads-A Scenic community,
i.' fnika ami our neiKnin'in """las far as mm
came in such great numbers to join us, lnUnity, can find no better asset than
were all smiling. There were hearty jn improved highways.
handshakes as old acquaintances met- f prep8rationg to join the
their cheeks aglow wim
their eyes sparkling with pleasure. It
was a typical Western celebration with
th mien air platform for dancers,
all we needed to have complete me
vMit was the pony racing. The au
thorities were in a way handicappeu
this year on account of the torn up
condition of the streets, and yet the
events could not have been worked out
The celebration was a kind or a o k anythin. jg liable to happen.
umilu nicnic. The crowd was orueriy
.n.t u.hh1 natured. 1 he orchestra mo
crowd and go to the Chautauqua.
A returned visitor from Portland de
clares that he did not know there were
so many Sunday school children in the
world as he saw in the Sunday school
narade last week. U all goes to show
that Portland is becoming one or. me
nation's largest cities.
It seems that this is an age in which
Indies' Low Neck Sleeveless Vests, taped
neck and arm holes, your choice oc
In All Departments
Now is a good time to do your .shopping.
Every department has some dandy Bargains that
you really cannot afford to miss. Bargains that
are real money savers. When we make a re
duction in price it is not a marked up and then
down special, just to mislead one. but actual re
ductions from our already low prices, that make
of them greater bargains than you can get in any
other store. The reductions we quote may not
seem quite so large, but if you will compare the
quality you will readily see the difference and
acknowledge that our values are away the best
Make this store your headquarters; you are
always welcome, whether you wish to buy or not
Men's Suits Reduced
We have sorted out the odds and endn in this
department, and now have some exceptional bar
gains for you in the line of Men's Suits that you
ought not to miss.
Hart. Schaffncr & Marx and Clothcraft Suits for Men
cfKKl investment. They are really
an we ask for them, and all that you
would pay for them anywhere. But in order to
close out the broken lots, we are placing a better
them and vou ought to take advan
tage of this, and secure an extra suit of the best
Clothes made, fully guaranteed in every way, at
but a fraction of their real worth. Call and see
thpm and note the values. You do not haxe to Duy.
We are pleased to show you. New Styles and Patterns,
MULE SKIN GLOVES-A-l Gloves that .sel
dom sell for less than 25c a pair. Uooa iuu sue-a.
The pair ,
CANVAS GLOVES-Bleached, knitted wrist.
full size, the pair ,c
Shirts for Men come in striped
twilled shirting, double seamed, reinforced across
the shoulders, good grade of buttons. This is not
a light flimsy shirt, but a good, strong, wen mouc
article. Your choice. 5VC
Men's Khaki Pants.just the thing for warm
weather wear, cool and comfortable, the 1.00 ana
$1.25 values, our price - -
vf n,iKrirrfTQn llnHprwear. Shirts and
Drawers; all sizes; the garment C
Men's Fine French Balbriggan Underwear,
long or short sleeve; all sizes; from a 34 to a M in
v,Q ckirto nH frnm SO tn 44 in in the drawers.
Here is something good. The garment 40c
Men's Work Shoes, mostly plain toes, a splen
did assortment of light, medium and heavy Shoes,
drummers' samples and odds and ends. V alues up
to $4.00 a pair. Your choice, the pair $2.5U
i Inzth. Lace Trimmed, Cotton
wui - . .1
Pants, regular 25c sellers, your cnoice, u
garment "
HOSIERY - Just now everyone wants new
Hosiery to take away on vacation journeys andfor
umS'wSr, andhere is certunly some good
values that it will pay you to m . Misses d
children's fine lace nose, e '
i ir... ,m onvti'Vipre. I he pair
a gOOU I'Jt voiuc - -
:......, a -fciMrpri'a fine lisle hose, in colors,
black, tan, blue, pink and white Here , some
of the best values you have been offered, lnese
rrelsecrndVof "a regular 25c and 30c value,
The pair
. o:h. r::, v, T Hnse for Women, in
black tan and fancy lace effect regular 25c and
or. ..ll.o tVio nail- - i 3C
OUC BCiicia, vi'v- r"
Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose with garter
tops. A regular $1.00 value. All colors.
TUn t.qii tJOC
i 11C
S Paris. Fair
Hood River's Largest
and Best Store
. ' T
I "
i i . i...:l.i:... Iho nitfin uir
a gOOll WOrK III ouhuiiik ---
fiKvilion ; for it gave the young folks
of the city and valley a place for in
nocent and pleasing diversion.
Nalnral conditions having
.hi :
them, the residents or noou mver
The past week has been one or un-
fnrliiimte accidents to a large number
in the Hood River region.
Some of the fans of the city, no
small number have been developeu
gince the Businessmen and the Uerks
began their series, declare that they
think it a good plan 10 lane a Daseoan
tpum to the Umier Valley on Friday the
Let all the world, if it wants to be day the local stores will be closed, and
engage tne upper vaney urcriHruimo
Ulw.,ln..i. rip thin
eat fruit. The Hood Kiver appie is a . ... f ,h deve, ig roble-
. .1 . t :ii I T.
an ua nanucea ior many nuinan iiib. mntica .
The rarkdale grounas are dui a soon
distance from the chautauiiua, and it is
the Mount Hood train.
have planted roses on their lawns and what will happen if the two sets of oae(1 t0 have the Kame in the morn-
in their gardens have made their nomes pojce officers at I he Dalles begin to in!? immediately after the arrival or
as beautiful as any in the world. For arreRt each other?
many years Hood Itiver roses have
Wn makine names for themselves ue
cause of their exquisite coloring and
size and brilliancy. The "Marechal
Neil." as grown here, is indeed a
"Queen of Flowers." and Capt. Jacque
minot" lift up their big buds in won
derful array. Rose experts will tell
you that the "Caroline Testout" has
liernme a common variety in Oregon.
Wh,i meant iB. that there has be-
-,m iin.fusion of the aristocrats of wide apple advertising campaign. Several books of interest to ranchers
T. , 1 ', I Arrangementa have also been made nave recently been received, among
linn ,ou.i.j.
The advertising committee of the In
ternational Apple bhippers Assn.,
throueh its chairman. Grant Horder,
hHa comnleted the design for the stump
nuorv ThnrHiinv mnrninp at 10 o'clock
thatis to be useu ior raising lunun iut Aj tne K,r8 and boys ot tne county
the conduct oi a cooperative country are ,nVited to attend
Plans for the new Carnegie library
building will be ready at theiiorary on
Tuesday, July 15, and bids will be
opened in the Commercial club rooms
Thursday. July zi. at ju a. m
There is a story hour at tne iinrary
Amnvi..un Hunk Nntnf.n. fnr .l:.i. u f..lln...;nn .
... r . . I Willi HID Olill-I 11 ....... ..--- . WHICH Hit) 1IIO lUIIUnillKi
Those who have visited ub jrom I on- .. lithocrraDhinc of these stamps, and Aii,ib nrnwinc, in the I'aoifie
. 1 l ILuull . Ill u ...... I. in I., iim.i f,, I !'
land this spring, uecmro ui" , uenvery win no in ui... west.
Hiver roses excell those of the original have them in the hands of the banks Jordan-Feeding of Animals.
-. ...... a, l ni w ii ntii uiv.ui unuiv - I vv blhu i r a i uuiiir. '
Rose Uty. ui course, wo im..n. Two gerjL8 0f gtampa have been pre- - wikin8on m o d e r n Strawberry
many planlB, nor nave we me mi.-.." fiaren( ,rl denominations oi one ana two Growing.
...i... ...... v.,.nwl unt sums in the cul I c.nt The one-cent stamps will be ThrmA uihn pntwct to attend the ehau
tivation of roBe gardens, but propor- placed by the shippers on boxes, and tauqua may take from the, library at
tionately the local gardens will ion the widespread interest ()f no,,.HctiSu they.ihv wish This va-
pare favorubly with any in the "' evidenced by apple growers in all sec- ction phvtlege htIso given to others
vorU tions or ine country, aim in luiuii. i who iriHy wish to ieave tne city ior
As something in the climate here view 0i . ine
seems to atlect tne iruu, ine ,,,f ,i, n,,iut Hniim Hiiont hv crowers
berries, cherries and apples, and give (m theHe stam)a wj Krow into a fund.
them a stable keeping quality, so dues that will enable tne auvertising coin-
it instill itself into roses, and this miiwe wsiiuw nmri, ukc,u,,
it inst il tseii lino , ,ults in increasing the demand ftir ap-
spring local people have sent boquets
The K(uitnble Mortunge and trust
Co., of Haltimore, are thV, trustees for
the advertising fund, una ine stamps
will bo sold by banks throughout the
country. For further information ad
dress U. llHiXt Horder, cnairman au-
. . OIU 'I l..kl UI
veriising , miiiniiiiiKc, tin jiiRiii
Haltimoro, aid. ine racKer.
of llowers from here all the way across
the continent and the buds and bios
Hum are said to have arrived at their
destination in good condition
We only lack our bards to sing the
praises of our flowers. We are sure we
have no poets among us, else mo in
spirations that the thousands of blos
soms, the fluttering of the colored pet
als and the perfume laden atmosphere
would have been the incentive to a
gem of words woven into expressive
thought and to exquisite pen paintings.
Now we do not mention this as an invi
tation to a rejuvenation of spring
poets. All of us are poets, when first
umitWby the call of the vernal sea-
son, although . some of us donf know
" it Yet others' (h) know it, and always
want to inform the wolrd. v
The town of Hood River and the
valley surrounding is more and more
becoming kown for its beautiful homes.
m.. anrinuiinie clime can be more
tileasiuit and eomfortble.sml the house
holder has learned the delights of hoe
in ir and Blinding up the rich earth and
stirring it around the roots of his
uhrnlm mid vines and roses. And while
be is producing something that is his,
and his to enjoy, he does not and can
not enjoy the pleasure all alone. Kven
the humblest tramp can look on the
flowers and be filled with a regret that
his life is misspent. The neighbor be
holds the beautiful lawns and has ideas
of emulation. The visitor comes, looks
and leaves with pleasant memories
few weks.
Why would it not be well to try out
the suggestion of Mr. Weber as to the
method of answering the inquiries of
prospective purchasers of propery in
the valley? From June till late fall
we have all kinds of berries and small
fruits, small packages of which would
not cost as much as booklets, ami at
ll times we have apples. The product
ought to make the mouth of the re
ceiver water for more, and, indeed, we
think it would.
The day of expensive booklet adver;
tising for Commercial clubs is over. It
might have been well if a greut deal of
it had never begun. 'I he local club
has long ago adopted the commendable
policy of not spending any ftwre money
for expensive literature. Those mak
ing inquiries are answered by brief,
concise facts. A basket of fruit would
make an anneal, we think, if it ac
ompanied the facts.
The resignation of J. B. Castncr as
rntmtv fruit insoector. heretofore filed.
was duly considered aim accepted, aim
to become effective July 1, 191. J.
Now at this time conies U. I), lhomp
son, county school superintendent, and
requests that the court order the sum
of IllOti.HO be transferred from the gen
eral county fund to the school library
fund. And it aiHiearmg to the court
that no lew was made for the puipose
when thu levies were made for the
vear 1913. for the reason that the frac
tion or a mill required to raise mis
amount would be smaller than could be
practically extended on the roll, and it
was understood ai me nine oi iiihkuik
levies that this transfer should be
made whenever deemed necessary by
the school superintendent. It is there
fore ordered that said transfer be
made, and the clerk and treasurer are
hereby instructed to make appropriate
entries of this transter on the county s
A committee from the Commercial
club, consisting of W. h. King. K. h.
Scott and J. II. lloitbronner, appeareu
before the court and asked permission
to nlace cuide boards gratis on the
roads of Hood River county, which
were to contain certain advertising
mutter, and also asked permission to
mime the roads of the county and place
names at consuicuous olaces. Permis
sion is granted by the court to the club
for erecting guide boards and naming
roads, with the provision that before
any such name or names are posted
they shall be submitted to this court
for approval.
VV. K. Hanson, County Clerk.
Mazamas Will Climb Adams in August.
The Mazamas will camp at the south
base of Mount Adams tlifs summer, the
time of the encampment lasting from
August 2-17. A number of local peo
ple are members of the organization
and will probably join them on the
outing. However, the Oregon moun
tain climb club extends an invitaion to
any who desire to. make the mountain
vacation to join them.
Th Rhirn May Get tha Danube.
Ot lutevtfle evolutions of the course
oftlw Daifube above Vleuna have been
the subject of much research. Accord
ing to most authorities, the source of
the Danube Is lu the two streamlets
culled llregncU and Ureg, which de
scend from the flanks of the Blnck
forest, lu the grand duchy of Baden.
and unite at Douiiuschlngen wltn a
spring, regarded by some as the true
source. Th stream from this point
flows southeastward toward the bases
of the Rhine and the Lake of Cou
stauee through the calcareous beds ot
the Svvnblun Jura and atcertaiu poluts
Into sinks and rifts. Coloring mutter
has shown that there Is a leakage of
this subterranenu water to the Rhine
basin. The prediction of a Geruuiu
scientist Is that the whole of the Dan
ube above Tuttllngen will some day
be captured by the Ubtno.-New York
First Sunday Paper.
flow Sunday uewspapers were circu
lated In Loudon before the abolition ot
tho "taxes on knowledae" was de
scribed by the lute R. M. Mnrrell, tht
founder of the National Sunday league.
Barbers used to take tn copies and let
them out a penny an hour, and Mr,
Morrell recalled the details of the sys
tem. It was necessary to call at tu
barber's on Saturday evening and stati
the hour for which you wanted the pa
per. Ou Sunday the customer fetched
It, left sixpence on deposit ond came
back with the paper at the end of his
hour, receiving fivepence change upon
Its return. Loudon Chronicle.
Matchlese Bja.tty of the Milky Way
Seen In a Telesoope.
The Milky wiy, or galaxy. Is an ap
parent ring extending entirely tround
the universe of stars visible In the
largest telescope. It Is composed of
suns In literal millions. They are to
remote thut, ai seen from the earth,
they appear to be close to each other.
while really they are separated by
millions and billion of mliei. To the
eye the belt of sort light looks like a
continuous band of cloth of pearl, but
telescopes have the effect of bringing
objects nearer. This separate the
filmy cloud Into many millions of gut
tering but minute points on the . black
background of space. At a distance
forest trees seem to be close together,
but as tbey are approached they sep
arate and stood alone.
It is next to Impossible to describe
the mntchles Wauty of the Milky
way as eeenln'a telescope of great
newer.- Carpet a large room with
black velvet Hang many electric
lights In. the celling. Throw down and
scatter all over the black floor a bushel
ofcv?blnute diamonds, rubles, pearls.
aaphlrea. opals, amethysts and other
neins. Then turn on the light
You would bave a faint imitation or
the supernal glories of the galactic
hosts. For the appalling depths of
snnce look black in our great tele
scopes. In places these suns look by
perspective as though they were ar
ranged in piles, heaps and banka or
built up Into colossal windows, or
twisted Into spirals, or dashed Into
wisps and cosmic spray. In some
places the concentration is bo great
and dense that only the most power
fill telescopes on- earth can magnify
pnnnirh to brine out details. A few
clusters exist that have not ao far
been resolved Into these needle points.
And the height of human happiness
Is to watch these vast congeries of
distant suns in a huge telcscope.
Oeorge Wharton James tn National
v.i.v i. h-r.hv ffiven thmt The Reliance dn.
junction Co.. contractors, have filed written no-
Their Blood May Not Be Blue, but Th.y th-; 7thd or SSSZCZ
Have White Bones. South line of Cascade Avenue by grading- the
., , .anie and placing a 5-inch H annum Pavement
In reference to an amaiing prodigal- JEtT u,ier their contract with the City of
Itj of Uusslau titles Rothay Bey uolda Ho Kiye, ; heretofore er lj"";;:
In "My KUSBlan Vear says: Itractorauponiuacceptanceiaherebyiutedtobe
In Russia all the descendanta of a $i.2i4.5 . .,.... m,i.
hereditary noblemail are noble, and all 1 to ,he ."IWptance of said work under the contract
the descendants of princes, counts and ,"?SraSSr S?
ho mil. entov the rtirht to 118e those " i,.,trt ,.n at any time
veww J " - i (VtrCUIUVI UJ J ' . ' ...
titles- hence there are rk-b princes and , within i5da from the date .f the tint Pal-
uuen, ueuio iuc.b .,.,, I tk,n of said notice, to-wit: within 15 days from the
poor pnnees, pnuiee uu uiiub.,. ; wth day of July, 191S.
ed mannera and princes With no man- This notice is published in the Hood River Ola
CU lunuueie nuu y fr two consecutive issues thereof, the date
uers, elegant prlncea and prlncea you , f h fi , pubjC1ui0n thereof being the loth day
could not possibly be seen walking of July. ww.
Notice of Completion of Hassam Paving
down Piccadilly with, princes In pal
aces and princes In garrets, prlncea
who are desirable part Is and princes
who advertise In the newspapera for
wives with money.
"A glance at the St Petersburg di
rectory and a rough calculation show
that there are some 200 men, women
and children lu the capital alone who
all belong to the some princely family
and bear the same name and exalted
"The first prince I met in St Peters
burg was the head waiter of the Hotel
de France. He had an incontestiDie
right to the title and was an excellent
servant Hla case, however, ought nor.
to be cited as an Instance of the decay
of the Russian nobility, for be wae a
Tartar from a part of the Caucasus,
where princes were so abundant that
when Russia acquired it only those
who could produce a certain number of
Bhecp were granted the legnl right to
preserve the title. Many borrowed
Bheep for the purpose, and princes are
ao common at the present day that
beggar boys' In Tlflls give the title to
each other.
"Russian nobles do not have 'blue
blood; tbey have white bones. Com
mon people have black bones. In spite
cf the leveling of society by the de
basement of the nobility great Impor
tance ia attached to the possession of
the white bones."
City Recorder.
Notice of Completion of Hassam Paving
.Notice Is hereby given thai The Reliance
Construcllon Co., contractors, have Hied writ
ten notice this Nth day of July, 1913. of the
completion of Front SI reel from the North
line of Suite Street ui the South Hue of Oak
Hired, by uradluK "ie "' "d placing
f lneh Hassam Pavement thereon, under their
contract with the City of Hood River hereto
fore entered luto under OrdtnanceNo.432, and
that the amonnt due said contractors upon
It accepiHtice Is hereby stated lo be 111,12 OH
Anil noiw-e is further elven that any objec
tions to the a"cptnce of said work under
tim nontrant with the said contractors on the
part of said City may be Hied In the office of
the undersigned City Keooruer uy Buy luier
eateil imrtv at anv time wlthlu l.'i days from
the dale oi nrst puoncauon oi shiu num-e, iu
wlt, within lii days irom the lulh day of July,
This notice is published In tiie Hood Ulver
Olacler for two consecutive Issues thereof, the
date of the first publication, thereof being the
Kith day ouiiiy, niw.
Jy 10-17 City Recorder.
Don't llreatli linst
It carries disease germs. I'se "(nlar
uie" Sweeping lYnnponml it absorbs
the dust. Sild by lrnggista and Kraua.
KtiMier Stamp Inks ami Pads at this
otliee, also stamps made to order.
Too Much For the Englishman.
A professor from Iowa went to Eng
land last summer and was Introduced
to a professor from one of the Eng
lish universities. Ue welcomed the
American and sold: "I met one oi
your colleagues last summer. We had
auother professor from Ohio bere to
visit us."
"But I am from Iowa."
"Iowa, Indeed! How ery Interest
ing! I am sure the other geutleuian
called It Ohlo."-t.lpplucotra.
Mirth Hn
Whit tier (to his daughter!-Did you
tell that young man he couldn't stay
after midnight!
"Yes, pupa."
"Then why didn't he go?"
"He wanted to know If the order had
been confirmed by' mamma.' Ufa.
Petrified Objects Are Common In Re
gione Where Limestone Prevails.
Petililed objects are found In a greai
ninny sections of the world, most of
them In sections where limestone Is
Petrified wood is quite common. Bits
of wood, pieces of baric ana email
twigs are the more common, but In
some places whole logs are found, and
these me so well petrified as to euow
the bark as perfect as when the tree
wus growing. Different kinds of wood
netrlfy. It depends more on the
amount of lime than on the quality of
In Arizona whole trees are petrified.
aud, in fact, whole forests have been
turned into stone, and some wonaerrui
specimen are to be found there. The
petrified trees are aometimes cut up
aud couverted Into various article of
Petrified moss Is found In many
places. It la very beautiful. Petrified
grasses, leaves of trees and petrified
nuts and fruits have been discovered
in some places. Petrified reptiles and
small animals have also been found.
Cobs from which the grains of corn
have been removed make rather curi
ous petrifications. One of the most cu
rious found is that of a piece of honey
comb turned into solid atone. Din
showing every honey cell perfectly
shaped and equally distributed Just as
the honey bees bad built It If the
comb hud contained honey the water
hud dissolved that for the cells were
Petrified human remains are not on
commou. In some of the cemeteries la
sections where limestone prevails in
abundance bodies have been lifted to
move them to other cemeteries, and
they were found to be turned to stone,
Harper"e Weekly. f
And the Terrors of War, Modern and
of Other Times.
Much Is written of the terrors of
modern war. Little is written or tue
terrors of the wars of old. Yet it is
doubtful if war today makes greater
demands on human courage than wur
in the time of Grant, of Washington.
of Turenne. of Caesar, of Alexander.
Consider a stundup infantry fight in
the days of the Revolution. After the
preliminary caunonade and long dis
tance musketry practice the two regi
ments marched toward each other in
close ranks. At a siven distance, fre
quently at thirty yards, there was a
halt, a smashing volley and ttieu
bayonet charge through the smoke.
Mullets those days were lnrge and of
soft lead, aud the man who was hit
went down. Over him tramped his
comrades or the enemy, shooting and
That was the type of infantry battles
for 150 years. To minimize the cour
age needed to make a good soldier un
der such circumstances Is to fly in the
face of common sense.
Modem war requires a different type
of courage from that needed of old.
The old touch of elbows is lacking.
The old feeling of companionship is
cone. The modern soldier must be
more alert, better taught, keener wit-
ted, than the olden soldier of equal
value. But it does not follow tnat tne
modern soldier is the braver man.
The men who fought at the "bloody
angles" of Chtekamauga and Spottsyl-
vania, at Runker Hill and Oriskany,
at Rivoll. Zorudorf and Malplaquet
hud no need to learn heroism in any
modern school. It was theirs already.
Chicago Journal.
Notice of Completion of Hassam Paving
Notice Is hereby Riven that The Reliance
Construction Co., contractors, have filed writ-
tea notice this Sih day of July, I13, or the
completion of Oak Hlreet from West line of
r irstireei to cisi nneoi rrom rureei ana on
the Intersection of Front and Oak Streets by
railing tnesaineaud piacinte ao-lncli Hassam
'avemcnl thereon, under their contract with
the City of Hood Kiver heretofore enlered Into
Oder ordinance no. and that tne amoum
ue said contractors Umu its acceptance is
nereny staled to tie i,.n m.
And notice Is further given thai any objec
tions to the acceptance of said work uuder
the contract with thetiald contrsctora on tl
part ol said City may be filed in the office oi
the uodci signed City Kecorder by any Inter
ested party at any time within is days from
the dale of the first publication of said notice.
to wit: within 15 days from the 10th day of
uly, 1913.
inis notice is published in the Hood Klver
Glacier for twti consecutive issues thereof, the
dale of the first publication thereof being the
luiu uay oi Jtny, itil.l.
JylO-17 City Recorder.
Sunny Days.
If you count up the sunny and cloudy
days In a complete year, you will dud
that the One day has come moro often.
- Ovid.
No man is wise t all tlmea.-PUny
the Klder.
In Private.
As he started out with the bushel of
ashes be walked into a clotbea Una that
be didn't see.
When be bad picked himself out of
the ash pile and recovered bis bat be
stood in the back yard and relieved hla
"Henry, called his wife.
"Well?" he snapped.
Don't stand out there to do It Come
straight Into the bouse and tell me
that It's all aiy fault"-Detrlt Free
An Actor's Emergency Shirt.
As for paper fasteners a touring ac
tor writes to point out another of their
utilities: "There is, at times. In
small company especially, a scarcity
of starched linen. And shirts, like
King John's treasure, get lost or mis
laid in the wash. You are playing
dude part, say, with naught but a flan
nel shirt to go with your dress coat
Take a sheet of note paper or foolscap,
prod It under your vest, and where the
central stud should be Insert a round
beaded brass paper fastenerT Neces
sity mothers invention. London Stand
liesolve to be thyself and know that
be who finds himself loses bis misery.
Matthew Arnold.
Oakdale Greenhouses
March is the best time to plant
Roses, Shrubs and all hardy peren
nial flowering plants. We have an
exceptionally fine list this spring, at
prices in reason.
Bedding Plants of all kinds later.
Cut Flowers on hand at all times.
Orders left at Franx's will receive
prompt attention.
A few large Pie Plant roots.
Fletcher, Fletcher
Hood River
One team of mules, about 1200
pounds, fair condition, good har
ness, new heavy wagon. All can
be seen at Fashion Stables in
care of James Stranahan, or ap
ply at Hood River Gas & Elec
tric Company.
For Hale Hprlng Chlckenn. Will deliver.
Phone Mrs. K. J, Nicholson, 5654. jySif
Notice lo Creditors
In the Mslrlct Court of the United Htates for
the District ol Oregon.
In the Mat.erof J. F. llendrick, Bankrupt.
No. t2ti In Kankruntcv.
Notice is hereby given that on the 17'h day
of June, A. 1. iai:l, J. V. Hendrlck, of Cascade
Locks. Oregon, the bankrupt above named,
was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the
rst meet u ir ot li s creditors wu De neia at
the offices of the undersigned, Komiis-XIl 2-J-4 s
Fenlon Hulldiuir, Portland, oreifon, on the
22nd day of July, IMS, at 10 A. M . at which
tune saiu creanors may atieua, prove tueir
lalms, appoint a trustee, examine the bank-
nipt, aud transact such other buslaess aa may
properly come tieiore khiii niceiing.
ClalniN must be presented In form required
by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to.
The sclieuule nieu discloses estimated assets
mounting to tM,s2r .82.
i M Mil i-.K u. Musrni,
Kef. ree lu Bankruptcy.
Dated July 8th, mill. JylO
For Bale at a Haraaln-ir you want a fine
building site for a home, d
see or phone me.
eslrably located.
W.ti.Know. Jyatl
For Bale-1 sU-year-old, well broke Hhlre
mare, 1 Hhetland pony, 2 extra fine Jersey
heifers. For iiirormatlon address V. A. Nlsh,
Monk land, Ore. JylO
Kor Hale Houehold goods,
dence 1 1 lit aud I'lne.
Phone 2722; renl-JylU
Kor Sale A 14 foot apple rack, used one sea
son. 1'hone 47U3.
For Hale Good safe saddle pony, cheap.
Phone Odell-HXl, JhHf
For Hale Dlnlne room table, chain), cup
board .cabinet, bedroom suit, wardrobe, wash
ing macblue, r.conomy Jars, go-can, ami ouier
household turnllure. V. A. Bower, Kast or
Orange Hull, on Methodist Lane. JylO
Four-room house on Kast Montello for sale
cheap. Phone DOttl. jlftf
Kor Hale Dry 1C inch fir and pine; also 4 foot
oak and nr. 1'uone Odell-86. JylO
Kor Hale Good sound young team, weight
2t;NI, good Blngle or double; also harness, wag
on and apple rack. Address Box 9UA, B. It.
No. 2, or Phone llftli. Jyl7
Kor Sale Htock nd egga. Hood R.ver Poul
try Yards, J. K. Nlckelsen, Prop. Poultry
yards at h'rankton, Phone 5W29, nihil f
Kor Hale Milk and ('renin.
Phone 7M
For Hale Young team absolutely true; con
dder road team or well bred driving and
taddle mare, buggy, harness, etc. What have
yon? Tinieglveu If secured. Address ( M.
Cutting, Trout Lake, Wash. m2Htf
Kor Hale-A good second-hand desk. A bar
gain, inquire at uiacier omce. pu
Kor HaleOentle driving horse; also buggy
and harness. Carl A. Plain, Hood Ulver, J17
Notice of Completion of Hassam Paving
Notice Is hereby given that The Reliance
Construction Co , contractors, have filed writ
ten notice this 8th day of July, lm:l, of the
completion of the intersection of Fourth Htreet
and Cascade Avenue by gradn.g the same and
placing a .- men nassam pavement thereon,
under their contract with the City of Hood
Kiver nereioiore euiereu into under Ordi
nance No. 4H2, and that the amount due said
contractors upon its acceptance is hereby
staled to be Jii),ri.67.
And notice is further given that nv ohiec.
Hons to the acceptance of said work under
the contract with the said contractors on the
pan ot said toy maybenied Intheomceof
uie undersigned city Kecorder bv anv inter.
ested party at any time within laduys from
tne date oi tne nrst nnoiieation ol sain nmi.v.
to-wiU wilbin In days from the lOlh day ol
This notice Is published In the Hooil River
Glacier for two consecutive Issues thereof, the
aaie oi tne nrst putiiicatlon thereof being the
iv.u unj if, juij, ipi.).
)ylfH7 city Kecorder
For Hale 6 room cottage. 254 East 2nd St..
Hood Klver. Ore., with lot 50X10U feet, facing
em. A snap If taken soon. Terms to suit.
Inquire at Uiacier office. Jy 17
For Rent-6-room cottage on Oak Street, op"
posite Franz store. Phone M73. JylOtf
For Hale at a Bargain-Horse, broke to ride;
drive single or double. J. K. Nlckelsen,
Phone MMI. ion
For Sale-Year 1012 make, 5-paasenger, Kord
automobile. Price 11175. Addreas Win. Peter-
sou, Oreen Point, Ore. Jyl7
Notice of Completion ot Hassam Paving
Notice Is hereby given that The Reliant
Construction Co., contractor), have filed writ,
ten notice this Mh day of July, WIS, of the
completion of Fourth Street from t' e North
line or cascade Avenue lo South Hue of
tommoia nireei ny grading the same and
piaciuga n-mcn nassain t'aveineut thereon,
uuder their contract with the Cltv of Hnori
Kivir heretofore entered Into under Ordi
nance No. 4l. and that the amount due said
coulraclors upon Its acceptanct ia herebv
.Ii.iaI .u. Ii iiggu J
And notice Is turtlier given that anv .,,!..
tions to the acceptance of said work under
the contract with the said contractors on the
part of said city may be filed In the office ol
the undersigned City Ret-order bv any Inter
ested parly at any time within fliteen davs
from the date of tne first publication of snfrt
notice, to wit, within fliteen days from the
iviu umj I,, fuiy, i?n.
This notice is published In th Hwwi hi.
Glacier for two consecutive Issues thereof the
date of the firat publication thereof being
the lOlh day ol July, ISIS. ;
Jylfl-17 City Recorder
We keep in stock a full and complete
one oi iiuiniff iris aim variety staimis,
T-i. f--l -. - ii , "
i ue uiacier oiauip vtorka.
If yon wear utulerclothint? von sl.nnl.1
iret a Linen Marker at theUlaeier Stamn
l-l. 1 i: i . t
i uii3 aim live nappy everIter.
For Sale-Tent, with or without platform;
14x16, practically like new; may be seen one
block and a half from poetofflce In Hood
Kiver. Inquire at U.acier office. Jyl7
For 8c le Extremely good pair of homes.
2w lbs. Hblppard'a Springs, Canon, Wn.
Wanted Position on ranch: man and wife.
Address "H"ere Uiacier. JylO
House For Rent Cheap-Two
bedrooms. Call at Uiacier office.
For Rent Two pleasant rooms eultable for
light housekeeping; hot and cold water. Mrs.
Murray Kay, Puone 871. I mi
TYPEWRITERS For sale or rent on easy
terms. A. W. Outhauk aJl-tf
Found Placed in a rls at Fashion Htable,
Saturday evening, May 24, a bundle contain
ing two wniie unen aprons, owner may nave
same by calling at Uiacier office and paying
for this adv. JMf
Found Automobile tag.
Owner call at
number 12031).
Lost Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin, gold
with black enamel center and set with pearls.
Lost between boat landing and home of V. C.
Brock. Finder please return lo Uiacier office.
Lost A blue jacket, near Court House. Re
turn lo Uiacier office. Jyl7
Daters, Pad and Rubber Stamps of.
every description at this office.
For Butter Labels printed in accord
ance with Dairy and Food Laws, call at
the Glacier office. tf