The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 10, 1913, Image 2

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AKTHLK 0. MUE. PuMlthv.
Subscription, $1.50 IVr Vear.
When subscribers desire a change In address
llils office should be nollflrd promptly, and a
week before If possible. Always give old ad
drma as well as the new. Ai, IIimmI Kiver
aubscrilirni should notify ihisuttiie hi once
when rhanirliii their address from one rural
route U auotbcr, or Iroiu city delivery to
country ditv-rv.or vice versa. If you do kot
get your paper promptly, notify us by mall or
U-iepuout and the inaiu-rwui ueiiivtuigsieu.
Wo think that it in very unfortunate
not only for the students and patron
of the University of Oregon, but fo
the state as whole. tht fume of the
citizen are Roing to invoke the refer
endum on the at proiiriation billn fo
the state university. Mr. Friday in hi
communication last week state
"Everyone in the state or out of
if he knows any thini? about our Uni
vcrsity, knows that it is a pretty small
colletfe'." No, we Lelive the Uni
verBity of Oregon is a pretty bi? place,
hut to the shame of all of the citizens
of the prosperous commonwealth
Oregon, its dignity has not heen main
tamed for the past lew years, I'eopie
in all parts of the ration have heurd o
the University of Oregon, and they are
disappointed when they visit the insti
tution. Oregon legiblative bodies have
been stingy with the institution, and
when the legislature has made libera
appropriations, the people, themselves,
have made the mistake of invoking the
referendum. The free use of the ref
erendum, it seems, is often a means cf
aelf injury for the people of a state.
Now the Glacier, while it believes
the University of Oregon should have
more liberal support, docs not believe
the alumni of the institution should be
envious or covetous and yet it is
probably impossible to blame tham for
the lutter of the appropriations re
ceived by the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. As an Institution of Oregon we
Are proud of the progress that Oregon
Agricultural College hus made. Its
work is a big and beneficial factor in
Oregon's development. However, we
do think that as a people we deserve
criticism for our failure to properly
maintain our other institution of higher
Unfortunately personal jealousies
and antagonism have grown up be
tween men supporting the two institu
tions. These have led to the waging
of political warfare, that has resulted
in incidents not the most edifying.
As to an amalgamation of the two
institutions, are the promoters of such
a campaign sure that such a course
will be cheaper for thu taxpayers of
the state? Perhaps they do nut know
that the work to a great extent that is
at present duplicated will have to con
tinue to be duplicated, even though the
universities are amalgamated.
second term of circuit court,
convened here Monday, with
!,,W W I Ilrmlshaw. of The Dalles,
on the bench, was short. The grand
jury made a record for the rapidity
with whicn it nnisnea us wom.
iniuiitorial body had endtd its labor?
before the day was over and had been
dismissed by the judge after having
returned a single true bill. T he grand
jury was composed of J. ii. Gill, 11. 1'.
Allen, Alva 1.. Day, Fred J. Howard,
Geo. S. Jonhson, C. Ii. Jensen and W.
H. Davis. The true bill was returned
against L. '1 ouschcr, who was charged
with the illicit sale of intoxicants.
On Monday afternoon a fine of $l.'u
was imposed on each of the five men
who were taken into custody lawt week
while engaged in a poker game at the
Belmont planer. Those engaged in the
game were II. Kotgen, William I ozsd.
Claud Cozad. Geo. llitel.c ,ck and W
L. Kohertson.
The iurv in the case of the .utate vs.
I.. Touscher. who was indicted on
charge of illicit sale of litiuor, returned
a verdict of guilty and he was as.-esse
a fine of $100. The defense set up was
that Touscher had ordered the Ibjuor to
be used as refreshments at a banquet
he and a number of friends held in the
building hack of the Blowers Hardware
( (i. store, where a number ot young
fellows Kept bachelor quarters, and
that he did not intend to make any sale
of the intoxicants.
Judge W. I.. Bradshaw returned to
The Dalles last night. Wells A. Bell
prosecuting attorney for '.his disrict
finished his work here Tuesday. At
the next session of the court, Geo. K
Wilbur, th recently appointed county
attorney will handle the criminal and
civil business of the county.
Advertising pays. Texas Bermuda
onion growers find that by the publicity
of the merits of their "fruit" as a
health restorer the sales are increas
ing. The growers of the fragrant
bulbs claim that they are a panacea
for many human ills.
The Oregon country is just a little
bit better, is the'verdict of the former
Indiana!!, who had returned to that
state from Hood River just when the
flood was reaching its height.
There is a neat littlo lesson under
the apple exhibit at thu Commercial
club. I'oor pack will kill our goose of
reputation fur excellency of pack.
The Upper Valley citizens are still
interested'in that bovine agitation. Let
them keep up the interest until they
secure enough vowb to start a dairy.
Poker is not only a forbidden but an
expensive luxury.
, jii.iiljili.i,i.jiiji,,ilijili,..ji.j,.jHjM.
i i i n rrn i i Prrr i i i i i
A wild deer is running at large in
the foothills, wearing a buckskin thong
about its neck as the result of being in
cnarge or a small noy last weekdays
a dispatch from trout Lake.
The boys were on a visit to a trap
per's cabin five miles west of front
Lake, when they saw the big buck
stalled in the deep allow near. Al
though the long legs of the deer were
firmly fixed in the snow for the tune
the boys could easily walk on the
crust, thus an idea struck them that
they would capture the deer and take
it home with them. No sooner thought
of than the boys procured a thought
the cabin and cautiously crept up to
the deer. The thong was thrown
around the neck of the buck and one of
the braver of the lads jumped on its
back, expecting to remain there whi
the other boys led the animal to their
borne at Trout Lake. The deer, how
ever, soon'det ided it was time to be
doing a stunt or two himself, ami be
gan to plunge and buck until he go
himself on top of the crust, and away
he went, throwing his young rider to
one side. The deer is believed to be
going yet.
Attitude Toward Poor Pad
(From the Wenatchee, Wash., Advance)
- vvny uoii i you puuiisn me names
of those live growers who bttrayttl
this valley by shipping scrawny culls
to North Dakota and sold them to un
suspecting farmers at extra farcy
prices?" Many times during the last
few days has this inuiry been made at
the Daily World ollice. Kcsentment is
at fever heat. We answer that the
chief reason is' that we do not know
the names. John Peters knows them,
and has talked with the guilty ones,
but w)t" toll who they are. He savs
they are quite prominent growers and
that they did not realize what a crime
they had committed against the valley '
and against themselves. He feels that !
these men should liave one more I
chance. If their names were printed
at this time, feeling being as strong as
it is, they would lie utterly disgraced.
Perhaps they ought to escape for this
time, but after all the agitation of this
winter, a system will doubtless be es
tablished next fall whereby all such
abuses can be checked and the names
of the unscrupulous given to the world.
Heal estate has been more active
during th? March of litl!) just passed
than on last year, according to'reports
of Roberts & Simms, who have an
nounced sales the aggregate considera
tions of which amount to $1H0,(MKJ. An
$11,000 (leal was made by this firm for
Martin H. Maher, who sold his 20 acre
Bine Grove tract to E. K. Marshall, of
Bortland, who will move here with his
family and make his home. Mr. Maher
will remove to Springwater, where he
has purchased a ranch.
John K. Putnam, of the Upper Val
ey, and a member of the county eom-
ission, has purchased through Messrs.
Huberts & Kimms, the B. Ii. Tucker
state, one of the best known bearing
orchards of the district. The consider
ation was $:10,000. K. E. Strong, of
The Dalles, has purchased the M. Du
mas Wl acre tract in the Upper Valley
near Mount Hood. The consideration
was $l.r),0U0. N. C. Evans, who sold his
ranch here to Mrs. L. KuHsell, of
ortland, for the sum of $:!!,()()). has
purchased a business block in Bortland
at a consideration of $.'10,0(10. Mr. Boh-
rts, during the month, sold to L. E.
Dorn his seven and a half acre tract of
five year old orchard on the Brooksido
rive, and purchased from E. E. Rich
ards an apartment house in East l'ort-
and at a consideration of $'.1,1)00.
Another important sale was that
made for S. T. Ricketts, who sold his
10 acre bearing orchard to Frank Men
efee, of Portland. The consideration
was $10,000. Mr. Ricketts accepting as
part payment a Mosier tract valued a
We keep in stock a full and complete
lino of numberers and variety stumps.
The Glacier Stamp Works.
You must see this famous lightning artist to fully appreciate the wonderfulness of his work. He paints pictures of
foreign and local landscapes and marine scenes in our east window daily from 11 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2 to 4 p. m.
MONDAY, APRIL 14th, is his last day so do not put off too long for you cannot afford to miss this treat. Handsome
pictures painted on canvas, that would ordinarily take weeks to finish, will be done here in from 5 to 8 minutes,
and which we are giving to the purchasing public FREE OF COST.
Coifa Vnnr nnnlinitx Cnlrtc flinc I With Total Purchases amounting to $10.00 wc ive you an Oil Painting 14x22 inches In size.
jdVC IUUI lUpillaiC jClIvJ JllpM With Your Purchases amounting to $20.00 we give you an Oil Painting 22x36 inches in size.
This is an opportunity of a life time to get a beautiful Oil Painting Free. These paintings are given away absolutely Free
on accumulative purchases, that is to say, that by saving your sales slips from day to day, during the period of this offer, when
they amount to $10 you are entitled to a 14x22 picture; or by saving them until they amount to $20 you will be entitled to a
22x36 painting. Buy your new Spring Suit, Shoes or Hat now, and take advantage of this opportunity.
We carry a splendid line of
Clothcraf t Clothes
All wool and Guaranteed in every way. Suits
that will surprise you in the way of big values,
and at such reasonable prices as
$10.00, $11.50, $12.00 and up
Boys' Suits
The largest assortment in the city for you to
choose from, for
$1.75, $2.00 and up
Lawns and Dimities A dandy good assortment
in white and colored ground with dainty stripes
and figures; pieces that Will make into the prettiest
of summer dresses. Values up to, the yard, 10c.
Special, the yard 5 c
Torchon Laces with insertions to match in widths
up to 1J inches, your choice, the yard - .. 5c
Ladies' Hair Nets-Special, all colors 2 for 5c
Wilson's Hose Supporters for ladies and children
are best and most comfortable. No torn stockings,
waists or broken garters. Special, the pair 22c
Stamped Embroidery Belts for ladies, with silk
for working; regular 10c values. Special, choice 5c
Men's Dress Shoes Drummers' Samples In all
leathers and the newest shapes; values up to $4.00.
Your choice, the pair $2.50
MB Paris Fair
Hood River's Largest
and Best Store
Railways to Carry Exhibits Free
"I am sure the school children of
Oregon will he delighted to know that
the different railroads; the S. P., the
O.-W. K. & N. and the Hill lineB in
Oregon, including the Astoria line, the
Oregon Klectric and the United Kail
ways, have all agreed to carry the
Hcliooi chullren s exhibits 10 ana irotn
the ntute fair this year, free of
charge," Bays N. G. Maris, field worker
of the imluHtrial fairs.
In order to take advantage of this
iberal offer the exhibits of a certain
country, or district, must be assembled
at one or more convenient shipping
points and shipped together in the
name ol tne eoumy smooi superinten
dent, teacher or other authorized per
Girls Clean Street
A civic improvement society formed
by the junior girls of the O. A. C.
cleaned up all the rubbish in the street
leading by the campus to their dormi
tory, 'lhey arose at daylight and went
at it in S( juails of four and live with
rakes and brooms, burned the refuse in
bonfires, and then marched to the store
on tht? corner with a request lor trash
barrels in which papers and other rub
bish is to be deposited hereafter. They
have get an example to the citizens of
the neighborhood and to other students.
Unwarranted Agitation
(From the Oregonian)
The names of several excellent citi
zens are to be found in Mr. I'arkison's
formidably-named Oregon Higher Ed
ucational Institutions licttermcnt
League; and they ought to be in better
business than supporting the persistent
and notorious activities of professional
agitation. The Oregonian is opposed
to any referendum of any legislative
measure except for the clearest reasons
of public policy ; and it protests against
this referendum of the State Univer
sity appropriation ($175,000), for the
motive is frankly to cripple the univer
sity with the ultimate object of consol
idation with the state Agricultural Col
lege. The Oregon Higher Institutions
Betterment League will, besides, if it
secures sufficient signatures to procure
the referendum, definitely assume the
responsibiliy of causing a special elec
tion in November at a cust of $50,000
to $100,000, and of projecting upon the
public an issue that might well be de
ferred another year, if not wholly
It seems to The Oregonian that
$175,000 is a reasonable appropriation
for new buildings at Eugene. It would
seem also that a fair adjustment had
been made of the relations of the Agri
cultural College and the university,
and of their respective positions before
the public, and it ought to stand.
Unitarian Church
Special attention is called to the ser
vices at the Unitarian church next
Sunday. At the 11 o'clock service the
subject of the service will be "Author
ity in Heligion."
At 6:30 at the Young People's meet
ing, a line program will be given, con
sisting of violin jolo by Dr. Sharp, a
piano nolo bjsJWsa Myrle White, and a
cornet-violin d'x-'t by Will McGuire and
Joe Johnson, Mr. MacDnnald will
read a story aititled, "The Promise."
A collection fir our unfortunate friends
in the middle west will be taken at
both services; H. A. MacDonald, pastor.
The regular monthly meeing of the
Commercial club will be held Monday
evening. 'Ihe following bulletin has
been issued by Secretary R. E. Scott:
We wish to be sure and have a quor
um, as the question of changing the
by-laws so that persons living in the
valley can be members of the Club by
paying GO cents per month instead of
$1. This question has been discussed
a long time, and it is one that should
be settled possibly affirmatively.
The Club is trying to settle the elec
tric light question. It is. possible there
will be some discusison on this matter,
inasmuch as the proposed increase in
rates means, some say, $50,000 per
year to the community. Quite a sum
when we do not feel rich enough to
buy a library site for $1(1,000 and have
20 years to pay for it. Better come.
Expected to get the billiard tables paid
for in March, but billiard bills for Feb
ruary were not paid as well as ex
pected. It is hoped there will be an
improvement this month and we can
report in May that it is all over. There
was $09.85 worth of playing in Febru
ary, and $43.65 in March. We still owe
F. A. Bishop. Dr. J. II. McVay, J.
K. Nunemaker, George Ertle, J. M.
Wood and E. M. Spaulding were ad
mitted to membership in the Club.
Resignations of Philip lieebe, C. P.
Sonniehsen, John Weaver, Walton A.
Green and W. Fort Jackson were ac
cepted as they were presented in writ
ing and all of them have left the val
ley. Member Ward Ireland Cornell has
That Cannot be Found Elsewhere
At jz? Home or j& Abroad
We say this in all earnestness it's a fact we are prepared to prove. We
read and analyze all of the offerings of city stores and mail order houses,
and we would be glad to point out to you the "jokers" in practically every
one of them. Your money will go farther right at home here,' where
you can see and know the quality, and always with the "SATISFACTION
OR MONEY BACK" Guarantee. :: :: :: :: ::
W !!
Tested to 250 Pounds Pressure
our bannerapril special Latest Arrivals-FurniHirc and Rugs
rMji9i A RANGE Round and Square Pedestal pi"43
At $10 Less I nan Regular Price Waxed or Fumed Oak yLAo
Made in Oregon for Oregon conditions-a MISSION LIB KARY TABLE CjA QC
perfect baker with wood or coal. Plain So lid Qrte r-Sawed Oak. Top 26x42. Legs 3in.Sq.tpiU,yJ
polished nickel trimmings; large oven 9xl2 Scotch Wool Rugs $12.7S
and fire-box; full planished steel body 0jcla Reversible Brussels Rug ll.SO
with inner lining of specially treated yxi2 Axminster Rug 18.00
steel to protect it from the gases which Inlaid Linoleum, the yard 1 .OO
eat out the linings of ordinary kind Printed Linoleum, the yard SO
JUST RECEIVED S?d0R?nteaPInnd (l0arts and Sidewalk Sulkies
uiu xtanges, ana our line is complete as usual
as an indication of the purchasing power Sidewalk Sulkies 98c to $6.75
r iL! f w ram.1-!".1' 1 1
bought a motorcycle and the Upper
Valley is reporting progress. Mr. Cor
nell is a firm believer in advertising
apple?, and anyone having ideas un
this method of helping sales will do
well to talk it all the time. The Texas
onion growers broke into the Saturday
Evening Post of April 5th with half a
page. It will pay anyone to take a lit
tle time and think real hard to find the
reason they did it. The Club did its
best to get Hood River to advertise
her apples in 1912. There's one thing
however, to be kept always in mind
when advertising "That a business is
known not by what it sells, but by
what it delivers." Therefore the pack
must be absolutely uniform and up to
snuff. All the money on earth won't
help ua if this is neglected. We've
heard of some horrible examples re
cently. Monday, April 14th, 8 p. m. is the
K. E. SCOTT, Sec'y.
Oakdale Greenhouses
Jlnrcli is the best time to plant
Itotos, Shrulm ami all linrdy peren
nial (lowering plants. We nave an
exceptinnally line list this spring, at
prices in reason.
Bedding Plants of all kinds later.
Cut Flowers on hand at all times.
Orders left at Franz's will receive
prompt attention.
A few large Pie Plant roots!
Fletcher (SI Fletcher
Hood River
To K.xehRiiKe for Hood River Land 80 acres,
fine red xhol Mill, In Washington, Jum acro
the river, 2 nilleH from Underwood, aeres In
2-year-oldM, 15 acre clashed and burned, all
Hn be cultivated; enmity road: tiiortKiixe
W.tmO, 4 years. Will escliKiiKe for Hood Kiver
properly and assume. Ketd & Henderson,
luc. ltf
For Hule Matched team of browns, weight
1,:;S I, S and (i yea's old. Kor particulars lu
(iilreof 1'urdy 6 I'uupniau, Udell. alO
For fcule Hay. l'bone 29tf-Odell.
Kor Hsle No. 2 Faultless uiu nip-puller, good
as new; has had only one season's use: hooks,
cablm, etc., k" with It. Price Jill). II. C. M.
ltaiicli, 1'arkdale, Phone OdelU7. mUTtl
Kor Sale 1 and 2 year old apple trees; vari
eties, I lellclous, W inter Xanana, Ortley, New.
town, Spit.enliei'K. (irinies Uolden and Jona
than; also Hurkauk Karly Hose potatoes. If
you are in need of same phone or write J.T,
NealelKh. I'lione &!. Place iyt miles south
of Hood Klver Heights, al7
For Sale A 14 foot apple raek.only used one
season; also several sucks of Jerusalem arti
chokes. Phone 52. altl
For Sale The lartta Mallard Puck Kg-gs lor
setting. T5c per setting, from best egg-laying
strain. Phone IkvI.'. al
Hay to Trade Kor bogs or young milch
eows. Henderson Si McKay, K. K. U. No. 2.
Phone Odell-315. al7
To Trade Hood young sorrel horse, weight
about HIM), works anywhere and Is perlectiy
gentle; will trade lor heavier ranch horse. A.
Rogers. K. F. 1). No. 3. al7
For Sale ("lark Seedling strawberry plants
from year-old vines; fisithlll grown with good
strong roots; 82 per l.WKi. Kellogg Marquis,
K. K. 1 1. No. :t, Phone an
Kor Sale 1 driving horse, geutle for women ,
city broke, not atrald of auto; 1 work horse.
1 10 lbs., 6 years old, work double orBingle.
'none 5tC2 alter t p. in. C E. t opple, alotl
For Male lisy team, 5 and (I yrs. old, weight
2,700 lbs., good In orchard work, sound and
geutle, true, t'ao beseeuat Transfer & l.ivery
co. uaru. mi
Kor Sale Two horses, two wagons, set of
intruess. Aonress i. 11. .tiHvnerry, it ?. u
No. ;t, Hood River; Phone 5?itS. , air
Kor Sale -Turkey Kggs. Inquire of Lewis A
Brown Kanch, Phone jur7. ml
For Sa'e Roan team, weight 2"iO0. 7 vears
old; well matched, true pullers, good single
onvers. Also goon Heavy Harness, i neoutnt
at a bargaiu it taken at once. K. L. MeClain,
K. R. No. I, Phone 5097. aiotf
Kor Hale Cheap Two choice lota on Colum
bia Street. Lots l; and It, Block i, ldlewilde
Aildition. Make me an otfer. No reasonable
oiler relused. S. K. Illy the, Phone 545:1. a!7
For Sale 10 foot Fairbanks windmill, new.
Price S25.0U. Inciuire Phone ri;a. E. K Hlrsch.
Kor Sale Single bnegy and harness.
2171. T. Ii. Frotin, 121 Moutello Ave.
TYPK.WR1TKRS For sale or rent on easy
terms. A. W outhank. aJl-tf
Kor Sale A bouse with au Income, two
houses on large lot. very cheap if taken Rt
once, gisd terms. Phone ::1-L or ask H.
Jones at Franz hardware store. n;tl
Kor Sale Desirable restdenoe property,
gtaui iiK-auon; one ueignrjorhoou; good
Apply W. U. Snow.
For Sale High class Barred Plymouth Rock
cockerels and pullets. The strain ot birds: K
B. Thompson s famous Ringlet strain, Madi
son Square (.aniens winners last season (a
year ano) from M. J Myers' flock out of the
foremost breeders in this slate. Also have
eggs lor sale. Uust. Westebcrg, Tel. Odell 14.
For Sale Strawberry plants, flrst genera
tion for last Bve years; raspberry plants; flrst
elasa yearling apple trees. C. M. Shepnard
R. K. D.2, Phone lfiX-Odrll. alo '
For Sale Second hand furniture and New
Home sewicg machine fur sale cheap. Call
on A. W. Onthauk. H3tf-
For Sale Big work team.
Parkdale, Phone 1"5 odell.
D. H. Arena,
, fJJtf
Hay tor Sale Timothy and good clean grain
hay. Inquire Meadow Brook Kami, Phone
VvM. a4
For Sale or Exchange 10 acres near Frank
ton School, 2i, miles west troat Hood River
P. o. 4 acres bearing apple tree?, commercial
varieties; t acres a, 2 and 1 year apple trees,
commercial varieties; 1 acre cherries, peaches
and differ ent berries; 1 acre alfalfa; good -room
house and out bui)dlngs;chlcken houses
and yards: dasture for cows; plenty of water.
Apply to Mrs. J. F Miller, wlb Columbia St.,
Phone !.: ml3lf
ANCONAS Are yon perlectlv satisfied with
your winter eg production? If so, stick to
your old stock, but if not, come and see ua.
l'u I lots laying at 4 months, and right through
the winter. Our pens are composed of excel
lent birds, direct from Hheppard's Madison
Biiuare winners, averaging 2fi. "The Woild'a
Best." K.gga 12.00-W.UI $5 Oil pel 15. Chlcks
a matter of correspondence. Write for mat
ing list. Hat Islactlon guaranteed. Mountain
Brook Poultry Ranch, White Salmon, Wash.
Team lor Bale Span tour-year-olds, well
broke, true, sound, about 2t00; nothing better.
J. J. Knapp, Phone 5S0U. mtitf
Kor Sale 11 acres, located 8 miles out on the
East Hide. Part bearing, balance young trees,
Small house, giod barn; near school, church,
sUireand shipping station. Terms reasonable.
Telephone 6022 at noon hour or after ti:OU p. m.
Wanted Kellabla party to lease 2k acres of
near Aionr station.
K. 11. Kingdom
Apply to
Wanted One good cow, must give 12 to 24
qnarts milk dally; also one horse forall work,
weight 1100 to 12Ti pounds. Write particulars
to Box 21, Dee, Ore. 17
Wanted To buy a small b arret spray pump
at second hand. Apply Phone Mt", between
6:30 and 7:M) p. in. alO
Wanted Ranch or orchard work, by expe
rienced Hood River man; married. Steady
place preferred. Can take full charge. Have
naa gooa business experience, local reier
ences given. Address S. K. alcPonald, R. R.
No. 1, Box TV. Next place south of H. K.
Luge's store, . ni?7tf
Wanted Upholstering, reflnlshlng and re
pairing. High class work at reasonable prices
Phone for estimates. E. A. Frame Co. Jlltf
Wanted Man to do general work on farm.
Must understand care of stock. Wages MOO
per month. Apply care ol Olacler. alO
For Rent-7-room house, furnished; suitable
for sub-renting rooms. Phone 2574, niiit f
F'or Rent Two pleasant rooms suitable for
light housekeeping; hot and cold water. Mrs.
Murray Kay, Phone 8791. f i:ltf
for Rent House of five rooms, good condi
tion, within five minutes of postoltlce. (10.00
per monlU. See John Baker, Smith Blk. JIHtf
Will set Your Htrawberry Hlsnts
thousand or contract. Phone 32(4.
By the
We Care lor Orchards
residents, from pruning to putting n
3 appiy nrsi n
J.J. Knapp & Bon,
tlnnal Bank
Phone &S0H.
For reference ai
Hood River.
Kor residents or non
1wt-A brown mink fur'.collar, at (Jem
theatre, Tuesday night of last week; lined
with silk brocade and bad a pocket on Inside
In which there was a handkerchief. Reward.
Finder please return to Laraway'a Jewelry
store or to Ulacler ollice.
HOOD RIVER LODGE NO. 105, A. F. and A.
M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. Geo. R. Castneb, W. M
D. McDonald, Secretary.
Hood River Comandery No. 12, K.T
mtjciH e,erj urii luesaay evening
each month. G. R. Castnkh, L.E.C.
H. T. DmWiTT. Recorder.
Meat first and third Friday nights of euch
um4?u!?-r o C. K. Marshall, H. P.
H. T. DeWitt, Secretary.
MT. HOOD COUNCIL No. 8, R AS. M. Meets
In Masonic Hall every third Tuesday In
each month.
r, w Laraway, T. I. M.
A. D. Moe, Rec.
second and fourth Tuesday evening
of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed
Mrs. W. F. Larawav, W. M.
Miss Alta Pooi.k, Secretary.
Meets the first, third and fifth Tuesdays of
each month at K. of P hall.
- M augarkt Howkll, M. E. C.
Correab Stbahahan. M. of R. 4 C.
Si:ie Lynn, m. of f.
Meets first and third Saturdays of each
month. Nkwtom Clakk, M. W.
OEO. Slocom, Financier
Chkhtkk Shutc, Recorder.
KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1, o. O. F.-Meets In.
Odell Odd Fellows' hall every Sat or
day night. Visitors cordially welcomed.
. , , Mark A. Cameron, n. U.
a. J. Lai'KY, Sec.
Meets the first and third Tiimtn.nin. in
each month In the Odd Fellows Hall, seven
" " "u aiver, k. l). l,
Geo. SHEfi-ARu, Soo.
Isl-Meets the second and fourth Wednes
day evenings of each mouth, in Grlbble's
, Annie LEASI R,N.U.
(.has. W. Guns, sec.
Hood River, Ore. E. H. Hartwlg, Pres. -Mrs.
le Ford lug. Sec Leslie Butler, Treaa.
Call phone 2.
O. W. Regular meetings are held the first.
Mondays ol each month at K ot
and third
P. ball. Visitors cordlsllv
... F. M Siaven.C.C,
Kent Shoemaker, Clerk.
".?DillVtRciKL'LI!; NO. 524, WOMEN OK
Woodcraft-Meets at K. of P. ball on the
first and Third Thursdays of eaota month.
Man Wu UivuD sj ii
Mattie NiCkELSEN, Clerk. ' '
Meets in JC. of t. ball every Tuesday night.
At- . . . Ku Stewbrt, C, C.
A. Kers.K ofR andK.