The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 03, 1913, Image 4

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fry M-i
7u Til
irrru' 1
r i i i
Town's full of
Studchaker Farm Wagons, Studebaker Bug
gies and Studebaker Delivery Wagons.
and every owner of a Studcbaker vehicle
19 proud of it. Because l.e knows it is the best.
Stutle Laker wagons and buggies are built on honor
and with the experience that comes from sixty years
of wagon building, and you get the benefit of this
experience when you buy a Studebaker vehicle
Whether you live in town or country; whelher you want
vroilc or plrature vehicle, there' a Studebaker to fill your require
ment, rami wagons, contractor's wagon, truck, municipal
veliii lea, ice wagons, dump wagons and carta, road oiler, buggies,
depot wagons, surrey, pony carta, runabouts we make them all.
also harness, for any sized animal, for any vehicle, of the
same hitch standard of quality as the Studebaker vehicle.
Set oar Dealer or write ui.
STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind.
Has a Full Stock of
Wagons and Spring Wagons
Agent for
Bean Power and Hand Spray
Hose. Rods and Nozzles
Bluestone and Lime
Oliver Plows and Extras
d. Mcdonald
We are Now Taking Orders for
Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes
Would Advise Ordering at Onco
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon
Are You Ready for Spring Work ?
We do all kinds of repair work and are ready to put
your machine in first-class working order.
Grubbing Tools and Land Clearing Implements
Never throw away a shaft or pole, or any other part
of a wagon. Bring them to us and let us make
them as good as new at but a slight expense.
Power Blacksmith and Wagon Shop
Phono 2011, 4th St., North of Cascade Ave.
. . . .. . i" 1 .v.. ..-'. r '- . siv wmm
rA I fort Ian
d'f Famous Hotel
Med for the Excellence
Uv wi fof H$ Cuijinc. European plan!
Situated in the Hub of the Principal Theater and Shopping District
Recently Redecorated and Refurnished Throughout, and
Better Equipped Today Than F.ver Before.
Rooms, without hath, $1.00 per day and up
Rooms, with bath, - 2.00 per day and up
N. K. CLARKE. Asst. Manager J. G. KAUFMANN, Manager
f we were rot hearing of weather
conditions outside of Hood River val
ley we might be justified in saying
that we have had during March quite
unpleasant weather but as it is we are
almost ashamed to complain. Today,
March HI. the month is going out "like
a lamb" and while there are likely to
he days that are not the brightest we
feel that spring is here and we expect
sunshine and warmth and busy days in
orchard, field and garden.
After a month's absence during
which time they visited in lioston,
Mass., New York City, and other east
em nointa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kim.
ball returned on last Sunday to Odell,
where they expect to spend the summer
on their valuable orchard properly.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Henden, Mr. and
Mrs. Jumeo McFsrlane and Floyd Mc
Coy, all of Portland, came up Saturday
to attend the funeral of vm. Ehrck
After an illness extending over sev
eral months Wm. Ehrck passed away
at the home of his dauchter, Mrs. D.
Henden, in Portland, at 11 :20 Friday
forenoon. Ilis five children were with
him at the time of his death. Mr.
hhrck's) cousin, Chas. Ehrek, of La
Mar, Iowa, and Miss Anna Mammen,
also of La Mar, Iowa, were also at his
bedside. Mrs. J. H. Etfgert and W. C.
Ehrck returned to Hood Kiver,Friday
ni(!ht and the other relatives came Sat
urday. The funeral was held Sunday
frum the Pine drove church, Rev. Troy
Shelley and M. D. Odell officiating.
Obituary will be found in another col
umn. Kenneth McKay has returned from
Scotland, where he spent the winter,
lie was accompanied by his mother and
sisters, who are now stopping at Neth-
erhy with Messrs. Henderson and Mc
Mrs. C. C. Chapman has received a
letter from T. W. Atkinson, of Ash
land, Ore., stating that the family of
Mr. Atkinson are in quarantine, as
Hattie has scarlet fever. Mr. Atkinson
is staying in his store and cannot go
into the home, but talks with the fam
ily and sees that their needs are sup
plied. Their muny friends here hope
the disease may terminate favorably
and that they may soon be relieved of
the inconvenience of illness and quar
Miles Lockman has recovered from a
severe attack of quinsy after having
been absent from school more than a
week. Miles has made a record of
something like six years or more with
out a day's absence from school ex
cepting this time.
Mrs. Hattie Crockett, of Rupert,
Idaho, and 11. L. Dean, also of Rupert,
were married recently. Those who
were residents of Odell eight, ten or
twelve years ago knew Mrs. Crockett
well and they will agree with the
writer that to few are given the happy
combination of qualities that form a
personality that can win and hold
friends as does she. Through the many
Borrows that have been hers these
friends here have been sorry for her
and now they will wish her happiness
in generous measure. Through the
Glacier we take pleasure in, extending
to Mr. and Mrs. Dean the congratula
tions of Odell and vicinity who were so
fortunate as to have become acquainted
with the bride.
Mrs. J. R. Ferguson, county presi
dent of the organized Sunday school
work, and the members of the execu
tive committee are planning a series of
Sunday-school institute in which they
hope to reach every Snnday school in
the county. On Thursday evening,
April 10, the first one will be held in
tne Methodist church at Odell. On
Friday another will be held in Cascade
Locks and on Friday evening one in
Hood River. Rev. C. A. Phipps, who
needs no introduction to the people of
Hood River county will be present at
all three places. At each oint invi
tations will be extended to neighboring
Sunday schools that representatives
from each school may attend the insti
tute nearest them.
Though the weather last Friday
evening was not the pleasuntest, a
good audience attended the entertain
ment at the Odd Fellows Hall. Every
number on the program was good and
was well received. Those who repre
sented the various characters in "A
Caao of Suspension," acted their parts
in a creditable manner and the enter
tainment throughout was a success.
The net receipts were about J14.
J. E. Ferguson left Tuesday for a
week's business visit in Portland and
The April meeting of the Ferguson
llible class will be held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson Friday,
tomorrow, evning. A social evening is
planned and it is expected a program
will be prepared.
Sunday school 10 a. m. Kpworlh
League 7 :.'!() p. m. at the Methodist
church next Sunday.
Sunday school 10:30 a. in. Service,
Rev, Troy Shelley, 11 :30 a. m. 0. E.
7 p. m. Service, Rev. Hargreavis,
7 :4f p. ni., at the Union church next
At the election of officers fur the C.
E. society held last week Jthe follow
ing were chosen: Alex Lacey, presi
dent; Mrs. B. T. Young, first vice
president; Mrs. VV. P. Kemp, second
vice; Miss Nell Shelley, secretary;
Mrs. M. D. Odell, treasurer; Mrs. E.
T. Folta, organist.
11. J. Chevron, of Estacada, Ore.,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. VV.
McDonald Sunday.
Little I rv in Heft is nt the hospital in
Hood River, where his mother ami
father visit him. His broken arm is
proving very badly fractured. The
lesser fragment of the broken hone is
so small that the contraction of the
Mrs. J. D McCully and Mist Eula
went to Portland, last week, guest at
iome social functions. They expect to
return this week.
Mrs. P. . Deem came up from Port
land on TuesJsy of Ut week to pack
her household goods tVr shipment. She
returned Thursday afternoon.
Miss Anna Godbeison spent the week
end with her parents at Mosier.
Howard fclnckman entertained his
friends at his home on March 25.
Games kept the children busy until it
was time to start home in order to
reach there before dark.
The' funeral of William Ehrck, of
Odell, was held at the church on Sun
dry afternoon, March 30, at two
o'clock. Rev. Shelley, of Odell, had
charge of the service.
Prof. C.I. Lewis, head of the depart
ment of horticulture at O. A. C, was
in the valley last week. As a result of
his lectures given here some six weeks
t?o on the subject of cover crops,
shade crops, fertilizers, etc., he inter
ested several orchardiBts in this mat
ter. They applied to him for sugges
tions for their individual needs so he
visited various ranches in order to
study the conditions and furnish the
assistance desired.
A good two-inch rain fell here the
last of the week.
The Sunflower class of the Sunday
school held their monthly social meet
ing at the P. li. l.araway home on
Tuesday evening April 1. The Misses
Turncy were the hostesses.
Church notices: Sunday school at 10
a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. There
will be no evening service.
Rev. Carson gave a good sermon Sun
day morning well sprinkled with tem
perance truths.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a mothers'
meeting at the home of Mrs. Mabel
Lage Thursday afternoon of this week.
The Sunflower class held their
monthly social meeting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Laraway Tuesday
evening. Grace and Evelyn Turney
were hostesses.
Scarlet fever and whooping cough
are in the neighborhood but good care
is used to prevent spreading.
A. I. Mason went to Portland the
early part of the week on a business
Mrs. J. D. McCully and daughter are
spending a week in Portland.
Miss Anna Godberson went to Mosier
Friday evening returning Sunday af
ternoon. The funeral of W. C. Ehrck
was held at the church Sunday after
noon. Interment was in the Pine Grove
The The Amicus club will meet with
Mrs. Isaac Jeffries this week. Elec
tion of officers will be held.
The Grange play has been postponed
until next week.
The Salter Trio was well received at
Grange hall Saturday evening. The
violin exercises were exceptionally fine.
Jessie Wells was married in Portland
ast week to Joseph Cozad. Thev will
live in that city.
In addition to the regular song ser
vice Sunday morning the conereeation
enjoyed a solo bv Mrs. J. E. Andrews
with Mrs. VV. C. Keck at the organ.
Mrs.Andrews sang,"No Night There."
Elsie Wei's, who is teaching near
Fir, goes to and from her school on a
pony, a distance of about 12 miles when
tne return fnp la made. Ihe altitude
which Bhc is obliged to reach is about
i:U0 teet.
.r i .
ana government rain guage regis
tered nearly one and one-half inches
rain tall last Saturday.
muscles tend to pull it out of
and it will probably be neci
wire tho fragments together.
The McCabe family left Wednesday
for their new home in Lent?,.
Miss Coleman has been suffering utth
an infected tooth.
Ernest Smith left Tuesday for New
Mexico. He will be greatly missed.
Mrs. Mary Pferdner has returned
from a visit in Portland.
Mrs. It. K. Wright gave a Icrlhdav
party Friday night in honor of M's
Gladys Reavis. The following were
present: Misse Reavis, Gibbons,
Hoyce, Shoemaker and Messrs. (;jh
bons, Hal and Mai ion, Samu.-I
and Shoemaker, and Mrs. Williams.
E. W. Hirge returned Saturday from
Portland, where he purchased a Huick
An old time concert w ill I e given at
the Christian church Friday night.
April 4. The program will consist of
instrumental duets and solus, ocal so
los, duets and quartets and old ti'r.e
recitations. This promises to be a very
interesting and profitable entertain
ment and it is hoped that there will te
a large attendance.
In eases of rlieuniatiMii relief fr.;ni
pain makes sleep and rest ii tsil,.. l'his
may be obtained by applxiug t'hn,.r.
Iain's Liniment. For sale lv all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindaes terminated
their visit at the homes of Peter Nel
son and Mrs. Jacobs and left for their
home at Silverton, Ore., on Friday.
C. E. McAllister, of Waverly. Iowa
who has been visiting E. E. Doane and
family, left Wednesday for Portland to
visit there a lew days.
Mr, and Mrs. Whitley and little
daughter spent the week end at the
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs
Doane, returning to their home at Dee
Mrs. VV. H. Austin and two children
returned trom their visit to Iowa Fri
day, coming out to Belmont to spend a
lew days with her uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mrs. Hubert Jones.
'1 he Four Leaf Clover club met with
Mrs. Elmer Isenberg Thursday.
Mrs. Robert Jones and Mrs. Milton
Ibnvning and daughters were callers
Wednesday at the Somerville and Bla
lock lionies.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland, of
l ortland, visited their sons, Carroll and
Victor, ami families, Sunday and Mon
day, leaving for home Monday after
Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry and family
have moved to the Harry Hackett ranch
on .Methodist Lane.
Howard Hodges, of Culver, Oreg..
has rcurned to our neighborhood for the
We expect soon to hear the tinkle of
wedding hells in Belmont, the young
la, lies of our community are beginning
to get very scarce.
Mrs. Will Chubb returned Thursday
from Eight Mile, Oregon, where she
has been teaching, her school being
closed a, ai the pupils had whooping
cuegh and tonsilltis.
Mrs. J. 1J. Forden and three children
have returned from Portland.
Mis. Will Davis was surprised Sun
day to see Mr. Morgan, a friend from
her old home in Maryland who is tour-
li s' the coast looking for a location,
and to visit awhile.
Mr. Farrell and family were guests
.Nn d;:v of Mr. Forrey and family.
Mrs. M. r Isenbere. Howard. Lena
and Miss Marian Wallace were dinner
(if her son. Marsh, and wife
! Slir.d.iy.
! rs. . VV. Arnold, of Hood River,
I visited her mother, Mrs. M. T, lsen
i lerg Sunday afternoon.
S. Mci'nnn has returned after sper.d
ing tin winter in Portland.
'. F. Thompson was a business caller
H io.i l.iver Monday.
M II over, who has been in Port
! d for some time, has returned and is
the guest 0f her cousin, Mrs. Henry
Mr 1'eironnet entertained a number
of friends for dinner Sunday.
I 1'.. Thomas, who has been working
Hoed tviver, spent a few days on his
''eh t.-.e past week.
Henry Hardman has left for an ex
it i'di d trip through Canada.
.1 c: h Erwin has returned to the
l'l ier Valley after spending the winter
on the lower Columbia.
Get Gl'.VRANTEED Eastern Blue
stone at McDonald's.
Itemt- this week are acBrcer than the
proverbial hen's teeth. We have bot
hered our neighbuors, "rubbered" at
the telephone, gone through the alma
nac, looked up the apple market report
from picking time last fall up to the
present and found but little that we
thought would look good in print, es
pecially what we found in the apple
market report.
A petition was signed by all the pu
rils in Frankton school last week ask
ing the authorities in Washington to
have the battleship Oregon be selected
to lead the procession through the Pan
ama canal.
Mrs. J. R. NickeJsen. of Alderbrook
ranch, was on the sick list the first of
last week.
J. W. Pullen and wife, from the East
Side, and brother of Mr. Pullen. and
wife, from some place in the eastern
states, visited Sunday with relatives
and friends here.
The county commissioners were out
looking over our roads last week.
Prof. Stubbs and the two un'per
rooms of the high school went to Hood
River to hear Booker T. Washington
Ex-State Superintendents A'derman
and Ackerman will be at Oak Grove
April 12 at the dedication of their fine
school house. Mr. Ackerman will at
tend the commencement exercises at
Frankton in May.
Steve Eby. of Belmont, 'packed ap
ples at Clifton Friday for M. R. Noble.
Mrs. W. T Price has been confined to
a sick bed for the past week. At this
writing she is no better.
Prof. J. E. Stubbs went to his home
at Gresham for the week end.
The Four Leaf Clover club meeting
last week at the home of Mrs. Elmer
Isenberg was not so well attended as
usual on account of the bad roads and
rain, and several of the members were
on the sick list. The next meeting will
be at Clifton, with Mrs. M. R. Noble,
April 10.
Gardening in this neighborhood has
been indefinitely postponed. 'ihose
people along the state road got the
start of us, but if this weather keeps
getting no better we will try and start
with them next time.
Mrs. G. A. MCurdy returned to the
ranch Monday after spending the win
ter in town. Her daughters, Misses
Ellen and Alice remained in Hood Riv
er to finish the school year.
Mrs. Laura DeWeese, of Portland,
spent the week end at the W. F. An
drews home.
E. S. Hay, who has located his saw
mill on the Sutton road, has started
work and expects to do a good business
during the season.
J. C. Bowman has returned from
Portland to attend to his ranch here.
Miss Flora Wilson has resigned as
teacher in the Oak Grove school, and
one to Hood River, where she has ac
cepted a position in the postoffice. The
vacancy in the teaching force is being
filled by Miss Anderson.
Mr. Fred Lisco, who has been spend
ing the winter in Portland, has re
turned. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goodenough and
daughter, Priscilla, leave this week for
Spokane, Mr. Goodenough having tak
en charge of a paper mill there. Their
son, William, will take charge of their
Hood River ranch. Miss Blanche Good
enough will return from the east to
keep house for the brother.
A short program was rendered Friday
afternoon by pupils from Miss Stan
ton's and Miss Wilson's rooms. The
program was prepared by Dorcas De
Witt and Hilja Hukari, and was as
follows: Song by school; dairy maid's
drill, eight cirls: recitation. William
Schlief ; love song, Hilja Annala; reci
tation, Grace Reed; dialogue, "The
Trials of a Teacher," Alberta Sutton
and John Annala; some queer excuses
to teachers, Paul Lancaster; boat song,
chorus girls.
Mr. Mink returned from Eugene Fri
day. Chas. Shaw spent Sunday in Port
land, A. Jorden taking charge of the
postoffice during his absence.
Remember the entertainment at the
Mount Hood hall April 4. A drama in
one act and a play by the Mount Hood
school children. Free lunch. Come
Mrs. O. A. Everson and daughter,
Anelory, came up Tuesday from Hood
River. They expect to stay in the
Upper Valley this summer.
The rain has ceased. Everyone is
glad, as it began to look as though
there would be danger of washouts
along the river.
Many of the Upper Valley people are
contributing to the filling of a car of
potatoes and apples to be sent to the
Hood sufferers in the east.
Services at the Mount Hood church
next Sunday, evening.
Although it was a stormv dav there
was a crowd out at the Mount Hood
library Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pope and Miss
Richie Ware left Tuesdav for Walln
walla, Wash. While we are sorrv to
nave mem leave we wiBh them everv
happiness in their new home.
Lime am!
order early.
Milphur Spray Place your
Kelly Bros. mtitf
Cause for Alarm
Los nt appetite or distress after
eating-a symptom that should
not be disregarded.
It is not what you eat but what you
digest and assimilate that due you
good. Some of the strongsst, health
lest persona are moderate eaters.
Nothinft will cause more trouble than
disordered stomach, and many
rwople contract serious maladies
through disregard ot abuse of the
We urge all who suffer from indi-
fMtion. or dyix psia, to try Reiall
'yspepsia Tablets, with tha under,
atandiug that we will refund tha
money paid us without question Oi
formality, if after use you are out
perfectly eatistied with results.
We recommend Reiall Dyspepsia
Tablets to customers every day, and
have yet to hear of one who has not
been benetitea. We believe them to
be without eyual. They give prumpl
relief, aiding to neutralue acidity,
atimulate flow of gastric juice,
strengthen the digestive organs, and
thus promote perfect nutr.tioa and
correct unhealthy symptoms. Three
sues, 25 cents, 60 cents, and il.
You can buy Reiall Dyspepsia Tablet
Id tius community only at our s torsi
Hood River Te Jxqf Jtort
Ore r i-i n
per Is a Fexall Store in Mur wry t,
and eity to toe I nited Bute. C.n.7. .Ti
lv'l' .'"7 ordinary human i3
The UW1 s-. C.u
To Stockholders of y he Apple Growers Union
The Annual Meeting;, Saturday, April 5th, will be by far
the most important meeting ever held in the history of your
Union. Questions concerning the future welfare of this
Valley are to be argued and acted upon.
First-To come. Secondly If you cannot come to be
sure to see that you are represented by proxy. Thirdly If
you do come please make it a point to obtain all the proxies
you can and represent them accordingly by your own good
We Want the Assurance of a
Full Representation.
W. B. Dickerson, President
Albert Sutton, Secretary.
how much of your time you spend in bedP
Just think of it sometime and you will
make up your mind to be as comfortable
as posssible. You will buy a
5. E.
OaR Street
Mot Tuft
Guaranteed 20 Years
Furniture, Undertaking and Embalming
Operators Wanted
Home Telephone Co.
Cooper's Spray Fluids
Tested practically for three years in Oregon, and clean trees
from San Jose scale, fungus scab, an tracnose and pear blight.
IN CROIINn. WRITS vnn nrmvT u-r
wax A VViVLiii 4
247 Ash Street, Portland
d. Mcdonald
Hood River
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk
Below are Listed a Few
of Our Many Bargains
Shaker Salt rp
2-Pound Package t)C
Arm & Hammer Soda
Per Package
Washing Powder
''GOLD DUST," Large Size
Laundry Soap, 11 bars 25c
Cash Grocery.
i.r MMMlfyfyiM.1 1 l
Increase the Productivity of Your Land
By Laying
Cement Drain Tile
And A You Are Going to Build, You Want to
Investigate the
MjracleConcrete Building Block