The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 27, 1913, Image 4

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lias a Full Stock of
Wagons and Spring Wagons
Agent for
Bean Power and Hand Spray
Hose, Rods and Nozzles
Milestone and Lime
Oliver Plows and Extras
d. Mcdonald
how much of your time you spend in bed?
Just think of it sometime and you will
make up your mind to be as comfortable
as posssible. You will buy a
S. E.
Oak Street
Not Tuftei
Guaranty 20 Years
Furniture, Undertaking and Embalming
Lights at Reasonable Prices
The Hydro-Electric Co., does not want
the consumers of electrical energy for light
ing or power purposes to pay for the plant
monthly, yearly or bi-annually, they only
want a fair, reasonable price on a live and
let live basis; and are not asking its custom
ers to buy our competitor's plant, nor any
one to pay them a price with which to buy
our plant; all we have to sell is electrical
Hydro Electric Co.
A Home Company
Phone 1171
Third and Oak
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk
! Mrs H. S. CsukIiV. of Portland,
., n fri.lnv fuf a few davs Vlilt
io-ith hr r.meritt. Mr. r,d Mrs. J. K.
Crosby. Through her we learned that
m.. :..,. W. Craw, tf Portland, is
irrr.rnvirp liii'elv from her severe ill
rets of last full ard is steadily gaining
Horn-To Mr. and Mr. H. T. Parr.
; Surdav. February 16. daiinler.
! v C Khrck has lumber on the
ground for a new barn on his tract
!,n the bill northeast of the property
I of his father, V rn. LLri k.
1 Mi'f.-rs. Cameron at d Shfppard have
built a new barn at the box factory.
lhey will aNo put a foundation under
' l hp factory and make necessary im
' j roveti-ents and repairs for the season's
i work.
i a. M Hicks, of Vaco, Ore., was a
lusintrs visitor in (Well last rriday.
I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dimmick, of east
!ern Oregon, who have been visiting
Mr. Dimmick's nephew, Geo. Dim-
miek. of Hood River, came out Hatur
Iday for a fhnrt visit with Mr. Morgan
land Krank I'urdv and with Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. llaey.
Miis Alhtrta Warner is home from
! ."i.endii g the winter in Denver, Colo,
i She reports a very pleasant winter.
iShe iB well pleased v. ith Hood Kiver
vallev and is very dad to return here
as are her friends to welcome her.
Gertrude Hansen submitted to an
operation for appendicitis last Friday
afternoon in the hospital in Hood
Kiver. At this writing her condition
is rcnorted vcrv satisfactory. She has
munv friends in () Jell who unite in
wishing that her recovery may be rapid
and complete.
Geo. F. Ogden has returned to his
home just soutn of Odell, after a win
tcr spent with his mother in Wisconsin
lie is glad to be here and those who
wish him well are glad he has returned.
Mrs. C. Fflughaupt expects to spend
tins week in Portland.
Shaker Miller will move soon from
the Wheeler property at Summit to the
Scott property south of Udell.
Newton Sexton expects to be at
home on his father's farm after this
The basket ball game Friday night,
Odell vs. Oak Grove, resulted in a
heavy score in favor of Odell.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fflug
haupt, Sunday, Feb 21), an eight-pound
The next meeting of the BOO club
will be held a the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Leedotn.
Parson Poor's Donation Party was a
success, fulfilling the plans of the pro
moters. Their intention was to give
an entertainment in which there might
be financial profit, but in which one
of the mam objects sought was that all
might feel glad and happy und care
free and enter into the program and
the social hour and lunch following
with genuine good cheer. Such seemeo
the case from expressions heard on
every hand. The characters were well
taken, the costumes adding to the in
terest. The cast of characters we fol
lows: Parson Poor J. 11. Eggert;
Mrs. Poor, Mrs. J. II. Eggert ; Peter
Poor, Louis Fggert ; Lucy Poor, Amy
Hagey; Mrs. Dusenberry, Mrs. L. A.
K.Clark; Tirza Ann Tubbs, Mrs. L.
(I. Weinheimer; Mrs. lleebe, Mrs. E.
G. Hagey: Madam Uradfurd, Mrs.
Howard Leedom ; Mrs. l'lunkelt, Mrs.
Harry hmery ; window Sharpe, Mrs. C.
Ptlugliaup; Deacon Plunkett, Mr. How
ard Leedom. Freddie Eggert, Elmer
Eggert, Arvil Matney, Miles Lockman,
Alice Clark, Margaret Heft, Margaret
Miller, Miriam Clark, children visiting
with the Donation Party. The muBie
was of the usual high order rendered
by Mrs. Guy Smith and Mrs. E. 0.
Dutro as vocal Boloists. Mrs. W. F.
Young as accompanist and Mrs. Young
and Mrs. Smith in instrumental duets
contributed much to the evening's en
joyment. The net proceeds amounted
to a little less than $2(1, which will be
devoted to such purpose, as the Ladies'
Aid society may decide upon.
Remember the entertainment at Cen
tral Vale (Dukes Valley) Bchool house
lhursday, tonight, beginning at h
o'clock. There will be a play entitled
"A Case of Suspension" with the fol
lowing cast of characters: Dorothy,
Mary Shuppard ; Mildred, Delia Cam
eron; Alice, Florence Moss; three girls
of a girls' seminary where the scene is
laid. Harold, Archie Moss; Jack,
Charlie Sheppard ; Tom, Walter Nie
hans, three boys from a nearby col
lege. Miss Ophelia Judkins, liussie
Moss; Prof. Oliver Algernon Kdger
tnn, SurnneCameron ; of the faculty.
Kathleen, a ('elite maid, Zona Miller.
Jonas, the seminary "man," l.ecie Al
len. At the close of the pngiam plate
supper Jwill be served, two plates foi
2f cents, anil a good si rial time with
the supper, 'tickets on sale at Purdy
& Chapman's and at Connaway's.
A large crowd gathered at the hall
Wednesday of lust week to learn from
Professors Lewis, Cordley, Jackson am!
lioiiuet, of the O. A. C. practical
knowledge of horticulture, gardening,
etc' Miss Northey and Miss Lottie
Kinnaird, of Hood Kiver, were out in
the interest of the library. The li
brary fund was inci eased $:'' as a re
sult of the dinner served by the ladies
on that day.
A gymnasium class for women and
girls has been organized in connection
with the Odell Athletic Association and
is moving riht along. The class will
have use of the gymnasium Monday
afternoon and evening, Thursday af
ternoon and Saturday afternoon of each
week. All women anil girls invited.
Sunday school 10 a. in. Enworth
church next
cith ber old friends
Have Your Work Done at HOOD RIVER
All kinds of Cabinet Work Davenports,
Cupboard Doors ( glass or panel), Special Size Sash
and Doors; Finishing Lumber, Window and Door
Frames, Mouldings, etc.
Let us figure on your work.
Pnone 3454
Old Armory-
day and visited
ai d neighbors.
Mm. Burriil mother of Mrs. Harm,
attended services at Belffior.t iur.aay
morning. " '
Mis Allen, the blind singer, assisted -by
Mis. Smith, sang . duet, also aolo ,
at Sunday morning service.. " Al'
len, although deprived of sight, has a ,
Rift of a be.utiful voice. 1 heir sing-;
ing wag much enjoyed. j
Victor McFarlard ard 8re !
home in the McFarlard residence at
Belmont. Mrs McFarland and M. B. ,
Potter, mother and grandfather of Vie- j
tor, are expected to come from iorl-
land Monday to stay for a few week, j
at the old home place.
We understaid the Henney ranch1
that wag recently haB 8Ram
charged owners Mr. Powers, who so j
lately moved to the place, will have to
S. G. Oxborrcw will hove charge and
be manager of the dining hall at the j
new camp that has started work on j
Hood river. j
Clarence Finer, B. L. Lappe, w.
Farrell and W G. Sutnerville, are
among the numbar from Helmont
working in Hood Kiver.
The Ladies' Aid tea Friday was a
great success socially and financially.
Miss Regnell. the bride to be in the
near future, was given a towel shower
by the members and friends of the Aid.
A message of love and good wishes was
read from Mrs. H. J. Wood, wife of
our former pastor who is now at Grand
View, Wash.
Our hearts go out in love and sym
pathy to Mrs. Wood, mother of Kev.
II. J.Wood.who is in very poor health at
her home in Pennsylvania. We greatly
admired her as a Christian and friend
of the Aid during her visit here at the
Miss Carolyn Scherrieb was a guest
of Miss Ethel Farrell Sunday.
J. It. Forden returned from Portland,
where he had been on business.
Mr. and Mtb F. G. Church returned
from their California trip. 1 hey vis
ited quite a number of different cities
of the state, their longest stay in any
of them beinc at Long lleach. No
doubt Hood River looks good to them
The West Side Improvement club had
an all day meeting at the grange hall
Thursday. A tine dinner was served
by the ladies at noon. A very large
number were in attendance. The top
ics discussed bv the sneakers were no
doubt of interest to all present.
Mrs. Walter Forrey visited her cous
in, Mrs. Farrell, Thursday.
The New England dinner to be given
by the social committee of Belmont,
will be held in the League room of the
church Friday evening, Feb. 28. A
god program will be given, a good din
ner served from 6:30 to x. iwenty-nve
cents will be the only charge. Let all
the friends of the church and neigh
bors come and enjoy themselves and
help out the committee, socially as
well as financially.
Will Davis' new barn is complete
and the old one torn down.
Hert Adamson, a former resident of
Belmont, was calling on old friends
Sunday. Pert is located on a home
stead near I.yle, Wash.
Don't forget the New England din
ner Friday, Feb. 2S, from 6 '30 till 8
o'clock. Only 25 cents for dinner and
entertainment. Everybody come.
Church services next Sunday morning
as usual.
Several in the vicinity have been
having the grip, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Wells among thu number.
The mail carrier is making his daily
rounds again, which indicates the roads
are improving.
A birthday surprise' by the Sunflower
class was given Miss Anna Godberson,
one of the members, last week, Tues
day evening. Twenty-six were present
and all had a good time. A dainty
lunch was served.
Miss Zue Newman also was the vic
tim of a birthday surprise party Tues
day evening. Twenty-six people were
present on this occasion and a nice
time shared in by all.
J. (i. Jarvis went to Portland last
w ek on business, returningJSaturday
Mr. and Mrs. Perry, from Portland,
were gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Lewis hist week.
Mr. ami Mrs. Tucker, from the West
Side, visited the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. L, C. Sonneman.
A little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Alphonse Mchr February 17.
The W. C. T. U. will hold tbeir next
meeting with Mrs. Mabel Lage, Thuis
day afternoon, March 6.
A government register was installed
la.-t wick by Prof. Lawrence, on the
premises of J. G. Jarvis.
Frances E, Willard memorial exer
l iics were held in the high school room
Feii. 17, when a Dicture of Miss Wil-
l.iriPvvas presented to the school by the
W. 'J. T. U. The president, Mrs. Jeff
ries. gave an interesting sketch of Miss
v 'ii lard's life, Mr. McCoy, the princi
pal, rc-pomling in well chosen words,
others who took part in the program
were Mrs. MacDonald, Miss Godber
son, Mrs. Hunt, Miss Lulu Hunt and
little Kuth Hill. The school children
g.ive songs, much to the satisfaction of
all present. All teachers deserve many
thanks fur their part in making the oc
casion so helpful.
W. E. Chown km a business vi.itor
to The Dalle. Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Faulke returned. to
Portland Tuesday after spending sev
eral day. here with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Mr.. J. E. Cole, who i. at the Good
Samaritan hospital, Portland, i. re
ported a. recovering from the operation
which wbs performed the first of the
week. The little children are with
theii grandparent, in Portland for
few week..
G. P. Morden returned home Tuesday
from Portland.
E. H. Burt returned Tuesday evening
from several week.' visit with his
home folk at Castle Rock, Wash.
WeBley Brown paid a short visit to
friends in Mosier this week.
Lee Evans, Jr., came home Wednes
day evening from a several weeks' stay
at different place, in the Willamette
valley and dear the coast. While away
he attended the winter course at Cor
vallis. Mr. Stalcy, from British Columbia,
visited his sister, Mrs. Park Sturgess,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Cooper were in
The Dalles several days this week.
J. W. Forbes and wife, of Moro, are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Prof. Jackson, of Corvallis, gave a
lecture to the fruit men of Mosier Fri
day morning, Feb. 21.
E. M. Sturgess was in Portland
Thursday transacting business. '
Mrs. H. M. West returned from Port
land the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Masten left for
Beverly, Wash., Friday afternoon, via
Portland. Mr. Masten will conduct a
large fruit ranch there.
Rev. Clark was called to Carleton,
Ore., during the week to conduct the
funeral service of an elderly ladv, and
upon reaching his destination found his
services were desired for performing
the same duties at the grave of a small
child, so he preached one sermon in the
morning and one in the afternoon of
the same day.
Wm. N. Akers was up a few hours
from Portland Friday.
Geo. Chamberlain and Mrs. E. S.
Ertson were called to Vancouver, Wn.,
Saturday afternoon because of the ser
ious illness of their sister, Mrs. Dim
mick. Lee Hunter was a business visitor to
Portland Saturday afternoon.
Dr. Macrum came up Sunday to
spend a few hours at the ranch.
J. M. Carroll, who has been quite ill
at his home near Mosier, is now get
ting much better.
Mrs. E. J. Middleswart returned
Sunday evening from an extended visit
with relatives in the east. Mr. Mid
dleswart stopped in Butte, Mont., to
look after business interests.
Mr. Strauss is planning extensive
improvement, in his store rooms and
building in the near future.
Mr. Vinning and family, 'from Port
land, have moved to Mosier and will
attend to the southwest portion of the
Weber farm.
r.'W p. m. Special
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses Ixiught, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can etvure'flrst -class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture an.
We d' everything horses can do.
service at the Methodist
.-unday school ltl;:!0a. m. Service,
Kev. irov Shellev. sullied. "'-
What the Ceremony Means," ll:;iil.'
('. K. li:30, I .ci ta liowertnan, leader.
service, i :,.(, I.'ev. ,1. li. Hat-greaves,
subject, "A New Vision of Country
Life." At the I'nien church.
An entertainment consisting of a
variety of music, including violin, pi
ami, vocal solus and duets, and gome
good readings will lie given in the
gymnasium i.eU Tuesday nr..
less notice is given otherwise
under the aiispieis of the
leacher association.
I his i-Parent
The many friends of Mrs. Hedrick,
mother of A. K. Hedrick, the principal
of the Underwood school, were pained
to hear cf her serious sickness and
hope for her speedy recovery.
Wm. Orser and James Morby are
busy clearing and making big improve
ments on their places.
After spending a few weeks in Spo
kane Hunter Vintou returned home
Friday evening.
Mrs. E. M. Cummins went to Tort
land Tuesday of last week, where she
will visit relatives for a few weeks.
Harry Stickney was a Hood River
visitor Wednesday, February 19.
Mrs. Love, mother of Henry K.
Love, has just returned home from Ta-
coma, where she has been spending the
winter with relatives.
Mrs. A. J. Haynes has just pur
chased a new piano.
Miss Ruth Cooper came home last
week after spending a short time in
Portland with friends.
While being unloaded a cable weigh
ing 3500 pounds and valued from $500 to
$h00, belonging to the Northwestern
Electric Company, from a boat at
Hood, Wash., recently, fell into fifty
feet of water. A diver was employed
to locate it, but was unable to do so.
Harry Stickney went to Hood River
Friday evening to attend a dance.
The Portland Railway Light & Power
Co. has surveyors out along the Little
White Salmon, it is rumored for an
irrigation project.
The last piece of machinery for the
power house on the White Salmon
river was hauled there last week. Sev
enty head of horses have been laid off,
Snowshoe Club Enjoys Outing
The members of the Portland Snow
shoe Club, who went to their winter
clubhouse near Cloud Cap inn last Kri
day, returned through the city Sunday
evening and departed lor their homes
Monday morning, the snow is still
deep in the remote regions of the Up
per Valley and is piled high around the
clubhouse. Those in the party were:
J. Wesley Ladd, Jordan Zan, David
lloneman, B. H. Wickersham, Merl
LaVay, A. Provost, Chester G. Murpny
and Mark Weygandt.
Mrs. 11. P. Allen is sufferii-.u wilt,
attack of grip.
Miss Mattie Jones has been out of
school a week with grip.
Uufurd Glass is so far n com red fron
scarlet fever that the quataiuitie w,i
raised Sunday. No otlur cares of tin
fever have developed so far as w
know. The Wesi m,i0 M usicala" met
with Mrs. Geo. Galloway, Jr., last
Tuesday. A kitchen shower was givti
Miss lrma Regnell, who is a popular
member of the club.
Air. and Mrs. W. H. Andrews, of Oak
Grove, week guests a' the bume of Mr.
and Mrs, Will Farrell Sunday.
Mrs. Sherman Frank, of Avalou
Way, attended Ladies' Aid tea Fridav
Mrs. F; Baker atteided the tea Fri-
W. II. Gentry, who has been spend
ing tho winter in Portland, returned
last week.
M'ss I'alma Hagen, who has been
g in town, has returned to her
M's-; Ihssie Cameion has been on the
-iik list the past week. Miss Delia
has Ken taking her place as central.
Hi,' Holes children, of Odell, spent
Sunday w ith the Cameron children.
Miss Kuth Clark visited with the
Miepi a, ds a counle of days last wppk
"inainlcr "A Case ot suspension"
u the s,'houl house. Thursday, Feb. 27,
at eigi t o'clock. The admission price
he 25 cents and 15 cents. Refresh
nicrts will be sold alter the e:itertain
mmt. The cast of character, is a.
follow: Kathleen, a Celtic maiden,
Z'i-.a Miller; Jonas, the seminary
"mini," Lecil Allen; Miss Ophelia Jud
kii's, of the faculty, Eliaibeth Moss;
Prof, uiiver Algernon Edgerton, of the
fx'uiiy, Sumner Cameron ; Dorothy,
Alice ami Madred, young ladies of the
mir.itrv. Mary Sheppard, Florence
Miss and Delia Cameron; Harold.Tom,
Wk, undergraduate, of nearby col
'''". Archie Moss. Walter Niehans,
Charlie Sheppard.
M:s (: a Hannen underwent an
operation fur appendicitis at the Lot-
"ige hi)pitid last Friday, ner uwuiu
ent in w,tl, her and will remain sev
eral davs. Gertrude stood the opera
tion well and is getting along nicely.
p .... entertained the La-
dies Aid 'nf the, M. E. church of Odell
Causes Much Disease
Advice about Stomach TroublaSi
and how to reliev. them.
Don't neglect indigestion, for it
nay lead to all aorta of ilia and com
plications. An eminent physician
once said that ninety-five per cent of
all ills hara their origin in a dis
ordered stomach.
Our experience with Rexall Dys
pepsia lublets leads us to believe
them to be one of the most dependable
remedies known for indigestion and
chronio dyspepsia. Their ingredi
ents are soothing to the inflamed
membranes of the stomach. Rich
in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the
greatest digestive aids known to
medicine, the relief they afford is
ery prompt. Used persistently and
regularly for a ahort time, they tend
to relieve pains caused by stomach
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help
insure healthy appetite, aid diges
tion, and promote nutrition. As
evidence of our faith in them, we ask
you to try them at our risk. If thej
do cot give entire satisfaction, ws
Vill return the money you paid us
without question or formality. Three
aires, 25 cents, 60 cents and $1.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tableta
In this community only at our store:
. a a
Hood RtverlTie j3CU Jtore Oregon
and city in to Vnited Btaten, Canada
Tner II I n-mil f tor in Marly every town
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall
Remedy for n-r!v every ordinary hnnu iU
each especially designed for tha partiouiaf ill
fur which it is recommended.
The Raaall St or- Br Amarloa's Cnatast
Drug Stars
Spring's Comin'-Are You Ready?
WHEN Spring work starts, as it soon will, you
should be prepared. This means that all vour
implements, wagons and machines should be
in perfect repair. Look them over NOW, and if you
find anything that needs repairing bring it to us.
We Make a Specialty of Repair Work.
Grubbing Tools
Of all Kinds
We have not let the grass grow under our feet during
the winter months, but have been engaged in manu
facturing a complete line of
Grubbing and Land Clearing Implements
You can find here whatever you may need in this
line and of best, most substantial workmanship.
Wagon Parts Replaced
If you have a broken shaft, pole, or any other part of
your wagon, don't throw it away. Bring it here and
we will make it as good as new for half the price.
Power Blacksmith and Wagon Shop
Phone 2611, 4th St., North of Cascade Ave.
goes a long way from
the stockyard to the
butcher's block. Its the
quality that tells in the
end. Meat may be fresh
and yet not be first
is the standard we set for our customers. We buy
the best, and sell at prices within the reach of all.
Home Telephone Co.
Cooper's Spray Fluids
Tested practically for three years in Oregon, and clean trees
from San Jose scale, fungus scab, antracnose and pear blight.
247 Ash Street, Portland
d. Mcdonald
Hood River
We are Now Taking Orders for
Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes
Would Advise Ordering at Once
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon
SUGAR - $5.75
West Moreland Syrup, - Quarts, 4Cc
Halves, 70c; Ones, $1.35
Saratoga Drips - - . Halves, 65c
Wild Rose Honey - . Halves, 80c
Pelican Molases Quarts, 40c; Halves, 70c
Tea Garden Quarts, 30c; Halves, 50c; Ones, 95c
Snider s Catsup . . Per Bottle, 25c
Oyster Cocktail Sauce
Gallon Jar
Per Bottle, 30c
Cash Grocery
at her home Wednesday afternoon.