HOOD IMVKh (JLA'IRU. TUTKSPAY. JAMJAtti 3. lau Your Druggist Stops That Itch If you ar ufferlnr from EcMm. I - -. - ...... L.n.l nf Bkin riuiiBwi mnj wiiiri .. v. trouble, drop Into our ntir for !nstxn rvlief. We will guaranty you to atop tliot Itch In two seconds. V have ioll otti. r r-m1le for skIo troubles, but none that we could recom mend a hiulily this, a mild ash of Oil of Wlntrri.rn Thymol auil a fw clher Intrre-ilciita that have wronvhl aurh Wunurlul curea all uvrr the coun try This compound ! Vnnwn a rHD prescription for Kcaena and It will cool l end r.M.1 the Itcby. burnlnf skin nulhtntf else can- A tnslwiil prove it Of course all other drue!t have nil n l'if'riition ko to ll.t-m If you ran t con.r 10 uk hut don t accept aoi" bii-'-pruiit substitute. Put If you come to 'ur store, we are .oVeY-ainof what Pl.r, :ll do f;r yo,, that we offer you a full bo' tie on -!,. Kuaiun.rr.- f y"' do r..,t t nd that It lake. 'y the Itch AT C.M-I 1 orta you not a cent. t,l K CASS. lru!fKlta Butler Banking Company ESTABLISHED 190 Capital One Hundred Thousand Dollars SAVINGS DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES LESLIE Bl'TLFR, President TRUMAN BUTLER, Vice-President C. H. VAUCHAN, Caahler f F.B.SNYDKR B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing Co. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING 0 Tinning end Sheet Metal WorK. Caroline En gine. Pumps, Rama. Repairing Promptly Attended Estimate Furnished. Office in Davidson Building Phone 68-X Third and Cascade Westinghouse Heating and CooKing Apparatus ' Electric Irons Frying Pans Disc Stoves Toaster Stoves Always In Stock at Moderate Prices. Let Ua Show You. Rartmm Rldf BAILEY & COLBY Phone 60-x j ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS A New Year Resolution you will never regret Ih your de cinion to let us do your baking for you instead of doing it yourself. You will like our breud, rollfl, cakes, etc? And you will alno like the extra leisure and Ihe freedom from linking worry that our bak ing will afford. Better have us commence nerving you at once. 3 6 Loaves for 25c Ask for Tickets HODEL BAKERY Fourth And State Hood River, Ore. FRIDAY OPPOSES BIG FAIR APPROPRIATION BEN IIUR IN PORT LAND NEXT WEEK (E. F. Friday in The Oregonian.) At a citizen and property owner of Hood River, would it not be better for me to have $.V,000 expended in our town than in the town of nxmnci Ana as a Mate would H noi ne Dcuer 10 pnend that sum of money witnin our borders lor someuiniK m "" and permanent, than to put it Into an exhibition tuiiuing in on rumutu, i be soon turned over to a wrecking crew and razed to the ground? Are we so flush with money as that? If this state does construct a building there, what shall be put into it to ex hibit? Apples? No. Our apples'must be handled by brokers with capital and exnerience.and who are well esahlished in business in ine rsi t.uiui. The consumer of apples has nothing to say in ths matter. He takes what the grocer offers him at the lowest price commensurate with quality. The same is true with prunea and other fruits and hops which grow in this state. Our fish cannerson the Columbia and elsewhere have nothing to gain by ex hibiting their products with a huge mass of other stuff in San Francisco to a string of pleasure seeking sightseers. The canners' product is tried out on the consumer's dining table all over the world by the consumer himself. The lumber business of this state ranks first in the volume of business. We all know that they have to find an outlet of their products thiough well established and reputable houses, lo cated in favorable places, determined by railroads and other lumbering sec tions. And it is up to these retail houses to show up the good qualities of this lumber to people who are in need of it, and to the actual consumer. This is a wool-producing state. Should our woolmen spend money for a wool exhibit at the San Francisco fair? No. They can put their money to bet ter use. Let them build a woolen mill with their money within the borders of this state and manufacture their wool into cloth which we as loyal citizens will buy of them, and again keep our money at home. There is not one sin gle reason or excuse for our legislature to make an appropriation for the San Francisco fair. If a small pavillion as desired for Oregonians to meet in, well and good, that is all we need. Let us inveBt our money in develop ing our own state. Our city streets and our country roads need vast sums of money for the proper development of this state. We need it lor our irri gation projects, experiment stations, agricultural school, insane asylums and other state institutions. These things need our support, and we can then point to them with pride to our friends and visitors who come to see us. I do not think much of state aid for roads, but even that would be far better than investing our money in a building in San Francisco. Snnnose this state appropriated $5(10,000 for a state road from Portland to the Iduho line, and the states of Idaho and Wyoming continued this road to a junction with the National highway from the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast. Would this not be far more remunerative and enduring than a tern porary fair building equally. as expen sive at San rrancisco: Haven t we city parks everywhere that sadly need improving, which would be an attrac tion and an inducement for strangers to locate among us? If our taxpayers will vote down a bill carrying an ap propriation for our university and other state institutions, what will they not do with a bill carrying an appropriaton for a building at Kan rrancisco.' Spectacular msgnificence. dramatic s p endor and religious ecstscy are the most notable concomitants of Klaw and Erlanger'a International production of "Ben Hur," which will be the offering at the Heilig Ihestre, Portland, the week of January 27. During the thir teen years which have parsed since the original presentation of this noble drama, its owners have no; only kept itjup to its original grsi.deur,.but have elaborated and developed the possibih tes of the production each season, un til today it standi unrivaled In beauty and splendor of establishment, unsur naggeri in rf,..!;, niirnificance and Dower. It .. the "last word" of the stage craft of the nineteenth century and Into the new see it Drougni a Big ness and rjerfWiinn which will remain the standard for decade to come. Dealing- with the earth Hie 01 jesus, the most imn,.i.n( nennd of history. Ben Hur'1 ihn.i the world at its most wonderful noint in magnificence and wealth, for Rome ruled the world and Caesar Anontus was emperor of . I ... . . .1. U n I IDB miffnilo.t realm me canu uau known. Into tiiis time of display and pomp came the lowly Nazarene, the Christoa fnr uhnm the nation had lonced. and it this nersonality of Jesus that, rwrmeatine the fabric of the Wallaci.Yniini drama, makes It I sermon as well a a drama of tremend' ous significance. The reverence with which the Imminence of ehrist is indi cated has made "Ben Hur" a religious naseant. whiln the sween of the story of Ben Hur and Messala, Esther and Iras, carries audiences off their feet, the culmination of the dramatic plot beine the chariot race, wherein Ben Hur conauer and deerades his enemy Nothinc more realistic than this scene in the arena of the Circus of An tioch with Ben Hur and MeBsala con testing for sunremacv has ever been imagined by a dramatist or executed bv a producer. The race enthralls be cause on its outcome deriends life, love, honor, - riches to the victor: and when Ben Hur receives the victor's crown of wild olive, audiences applaud with the greatest enthusiasm. "Ben Hur" matinees are announced for Wednesday and Saturday. The prices for all the performances are 50 cents to li. Mail orders win receive promDt attention. Seat sale opens Thursday, Jan. 23. This is the fourth visit of "Ben Hur" to Portland. Rich Hair Long, thick, heavy hair. Want this kind? Ayttt Hair Vigor promotes growth. Does not color the hair. Ask Your Doctor. tJLr AVOID THE BIG. RUSH . . . FOR . , . Day-Old Chicks By placing your orders early. Day-Old Chicks Breeding Stock EGGS FOR HATCHING . . . FROM . . . S. C. White Leghorns W. P. Rocks S. C. Rhode Island Reds and Indian Runner Ducks ' We are arranging to furnish our custom ers with exceptionally fine Baby Chicks an J Ducklings HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. NICKCLSCN, Prop. Sec Poultry Yards it Friaktoa PHONE 3282-1 WE desire to thank onr patrons for their share of business they gave us the past year.; We shall especially try to please you the coming year. Our stock of Groceries are Fresh and Up-to-date. If you are not trading here now, it will be to your advantage to give to give us a trial. "THE BEST THINGS TO EAT" - WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD, Proprietor. Phone 7 Free Delivery M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SCRGEOS Is nnnared to do any work In , tba veterin ary line. lie can be found by calling at or pnoningio ciarie arug iiore. n. SQUARE DEAL" WOOD MEM The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOiS. D. CALKINS SUGAR-$6. NOTICE THESE QUOTATIONS ON OUR NEW CROP CANNED GOODS Del Monte Solid-Pack Tomatoes 2 for 25c, $1.30 dozen, $2.50 case Standard Tomatoes - - - 10c can Fancy Maine Corn $1.60 doz., $3.10 case Standard Corn - 3 for 25c, $1.95 case String Beans ? 2 for 25c, $1.25 doz., $2.40 case Canned Peaches - - $1.75 dozen Don't forget our $3.50 Canned Milk E. E. RAEiSSER Cash Grocery A (ilrl's Wild Midnight Ride To warn people of a fearful forest fire n the Catckills a young irirl rodo horse- hank at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious but lives are of ten saved by Dr. King's New Discovery n curing lung trouble, coughs anu colds, winch might have ended in con sumption or pneumonia. "It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung disease," writes W. K. Patterson, of Wellington, fex., "after four in ojjr family had die.l with consumption, and I paint d S7 pounds." Nothing so sure and xafe for all throat uml lung troubles. Price f0c ami $1.(10. Trial bottle free. Guaran teed by Cbas. N. Clark. NEW FIRM SUCCEEDS G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. The firm of Roberts & Simms has succeeded that of ti. Y. Edwards & Co., who deal in valley real estate The new firm is composed of C. T Koberts and L. C. simms. Mr. Rob' erts has had valuable experience as an orchardist. He is now making: his home in the city. Mr. Simms, who a brother-in-law of Mr. Edwards, the retiring member of the old firm, has been associated in business with him here for the past two years. He was formerly in the real estate business in Oklahoma. The firm of G. Y. Edwards & Co. has been one of the most active deal ing in real estate in the country. Dur ing the past two years they have handled for their clients property the aggregate value of which reaches a halt million dotluxm." During me past year they acted as agents in more real estate deals tnan any otner nrm in me valley. Mr. h.d wards quits tne nrm oecause of ill health. He has been in Portland and Roseburg for the past two months. Mrs. Edwards and daughter will join him in Portland, where he will remain the balance of the winter and spring for medical treatment. Mr. Simms has had active charge of the business for the cast 18 months and is well ac quainted with all real estate conditions in the community. We wish to notify our patron that we are still in business and are able to furnish any kind of wood they derire at the most rea sonable prices. Thanking our old customers for their patronage in the past, and soliciting new ones to give us a trial. Deliveries made in Targe or small quantities. City license to do team work. GEO. W. HOWARD & SON Phone 330-M 16th and Cascade r . 7, CK,,f,f It-enur fT About Substitution If yon wanted to buy oak lumber and the man delivered yellow pine, jou would know the difference. If you wanted to buy silk and they sent you calico, you would have no trouble in seeing the substitution. It Is not to easy, however, with medicine. A great many medicines look alike and taste alike, BUT THEY DON'T ACT ALIKE. Just think this over the next time you want medi cines. Remember that at our store you can absolutely rely on every drug we sell. The difference between buying medicines and merchandise is the difference between knowledge and be lief. You know the one but you have to believe in the other. You will be absolutely safe w hen you put your belief in us. CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy New Schedule Mount Hood Railroad No. I A. N. Many Hear Maude Powell Many of the music lovers of this city and valley journeyed to The Dalles last rriuay evening to hear the noted American violinist, Maud Powell, who appeared at the Vogt theater in that city under the auspices of the Spinet, a musical organization of the neighbor ing city. Those from this city attend ing the concert were: Mrs.-'J. u. Mc Cully, MiHses Mora furrow, l.eila Hershner, Leila Kadtord, VVilma Ihom- son ana Mrs. ueo. w. inomson, liar- old Hershner, Homer Wood, Clifford Rosa, Herbert Phillips, Miss Nettie Allen, Mrs. F. G. Hutchinson, Miss Ann Vannett, Mrs. Mae Gilbert, Clar ence Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lu cas, Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Miss Sewell, Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Kanaga, Miss Louise Halvcrson, Miss Frieda John son, Miss Meda Carter and Miss Stell Richardson. Mrs. McCully remained in The Dalles for several days to visit friends. one Tar N ( ut the High Cost of Living W. II. Chapman, Winnebago, Neb., tells how he did t. "My t vo children had a very bad cough and Ibo doctor's medic lies did tin' in no good. I got bottle of roley a Honey and Tar Com pound, and lieforn it was all used the children were free and cured of their cough. I saved a doctor's bill for 5c bottle of Foley's Honey and Compound. No opiates. Chas. Clatk. ; Water Delinquents Form Fund The average monthly income of the city water department from penalties of patrons, who fail to pay their water rent on or before the tenth day of each montn, amounts to the sum of rJ!). After the tenth Miss Johnson, the su perintendent of the department sends statements to the tardy, who fuming ai meir negligence pay their bills After the fifteenth of the month the water may oe snui on. in such cases it costs the sum of one dollar in addi tion to the regular bill to hav it turned on again. WOMEN WILL DISCUSS SCHOLARSHIP LOAN On Wednesday, January 29, the Woman's club will have their next meeting. This will be "Scholarship Loan Fund day." Mrs. J. P. Lucas and Mrs. William Stewart have the afternoon in charge. It wil be an at home to all the members and their lady friends. Everyone is requested to bring their small change along with their work bag and thimble. There will be s short program, light refresh ments will be served, the afternoon will be pleasantly spent and a large attendance i.s requested. On Wednesday, January 15, the club held its last meeting. Mrs. J. S. Booth had the afternoon in charge. After the business meeting Will Chandler rendered a violin solo, accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Slocom. Mrs. Sarah Evans Pettinger gave a reading on education of children and the necessity of the public play ground for their comfort. 8 00. I OA. g 16.. H .IS. 8 40. 9 Ii6. 9 16. V l. 9 46. 10 10. 10 15. 10 40. 10 46. Effective 12:01 A. M. (Sunday. Hept. 8, . 1912 STATIONS Lv Hood River Ar. ...... Hoterdale Switchback.... A , Vn Hum Mohr Odell Hnmmlt Blnucher Wlnans x Dee Trout Creek Wood worth Ar Farkdale t,T. No. 2 f. M. . to .a so . i .2 10 .u ft ,.2 01 .1 6(1 .1 43 ..1 33 ,.l 80 .1 IS ,.1 OS ..I (10 A. WILSON, Agent. ,1,1,ll,Htl,llHtHlMn;,.Hi For Sale One second-hand 30-horsepower boiler, 1 25-horse power engine, 1 30-horsepow r Westinghouse mo tor, 1 soft mud brick machine. All in Good Repair I A. T. ZEEK 111 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 Ml 1 III H H-M- Westerberg Buys Fine Bull Gus Westerberg, of the Hood River Fruit Growing Co., at Summit, has t'ust purchased a thoroughbred Jersey iull in the Willamette valley. The animal was sired oy the noted King Seventh, a bull that sold at one time for $15,000. Mr. Westerberg will devote a great deal of his time to stock raiding. When given as soon as the cronpy cough apieNrs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy wll ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use ii snecesMfnlly. Sold hy all dealers. Congregational Church Notes "The Advance," the Congregational organ of Chicago, states that Rev. E. I.. Ilousg, D. D., who recently resigned his pastorate in Westminster church, Spokane, is to join with Dr. Geo. R. Wallace, his predecessor who has been pastor at Toledo, Ohio, since leaving Spokane, on a lecture tour. They ex pect to tour the coast cities and spend a year in the east, then tour Canada and Europe. Dr. House will lecture on psychology and Dr. Wallace on lit erary subjects in the afternoons and preach in the evenings, where they visit. Dr. Poling, who for a number of years was pastor of the Congregs tiona! church at The Dalles, has ac cepted the pastorate of the Pilgrim church ;in Portland, where he has been residing for the past few months.. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Kem 'tly acm on this plan. It allays the ciiiik.li, relieves the lungs, opens the se cretions and aids nature to restoring the system to a more healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. Hood River District Elects The land owners of the Hood River Irrigation District have re-elected the following officers for the ensuing two years- E. E. Stanton, Frank Fen wick, R. w. Kelly, A. O. Anderson ar.d E. W. Sweaney, directors; Paul R. HuRhes. assessor; il&Dart, collector; J.J. Gibbons, treasurer. Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or dimp, or chronic rheumatism, ami require no iuternal treatment what ever" Apdy Chamberlain's Liniment freely and se how quickly it gives re lief. For saltf by all dealers. W.J.Baker&Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm . Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON Read This PP Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture, Stoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings We will take your old furniture or stoves in exchange for NEW GOODS. O. P. DABNEY & SONS Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter . Agents for Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges PHOXE 248-K Cor. Fourth and Stats Sts. The Highest In the City in quality and the lowest in. price are what we claim to offer in meats and poultry. Make us make that claim good with a trial order. We will both be benefited by Ihe transaction. HVC Green Trading Stamps THE SANITARY MARKET ii E. M. Holman iSyti THE HEIGHTS PHONE 79-X WOOD and COAL Slabs-Fir-Oak Agency for Genuine Rock Springs COAL A. C. Lofts PHONE SIO-X COTTAGE HOSPITAL Hood River'st Medical Institution Open to the public for treat ment of Medical and Surgi cal cases. A Maternity Ward la maintained in the Rigby House, just east q. the main Hospital. RATES ON APPLICATION Address Cottage Hospital Assn. SP We GiVC Green Traing III fen Stamnft Stamps ELITE GROCERY J. R. KINSEY, Proprietor New Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Green Vegetables, Flour and Feed Delevery Hours: iVest' 8 and 10 A- M" 4 p M ( East, 9:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M M Bell Building Phone 231 iB Raid On Our "Ball-Band" Footwear! n This winter weather is sending in almost everybody who needs rubber boots or arctics. Get voura while our stock is complete. No Other Rubber aa Good At J. C. Johnsen's the Hood River Shoe Man