flOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, J ANT A ft Y 03. 1013 Hood River Banking and Trust Co. W transset ipneral banking bunlnen and own oar own banking property Interest paid on time and Savings dpuaiu L. A. & A. P. REED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Two Doors North of Postoflke Phone 41 DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER. OREGON. ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 1 and 3 Mall Building Hood River, Ore. GEO. R. WILBUR Lawyer Rooms 14 und 15 Hall Building Hood River - - Oregon DR. EDGINGTON 1121 Twelfth Street, The Heights HOOD RIVER OREGON E.O. DUTRO, M. D. Office Smith Bldg., Hood Iliver Phone 71 , Hours 1 to 4 P. M. and by appointment Resicence, Lewis House, Udell Phone Odell 193 Calls promptly answered in town or country day or night. E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 35 Office in National Res. 35 B Bank Building Dr. Malcolm Bronson Office in Eliot Block Office Phone 4 Residenc phone 34 J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, SO; reldence,30B . BURGEON O. K. 4 N. to. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYBICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answer 3d In town or country, Day or Nlgbt. Telephones: Residence, 16: Office, 16B. Office In the Broslus Building. Da. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp Osteopathic Phvsicians Graduates -f the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office in Elliot Block. Home Phone 102 lies. 102-B H. D. W. PINEO,D.D.S. DENTIST Ro ms 4, 5 and 6 Telephone Smith Building 131 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. 1)ENTIST Telephones : Office 28 ; residence 28-B Office over Butler Bank, . Dr. Justin M. Waugh EYE, EAR AND THROAT Office in Eliot Bldg 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. L. A. HENDERSON, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Formerly U. 8. Land Surveyor, Philippine Islands. Two Doors North of Postofflce Phone 41. MURRAY KAY Civil Engineer and Surveyor Broslus Building R. R. Bartlett ARCHITECT HOOD RIVER, OREGON Hellbronner Building Phone 61 SURVEYING and BLUE PRINTING P. M. Morse Hellbronner Bldg. Hood River office for Newell, Gossett & Walsh, Consulting Engineers of Portland. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD K1VIR, OREGON. E. W. DARK Contractor and Builder Estimates on Request Phone 212 K FREDERICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS MM forth all klaU W wait A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brosims Block Wire Wound Continuous Stave Wood Stave Pipe KELLY BROS., Agts. PHONE 227-M Fourth Street Between Oak and State ODELL Mrs. EE. Gould left early last week for a two weeks' visit with friends in Portland. Mrs. Harvey Kemp left Wednesday of last week fur a visit with friends at Mosier and The Dalles. A very interesting game of basket ball was played in Hood River last Friday night, when the Odell Athletic Association team played II. K. H. S. first team, resulting in a score of 26 to 20 in favor of Odell. 0. A. A. second team played II. R. H. S. second team, the score being 14 to 13 in favor of Hood River. This was a good, clean game throughout. The lineup follows: O. A. A. first team: VV. Sheppard, Davis, forwards; C. Sheppard, center; Lewis LafTerty, guards. H. R. H. S. first team: Noble, Swartout, for wards; Blagg, center; Johnson, Mc Guire, guards. O. A. A. second team: Mcllroy, Etisminger, forwards; Krohn, center; Hale, Trusty, guards. We did not get the lineup of H. R. H. S. sec ond team. Odell library is proving a very grati fying success. A dinner was served the day of the election for proposed bonded district and 12 was added to the library fund as a result. This amount was applied on tNe purehasa of 'one dozen library chairs. Only a very snort time was taken to plan for this dinner and those who were not asked to contribute at this time will be given an opportunity at some future time when refreshments are needed served. Over one-half the books are out, and this is as the management desires. Fifty-three hooks were out last Friday. Remember, library days are Tuesday and Friday each week, one hour after noon and evening. Remember also this library is absolutely free' to every one in the community. E. G. Hagey came home Saturday evening, returning Monday to the big dam at.Underwood, Wash., where he is employed teaming. L. A. E. Clark returned Saturday evening from Stanfield, Ore. He in tended remaining there another two weeks, but snow and bad weather pre vented continuing pruning. The quarterly meeting of Pine Grove charge will be held Saturday,- Febru ary l.in the Methodist church al Odell. The hour has not been decided upon. On Sunday morning at eleven o'clock Dist. Supt. H. O. Perry will preach. Rev. Perry is a splendid speaker and every one who can should be present on Sunday morning, February 2, and hear him. Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Boyce and daughters, Ruth and Bertha, of John Day, are here for a visit with Mr. Boyce's sister, Mrs. P. L. Smith and brother, J. E. Boyce, of Barrett. Mr. Boyce has been in the mercantile busi ness eight years and is taking a vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce and daugh ters leave soon for Portland, from which city they will go via the south ern route, and they expect to arrive in Washington, D. (J., where they will at tend the inauguration ceremonies at the time Woodrow Wilson becomes president of the United States. Sunday school 10 a. m. ; Epworth League 6:30 p. m. ; service by pastor, 7:30 p. rn . . at the Mehtodist church next Sunday. Sunday school 10:30 a. m., Christian Endeavor 7 p. m., at the Union church next Sunday. "The melancholy days have come, I he saddest of the year, When snow does fall, and sometimes rain, And one carrier does not appear. Along the river road, Through Odellway and Willow flat, Along the course he should pursue, The patrons all stand pat. They know his path is not rosy, But better yet, the snow so white. Makes sleighing that with one and all Is cause for pure delight. Sometimes they go to Hood River And ask for Udell s mail. They find the carrier's gone his way And they follow on his trail. But soon or late, 'tis all the same; Thev reach their homes to hnd He's never seen Odell that day, Nor had their wish in mind. There is. a call that some will heed While others fail to hear And Duty, who should guide us all, Would make the way all clear. We'd solve these puzzling problems That yearly we must meet, If every one along the route His neighbor thus would greet: "Now let us first be very sure Ihat we have done our part; Have snoveled snow from our mail Dox And are fair and just at heart." And if the carrier would treat His patrons in the way He would that they might treat him, And bring the mail each day. Should he fail to make each box each day, , Ihen the patrons duty is plain. A notice to the postmaster Is the way we should complain. Now as regards this matter Let us not be given to despair. There is a way we'll find it: Service for all or none, lis the only way that's fair. BELMONT. Miss Ella Oxborrow visited at the home of Miss Louise Forrey Friday after school. Mrs. Sawyer spent a few days dur ing the past week visiting at White Salmon, Wn. Will Metcalf returned from Portland Sunday. J. R. and Mrs. Nunamaker have gone to eastern Oregon, where they will visit relatives for a week or two. Eileen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Downing, who ha" been quite sick, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Gillis took advantage of the snow and enjoyed a sleigh ride Saturday. Misses Madelaine and Constance Sawyer entertained the basket ball team of Frankton school at a chicken supper Saturday evening. Mrs. Elmer Isenberg has one of her brothers visiting her and attending school at Barrett school. Mr. and Mrs. Lape and children were guests at J. W. Davis' home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ehy had their lit tle folks out for a cutter ride Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Somerville and two lit tle granddaughters were callers at the home of Mrs. M. P. Isenberg. Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. S. G. Oxborrow, Belmont's tal ented musician, will play the pipe or gan at Asbury M. E. church in the fu ture. They are to be congratulated on securing such a player as Mrs. Oxbor row. Ladies' Aid tea at the borne of Mrs. Forden next Friday afternoon. Every one invited to attend. Snow, snow, and plenty of it. Sleigh ing is good old and young are enjoying it these moonlight nights. BARRETT. Miss Maude Seaton was ill several day last week. Mrs. W. E. Cauller entertained the Ladies' Aid Thursday. There were 29 in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. J. A'. Bennett enter tained informally Wednesday evening in honor of the newly elected officers of the church. The following were present. Messrs. E. C. Scotland, Roy Samuels ; Misses Vernon Shoemaker, and Gladys Reavig ; Messrs. and Mes damea Clymer, Sweany, Smith, Myers, Gibbons, Cauller, McCabe, Peugh, , Murphy and A. A. Bennett. The Christian church is planning a revival meeting to begin February 9. Mrs. Wm. StaufTer has been spending a few days in Portland. Albert Gibbons recently made a trip to Portland. CENTRAL VALE Mr. Hansen and daughter, Gertrude, went to Hood River Thursday to meet Mrs. Hansen, who returned that day from The Dalles, where she had been visiting friends. The voters of the neighborhood went to Middle Valley Tuesday to attend the ditch meeting. Miss Mry Sheppard went to Hood River to attend the basket ball game Friday. She returned Saturday. Al though more could not attend the game on account of the inclement weather, all were glad to hear of the victory of the Odell team, especially as two of its members were from Central Vale. Robert Scarlett with his fine bobs gave great pleasure to a party of young folks, who gathered on the schoolhouse hill Thursday night and enjoyed the coasting. , Archie Moss'was a Hood River caller Friday. Walter N'iehans returned Saturday from Hood River, where he has been enjoying himself for some time. Ray (-reason is in Hood River,. where he is detained on business. UNDERWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lowden are spending the week in White Salmon. Miss Katherine Hewitt spent a few days with Mr. R. J. Rhodes last week. Holland Cash was in Stevenson Thursday to take the January exam inations. Mrs. H. S. Adams returned Friday night from an extended visit with her relatives at Cascade Locks. Miss Ruth Vinton made a business trip to Hood River Saturday. The county comiBsioners have the plans completed for a new high water dock 650 feet long, which will be a much needed improvement to shipping facilities at this point. The business in the E.A. Franz store has so much increased tha,t it is neces sary to employ extra help. The North Bank railroad is experi encing some trouble on account of snow and washouts, the trains not be ing able to run on scheduled time. The condition of Allie Adams, who suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, is much improved. The Hood River-White Salmon ferry has suspended operations on account of the ice in tkb Columbia river. HOSIER. Ralnh Duvall returned Mondav even ing frnm 1 nrlpnpndpnrp. He will Dack his household goods and return to the valley Saturday aftrenoon. At thn tplpnhnne mpptinff held Tues day aftrenoon the following gentlemen were cnosen to conduce me anairs thrnuzh this veer: Dr. Robinson. C. J. Littlepage, Geo. Chamberlain, W. K. Chown and b. A. Race. V. R. Brooks and J. M. Elliott were attending to business in The Dalles Monday. Jno. Wellberg is spending some time here with his family. Mrs. A. Kuhn left Tuesday for a week's stay in Portland. Mr. Mayer and Mrs. b. J. Weller were pssengers to Portland Tuesday. Wednesday evening about 30 persons were gathered at Lamb's hall to spend a few social hours in honor of Mr: and Mrs. Alex Stewart wno left Thursday , for Milwaukie, where they will reside.' Games were played and refreshments were served. All enjoyed the evening and after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Stew art success in their new home, adieux were made and all turned homeward. Tuesday evening the officers for the new term were installed for the I. O. O. F. lodge as folluws: Gus A. God berson, N. G. ; Oscar E. Wilson, V. G. ; C. T. Bennett. R. S. ; Elmer Root., F. S. ; Dr. Robinson, treas. Lunch fol lowed the work of the evening. Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain was shopping in Hood River Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. J. Brooke and daughter left on Thursday fdr their home in Chicago, after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Goss, Mrs. Brooke's parents. Mrs. Lizzie Newman, of Portland, spent a few days this week at the home of Mrs. V. C. Young. Born Wednesday, January 15, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Strauss. B. L. Sellinger and Ira Evans were in Hood River this week. A. L. Sundborg, who lives near Salem, paid a short visit this week to Mosier, and old friends. Harold Stoltz, who has been in Port land, is home again for a few days' stay. Mrs. J. E. Higley and son, Joseph, j spent Friday in Hood River. j Clarence Dunsmore went to Hood River Friday afternoon. j " Mrs. T. H. DeBussey attended to business in Hood River Friday. The following parties went overland to The Dalles Friday evening to bear the Maude Powell concert: Ira Evane, F. Munroe, Ed Burt, Leo Higley, Les lie Root, Ralph Conley, Geo. Chamber lain, Hugo Birkner, John Wellberg, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Bickner, Mrs. Wellberg, Mrs. R. Graham, and the ! Misses Irene and Olive Fisher, Marie Shogren, Grace Higley and Nada'Clark. ; Mrs. C. H. Dunsmore and Miss Lur line Fisher went up on the evening train and returned with the sleighing party next morning. Mr.and Mrs. L. D. Firebaugh and B. D. Loomis returned Saturday from Portland. ! J.E. Carpenter was up from Portland Saturday between local trains. G. K. Hunter and daughter, Mary, of Alsea, arrived Friday evening for a visit with relatives. Mrs. R. H. Kemp, of Odell, visited her brother and sister and their fami lies during the week, going to The Dalles the latter part of the week for a fedays' stay with a sister. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is mont effectual for eddg, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug, lor tale by all dealers. Special Low Prices on Winter Goods This means that all broken lines of Winter Goods have been placed on seperate tables and reduced to Special Bargain Prices. NOW is the time to fill in your Winter Wants. Ladies' Wool Hose, 25c value, the pair 19c Misses' and Children's Wool Hose, 25c value, pr 21c Ladies' Ribbed Underwear, 35c value 27c Children's Heavy Wool Ribbed Underwear 39c Dr. Denton Sleeping Garments, 50c value 35c Broken sizes in Men's Woo! and Extra Cotton Fleeced Underwear, now reduced Below Cost Great Reductions in all Men's, Ladies' and Misses' Artie Overshoes, in one to four-buckle. 9 Buy where you can get the Best Goods fo'r the Least Money. ARMICHAlU THE STORE OF SATISFACTION ON' THE HEIGHTS Oregon Lumber Co. Dee, Oregon ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETO. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANTITY Both Phones HOOD RIVER J. M. SCIIMULTZKH ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing SURETY BONDS "Accuracy" Office in New Hellbronner Building Phone 23 3C WE HAVE JOST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF f 0 Nitrate 01 joaa. AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS coiR to ns mnrarr for WOOD.FIBERED nriTPWT AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon S3 0 C Have Your Work Done at HOOD RIVER BY THE CASCADE MILL All kinds of Cabinet Work Davenports, Cupboard Doors (glass or panel), Special Size Sash and Doors; Finishing Lumber, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, etc. Let us figure on your work. R. B. BRAGG HOOD RIVER WHOLESALE NURSERIES Sell Direct to PUnten At WhoUsle Price We have a fine lot of Hood River frrown trees, including inch variet es as Yellow Newtown, Spilzcnburu, Ortley, Delicious, Jonathan, Winter Banana, etc., d'Anjou and Winter Nellia Pears, Prunes, Peaches, Apricots and general line of Nurery Stock, at greatly reduced prices. .V .V .v Strawberry flnts - IF INTERESTED WRITE HOOD RIVER WHOLESALE Estimates Furnished ABSTRACT CO. F. A. Bishop is Our Motto HOOD RIVER. ORE. mot arc 01 raasn n HOUSE PLASTER A1MTI T.TTvrr. M Pnone 306-X Old Armory 1 OO per I.OOO NURSERIES, Hood River, Oregon fa WW REACHED TO PORTLAND THENCE TO THE LAND OF PALMS A PLEASURE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ASK ANY AGENT OF THE O WRSN TO HEIP OUTLINE YOUR TRIP JJ) J, FRESHNESS AND QUALITY is the standard we set for our customers. We buy the best, and sell at prices within the reach of all. HOOD RIVER MARKET Land For Sale 1 have about 1,000 acroH of No. 1 Apple Land, most of it under ditch at per acre up In tracts from ten ncron up. J. R. STEELE Hood River ... Oregon We are Now Taking Orders for Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes Would Advise Ordering at Once Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO. extends a cordial invitation to you, personally, to call and open a checkinK account. Any amount will open an account in our savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfac tion. HOOD RIVER BANKING AND TRUST CO. OFFICERS AND DIRF.CTORS M. M. Hill, Prcsi.lent W. W. Kkminuton, Vice-Prus. It. W. Pratt, Cashier Ctms. G. Pratt, Wilwm Fiko, W. W. Remington, C. II. Struimhan torage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 5 '4 MEAT goes a long way from the stockyard to the butcher's block. Its the quality that tells in the end. Meat may be fresh and yet not be first-, quality. in prices ranging from f GO Dr. M. A. Jones DENTIST FORMERLY OF HOOD RIVER Now located at 245i Washington Street U. S. Dentist PORTLAND, ORE