The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 09, 1913, Image 6

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Del Monte Solid-Pack Tomatoes
2 for 25c, $1.30 dozen, $2.50 case
Standard Tomatoes - - - 10c can
Fancy Maine Corn $1.60 doz., $3.10 case
Standard Corn - 3 for 25c, $1.95 case
String- Eeans
2 for 25c $1.25 doz., $2.40 case
Canned Peaches - - $1.75 dozen.
Don't forget our $3.50 Canned Milk
E. E. K A EiSiSE R
Cash Grocery
Lights at Reasonable Prices
Tiil Hydro-Electric Co., does not want
the consumers of electrical energy for light
ing or power purposes to pay for the plant
monthly, yearly or bi-annually, they only
want a fair, reasonable price on a live and
let live basis; and are not asking its custom
ers to buy our competitor's plant, nor any
one to pay them a price with which to buy
our plant; all we have to sell is electrical
Hydro Electric Co.
A Home Company
rhone 134 Third and Oak
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk
Home Telephone Co.
Now About Pavements!
The most sanitary, humane, durable and the
cheapest in the long run are
Stone Blocks
Made at Home in Hood River. See Sample at Dr. Brosius Block
We are Now Taking Orders for
Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes
Would Advise Ordering at Once
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon
'--BIBLE -study -on-
,n u ,o n.uu lUir.F !
ir. . , fruw h-juj uf SinlluuU to lue
Gsnens 1:2&2:25; Psalm 8 Jsn. 12. . ,.ollHt of xurwiJ Ue revels lu tu
UW difTert'iit llie statement re- j iiorui ami Teaiij 'J"ve rual' of
Ds.ti tiui; mini's crvaiiou from ; tin- iwa. Tht? 1hUj Ims ttre?n left.
Unit (lesi -rihiiitf the ireation of j yellow eyr au(j a did""' ti,'ai1 1T'
plants mid the lower animals ; eivd with a yellow WP- '' ,ts
hIim li tlie sens mid the eiirtb UroiiRlit ' villi; Ik three feet I"1' aml
forth: M. in s creation was iircinruitiit- j Is bo stiff ai,j m, .troii;: that U feai
J. i.ud deslt-'inil iiinu to Ik; kiiiii over 1 no em-iiiy tint the friuale I'lrd.
she e.iitli. lie as to he liss Creator' The filiate u,,, j tlie terror of the
i:i'iie. lint in ilivslcal form, but In birds of the sea. tliim-" llt? ls-'lu,res
mora! and Intellecliiiil qtuililiea resetu- but the Ixioby. owim! t" the breadth
hhiitf his ("rent r. a Spirit ISeiui;. A j of bis win, the friale cannot Bsh;
wo read, "(ioil created man in U!s own he Is forced to remain In the air. Hut
imaue." .Vol a word here can he roll- us he cuniiot get tih In tlie air and
strucd us imlyiiij; the evolution of ,' lis he requires fish fr hs uourish
iiian from the lower creatures. j nient he presses the booby Into his
A Fa", Not an Evolution,
So far from teaching Evolution, tti !
llitile teaches the
ver) reverse. St.
I'aui declares, "l!y
one man's disobe
dience sin entered
into the worid,
u:nl death us the
result of sin. Tims
death passed upon
all men. because
nil are sinners."
(It o in h u h ,ri I
The llllile repre
SP" i
c .jv
t I
sents inn n a s 'lum created to be
.. , . . king ol tartk.
the masterpiece of
mundane creation. God pronounced
titui "very Rood." Nor could we esteem
It just that any but n perfect being
should he placed ou trial for life .or
death everlasting.
Not Two Creation Accounts.
Higher Critics claim that Genesis 2
is another account, written by a dif
ferent person, giving a different order
of creatiori-mnu created first, then
trees, beasts, etc. To us t Ilia Is fool
ishness. Moses, having described crea
tion in lis logical order, merely partic
ularizes Koine of his previous state
ments. He declares (Genesis 2:4) thnt
he has already described the genera
tions or developments of things heav
enly and earthly from "the beginning."
before there was any plant life. He
mentions that nt that time there was
no rain, lie again assures us that man
was God's last creation, to be the king
of earth; and he proceeds to give nn
account of man's creation, go different
from that of tlie lower animals and
vegetation. Mint was not erulird, but
God's handiwork. He was not spirit,
but llesh. formed of the dust of the
ground, with the spirit of life common
to all earthly creatures. Tlie Hebrew
reads, literally, "In his nostrils the
breath of lives" the breath or spirit
of life common to all breathing crea
tures, Man Originally Sexless,
The details of human creation Imply
that Adam lived some time alone and
sexless. Some Hlble tdudents Infer
from the chron-
ology that It was
two years from
Adnm's rrentton
unHI the expul
sion from Kden
BiWs&f f "ier uie oeinu
f'A' sentence. The
V' -XA I ; ;Vf. cause for the di
vision of Adam
Into two persons
Is stated: the
earth was to be
UivtitM ol Adam into populated With a
(.to tmrfi. n.t of ,,! pe.
cies. and amongst nil the creatures
tioue was suitable as companion and
mother of Ills offspring. Thus again Is
shown that Adam was distinctly dif
fercnt from apes and all other crea
tures under his control. He was in j
the likeness of his Creator. Other :
Scriptures show us that It Is the HI- j
vine purpose that the. sex quality in j
humanity shall be dropped.
The division of Adam Into two
parts left the headship with the male. !
but deprived biin of some of his I
pathetic ipiallfies. His wife had less 1
of the masculine ami aggressive traits;
, but the two were perfectly adapted to ;
j each other and fulfilled each other's
ideals, The fall from God's favor has '
affected both sexes, producing ex
tremes of coarseness and effeminacy, 1
and robbing the marriage relationship '
of Us Ideal happiness. Tlie Institu
tion or resurrection to be brought 1
about by Messiah's Kingdom will not '
mean the restoration of sex pcrfee-
tlons, but the gradual perfecting of j
each individual in the image of God.
By One Man's Disobedience.
Note the consistency of the Itilile
theory which necessitated the division I
of one man Into male and female. God 1
puiKised that the entire race must
proceed from the one man. He fore- !
saw sin and provided for man's recov- j
ery. If two or more individuals had
sinned. It would have required just as ,
many redeemers, according to the 11
j vine Law, "An eye for an eye." a j
man's life for a man's life. God in '
tended only one glorious Itedeenier,
therefore the entire race sprang from
one man-Adam-that "as by a man'
came death, by a man should come :
the resurrection of the dead."-l Corln- ;
thlans l.VJI. i
becond Adr,m and Second Eve. I
Adam and In some respects fore- '
shadowed Christ and the Church. ,le- !
siis. personally, Is the Great Savior, ,
whose death constitutes the liatisntn- :
price for the entire race. During Ills '
Millennial Ueign He will give back
earthly life to Adam ami his posterity. '
Hut before reiifiitmtiii'i the world God 1
, has arranged that first from the j
I wound In Christ's side, figuratively, an !
. Fleet Church shall be formed, to be i
, the sis-oiid Kvo. on the spirit plane, ns :
He Is the Second Adam. The Church
will l.e the mother of humauity during
the Millennium.
(MY. X. Time Table.
!, Fast Mail (Mail Onl W.4 a
7, 1'ortland Local T a.
11, Soo-Spokane -Forthim! (.:;," a ln
ft, Ore. A Wash. Fxp.,.. 10::i;! ,'
1, Portland Local. 8-iMp In
IT, Ore. A Wash. Limited 5:4 ! n .
2, Pendleton Local m (M t i,.
IS, Ore. A Wash. Ltd U:.V,a' m
X, The Dalles I.i. h!
10, Fust Mall (mail or.M S-'t , m'
, Ore. and Wash. Kxp."..ld-.'.-, p. m
l- Noo-Spokane-Port 10: top m
J. 11. FREDRICY, AL'iit. '
. ... cvin vjif
H. M.rc.lMi Me'.
The blij i11" leav, ,na
brimd sran, wbei-e bw ui,rsu rr u,l tw..,.. n. .. . . In I tn I'aroeS
service. When huncry he swoops
,wn ulM'i the hoobj nn-l Riven It
vlgormm thrill in the throat. Then
the booby's month o'iis and the tlsh
caught In It drop out. Tlie frigate
has only to give one peck at the
booby's throat to p-t his dinner.
It happens occasionally that the
booby attacked by the frigate has
nothing In Its mouth. When the
frigate necks In vnln he belabors his
slave with hl henlt and drives him.
bru,8w' and terrified, into the sea to
And Why Candle or Lamp Light Ap
pears White to the Eye.
There la a relation between the colot
of flame and the energy of the combus
tion causing it The more vigorous and
complete the combustion the higher the
refranglbllity of the light A flame
burning in a tardy and restricted way
emits rays, that are red. When burn
ing in a more complete and effective
manner the emitted rays change to vio
let The flame of a cmidle or a lamp con
slsts of a series of eccentric luminous
shells surrounding a central dark core.
These shells of flume emit light of dif
ferent colors, the innermost one thai
In direct contact with the dark core
being red and having a temperature of
exactly 077 degrees I'pou this and
in their proper order of rafranglbillty
are shells of light which are orange,
yellow, green, blue, Indigo and violet.
The reason that such a flame does
not appear to us as a nest of cones of
different colored light Is this: When
we look upon such a flame all of the
rays issuing from the different layers or
strata of concentric luminous shells are
received by the retina of the eye nt one
anil the same time. This can only im
press with the seusation of neutral oi
white light.
The Nine In the Calendar.
The ligure It, which came Into the
calendar on .Inn. 1, INS!), will stay with
us 111 years from that date, or until
Dec. 31. I'.fttO. No other figure bns evel
had such a long consecutive run, and
thu 0 Itsulf has only once before beeu
In n rare wiiieb lasted over a century
thnt lu wWoA U continuously figured
from Jan 1, Hso, until Dec. 31. 0!.
period of 111 years. The figures 3 and
7 occasionally fall luto odd comblnn
tlons, but neither of (hem has ever yet
served fur longer period than a bun
dred consecutive years in our calendni
since the present mode of calculating
time was established, it is also deal
that from their relative positions
among the numerals It Is an lmpossl
blllty for either of them to appear In
date reckonings continuously for a
longer period than a century.
Nation With No Language.
The Swiss, alone of all the peoples
of I he world, may. In a sense, be said
to possess no language, a fact that Is
all the more remarkable In the light
thnt theirs Is the most Intense patriot
Ism of any. About 75 per cent of the
population speak German, while the
vmaimlrr divide four other languages
among them, mainly French and ital
inn. these tongues varying, as a rule,
according to the proximity of the peo
ple to the country whose Inngunge
they speak. Public documents and
notices are printed in hoth French and
German. In the Swiss parliament the
members make their speeches either
in French or German, for nearly all the
members understand both these lao
giinges.-Xew Vork Fress.
England's Motto.
"I'leu et Mou Drolt"-"God and My
Country" tlie royal motto of England,
wns the parole of the day given by
lilchard 1. (he of the lion heart! to his
army at the battle of Glsors, lu France,
on the 20tu of September. 111)8, when
the French army was signally defeoted.
i'ieu et nion drlot appearsto have been
tils! !ownm...t aa n motfn tip flenrv VI.
(, U(,,( g r dem..Alwnys
the Same"-was one of the mottoes of
Queen Elizabeth; also adopted by
Queens Mary aud Anne. Exchange.
A Substitute.
"Pardon me. gentlemen." said the hr
dividual who had Just moved into the
liitie town as he entered the grocery
store, "but is there a chicken raiser
"Why don't yon take an ai?" asked
the villa Tallvratid. "A razor will
lose its edge If you use It on a chicken.
Knew What She Was Doing.
Nell Oh. Jack. I wtsh you could
have seen Mllly this afternoou. She
ilter.-i!!y tinew herself at Jack Wright.
Jack Ah. well she knew he was
good catch.
Jo know the disease Is the com
uieiuemeut of th cure.-Don Quixote,
I The Annual Stockholders Meeting
; of the Farmers Irrigating Company
I will be held January Uth, 1913, at 10:00
j a- m., at the Commercial Uuo Hall, to
'elect seven directors to serve one
i year, and to transact such other busi
; "ess as may legally come before the
i meeting, Yd stockholders arc urged
I to be present.
Ky order of the Directors.
d!')j Secretary.
1 AiounfcWorld
CRUISE by th
Leaving San Francisco Feb. 6
Vliltlcf famous C1tla snd Countrle en a
palatial etamtilp wblrh lervea ss yoaf
kuteU ETery luxury and comfurt loaurtd.
i ios.t S6:x
lnrlmtlnt alt tweeaeary eipeusee sBuat and
Sfttiora, railway, csrriaKfS. hotels, (uldaet
fret; also railroad fan to snd from foot
bom, with the prWUrfr of returning troia
Hamburg oa B. 8. Imperator.
Otter Crsiaee to rte Wert Mitt mi
Psneme Carnal.
Write) far Illustrated booklet.
low rowel! direct. Sail t-ranosco, Cal.
R. W. Pratt, Local Agent
Agency for Genuine
Rock Springs COAL
A. C. Lofts
phone aio-x
Popular jMechanics
A GREAT Continued Story of the
World's Progress which you
may begin reading at any time, and
which will hold your interest forever.
The "Shop Notes" Department (20 pa?es)
Kives easy ways to do tluna how to make
useful articles lor hume and thop, repairs, etc.
"Amateur Mechaniea" (10 pages) tells how to
make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, boats,
engines, magic, and alt the tilings a boy loves.
Ask your newsdealer, or
SIS W. Waahlnxton St., CHICAGO
Successors to Davenport Harness Co.
We have moved our (dure of
business from our former idea
tion across tliu Ktreet to tlie
new lie 1 1 building. Our new
quarters, with uitieli larger
tloor spare, enable us to bet
ter accommodate our patrons
anil to display to better ad
vantage our inerfuH.'d stock of
Harness, a d d 1 e s, Whips,
Robes, etc. We have added a
handsome line of liamlba:?,
tirips and Suit Cases.
Real Estate
A Hieelily of City I'ropcrty, Residence
Lots, mid Smalt Tracts Close In. For
Bargains cull ou or address
Hood River
Home Phone 117. L
Nursery Stock
Hood River Grown
Fiist Class . ,
A Few Dwarf Apple,
Pear and Peach
C. D. Thompson
to Creditors
In Ihc Couuty Court of Hood Klver Couuty,
lo the nmter ' f !h 'estate of Lam A Shonquest,
Notice in i. i. ijy slvpn In compllsnce with
law that the tnuiers-iiineil hns In-cn apiointed
sdmlnlstrHtrix of tne e.ts.te nf Laura Slioo-
HllNt. (tiHVAe't. All icrf.(His ItHVlni; clslms
HKHmsf saui -stie Hre rn)iiiieti to prrtm uie
same, duly ventlrd hs r.ntilrt tiy law, to tile
undersigned al iiie onxv ui ui.rtft h. niiDur,
Ksj., U and if llsll lllivk, Hond Klver, Ore-
i;m),Kitiiiu ate iiHiiiiib ireiu tin- tute hereof,
to-wlt, J annuo H'l:.
iau.a i. mcMAiN,
9fS AdiiilnlMmlrlx.
Notice of Settlement
In tlie t'mirty Court of the State of Oregon,
lor iioou tiiver t ouniy.
In the matter of thei-Mateof B. K,Ty ker,
rnronnnt to ord r of !he Hon U. R Castner.
CU!iiv JuU 'f the aliove entitltt Court.
fted voc. '24, ICtJ. police is hereby eiven that
Monday, January -Till, lul.t hi the hour often
o'clock, . ni., on wild ohv, Ht the tut,ty
Court Koom, in the City of Hhk1 i:iver. ie
Son. lias been rlie,l tty std Ciurt ss the time
and plM lor the hearing of the flivl Hccount
of the uudei:sned administrator, with the
will annexed of the estate of B. R. Tncker. do.
eMl; that sll pnMns Imvlns djectlonh
thereto may tie present at snld time and pltuv
and be heard titereou
This noth-e Is nutii shed for tour sneeesalve
weeks prior to a!d dny ol flual sett lenient In
the Hood Kiver tCacier. s weekiy iiewspuper
of eiierl i ireulat'ini. the 1a;eot first nubli.
cafiou belnie llie'A'tb day ot lecemtier. liil.
J. it. rnAKl,
AJuiiultrtr wilh tue will annexed
d Jit ol ILo shove eatate.
Election Notice
Notice Is Hereby gltea that no the Wtb day
. I JanoHia, 1 . la Knat ro.k Imsslioa Los
trwt, lu Uood Klver Cjunr, tsoue of Oaeoo,
a si eclal election sill te held for the pnnxwe
of aeierrtilfintf wlietheror not snl-J Ka-1 Fo' k
lriiy.iilu' District, the boundaries o( whlcH
sie berelnaitct described, shall be o n .1
under the provlMuns a aa Act uf the Uls
ttve A-M-aibl of ttie - late ol or iron, aiu, -d
Kehiuury 6: IW5, ben. Cuara-r VII, Title
XLI, ol Loid'aortgoB Laws, beet ui t lu7 to
- 7, b(tti Hie QHir. ol km id Ihwm, ami the Ael
an:eu.lairy thereof, including Chpt t2iol
tn - Ui nerul lj.a ot iirevon lor I 'll; thul for
ti rnri us of aaid eleel h n sad Irriealion
diHrici lou i-u aud la divided into live ciec
tloo preciucts, to-wH: '
I'Ktl l.NtT so. 1.
I ridiict No. 1 in, nn rises all that Dart of
d irrlual'on aisinct l.iinn bouid ol the
' lo-t'ustilp lin la.-iwe. ij tffu iishipa one north
; sr. 1 two uiMih. an.l Is ideutiCfU Willi iiivlaioa
; M'. , ol aalil district.
', 1 HKIM T KO t
I'reilnct Nn. 2 comprises all that part of said
iMiUHtion nistrict ini'itnie.i in aectiou :si aud
ai In town-hip 2 north, tane H K W M , snd
s etioii" it',, .Vi and i In township 2 norm,
ranifelOK W M., und Is Idenileal wilu Divi
sion No 'i, of said dist P.'t.
-Ut.CIS(T NO. s
Pieclnct No 2 comprise all thai part of said
lrrli:aiion distrirt in. iuded in sf,-tiuns 15. is.
2a. Jl, V.i, ;'n Hi, i, :n "lid x In township 2
north, lanee 10 I:. W. M .and Is Identical with
Ulvlalon No. :i, of mid district.
fHaCINCT 0. a
PrectiiCt No. 4 comprises all thnt psrt of said
Irnsailoii distrl included In sections J 1.
H1, ol i;i and IS' t of 14, township 2 north, range
m r.. w.i , aua section iw aud or section
H. towpsl ip north, rsnire 11 K. VV M., and Is
Identlcui with IdvuupD Au. 4 ot said district.
HK INIT ho. 6
rreejuct No.scou.prinsall that part of said
IniKiiilon district lyina lorth of an east and
rest line (extended to interaect thelsaindarles
ol suiu dlsinctl rtinnint; tliniuirh thecenu-rs
of actions 11 and U in township'.' north, r nice
10 r.. vi . .0 , aim is lueuticai wuu Lilvlaiou
No. i of said district.
That the polling or voting places In ecl of
sain pre mrts are aim suau oe as oiiowa:
1'reciucl No. 1, at Warden's Mill,
rreciuct No. 2, at llaseuient of Udell M, E
I'recluct No. 3, st Hnrnett's Applehouse.
frwdnct No. 4, at fine (irove Ursniie Hall.
I'recluct No. a, at A, 1. Mason s Applehouse,
That said special election will be held at
ei-ht o'ciiKk in theinornlngand willciaatinue
until seven o clock in the afternoon or said
dny; that the qualified electors ol said district
at said special election will he required tocast
halols which shall cuntain the words: "Irri
gation Ulslrlct, Yes'' or Irrliratton District,
,-o or woros e(iiiviiieni inereio, winch bal
lots shall also couialu theuaioesof tlie oer.
sons 10 be voted lor 10 fill the various elective
offices provided by said Act; that such elective
unices are as lollowa:
One Assessor, lo be elected by the qualified
voters ol said district.
onei'ollecior, to Is) elected by the qualified
voters ol said district.
One Treasurer, 10 he elected by the qualified
voleisol suld district.
One l'irector, to be elected by the qualified
Voters of Illvhdon No. 1.
One Director, lo he elected by the qualified
voters of Division No 2.
one Director, tobeeUeteJ by the qualified
voters ol Division No. S.
tine Director, to he elected by the qualified
voters of Division N , 4.
One Director, to be elected by the qualified
voters of Division No. 5.
That said Irrisntion district bns heen mid la
designated by order of the County Court of
li'Kiu niveri ount.v.ortKon.nsuie-tvisi Cork
IliiK'.tii.n Distiict,"aiid the boundaries there -01
eslahrshed and defined as tollows:
lleKiniiiiiK Hi a poiul In the east and
wesi center line of the northenst qnurter
01 secuon i: lownsnip 1 north, range 10 east
W. M , In Hood Klver Comity, Oregon, 5J0
feet, 1110 or less, easi of tne southwest corner
ol Ihe noithwest quarter ol the northeast
qninSerol suld seel ion, said point being In the
center line of the main canal of the fcast Fork
Irrigation Coinpiiny, tlience west fiSHI feet,
moieor Itss, to Ihe quaitt r-sectlnn line run
:ilng nortli and south Ihrough tliceenter of
suiu seciiou'.T; liience nortli to a point :M0 feet
north ol Ihe center of section -2, to vnship nil
range aforesaid; I he nee west to the west line
01 the HL'4 or NW'a of said section 22; th nee
nortli t:!2o liet, 1110. e or less, 10 the east line of
Ihe county rond; tlience norlheafUerly along
the eiiol line of said county road to the south
line ot section la, tovvushto and range al'ore
sai''; thence west to bnuihwest corner of SK'
of ', of suld is. 011 m 1 j; theme nortli to
nnrlhaest corner of 01 HW K, of said see
lion 1,1; thence east to east Hue ot suld county
road; tlience nortliely along the east line
of said con lily road to a point due
east of the center of section 15, tow-rtshlp
and range, aforesaid: thence west l;uu feet,
more or the center lineof Nex's lateral:
thence northeasterly along the center line of
sani isex s lateral to uie east line of the 8WW
"r ne.vj 01 section id, township and range
nioit-Ksiu; iiieEMuoriu ui l lie lion neasl cor
ner of ssld 8 W4 of sii.;i4 of aaul section lu;
thence east WO leet, more or less, to the center
line ofthe main canal of the ssld Kasl Fork
Irrigation Company: tlience northerly along
Ihe center line ol said main canal to the quar-ler-secllon
line running east and west through
the. center of said section 10; thence due norm
1 ilO feel, more or less, to the center ol A reu s
lateral; thence westerly along the center line
ol sal i Aren's lateral 2 in) feel, more or less, lo
the east, lineof the coiinly roud. said is'lnt
being lu the N K'A o: NV '4 of si Id section 1 1:
thence along the esst line of said cotiniy rosd
In a general northerly direction to lis Inter
section with Ihe center Hue of what is known
as the Odell lateral of slid Kcst Folk Irriga
tion otnpany, said point being In Ihe Nfc
ol the HW'i ol stctlou 3, township and range
alo esald; thence along the center Hue of the
said Odell Isteral lu a general northerly and
tlieu noi thweslerly direction to Its Intersec
tion wllh what Is kuoun as the Summit lat
eral ol said company, mid point being In the
west line of tlie MVV'4of N K.'i of section 2a,
township 2 noi th, rauge 10 cum of the Willam
ette Meridian; thence along Ihe center lineof
said Huiiiiiill Inteial in a general northerly
and Ihen soulhwcsterly direction to a p;ilnt
In Ihe east line ot the county road, said point
being In the HW ol NK' of section 2t, town
ship and range aforesaid Issl atsve; thence
along the enst line of said county road in a
general south westerly direction loa point la
the south line ol the HV, ol HVs4 ofsald sec
tion 21: thence west to the east line ot the
stream of Hood lliver; tlience along the east
lins ofsald stream of liooit Kiver lu a general
northeasterly direction to a point iu the
ii'-rtft and south center line of tli" HK'.4 of sec
tlou i, lownaiilp 3 north, ini;e 10 K., W. M.;
tlience north to Uie east line of siild stream of
Hood lover; tlience along ihe east line ol said
stream ol llisid Klver to a Klnt In Ihe north
lineof Ihe ISK.1. of NK.1, of said section ;
inenee east, tn me norinensi eollier or t
oi Nr.1! ol sunt seetion; thence noirh i
Iheesst line ol the county road; Ihenieu on:
the east line of suld county road In a gccrnl
northwesterly dire 'Hon In a point in t tie
souih line of the rulit tif way ol the Ore.-on-W'asiiiiiKtou
Railroad A Nuvitrniion Cmi. liience aloiiij the suivh line, of sm.i
ilxht of sy of saiiirion-W'ahlui',loii km,,
road ,v NaviKalioo Company in K,.p,,.r:i
easterly dlrecilon to a point In the uorih and
soulh center line of section S , tnwnaMp 8
north, raime 11 K , W. M ; thence soujii lo the
northeast corner of the K't of N W',4 of suld
seclioi.31; thence west to tne norm west cor
ner of Ihe SK'jof NW'j of suld sec-Ion; 1 hence
sonih to the soulhwi si comer of ihe SKV. of
N ofsald section; I hence esst In the north
west corner of Uie land ol VVlll'uiu w. Koss,
UK) feel, more o'sp; thence soutii 1 1 th east
ud west center line of ihe N K1. ol ,SW'$ of
suld section; theme east to the nortli mid
south center lineof taid section; thenc- south
to the aunt h west corner of tue .SA"4 ol HK'i of
said section; thence east lo a point in the
center Hue ol the Nnl creek lateral ol said
Kiist Koilt Irrigation Company aforesaid
tlience aloutf the c nter line of suiu Neai
I'reek laleriil In a general southerly direction
to lla Inlet sc. l:oi: i i li Ihe ct tiler line of what
i auow ii hi i ue rsneiiey lateral or salil com
tltttlV llloroUltl. Suill IWlIni lul,nr it, l.n S U'l
ol HW ot section 6, tow nship mmh, rane
II K..W..M.; thence along the renter line of
said (Shelley laieial in a general westerly di
rection to Its intersection with Ihe ceuterllne
oi w-riKi is mown as uie central l iteral of
said company aforesaid, sild point heinir iu
the south line ol'llie NVi of SW4 ol section
I, tow nship 1 north, rauue lu K , W. M.; ihence
along llieisjiiter Hue of said Central Imrn i,
s general westerly and southerly direction lo
os iinc'si-cfoii won rue center line or ihe
iiisiu canni oi sain conipsriy alore-aid, w htcli
said point is likewise ihe Intersection of
uie ccmer line oi ine ieal Creek lateral
Hfoiesald. with the eeuier Hue of said ma n
canal, wnicn intersection Is In tne S& of
isr.-4 oi set-lion 111, 1. 1 .,. I, (Q r .
theuce southeasterly along the center line
oi snm .stni i reea lateilll lo Its III terst CI ion
wlin the renter Hue ol what is known as the
Hhoades Isteral. which nmot is in ti,u
ot NK', of section II, lOH ijsiiipaiid range last
fa-tore mentioned; liience souihwesie Iv along
the center line of said Hhoad a Isleral to its
Intersection w lin llieivnier line of the ea'd
main canal, which noun of Inlersectlon Is in
lheSK'4ofSK'4 ol stcMon 10. town.hlp ant
range lnl nieiuioned; ttteuc souiherly along
tiicvenier line of said main canal to ihe pine
ol beginning, conlsinlng 12 i ncrea, more or
WITNESS ihe Honorahirs O. K Castner
touuty Judge, andt). A. Mocurdy and o II'
Klmadea, Coinmisslnners, and the seal of the
County Court for Hood Kiver County, Oregon,
this iih day of .NoveMiiier, ii ia, "
County Clerk.
j dl2j!l
Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and
Fourth Street Between Oak and State
In th Circuit Court of tfa Stat of Oiwon, for
th County tA Hood River.
iiixgrn fiheppard. admirtutraitar, PlalntilT.
Alfred C. Farrcl An3 Burt Van Hiorn. Defend
ant. To Alfred C FamI and Burt Van Horn. Defend
ant :
In the name of the State of Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby required to appearand an
swer the complaint tited aaint you tn the above
entitled suit on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first publication of
this Summons, which date is hereinafter stated,
and if you fail so to answer or appear, for wan t
thereof the plaiittitf will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in his complaint to-wit:
r or judgment against the defendant, Alfred C
Parrel fir the sum of Sixteen Thousand ($16,
0i.o.0o briars, with interest thereon at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the first
tlayof 5evte:nber, Kight Hundred (JJ-dOuo)
lAliars aTtoniey's fees and the cost and tl is bu rue
men I a of this suit,
For a decree foreclosing1 that certain mortaire
described in plaintiff's comolmint herein, to-wit:
That morUtaxe executed and given by said
Alfred C Karrel to secure the payment of a prom
iMiory note in the sum of Sixteen Thousand i$ltj,
Oui.UiJ Dutlars, which mortKatre is recorded on
page lid in Volume 6 of the Records of Mart
KaKes of Hood Kiver County, State of Oregon and
covers that pmperty situated in the County of
lioud Kiver. feiate of Oregon, described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the East line of Sec.
84, Townships Ni-rth nf Uanire 10. Kat of Will
amette Meridian, 68 rods South of the Northeast
corner of the Northeaut quarter of the Southeast
quarter of said Section 34: running thence South
22 ixdB, more or less, to the Southeast corner of
the Northeast quarter of said Southeast quarter;
thence Weft along- said South line hu rods, more
or less, to the Southwest corner of said Northeast
quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence North tsu
rods, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said
quarter quarter; thence Kant on the North lineof
anid quarter quarter rods, more or leas
thence South 4i rods; thence East 17' i rods
thence South 13 rods; thence East A) rods to the
place of beginning; containing 2b acres, more or
Also 2 shares of the capital stock of the East
Fork Irrigating Company, a corporation; together
with all water-rights pertaining thereto, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thertunto belonging, or in anywibo ap
pertaining. And for the Hale of said property upon execu
tion to satiafy plaintiff's claim and mortgage and
such judgment aa he may recover in Jthe above en
titled cause.
For a decree that the said defendant, Alfred C.
Farrel be forever barred and foreclosed of and
from alt right, title and interest in or to said
properly and that Uie said defendant Burt Van
Horn be adjudged to have no right, title, inter
est or lien in, to or upon said mortgaged premises,
or any part thereof adverse to the lien of plaint
iff's said mortgage and that he be forever Imrred
and enjoined from setting up any right, title or
claim of title, hen, or etaim of lien tn, to or upon
said mortgaged premises or any part thereof and
that plaintiff may have such other and further re
lief the Court may deem equitable.
You are hereby served by the publication of this
Summons in accordance with an order of the
Hon. G. H, Castner, County Judge of Hood River
County, State of Oregon, duly made and entered
herein on this 26th day of November, 112, which
said order prescribes among other things, that
you shall appear and answer said complaint on or
before the expiration of six weeks from the date
of the fii-Ht publication of this Summons, which
date is the 2th of November, 1912-
n2Sj9 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Hood River.
George Shcppard, Plaintiff,
Alfred C, Farrel and Burt Van Horn, Defend'ts.
To Alfred C. Farrcl and Burt Van Horn, Defend
ants: ln the name of the State of Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first publication of
this Summons, which is hereinafter set forth, and
if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for judgment and
decree in accordance with the prayer of the com
plaint, to-wit:
For judgment against the defendant, Alfred C.
Farrel for the sum of Four Thousand ($4,000.00)
Dollars, together with interest, thereon at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from the first day of
September, 1911; for Four Hundred $4uU.0tM Dol
lars attorney's fees and the costs and disburse
ments of this suit.
For a decree forclosing the mortgage described
n the complaint here.n, to-wit:
That the mortgage executed and given by the
defendant, Alfred C. Farrel to the plaintiff here
in on the first day of September, 1911, which was
recorded on page li of Volume fi of the Records
of Mortgages of Hood River County, State of
Oregon, for the purpose of securing the payment
of a certain pomissory note in the sum of (MOOO,
00 and which said mortgage covers that land sit
uated in the County of Hood Kiver, Slate of Ore
gon, described as follows;
Ui;ginning at a point on tho East line of the
West 1 . of the Southeast', 4 of Sec. Hi, Township
2. North of Range 10. East of Willamette Merid
ian, ils.5 roils North of the South line of said Sec.
34: thence West parallel with the South line of
of said Sec. 34, 80 rods, more or leas, to the West
lineof Kaid West ,la of Southeast W, thence
Nort)ial"ng the said Wegl line of West
'a of Southeast 41.5 rods. more or
less, to the Northwest corner of buid West ot
Southeast thence East along the North line of
said West 'a of Southeast 4 80 rods, more or less,
to the Northeast corner of tho said West H of
Southeast l4, and thence South along the East
line of said West oi Southeast : 41.6 rods, more
or less, to the place of beginning, containing 202-i
acres, more or less.
Together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining; and for the sale of said prem
ises upon execution to satisfy plaintiff's clain and
mortgage and such judgment as plaintiff may
recover in said suit.
For a decree that the said defendant, Alfred C.
Farrel be forever barred and foreclosed of and
from all right, title in or to said real estate and
that the defendant, Burt Van Horn be adjudged
to have no right, title or interest, or Hen in, to or
upon said premises or any part thereof, adverse
to the lien of plaintiff's said mortiraira and tht
said Burt Van Horn be forever barred and
enjoined from setting up any right, title or
claim of title, lien or claim of lien, in, to or upon
said mortgaged premises or any part thereof and
that plaintiff may have such other and further
relief as to tne Court may seem equitable.
You are hereby served by the publication of
this Summons i. .-ordance with the order of the
Honorable U. R. Castner, County Judge of Hood
River County. Oregon, dulv made and vntml
herein on the 26th day of November. 1912. o;K.i-h
oi ler prescribes thnt you shall appear snd
un.wcr said complaint on or hei'oro tli Mvin,iir.n
f "is weeka from the date of the first publication
"f this .Summons, which date is Ihe 28th day of
.ovi-iiiu.t, ariz.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
fo- Hood Klver ounty,
.ma vl. Krliart, liaintiff,
J. F. Minkler, Defendant.
ToJ. F. Minkler, delendant above named-
In the name of the .Slate of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and ar.swer the
complaint oi the plainlill unw on Uie In the
above en til led court and cause, on or before
the 4th day of January, 1(113. And If you fall
so to answer said compiaint the nl ilntill will
apply lo the Court lor the relief prayed for
therein, towit: A Judgment in favor ofthe
plaintiff and against the defendant for the
sum of J5iK).0i), with Interest Ih.reon at the
rale of a per cent per annum from the lStlj
day ol June, 191 1; tlie further sum of7S00 at
torneys fees and the costs aud disbursements
of this suit. That that certain mortgage
made, executed and delivered by defendant
lo plaintill on the 2nd day of November laid
on Ihe lollowlug described property towlf
Ud (i) Hour. And Ihe Southwest a Quaiv
ler of the Northwest !4 Quarter, of Mceilon
i,ii..ii.,iii lownauip (i) une, iNortn Kanse
11) Eleven, East W. M In Hood Kiver
County, Oregon.
To secuie the payment of said snns, be
foreclosed and said real property be sold up
on execution for the iurpoaeot satisfying the
sums aloresaid; and If, after said sale and ap
plications 01 Ihe proceeds thereof, It shall be
a-certalued lliat such p'oceeds are Insuffi
cient to pay such Judgment as the plslntlff
may reo ver herein, sue may have judgment
over and against Ihe defendant herein In the
amount ol such detlclencv; that deiaudaut be
adjudged to have no right, title or Interest in
or Hen upon, said mortgaged property herein
sought to be fi.reclosetl, or any part thereof
and that defendant be forever barred fore
ciosed and enjoined from setting up snv
rnrht, title or lieu in or lo said real property
or any part theieof; and that plaintiff have
such olherand further relief as the nature nf
tuls may require or as to the Court
may seem equitable and Just.
This summons Is seried upon you by pub
lication once each week for six-consecutive
w,eks in tl-.e Hood Kiver t.lacier, a uewaiut.
per of weekly circulation published at Hood
Kiver, lu Hood Klver County. Oregon b
vitue of an order of the County Court of said
t ounty. made and entered on ih u,.,. ......
ol November, In the year I12, the day of the
p...., , esiimmons in said
newspaper Is the ilst day of November, mi
. 8- TAriK, -n-'J3
Attorney for PlalntlfT.
C. A. Richards & Co.
Confectionery and
Amusement Parlors
Full Linn nf I nnHnn TJIiAa Dl
Kauff man Bros. & Bondy Pipes
and Dumutn Pipes. Best Made.
Phone 64