HOOD RIVER GLACIhK, TUCIISDaj, JANTAttY !, 1013 30C Have You Bought These Lately? HOT WATER BOTTLES A new seamless one. We guarantee for two years. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES a a guaranteed article ABSORBENT COTTON The Red Cross Brand. Bath Sponges, Castile Soap. . K. C. Lemon Witch Hazel Cream. ine great Cream for chaffed or rough hands. TOOTH BRUSH That holds its bristles. Good Toilet or Bath Soaps. Hair Brushes and Combs. K. C. LINIMENT For sprains, burns or rhumatics. K. C. Belladona and Capsicum Plaster For lame backs, cold on chest or strains. re ericut WE AIM TO PLEASE KEIRfiCASS. wvfc s. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS u 3 ON rMI UNDER jCCOlJNTS IfgB SUPERVISION Conservatism and Progress A marbed feature of the history of this bank is the fact that conservatism and pro gress have been inseperably linked in every transaction, no worthy enterprise conform ing to the principles of safe banking ever having been passed without due considera tion. Finnnpml nmrlonn Vioo olnrona uuvuvv Ul VV a J O ILTCCil t an ever present attendant to the progressive ' ment of this institution. ; aJIKMaaaiMMMaSiMftJttMj(i53aaaMMJ GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fancy and Staple Groceries, Hard ware, Farm Implements, Harness, Paints and Oils, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, and Powder and Caps that We have just opened a real estate office in connection with our mercantile business and will deal exclusively in upper valley lands. If you have property you want to sell, give us a trial. Successor to INGRAM MERCANTILE CO. ML Hood, Oregon Summons In lh' ,Circuit Court of Stt! at Oregon for The United States National Bank, of Salem Oretfon, a corporation. Plaintiff, Waltor L. Cribble, Clara A. Gribble. hit wife. and John Hayne, Iefendanta To the defendant. Walter U Gribble: In thtt V n m Ar TL. Ct.i. -. 1 1 ....... . . - - v. ..roovMiv ui vsreg-on, you are ,1,,., rniuirro io appear and answer the com- vilmnt nf th. ..Iain4.tr k : nt..i ... K'.ii iinein fuu avainei you in ,abo entitled (Court and caune on or before " lne "me prescribed in the order for publication of this summons upon you. which pa nod of time is six weeks from the 6th day of De cember, 11112. that being the date of the first pub lication hereof, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief piayed for in its complaint, to-wit: For a decree that the plaintiff recover from said defendant the sum of 1,67.00 with in terest from the 14th day of August, 1911. until the same is paid at the rate of eight per cent per an num; and the further sum of tax) 00 attorneys' fees, and its costs and disbursements herein: that said mnrtiruira lu .l...l i n. , , : - Htm upon ine tanas 0wcr,d ,he mortgage and that the said mort- . w curreciiy aescritie the nromtanM inlanilul 1 I j .. ... r ....,u w uuiiveym sna mat tne same be sold by the sherilf of Hood River County, ... , prucreas ue applied upon the li; j i j "u me piainun, and that the a.rn(tnnt .li.hn tla.... l .11 . , ..,. aIiu Bu tt.rHonB cuim- ing subsequent to the execution of said mortgage on said premises, be barred and foreclosed of all right or claim in said premises, and that the plain tiff have judgment against the defendant, Walter .V-i..!-.n ;ur f "J '""X remain procoeus 01 tne sale proper Iv aiinhciM. tn 1V.A BB.iur..t; ..i :j .... . . j . .i.i,i. iiH ui Bum juugment, ana that any party to the suit may become the ' : , " ww ue lei into possession of said premises. I he said lands are Hi.riKl fnti.. numbered tun. 9I a Vn.v . Township one (ll North of Range ten (10) Kant of Wlllsmettia Mapiitin n U 1 u: ... . .....,.., .,, . nun. niver county, ure- gon, containing 41 acres more or less as shown by vu "lairo viuwriiiiieni. ourvey. Ynll r fiirtkaar n.UiAl K .L.. i . umi tnin dummons IS r?r . t?von you by Publication thereof in the Hood Rwer Giacier, a newspaper published in H(kx1 Kiver, Hcwd Kiver County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. G. R. Castner, Judeof the -iiumlu wuii, iiiwie on tn zom day of No vember, 1912. You are further notified that thedateof the first . " , """.' tne om aay or u cember. 1912. and the last publication thereof will djl6 Attorney! for Plaintiff 10 AVOID BLIGHT Only in Oreeon r& io some f. placet in Washington and ld.ho i, thc weitern tomato WBI nen, D0whtr else in tbe homo. otsn i thrnnohnut Clltern I'rreon arH .l. i . . t. ; ine ujiumuiai. -It ii recognitfd by the jtjng d curlirg of the foliage ' ilid FloVi) 0 Bailey, of the Oregon Agricultural c.jl lege crop pest force, in a recent I--. ture. "It generally Fpeir ate )n the Drirs after the plant h.i ,.,.,. growth but before the fruit las ma tured The leavea roll Up and the whole plant has a purpUigh a;pear. ance. Planta rarely m,ture anu fruit if this disease attacks them. "The fungus fssteis on the r,x,t By doing aay with the wed ltd Brd planting direct in the field 80 per cent or 90 per cent of the planta Kin remain healthy whereas when n from beds and transplanted, only frtj percentage survive. 1 hia lea.ls us m believe that the diesoss takes hold only when there has bten some phtht ; n II,. innll Tli A.. ..... . of a resistant strain has been used as a remedy in dealing with a similar dis ease which affects watermelons aid ether plants, and might prove suae:-- J.. I . : ,.' iiini Jn LI: i . 1U1 in I'UUlUg Willi vawmu UllPfll. PLANTLNG MEJODS CLUB WOMEN E.m TAIN THEIR HUSBANDS The First Christmas Tha llttlo nnom annehrinir Ki - " i -!.., a iuw war kn VAuiarii Hi tl,. ... ... mailer) tn him nnlv ffranddslioKto K..i . ........... ----j -smi-i, nine Lois Marie Hill, agea three niur.tl of Victoria. B.-C. Day" 'lis your first "Christmas this frrau t wnrlH ! Did you come from the sngels, on gos. samer wing, And a message of Jove to eaeh on. brine? Thou art sweet i a rosebud with n t als uncurled. As pure as a dew drop and bright as a star. As you rest in your nest like a ,lm from afar. Midst the noise and confusion through- inr tha fimlBfl While thou art softly cooing, or still as nt ,miqs What can you be thinking of in all that whirl, You sweet little cherub, you dear little girl I Summons. Stanley- Smith Lumbe' Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath. Shingles, Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley In the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon for Hood Kiver County. Htatiley-Smlih Lumber Company, a (-operation, 1'lalnttlt, , a. Hood River Land Company, a corporstlon, Hartfo.d Orchard Co., u corporation,, Wm. H. Kitirersld, Jane Doe Fltiiuemld. FHer J Whitney, Jane Doe Whitney, Kranela W.' Chllds, Jane Doe Chllds, Uessle L. Tail and John I oeTafl, DefendaDUi. To Hartford On-hard tkimpany, a corpora allon. Wtn. H. FltiKerald, June Doe Kltiuer. Id, l'eter J. Whiney, Jane loe Wlillnev, Francis W. Chllds June Doe Chllds Bessie L. Tafl and John Doe Taft. l on ana eacu or you, are horehy required to appear and answer the oniiinlalm ni..,l against y.-o In the atiove entitled suit on or b' fore the 2"ith day of January, 191.1; and If you fill so to appear ant answer said com plaint, plaintlll above name will apply to t he ;ourt tor dccrf'A niu inui vnn unn uui. you In accordance with the prayer of the compliant, that Is: 1. For decree forec oslne that certain mort (faite, nisde and executed bythe Hood tllvei Land Company on the 271 h day of October, mo, to the plslntltfbereln on the Soutlnast quarter Jof Section 82, Township 3, North ol Etaiiire 1(1, Fast of the Willamette Meridian, to satisfy the claim of the plaintlll a-innt the Hood River Land CoinnaHy; for the sum of i mo inousinu vs-.'.iM)) laiiiara, drawlux In tenst at the rate of an per centum per an num from the 1st day of November, lull, and the further sum of Two Hundied Twent-r ive (SJ:'5) Dollars, attorwy'a fees, and for plaint. Ill a costs and dlsburaemenU made aud ex pended herein. 2. For the sale of said mortgaged nremlaea In accordance with the practice of this Court to satisfy such Judgment as may be recovered In this suit. A IT.ir u Hiiimu tli.l ' i . . . .... ,.,nfc vittiui oi you ani each of vou In and to asld nioitgaifed prem- n we utuniru io oe inierior ana suusequent In nnltil. id lima t ti,u n..K n. ..int i . ' v.... ... iiuuui iiniuilll HNIIU tnortiias-e;aud that you an i eacli of you be forever barred and formiload 'mm .n.,.,. .... the same. F ThlsHummons Is published In the Hood River (ilacler, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Hood River, in Hood Kiver County, Oregon, lor six consecu tive weeks, being seven Issues thereof, In com pliance with order of the Hon. iJ. R. Cast. ier, Judge of the Coonty Court of Hood River tountv Oregon dated the 11th day of Decem ber, 1112. and the date of the first publlca- center l(TliUmm0D9 tbe iilix y ot l,e" A T Tl IT II V d1'23 Attorney for Plaintiff. Alleged Horse Thief Gives Trouble Samuel Winsted. who Was OrpaDtml at Husum, Wash., where he had been workirg on the Northwestern dam, gave local officers no small amount of trouble on New Year'a day, when after escaping from the city prison he hid in the lumber yard of the Stanley-Smith Co. Winsted is charged with stealing horses on the Warm Springs reserva tion. It is not known how the man broke from the city prison. He was released from the steel cell while he ate his breakfast and was left alone there. It is thought he secured a bolt from the ashes in the stove, a lot of old build- ino material havinir hppn hummi kn and used it to pry open the door. The oflicers gave chase and traced the man io tne btanley-bmith lumber ynrd. It was thought that he hod proceeded to the HridHl Veil yards. However, a search there failed to revcsl him. The oilicea then returnurt the Btanley- bmith yards. They on the point OI CIVIni? Iltl tllP anorcn. Chsn Shun T Johnson, crawling on his hands and knees under the floor of tha h urn nrul prodding with a sharp pointed stick in tne aarK corners loutia the escaped prisoner stowed awsv under a nil I Hit a rut in hidine. Allen Mart rtanntv utiopif? H I.. II... arrest at the mmn of (he N.ikni..i.. --.--. - .'uibiiufcaici ll icciuc VO, The members of Hood River's Worn in s club gave a reception to their hus bands on New Year'a evening which ns most thorou"hlv vrioverl h tk. KJ.na present. Tie enteruinrr.ent program was un O.r the aupervision of Mrs. J. P. Lucas am) afttr a violin solo by Dr. M H -arp, atvompar.itd by Mrs. C." I)' li ii rub? a two act play was presented I y the club, in hi, h the pitfall of too n:uct, fulliagette atttT.tion at the ex--tre of home was portrayed in a very ' rah-tu' manner, but the participants were all Ud to see the error of their way ai d left the guests feeling ure ilia after all the women of the rlub o.ul.1 do fomrthmg else be? ides oon-iiu-tinK an election which was proven latter when afler dat.cirg, Jcard play- '"Mania anil social converse, a nn.st lit licious luncheon was served by Mrs. SVilbur and the members of the social committee, during which several members of the club told of its achievements and ambitions. Kev. H. A. MacDor.ald gave a short talk on the club f pirit from a man's point of view, stHtmc; that a boy had a better " . v" uiKii iticaia wnen nis mother knew what he had to contend with in the world outside of his home 81 il could guide those ideals. llie next meeting of the club will he hi ' d Jan. IT., at 2 :.'J0 p. m with Mrs. Johnti ooth in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Elisat leth tvans l'eltinger. of OBWCI70. Uill Bnulr nn Iko .l.:...i ' vii KllV CULIJCVI Ol public gymnasium and play grounds ami every person interested in this sub Jtct is cordially invited to be present. Contributed. THE 1913 WORLD ALMANAC 10,000 Facts and Figures -Several Hun-' dred New and Special Features Our readers will be surprised at the vast amount of valuable information, ' covering a multitude of subjects, at the useful eerie ml Lnmul..,!,,., ii,.. important new historical data contained in me j;u j eunion ol the World Alma-1 nac. Almost l.Oflfl to up to date facts and figures of every ' day interest to everybody. Here is a! compact and complete library, indis pensable to every business man, mer chant, farmer, mechanic. hntiHPivife business woman school etih.n. ..!,....! boy and school girl. In it vou will rind particulars of the 1'anama Canal Act of 11112 and the Hay-l'auncefote Treaty, mi- new ueniHoti laws or m v t.i..Di. dential and nrimarv elect inn rotnrtia I'olar discoveries, nnnnlatinn Donna' sporting records, marine disasters, im portant events of 112. Historical events, income tax trouts in h id States, tleath roll of 1912, negro dis- irancnisenieni, ions in the United States, erowth of the 11 V! prices paid for rare American coins! cnn;es and penalties, methods of pun ishment for murderers, armies and navies of the world, banking, money, taxes, insurance, political parties, se cret societies, births. deaths, woman suffrage and 10,000 other facts and liuurea uu to date. Price 25 cents. (West of buffalo and Pittsburg, ISO cents. By mail, 35 cents. Address. The New York World. New York. Troubles of New Year's Day ,11 m A local man. roraettino (i,.,t u ..... .. ., , n, r onii ll WOB New Year a rlav anil nu inn , I 7. uK a new Bull u. iioiiicd mr an evening function, pro ceeded to a store last week to nnr chase the garments. Finding that the uuur wan lucKeii ne maue a learch for a salesman. The latter heard of the search and begin a search for the Bearcner. iseitner was successful until afternoon, when the suit hunter found the salesman at his holiday dinner. The salesman had no key but promised w kci. unv num a lenow cierK and se cure the suit. It was late in the after noon, almost dusk, when the nit- iiiui, procured. The man buying it declares U.ii L . . . I a 1 uini. ine mercnani ueaerves a pat on me uick. rur atier giving him tne trouble, he says, I had the suit oi ciuines cnargea on account. Rosarians Storm the South Oregonians aboard the special Royal ituoaiinuB biaiu iiiut invauea Ualifornia the past week made many friends -for this state in the south. Their route was marKeu Dy aemonstrations of wel- tunic uiui proveu tne nign regard in wnicn ine weaver suite ib held and wnicn win mean mat uregon will have a very prominent piace in the 1915 ex positions both at San rrancisco and oan uiego. Use Theap Cuts, Says Butcher "One reason for the hiuh cost nt Ho. intc is the fact that the h of today have so little time for house hold dutie." said Will iam Constantino of Portland, in a lecture at the Oregon Agricultural College. When thev cook meat." he contin. ued. "thev must have choice cuts Which Can h Hone in n hni-i'u l hau are not inclined to kiu-oH rmwh iin .... boiled dinners, hut order the luin steaks .. L! L .11 r . wnicn win iry in a lew minutes. A beef Will SUIUllv but H limitiil number of such steaks, and thev alwavs on first, no matter what the nrice. Ihia explains why loin steak sells at 25 cents pourd while some of the slower cocking cuts retail at half the price. Constipation is tliu cause of manv ail ments anil di-otders that make life niisorahle. Take ( 'lianilici Iain's Stom- stch and Liver Tablets, keen vonr linui-la regular nnd you will avoid" these dis eases. For hale by all dealers. ST INDIES uiJ tl. PANAMA CANAL ft Cralm. iMTisf NEW ORLEANS Bl S. H. HrolllirlnsnMiln Oct I la, Ian. S KpI.,10 L llanitiiira- American Una k tl.u r-iu M V -wal 16U Powell St., San rrancisco. Cel. R. V. PRATT. Local Agent. IT T. JJT 1 ' m mm DID YOU EVER STOP TO FIGURE OUT how much of your time you spend in bedP Just think of it sometime and you will make up your mind to he as comfortable as posssible. You will buy a 5. E. BARTMEvSaS OaK Street Nut Tufted Guaranteed 20 Years Wis Furniture, Undertaking and Embalming Notice For Publication DeP'Jmlf the Interior, U. 8. 1 d office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 12, mi. Notice Is hcrehy given that Edward o. Mc ronn, of Harkdale, Oreiron, who.oa July Kith, Ml-', made Homestead, No. lBtiJS, Hcrlal No. u ' ''.'I cll,,n Township 1 Mouth, Kaiige 10 rast, Willamette Meridian; has tiled' not.ee or Intenllon to make Final Five-Year Proof to estaftllsh claim to the land ahove ?i L,.?i" om?-i" Hood Klvei, Oregon, on the aoth day of January, 181,1 Claimant names as wlinesscs: Henry H. Hardman. Wlllism Keeling, Hamuel H. 8ut Oregoue0r,"e KukP"trlck. of farkdale, Aiant W. MOORE, al9J'6 - K.gistr. Nou'ce of Shcrifrs Sale Thomas Bilyeu. FUintiff, vs. Layton Wisdom and Ethel G. Wisdom, his wife. iLrPhaarn"- F?.n ,J- Van Zandt and Bertha M. Dunne. Defendants. NotlCI IS kMlm i.i.. .1 ....... - ,i,w inn ny TtmiB or a writ ot execution and order of sale issuod out of the R wJr'Lr A. SfJ P Hood lhThliSUt:nt"T.1,Ki K.,int defendant. j-""1"1 na oraer or sale is to me hSd'?.mt-11 th.prop.rt, . ; -.jm mr uie purpotte 01 witmfy- . j i . , inireai tnereon at the caused and ,h. f7.ZL ""'I'Z W M,1 T.i.. . "um n.iaooBi in sain Tw of ..U ,nd " incurred upon ----- vU,rou wiu tie. NOW. thiirtfnra in t tinn .Aa ".""".'""' -runsaia execu- j r.L t 1 Wli' on th' mb dy t r. '' win, nourw m Hood Kivr h'T!l bJld1r!or'' in the followinir da! County. OrToTwIt: " K,Ver .Ti.""th .l6"'of the northeast quarter of st Quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 8 Meridian in Hood Kiver County. State of Oren-otT Dated this 12th day of December. " ,j i Unson- ov j . THOS- f- JOHNSON, i... onerlff of Hood River County. Oraron First issue Dee. 12th, 1912 uregon Last issn. Jan. th, Wli! Internationa! Red Tape Soman Pitv WAuhinatnn ia ,a ncparat en from Hnntino-dnn Hritiah ... . uuiuniulH, by the invisible international boundarv Una ih.i n.;.i.n . . . J Hue Limb suiiis in ioi: iiiMiuieoi a street On hlnz-lf n.ivth if tho linA ia IL- t tingdon postoflice; four blocki south of tha line ia thp Knmrm roitriffina a i..a , '"v.. n let ter addresBcd to the postmaster at Huntingdon and dropped into the Su mas postoflice takes a little journey of 126 miles to Seattle, and returns over me Bame roaa to Huntingdon, to the same railway platform from which it was placed on the Seattle train the previous days. Foss-miy inere is a bet ter illustration of the tour around Robin Hood's barn, but where is it? rutjiic. K-oapeil After Fifteen Years. lir Ti i, i . i . . . ..... ...... n ...ii... - "wlcpdiui e. cape afler fifteen years of ufferini' from t.;n.... i s.i j " i . . ,i.i . iuury aim uiau'ic: ii-'ouitrn. Kl.lney Pills released him and jn-i me name lor tuners. h6 sve "fhey cured a most cevere backache Willi nninfnl h adder irresutaritma . ...i mey ao an you claim i"r inem." Re fuse aubttitutes. t'ha. Clarke Hydro Donates Lights Roy D. Smith last Thursday installed the big 250 watt electric light for the county at the north end of the new steel bridge across Hood river to re place the old wooden structure known BR lliclfpr's hrirlup The energy for the light is donated by the Hydro-Electric Co., the plant of which stands on the opposite side of the river. Medicines that aid nature are alwavs most effectual. Cliaiiilx-rlain'i Coutih Uhnimlu aura in tl.ifi nlstl. It allat-a iWn l.i- .Ilu OVIB VII .in- f - - . i , q vilC couah. relieves the limn", opens the se cretions and aids nature in restoring 1ia .ii.l.n . M n,,,w llllltritf .n.i.lili.. oc evoicui VI a iii--i ...i-.-.. vuuuniuii, Thousands have t-stified to 1U surior Notice of Sheriffs Sale UM sf an Ii" sTiii itt In IT.raW-l.wiiraa of riwHt Hlvcr County in the HIhI nt Ort-Kh. tain milt tn the nhIiI Circuit Court wtierfin Uillortl . Wotx-worih and linxf Wood worth, hh plnliitiflH, recovml h JurlKincnl auHiiiKi the KtandHrd Orchard Company, a contort. tl.sd fitr-ltiu allm if U.icaan llntitru.4 Ualiimlii. Pour nnd 47-KK) UoilarH IJ77..47), with itit-rt uireon mnce juiy ua, iw-, at i tie taie oi mi rtr P-nt iwr n nn ii tn 1 1 - mi m tf (Mn It mul rii and Fifty Iollar (KIMI Uh) rh and forntlor. n?y' fcea and the kuiii of 1 (ilrly-Nluw and 40 1U0 1-oilflrH (ft.iy .. cohIh and distnirHiiicniM taxed In Maid null, ou the 2Nt day of Novem ber, A. 1). J9)2, and which aald (-Xfimtion Ih aifaltlht atid rilrtvia ihRl th hcrfiniirtr dt iMirlbftd real protwrty ta wtld ht HntiMfy mild nuriiiiaud thvcoHia and dlfehurHeme nu ot aald NOTTCK H llKRKBY OIVKN, Thai I will on the I7th (lav of January, 1WU, at I in- Tronl dKrorthe Court Hoiin- in the Clly of Hood River, County of Hom Klvtr. Mlate of ortton, at 10 o'clock a. in. Id the fornMiu ofwald dav, all at rtnhllr- anctlnn to lh hlihfMt lildtlr for Cttan, the followinjf dHa-crlta-d rv piofwrty Muuaieu in the county or tiooa itiwr, wiaie of Oreifon, Uvwit: All thHt tmrf ui thA nrthfntt O imrtr V K' .1 of Hectlon i'wtfiity nine (.Uf) In Townnhlp One (1) North, HaiiKH Ten Uu Kant ol the V llati) eile Meridian, lylnK west of the rtKhtof-way of the Mount Hood Railroad Company, and containing shout fio acrcH, acoordinn to the l!nilu Ulolaa i:,iliUsni.iUnl sllist-au ll.i.rulf ao much thertof an may tw uecHNary to hhUh. i7 j " ry tne nam judKno'iit in tavoroi nam uurora roley 8 Jj. Wood wort b and ltoe WimkI worth aaliiNt Will do Mll Standard orchard tvnnpaiiy wlin tiie di..r. "aid Intercat thereon, totccthvr with all contn ea tt .. ... si .. i suu uiauuriiitruin iimi tinvr n uinv mu i ua. I TllnU I lliilXAlV R has rift rt tlimil U ( vur I .1 1 n v fli-Osnn Dfltfd at Hood Kiver, Oregon, Atsintrtr 12th, L. A. A A. P. KKKD, Attorney, Hood Kiver, Oregon. dlMjlb Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the (State of Oregon in the Matter of the KHtate ol Kdwin Pettis, Furnnant to order of the Hon. CI. H. Cat- ner, County Judtfe of the above entitled court, dated the 11th day or l"cemt-r, isda. Notice Is ht-rehy given that Monday, the l;hh dav of January. at the hour of tn o'clock, A. M.. on aald dav, at the County l oun Room, at ine i.otin iioutw in in t uy of Ho4d Kiver, Orexon, nun been appointed aa ll.B ll,. . t.m tl.A t..... rU, n ,i Anal IMC lllllin U'l I'lAt C 'I liiv lirni ii'K ii iaii sttl -tnent ot lh final account of th und r atr.e1, an adinlnlairwtrlx of theeatateof Kd- in fetlia, aeceaai. 1 hi noiM't) U puhllHhed In the lUid River Olacter once a w k for four euH-eH.lve we-k prlo- to said day ol settlement by order of the Court. Dated and fl rat published the Win day of Deoe ruber, im. ELLIN'OR M CHASE. THE Malleable South Bend Popularly known as the "LIFE TIME" Range, has no superior and few equals. It is not cheap but good, and is built expressly for discriminating buy ers who insist that the best is not too good for them. We know of only one other range that is ad mitted to be the equal of the South Bend, and that is the great MAJESTIC which is probably the best known range in America. We have recently secured the agency for the MA JESTIC and expect to have them on sale in a short time. THE TOLEDO for a low priced range cannot be beaten. They have been sold in Hood River for nearly 20 years and in variably give perfect satisfaction. Call on us when in need of anything in the HARDWARE line, we believe that it will be to our mutual advantage if you will do so. Blowers Hardware Co The Firm That "MaKes Good" Phone 99 Oak and 1st Sts. Electric power and Light Mean Convenience, Comfort and Economy to You Our service covers all of the city and most of the valley. Save money and get a contract with us. Our Rates are the Lowest Let us figure with you. We can show you even if you are from Missouri. HOOD RIVER GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 55 Davidson Bldg. T. J. KINNAIjRD Groceries Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in Season Flour and Feed Phone 78 Hood River, Oregon UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List Your Places for Special Attention With WARD IRELAND CORNELL Uppor Vall-y Rrnl Estate Insurance Improved and Unlmproffd Orchard Land Phono Odll 7T Hood River Connection Guy Y. Edwards & Co. U. C. M. RANCH Parkdale Upper Hood River Valley Cooper's Spray Fluids Tested practically for three years in Oregon, and clean trees from San Jose scale, fungus scab, antracnose and pear blight. PLEASANT TO HANDLE Pr. TA A SOIL fUMIGANT, DESTROYS INSECTS Apt CHAS. G. ROBERTS. Agt. 247 Ash Street, Portland d. Mcdonald Hood .River ezceueoce. ooiu vy ao ucicia. dJ2J AdunuUtraUlx.