nOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1912 Our New Implement Building is Complete We are daily adding lo our stock of Orchard and Farm Imple ments Wagons and Buggies. JURY DISAGREES IN ROYAL CASE We have on hand, Planet Junior Cultivators and Seeders, Spike Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows and Disc Harrows. OiiverChiiled Plows,Spray Pumps and Spray Material. After deliberation lasting about four bourn, the jury in the cue of Ot- man Koyal. who was before Judge A C. Muck Friday on a charge of speed me, were unable to come to an agree ment and were dismissed. The jury. men were O. U. Haker. VV. J. baker. H. H. Bailey. E. O. Blanchar, Joe Coueland and J. W, Ingalts. They stend one for conviction and five for acmiittal. Royal wa apprehended week before : laKt for rpeedinj;. He paid his fine at this time, but soon alterward was noti ' f,i 1 that he wan charged with a aecond On the evening on which he I is claimed by the ollicers to have done the speeding, he declares that he was making a trip around the valley to test the Biaiaratun made use or Dy the ortv ctr8 to detect speeders. He says that he oVcned his cut otf and put the ma chine in intermediate gear and that al thoiiKh the noise produced might have lead anyone easily to believe that he was going fifty miles an hour he never exceeded the 25-mile limit. He had three witnesses in the car with him. who corroborated his statements. The ollicers, however, swore that he far exceeded the limit. HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them in Hood River, Good Reason for It and Look our stock over and be convinced that we have every thing needed for the successful orchardist. R. J. McISAAC & CO. ParKdale, Oregon t Land For Sale I I have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple. Land, iff- most of it under ditch at prices ranging from f GO & per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE j Hood River - - - Oregon Butler Banking Company ESTABLISHED MO Capital One Hundred Thousand Dollars SAVINGS DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES LESLIE BUTLER, President TRUMAN BUTLER, Vice-President C. II. VAUdllAN, Cashier e Electric Wiring & Supply Co. First National Bank Building, Third St., Phone 3 Wouldn't any woman be happy. After years cf backache suffering, Pays of misery, nights of unrest, The d is tress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom. Many readers will profit by the fol lowing. Mrs. Elias Kreisler, 710 Eighth St., Hood River, Oregon, says: "Doan'a Kidney Pills have been used in my family and have proven very beneficial. Tnis excellent remedy is worthy of the highest endoresment." "When your back is lame Remem ber the name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for I loan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Kriesler had the remedy backed by home testimony. 50 cents, all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York. Superior Price Miirkers Stamps at this ollice. and Rubber Skin On Fire ? Just the mild, 8lmpl wash, "the well known D.D.I). Treticrlptton for Eczema, and the Itch is ffon. A trial will prove it. We have sold other remedies for skin trouble but none that we could guaran tee ns we ran the D.D.D. remedy. II the tirst reKulnr size $1.00 buttle doei not do exactly as we say, it will nol cost you a cent KKIIl A CASS, Druggists DR. P. H. MAY Chiropractor Chronic and Nervous Conditions Speed ily and Permanently Restored to Normal Functions. CONSULTATION FREE Room 17 Hoilbronner Bldg. Hood River TROOPS JUSTIFIED, DECLARES FARRELL For Sale or Rent TEN ACRES Good house and barn, 150 bearing trees. Price reasonable. See owner on Kairview road. J. E. KETTERING. ,H..H..H"H"M"H1 I 1 Hill l H I For Sale One second-hand 30-liorsepower boiler, 1 25-borso power engine, 1 ItO-horsepowjr Westingliouse mo tor, 1 soft mud brick machine. All in Good Repair I A. T. ZEEK i-l-H-M-H-H-H- Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods John R. Westervelt DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Suite SOT Orenonian Hiiilding Phoim Main 72"5 PORTLAND, OREGON M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETKRISARY SlRliEON U prtired to do any work In the veterin ary llnu. Il chu be found by calling at or pluming to 1'lnrke drug store. C. G. VAN TRESS, Public Stenographer and Notary Public Elliot Block. Thone 308-1. CM. HURLBURT SURVEYOR TELKWIOXK J.M.WRIGHT Contractor and Builder. Estiniatis Furnished on All Kinds of t. arpcniry ork. Olllee in lleihrminer lU. Phone'61 A real bargain in a nice well im proved 10-ucre tract, all la trees; good house; half mile from town; easy terms; Inquire of H. P. ALLEN. Phone Sii K "The troops who refused to obey t orders of the commanding officer during the maneuvers at Oakville, wh., were justified," sya Harry Farr( chief clerk at the Apple Grow er' Union, who returned last week from th 'encsmpmont. "i may be prejudiced in my statements, how ever, for I was a member of the bat talion that refused to obey the com mand. "We were out all day Saturday in the mimic warfare. On Sunday morn ing we were ordered to break camp nd march in action. When the action was over we were told to march with our parks back to tl.e place from which we had come that morning. We asked that we be allowed to place our packs on a wagon and have them transported t our own expense. When this waa refused we mutinied, and our officers, who knew that we had been marching since early morning with absolutely no rest with the heavy burden of camp equipment, upheld us. in case CI HKni in a run me regu lar armv iinwa a rest after each 45 minutes, or thereabouts. We had abso lutely had no rest On the return to Oakville. where we had broken camp. we were constantly picking up mem Den of the other two battalions, who were unable to make the distance with heavy loads. "Troona in ation are never made to carry trie camp equipment in the first place.': - County Court Proceedings Claims presented against Hood River county during the month of July and allowed at the August session oi me county court: J. L. Walker, oiling roads, $239.70. Mt Hood R. R. Co., freight and de murrage, $28.50. Associated Oil Co., oil for roads, $364.89. Chas. N. Clsrkc, drugs for indigent. $13.30. The Beebe Co., car of culverts, $2005.85. ' Blowers How. Co., road supplies. $2.60. Bushong A Co., office supplies, $6.40. A. C. Buck, justice fees $7.10. K. S. Olinger, constable fees, $7.60, S. E. Bartmest., two coffins for pau pers, $40. r. C, Brosius, examination or insane and rare of indigents, $30. Columbia saw Mill, lumber lor roads, $150.83. Cottage Hospital Asso., care of indi gents, $31. City ot Hood Kiver.water rent.J6.75. M. C. Coons, supplies for indigents, $25.15. Wm. Davidson, circuit court juror, $3.90. E. A. Franz, road supplies, $5.45. I Fashion Livery & Dray Co., livery for fruit Inspector and others, $31.50. J. n. ueraes, lodging lor insane, .ou Gilbert Implement Co., supplies for roads, $4. Hood River News, printing and orhce supplies, $5.50. Hood River Glacier, same, $5.85. W: E. Hanson.stampa and express, $7. Home Telephone Co., phone rent and calls, $6.50, J. H. Heilbronner, rent for fruit in spector, $15. ' Hydro-hiectnc Co., light for court house, $1.60, - , L. .11. Uueeins, supplies lor indi gents, , the, Irwin-Hodson Co., blank war rants, . J. W. lngalls. auto hire for countv court, $11 Thofi. t. Johnson, incidentals, $33.20. A. C, Lofts, wood for indigent, $2.50. G. 11. Lynn, deputy assessor, $46. . W. H. Lawrence, expenses for fruit inspector, $1.65. F. J. Brady, boarding indigent. $5." Mt. Hood Milling Co., lumber for roads, 16.90. Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., office supplies, $13. M. W. i'ifer. legal blanks, $13.30. Stewart lldw. Co., supplies for roads and fruit inspector, $10.45. Stanley-Smith Lmbr. Co., lumber for roads, $82.81. ' Transfer & Livery Co, cartaga for crusher, $21. Mrs. A. W. Whorlow, boarding indi gent, $9. J. F. Hendrick, supplies for indi gent, $15. ' Matt J. Huckler, burying dead horse, $1.50. i Malcolm Button, burying dead cow, $1.50. Boys' A Girls' Aid Society, July al lowance, $10. Mrs. J. B. . Hunt, care oi indigent, $15. Wm. Davidson, care of indigent, $8. Thos. F. Johnson, fare and expense care indigent, $5. A, w. Whor'ow, cleaning omce, i. P. M. Morse, phone rent, $1.50. t. A. McCurdy, fees commissioner, $13.20. . - O. H. Rhoades, same, $10.20. G. R. Castner, expenses, $2. O.-W. R. & N. Co., freight fly-wheel, $1.56. .. The "Proyressltre" Party Is the individual, man or woman, who usts Foley Kidney Pills for backache rh, nn.-ii . hark, and other kid ney snd bladder irregularities. Robert w. lierter, Lawrenceviue, mo., ay: "I took three bottles of Foley Kidney I'illo J a normsnent cure." Thev are healing, strengthening, tonic, and 1U1CK to produce uenciicmi icduiid. ',infi i,,mfnl .Irinra. Never sold in hulk. Put up in two sies in sealed oottles. The genuine in a yenow pacn-age.-Chas. N. Clarke. Sieg Visits New York lowm Prmluce News) Wilmer Sieg, ex-president of the iNa- nonal League oi wimmiMwii A , chants, and now manager of the Hood If.. . i. IZmaiara' Union or Hood kivpr r.I was in New ork last week, visiting the trade. Sieg is en- "nusiaatic over bhi" -- Northwest and confirms the generally Hcoepted estimate that that section wi'l produce the largest crop ever Rrown. Mr. Sieg says that the Hood Kiver valley will not have quite as " i-ot ostimated. but Hiniiy aiimea " - that it .ill have a much larger crop than lst year and that the fruit will .,olito Th Hood ue oi excellent ---- River erowers always cack their fruit prorrl? and have made their reputa tion on this fact. They will be just as .. . .in thik resneet this for Cot The Union, through Mr. S'eR. is trying to seli its apples on an f. o k basis, the same as it has done in the past. ... .. lux i.aaImI in . nts llDd bruises u;j . " , k one-third the time ??.aA? usual trCftv11"1 "jyrr-- lrlsinvyniment. Ilia 'S,ct and cm, such iniune. to , ?l w . bout maturation. TUia ."jr V:" orvnesaof the muaclei and rheumatic OREGON ACR1CULTUAL COLLEGE This great institution opens its doors for the fall semester on September 20th. Courses of instruction include: General Agriculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus bandry, Dairy Huabandrv, Bacteriology Botnay and Plant Patiiolopy, Poultry llutbmidrr, Horticulture, Entomol ogy. Veterinary Science, Civil Kn- gineering. Electrical Engineering, Me chanical Engineering, Alining Engin eering Highway Engineering, Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Commerce, Eor estry, Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemestry, Phyncs, .Mathematics, English Lan guage and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, Art, Arch itecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Education. Military Kciwncn nn.l Tu. ti,. and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: Registrar. Orecrnn Acri.ulinrtil Corvallis, Oregon. ' School Year Opens September 20th. Automobile for Hire Phone Residence 182-M or Hotel Oregon 150 WILLIAM DAVIS LAND FOR SALE: Ten acres. F.t Side, i .1- mile out; part bearing, balance young trees; house and barn; close to church, school, store and warehouse. Price reasonable. PHONE AT NOON OR AFTER SIX, itfki-L Don't ride miles out of your way to set Rub ber Starring, but drive direct to the ' 7M) GLACIER STAMP WORKS For Your Perfect Printing Rubber Stamps r. J- . KELLY BROS. HAY AND OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw PHONE 227-M Fourth Street Between Oak and State A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brosims Block W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON Nursery Stock Hood River Grown First Class THE KIND THAT GROWS A Few Dwarf Apple, Pear and Peach C. D. Thompson , HOOD RIVER, OREGON Headquarters for Meats Meat eaters who are over-particular in their choice of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork and Poultry, are invited to come and examine our meats. It is the critical that we cater to those who al ways insist on cots of the beat qualities. We handle only the freshest Meats, city dressed, and we guarantee it to be ten der and of fine eatinit quality. Our prices are by no means as high as the quality either. Central Meat Market The Star Grocery Th Quality Store Good Things to Eat" Perigo (EL Son DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. is now ready to talk to you about Apples Call at our office, or phone us and we will call on you. We are selling Apple Paper, Boxes, Twine, Spray, Ice, Etc. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. HOOD RIVER, OREGON IS! HAVE YOU EVER HAD A Visit by the Sea OR A Run on the Sandy Shore AT NORTH BEACH WASHINGTON Did you know you could reach this delightful, care slaying, health giving, fun making SUMMER RESORT by taking the O.-W. R. & N. to Portland THEN DOWN THE Columbia River via Steamers "T. J. Potter," "Hassalo" & "Harvest Queen" TO MEGLER Where trains connect with boats for North Beach points YOU CAN YOU SHOULD Ask any Agent of the O.-W. R. A N. and find out bow little it will cost to leave care and dust and heat behind and have a real REST BY THE SEA PLUMBING STEAM and HOT WATER HEATING WINDMILLS. PUMPS, TANKS C. F. SUMNER Opposite Postofflce PHONE 20 HOOD RIVER Read This Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture, Stoves and Ranges. Everything in house furnishings We will take your old furniture or stoves in exchange for NEW GOODS. O. P. DABNEY & SONS Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter Agents for Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges PHONE 248-K COR. FOUBTH AND STATE StS. R. G. Yowcll & Co. We have moved our place of business from our former loca tion across the street to the new Bell building. Our new quarters, with a much larger floor space, enable us to bet ter accommodate our patrons and to display to better ad vantage onr increased stock of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc. We have added a handsome line of Handbags, Grips and Suit Cases. GYnwpll TV C. r ittnor to Dmnpor R. DID YOU EVER STOP TO FIGURE OUT how much of your time you spend in bed? Just think of it sometime and you will make up your mind to he as comfortable as posssible. You will buy a 5. E. BARTME1S1S Oak Street Not Tufted Guarantee 20 Years Furniture, Undertaking and Embaling pains. Kor saie vj " n