nOOD RIVER GLACIER, TnURSDAY. AIT.rsT 15, 1910 Summer Gordons There's a cool look and a cool feel to the New Gordon Ideas for Warm Weather Attractive '. Styles in Summary shade and colorings for town, lake or country The Gordon The Gordon in shades of (fP?$ many Brown Jt New and ' Green Classy Tan JT $7 Shapes Pearls V A. for and Xf n Pv. Young Men Blacks ''vN-f 1 and 0Id $3.00 1 lf 1 $3.00 Headquarters for all New Ideas and Dependable Grades in Men's Headware. We are satis fied only when we have sold you the hat that best becomes you and that you will give you the greatest amount of wear and satis faction for your money. All the Style and Quality you expect to find in $5.00 Hats is evident in THE GORDON. J. G. Vog't Oregon Lumber Co. Dee, Oregon ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETC. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANTITY Both Phones Estimates Furnished "Something New Under the Sun The Mount Hood Ironing Cabinet CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING COMBINATIONS: Lap Board, Ironing Board, Sewing Cabinet, Writing Desk, Etc. CALL AND SEE IT CALL AT OLD ARMORY EVANS NOVELTY AND MACHINE WORKS Hood River, Oregon AGENTS WANTED Pacific Coast State Rights For Sale Sherwin-Williams Arsenate of Lead $7.00 Per Hundred Pounds In 250 Lb. Keg. $6.50 Per lOO Lbs. d. Mcdonald TIP-TOP Thoroughbred Prize Winning Strain of BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS A Pen Specially Mated For Pullet Raising : : : Single setting, 13 eggs, $2.50. Incubator lots, price furnished on application. Telephone 82-M General BlacRsmithing and Woodworking If you break one of the shafts of your ve hicle, do not think you need a new pair; we can make a new one for you. We keep a stock of ironed shafts and poles, powder spoons, choke hooks, etc. w. a snow ' (Successor to Snow (& Upson) Phone 62-K Fourth Street ODELL ! Miss Hazel Miller, of Mount Hood, pent several days last week visiting Misses Blanche and Vers Lafferty. Misses Evs Boyed and Viola Ma pet left Saturday for Seaview.Wash. They will also stop at other points before returning home. Almont Ferguson, John Plog and Mr. Mellroy spent last week at Badger Lake hunting and fishing. Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Naumes Sunday, Aug. 11, a son. About fifteen friends of little Miss Laura Folta were invited to assist her in celebrating her ninth birthday Wed nesday, August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hull and chil dren are now at home in be house known as the Johnson house. Mr. Hull is in the employ of Oscar Vander- bilt. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eggert, Messrs. Wm. Ehrck, O. H. Ehrck. Chris Eg gert and Masteis Elmer, Louis and Fred Fpffprt and Flov McCov returned Monday from Lost Lake with quantities of fine huckleberries. Elmer and Fred Eeeert and Flovd McCoy walked from Lost Lake home, getting in ahead of the team. We think Fred beats the record for a seven-year-old boy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain and party, of Mosier, passed through Ode II Sunday Bound lor Lost Lane. E. W. Laffertv and Louis Lafferty have eone to the country about Bend tor their outing. Miss Mabel Hagey won the beautiful toilet set, given by a medicine com Danv bv noDuiar vote, the contest nav ing closed last Saturday evening with Mabel two thousand voles in tne lead. Miss Jessie Sweeney, of Washougal, Wash., has been here for a visit with Miss Eleanor Coe, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Bowerman. Marion I. Neal, of Odell and Viva Shumwav. of Rainier. Ore., were mar ried in Hood River last Saturday at 3 n. m. They are now at home with Mr. Neal'i parents in Odell. After noon on Wednesday of last week while mounting a horse. Job Sheppard was kicked and one leg was broken below the knee, both bones being broken in two places and badly mangled. While all knew that this was a serious injury none were prepared for the awful shock that came with the news of his death which occurred Sunday afternoon with but a few moments warning. The funeral was held Wednesday at 10 a. m. from the home. Rev. T. S. Handsaker officiat ing. Interment was made in Idlewild cemetery. We believe that we voice the sentiment of the entire community when we say that to each of us the eoine of this fine man is a personal loss. He was one of those splendid Christian gentlemen whose presence and example were such that his influ ence will be felt long after he has gone from this life. Mr. Sheppard was a native of England. When a young man he. with Mrs. Sheppard and eon, George, came to America and they have resided in the United States since that time. A few years ago Mr. Shep pard and his family came to Hood River, locating in Willow Flat, south of Odell. He leaves a wife, three sons and four daughters, and other relatives and many friends who are lonely De cause he is not here. Words can but feebly express the sympathy that is felt for the bereaved relatives. They will find consolation in pleasant mem ories of their loved one and in the as surance that his life has brought him the reward for which the Christian hopes. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Service by Kev. Chns A. Phipps, 11 a. m. Service by Rev. Cha. A. Phipps at 4 :30 p. - m This is for men only and includes men and boys from 14 to 2b years of age Epworth League 7 p. m. Sunday school rally 8 p. m. at the Methodist church next Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Service by Billy bunday u a., m. Christian En deavor at 8 p. m. at the Union chucrh. J. M. Shelley and his Sunday school class of boys took a hike up Neal creek last week, spending a couple of days camping, fishing, etc. They enjoyed the outing and came home somewhat tired but happy. We need more boarding places for teachers. Please notify H. Connaway ii you can board one or two teachers. We also need a janitor for the school property, a middle aged or older man, wno win stay on tne ground and give full time to tne work. Apply and learn wages, etc. Miss Clara Burke, of Portland, is nere lor a two weeks visit with Mrs, P. L. Smith. Louis O. Rhoades, of Odell, and Myrtle Bradley, of Kingsley, Ore. were married in The Dalles last Tues day. Boththese young people are well known in Odell. The groom was born on the place that is now the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H Rhoades, and after a "few years the family removed to Middle Valley and this was their home until a few years since. Liouis Knoaoes is known .as young man whose excellent character formed in youth will prove a valuable resource all through life. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Nancy Bradley, who for a few years, resided in Odell. Myrtle has learned the lessons that help toward successful home making ana sne win prove a competent house- wife. This wedding occurred on the twenty-third anniversary of the mar riage of the groom's parents. After September Tirst these young people win do at nome at "Meadow Lake, Middle valley, where a cozy cottage has been built and made ready for their coming. The box factory was closed Mnndav. Tuesday and Wednesday out of respect ior me xamiiy oi jod Sheppard. MOSIER. Mrs. C. G. Stoltl anri Mlaa ITm Olsen snent Sundav evening nnH Mnn day in Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. lrC . j . ; - turned Monday irom a short stay in rortiand. J. N. Mosier. and Mian Alioa Kama home Monday from Collins, Wash. Mrs. Matilda Wood, nf HnnH Riuar visited Tuesday and WailnoaHau mitt! her daughter, Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. H. M. West and Minn RooHar were in J he Dalles Tuesday. Mrs. H. G. Kihbee. Mian Pnitor and Mrs. John Wellberg were rjasapnopr 10 nooa niver luesuay aiternoon. E. Nord was in Mosier Wednesday from Stevenson. F. H. Sheldon and nenhes nf Pnrt. iana, are camping nere in town for the benefit of Mr. Sheldon's health. Miss Gladva Camnhpll f Tka Dalles, spent the week with Mrs. J. T. Davenport. MrS. Fl J. Keller returned Werfne.. day from Portland. Geo. Carroll snent Mnndan in Pnrt. land on business. Those coins- to Hood R! ver Wednea. day were Mrs. Dick Evans and rhil. dren, P. L. Arthur, Shelly Hudson. Frank Monroe nd.Tbot. Wyman. Fred Evans and . family Wurned from Lost Lake this week. Tby rt ported a fins tims.lots of nuckltberriet and some venison; R R-rker. who represents the Cud. shy Packing Co.. was in town Thurs-day. Mesara. Bennett. Chamberlain Huskey have returned rora a ten days' stay in the wilds, bringing oiclt with them three ueer ana wu w men. Two bear were killed, but one was so far from camp it was imi-oitle to hrina it all in. The boys had a fire time and plenty of strenuous mountain climbing, blackberries, huckleberries and the beat of water. rtr Rnhinaon has the evment iri finished for the new apple house. Miaa Jennie Carroll celebrated hei birthday last week with n afternoon party and a few invited guests. Miss Anna Godberson, Mrs. E. Cull, Mr. and Mrs. Stroup and Mrs. Geo. Huskey came home inunasy from Hood River. A. P. Bateham left Thursday for s trip of ten days to Vancouver, B. C, no some nasningiou jiwmi... Geo. Evana, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Eastman and Mrs. C H. Dunsmore left Friday foi a week's camping at Lost Lake. Wm. Nielann and W. Thurston cam home Thursday from Portland. Roy Abernathy returned Thurm(a from a visit with relatives in Portland. Mr. snd Mrs. Allington spent Friday in The Dalles. J. M. Carroll and family left Thurs day for Mount Hood station, where they will visit Mr. anu .are. m. m. Craft. Wm Rancroft. of Portland, is send ing some time here with his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Brown. Mra. Geo. "Emery spent Thursday night here with home folks, returning to her home in Hood Kiver Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. U. Phillips and little daugh ter came from Portland lbursday to see Mrs. Robinson, who has been very ill, but is now nearly recovered. Wm. Rowland and family, Geo. Chamberlain and family and Mrs. Erntson and son left Sunday for camp ing trips in the Hood River valley and mountains. Alex Stewart transacted business The Dalles Friday. Messrs. Cherry snd Dsvenport were business visitors to The Dalles Satur day. Mrs. N. P. Sturgess and son, Ed, were in Hood River Saturday after noon.- I Clark came over from White Saturday evening for a short Polk. Nebr.. have been vinitinff the suntons. Prank Lucas was in Portland last week. i vJ Nichola "d father returned last Thursday from a trip in Idaho. This being the case Mr. Nichols claims that it was someone else who was breaking the speed and light ordi nances. Pusaihlv Mra Vh.u . .. . . j - ' ibiivio tv mo driving the car. E. R. Moller reported Squire Lem mon s name to the sheriff and claimed he was driving his car at less than the minimum "need limit. He stated fur ther that be turned out for Mr. I-em-rnon to pass and that he had to wait so l"ng for this to happen that he missed bis train. EAST FORK MEETING DATE IS CHANGED Because of the conflict with the hor ticultural chautauqua which will be held in the Upper Valley August 22-24. inclusive, the board of directors at a meeting last Saturduy decided to change the date of the meeting of the stockholders of the ditch company to the afternoon of Saturday, August SI, when at 1 :30 they will convene at the rooms of tha Commercial club to dis cuss the proposed plan of making the ditch the property of a bonded district. The sentiment from expressions of the orchardists, who live on the East Side, seeming constantly growing favorable to the bonded system. HEIGHTS NEWS D. McLain and portion of lust J. E. Salmon visit. G. S Hail, nf Portland, was unend ing a few days here the last of the week with his sons. Dr. Knepper, of The Dalles, was in Mosier Saturday. H. T. Hetzel.- of the Oregon Agri cultural College, spent two days here the first of the week, gathering infor mation to be used by the state lmnn gration bureau. . J. E. Cole and two children went to Portland Sunday for a two days stay Messrs. Elliott and Lamb left the first of the week for Tillamook, where they will enjoy the sea breeze for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McGregor left Monday for Vancouver, B. C. where they expect to remain aoinf time. PINE GROVE Dr. E. L. House will nil the pulpit next ounuay morning, in me evening he will deliver another lecture in his series on Christian psychology, closing uie course nexi luesaay evening. - The Ladies' Aid will meet in regular session at the church Friday afternoon of this week. The Misses Lewis ad Champine.who nave been visiting inenas left for their homes in Fargo, N. D. last Fri day morning. Mr. and Mrs. i;. K. Demon are en tertaining friends I rora Peoria, III., this week. Mrs. Amanda Sears snd daughter have as their guests friends from Port land this week. A prenuptial miscellaneous shower was given Miss Minnie Paasch at her home last Saturday evening Twenty young ladies were present and a very enjoyable time was shared in by all J. G. Jarvis is in Washougal looking after his business interests. Mrs. J. E. Andrews ii entertaining her brother and his daughter from Quebec this week. Messrs. B. Lee Paget and Leslie Butler, of Hood River, gsve excellent addresses at the hall in their itinerary Monday morning, and we trust their Prohibition principles will gain adher ents as they go on. A vote for principle is never lost. This party is the only one identified in protecting the boys and girls of our country, - from the slavery of the drink curse. OAK GROVE The West Side Improvement club met last week in Oak Grove hall. A good attendance listened to talks on cover crops. H. A. Cunning and family spent Sunday with Arthur Cunning on his homestead near Cooks, Wash. Mr. Ravlin claims to have no such thing as tomato biight at his ranch. The rest of us suffer more or less from this source and would like to know'his remedy. Miss Hazel Stanton returned last Friday from a visit with friends in Seattle. Freeman Mason left last week for a visit with friends near Sandy, Ore. Miss Ethel Albright is visiting Mrs. Chas. Hall at Eggcrmont. J. N. McKinnell and "Blondy," his horse, left last Friday for a jaunt in Washington. Road Supervisor Eadleman has had the Hall hill gravelled during the past week and it is a decided improvement. Messrs. Shinn. Mason and Harmon came back from their trip through Jthe mountains back of ureen foint last week, well sunolied with venison. Bob Shinn says he saw his friend, the bear, but failed to land him. The story in Isst week's paper about the tame deer (dear) at Mr. Vander bilt'a was good. However, wa think we could tell a better one about Joe Hall's cougar, but will refrain from doing so. The McCurdy lawn will be the scene of an ice cream social Thursday 'even ing, given by the Ladies' Aid of the Oak Grove church, and all are cordially invited to come and have a good time. John Weaver spent several days last week in central Oregon near Redmond. Mrs. Lindberg and three sons. Ar thur, Russell and Earl, lrom Stroma berg, Nebr., Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Lar son snd Mr. snd Mrs. Uahn, from W. Dark. 11. Uareni-e Hall spent a week back of Green Point on the head waters of Eagle Creek, where three bucks were killed. Mrs. Hubbard Tavlor'and youtigest daughter. Miss Alice, are at Washou- Kai. w ash., visiii ig the family of Mr. nd Mrs. T. W. Atkinson and nther friends. Mrs. Sanford Smith, who has been ery ill, is reported to be imnrovinff verv rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Holman and lit- tie daughter, Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marion and J. Provence are at Seaside, "joying a vacation. Mr. Holman and Mr. Barton'made the trin from Pi.rt- and to the coast in Mr. Holman'a car. Carson Bucklin and two frienda lpft Tuesday morning for Lost Lake on a hunting and fishing trip. Miss Thaver has moved her hat ahon from State'street to Twelfth street, on the Heights. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Imbler and chil dren returned last week from the West rork of Hood river, where they have been camping. They hiked In to Lost Lake, while on then vacation. 'Ihey report the fishing pretty good. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and chil dren left the first of the week for Trout Lake, Wash., where they will spend a short time. T. D. Tweedv celebrated his sixty- nun Dirmaay last inursuay evening at the Holman hall. He invited about 30 of his young men and boy friends to participate in the celebration of the event. Ice cream and cake were served. The visiting lads with Mr. Tweedy many happy returns of the day. WHITE SALMON. (rrom the KnterprlHe) On Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Kathryn Gray, occutred the marriage of Miss Henrietta Massie Bullitt and Chester T. Dewey, Rev. Tate officiat ing. Mr. and Mrs. Binford, of Portland. old friends of the Aggers, visited at Overlook last week. Mr. Binford is a cold storage man ard believes the local union should take steps to store its apples in order to get the beBt price. the Misses betchell are enjoying a visit with their aunt, Mrs. E. Morri son, and cousin. Miss Emily Longfel low. Mrs. Morrison and Miss Long fellow are on their way home to Minneapolis after visiting relatives in Seattle, Wash., and Ashland, Ore. Wm. Wells, John Smithson and wife and the editor of the Enterprise expect to climb Mount Hood on the IHth, leav ing this place on Saturday. Mrs. Decker, aged 90, died Monday at the home oi her daughter, Mrs. Til- ton, who resides three miles north of Husum. The funeral was held on Tuesday, the body being interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery, of this place. Mrs. Decker came to this county with her daughter about nine years ago and made friends with every one with whom she became acquainted Special Excursion Attend the big ball game at Parkdale Sunday, Aug ust 18, 1912. Hood River Heights vs. Parkdale Train leaves Hood River at 8 a. m., returning arrives Hood River at 5:30 p. m. One and one-third fare for the round trip, from all stations to Parkdale. If you do dot wish to attend the ball game, pic nic in the grove at Parkdale. WOOD FOR SALE P1XE $2.25 PER CORD FIR $2.00 PER CORD 1000 Cords, Pine and Fir, at head of Neal Creek road. Yarded out. Inquire on premises or PHONE 221-K. RALPH ROOT 1013 State Street F. 15 SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing Co. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING & X? X? Tinning and Sheet Metal WorK. Gasoline En gines, Pumps, Rama. Repairing Promptly Attended. Estimates Furnished. Otfice in Davidson Building Phone G8-X Third and Cascade HAVING purchased the entire interest of E. Brayford in the Roekford Store about three months ago, we are now in position to serve you with all the highest class groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. Give Us a Trial MERCER & CO. Cooper's Spray Fluids Tested practically for three years in Oregon, and clean trees from San Jose scale, fungus Bcab, an tracnose and pear blight. PLEASANT TO HANDLE Apterite A SOIL KUMIGANT. DESTROYS INSECTS CHAS. C. ROBERTS, Agt 247 Ash Street, Portland d. Mcdonald Hood River M. E. Church Services. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11 a. m. ana a p. m. Themes : Murnine, "The Glory of the Gospel;" evening, "What Lack 1 yet." fcpwortn eBRiie ai i p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, ill are cordially invited to attend these services. Strangers will be made welcome. Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. PRATT & LAMBERT'S VARNISHES. CALCLMO. For room tintinn mixed to order. CHI-NAMKL. For old furniture and wood work ; any color. BOOM MOULDING. Plate and Card Rail. Dry Paste. OIL CLOTH for walls and a nice line of Wall Paper. Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign and Carriage Work Carriage Shop ,lione 10L Store phone 11015 Oak Btre LIBRARY BENEFT OPERETTA "A DREAM of FAIRYLAND" By 50 Hood River Little Girls TWO PERFOMANCES HEILBRONNER HALL Friday, August 16th, at 8 o'clock p. m. Saturday Matinee at 2 p. m. Admission 50c Reserved Scats 75c Matinee 35c MRS. R. LEE BLACK, - - - j ggr BE SURE TO GO LIBRETTO OF "A DREAM OF FAIRYLAND." Two orphan children in search of Fairyland, overcome by fatigue, fall asleep in the " woodi; a band of happy Farie find them and (uiimioning the aid of the Woodland Sprite who perform their "Spriteo' Dance" and transform orphans into Faries; soon after, the liogiDg of the Evil Fanes is heard, when they appear, thev look as pretty and are so fac inating, the children almoHt regret having joined the (iood Varies; later they join the Evil Band, whereupon great sorrow prevailH among the (iood Faries; who finally recover them, alao win the Evil Faries. : t