'fh : if. HOOD nnrrn GLACIER, TlTODAY, AUGUST IS. 1912 Dt --3(i jor at "Jf' I Spray! Spray! Spray! ( u AYERS RECO'fflBDS SAND-CLAY ROADS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Whale Oil ALSO Soap Watts FormaldehydeTree Soap Kill the Aphis before they destroy your trees, vines and shrubbery. Tn the nuentlJ mean the dinerer. between .rtiuenc nd ft0t F..t Flaeir Ayre. ?'8nwZ engineer of the Oregon Agriculturi Uikge in . lecture ;tbU.wk to .ummer ''"Win farmer 1000 bush- .1. of potatoe. in b "Ha, tinK f?r a eood price. i - -- tit in March but they must t delivered n town, and the road. bad he " u haul over them, When ha finally cot tnem iu '"" puuuoee 30 cenU a bushel. Th. bad roads cost him $20. 1 now he is ardent Doosier j uiuvemeni KEIRCEICASS Smi th Block DC Reliable Druggist J 3o ON SAVINCS ACCOUNTS 333 UNDER U.S. GOV'T SUPERVISION Notice of Sheriff j Sale In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon tor Banking Accommodations A bank which extends to local indus tries banking accommodations is a vital and beneficial force in the community. The steadily increasing patronage enjoyed by this bank affords assurance that its policy is broad and suited to the requirements of the business men of the Hood River District. SI Ml I GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fancy and Staple Groceries, Hard ware, Farm Implements, Harness, Paints and Oils, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, and Powder and Caps We have just opened a real estate office in connection with our mercantile business and will deal exclusively in Upper Valley lands. If you have property that you want to sell, give us a trial. "W. ZEE. oaen.li.Iser Successor to INGRAM MERCANTILE CO. ML Hood, Oregon Stanley- Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath. Shingles. Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley Winans' Summer Hotel A Quiet Place for Summer Boarders Near the Punch Bowl NTCE COOL SHADE GOOD FISHING Rate $1.50 Per Day ADDRESS DEE, OREGON. TELEPHONE ODELL 17 The Purity Dairy Co. Yours for prompt service and Good Milk THOS. D. CALKINS Hood River County. u H. Maw ant. C. K. ample. FlaiuUlT, vs. Berth H. M K. W. Howland aaou and C. B. Maaou, DeleDd- xi,. taa la tieratic arlven that a writ of eieCU tlon and order of sale wa issued ui of the Circuit court of Mie Slate of oregou for the Conntyof Hooa Hiveron me mra uay i uij, luw imin tnrlmnpnt rendered on the 2nd day of July. 1U12, In tavor of plaintiff and aaalnst defendants, which said execnlion and nriiur nf aale lii to me directed and command- ii. m sell the nronertv hereinafter describ ed lor the purpose of satisfying the judgment of plaintiff In aald cause for the anra of five Thousand One Hundred Sevenly-alx and 87-lOOtlis (5,17U 81) Dollars, with Interest there, on from the 2nd dav or July, 1912, at the rate of seven percent per annum, and the further sum of Stt.5,oots and the eosts In-urred up. on said Wrltol Execution and sale; That far and In ooiuDllauca wii.il execunou aud order of sale 1 will on the 24th day ol AUKiist, lBlK, at the hour or m o oicx-it a. m.. t Hie front door of the Court House In Hood River (touul v. Oretion. sell at uuunc auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand for the purpose of satisfying the Judgment above named the ft) ow us described real properly altimtod In Hood River Dountv.Oregou. to-wlt: Beginning at the Southwest corner oi me Northeast ,i imrter of Section 22. In Township 2 North, Range 10 East, W. M., running thence east along the south line of said Mi quarter 79 rods and 10 feet; thence north 38 rods and 18 feet; thence east U rods, more or less, to :ne intersection oi tne county roau: iuen um lu 20 feet to the north llneoi the 8 Eta of the 8 Wi or said N fc.'; inence west vi ni, inoreur iubb, to t he N w corner oi me w y, or me o w 54 ui theSW'i or said tneuoe sou in aiuug the west line of said NK'i to tne lolece or be ginning 40 rod.'; said tract containing 20 acres, mora or less, exuemiua Luereirom. iiowvvri a certain rlKlil 01 way grantea to tne r.asi Ko'k Irrisatinir Comuany. dated August 26th 1909, the same being recorded In Misc. Rec ords or Mortiraires of Hood River County. Ore gon, on the HUM day 01 August, iwiu, in 11001 1 at rage tu. Dated this 25th day of July, 1912. Thos. F. Johnson. Sheriff for Hood River County J26a24 Oregon. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. farmer wr roads fre- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood Kiver Ixwnty Mary Wells, Adminiatratrix of the Estate of Warren Wells, Demeaned, Plaintiff, vs. Hood River Mineral Sprinirs Company, a Corporation, B. Mathison and (iut. Anderson, Lterenaanca. Notice is hereby given that a Writ of Execution anil Order of Sale was issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County on the 8th day of August, 1912, upon a judgment rendered on the 2nd day or July, lau, in favor of Plaintiff and against the defendants, which said execution and order of sale is to me directed, and commanding me toa sell the property hereinafter described for Z the pur pose ef satisfying the judgment of plaintiff in said cause for the sum of $2589.10, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per an num, from the 2nd day of July. 1912, and for the further sum of (250 attorney's fees in said cause, with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum, from the 2nd day of July, 1912, and the costs and expense of said sale incur red upon said Writ of Execution and Sale; That in compliance with said execution and or der of sale. I will on the 7th day September, 1912, at the hour of 10 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Hood River County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand for the purpose of satifying the judg ment above named the following described real Drooerty. situated in Hood River County. Oregon. to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast" Quarter and the North half of the North half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, all in Section 7. Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Hood River Coun ty, Oregon, containg 50 acres, save and except therefrom 10 acres in square form in the South west corner thereof, heretofore conveyed by War ren Wells, deceased, to William Kennedy leaving the tract subject to the right of way. heretofore conveyed by the said Warren Wells, deceased, to the East Fork Irrigating Company, for the pur pose of building, operating and maintaining a ditch, canal, flume or pipe line thereon, and the right of way of the Pacific Power A Light Com pany. Dated this 8th day August. 1912. THOS. F. JOHNSON. aSal Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon. promising reiiei. "While the farmer receive. s gre9t financial gain from KT jny one. be hai the added social benefits. Under the present uuen impossible tor his. childrtn to Ko to school regularly, bis.farniljr to go to church except when tne roads are dried out, his Doctor nrscn mm in time to be of most help, or hia mail t0 be delivered regularly. With better roads this can all be changed, and graded schools and larger churches al- . . i ImnmVimanla W8V8 IOIIOW lueoo k-- it ia not necessary that a creat deal of money be spent on our high ways but wnai n iuwiiikiiu ve used carefully and intelligently. A few dollars spent at the right time will save repairs costing hundreds, and most of the roaaa wnere mere is no heavy travel may be improved in this W8V Mr. Ayres then described the pro cess of building sand-clay roads; the initial grading witn proper crown ant Hrainao-e ditches, the distribution and packing of the clay spreading of the sand, and plowing and harrowing it in lightly on top. This type of road has given excellent satisfaction in the southern and middle western states, but little work of the sort has , . it. n. -i been done as yet in me racmc norm west. It has proved successful in Boils and climatic conditions similar to those found in OreRan. and there is no ques tion as to its value for our rural high- mavs "The saving in expense over other fnrma of rural road is no mean item.' enntinuea Prof. Avres. The average onst for aand-clav roads it but $723 a mile for the 24,601 miles in the United States, compared with a cost of ?4,9 a mile for macadam, in otner woras. about seven miles of good sand-claj road can be built for tne tame money an one mile of plain or water-bound macadam. The cost of maintenance is less than for any other form of un provement except the earth road, and horses and automobiles alike perfer it to anv of the hard surface roads. 'The road must first be graded and drained carefully, and should be crowned about one inch to the foot and smooth as a rae. It can be greatly improved by adding sand even if no erading has been done, but the expense will be much greater. The sand must be sharp and coarse, but need not be as clean as is required for concrete. It should be brought and piled along the shoulders of the road in dry weather when teaming is cheaper, though con struction can not begin until the rams soften the clav. The cheapest way is to spread the sand four to six inches deep over the wet clay and let the traffic mix the materials. Economy is the nnlv argument for this, and as more sand ia iihiihIIv reuuired to fill the ruts and hoUa.nrmed by the heavier team,' veir'ttiii advantage ia some times lost. 1 he road is almost impassible to heavy loads until the sand and clay are thorouchlv mixed A better way is to spread the sand to a width of 12 or 16 feet, mixing well with a plow or harrow. A depth of six inches is enough for light travel and a foot for heavy loads. The road drag should be used often to maintain the crown and nil ruts which will form in the first few months. If the road does not compare favorably with gravel or macadam as soon as the sand is added to the clay, ii anouid nor, ve considered a failure. Its construction a gradual process, and the surface will not be at its best in less than six months. If it gets muddy, add more sand : if it is too dry and dusty more clay is needed. All that is required for maintenance is me auamon oi a little more sand and clay each year, and the ocassional use of a drag.' For the Hair Are you so fortunate as to be well satisfied with your hair? Is it long enough, thick enough, rich enough? And your hair does not fall out? Well.welUhatisgood. But you may know of some not so fortunate. Then just tell them about Ayer's Hair Vigor. They will surely thank you after using it, if not be fore. Remember, it does not color the hair. Show the list of ingredients to your doctor. Let him decide their value. He knows. I e a Mad, By C. AT CO.. L-.n. w .... ranee a 1 o SPOKANE FAILS TO SELL BOND ISSUE Hood River is not alone in its trouble of bonds sales. The city of Spokane last week had an issue of a quarter of a million turned down by broker. A dispatch from that city says: rj. H. Koli Ins & Sons, brokers, oil New York and Chicago, best bidders on the tZWUKXi city hall nonds, have telegraphed Auditor Smith that they would not accept the issue, placing the city government in a predicament. The bondlbuyers say;that their at-1 torneys, Caldwell, Masslich & Keed, of New York City, have rendered them an opinion holding the issue illegal. With contracts all let and signed lor the building of the new city hall at Front avenue and Wall street, at a cost of $300,000 and with no money to pay for it. the council faces the necessity of raising the money by an additional tax lew of three mills in the 1913 budget. Citv Corporation Counsel bteuhenB says the bonds are legal and need only to be advertised for sale. Rollins & Sons are said by city officials to be dis gruntled because of a quarrel over ex penses of $2000 for the sale oi Ji.uoo,- 000 of nark bonds." . . a .... . 1 Ro lins & Sons were among me brokers who refused the local issue. We intend to make some radical changes in our wareroom, which will necessitate mov ing stock. Rather than incur the expense of moving the goods and renting temporary quarters, we have decided to offer our en tire stock of Buggies, Wagons and Disc Har rows at WHOLESALE PRICES for the next 30 days. liThis is not circus advertising, we mean it, and if you need anything in the lines mentioned above it will pay you to call promptly. Blowers Hardware Co Phone 99 Oak and 1st Sts. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. M. IX Jenks, Plaintiff, va. Mary La Monte, Defendant Summon. To Mary La Monuj, the defenpant above named: - In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the lar nt of the Dlalntlff filed airalnst vou In the above entitled action on or before the 10th eoinpli day of Aaanst. 1912: and If vm fail!to so an- bearabd answer (aid complaint tbe plaintiff win iaae judgment again! you lor tne mm of 1400.00, together with bis oonu and dis- buntemenU made and expended in this ac tion. Tula aummoni la served nnon yon by Dubll cation thereof, once a week lor all consecu tive we-na, in the tiood Klver Uiaeier, a newspaper of general clrcalrtlon publUhed nnM Auth arM.br at Unnrl Dlv in U ..A LJ t..- County, Oregon, by virtue of1 on order made oy tne MonoraDie ueorge K. t'aatner, Jadge of Hood Klver County, Oregon, on tbe Utb day of June, 1912. The date of the first publl cauou oi taiasurnmone la juiv 11, vvix. B W. HTAKK, 1Ila22 Attorney for Plaintiff Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreaon, July 5. 1912, Notice la hereby given that William v QlaHcock.ofilood Klver, Oregon, who on Oc tober as, ISO,, made Homestead No. 1637', Serial No. 01016, for SUM BK'xi. Section 83, Township 2 North, Range 10 Eaat, and K',i NK'4. HEy. Section S, Township 1 North. tvange iu tuMt, n iiiaraeue Meridian, naa med notice nt intention to make Ave vear Proof. to eetabUHb claim to the land above described before F. A. Blahnn, U. 8. Oommiiwlouer, at hia office at Hood Uiver, Oregon, on tbe KUti uay oi Augun, 191. Claimant namea aa wltneaaeK Oeorea W Kollaa, Robert B. Bragg, Charles Ptlughaupt, iKuin cuguau, oi nwKi niver ureifon. c. w. Moore. JlaS Kegibler. Street improvement Cross-walks on Twelfth Street Pursuant to a resolution panned by the Com mon Council of the City of Hood River, July 1st. 1911!, providing tor cement croaa walks tn be constructed across Twelfth Street at the following points: 1 he South aide of Pin Street, the North aide of Hull Street, aad the Sooth aide of Wilaoa Street; tbat bld will be received by the undersigned City Recorder at bis office, 211 Oak Street, in aald city, npJU 12 o'clock, noon, of August 10, luig, for proposals to cwiieiruiH bhiu wbiss, tne same to lie con structed under the direction of tbe Street uommissioner ana tne uny aarveyor in ac cordance with tbe specifications furnished by the City Surveyor, and tbat tbe same will be required to be completed within 10 days after tbe awarding of the contract. Tbis notice Is published in the Hood River Glacier for one issue, the date of tbe first pnb- iicttttuu uriug auguat ill. iwia. B. L. HOWE. as City Recorder. Seemed to Give 111m a New Stomach. "I anrTxreil inlenselv after eatiilif anil no metlii ine or treatment I tried ceemwl to do any good," writes II. M. Voung petera, editor of The 6un, Lake View, . "The first few doset of Chamberlain r Stomach and Liver Tablets gave nie sur prising relief and tne secona bottle in uivfi me new stomach and perfeotly gqod health." ror sale ty an dealers. Desks and Chairs Wanted The ladies who have promoted the organization of the Hood River county library declare mat me uuuas aim yuu- lications that nave nee" secuieu win be placed in the rooms or tne smiw building vacated by tne aouie riano house as fast as carpenters make the Quarters ready. The norary committee has everyining to " " anitahla to the accommodation of tbe nuhlic extent some chairs and desks . ;, l .:-i Ilnnatinnfl or me use ui audi aiucicu of a substantial ana attractive nature will be gratefully appreciated. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as a rule, be cured oy aingio u ui Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr- hiM Ramedv. This remedy tias no su- , 1 .. : i i.- .,!.. nerior tor DOWei cuuipiauus. rui mc by all dealers. Rubber Stamps at the Glacier office, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Tb belles. Oregon, i illy IS, 1812. Hrvricr is hervhv given tbat Edward O. Mo onn, of MU Hood, Oregon, wbo, on July lf.th. 1907. made Homestead No. 16H4S, Serial No 0417 for Nr-'i'. rfc'ioa a, Township 1 Mrxih rtiinire 111 hast, Wllllsoiette Meridian baa filed notice of Intention to make five year ,,-ru.f m Miithiish claim to the land above de. scribed, before the Ke-ilater and Receiver of the U.H Land Otnee, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 36th day of August, Wli. riatmant names as Witnesses: Oenrge M Kirknatrlck. Henry H Hardman, William Keeling. Marion VY. shearer, all of Ml. Hood regOD C.W.MOORK. Register, Notice of Final Settlement Notice la hereby given tbat the undersigned .rir,,i..iir.i.rot tbe i-ritaleof Martha W. Uta- by deceased, has filed bis final account as such admidlstrator In tbe County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for isuou mver uounty, ana that said loun oas mni ton appointeq n'rinrk In the forenoon on the 3uth dav August, 1912, at the Conn House In Hood River, Oregon, as tbe lima and place for the hearing of sal I final account and tbe settlement thereof. Now ail belrs, creditors, or other persons Interested la said estate, are hereby reuuired to appear en or before the fixed lor the ssia nesting and to timet i file ob jections to said account or any particular Item thereof, so. cifying the particulars of such oo- iectlons. ala Jeaae W. Rlgby, Administrator. Book List Hood River County Ljbiray These lists, if preserved, will afford a complete catalog of the new county library. List 111 Poultry Culture Brieham Proeresaive Poultry Cul ture. Robinson Poultry Craft. Bee Culture Biggie-Biggie Bee Book. Root A. B.C . and X. Y. Z. of Culture. Farm Builidngs and Accounts Farm Buildinss. Bozell-Farm Accounting and Busi ness Methods. Rural Sociology Butterfield Chapters in Rural Prog ress. McKeever Farm Boys and Girls, Gardening and Grounds Bailev Garden Making. Barron Roses and How to Grow Them. Ely Woman's Hardy Garden. Home Buildine and Furniture Portland Cement Co. -Concrete Con st ruct ion. Portland Cement Co. Concrete Cot tarpa. Portland Cement Co. Concrete Country Residences. Desmond liuilding a nome. Kellogg Home Furnishings. Laughlin The Complete Home. Saylor-Bungalows. Carpentry and Handicraft Griffith Wood-working for Amateur Craftsmen. Pieistman Artcrafts for Beginners. Windsor Mission Furniture. Business Garrison Accounting Every Man Should Know. McCulloueh-Engineering aa a Vo cation. Willinms (;h(K)sirtr a Vocation. Williams-The Practise of Journal ism. Fine Arts Bowcr-The Art of the Pianist. Caffin How to Study Pictures. niflVivrl Riio-a of the Orient. Hill One Hundred Masterpieces of Sculpture. Walls HOW 10 ivnow Arcmimuie. Witt One Hundred Maserpieces of Painting. rnotograpny Taylor Why My Photographs Are Bad. Woodbury Photographic Amuse ments. Games and Amusements Bancroft Games for the Play ground. Foster Complete Hoyle, an Ency clopedia of Indoor Games. ti lover fame curtesy nuu ui Novel Entertainments. Glover More UuesBing ixmiesis. Kenhart Book of Camping and Woodcraft. Kephart-Camp Cooking. Talbot-Moving Pictures, How They are Made and Worked. Poetry Kipling-Collected verse. Long American Poems. Longfellow Complete Poems. Page Chief American Poets. Palgrave-Golden Treasury. Rilfiv Afterwniles. Ward English Poets, four volumes. Whittier Poems. Drama Ibsen Collected Works. Kennedy Servant in the House, Masterlicnh The Blue Bird. Moody The Great Divide, Peabody The riper. Raleigh Shakespeare. Shakespeare's Works. Essays and Miscellaneous Prose. Benson At Large. Bolton Famous American Authors. Crothers By the Christmas Fire. Emerson Essays. Everts The Speaking Voice. Hale Dramatists of Today. Reader's History of American Literature. Howells Literary Friends and Ac- quaintancea. Howells, Heroines of Fiction, Scaffler Christmas. Scudder American Prose. Tains Historv of English Literature Vincent American Literary Masters VanDvke Days Off and Other Di- arpRRions. Whiting Four Hundred Good Stories Furniture ad Pianos Moved Draying, Express and Baggage All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection T AFT TRANSFER CO. Office Phone 29 Residence Phone 238K ooc 30 A Little of Our Meat is really more nourishing than a whole lot of coarse, inferior grades. MORE APPETIZING, TOO, as you'll readily agree when some of our chops or steaks are set before you. We Only Ask You to give them a trial. We know full well that their goodness will make you a steady patron of this market. ill , jU I4ISJ iS?X f .Lar5J HOOD RIVER MARKET oracje We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 5 v M All Women Wonder how we can produce so big a loaf of tine broad for so little a price. They cannot do it, no matter how ciprt they may be. How can they? We buy our materials at wholesale and use the most mod ern appliances. That's why our bread is cheaper than the home baked and better too. flODEL BAKERY Fourth und State Mood Riyer, Ore. ! '