The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 30, 1912, Image 2

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fouafo Etucr (Blarirr
AfclHIR I). VOE. Pabtlther.
Subscription, Sl-Vt IVr Year.
The communication from F. K. All
sten in last week's issue of the Glacier
while it rimy contain information that
may be of interest Jnow and will tin
doubteJIy demand the attention of the
citizens of the eour.ty in the future, is
riot to the point at the present time.
Unfortunately the siiutipfit't,n has Keen
made 'that the Columbia river h'fih
way Jshould proceed through the route
criticised Ly Mr. A listen, instead of
proceedi:j? over the present route of
the state road over the grade at Mitch
til's Point. This has merely hecn a
matter of talk, however.
If the county of Mood River desires
to huild a road intersecting the old
route leyotul Mitchell' Point the mat
ter can be taken in hand and decidei
UKn after a passable ruute has l,e.--n
completed nirmec tine the cititen of
Hood Hiver and Portland. The main
tliiriji; that should demand alteration
now should Le the completion as soon
as possible of this hintivv.y, over
which the people may travel. When
the hole is bored llip many that will
travel it will demand and assist in the
securing of a well built road. Ir.dci d,
after the first wagon or automobile
has passed over the route, with Mir
prising quickness the sentiment will
call for the best in roadbuiid' ra' art.
Every cent of the lienson donation
should and is being spent on the new
roadway as should the funds made
available by the special tax lovicH of
the road districts in the western end
of the county bo spent. The begin
ning lias been made on the road and
with a good beginning a hard part of
the task is over.
fiut above all things complete the
passage between the two counties,
Mutlhoiriali and Hood River before liny
talk of what may be the benefits of
changing the already existing stretches
of road.
"Never count your chickens before
they're hatched," says an old adage.
The Northwest's products may not be
quite hatched yet, but looking at the
incubator and Applying our ears to its
ventilators we can hear the bumper
apple crops, grain crops, carloads of
livestock and tons of small fruits
"peeping," "peeping." They are
"pipping." The hands of the orchard
ist and farmer havo made the best of
preparations and Mother Nature has
done the rest, and, indeed, it looks
very much as though we can do a little
counting before the actual hatching.
From the bright outlook it's at lenst
not amiss to make predictions. Every
prospect points to prosperity for the
northwest. The presidential year
won't be a long, lean one for Oregon
by any means. Wheat, cherries, ap
ples, potatoes, and beef and sheep.
The farmer will be happy in a snug
comfortable home with a good sized
bank account. The merchant can
wear a smile ; for his trade will be
good. Unleash the dogs, when the
election is over, not war dogs, but
hounds of prosperity for we are going
to move along commercially here in
the Northwest.
Today is Decoration Day, when every
loyal American citizen should piiy trib
ut'i to the soldier dead, who gave of
their energy, their strength and their
earnestness for the principles of their
country. In the rush of modem activ
itieH, it is claimed by some that we are
too prone to forget to honoi as we
should the memory of those who have
fought their last lights ami have en
tered into unknown camp grounds.
This, however, is a mistake. True
American patriotism will always cause
to exist deep down in the hearts of all
its citizens a feeling of the greatest
respect for the surviving veterans and
one of reverence fur the dead.
An appropriate observance of Decor
ation Day is proper. The children
should have a part in it; for it instills
into them a feeilng of respect for
those who have taken part in the coun
try's battles that will never be forgot
Portland is going to have a boy
mayor during the Hose Festival. The
youthful aspirants to the position are
out with their supporters and pro
claiming their platforms. Muyhapa
the ideas propounded by the lads will
give useful suggestions to the elders.
So far no fatalities have been re
ported as a result of the rush for the
"Teddy Hand Wagon", but everybody
had better watch out or somebody will
get mashed in the rush.
V.uu'.han Resigns From Board
A meeting of ttie school patrons of
the Third school district, comprising
the city and adjoining communities
will be held on June 17 for the election
of two new members of the Mount un.l
a clerk. Carl 11. Vaiighan, it is learned
resigned fiom the Hoard recently just
preceding bis departure on an eastern
visit. Mrs. F. 11. Hutton will retire
from the Hoard at the end of the com
ing school year. F. A. Hishop has
filled the ollice of clerk for the past
Third Recital
At the home of Mrs. II. M. Huxley
on Saturday afternoon. Miss Carlisle's
piano pupils played charmingly a
varied and interesting program. A
decided progress was noticed, anil
worthy of especial interest was the
careful technical training and the nius
icianly interpretation given. Each pu
pil played two numbers and there were
three duets. A delightful addition to
the program were the violin solos by
Misses lhompson and Whitehead and
vocal solo by Miss l'artmess. i
The city yesterday closed negotia
tions with the Pacific Power & Light
Co. and, without any strings attached
to the plant, took absolute control of the
water plant after the company had ac
cepted the funds raised by the three
local barks, the liuller Hank, the hirst
National I hi k and the Hood River
Hank & t rust Co. The recent revision
of the city charter at the special elec
tion held for that purpose made it os
sible for the city to increase its gen
eral indtbeteuness from five to ten
thousand dollars ai d to incur a special
indebtedness to care for the payment
of the purchase price as fet by the
condemnation jury last fall. 'I he war
rants were drawn for this purpose and
the banks assumed thern, paying cash
to the Pacific Power Ai Light Co.
W ith the installation of the (iltera
tion systt rn, and after the reservoir on
the Heights is repaired and new pipe
line laid, the city will have an ade
quate supply of water H is
The bottom fell out of the reservoir
last week. Hugh Smith, who ha?
charge of the water dc ai tment, aNo
noticed that when any great pressure
was placed on the pipe lii e leading
down from the l.ymaii-.Vnith sr"K.
the system failed to hold, lie city
has ordered !IU0 feet of pipe to take the
place of that needing repair.
'Ihe net earnings of the water sys
tem row amount to about If-loOO, about
.fJ7W of which will be ,used to install
the filter system and repairs. Miss
Johnson, the superintendent of the
water department, reports that the
revenue from the system lor this
month has been more than fl.oDO,
The Hood River Reiiedict Tennis
club, composed of the married racket
wielders of the cily and valley, will
spend the greater part of today play
ing a Round Robin tennis mutch, ami
f anyone wants to see the athletic
gentlemen really perspiring, but en
joying it, he Ftiould journey up to the
tennis court on Oak street and watch
some of the performances. The games
should prove interesting; lor the club
has gome guod players. Jn fact they
are pretty evenly matched and the
contests are going to be close.
The games will begin in the early
morning and continue until the victori
ous pair is crowned the heroes of the
1 ho players have been matched as
follows: (ieo. I. Slocom and Harry T.
Hewitt, Dr. Malcolm llronson and
Frank A. Cram, Dr. II. 1). W. Pineo
and Chas. Hall, Rev. II. A. MacDon
ald and Dr.. E. I). Kanaga, Truman
liutler and J. A. hpping, K. U. Hall
and K. W. Pratt, E. A. Franz and
Ernest C. Smith, Louis A. Henderson
and J. II. Ileilbronner, A. P. Reed and
K. R. Pooley. Heredict Henderson is
the most recent addition to the club.
The excavation work having been
finished, the cement work on the Na
tional Apple Company s near building
at the toot or btate street has been
begun. Specifications fur the upper
woodwork portion of tho building au
now in the hands of the board of direc
tors. Advertisements for bids will
soon be submitted to local contractors.
C. H. Sprout, president of the Na
tional Co., states that the rain assures
a bumper crop of apples. "We under
stand, says Mr. Spreat, "that the
Jonathan apples are setting very heav
ily, the growers will do well,; we
think, to thin the Jonathans pretty
heavily and secure a four tier fruit,
for this is the popular size of this va
riety with the trade."
Ihe Hood River Apple Growers'
I'liiun has begun the excavation at the
east end of the old warehouse for the
additional cold storage structure to be
finished before September 1. Ihe new
building, which with the old building,
will furnish capacity for 2(1(1,000 boxes
of fruit, will tie ISO by 4(1 feet. E. ().
Hall has the contract for the excava
tion. The old receiving sheds and the
building occupied by AI. Whitehead are
being demolished.
It is probable that a manager of the
Union was decided on at a preliminary
meeting hit night of the boiml of
directors. From the statements of C.
W. Flooker, who is in charge cf the
shipments of strawberries, the new
manager will be known within the
next day or two. While Mr. Hooker
did not know who the new man would
be yesterday afternoon, he stated that
he would be an eastern mini. A rumor
has been circulated to tho effect that
John F. Moore, formerly manager of
the Grand Junction, Colo. , Union,
would receive the appointment. This
rumor was declared to be without
basis. E. E. Ireland, who has been
east on business for the Union, re
turned last night in time to be present
at ;the meeting of the beard of direc
tors. LiWd-Off Land Consross
A meeting of interest to the whole
Pacific Northwest will be held in Port
land next October when the Commer
cial club and Realty Hoard will have a
logged-olV Lund Congress. Commit
tees are now at work arranging pro
gram and other details ami when this
is announced, it is expected it will in
clude many experts who have dealt
with this problem,
Hest methods of ridding cut-over
land of stumps and at the same time
making use of the turpentine and other
by-products of the stumps themselves
will be discussed by men who have
made these subjects a special study.
Hritish Columbia, the Pacific North
west states and California will partici
pate. The Minister of Works of lirit
ish Columbia will either attend in per
son or will send a representative.
Mrs. J. K. Jordan
The funeral of Mrs. J. E. Jordan
was held at the family residence on
Wilson street yesterday, Rev. J. R.
Hargreaves ollieiating. Mrs. Jordan!
who is survived by a husband and five
children, came to Oregon several years
ago from Oklahoma seeking health.
Straw lurry Harvest Dance
To celebrate the harvest of the
strawberry season the West Side ten
nis club will give the second of its ser
ies of dances tomorrow night at the
Ileilbronner hall. The dances are
proving very popular and a number of
out of town guests are expected to be
present for the party.
SneCial Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose, Armor Plate
brand, regular 25c sellers, special j c p
price, the pair only : ....... I)v
If you think you can do Letter by hav
ing your clothes made to measure than
we'll do for you here in clothes ready
made, you've pot a chance to think again.
Hart, SchafTner & Marx use better fab
rics than you find in most clothes; put
letter lining, trimmings and tailoring
into them than you get in most clothes.
It in a waste of time to wait for your
clothes to lie made when you can step in
and get the Lest that's going in a half
hour or less.
H., S. & M. Suits $18.00 and L'p
Other Makes $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and Up
We have some splendid bargains in
Men's Suits in the smaller sizes that
are truly bargains. The former prices
on these was .8.(X), $10.00 and up to
f 15.00. Your choice for the
suit while they last
Campers' Supplies vet oj-tm
Utensils, Comforts, Blankets, etc. We save you money
In the Line of Boys'
We have one of the very best assort
ments in the way of Boys' Suits that has
ever been displayed in the city, and we
can plegse youvin style, material, fit
and price. Just drop in and see what
we have to please the boys.
We have a splendid line of Men's Cor
duroy Pants in all sizes and grades, but
wish to call your special attention to
some broken lots that we have in differ
ent sizes that we have special prices on.
We have not all sizes in these bargains:
Corduroy Pants, $3.25 Values . ..$1.65
Corduroy Pants, $3.75 Values.. $2.25
Corduroy Pants, $5.00 Values.. ..$3.25
We have quite an assortment of High
Grade Hats for Men in the latest shapes
and colors that are worth ?100 each any
where you go. These are good, new
shapes. The only bad feature (f Q
is that they are mostly in size 7 pi"
Nemo Self-reducing Corsets, Nos. 305
and 330, for medium and slender figures,
made of fine white coutil or batiste, me
dium bust, long skirt, sizes 18 to 26,
regular $3.50 sellers. For one week,
commencing Friday, May 31, (!0 CO
your choice only yi)0
Ladies' Suit Case Hats, nicely made of
fancy mixed braid, regular AO
$2.50 values. Special tjJi.VO
Ladies' Laundred Shirt Waists in plain
white and colors, in values up 1 A A
to $2.50. Your choice ipl.UU
We have just received an express ship
ment of Ladies' Summer Coats. 2nd floor.
Visit our Ueady-to-Wear Department and see how reasonably we can supply you with a nice Dress for your
self or the girls. Correct in style, fit and finish. Second Floor.
Hood River's Largest
and Best Store
f f ,U,J"
New Ideas
in Dress are always in Demand. Get
the Fashion Sheet for JUNE and see
The Summer
New Ideas
All Patterns lOc
The appointment of a Kueceasor to
Juiltre tieo. I), (Julliertson has been be
fore the people now for more than a
week. Governor West hast announced
that he will make an appointment of
Ihe choice of the people and has set
Saturday, June S, as the date for a
special election. He appointed, ac
cording to a dispatch from Salem,
Judce A. J. Derby, Leslie liutler and
(J. M. Uptenrove as fa committee to
take charge of the election, the ex
penses of which will be borne by the
state. However, up to yesterday the
committee had received no olticial in
structions as to their appointment.
They met Tuesday afternoon, when
it was thought for a time that W. L.
Clark and S. VV. Stark hud withdrawn
their names from the list of aspirants
to the position und Lawrence N. Mow
ers hml'bcen chosen by tho committee,
who planned to write to the governor
and ur;e him to appoint Mr. Mowers
without the trouble of an election.
However, Mr. Stark refused to allow
his name stricken from the list of as
pirants and is making a canvass tor
votes. Geo. U. Cashier is mentioned
by his friends as an aspirant.
The first carload of Hood River
strawberries, left here Inst ninht for
points in Idaho and Montana. The car
load lot of fruit, which came from
ranches within a short radius of the
city, was made up by both the David
son Fruit Co. and the Union. David
son Fruit Co. shipped 2(10 crates of
fruit I) v express shipment. Carload
lots will be dispatched daily from now
Boxing Match at Electric
Hood Hiver people will have an op
portunity to witness a professional
exhibition of the "manly art" at the
I'.lictiic Theatre next Monday and
Tuesday, when Kid Kxposito, the light
weight champion of the Northwest,
and Harry Groat, the welterweight
champion of the Northwest, give some
fancy boxing stunts at the popular
place of amusement. This will not be
a prize light, but will be about as en
tertaining. I, tidies and children will
enjoy it as well as the men, for there
will be no shocking knockouts.
Three reels of pop.ilar and entertain
ing animated pictures.
At the Haptist church next Sunday
school will be held at 10 a in. Rector
Kdimmd T'rew Simpson, of tho Kpisco
pal church, will deliver the evening
The DeMoss l yric band will give an
entertainment at the Papist church on
Friday evening, June 7.
J. K. Kelsey, an orchardist of I.yle,
Wash., was united in marriage yester
day morning at the Haptist parsonage
by Rev. J. R. Hargreaves to Miss Ida
F. Rock, of this city.
James K. Montgomery left Tuesday
for l'ortland to meet his aunt, Mrs'
June C .Dickey, who is returning to
her home in Minneapolis from Japan,
where she spent the winter.
F. S. Stanley, ot the Stanley-Smith
Lumber Co. and president of the First
National Rank, arrived Tuesday from
Portland to make an inspection of the
lumber mill plants at Green Point,
ISelmont and Ruthton.
Y. A. Cram has creeed a large elec
tric sign in front of his store on Oak
Dr. P. 11. May, one of the best
known chiropractors of Portland, has
decided to locate in Hood River, and
has seemed quarters in room 17, Ileil
bronner building, formerly occupied bv
Dr. Carpenter. He ill be pleased t'o
meet all these who are opposed to the
drug ii ethod.
A Parson'a Three Price.
A good taw Is toM of an old Welsh
minister in the sixties who v Iwn writ
ten to as to his terms for otlu-iating at
a special plea, hlng festival replied
that he had three prices: "For 13
shillings I will make' all the mvnle for : sovereign I will make
them laugh and weep alternately,
while for :!0 shlllin-s 1 will in.-.k
them Jump on top of the beuebes."
CardilT Western Mall.
Vertical Versus Horiiontal.
'My wile is verv strict ....,.ni
"Veil leal etiquette! What do you j
"Why. in mi elevator with her she
insists on my removing my bat, but on
a train or a street car she doesu'U"
Uostou Transcript.
Diamonds and Watches
- Comparison will Convince You That Our Prices Are Right
We are Watchmakers and Repairers
fX '
rt' ' " "" r a4' .-V.,j . ifll 1 '
g IiiJ . I &&lMMf "til l';
IZli -J3353T. -j . .: . ; :. ' i3
Hood River Strawberry Fields
Ths Vacuous Life.
renple without any fyrnj of religion,
without suirstitlou, devoid of any
thought of the future mtute. have boeu
found in the Interior forests of Suma
tra, according to Dr. Wilhelin Volz, the
geologist of the University of llreslau,
who made extensive journeys though
the Island. There he found the Kubus,
us he named theiu, who are scarcely
to be distinguished from the small
manlike ape of the liulo Malayan
countries. They are wanderers through
the forest seeking food. They have no
property. They are not hunters, but
simply collectors. They seek merely
mitliclent nuts, fruits and other edible
growths to keep them alive.' The Ku
bus wiifre very little warfare upon the
small amount of animal life In their
silent and somber land. The only no
tion he .could get from them of a dif
ference between a live and a dead per
son was that the dead do not breathe,
lie Infers that they are Immeasurably
Inferior to the. paleolithic man of Eu
rope who fashioned tools and hunted
bin tame with his flint tipped arrow
nnd knife Intellectual atrophy Is the
result of the Kubus' environment The
words they know are almost as few as
the Ideas flwv trv to e'.rss. Chicajro
Notice to Contractors.
6m I or Sch,,of rVfk of" lUxtrlct NJ lh
H.miiI Hiver, iitcl'oii, My 21, 1S13
Scaled proposals wilt bfl received hpiv unlit
Tl.s p. in . on thn lull i1v of June. ItU-'. for Ihe
oiihiruction ol a sehol lionse in Hchool Dint.
No. II, H.Mut Kivt-r t'only. Ore. 'I'he board
ii'scrvlnii U rluht to reject all hlds.
F'.acli hidilcr moat neeonipany his tid tty a
cerntlrd chrck pavntlp Ufc H. M. KranrlB,
Mfi-k of Ihe Hoard ol K.dnoallon ror DUirict
No. II for at least ten pcrienlof ttieanionnt
ol his bid This amount will he forfeited to
School Histrlct No II should the bidder fall
upon the request of h Hoard of KdiioKllon
lo enter Into a contract with Ihe Board to con.
struct the u-ork as a.rplan and n.eolnoatlon
wtihln live rtnyo after the award of contract.
The successiul bidder will bereuhed lo fur
nish a contractorV Imnit In amount of not leas
than H pef cent of the total amount of hid
bid. lor the fiothtul performance of work.
Willi two Mttxtactorv Sureties, or the Hon d of
xoine Surety ( .1111 pany, for an amount not
icss man ,i per cent or lue total amount 01
his bid. . -
Payments to be made as follows: Seventy-
five eroent of t tie valueof the work perform
ed during each month t be jiu'd for at the
close 01 itie month; the nnal payment 10
ne npon me completion or 1 lie work
and nccepiuneeof ihe aanie by the Architect
and Hoard of Kducalton.'
l-',ii. h contractor taklnv out a set of plans
must deposit Klve Hollars (SMW) which
Hinount will be i'tume.l lo him upon th re
lurn of the plans lnfornvat(fln furntsheit up
on applicat.on. Pians and speciflcatlons n.ay
'" hud at the office Aloert Sutton, on and
uftcr the th Jy of June. lsi.
II. M. KUANi'ts,
in.Stijut. Clerk of Ihe Board of Education.
General Blacksmithing and Woodworking
If you break one of the shafts of your ve
hicle, do not think you need a new pair; we
can make a new one for you. We keep a stock
of ironed shafts and poles, powder spoons,
choke hooks, etc.
(Successor to Snow (EX Upson)
Phone 62-K Fourth Street
Application No. 7.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for Hood Itlver f'ountv.
In the matter of the application o C. I..
KiiKeratn reiMer title to the following de
scribed real estate: Keirlnnlng at an Iron rod
which Is 1HH.46 reel North and a4.7l feet
West ot the Sou theast corner of the North
east Quarter of Keel ton Two. Township Two
Nonh ol Kanne Ten Kast or the Willamette
Meridian, thence YVeat S0U.J5 feet- thence
North 376 .85 feet to the South line of the Hen
son Donation Land Claim; thence Kast along
the South line of aald i. 1,. c. soil.ij, thence
Mouth to the place of beginning.
Alice F. Shepard, A. V. Mononnllh, Fred
rick I.. H. Von I.nbken. L. W.Cannon, ( has.
I'. Met an, Thomas Jell'reys and all whom It
may coueeru. Defendants.
That on the 2it r day May, I91J, an applica
tion was tiled by said C. 1,. Kogers In the cir
cuit Court for Hood Klver County, for Itltlal
regislrnliou of the title of the land above de
scribed. Now, unless you appear on or before the 1st
day of July, luj, and show cause why such
application should not be granted, the same
will be taken as confessed, and a decree w ill
be taken according to the prayer of the appli.
cation, and you will be forever barred fro n
disputing the same
YV ilness my hand and Seal of said Circuit
Cour lthl3Jth day of May. 1S1
mttii. W. K. H.VSSON, Clerk.
Application No. 6.
Tim Ho.-tri R Iv.p l,1,b .WW IT....... ... .
.... .............. .....n,n iiuoii and
the Davidson t run Companv have arranaed
With lite V l 4 1 n,l,..r,i... L'
agency of IVrtland to furnish all classes of
ptcucrs ur ttie
UrillDm unn rrml .n.v.,.l tl.u u... i:
It slrlcl iliirlnw 1 1. a ....on.. .
quarter In the office ol Hie Hood Klver Ap
lle (Growers' lTmoti VI l.n i-..,, .,.
either phone or w rite the I'nion or the Davlil'
SOU hlllt l-,tflt lAttl. v- u.i.i II. a ..l... ... .
promptly forwarded to us aud Oiled No :
charge to eiuploj era. ( i
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Hood Kiver tduuty.
Inthe niHtier ol the application off. I.
Rogers to register the title to the following
described real estat-'. Heglnnlng al an Irou
rod 111., I.i b et North and 2&iM feel West ol
.....iuictsi corner oi itie Northwest tuar
erol Section Two, TownshipTwo N. rihol
Range l en Kast of the Willamette Meridian
thence Smith ;il IS feel; luence West i
..... .iiin ,.), reel to a point n the
South hue of the Benson Donation Und
llaiiiii.n-jt, f,.et Kast of the South went corner
of said n. 1,. C. thence Kast ,ki.d feet- thence
Ninth feet; thence Kast ft;a.7 feet o the
,...,.. ..,-KiiiiimB. I'lalutiri'.
HAu1uK- h,;i",. ;has. P. Mcf'an, R.ibt.
... c nuu nM wnom ii may concern:
. Defendants.
That on the day of May, 19i2, an flnnll
ca en was Hle,1 h iu,,i i 1 ' ' 1 ' .
Circuit Court lor Hood Klv'e-Comilv, for i "'
liLwS''1'''' f "He of ihe land above
Now, unless you appear on or before the 1st
day ol July, V.Ui and show cause why such
a plica Ion should not be granted, the same
rteiU1"'nai;,colltt'sse,.H"11 uwreewill
be sken according to the prayer of the appll
SliuTe'1 tW S"T
W. E. HANSON. Clerk.
Notice of RewarfTand WaTnTng.
A revvar.l of o0 will be given for in
formation wain to the arrest an.l con
viction ot parties I
otlierwue demolishitis; Park (irUn.
hall. a"
OaKdale Greenhouses
Budding Plants
of All Kinds
Pot Plants and Cut Flowers at
See Roses, etc., in bloom this sum
mer ana liave plants reserved for
next year. .
Fletcher (St Fletcher
tlood River
For Sale Hrown Leghorn liens. Mrs. H. T.
Roung, phone HH Odell. J'JO
For Sale Osborne mower and hay rake In
good condition, phone Odell I7.X.. I JO
For Hale Flue 4 year-old mure, broken,
kind nnd gentle. Iuquire of 1). P Smith, first
turn tioulh of East Barrett school, or phoue
m L. mmit
For Sale-A cow. 1'. H Cajroll, phone ltWM
Wood For sale Dry 4-lcx)t fir wood de
livered In toivn, s4.SU per cord. Phone
AS3K. JI-4
For Hale- Apple trees, Newlowns, Spitz and
On ley. 812 per bundled. Philip Kollas, i
miles S. W.ol Odell. tf
For Sale Cow, young borne, tlmotny hay.
Phone Jll-.ii. J6
Land For Hale 2.10 acres of land for aale
from f ill pel acre up. Will sell In 20-acre
tracls with part in tieea. C. J. Calkins, phone
W K. - jnstf
TYPEWBITKKH-For sale or rent on easy
terms. A. W. Oulhauk. aJMf
For Pale-Mack Jersey bull, 3 years old.
Antone Hauigsman, K. F. I). No 3. J1D
For Sale A fresh Durham Buorthorn cow,
now milking between five aud six gallons
dully. Phone or write Ives & Frey, ML
Hood, Ore. Phone Odell 2f. tf
Huildlng Frr Sale The Richmond Shop on
Prospect street. Suitable lor barn. Inquire
of A. W. Onihank. J i ;i
For Kale-One (arm team and harness.
VVeighl about 2UK), 1 aud 8 years old, good
roadsturs. Can be seen at Mohr's teed yard,
or call L. II. Rose, Hotel Oregon. m;W
For Salt Hay work team. If taken at once,
!0U. Also fresh milch cows, two hogs. Phone
2Ui-L. J6
Wanted-Upholsterlng, retlnishlng and re
pairing. High class work at reasonable prices
Phone for estimates. K. A. Franz Co. JUlf
VVunlCM.V'lioitn 11J.M r..,. B,..Kn.n i..i.
era. Hiaid River Fimploymeut Co., W. F.
i.ewis, i-ioi.t ii i ascaue avenue. jn
V'Hiited-(7!i);Y(Hing Men to come to the
Voilntr Men'h A I helm In r Oil, ...Aaii.,.. A n
(Irace U. U. church Uymnasliini, Sunday at
IU in. M. S. Frederlch. Sec
Wanted Married man, working on Hood
...... ,..,. inm , i.hiiis lo i-uniie iu Hiioiner
mrm. Does all general farm work. Address
i-'iuhci, ruie uinuit'r. ii;i
WanloH U........ l .. 1 . .. .
i,,iKK, iiom 111 i ei iii ii lur i s Keep.
W ill t eat well. Phone 227 M. ni2:ilf
Wanted -I'o rent 'for one month girl's or
lady's bicycle. (I. K. Schmlclt. iilionn "X1
Odell. . rn
Wanted Reliable man who can do general
blacking and horseshoeimr lohn Hill lone.
Ore. i,i
Flr Rent IfOlldA ana liurn n.OH ID b.wb
unimproved near Uarrett Schodl House.
i uiiiicm wrne r . uavenpori. jr. Ju
For Kent Nlcelv furnished front room
Private residence l.r? tin. I,u.ih,.n TIA r
cade a jnue. ' is
FOP Weill It'l.'D mnm 1... nnl.l-.l O....
- . ... ...-t....... iibi uu iiiuu it l "...
Apply I). McDonald. m30tf
For Hale-SO acres partly Improved, with
water.right, hay or fruit. Ideal scenery power
siie, trout fishing, has all the appoint riieiita of
a high grade proposition and will interest
anyone looking ror an attractive home loca
tion. Prii-e y an acre. Investigate for vnur
self. A it drewi C. M. Cutting, owner, trout
Lake, Wash. m,.yx
Heavy work team al very reasonable
AiUl ress :
Parkdale. Ore. Phone 0de m
. ... iveiiL n in rent iiirsiimmer, compieieiy
.I, uii.iieu uouse, gooa location, spienoia
view, no dust, call W. H. McClaln, phone
Notice to I ow Owners I have a Jersey bill
that 1 am standing at mv place three-quarters
l"Jlle west of the Hall Park. M.J. Foley, tf
For Rent -Harage at Eighth and Columbia
streets, also furnished rooiua. Phone 242.M.
BEE PCPI'LIKS-Don't wait till the bees
swarm, hut give me your orders for supplies
UOW so thev will be reariv for von when want.
Lost Monday morning between Columbia
slnvtsnd Hospital, a lanlle a hand bag con
taining purse In which was Sft In slver and
purse with small gold ring. It also contained
a letter 1 1 (Jeo. R. Wilbur and a fountain pen.
Return to P. c. Young, Central Meat Market.
siw.iiii inree weeas ago a Diaca over
Co It made by William Jerrems 4 Hon, of
Part land. The nam? of C. K. Hone appears
on Inside of iushle pocket. F'inder please re
turn to Glacier office for reward. jti
Ixist A (lark gray overcoat, between Hood
River aud Tuckers hrlrt. Finder nlease
leave at (i lacier office, or pbone lis odell. mi)
Lost An F.llr vith 1... vrt oni InlttaU.
H. U. O. Finder nlease return fsk ti'iia office
for reward. ru30
Lost The nartv who trw.v mv nursn from
tee bench at the Berry landing last Thursday
afternoon at hood River will please return
same to Otis Treiber, ferryman, and receive
ample reward. It yon are not honest enough
to do so, then phase mail the good luck coins
to me. Mary V. Olsen. Underwood, Wn. )'
Lost Between boat landing and Sherman
avenue, a black watch fob Finder pleas re
turn to Ulacier office for reward. JS