HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THCRSIUY. MAY 23. 1012 Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We tranuet ucneri-l baukiug buunr. and own our own baukuig property. Imerwit p!d on time and Savin dpuwiu bare deiMMit bui. L. A. & A. P. REED Attorneys and coinski.ok.s at law Two Doors North of Postotlice Phone 41 DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER. OREGON. UttNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 14 anil 15 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. GEO. R. WILBUR Lawyer Office in Smith liuilding. Hood River - - Oregon DR. EDGINGTON 1121 Twelfth Street, The Heights HOOD. RIVER - - OKKGON E. 0. DUTRO. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Over First National Bunk. Hood Rivr, Oregon. Oftice Phone 71 Res. "11! Hours 2 to 4 P. M. and hy appointment Drs. Shaw & Bronson Office In Eliot Block. OfTce iLiei.ISo. I. ftnll-iu.. . U E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Ollice 35 Office in National Kes. 35 B Batik Building J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: OlnVn, 30; resilience,;).! . HUHUKON O. K. 4 N . Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answer 3d In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 16: OflVe, Mill. OUicelu the Hrosius Building. FC. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Thone Central, or 12U. Dr Broslus announce a permanent olltne established at Odell, phone iiO, wlieie U, ean be consulted moruiiiK and evening, t.ity office, Hood Kiver, plione ia, open as nsiml, 111 to 4 dully; night calls answeitd from odell, phone 20. Dr. M. H. Sharp 1. Edna B. Bharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates -f the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Ollice in Elliot Block. Home Phoue 10'-' lUs. 102-B H. D. wTpINEO, D. D. S. DENTIST Roi.ms 4, 5 and 0 Telephone Smith Building 131 C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 23; residence 28-B Office over Butler Bank, Dr. Justin M. Waugh EYE, EAR AND THROAT Ollice in Eliot Bldg. 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. L. A. HENDERSON, CIVIL ENGINEER Formerly U. S. Land Surveyor, Philippine Islands. Two Doors North of Postotlice Phone 41. MURRAY KAY Civil Engineer and Surveyor Broslus Building ALBERT SUTTO i Architect Room 16 Ha" Building R. R. Bartlett ARCHITECT HOOD RIVER, OREGON Heilbronner Building Phone 61 SURVEYING and BLUE PRINTING P. M. Morse Heilbronner Bldg'. Hood River office for Newell Gossett & Walsh, Consulting Engineers of Portland. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON, K W. DARK Contractor and Builder Estimates on Request Phone 212 K A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brositns Block FREDERICK ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS rttsttM rarailbwl 'l kladt ( k LIVED ON RAW EGGS, Mr. Richard's Experience With Dif ferent Diets. Peaches and Buttermilk for Three Years. Cecilton. Md. Mr. George Richards. of this place, during the past 12 years, has probably tried more different diets than the average person would ever use . in a lifetime. What he has to say about his experi ments, must therefore be highly interest ing to anyone sufiering from indigestion or stomach troubles of any kind. . He says: "For more than 12 years,' I suffered with stomach troubles, and paid hundreds of dollars for doctor bills and medicines. 1 was also operated on for piles. 1 lived on dried peaches and buttermilk for nearly three years. The only tiling that w ould not give me pain was raw eggs. I was a physical wreck. I could not sleep, and was as near crazy as a mat could w ell be. 1 I must say that after taking two 25-cenf packages of Thcdford's Black-Draught, it did me more good than all 1 ever spent for other medicines. I I have been working daily on the farm ever since, and I am as hard as iron." inis purely vegeiaoie iciucuy iw uccu in successful use for more than 70 years. Try it but be sure that it's "Thedford's." A Pointer About Meats T WWW i u High prices lit your butchers do not al ways indicate quality, low prices do not always indicate the lack of it It is easy to get good meat cheap it you go to the right pi ice fi.r it, and here we make the claim that there is none tenderer or so delicious ill Ihuor and taste aM our beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork and poultry. All our cu.-toiners endorse our claims why not put them to the proof you 'self? Central Meat Market W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON C. A. Richards & Co. Confectionery and Amusement Parlors HAZKLWOOl) DAINTIES Full Line of London Made Pipes See Our Line of Kauffman Bros. & Bondy Pipes and Dumutn Pipes. Best Made. Phone 64 Agency Oregon Daily Journal. Booth's EaHtern Oysters. Kent Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods John R. Westervelt DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Suite SOT Oregon inn Building Phone Main 72"5 PORTLAND, ORFiON M. E. WELCH, LICEXSED VETERINARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any work In the vetrln iryflne. He can be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke drug utore. C. G. VAN TRESS, Public Stenographer and Notary Public Ellict Block. Phone 308 L Do you want your Shoes Repaired, if so, come to I. GAFF'S NEW SHOP Door South McGuire's Meat Market. C. M. HURLBURT SURVEYOR TELEPHONE 3U2M J.M. WRIGHT Contractor and Builder. Estimates Furnished on A'.l Kinds of Carpentry Work. Office in Heibronner Bldg. Phone Gl Xx t The Wives of PineFlat A New Version of an Old Roman Legend By F. A. MITCHELL There were two settlements monj the Nevada silver mlues In which from the first was a rivalry. These were tut yuartz Gulch and the Pine Flat peo ple. Both were a bad lot The Quart! Gulchers had one good man among them, while the Pine Flatters were all bad. The good man at yuaru Gulcb wasn't good because he was naturally inclined that way. but because he own ed pro?rty In the Gulch that he would like to make valuable, and he was pre vented from doing so by the reputa tion of the town. No one would luvest money there, no one would even couie there to Investigate. Pete Wilklus, this so called good man of Quartz Gulch, sat down one day for a lob of thinking with a view to find ing some way to better the morals of bis fellow citizens. He considered the feasibility of shutting off their liquor supply, or corrallng all the weapons lu the settlement under lock and key, of Inducing an evangelist to. come among them and impregnate them with reli gious principles. It didn't seem to Mr. WUkins that any of these plans were feasible. At last WUkins got down to the foun tain head of all refinement woman. If he could only get some respectable wo men In the camp he believed they would act as a palliative upon the men and eventually bring about a better state of morals. The first difficulty was to find the women, the second to get them to the Gulch and the third to keep them there long enough to pene trate the outside coating of villainy and get a hold on the men's better nature. He didn't mind the disappointment the women would experience In expecting to secure husbands aud homes, hut he didn't like to be put In for a failure. It occurred to him to Interest the men in his project. There would be no dif ficulty In securing their approval of bringing lu the women. The trouble would be to Induce them to behave In such a fashion as to Induce their more delicate partners to remain. He called a meeting of the citizens aud thus ad dressed them: "Pards, I lieen thlnkln' o' some way o' glttin' the better o' them galoots down on the flat, and I think I've hit the null gqitnre on the head. I'm goip' to send for a carload o' the best lookln' aud most respectable women to he found In the east to be sent out here to beautify tho town." There was a yell of approbation, and the orator continued: "What we want Is decent homes, and you can't make a home without a woman lu it. All I'm afeard of Is that if we Induce good women to come In and start homes for us you fellers 'II scare 'em away." Cries of "We won't!" "Try us!" "Bring 'em on and see!" A collection was taken up, and a suf ficient sum was raised for the purpose. The scheme was popular both because of the coming of the fair sex and top ping the Inhabitants of Pine Flat. Pete WUkins was appointed a committee of one to carry out the project and at once opened up a correspondence with a society culled the Helping Hand lu au eastern city, aud arrangements for a first shrpinent of young women who needed homes were made. If these reported favorably on their reception and the prospects before them another shipment was to follow. The probability is that all would have worked well had It not boon that cer tain citizens of the town were so puffed up with pride at their prospective out doing of Pine Flat that they must needs crow over their rivals before their chickens were hatched. When It was learned by those of the Flat that the Gulchers were going to have a cargo of women sent out from the east there was a feeling among the latter that something must be done. Various propositions were made to see this in novation and go their rival one better, but they were either Impracticable or absurd. One stupid churl suggested that they send for a cargo of monkeys; another that a, number of wax figures In the show windows of city stores be bought up and placed In the windows of the shanties, suggesting the presence of a housekeeper. One suggestion was received with a howl of delight. Aarjn Skinner, who before going to the bad had taught school, thus spoke to a crowd of his fellow citizens who were debating the question: "It seems to me." he said, "that hy blabbln' the Gulchers have given us an advantage over - 'em. What we want to do is first to lay our plan and Diea shoot any one of our number we see heading for the Gulch, so that he cun't give it away. There was once a lot of fellers who started a towi they named Rome. Not far off was another town, the people of which were called Sablnes. The Romans were as bad off for want of women as we or the Gulchers, but the Sablnes had plenty of 'em. The Romans Invit ed the Sablnes with their wives and daughters to a blowout, and at a sig nal the Romans picked up the women and run 'em off. Now, what 1 propose is to go out aud meet these gals that's coming to the Gulchers liefore they git to the end of the Journey aud run 'em lu here." .las. C. Dahlmunn, serving his third term as Mayor, Omaha, Nebr., again was successful in receiving the over whelming support of the voters in the primary election. He also successfully rid himself of a bad case of kidney trouble by the aid of Foley Kidney Pills, and writes: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great ileal of relief, k I cheerfully recommend them." What Foley Kid ney Pills have done for Mayor Dahl niann they will do for any other person bothered with backache, rhuuiatism, or any other form of kidney or bladder trouble. Just try them foi quick and perinancnent results. C. A. Platli. Judgloi from the rtea of approba tion that ret thla proposal, the school master bad touched a r.:ponstve chord. A hundred pistols were flourished to boot any man who gave the scheme away. The proposer agreed to get himself posted as to the route, and the time of arrival of the women in the neighborhood, and volunteers were forthcoming to watch the territory be tween the Flat and the Gulch to mate sure that tb secret was not trans mitted. Deadhead station so railed from the fact that no man who boarded a tram there would pay his fare was the point of JuucUod between Quartz i Gulch aud the railroad. The station ! was fifteen miles from the Gulch aud ten miles from the Flat The school master rode over and learned from the telegraph operator the day and hour the women would arrive. Their train would reach the station at G o'clock in the morning. At 3 o'clock the same morning a company marched from the Flat escort lug several empty wagons to a station on the railroad six miles farther east than Deadhead. When the train drew up at the platform a committee pur porting to be Gulchers went aboard the train and politely Invited the la dies to alight, statlug that they had divided to take them ofT there In- 1 stead of I)eadhead. The women im- i mediately gathered their belongings and left the train. There were tweu ty of them, and they filled the wagons that had been brought to carry them to Pine Flat, whither they were escort ed by the citizens of that place. When the train arrived at Deadhead without Its precious freight aud the Gulchers learned bow they had been tricked their fury was like that of a ragiug prairie fire. They held a con ference, at which for half an hour all talked at once, thus losing half an hour. By the time they were ready to llsleu to reason it was evident that their property would arrive In the enemy's camp long before the Gulchers could get there and the Flatters would have abundant time to plan a defeuse. WU kins, who saw thut they had lieen out witted beyond hope of recovery, coun seled a return to their shanties aud sending for another carload of the same kind of freight. He contrived to bring enough of the men to his way of thinking to render It Impossible for the rest to recover the women by force The disapixdnted men returned to the Gulch, Bouie cursing the mismanage ment of those In charfre of the affair, some swearing vengeance on the Flat ters, while one crusty old fellow who hud been married, but hud gone west to escape from a termagant wife, said they didn't know when they were well off. WUkins set himself energetically about getting a new shipment, but the eastern parties who had made the con signment would do nothing further till they had heard from the women who had already been sent. The reports they made were at lirst not reassuring At least the consignors looked upon the carrying off of the women by those for whom they were not Intended as in dicative of a very wild social condi tion and wrote Wilklus that they would take no further steps as to future con signments. When this communication was re ceived the men of Quartz Gulch, who were called together to hear it read, re solved, every one. to march against their enemies aud either get the wom en or die. Six weeks hud elapsed, and, though the distribution of twenty wo men as partners for more than a hun dred men came very near breaking up the settlement. It was finally left to the former to choose their mates, which they did. and soon the women were all married. They did- not know till the last wedding had taken place that they were captured property. But this mode no difference to them. In deed they rather admired their hus bands for tlj'ir enterprise. But one day a citizen of the Flat came galloping into town shouting, "The Gulchers are coming!" Every ablebodied man, some with rides, the rest with revolvers, were marching on the towu. The Flatters had at first looked for this invasion and prepared themselves for it, but after so long an Interval it was unexpected. The long roll was beaten, or, rather, a big dinner bell was rung in the center of tho towu, the signal that had been agreed on six weeks before when the robbery had been perpetrated. On the arrival of the enemy the defenders of Pine Flat, or, rather, of the twenty wives within it, were drawn up in battle array, and as soon as tho former were within shoot ing distance the fight began. But a few had fallen, and they only wounded, when the wives ran out and, rushing lu between the hostile lines, forced the contestants to cense firing. Then they told the men who had come for them that they were married, were already engaged In beautifying their homes and that nothing would Induce them to leave their husbands. The Gulchers, they said, might as well go back home, for even If they conquered the women would not go with them. WUkins said he thought he could draw off his men If the women would prom ise to write such accoiiuts of their sit uation as would induce a new bevy to come out to Quartz Gulch. This the ladles agreed to do, and the enemy marched away. In due time another consignment ar rived ticketed for the Gulchers, and, fearing another raid upon their proper ty, the latter marched under cover of the ulght to a station where they were quite sure they would find their yet unseen wives. But their enemies scorn ed to be piggish Indeed, they bad no need to he. for they had arranged for a shipment on their own account. The Gulchers' loud arrived safely, and both Quartz Gulch and Pine Flat are now eminently respectabla places. O-W. Si. Time Table. WEST BOUND No. 9, Fast Mail (Mail Only). .4 :53 a. m. No. 7, Portland Local 7:35 a. in. No. 11, Soo-S)okane-Portland 9:37 a. m, No. 5, Ore. A Wash. Lxp 10:33 a. m, No. 1, Portland U-cal 3:fNl p. m. So. 17, Ore. & Wash. Limited 5:43 p. m. FAST BOUND No. 2, Pendleton Local 10:00 i. in. No. 18, Ore. A. Wash. Ltd 11 :.r.r a. m. No. 8, The Dalles Iocal t:20 p. ir., No. 10, Fast Mall (mail only) 8:21 p. m. No. 6, Ore and Wash. Kxp...l0:2" p. in, No. 12, Soo-Spokane-Port 10:55 p. m, J. II . FREDRICV, Agent. TIP-TOP K-nTCH Thoroughbred Prize Winning Strain of BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS A Pen Specially Mated For Pullet Raising : : : Single setting, 13 eggs, $2.50. Incubator lots price furnished on application. Telephone 82-M HOOD RIVER J. M. Sl HMf-l.T7.l--R ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing SURETY BONDS Accuracy" Office in New Heilbronner Building Phone 23 HOOD RIVER. ORE. LOW ROUND Atlantic City $111.(H Detroit f 82.MI Omaha f tiO 00 Baltimore 107 50 Dul'Uh tio.iH) Philadelphia pw .50 Boston 110.00 Kaunas City tiO 00 Pittsburg 01.50 Buffalo 0150- Milwaukee 72 50 St bmis 70.00 C'icago 72 50 Minneapolis. OO,00 St Paul tin. 00 Colorado Springs 55.00 Montreal 105 00 Toronto !! 50 Denver 55.00 New York 108 50 Washington 107. 5t DATKS OF SALE Mav 2, 3, 4, Si, 10, II, 17, 18, 21, 20; June 1, ti, 7, 8, 13, 14, U, 17, IS, 111, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 20; July 2, 3, 0, 7, 11, 12, 15. lit. 20, 22, 23, 2ti, 20, 30, 31 ; August 1, 2, 3 ri, 7, 12. 16, hi, 22, 23, 20, 30, 31 ; S.-ptem-ber 4, 5, ti, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30. Stopoxers and choice of routes allowed in each direction. Final return limit October 31. Details of schedules, fares, etc., furnished on request. W. E. COM AN E. A. GIBERT G. P. & F. A., Portland, Ore. Agent, White Salmon, Wn Strawberry Growers TWENTY years ago we made our first shipment of Hood River strawber ries, and have shipped them every season since. During all tnis time our returns to the growere have been highly satisfactory. We passed the experimental stage long ago, and are now giving berry growers the benefit of our mature experience. Highest market returns assured by ship ping with us. Do you want the money? Let us know. Electro Powdered Arsenate of Lead, Black Leaf 40, Etc. DAVIDSON THE : SQUARE: DEAL : STORE Is ready to supply your needs for any thing to cultivate your farm or orchard Wagons and Buggies to ride in, or supplies to Clear your Farm Land for Cultivation. , Studebaker Wagons and Hacks Oliver Plows . , Bain and Webber Wagons P. & O. Plows . , Gasoline Spraying Outfits, Osborune Harrows ,. . Pumps, Hose and all Gasoline Engines r , . . Tools Needed for Well Pumps and Pipe . Pruning and Spraying Stunp Pullers . Incubators, Chick I eed and Powder, Caps & Fuse Poultry Supplies Groceries, : Flour : and : Feed NEW TODAY Dirt Augurs Car Powder Incubators Dandelion Spades Searight Pruners Rub-no-more Wasbers. 3rd and Cascade Streets HOOD R1VEK, OKb.l.UIN ABSTRACT CO. F. A. Bishop is Our Motto TRIPS EAST On the dates given below, round trip tickets will be sold to the points in the Fast shown below, and many others, at greatly reduced fares quoted. Through Trains East In Connection with Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways FRUIT CO. Your Patronage is Solicited and Appreciated. d. Mcdonald Land For Sale Ten acres, East Side, 1 1-2 miles out; part liearinp, bal ance young; trees; house and barn; close to church, school, store and warehouse. Price reasonable. Phone at Noon or After Six, 2063-L FOR SALE OR TRADE Hood River Fruit Land Over a hundred arrc of land, one mile from railroad depot. Perpetual free water riht. I.ht excuse (or clearing; hhot laud of great depth; tine road runs through the propertv. Will trade or fell a a wh.ile, or cut into i-iiiall Iracti". Terms it required Write, L. AYERS 891 Carruthers St. Portland, Orfgon The Milton Nurserv Co. Reliable for 3:5 Years Nearly 2,000.000 T rees to Select Fruni R. T. Newhall, Representative Hood River, Ore. Phone 277-M BABY, MADAM. You really have a light to lie proud of it." Yes, in deed, and could the baby talk it would ask for A Photograph or Baby to show its friends in yea's to come. Children's Photographs a specialty w ith us. Our pho tos id yottnii or old aM perfect and lifelike. DEIfZ PHOTO STUDIO Slab Wood Cord Wood Coal Yards A. C. Lofts PHONE aio-x Hay, Grain and Flour We Moke a Specialty in Handling Fancy Timothy and Alfalfa. CARNES FEED STORE W. A. CARNES. Proprietor 1102 Twelfth St. On the Heights