The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 29, 1912, Image 4

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Mr. Pierce and family who have
occupied the Davits & Lehrkind prop
erty, left last week for Eugene, where
they will reside.
Mrs. P. A. Reed, of Ruthton, visited
at the home of her brother, G. H
Howerrnan, from Friday until Sunday.
The first basket ball team of the
Athletic Club of Olell played two
games last week, one on Wednesday
evening in Hood Kiver with the Colle
giatea, of Mood River, and one on Fri
day evening with a team from The
Dalles. In both games Udell was de
feated, the first game resulting in a
score of tl to 27 and the second Zi to
30. lloth games were so close as to be
very interesting. This week, Wednes
day, (he Collegiate of Mood Kiver
played Odell in the gymnasium at
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crosby expect
their son, lion, home soon. Don has
spent the past two and a half years in
the Phillipine Islands and now his term
of enlistment in the United States
Army tias expired and he is coming
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. P.owerman went
to Mood Kiver Sunday for a short visit
with Lleanor toe, of lamas, Washing
ton ; Miss Coe having come up Friday
night for a visit with her father, G. r.
Coc. who is ill.
Unite a number of school friends
were invited by Master Claude David
son to a Washington Birthduy party at
the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. r.
L. Davidson last Thursday afternoon.
The rooms were decorated with Amer
ican (lags. Games were provided, also
dainty refreshments ; and all present
enjoyed every moment or the alter
Mark Cameron has installed an elec
tric pumping plant for supplying water
in his residence.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Massce and son
arrived home lust week from an ex
tended visit with relatives in Wiscon
sin. They arc glad to return to Hood
River Valley and its seasons which
have not such extremes of temperature
as are are found elsewhere.
Miss I. ilia Darker, of Mood River,
has been a guest at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. W. U. Ash.
After an extended visit with rela
tives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Croshy, Miss Mae Peterson returned
last wuek to her home at lluxton, Ore.
Violet Masiker returned last week
from an extended visit with relatives
at Grants Pass, Ore.
lirown & Gardner, the blacksmiths,
are now at home in tents in the tent
villuge on the P. T. Shelley tract.
T. A. Poles and family are at hoie
in the Walter liradley house recently
occupied by lirown Ai Gardner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. Sheirbon re
turned this week from Portland, where
they have been spending the winter.
R. Lee Black and his sons, who have
occupied Mr. Sheirbon 's house during
his absence, will be at home in tents
in what is known as "The Park."
More houses for rent are needed in
Odell - the demand exceeds the supply.
Delpha Neal and Ruth Young invited
their school friends to a party at the
home of Delpha Neal's parents last
Saturday afternoon in honor of their
birthdays. A pleasant afternoon was
enjoyed by those who attended.
The Hoys' Intermediate, Girls' Inter
mediate, and Junior Classes of the
Methodist Sunday School are preparing
for an entcrtainmnct to be given on
Friday evening, March 8. The pro
gram will coiibist of songs, a drill,
recitations, also "Dr. . Cure-all" and
"The Rehearsal" and will prove both
amusing and entertaining. A small
admission fee will be asked. Full an
nouncement next week.
Harold Sexton, of the Haaketball
team from The Dalles, remained over
Friday night for a visit with his
friend, Tom Cameron.
Gertrude and Hernice Hansen left
Sunday for Kugene, where they will
attend school.
There was no service at the Metho
dist church last Sunday evening, the
pastor remaining at Pine Grovo where
he is conducting a series of meetings.
Sunday School next Sunday at 10 a.
in. There will be good music, good
teachers, and interesting lessons.
Rev. Troy Shelley spoke at the
Union ohm h last month on "The New
Life." Next Sunday moruiiiif his
theme will bu "The Old Death," at I
11 :'M a. in.
Miss Gertrude Hansen left Sunday
for Kugene, where she will make an
extended, visit.
Mrs. Kingwell, of Kugene, spent last
week with Mrs. Hansen.
Miss Ruth Clark spent Sunday with
Mary Sheppurd.
The card club rneti with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Hansen Saturday night.
Miss Pessie Johnson spent two days
last week with her sister, Mrs. Joe
Vannier, of Pine Grove.
The Misses llessie and Delia Camer
on and Koxie and Lexio Holes have
discontinued their school work.
W. A. Diiilnim's father, of Fastern
Oreg'm, is visiting W. A. Durham.
A few of the young people met at
the home of Mary Sl.eppard Saturday
evening to bid farewell to Gertrude
W. D. Laslev and family who came
to Central Vale last fail, left Sunday
for their home in Portland to be near
medical attention for Gilbert, tfi"ir
small son, who was thought to hate
typhoid fever.
Miss Laura Turner and friend, of
Hood River, was visiting in the valley
A crowd of prospective buyers were
looking at the rt. Wuth ranch now
owned by W. K. Vaughn.
The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs.
Mark Friday afternoon of this week.
There are being held revival meet
ings which will continue for several
days. Regular aervicea next Sunday
at the church.
Gertrude Johnson, who has been in
Portland for several weeks, returned
home Sunday morning.
Edna Jones, who was operated upon
for appendicitis, is r pjrted to be im
proving. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cameron, of
Odell, visited at the Jams home Sun
day. Mr. Austin and family left for Un
derwood ut week where they expect
to make their future home.
Gene Lewis, a member of the Hood
River High School basket ball team,
went to Portland Thursday in the
interests of the game, returning Hun-
Mrs. Stevenson went to Portland
Mrs. Parrett. formerly of lielmont,
is now a resident of Pine Grove. She
was warmly greeted by old friends last
Sunday at church.
Last Saturday evening was the scene
of much merry making when the beau
tiful new home of August Paaseh
threw open its doors to a large number
of young people, the occasion being
the twenty-first birthday anniversary
of Hugo Paaseh. Unlike most surprise
parties, the victim was really sur
prised, although he said he "suspect
ed." The evening was spent with
merry games and songs and after par
taking of the bountiful supper which
the young man's sisters had prepared,
congratulations were showered on Mr.
and Mrs. Paaseh for their line home
and the young ladies as entertainers
and last but not least of Hugo in honor
of his birthday.
Temperance Sunday in connection
with Frances E. Willard Memorial Day
was, observed" last Sundiiy morning.
Much appreciation was felt by the W.
C. T. U. for the help they received in
recitations, singing and chorus selec
tions from Miss Willard, which were
read by persons in the audience. Mrs.
Amy (love, principal of the school,
gave a hue recitation which was im
mensely enjoyed by all. All those who
recited are promising speakers and
guve good satisfaction. Rev. Carson
had charge of the program.
Mrs. David Robinson returned home
Tuesday from The Dalles.
Mrs. Pierce, of Raker, Oregon, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. King.
The members of the Ladies' Aid
gave a farewell party Tuesday evening
at the home of Mrs. H. G. Kibbee in
honor of Mrs. George Haacke, who
expects to leave soon for Portland.
The ladies presented Mrs. Haacke with
a beautiful crocheted center-piece,
which came from London, England.
Ice cream and cake was served. The
gathering was a complete surprise to
the lady in whose honor it was given,
thus making it the more enjoyable.
Owing to the caring of a small tun
nel on the North Hank railroad the
first of the week the trains were
transferred to the Oregon side of the
river for a few duys.
E. J. Middleswart went to The
Dalles Tuesday evening to attend a
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snyder went to
Hood Kiver Tuesday afternoon.
G. P. Morden has been confined to the
house for the past couple weeks with a
badly sprained ankle.
J. M. Davis, of Walla Walla, man
ager of the Tum-A-I urn lumber yards,
spent a few days in Musier this week.
Mrs. C. Ruscher was called to The
Dulles Wednesday to see her little
gianucniKi, wiiu nad fallen Irom a
horse and suffered a broken arm.
Mrs. Sarah McVev came from The
Dulles Wednesday afternoon and will
remain here for a while, having se
cured rooms at Mr. Hudson's for
A number of small tracts of land are
being cleared this snriner as well as a
few larger ones in different parts of
me vaney.
The basketball game Thursday even
ing was quite interesting being almost
an even battle. The score at the finish
was 1H to 1:1 in favor of Mosier. The
Mood Kiver team returned home im
mediate!) alter the game.
Mrs. Helen Decker and little dauirh
ter arrived Thursday morning from
miKiami, l hi., to see her mother, Mrs.
lioo. Wood, who is still very ill al
! though much improved. !
j "F.dwin" Wood csme Thursday to aee
; bis mother.
I L. W. Wilson, of O-wego, came
j Thursday for a few days' stay.
O. L. Wilon was a business visitor
to The Dalks Friday between locals.
The local Kelx kahs took in thrt.'
new members Friday evening. After
lodge session a delicious supper w as
served and enjoyed jby all. Partners
for the supper were secured by match
ing fancy cut card? with pictures of
cherry branches and hatchets drawn on
them. We hope to have many such
pleasant evenings in the future.
.Miss Anna Godberson spent the last
of the week with home folks.
C. A. Mage, of Portland, is visiting
Mosier Triends.
Mrs. Amy L. Gove came up from
Mood River Friday morning to visit
Mrs. Wood and attend Rebekah bulge.
She also visited the echool.
Horn Saturday morning, February
21. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Muskey, a
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Spear, of Hood
Kiver spent Sunday in Mosier.
Lloyd Fisher had the tnibfortune to
fall from a pole which he was climbing
Sunday afternoon breaking bis Kg just
above the knee. Dr. Robinson was
called and attended the injured lad.
W. L. Dresbach left Sunday even
ing for Darby, Montana.
Mrs. James Cherry spent Monday
afternoon in Hood Kiver.
Those going to The Dalles Monday
were C. G. Graham, ('has. Masters, J.
K. Carroll and D. D. Mail.
A. L. Sundborg, a former Mosier
resident, came up Irom Portland the
last of the week to look after business
interests here. Mr. Sundborg has pur
chased a ranch near Salem and expects
to go there soon with his family.
C. A. McCargar was up from Port
land Sunday.
The patriotic program given by the
pupils of the Oak Grove school last
Friday evening was very good, indeed,
and the large crowd felt well repaid.
Sup't Thompson, who was present,
was unstinting in his praise.
J. W. Church, of Walla Walla, spent
Sunday at the ranch ot Chas. Albright,
his father-in-law. His two children,
Donald and Dorothy, who came with
him, will remain for some time.
Miss Jennie Mall spent Sunday at
the ranch of her brother, J. E. Mall.
Chas. Kathhun has been out on his
ranch the past week doing his spring
pruning. He was accompanied by his
Don't forget the meeting which is
to be held in the Oak Grove Hall on
next Friday afternoon, when the or
ganization of the new improvement
club will be discussed. G. 1. Sargent
will give a talk on "pruning."
Dan Malaer had a tumor removed
from his ear Saturday. His ear has
troubled him for the past two years.
Hie Misses Lena Raker and Alma
Absten visited at the home of F'. M.
Slavens, in Hood Kiver, Sunday.
Mrs. George Stokoe and daughter,
Vivian, of Wyeth, have been guests of
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
R. Noble, the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George McCustian, of
Ruthton, entertained a number uf their
friends Friday evening after a merry
evening. Light relreshmenta were
The Washington birthday program
rendered by the Frankton school Fri
day was splendid. A large crowd, con
sisting of parents, the Columbia school
and County School Supt. 'lhompson,
were present to hear the program.
(From Ilia WuterprlK?)
A session of the Grand Lodge of the
I. O. O. F. will be held in their hall
in White Salmon, at 2 :.'!(! p. m. on
March (, at which time any Past Grand
in this jurisdiction may take the Grand
Lodge degree, which they are entitled
to without charges.
The hig winds of recent nights broke
oil' largo branches along the route of
the wire ot the Pacific Power & Light
Co. and deprived the town of light ser
vice tor day ami a half. With a
line running through the trees there
is bound to be Ireqetint breaking of the
wires and the town thrown into daik
ness and users of motors driven to cuss
words. On Locke hill the road was
blocked for a time bv hitr trees haviniz
fallen across the highway.
Two gold-crowned human teeth wet
found in the gizzard of a lien belonging
to Chas. Premn, living on the ..heights
northwest of this place. As the Premo
family all have sound tivth the only
way in which the gold in the gizzard
of the pullet can bo accounted for is
that the sweepings from the workroom
of a dentist became part of the stock
of the crushed bone supply house for
poultry. Another theory is that they
may be the property of a man who hail
two or three teeth knocked out while
at work on a threshing machine east
of Hickleton and came with the screen
ings which Premo recently bought for
chicken feed.
Treat the Horse Well
mid be vwll treat oi well, lluve
all done here and you will be as
Well pleased as our other customers
are. We nmke horseshoeing a bus
iness and we make it a success, be
cause it is done riht. If you want
that kind, remember ns every time
yon have any to be done.
Shivcly & Driscoll
Fawn Indian Runner Ducks
The winter Isvesc of the white egtt
Eggs H.IH) eleven ; fir0 thirty; fii.HO
per hundred, and S. O. White Leg
horn eggs fl.on per 15, $4.ft0 per 1(H).
nox 1 he Dallu. Oro
When a Boy or Girl
l :: :.: ?!
t- I i, i
Has once secured a bank-book,
they are often oaprer to add more
money to their account. Thus,
little by little, they acquire the
habit of saving. They should be
heartily encouraged.
Savings Department
First National Bank
' Beautiful Country Home
to go at Bargain
21-2 acres cleared. 1-room bungalow,
bath and running water: 200 foot chicken
houses, incubator and incubator cellar,
"00 thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorns,
wagon, farm implements, 2 horses and
Jersey cow. All for $4,500 if taken at
once. Easy terms. Will consider rent
bearing city property. Address,
Phone 1863-M Hood River, Ore.
Oakdale Greenhouse
Have elms, maples, linden, tulip, catalpa and many other
trees; in shrubs, hydrangeas, snowballs, lilacs, hollies, arbor
vitae, a.alea, rhododendhron, Japanese maples and many
other shrubs.
Large stock of roses, all the leading kinds and many new
ones grown at Hood River. All two years old, and $3.50 to
;.00 per dozen and worth the money. All kinds of peren
nial plants, and vines.
Come and see what we have, if you get away it is our
Fletcher (Si Fletcher
Phone 1972 M
R. F. D. No. 1
R. G. Yowcll & Co.
We have moved our place (if
ImsinesH from our former loca
tion acrom the street to the
new I!ell building. Our new
quarters, with a much larger
floor Hpuee, enable us to bet
ter accommodate our patrons
ami to difphiy to lietter ad
vantage our increased Mock of
I lame fh, Saddles, W h i p s,
Kobe, etc. We have added a
handsome line of Handbags,
(irips and Suit Cases.
. VI. 1UVVIU VO. Um.i Company V
Our new 1912 Spring Goods are now in, and
they are certainly beautiful. We TAKE GREAT
Silk Chiffon Voile
Newport Voile
English Bordered Voile
Silk Flowered Voile
Carmen Silk
Foundation Silk
Sunburst Silk
English Poplin
New Allover Laces, Bindings, Ball
and Fringe Trimings.
New Shoes
In White, Champagne
Buck, Tan and Patents.
Cooper's Spray Fluids
Tested practically for three years-in Oregon, and clean trees
from San Jose scale, fungus scab, antracnose and ear blight.
217 Ash Street, Portland
d. McDonald
Hood River
We are now prepared to make up any of our
new Spring Suitings for you in regular Tailor
Suits or Norfolk Suits. The goods will be thor
oughly Sponged and Dip Shrunk, an absolute
guarantee against Spotting or Shrinking, only
Spinner's Satin will be used for Lining. We
will have Sample Suits for your inspection the
last of this week.
Brag'g' Merc. Co.
For Sale by Owner
200 Mi-res, (JO acres cleared, 11 acres planted, balance
unimproved. Trice cheap and easy terms.
J. P. Thomsen
II. F. I). No. 1 box 00 Phone 21)0 Odell
Rubber Stamps
The Foils Lumber Co.
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
We are now taking orders for
Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes.
Place your orders at once. Phone Odell Ex. 134
Franz's Furniture and Rug Department
It's time to look around just to kind of locate oneself. You see there
has been an entire readjustment of the furniture and rug situation in Hood
River. Why? Bless you! here's a regular Portland or Seattle stock No!
even better; a Chicago or Minneapolis right at home. Those who have
looked them over need not be told but there is a fine surprise in store for
all who have been unable to come.
Spring is "mighty nigh" here. There'll surely be something needed
about the home along about housecleaning time and that "something" is
here at Franz's in highest quality, latest design and lowest possible price.
A Regular Linoleum Rugs I "Nappanee" Kitchen
PIKAtinn Positively as fine an assortment fohinofc
JUUUUUI1 as any city store, and guaranteed tdUlllCli
A carload of IJf AFn: 1Qower1 P$- Here is a new one. The greatest step-saver and only
ed. Think of a HLAVi INLAID at Seamless Wilton Velvet, plain col- pfppppttv qa vttapv pk;
$1.00 per yard. You've been ors, two and three toned effects, 1 r , , bANtTAIU Ubl
paving $1.50 to $1.75 for no better. 9x12. Price net to be had. .
Wtyou think it will pay to look $35QQ QQ q qq
DaVenpOrt The highest grade, lightest running machines in the world. Same
rr- machine makes lock stitch and chain stitch. New hygienic central
$27.25 needle?- Work is directly in front of the operator.
Solid oak frame, finely finished, $37.50 $25.00
makes full size comfortable bed r" i i , , ,
,,,pT,. Poland sto,,, ThGe hloS$a of ?i fef
it "specially priced at f row $31.50 world. Takes three stitches to ' 1
to $35.00. every other machine's two. oia M.chin.. R.Pair.d
N " New Machines Rent
Embossotyping at the Glacier office'