NEW SPRING )ERIE ON SPECIAL EMBROII SALE Allovers S3.00 Values $1.92 $2.50 si.62 S2.00 " $i.i8 $1.50 " 98c $1.00 " 63c WHITE GOODS ALL REDUCED Insertions 35c to 50c Values 23c 20c to 35c 44 17c 15c to 20c 44 He 10c to 15c 44 7c Flouncings S4.00 Values $2.92 S3.00 44 $1.92 $2.00 44 $1.18 $1.50 98c Edges 35c to 50c Values 23c 20c to 35c " 17c 15c to 20c 44 He 10c to 15c " 7c Beadings 30c to 45c Values 23c 20c to 30c 44 19c 15c to 20c 44 11c 10c to 15c 44 7c CorsetCEmbry $1.50 Values 8Sc $1.25 44 71c $1.00 44 63c OC 4 JSC ALL REDUCED I BRIEF LOCAL MENTION t 1"1-H"1"H-H"I 1"I"M- I i I 1 M"M-H-n. II. S. (julliKan spent the week .end in Portland. A. T. Allen was a business visitor in Lyle last week. If you want shoes that don't go wong bo to Jolinse-n's. ArthurJ,McCreery was a Portland visitor last week. Ji,mes Campbell, of White Salmon, was here Monday. Now is the time to buy cheap Blah woud. A. C. Lofts, plume 310.X. jvirs. rreei 1'eiu nas been visiting friends in Portland. josepn tiupciand was a visitor in Portland last week. Have yon ever tried ('risen? If yon have yon will want Home mure. 'We hae it. K. M. IIoIiiiu.ii, the Sanitary market on the Heights. H. F. Uleason spent several duys in Portland last week. Mrs. J. J. Gibbons is spending a couple of weeks in Portland. We have cash to loan upon im proved ranch properly. Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Hex lord, February 13, a son. Mrs. W. G. Ingram, of Mt. Hood, has been visiting in Portland. Par Cheaper, yet a good in every re spect is ('risen, it lompoiind of vege table fats, to lie used lor cooking pur poses instead of butter. K. M. Ilolinnn, the Sanitary market on the Heights. Mrs. A. Bradhurn, of Cascade Locks, was a visitor in the city Monday. J. K. McGregor, of Mosier. was a business visitor itl the city Friday. Let us put new life into your old har ness with our new patent harness o'ler. K. G. Yowell it Co., Miccessnrs to Ilaven port Harness Co., New Bell building, phone 170. tf Mr. and Mrs. Poland Wiley were in The Dalles last week visiting friends. Don't fail to see the new spring hats on display at, Gibson Sisters. J. C. Melnnes, of White Salmon, was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Wood for Sale All kinds, carlots. only. II. K. Davenport, Phone Odell lt6. tf Hubert McKav. of Kulumu ivi. .spent the week end with valley' friends! I C. E. Jensen has returned from an extended visit in southern California. ! M's. E. K. Pooley has had as her (guest, Miss Elizabeth Stuart, of 1'ort- i.inu. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Laraway are spending a vacation in southern Cali fornia. CKISl'O Better than butter for cook ing purposes and far cheaper. E. M. iMMinan, wie ,anilary market on the Heights. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Davidson left yesterday for a visit in southern Cali-tornia- .u. I Born To Mr. and Mrs. .1 nhn A Ytit of Mt. Hood, a son, Saturday, Febru ary 21. Now is the time to buy cheap slae wood. A. C. Lofts, phone' MO-X. Leonard Caipenter of Medfurd, was here over the week end visiting A I. W. Peters. J. M. Acheson, of Portland, spent the week end here with his sister. Mrs. Carl P. Boss. II )ocr shoe have gone, wrong take them to Joliusen. Mrs. S. W. Isenherg is visiting friends and relatives in Portland and Forest Grove. Dr. J. F. Wooster, of Portland, came up Saturday evening to look over his ranch property. We can accept in trade $5000.00 to $6000.00 as part payment in Hood River property for an improved dairy and hay ranch at Camas Prairie. B. E. Duncan & Co. f 22 J. A. Knowling, of Vancouver, B. C. was here over the week end in. specting the valley. After spending tne winter in Port land, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cutler have returned to their home. Now is (he time to buy cheap slab wood.' A. (!. Lifts, phone':il0-.. Percival Adams, who has been here spending the winter, left Monday for a visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A D. Moe, who have been in southern California, will return home the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LaKue, of Farnum, N. D., are here visiting Mrs. LaKue's father, George S. Johnson. Shres made or repaired at Johnsen's iWMiiui'iiMirinjtB' vrrnr "THE GORDON" They Are Here With All the Brightness of Spring r-XIi in "Scratch" Hats and Cow Hair varieties fuzzy kind with long whiskers in just the correct shades for the season. Then, too, a big assortment of tha stiff ones. Always One Price and That is $3.00 J. G. VOGT Mrs. W. E. Hansen returned last week from The Dalles, where she had been visiting friends and relatives. The Ladies of the St. Mark's Guild will meet at the usual time Friday afternoon with Mrs. Del. Rand. For Sale Modern 5 room bunga low, with any site lot up to one and one half acres, at very reasonable prices. Call and see owner, 90S May 1 St. or phone 2bfc-L. tf Get busy and have your roses pruned ana planted now. Geo. Haslincer. Heights Greenhouse, telephone 2S-1-MJ Mrs. F. F. McCrea returned Monday from Portland, where she had been visiting her daughter, Miss Bess Mc Crea. W. C. Keck and family, who have been spending the winter in southern California, returned to their home here last week. Clover, tiiiiotliv and oat seed for salt KELLY IIRos. ' tf Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Haworth and Brooks Haworth will leave Tuesday for Los Angeles to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Simpson, of New York, arrived Saturday and vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Walstroin, of the Middle Valley. J. H. Hicks has been very ill in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hicks were called to his bedside. We have a customer who will take in exchange Hood Kiver property for an improved dairy and hay ranch at Camas Prairie. B. E. Duncan & Co. Mr. IIulli well, of White Salmon, where be owns a large ranch, whs here last Saturday looking over the Valley. Mr. Holliwell considers moving to Hood River. Mrs. F. P. Taylor, of The Dalles, who has been here visiting Miss Ler.ote Adams and her mother, Mrs. Arm strong, returned Tuesday. LIME and SIM! AY K ELL Y P.UOS. Phone L'L'T-.M. Chas. Lege, who has been seriously ill from the effects of an operation for appendicitis, is reported to be improv ing at the Cottage hospital. Mrs. Jas. "H. Forden, accompanied by her children, returned Monday evening from a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. W. Nottingham.'of Portland. 2 We can accept in trade $5000.00 to $6000.00 as part payment in Hood River property for an improved dairy and hay ranch at Camas Prairie B. E. Duncan & Co. tl2 Miss A. A. Miller, of Crookston, Minn., arrived last week fur a visit with her brother, who recently pur chased a part of the Van Allen place. Mr. and Mrs. Louh Nex and daugh ter, all of whom have been spending I the winter in SJpnlHn rntiirn.nt f-n llmir ranch near Mt. Hood last week. The residents of Oak Grove plan a handsome new brick school building. Albert Sutton has completed the de signs, which call for a building with all modern conveniences. JDr. J. F. Beaumont, of Portland, was here Sunday and journeyed to Summit to inspect his ranch. Dr. Beaumont becomes a more enthusiastic Hood Kiverite on each visit. We can accept in trade $5000.00 to $6000.00 as part payment .in Hood River property, for an improved dairy and hay ranch at Camas Prairte. B. E. Duncan & Co. f22 The members of the Booster club are planning for a minstrel show to be given in the city in the near future. Rehearsals, under the directorship of Arthur Clarke, have already begun. Next Thursday night an oratorical contest will be participated in by six young men of the Heights Literary Society. The contest is under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.' HThe Pierian Class, of the Methodist church gave an exceptionally enter taining program at the Methodist chruch last Friday evening. The exer cises were in ehargeof Mrs. Louise Boyden. ', Geo. P. Christie, former owner of the Handy Corner feed store on the Heights, was here on business last week. Mr. Christie also attended the dance given by the Heights Baseball Association. He was manager of the organization last year. - ,r.T During Lent services will be'heldTn St. Mark's Episcopal church on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p. in. fol lowed by choir practice. On Friday afternoons there will be a service at 4 p. m. Sunday service as usual, 11 a. m. and 4 :30 p. m. J. M. Wi Vhtii Co., having installed more new machinery are now pre pred to make all kinds of finishing materials for buildings, sjiecial sizes and designs in windows, doors, rafters, etc , at substantial saving in coHt. They are also in position to figure on budding contracts at lowest figures. Call on t':em either in room hi lleillironner building, or at Factory in old Armory building. tf J. R. Shelton, who has been spend ing the winter in Topeka, Kan., ar rived here last Friday evening. Mrs. Shelton, because of the illness of her mother, will remain in the Middle West for a time. We have a customer who will take in exchange Hood Kiver property for an improved dairy and hay ranch at Cam is Prairie. B. E. Duncan & Co, Mrs. Flora Hartley has been i -1 1 i i ; lt friends in Portland. WHO'S WHO AND WHAT'S WHAT See advertisement in this paper. D. J. Treiber, of Rupert, Idaho, is here visiting relatives ami friends. A slide west of here Sunday delayed the mid-dav trains for a short time. C. 11. Stranahan is mentioned as a candidate for the state henatorship from this county and Wasco. The Schubert Trio concert, adver tised for March 13, is postponed in definitely. . W. E. King, it is rumored, will make the race for the State Senatorslnp from this county and Wasco. Miss Melissa Hill, of Cascade Locks, was here the latter part of last week visiting her sister, Mrs. L. H. ling gins. J. M. Schtnelt'.cr, who is now count) treasurer, it is said, may become a candidate for nomination for represen tative from this county and Wasco. 1 he Woman's Club, of Hood Run, is planning to give another one of it big card parties at Heillironner's hull on the evening of April 10. Do not forget date and reserve table. J.I. W. McDonald returned last week from the eastern part of the state, here he had been purchasing horses for the Centriil ( In-huril Co Mr Mi.M,,n. aid brought back with him four hand some neasis. Without bearing any name, having in its place one of her photographs, a letter heitrinir u tn utmsit-b of I'hihi. ....... -"P. .... .... .. v.. a delpliia, was delivered to Mrs. Trafuid omim, oi ims vaney. George Watson, who was seriously injured here last vear. is recoverinu at the Cottage hospital. Sunday, a year from the time of the accident, he was atile to walk a few steps. Josell A. Wilson who lius sneralinu thi. uontci ut th hmno if his brother m Homer City, Pa., will pronaiiiy tie present at Washington to tight the Sulzer Apple Box bill. J. C. Skinner hus removed f mm tht house in Which tin formci-lv livid on Cascade Ave. to the tesidence on the same street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Carter. Mrs. Skinner and children, who have been visiting relatives in the Kast nt'p nt. pceted to arrive here soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone, who have been spending the winter in Southern California, returned to Portland. Mr. Bone came to Hood Kiver Monday night, in order to attend the meeting of the apple growers of the valley here Tue-day afternoon. Mrs. Bone re mained for a short time with her mother, Mrs. Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Brayford have arrived from England anil are now visiting Mr. Bray-ford's sister, Mrs. E. T. Edwards, of Caldale, Pa., where they expect to visit for several months. vn uie return irip made on the steam ship Carmania, Mr. Brayford was the c'-.airman of an entei taimrent given lor the benefit of the Seamen s Char ities of Liverpool and New Yui k. Grace II. B. Church, Oak and Sixth street, J. B. Parsons, pastor. Sunday school at 1(1 a. m. Sermon and mcrn ing worship at 11 a. m. Pitt Parker will give an illustrated lecture at the vesper service ut 4 p. tn. This will be the only chance to hear this great and resourceful man in Hood Kiver. He has devoted many years to Y. M. C. A. work and is especially helpful to men and boys. Everybody welcome. Next Sunday at the Unitarian church will be a Rally Sunday. In the morn ing the theme will be "Some Aspicts "of Unitarianism." At five o'clock will be held another of the popular "Full moon" conferences, including music, readings, etc. Also as a special feat ure a debate will be held on "The Single Tax " The two speakers are M. M Morrison, who will defend it, and E. K. Coad, who will oppuse it. Everyone is cordially invited. Sunday, March 3, will be parents' day at the Baptist church, on the Heights. In the morning Mr. Johnson, of Portland, will preach and Sunday school scholars will have a part in the service. Parents and friends of the children are earnestly invited. For the afternoon at 4 o'clock a communion service is being planned. In the even ing at 7:30 there will be a general song service with several special musical selections. A cordial greeting to all. Notice to Contractors and Builders. The detailed specifications of the installa ion of fixtures to be placed in the offices of the city water depart ment and the office of the city recorder on Oak street may be seen at the ollice of the city engineer in the Heilbrnnner building. The street committee of the city council will receive sealed bids on this proposed work up to Monday (.veil ing at 7:30, when the meeting of the council will take place at the County Court House. Lenttn Services. The Lenten devotional services at the Chucrh of the Franciscan Fathers was begun Sunday evening with a good attendance. Father Pius announces that next Sunday morning services will be held at 8:30 and 10 :30 o'clock and 7 :39 p. m. Lenten Devotion (TheWay of the Cross) will be observed every Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock until further notice. On all Sundays except the first services will be held at 10:30 in the mornings and at 7:30 in the evenings. FINAL PASSAGE OF WIRING ORDINANCE , At the adjourned meeting of the I Council, Tuesday afternoon, the ordi- I ounce, prov niing ior city control or tne extension of the wires of electric and poer comparies in the citv limits. passed finally, and, an emergency be ng ueciareu, was made ettective at once. N. C. Evans, president of the Hyi r Electric Co , and A. K. Grenier, prea i lent of the Pacific Power & Light Co. we e both present, and in argument of the ordinance, warm words flowed. Mr. Grenier, was strongly opposed to tie passage of the ordinance because of its effect on the Hood Kiver Gas & E e 'trie Co. REGISTERED VOTERS NOW REGISTER 629 l'p to Tuesday evening the number of voters, who had registered with County Clerk W. E. Hanson, numbered ii2'J. The Republicans of the county number almost three times more h in the combined voters of other partita The total registration up to dme of fie different parties is as follows: Republicans, 4"2; Democrats, 107; Prohibitionists, lti; St cialists, 35 ; In dependents, IK; Social Demofiat , 1. Cleik Hansno urges that all who have not registered to visit V e court bouse at once, because of the fact that the primaries are drawing very close. Additional fon'ributors to Fair. Additional contributors to the prem ium list of the County School Fair are given below : Joe G. Vogt, $2..r)0; W. F. Lara way. $.r; Apple Land & Orchards Co.. $.r; Geo. if. Wilbur, $2. : C. II. Jenkins, f.' KViK.uf C Smith IW I V Watt, $1; Dr. II. L. Humble. $": Dr Kronson, $2.,r0; J. O. Porter, J'.no: John Baker. $2; J. P. Lucas, .r; and Connaway Mercantile Co., $.'.51'. A Puzzling Applicant. When neily Mrs. Cadeiette require a letter of Inlrodin lion to the benevo lent Mssoihilion Jules import, proud of his ability to express himself In English, obligingly helped her out. Imagine the bewilderment of the sec retary when a large, robust lady In search of work presented what well meaning Jules had written: "This Is Miss Ciideiette that I In duce wherewith to everybody. This lady has I i sick for a long time anil Is still In lied. She has live children, all little anil partly dead, niiil Is In very poor condition, as she have no money. Her husband went away two years ngo and has uot never been heard of since. This man has rheu matism, Is a cripple and cannot help herself. This lady Is his brother's glil. Help her and she will be very comfortable." As the sick abed lady could nptak io English, she was unnlile to explain why nlio looked so well, but the secre tary made her "very comfortable" Willi steady employment in a laundry Youth's Companion. Origin of "Canard." The French name for a dink I eatiard and a French journal iwalls the etymology of "eniuird" in the pejorative Journalistic sense. A Paris reporter once upon a time In the hot weather could hud no news and he fell back upon his Imagination. He published tin account of a renuirkahle experiment conducted in a farmynrd. A farmer took twelve ducklings, choppe-d one up fine ami gave It 'o the eleven others to eat. , second was chopped tun! Hie remaining ten gobbled him up. For eight more days one duckling wns served up to the others. At last, when only two were' left, one of the two was giwu to the other to eat. This remarkable exnerl inent reselted, therefore, in the one remaining duckling havug eaten up his eleven brother. The sleiry of the "Twedve I.IMe Ducks" sprang at once Into fame. A "canard" In a newspaper has ever since meant a statement nearer fic tion t tin ii fac'. Just Like Himself. The cheerful patient needed all bis gootl spirits, for the severe operation hail been a failure and the doctors we're hesitating to tell him. The phy sician stood by Ids bedside In the hos pital, ami from his grave expression the patient suspected the truth. "Well, doc," he said, with a sad smile. "It must have been like this." He fumbled under bis pillow and produoe'd an envelope which had been errone-oiisly delivered In another ward. On (he envelope was scribbled In pen ell, "Ope'iied by mistake." New York Sun. Mighty Jupiter. Jupiter, the largest of the planets. Is 1,3(10 times the bulk and 310 limes the) mass of the earth, and accomplishes Its rotation on Its axis in nine hours fifty minutes. As the equatorial circum ference Is 27.1.O00 miles, tin; linear rota tional velocity of a point on the equator Is nearly eight miles a second. Hit Writings. Kidder Do you write for art's sake or for the money? Scribbler- For Isdh. i write for the magazines for art's sake and to my father for money. Toledo Biade. The Desr Innocent. Mother When he attempted to kiss you. why didn't you enll tne? Daughter (innoeontlyi-Well. mamma, dear. I illiln't know you wanted to be kissed. Spoke From Experience. Willie Good Pa. our teacher says that "colleH-t" nnd "congregate" mean the same thing. Itev. Mr. Goes!-Well, you tell your teacher, my boy, that you have Information that there Is considerable difference between a con gregation and a collection.-UverjHol Mercury. Jumping at Conclusion. "My wile says that young man with a title Is In n tpmiiilry " said .Mr. Cum rox. "What's a quandary?" "I duniio exactly, but I have tin Idea It's I'ri'tich for 'debt.' "-Wiishliigtot) Hans Lage 'spent the week end if Portland. WANTED B Extra Sales Ladies During sale at Morlan & Lathrop's. Apply Friday morning at iO O'clock. Persia's Pipe Gu.ird;an. The rineeii of pipes beltings to tho shah of Persia. Why Is the great ch'et tain eif pipes a queen? Probably ! cause pipe Is a feminine noun in French. The little shah's pipe wan smoke-el by his father U-tore him, and by his uncle, and by bis grandfather, and bow many more of the rulers of Darius' kingdom we know not. Tho pipe Is adorne-il with all kinds of pre-e-inus s'ones and Is said to tie worth tlO.tKK). It Is constantly guarded by a high court ruiu-tiotiiuy. whose duties alleiw hltu as much leisure as tjie super Intendetit of the Persian arsenal, but us there Is no arsenal lu Persia so tho extent ef the sinecure may be Judged. Still, this functionary is responsible. This Is bow his ollice was created: Once a grand lzler was found trying to pry out a stone from the pipe with his poniard. Then the ollle-e of guard Inn eif the Imperial pipe was cre-ate-d. What be'canit! of the grand vizier Is not recortled Lotitlon Globe. i A Comedy of Economy. A comedy of economy is reported from St. Morltz. A stout couple, tif etitn pan leil by a son nnd daughter who were also "thick." as the Germans translate stout, enlere-d a crowded hotel at the busy time eif lunch nnd ordered one lunch at tnble d'hote. The father sat elown and finished two help ings eif soup mid all the bread near lii ii niol left the table, his place being taken for the entrees by bis wife, who hail been wailing with her children in the hotel corridor until her husband appeared. The young man then took his moth er's plne-e to attack the Joint, ami hu was followed by his slsier for the sweets, all doing Justice to the menu. In the crowd the tourists did not nolle,, the unusual lunch, but the head waiter dltl. and when asked for the bill pre sented emn for four lunches. Tho paterfamilias grumbled a good deal and paid! Geuevn eorre'spotidence Pall Mall Gazette. Ernest C. Smith, Candidate Tor Distrtci Attorney. I heri.-bv announce inv f-ri n. 1 i I v for the Kcpublii'Hii nominal ion"for iitici! Attorney for the Seventh tl- trict, at the primaries, April 10. I will' peisonally prosecute violations of the law ami assist ollicers in coiidnctinii the business of Crook, Hood Kiver and Wasco connfes in a vigorous, prompt nd busines-'-like manner, if notiiiuated Hinl elected. FKSKST C. SMITH I ability of eteni. It has be-en shown that nottrlj' nil the failures of steel occur very e'arly In Its history. If a plate or bar of iidld steel lasts for a year in service It may be trusted to last for ninny years. The most injurious thing Is continual lifiidlng backward and for ward as In what Is called the "pant ing'' of a boiler end As one author ity lulls It. steel has a somewhat "tu multuous yoiiih." tint "In middle age It Is trust worthy am In old age be )' I reproach." In regard to corro sion (here is dUTcrence of opinion, some holding that steel corrodes more readily than Iron. INSURE WITH REED & HENDERSON, Inc. Fire-Accident-Life-Automobile -Plate Glass Burglary Employer's Liability, including FARMERS and ORCH ARDISTS, also Judicial Official and Indemnity Bonds. Resident Agents for: Travelers Insurance Co. Pacific Coast Casualty Co. . Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York. Pelican Assurance Co. of New York. REAL ESTATE LOANS INVESTMENTS SEND IT EAST THE NEW MT HOOD Hood River's Grand Mountain FOR SALE ONLY BY SLOWS BOOK & ART STORE