The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 01, 1912, Image 5

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Oregon's Official State Booth Makes Excellent
Showing at Northwestern Land Products Show
OreRon's official ftate booth attract
ed much attention ut the Northwestern
Land Products Show recently held in
St. l'aul. Of all tr.e big shows in 1911
this was the most important as North
western products alone were,
without fear or favor.
The official state booth of Oregon
occupied an equal amount of space
with the other state exhibits, which
was subscribed for by the business
your strength, energy and thought to making
money but you will always be anxious about your
future prosperity unless part of your earnings are
saved and wisely invested. The best way to in
vest your savings is to deposit them in this strong
bank where they are protected by United States
Government Supervision and by Capital, Surplus
and Stockholders' Liability of $222,000.00.
One dollar or more opens a Savings Account in
this institution.
Try Blue Ribbon Bread
It has that wholesome, iiourisliiutaste that culls for more.. The largest
and best in town.
Stanley- Smith
Wholesale and Retail
Lath, Shingles, Ete
Lumber Delivered to
Wq are Now Taking Orders for
Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes
Would Advise Ordering at Once
'Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
men of the Twin City and Duluth. j
Similar space was also furnished free
to all the other states in the North
west Development League.
The official state booth of Oregon
was aesignea ana put up oy me ureal
Northern Railway for the State of
Oregon. It was handsomely decorated
and the apples andother" doits from
Hood River, Willamette Valley, the
Umpqua and Kogue River Valleys
The one thing that attracts
children in our bread is its sweet,
satisfying, 'vrholesoiiie tasfe. They
would like to eat a lot of it but
they cunTt it is so nourishing
that it soon satisfies. Consequent
ly one of our loaves will go farther
than an ordinary loaf. The secret
is all in (he hih grade of the
flour we use, and our system of
Lumber Co.
Any Part of the Valley
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can eecure. first-class rigs
Special attention given to moving furniture ane
We do everything horses can do.
made a splendid showing. In addition
to friiit growing, the chances for di
versified fanning, dairying, hog and
cattle raising, which are of much in
terest to the mid-western and Eastern
farmer, were emphasized. The inter
est manifested in Oregon was such
that the Great Northern officials are
well satisfied that the state will benefit
much from this comprehensive exhibit.
81.00 IVr Plate.
Was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay,
in New Orleans in 1M2. Mikity iimtiy
for those with stomach trouble or indi
gestion. Today people everywhere use
Dr. King's New Life- Pills fur these
troubles as well as liver, kidney and
bowel disorders. Only 25c at Clarke's.
Treat the Horse Well
and lie will treat you well. Have
all done here and you will be as
well pleased as our other customers
are. We make horseshoeing a bus
iness and we make it a success, lie
cause it is done right. I f vim want
that kind, remember us every time
you have any to be done.
Shively & Driscoll
Sheriff's Sale.
j In IheClicult Court of the State of Oregon
' for Mood Ki ver County.
I Win M. Htauffrr, plHiiitltr, vs. M. K. Nobl
, J. O, KHsiumn. nri'l C I . Mow, TniMee ot
Park iiHnite No. ;i")7 of Hood Ki vit, reuon,
Miid Turk Orange No. ;Vi7 iiootl River Oie
Kon, defeiidnntx.
Hy virtue ol an execution, deeree nd order
. of Male duly tshiied out !' nd under the hcuI
' of t tie Circuit Court ol the Slate ot Oregon loi
I Hood Ktver Ccmnty, to men (reeled and dated
the 15iti day ot lunutiry, HH'J, umii a deeiee
for the foieeloKiiie ot h ceiUin tooriK' Hitd
I judgment rendered and entered In said Court
! on te HHid loth day of JmiuHry, iwi'2. tn the
above entitled eauHe in favor of pluinl IM mid
HKnlfist ttie delemuuitH tn the niiiii ol $imki
I wl h i merest thereon ut Hie rate ot H per rent
! per ntinntn from Ihe l .'ili dny o March, lull;
i l'r the Hum id Hirl..'Kt; und for the sum of $!' ''
j attorney 'it fees; and the fin ttier fuim of tflw 10
cost k mid diHbui sement; Jind t he costK Umd
if the real property emhiaced ttt nueh deene
of torcloMire and hereinafter deKcrtted, 1 will
at the hour ot ten o'clock in the forenoon un
tiiehith day ot February, UHJ, at the fiont
diMir of the County Court House In Hood
Hi ver, Hood Hiver County, Slate of Oiemn,
hell at public miction to the higheM bidder for
cash In IihihI hII th rilit, title and Inter st
of t he defendHiitH, M. K. Noble,J.t, KaKlnutn
and'. 1. Mmse, Trusteeh of f ark (irantje No.
.'57fH od River, Oregon, and I'ark UrHiijte
No. li'il of Hood Hiver,' Oregon, t(r either of
them had on the l',Mh day ot March, ltdiH, the
date of the nioittfutfe lorcloed herein, or
which Kuril defendanLsLhaK Acquired or now
has In and to the following described real
property Hituated and belntf In HHd Kiver
County, Slate of Oregon, to.wit:
lielnnlug at the Koutliwest corner of the
HoutheaKt '4 of the NW4 ol Sec. a In T'p - N.
of Hange 10 K. ot W. M ; I hence niiiuliiK north
'M rods: thence east 4(1 rods; I hence wtuth M
rodH; thence west 40 roda to the place of be.
Or k luuch thereof hm will natlsfy aald judtf
ment and dtciee with cokn anil accruing
eoatn: nald property will be sold ttit.eet to
continuation and redeinj Hon as by iaW pro
vltled. .
Hated al Hvod Klver. Oregon, th In l.Mh day
of January, Wi
shertfl of Hood Uivcr Co , Ore.
H W. stark, Atty. for pltll. jlM5
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
ban been appointed Hdmiiii-t iHtri x ot the e
tnte of .lameH t. Heiilon, deceaned, by the
Comity Court of Hood Klver County, Oiegon.
All iteraons hnvtng ciaintN against wild eMiite
Nhould present the name to t he undeiNluned
at Ihe offlce of a. J. I'ert.y, Urst, National
lii'Uk Kl'lg , Hood Klvr, ore., within hx
'month from the dale of first publicat ion of
in ik none.
Dated and first published the 1-th day ol
January, ltd',.
Jlstlft MARY M. H KAToN.
Notice Closing Streams.
Know All Men by these HrcnentK:
That, whereas, for the purpose of propHyut
rw. Mocking and protictuitc tin H;ilinn Kisli
which treo,ucnt the waters ot HU'IH K1VKK
and tt tiittutHrieM, In t he State ot Oregon, t tie
Htwte Hoard f Klsh nd (iame ('MMtrnisMn
tiH hHM decided to close mmiiI llooh KfVKK
Hid tin tnhutarieH to prevent tt-lillig therein
by any meant whatever, except, with ho -It
and line, cnnmonly callerl angling, for Sal
mon KiKh during the period of. time herein,
after Necirled.
Hi V KN hy nid state Hoard of r h and (iame
('omnil-riionerH that nxid Hoi U HI VKK and
tin f ribniariea arp, and each of them U tirehy
cloned to tithing of any kind for salmon Fifth,
except with hook and line, coimnonly trailed
angling, until naid Hirennm are opened In ac
cordance with Scciioii of Lord'n. Oreuon
Laws; and it In and will he uuIh wful t fl-ti
f(r, cr take or catch any Ha 1 1001 by any
meana whatever, except with hook anil line.
commonly raiien angling, during the hhui e
rlod of lime a hove meeitled.
Any and nil person whomrwver ho rlsltlng
tn violation ot thi notice will be pnwcuteil
a by taw provided. Signed,
. K. Cranvion. Chairman.
.1. K. I lug ties. Secretary,
eo. H. Kellv,
M J. Kinney,
('. K Stone.
'"onKtitnting StAte Hord of Kiidi and iinie
Com u i ssloners. ji."fJ2
We Hr rnnntuK bantuta counter nrHry
Wcwn (In thin n'44iise w are preaiiii-nl
inantiytT, serri-tarv, ir ftsurtT, iiliitilur, ktow
r, tiger and paokr of onr oomtmnv. We
Imve tor hHle several tHndnrd varieties fit
nop and two-venr-oM aritile trees at baricaln
counter prices. Ail trees ieuaranteed true to
Dame and free from (iiee. we are looking
for a tiarifHiti. are you? v rile or phone sis k
J.T. Nealelnh, Hood Klver, Ore., I. C. NVrI-
elgn, K .No. 4, huerwood, ore. (r la
The consular iRt'liN .f the I'nittti j
Sate? k1'' ii? wbIvl' tu the rvui
chaiicvg of the Snetu nn atjile to bv
fold in Europe lit hitili prlrt-s. I'uiimiIs
Mahin at AmsterJaiii, Kltnni?it: t
Kdinturgh anil Wafhntun at Liver
pool now add their tv;ire-sio!is of
u iniun to thuse previously puhhshid
from Atneriean comn rr. ial agents at
other Kuropean empur.'.tns.
American apples en; y popularity in
KiiKiand. They are . ! i there sun
dritd. fresh or evapornu t, and even
rorea and skins are pun-hnsed. Kresh
IJ.ildir.f, Kings and l;usets, well
pcked in barrels of ui pounds eaeli.
old at Amsterdam ui Deeeintii-r 4.
1111. for :t.tiO to II. Ml the barrel,
these priees including the ad valorem
duty of 5 vr cent.
rotlard tuys prart.iallv all its
apples from Anerir:i and Canada.
American rased apple, as the Nw-
towns of llretjon and the apples of
Wenutchee, are purcl,:i-ni from Amer
ican shippers throng') linkers at l.on-
do. American apples i i.j. y two advan
tages over Canadian ..pples. Kresh
apples from one section or anotht r of
the I'nited States are exported at
practically all seasons. Apples from
California, Idaho, Maine, Michigan,
New lork, Oregon and Washinirtuii
excel the best commeri'iiil grades pro
duced elsewhere. American apples in
barrels wholesale at Kdinhu.rth sell
fur from $2.! or $:5.40 to f;iy ir $.").:;r
the 120 pounds. Cased apples ranye
from $1.82 the 38 pounds wholesale to
f 1.01 the ;i7 pounds. It is to be under
stood that the lowest aid the highest
prices respectively retcr to the poorest
and the best kinds of apples.
Liverpool is the leading port for the
importation of American apples.
According to Census liurean statis
tics the death rate in the United States
for 1!U0 as just almut eleven in a
thousand of population, which is a
pretty Kood showing, liiis is a fairly
healthy country even as things are and
it will lie healthier when we have
learned to eat pure food and avoid con
taminated air, mil! and water. No
doubt the impure uir which we habitu
ally breath causes more deaths than
any other one thing, hut bad water
makes a good second and poisonous
food is not far behind the twain.
Compared with these allies of the hitiR
of Terrors old Kinp Aid. . hoi is an in
nocent angel, though he has plenty of
sins to answer for.
The old rule that the unmarried die
oil' faster than the, married was not
uroken in 1910. The deaths of unmar
ried persons outnumbered the married
in this country by about 100,0(10. The
gre.ter longevity of the laiter is at
tributed to the comforts of home,
especially home cooking, perhaps.
Mother's pies and salt rising bread
keep father in good health far beyond
the time when miserable old bachelors
are obliged to pass in their checks.
In 1110 more male9 than females fin
ished their earthly careers. The ex
cess, in fact, was almost 100,0:0, which
was pretty nearly the same as that of
the deaths of celibates over the mar
ried. This is another instance where
the established rules of mortality were
followed. Insurance statistics show
that a man's chances of life at a given
age are less than a woman's though
there is a period in middle life when
the propcrtion is reversed. It is said
that men expose themselves to more
hardships than women and incur so
many more dangers that the result tells
appreciably on their prospects of sur
vival at any fixed age. It is a curious
circuirstance that, in spite of this
well-known truth, the insuiance com
panies declined to take women as risks
for J'nia' y years after they accept
men freely.
Ihe deaths from tuberculosis in lit 10
outnumbered those in 190!) by more
than 4000. It will be intersting to
learn in due time whether the war
igainst the great white plague has
reversed this proportion in 1912.
Farming and Grit.
Making a living on a farm does not
consist solely in sucking in ozone, roll
ing in blossoming clover, and picking
pears, there is a crop ot blisters,
backaches, muddy boots, washouts,
bugs, and droughts. One never makes
a change in life without giving up some
things he likes and taking sumo he
does not like. He must strike a bal
ance, go where he finds the greater
good, and bear with grit and patience
the unpleasant part. The city man
who has not pluck should stay in the
shop or desk, for on the farm he will
lind a life-size envirnoment that will
hit him with appalling regularity on
every soft spot he owns. He may
resent slowness, physical tiredness,
inconvenience, stillness. (Jetting back
to the land is profitable, pecuniarily
and spiritually, only to those who care
more for independence than for steam
heat and granitoid walks; or think
more of health than ot musical com
edy; or would rather accumulate a
competence for their old age than have
the privilege of street ears and jostle.
The successful farmer must be willing
to work until his muscles get sore, and
then work until they get strong; to
learn of simple folk, and be neighborly
with people who have lived in a differ
ent way; to wait for seed time and
narvest. Also he must be able to for
get the amusements he has left behind
and the annoyances he has found, until
the slow current of country life gets
hold of him, and the sweet spirit of
the open place- envelops him. Then
he will have found a home, and the
land will have found one more man to
feed the nations. Collier's Weekly.
Colleen Bawn at Gem.
All have heard of the great drama.
Colleen Bawn, containing those bits of
comedy ar.d pathos, interwoven, such
as only can be found among the wear
ers ot the Ureen on the little old
Kmerald Isle. The drama, with none
of the rarity of its attractions lost,
has been placed upon films, which were
especially made in Old lieland amidst
the scenes of the "tater" fields and
typical Irish life. The films, which
are in three big reels are appearing at
the (Jem theater this evening. Special
music will be rendered by Vogel's or
chestra. Glacier Pelig'tts English.
Birmingham, England, December 30.
Dear fcditor:- Your dlacier comes to
me like apple Lloss)rns rich with per
fume and my friends are very much
interestetd in the paper.
Enoch Hrayford.
When her child i in danger a woman
ill rit-k her life to protect it. Nngreat
act of heroism or ri-k of life is necessary
to protect a child from croup, five
Chamberlain's Cough R- inedy and all
dauber is avoided. Sold by all dealer
The Coughs
of Children
Ihvy n ay ret cough tothy,
bat wli.-.t ah u to.i.or ovv?
Better be prepared for it
when it comes. Ask yoi.r
doctor about keeping Acer's
Cherry Pectoral in the hoiif.e.
Then when the haid cold ,
couh first appears you have
a doctor's medicine at I and.
This comjh medicine is
especially good for children.
No anodynes. No a'cohol.
Many a chdJ t called dud and stupid
hin the w.iole trouble is due to a lazy
liver. t e firmly believe your own doc
tor will tell you tint an occasional dose
of Aver's Pilis, itijar-coated, ili do such
children a great drl of aood. Ask him.
John I). Rockefeller, according to a
dispatch from Tarrytown, N. Y., has a
small army of foresters at work on his
I'orantico hill estate trying to save Ins
apple orchard. lor three years the
trees have failed to produce a normal
crop and tree doctors recently found
that the San Jose scale was respon
sible. Immediately Mr. Rockefeller made
arrangements to have the trees treat
ed, and today the men are at work
scraping the bark and removing the
scale. Mr. Rockefeller himself takes
great interest in the work, spending
a long time each day watching the
progress made.
1 he surplus supply from the Rocke
feller orchard is sent annually to New
York hospitals. Mr. Rockefeller is a
great lover of trees. He never per
mits one to be cut down, and trans
plants more than any nan in the
eouiitrj .
A Statement of Facts Hacked liy a Strong
We guarantee complete relief to all
sufferers from constipation, or, in
every case where we fail, we will sup
ply the medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, effec
tive, dependable, and safe bowel regu
lator, strengthener, and tonic. They
aim to re-establish nature's functions in
a quiet, easy w ay. They do not cause
inconvenience, griping or nausea. .They
are so pleasant to take and AMirk so
easily that they may be taken by any
one at any time. Jney thoroughly
tone up the whole system to healthy
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of childien, old
folks, and delicate persons. We cannot
too highly recommend them to all suf
ferers from any form of constipation
and its attendant evils. Three sizes,
10c, 25c, and fide. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies ii this
community only ut our store The
Rexall Store. Carl A. Rlath.
You are probably aware that pneuin i
nia always results from n cold, but win
never heard of a cold result inn in pneu
monia hen Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy was used. Whv take the risk hen
lliiH remedy may be had for a tulle?
l or sale bv all dealers.
Brayford Will Bring Settlers.
I am now in Walshall for a week or
more. The town is an up-to-date
town, that is, in the English way of
doing business. They are behind time
in their business methods. They keep
open their shops until 10 o'clock at
night and sell in very small quantities
which leaves them practically no profit.
The boys aie taught to help in the
stores and the wife assists, thus every
economy is practiced, and nothing
wasted. I see drunken men on the
streets and women at dinner and sup
per time going with their pitchers to
the taverns for their family beer.
The horses take my eye, very large
oraft horses in single drays hauling
three or four tons of goods. The busi
ness men have a very fancy two
wheeled cart with a fancy little horse
with a short tail. The town corpora
tion owns its tramways, gas and elec
tric light, so that taxes are kept low
by the profits from these sources.
1 am slaying with tny nephew, a prac
tical grocery man, who has made a
little money and has made up his mind
to come out to Oregon with his wife
and famliy, who are of the Roosevelt
type. Enoch Hrayford.
Valley Christian Class Elects.
The I'hilathea Class of The Valley
Christian church met at the home of
their teacher, Mrs. F. M. I'eugh, last
Sunday afternoon and reorganized
under the name of "tueen Esthers"
and elected the following officers:
pres., Josephine Dart; vice pres.,
lieulrice Hoyce ; sec. and treas., Louise
Eorry. The following committees
were appointed: Social com., Agnes
Miller, chairman, Evelyn Hasbrouck,
Louise Forry, Josephine Dart, Edna
Thornbury and Heatrice lioyee; mem
bership com., Evelyn Hasbrouck -and
Edna Thornbury; visiting com., Louise
Forry, Josephine Dart ml Beatrice
lioyte. Class motto: We plead for
our people. Class color: link aim
white. Class flower: 1'ink carnation.
M. E. Church Services.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching
services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Themes -- morning, "The World's
Greatest Teacher;" evening, "The
Tongue." Junior League at 3 p. m.
to which all patents are invited. Ep-
worth League at 6:30 p. ni. Frayer
meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30
All are cordially invited to attend
these services. Strangeis made wel
come. VV. H. Young, I3stor.
first l,'i(iilif, then It-oiK-liitis
Such was tin- casH with Mrs. H. W.
lliiilt-y, Mr(,'ri-aiv, Ky. "My wife was
taken il-iwn itli a severe altark of la
Hi i pf, wliirli run into lironiliil U. Slie
(unfiled hk tli' flie lnul cnncnuipMon
ami cnulil imt fIcho at nilit. The tlm--tor'
mcdirine K4ve Ik" no relief ami I
ailus'-il to trv K-I y'f Honey ami
Tar Compound. Tin; lirnt 1) ittle ttave
her mi 1 1 1 m il relief that fhe continued
iiHing it and three In 11 le- effected a com
plete enre." Mr. h liley cav 8 he is pre to annwi r all iinpiirie-i promptly.
For nale bv C. A. l'lath.
Job Printing at the dlacier oflice.
This is the weather for
Belknap Bob Sleighs
Hacks and
with a set of these runners y ou can
convert your Hack or Buggy into a
sleigh, cost small, satisfaction Jgreat.
Blowers Hardware Co
Phone 99
Furniture and Pianos Moved
Draying, Express and
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
I Wood Yard and Feed
We want you to feel that you needn't be an expert
to , pick out good meat here. So we keep none but
the best, tlugh judging by our low prices you might
not think so: But it is an easily provable fact.
We have storage space for all kinds
of goods in a concrete building
Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move
Complete Transfer Service
Transfer & Livery Co.
Phone 5
Fourth nd State
Oak and 1st Sts.
htore in Connection
VAJ. 238K y
3 E3Q
Ilih as our
Meats are Held
in the esteem of good
judges that doesn't sat
isfy us. We want every
body to
You Never Saw
Nicer Looking Bread
than Hint halted in our ovens.
I.iylr, foft and jnnt crusty enough.
The nicenei-B't Flop at tie
lookH hnwe-er The lir-t tat
you take will tor vera nil that
jou a Iv p less task tx f -re
yon wl en yon try to pr..ilu.e a-f
Jrooil l-ieai at home Whv try
biiv way? ave yourself laK"
and luon -y too hy making us
your tinker.
24 Bread Tickets $1
Hood River, Ore.