HOOD ItlVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2C, 1911 Special ale of adie uits ALL THIS WEEK Greatest Values Ever Offered at This Time of the Year for .50 T17.50 GV8I.50 Values up to and including $35.00. Our stock is still complete in all new Fall Styles of the Palmer and Seigel Bros.' Garments. SI8 BARGAINS IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS Any Suit in our immense stock of Suits and Overcoats for $18.00. Never before was such an offer made in such high grade clothing. Come while sizes are complete. We can fit you. Remember, any Suit or Coat for $18.00. mi LADIES: Do you like Shoes that Wear? Do you like Shoes with Comf ort? Do you like Shoes with Quality? Do you like Shoes with Style? We can Sell Them to you. We can Sell Them to you. We can Sell Them to you. We can Sell Them to you. Our Shoes contain all of these qualities in any pair of shoes we sell you. WE GUARANTEE SATISFAC TION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Ladies' Shoes in all leathers and the latest styles. For the little Miss or the mother who is on her feet all day long $3.00 to $4.00-We highly recommend our CUSHION SOLE SHOES for COMFORT and Rest. We have a JQ flfl good Cushion Shoe for J).UU Dr. Edison's Cushion Shoe is recommended as a sure cure for sore and tired feet. NO MORE tif ftfl PAIN. Only 3.UU FAIMC Y' WORK St comp'ete "ne n e cty fewest novelties in Pillow Tops. Birthday Pillow Tops for every month of the year. Stamped lines, stamped pillow cases. The new oblong shapes and convential designs. Table Runners, Stamped. Shirt Waist Patterns and Corset Covers. A good line of Silks. GENTLEMEN! Our Shoes are Perfection in Make and the leathers are straight from the animal back. Pure Leather and All Leather. Hence the wearing quality is the best. , STYLE! Yes, Everything. You must see them to be convinced. $3.50 to $6.00 Children's School Shoes That Last a Long Time Are obtainable at our store. We guarantee our shoes not to rip. If they do, "we sew 'em up." We always make good. While looking at School Shoes don't overlook our line. We Will make you "gladukum" to see us. $1.00 to $3.50 Full Line May Manton Patterns 10c n See Our Wool Blanket Window Display ODELL. Wallace Young, of Carson, Wash., who underwent mi operation for ap pendicitis and has been in a sanitarium in Portlund recovering from the oper ation, has been doing mo nicely thut it is believed he will be able to come to Odell very noon for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Young and with Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. I.alTerty, Ida wife's parents. Lewis Latferty, who is ill of typhoid fever and is in the hospital in Hood River, is getting along in the moNt satisfactory way that could possibly be expected. Mrs. L. l. Itoyed is much improved in health since our last writing. Frank Purdy, of Watdiougul. Wash., and Claude Chapman, of Arlington, have been here for a visit with the family of T. W. Atkinson and on business. The many friends of I?. K. Tucker will be grieved to hear that he passed away in San Diego, Cal., a few days ago death resulting from injuries re reived when a street car stiuck him. Mr. Tucker was formerly a resident of Odell and was highly respected. The last year he has made his home in Hood Kiver city, going South for the winter. Mrs. G. E. Bowerman went to Port land Sunday for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Howell Metcalf. Mrs. Connaway, of Portland, has been here for a visit with her son, 11, Connaway, of the Connaway Merean tile Co. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. 0. I.. Walter. Wednesday, October 1, a son. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Uoyt and sons, Wither and Myron, expect to leave Odell soon and go to Hood River for the winter. Venice Callison, of Trout Lake, Wash., is haie for a two weeks' vi-nt with her friend, Mrs. Dane Kemp. At the close of her visit here she will go to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Callison. of Echo, Ore., and later she expects to go to Portland. C. Pfllughoiipt has just completed clearing a tract of land of a little less than ten acres near lee lor Mr. Jones. of Portland, and as a test before accepting the work a plow was put down ten inches and furrows plowed at various places in the clearing mid no obstructions were found (hat would prevent plowing. Mr. I'flughaiipl is now at home and ready for more work of the same kind. Mr. and Mrs. Burden, of England, will arrive this week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Job. Nheppsrd. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and little daughter, of Brookville, lnd., will also visit Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard. who arc Mrs. Clark's parents. Guy F. Smith made a short visit in Portland during the past week. The buildings for the box factory are in process of construction. Kemember the Hallowe'en social Krisdav (tomorrow) night at the Methodist church. An especially good time is promised. There w ill he a pro gram and no admission will be charged Refreshments, li cents. Auspices of Ladies Aid .Society. Rally Day will be observed at the Methodist church next Sunday, with appropriate exercses. Rev. C. M. (.'arson, the pastor, will be present mid will deliver an address suited to the occasion, lime of beginning is 10 a. m. Sunday School and Christian En deavor as usual at the Union Church. t Call up E. E. tiould when you have any painting, paner banning or kulso inining to do. Phone Odell S7. nil) MOSIER. ('co. llaacke, was a business visitor to llood Kiver Monday. C. G. Graham and Chas, Sparling left for The Dulles, Tuesday, to work on the 0-W. K. & N. bridge gang. The gang will be located at Mosier for a few weeks' work soon. Some business visitors to The Dalles, Tuesday, were C. J. Fredrick son and James Elliott. Mrs. Sarah McVey came down from The Dulles Tuesday afternoon to spend a few days before going on to Port land. Miss Ethel llaacke arrived Tuesday afternoon Jfrom Port Huron, Mich. She will spend the winter here with her father and family. Mr. W. Rohma, of Boring. Ore., is a visitor at the home of J. 11. Osborne. Sheriff Chrisman spent jnost of Wed nesday in Mosier attending to official business. Mrs. L. V. Wooil went shopping in llood Kiver Wednesday morning. Others going to llood River during the week were Win. Akers, 11. G. Kihbee, Mnttic Hudson, Alice Phillips, Erona Denny, Mrs. R. M. Ross and Mrs. Weller. West hound passenger train No. 1 ran over and killed an unknown man, Wednesday afternoon, near ("rates Point, where he was seen to step out directly in front of the train, as it was almost passing him. Mrs. .left Mosier entertained the Lades Aid at her home, Wednesday afternoon, also other guests who were invited to meet those present. Wm. Akers mad: a trip to Portland this week. A. P. Batcham returned home Thurs day evening from u trip to California. While away he visited the Apple Show at V atsonville, and many other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Masters have taken charge of the Maerum ranch. Miss M. Bishop left Saturdy for several weeks' stay in Portland. Hans Olsen took his wife to The Dalles Saturday morning, where Dr. Robinson and other medical men held a consultation as to her mental condi tion. On Sunday, when she was taken to Salem for treatment, they thought she showed signs of improvement at the time of stai ting. Mosier men going Sat unlay to The Dalles were: Alex Stewart, C. 11. Duiismore, JclT Mosier, S. D. Fisher, J. E. Carpenter, R. M. Ross. J. p. Carroll and George Chamberlain. Jennie Olsen returned Saturday afternoon to her Work in Hood River. Shehad come up Thursday to be with her mother. Chas. Yarnell and wife and brother returned to their home in Portland the last of the week. Mrs. J. II. DeBussey and son, Mrs. C. J. Littlcpage and Miss Kearns. were in Hood River Saturday shop ping. A. K. Craft and family, of Forest Grove, are visiting .1. P. Carroll and wife. Mrs. Kay Bunnell, of The Dalles, came Monday to visit her' father, Ole Olson and her sisters. Mrs. John Evans went to Hood River Monday morning. The Mosier Fruit Growers Associa tion commenced shipping apples from the warehouse the first of the week. E. T. Chase came up from Portland Monday for a few hours. Mrs. S. W. Stark came up Sunday from llood Kiver for a few days' stay with relatives. F. R. Howard was up from Hood River this week. Thomas Kirkpatrick is visiting his relatives, Mrs. Harlan and family. BL0DGETVILLE For instructions iu riding see Ray Bahson. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rogers and daughter and John Goldsbury had lunch last Sunday with the mayor at the White House after which Homer and John left for Hood River. John is going to Portland on business. Mr. J. O. Hannum, the owner of the highest ranch in the valley, is at pres ent picking his crop of 'apples. The elevation of his ranen is JuW leei. John Goklsburv caught a coyote on his ranch last week. Good tfork, John. Andy Brown almost lost one of his line team of sorrel horses the other night hut at present the horse is on the road to recovery. Just at present Andy is nicking his apples, which will amount to about 40 boxes. Ceo. Baker, one of the councilmen, rode to Hood River last Friday, re timing the next day. Mr. Peeler, who was removed to the city hospital last week, is slowly im proving. BARRETT. The Barrett Store owned and con ducted by E. Bray ford, for the past eight years has now changed hands having been purchased by W. A. Mercer. It will be known as The Mercer Mereentile Co. Since the death of Mrs. Bray ford, some two months ago, Mr. Bravford. feeling the weight of years and" too much responsibility, decided to sell out. Mr. Bray ford has not made any definite plans for the future. Ed Watts is now plastering a house in the Frankton district. The dedication, on Saturday, of the new Barrett school house was well at tended and its directors were highly complimented on their work in the erection of such a fine school house for the country. J. J. Gibbons and wife were out auto riding on Sunday afternoon. Auction sale at Rockford Store Mon day, Oct. .10, at 10 a. m. MIDDLE VALLEY"" C. B. Jensen's brother, of Portland, is here visiting him for a few weeks. A. C. Hallum, who has been clearing land in the Middle Valley, for the Middle Crest Orchard Co., has finished the work and will now clear a piece of land for Fred W. Wassin. The members of the Good Time club and their friends enjoyed a lively party at Mt. Hood, on Friday evening. Miss Mary Montgomery, who is teaching in the Middle Valley, attend ed the Hood River County teachers' institute at the new Barrett school, Saturday. G. W. Ingram's horse became fright ened near Mr. Stanton's house and ran away, turning in at Mr. Fairbuns and making several circles around the barn before it was caught. Some groceries and dry goods were lost along the way but no other damage was done. . Mac Rush and wife and baby are visiting Mrs. Rush's father, Peter Moore and family. J. R. Steele and family entertained a number of friends at dinner Sunday. One of the many good things that Mrs. Steel had prepared was some excellent bear moat. Mrs. M. II. Craft was shopping in Hood River, Saturday. A. Root, formerly of New York, but who has recently bought a hundred and sixty acres near the head of the Neal Creek canyon, has begun clearing with quite a large gang of men. George Barr, who has been doing some painting in Hoixl River, has re turned to the Middle Valley and is painting W. S. Gribble's new store. Miss Jesse Rustwas in Hood River, on Monday. CENTRAL VALE As it is the time of the general con vention of ghosts and witches there is not one of the Central Vale neighbor hood but will meet around a large log lire on the school grounds next Tues duy evening, and drink of the broth brewed by witches in their caldron, in the presence of the living spectators and deathly spectres. Gypsies will be present for the purpose of revealing all your future. Ghosts will servo a bountiful supply of Hallowe'en refresh ments. It is the purpose of the enter tainment committee to provide an entertainment that no one will miss coming. The happy, crowd of young people who had such a good time at Job Sheppard's home last Friday will meet again on Wednesday to further com plete their transformation to ghosts. R. W. Arens went to Portland last Saturday for his mother who has recently come from the east. We are hoping that the pleasant crowd of Hood River County teachers who had so delightful and instructive time at the Barrett school last Satur day will visit us soon and assist in the dedication of our new addition on our building. It's Equal Don'l Exist. No one has ever made a salve, oint ment or balm to compare with Buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the one per fect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scales, Boils, Ulcers, Ezema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyts, ('old Sores, Chapped Hands or Spraii 8 it's supreme. Unrivaled for Piles. Try it. Only 2.r)C at Chas. N. Clarke's. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WE SELL A VERY SUPERIOR GRADE M A D F. BY PAR K E. DAVIS & CO. The uses of this article are many. It is a very effective agent for cleansing all kinds of suppurating wounds, sores, etc. Also for bleaching the hair and linger, nails. It removes blackheads from the skin and vegetable stains from the hands .or white fal ries. lias Ix'eii successfully employed, in proper dilution, as a gargle in sore throat, and as a mouth wash. It stops fermentation and arrests decay of food matter in the mouth. IT IS Ql'lTE IMPORTANT to see that the proper quality is obtained. If an inferior product is used, it either does not' ac complish the object, or it causes much irritation. Call on ns for the right article. 1-4 Pound, 20c; 1 Pound, 50c Carl A. PWfl, DRUGGIST "The Rexall Store" T