The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 26, 1911, Image 1

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    rK .
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VOL. XX lit
II 8 1
Uf l A m m :I
Hay Lands
Immediately Tributary to Large
Orchard Tracts
Ditch Work for the Camas Prairie
Drainage District Well Under Way
Five acres of upland condensed into one; a soil
better than the best beaver-dam land; inexhaustable
fertility, in which the stored plant food of unknown
ages is tapped by cultivation of the Camas Prairie
Drainage District.
You can get choice tracts, ready to plow when
drained, for a less price per acre than it will cost to
clear the surrounding timber land.
Talk with Hood River Investors who
have taken advantage of the bargains
in this new section. : : : :
Watches and Jewelry
Our Stock Always Includes a Complete Line of
The latest and most artistic Jewelry will be
found in our display. Our standard clocks keep the
time. We guarantee them.
Repair Work Finished Quickly and Done
the Way That Lasts
iliiln .inn, inrmmi.i mi mi nil 'NT Hi i iii
On Account of Old Age, This
Fine Home
and 15 acres bearing orchard; 15 acres hay
land; about 20 acres pasture; team, cow and
all farm tools; 5 miles from Hood River, will
be sacrificed for $26,500. $6,500 cash, balance
terms. See owner's son-in-law,
1 123 Twelfth Street Hood River, Oregon
An Ideal 20-Acre Orchard For
Situated in the finest apple district of the val
ley; famous red shot soil; 1 miles from depot
and stores; 10 acres in 3-year-old Spitzenburg,
Newtown and Winter Banana, just beginning
to bear; 4 acres of strawberries between trees,
netted $900 this year; between 6 and 7 acres
1-year-old Spitz., Newtowns and Ortleys; bal
ance timber; home grounds, small bungalow,
barn and Jap house. Owner compelled to live
in east owing to death in family. Easy terms.
Address "S," Care of Glacier
- mm-
mm m
H-l-H-H-H-M-l-H 1 1 1 1 H III H 1
Real Estate Wanted P
20-acre orchard partly bearing, with build
ings. 10-acre orchard partly bearing,' East Side
5 acres well improved, close to town on the
West Side, to trade for modern home in
Hood River.
Centrally located improved property to trade
for Portland residence.
J. H. Heilbronner &
The Reliable Dealers Hood River, Ore.
H..H, i ,1,.H..H.H..;..;..h..h! in .H..H I II III t 1 ! I MM M I I lit
Mourdant A. Goodnough
Will Give Lessons on the Piano in
providing a sufficient number of pupils fan
be secured to make it worth the trip. For
further particulars call up phones
175 OR 1902-L
Bargain if Sold at Once
Five and one-half acres, one mile from town on Tucker
road; one acre full bearing commercial varieties; four acres
in five and six-year-old. (next spring) Newtown and Spitzen
burgs, Bing cherries, Anjou pears, blackberries, raspberries,
peaches and prunes; one acre in strawberries; one-half acre
in alfalfa; excellent view; new outbuildings and remodeled
six-room cottage with running water; south slope. Early
fruit brings high prices. Interesting figure for all cash.
Terms if necessary. Owner lives in the east and must sell.
Phone Eugene G. Rexford, 190-K, if interested.
$4,800 Will Buy 80 Acres
Within three miles of VanHorn station. All good ap
ple land; partly cleared; not to exceed five acres rough
land; balance nearly level; gentle slope. Developed
and producing orchard adjoining.
C. A. McCARGAR, Mosier, Ore.
Office Hotel Oregon Building
Phone 228-K
On account of having to leave
able ranches. You can't beat this for price or quality.
$6,000.00 Ten acres near Van Horn; part bearinK; balance
2, 3 and 4-year-old trees; new apple house. Terms
one-half cash.
$12,000.00-Twenty acres, all in 4-year-old trees except
about one acre; 6 1-2 miles out; near railway. Terms
Exchange House in town for
III 1 1 1 1 1 H II I ! i
for the East these two desir
small ranch.
Quarterly Report of Recorder's Court
Shows Urge Percentage of Cases Are
on Charges of Intoxication.
The city council at its Monday night
meeting received several petition
from citizen desiring a postponement
of the time limit for constructing side
walks. The first read by the recorder
was that of C. II. Stranahan, who
owns property on fine street, and H.
r. Moses, a Montello avenue owner.
A motion was made by councilman
Krosius to the effect that the petition
be granted, provided that the contract
ors laying the sidewalk, except where
liermits had been granted, were not
able to complete the work up to line of
the prorty owners desiring the delay.
A iietitioti signed by h. O. Hall, con
tractor, and W. S. Nichol for the Ash
bury Methodist church, asked that a
delay be granted in the construction of
the sidewalk in front of the church on
State Street. This, however, was not
granted bv the council, since it was
deemed that the improvement was
much needed and that the abutting
owners had had sufficient time for com
pletion of the work. It was further
stated that if an extension were gran
ted, the work would be delayed until
the cold weather prevented Its being
done this year.
Mating that they were only able to
carry on their work during certain
seasons of the year, a unmher of citi
zens operating teams and wagons in
the city asked that the licences he
made payable quarterly instead of an
nually, the present rate or licences is
$20 per annum for a single team and
$10 for each of three additional teams.
The petition was refused.
An application for a permit to con
struct the basement of the Apple Fair
Association building at the corner of
Cascade avenue and Second street wa.-.
submitted by Albert Sutton, urchitect
for the association. The application
was accompanied by plans and specifi
cations and was granted. Ihu base
ment of the new structure was begun
Monday by the W. . A hired Co. and
Fredericks & Arnold. A large crew of
men will hasten it to completion. The
structure will be covered with a fire
proof roof.
A communication was submitted by
A. W. Onthank, who stated that a
great number of citizens in the upper
city where the population was thicker
than in portions ot the territory cov
ered by the recently constructed
sewers, felt that they should have pro
visions for sewers. 1 he communica
tion was referred to the wer commit
tee. An appeal from the mayor and citi
zens ot mack Kiver fans, wis., tor
aid was referred to the finance com
mittee. The Wisconsin town was
devastated by a flood October (i.
S. W, Stark notified the council that
the attachment proceedings against
the Seaton Construction Co. had begun
through error, owing to a misinterpre
tation on his part of a telephonic mes
sage, l he A verm Machinery i.e., lie
stated, desired to garnishee property
of .1. .J. Seaton instead of the Seaton
Construction Co.
The street commissioner was in
structed by the cuoiicil to hasten repair
work on the Lust Side grade, where
recent slides have put the roadway in
bad condition.
City Engineer I'. M. Morse notified
the council that both a portion of the
state road between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth streets and the extension
of Sherman avenue into the I'aradise
addition were known as Adams street.
This, he said, mignt lead to confusion
in future street improvement. The
matter was referred'to City Attorney
Derby, who was asked for an opinion
as to the legality of the name given
the portion of Sherman avenue in the
I'aradise addition.
The Fire and Water committee sub
mitted a written report, stating that,
since the requirements asked by Morris
Bros, had all been met in the passage
of the ordinance providing for an as
signment of the contracct witn lllen &
Co. to them, unli-co they complete the
purchase of the bonds this week, they
forfeit the certified checK of $1000 sub
mitted by them to the city. The report
was adopted.
L. A. Henderson, who is inspecting
the sewer work, rejiorted that the
work on District No. 2 was completed
The following offer of street lights
was made to the city by the Hydro
Klectric Co. :
Hood River. Oregon,
October 2.'l, lull.
To the Mayor and Common Council
of the City of Hood River, Hood Kiver
County, Oregon,
Cientlemen :
The Hydro Klectric Company, of
Hood River, Oregon, hereby offers to
attract with said city to furnish all of
the street lights said city may require
for a period of ten years from Febru
ary 1, 1912, at the following rates,
lights to burn from dusk till dawn, said
lights to be on brackets placed on
light poles on or near every WO feet:
For 40 Watt Lamp, $.X0 per month.
For 00 Watt Lamp $1.00 per month.
For UK) Watt Lamp, per month.
For 1.10 Watt Lamp, $2.00 per month.
For 2.r)0Watt Lamp, $:i.00 per month.
The Companyjto furnish lamps; or
if the city furnishes all renewals of
lamps, the Company will furnish the
Flectrical K'nergy to burn till dawn, t
For 40 Watt Lamp. $.50 per month.
For 60 Watt Lamp, $.ifi per month.
For KH) Watt Lamp, $1.00 per month.
For i;0 Watt Lamp, J1..JO per mouth.
For 250 Watt Lamp, $2.00 per month.
Fxcept when the wues may be or
dered placed underground. Whenever
ires are placed under-ground, the
abbutting property owners are to put
up lamp posts for 3, 4 or 5 lamps, ti e
company to connect wiring to lamp
soekets and furnish electrical energy uj( machine was busy hauiing hay,
to burn them during night for 25 per I (lujll(, tle rfc 0f a number of wagons
cent advance over lamps placed on am teams. A great many of the Val
brackets or light poles as in the rest of j ,,y orchaidists are sending their apples
the city. The location of street lamps j int0 the city tne mlt0 trU(,k
are to be where the Common Council, The Tip Top Auto Co. will put into
through the Mayor or Committee, shall Pommissjon next spring four :U ton
designate; the same to be on Ht!nt Alco trucks.
poles except where wires may . be i
placed underground. Whenever the I C. R. Hone has shown his apprecia-
i Cximmoii Council shall order five
more street lights put in, the Company j for their good work of Wednesday
agrees to put the same in as soon as , evening of last week by a cimtrihu
posaible, and in no cae to be longer j tion of $25,
than ftl day from date of written
Hydro Plectric Company,
by N. Kvans, President.
The n.tes of the utter made by te
Hydro Klectric Co. give the city the
advantage of a reduction of almost 5o
er cent over that of tlw prevent
cnurges ny the racihe Light & Tower
Co. For street lighting the city at
present pays The Pacific company the
sum of $7.2.1 per month.
City Recorder i. U. Langille sub
mitted a monthly reort as to the
city's finances and the quarterly report
for the recorder's court. The cases
coming before Kecorder Langille were
for the most part for drur.kenes.
The report concluded as follows:
"Out of the total of 2) cases heard '
twenty two were upon the charge of j
drunkeness. While in no case have the j
defendants admitted where they se-i
cured the liquor in this city, although
it had been so secured in alout half i
the cases, there has been sufficient
evidence to show that it is the practice;
of some of the physicians here to issue'
prescriptions for liquor which have'
been filled in quantities as large as two'
quarts in one case, and at least eight i
ounces in all. And in every case that
has come before nie there has been no !
apparent excuse for the use of liquor
at all, the defendants not pleading ill
ness as the excuse for securing, or
showing JtOV siirns fif illniwu littler tlnm I
the effects of the liquor itself."
It was suggested by the council that
the fines for drunkeness be heavily in.
A shooting affray in which John
Rayan and Frank Robertson sustained
serious wounds, when li roil upon by
Marshal Kobt. 'I. Lewis occurred here
about twelve o'ekock Saturday night,
at the Fashion Stables. The two vic
tims were resisting arrest and had
attacked the marshal and nieht officer
Henry Hickox, who was accompanying
The trouble arose over the arrest of
Ryan early in the evening by the night
watchman, Ryan was on Oak street
in an intoxicated condition, according
to the report of the officers. Hecause
of his disorderly conduct he was taken
in tow by Hickox. The man is very
strong and the night oflicer was unable
to take him to the city prison single
handed. He called on Robertson and
Lew Adam, two companions of the in
toxicated man who were standing near
by, to assist him. They instead de
manded that the drunk man be turned
over to them, and when it was refused
they look Hickox's club from him and
aided Ryan in escaping.
The night officer immediately tele
phoned to Marshal Lewis, who had re
tired for the night at his lodging house
on Cascade avenue, lie fore he arrived.
however, the three men proceeded
down Oak street, to the Fashion livery
barn., holering the harness room, it
is reported that they issued a challenge
to the authorities to come and take
them. They had a bottle of whiskey
with them and were drinking heavily.
As soon as the officers arm ed on the
scene, they proceeded to the door of
the harness room and Lewis ordered
the men to surrender. Instead, how
ever, they began a concerted attack on
the officers. Hickox was felled by
Adams, "and theother two men, Rob
ertson and Ryan made for the marshal.
Ryan wrested his club from hi it) and
secured a strangle hold around his
throat. With his free hand the officer
secured his gnu and warning Robert
son to desist or he would shoot, fired
when he continued to. approach. 'J lie
slight flesh wound received in the
shoulder sobered Robertson. In the
general melee that followed Kvan sus
tained a wound in the stomach. Four
shots were tired.
The shooting did not occur inside the
barn. When the men attacked the
officers, the impetus of their rush
forced them out of the building into
the street.
Ray Shimmerliorn, an employe of
the livery barn who was in ithe base
ment of the barn stabling a team of
horses for the night, heard the phots
and rushing to Hie main floor saw the
officers with the wounded 'men. He
hitched a team to a wagonett-.' and
they were taken to the Cottage hos
pital, where their wound:) were at
tended to.
Ail three ol the men have neen em
ployed on construction work here ibis
Hiunemr. Ryan arrived m town last
spring. On the night of his arrival.
he went to the city prison and asked to
he locked up for the night, stating that
he was just recovering from a long jag
and feared that he might commit
violence if left on the streets. He has
frequently been an offender and has
given the officers trouble because of
resisting arrest. He has made repeat
ed threat' agaii st the marshal's life.
Ryan was operated on at the Cottage
Htspital Sunday night. It was found
that the bullet hud turn ten hides in
his small intestine. In one place be
eae of the closeness of the1 perfora
tions, a portiou of the intestine, 111
inches long had to be removed. The
man was living yesterday afternoon.
However, it is doubtful as to whether
or not he will recover. Such a wound
as that sustained by him is very dan
gerous. He may live several days and
then succumb to blood poison.
Bid truck Hauls
The big five ton steel bodied auto
truck recently put into commission by
the Tip Top Auto Co. is making
marked progress solving the problem
of quick transportation of articles
throughout the Valley. One of the
largest loads hauled bv the monster
automobil" was a part of the electrical
equipment of the Hydro Klectric Co.
Monday. The big steel cylinder was
taken from the Odell station on the
Mt. Hood Railroad line to Tucker's
bridge in a very short time. The re-
lajmjer of Monday ami Tuesday the
orltiontothe Voiiinteer riro Oepartment
Season's Output of Tears I.iiresf in His-tory-
Shrinkage in Certain Varieties
W ill Cause Cancellations of Sales.
A number of experts, who have in
spected the ihW machinery of the
storage department of the Hixl River
Apple Growers' Lrion say that no cold
storage plant on the coast has a liner
equipment. The new 50 horse pmver
storage machine:, u hich was installed
by Hell. Wildman & Co., of Poniard,
runs smuttily and without a bobble. It
is driven by a 50 horse power l'elton
water wheel. The water is furnished
by Joseph A. Wilson, who operates a
power system in tht. city. Water
driven machinery is much more easily
controlled than that driven by any
other power, especially so when com
pared with electrically driven ma
chinery. The I'nion plant is in charge
of I). C. Kautz.
The energy furnished the apple
growers organization by Mr. Wilson
now amounts to t5 horse power, the
capacity of the old machine being 15
horsepower. I he union now ices its
own cars, its lee storage tanks are
always full of crystal blocks. Its daily
ice capacity is 20 tons.
I he height of tne busy season is now
on at the Unon. The storage rooms
arj piled high with boxes of packed
nun and carload alter carload is being
sent out daily.
1 he Hood River Apple Growers'
I'nion, because of its cooperation and
strict methods of packing and grading
has bad much to do with the success of
the apple industry in the valley. As
the valley has forged ahead, the or
ganization has increased the scope of
its operations.
The tii st co-operative organization in
the valley was the Fruit Growers'
Union, organized in lKH.'i. It had
offices and a small warehouse north of
the railroad tracks on a spot very
nearly opposite the new passenger
stat ion.
The box apple cron in the northwest
will be decidedly shorter than the fig
ures of estimates given out before the
picking season began. The eastern
apple crop was somewhat damaged
during the past few weeks because of
storms in the different sections. Still
because of the large local product,
extra fancy western apples are finding
but a slight demand in the eastern
nun Lets, .
Several gratifying sales were; made
by the Apple Growers' Union within
the past week. A number of carloads
of extra fancy tipples were sold direct
to German buyers, the sales having
been made entirely on the reputation
of the Union's honesty in pack and
business dealings. The sales were
made by cables direct from the dealers
in Hamhcrg. This is the first time
such procedure has taken place in the
history of the Union, Hit Kuropean
dialers having always secured their
apples on consignment.
"The eastern market," says C. H.
Sprout, manager of the Union, is still
full of the local product and there is
but a sleight demand for western extra
fancy goods at prices satisfactory fo
the Union. However, ve have sold
car load lots of extra fancy Spitzen
bergs, Newtowns and Ortleys to points
in Texns, liritish Columbia ai d Cal
ifornia and to Huston and Chicago.
Carload lots of fancy product have
been shipped to Texas, Tennessee,
Nebraska, Iowa and California.
" I he Union has shipped twelve car
loads of pears this season, consisting
of Anjous, Kart lulls, Winter Nellies
and Hi lit re Faster varieties. All ship
ments have been sidd t. o. b. Hood
River and ha'e brought satisfactory
prices. This is the greatest amount of
peats thal has eer been shipped out
of the Valley in any one season hereto
fore. "The Union has been greatly embar-'
ra sited in filling some of its oi tiers, es
pecially in Jonathans, because of the
shrinkage of the pack as compared
with the earlier estimates of the
season's crop. We have been obliged
to cancel a number of orders on tins
account. There is also a great short
age m the pack of Haldwins and liltick
Twigs, and we will not be able to fill
all of our orders for these varieties,
the sales having been limde early in
the season on the growers' estimates.
"The great bulk of the Union's out
put, except for extra fancy Spitzeii
bergs, Newtowns and Ortleys, will be
sold west of the Rocky Mountains, be
cause of the fact that the heavy crop
of earlier local product prevents us
from securing satisfactory prices for
the average varieties of apples."
Waller Johnson, en aged man, who
came to the west in the earlj days by
way of ('ape Horn and who came to
this comnninity'and settled after hav
ing married an Indian girl, met death
Sunday night, when struck by an O-W.
R. & N. freight train about a mile and
a half east of the city. The old man
is survived by two sons, Charles and
Henry Johnson. He has been making
his with the former for the past
live years. Last Saturday the son left
home to camp on the banks of the Co
lumbia and tish. lie desired te bring
his father with him. Ilowevur, the' old
man could not be persuaded to leave
home. After leaving a supply of wood
and food convenient all of the rest of
the family left for the river.
It is supposed that the old fellow
wandered away from the house in the
absence of the family and because of
hi almost total blindness became lost.
He was seen Sunday afternoon near
the Koberg place. The body was found
Monthly morning beside the railroad
The deceased was a cook for a num
ber of years on coastwise sailing ves
sels. He was steward on the Idaho,
one of the first boats plying up and
down the Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ilenney celebrat
ed the tenth annniversary of their
marriage last week with a tin wedding.
They were congratulated by their many
friends, who were entertained at their
i Piedmont home.