n00D RIVER OLAdKn ilTHUTl3bAYt SEPTEMBER 21, 19Tj, , ! f:H- TEAM COUNTY COURT v For 5ale 1 OF EARLY DAYS CLADIS ALLOWED . t FOR SALE l.,r following articles e " B I" cffrr them for (or cash or short tin,e no,.,: wide trsck, with double " One Tub,, ar ..r r,'"' f, ,,. and ,.r..f..--11y new. tsO.OO. IMII Una torin cnrUini ana poie.f' ... Han.., but inif new. $20.00. One Heavy "iM:r,r. ,.,,. 0. V. - i m m ina ., Stildrbakt-r medium Bobl-d", I mi- " ' - Used, f 15.0U. Une sev rmoi-u , . . il.oker Mir tuili 100-chiek ht. Helens indoor Kroner, . One itmun.K door linnsler, f I U. .1 l H in Velie two-s.-at.sl canopv t.. m-le spring W m-ii R. D. No. 3 Kellogg & Marquis Ten acres near town, some bearing or- i I 1 ...ill tMllfl cnaru, or wm for Hood River city proiHTty or Portland projK'rty. Address C. S. TRUE Hood Ktr Or M 1IOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO. extends a H cordial invitation to you, pewonally. to call and open a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our Bavings department We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and sat.sfac tion. HOOD RIVER BANKING AND TRUST CO. OFFICERS AMI KIKfcUiimn M t llm . President J. W, Coi'W.anh, Vice-Pres. Chun. O. Pratt, Wilson Fike, J..a. (:h1hii K. V. I'mrr, Cashier CM. Stratiiihmi VS hile 1 am atill an enthusiastic lover or beseball, none of the modern garnet can ever approach in interest those ..-iu r.urru.. that we used to play. .k.. River was but village and the surrounding valley for the greater part virgin forest, said a member of Hood River a first cham pionship baseball team, a man with gray hairs, who is past middle age. According to me pioueci .-,..k. . the valley and city, the hardest fought and most interesting exhibition of the national game ever played here was .. tJLJJw-M-!-HH-H-H- fought out on Jury . 4-H-H-M-"- . . , . . aggregation from VX-5K-H-H-J-H-J-W-l1 1 l i i i Tne Dalle8. A titter rivalry prevailed between the two communities ana uie game was of the one great events 01 the earlv days. Practically every rest- dent of the Hoed River Valley, at the time a community sparsely settled, was on the field to lend support to the " home team. The Dalles sent down by '. '. boat it was before the days of the railroad -more than 200 rooters. The - contest was held on the property of J. ! ! N. Teal about a mile and a half south- ., tv.a ;tt onH hut a short dia- OrtleyS J tanee from the Columbia park, where 41 tne Daseuaii game vi i- p. oi curves, ana Jl the intricacies of "spit balls," "in " "outs" and "drops had not been de veloped. The bent pitcher was he who . ... . I a NURSERY STOCK I t Non-Irrigated Budded Trees. Guaranteed True to Name f Spitzenburgs Newtowns PKon Odall 84 J. HoodKtv.r. ur.Ro" SLh-w-h-w-h-i-h i mm Claims presented again t Hood River county during the mocth of August, .f"1. "0.w the Srptember. 1911, Session of the Ounty Court F R. Absten, damage Cct. Post Can yon road, fl. , John P, Phillipa. appropriation for Post Canyon road, $200. Thad Glaaier. fr.avel, $40. :;iKYl''1r' .yin? ro"a. 3.10. Mt Hood Railroad Co., demurrage, $6. O-Vy. R N. Co., frt. on oil. $40.22. j. is. waixer, oiling roads. Vti. O.-VV. R. & N.Co.. frt. on oil. $46.22. Thad. Glazier, salary as toad super visor, $11, J. , B. f Cornwall, ; rebate on taxes, improving improving n riinniCn ID 4 It was before the day of curves. U. LUIIILI Jl the intricacies of "epit balls," rrMFNT DRAIN TILE CONCRETE RUILDING BLOCKS I. B.comln to be Recognited as THE BEST We make them in Hood River and in any quantity. BRADLEY BROS. could hurl the hardest, swiftest ball. A man to stand behind tne bat, with out mitt, mask or breastplate and catch barehanded the horsehide sphere coming with bullet-like rapidity must neeesnarilv nave been of extraordinary ie A fnc 1 1 milpsfrom courage and capable of enduring 1 5 Acres 1 o- mnes irom tBdeal of punillhment. . While the pioneer oaseoau ians nave fur the most pari me ueunis t. -.L .i i came, they recall wiui enuium- For Sale A kmc 1 fi.imilps . . . great dea postoflice; all in fruit, 9 acres while ti n nrr-hard: sprincr water ';e.n Dined into hOUSe and Dam, Usm tho general feuturei of the event. t5895 i 1 ... ov.,1 rvlrro o-n The exact score has not been recorded. team, iuuim, iuw " rba " However above all things itji remem witll )lace: gOOd hOUSe and bered that Hood River won, by an imnmvompnts. Will Sell Tea- overwhelming .figure ar the eyes f sonable on easy terms, $13.'7b. The.W. G. Aldred Co., court house yard. $1800. The W. G. Aldred Co., court house yard, $84.80. - Associated Oil Co., oil, $324.99. Bushong & Co. .office supplies. $30.90. Geo. A. Batson & Co., annotations, $2.50. S. E. Bartmess, burial pauper, $23. A. C. Buck, justice fees, $21.05. E. S. Ollinger, constable fees, $24.60. R. Lewis, fees dep. sheriff, $1.50. . T. F. Johnson, fees sheriff. $2.50. S. W. Stark, fees advanced justice, jurors, $5. W. L. Rowland, witness justice court, $3.30. Mrs. W. L. Roland, witness justice' court, $3.30. Peter Salzman, do, $2.50. F. W. SaUman, do, $2 50. F, G. Steward do. $2.70. J. P. Lucas, do, $1.50. Allen Hart, do, $1.50. Alvah Carman, do, $1.50. E. Brayford, nails, $.80. r D ..I... (..ill ImruiAtA. Fresh Flour and Feed FRANK CADDY Thone 333-L ii m v x bm m The Celebrated White River & Maltese Cross Flour Made From Selected Hard Wheat CoPYBISNT., A SUCCESSFUL BAKING Follows the use of the Whito Kiver ami Best Patent Maltese Cross Flour, When you Imke bread, pies, cukes or n,y kind of pastry you will tind this Flour a safe and reliable standby. 1 ry it once and you .will never une any other. C. A. Richards & Co. Confectionery and Amusement Parlors II A Z K I AV(K)I) DA INT1 KS Full Line of London Made Pipes riei! Our Mno of Kauffman Bros-A Bondy Pipes and Dumuth Pipe. Best Made. Phone 64 Agency Oregon Pally Journal. Booth's Kastern Oysters. the old time players still sparkle when they recall the elation over the vic tory, whpn they were declared the of the Mid-Columbia. It is interesting to note the personnel of the team. Every member of the aggregation has become prominent in the state's business or professional circles. The team was composed of S. J. La France, Harry Valentine, Wil liam Hydra", JHdg John Mand Hen derson, Prof. t- r. Henderson, J. Avery, J. II. Stoddard, Newton Clark, and Henry Coe, Only two of them are ipmi. h. J. La Franoe ana d. n. niou- dard.. The former at the time of his demise was a prominent business man of this city, while Mr. Stoddard was an esteemed member of the Portland bar. After an educational career Prof. Henderson haa acHjn made )is hqrr.e in the valley. He retired a year or two ago from, the faculty of the state University of Idubp, where he was at the head of the Department of botany. Newton Clark at the lest encampment nf the Oresron department of the Grand KepuDHC was eiecieu organization. Henry Association, acct. witness grand Dalles Abstract Co., plats, Army of the president of the Bargain in City Property s-ofwfe Tiah?owetrKet in Leland Men- WOxIM) feet on i-o.ner of Mntelio . ' ort 4 aUqrney and has and Thirteenth strwU, All in Iwanng interests in this city. Judge Henderson has been one of mm River's versatile of Portland. Judge John Lj STRANAHAN & CLARK UOOD Kl V KK, OREGON. Utr" ""i ii "ii""" HAY & WEISEL Manufacturers of Rough and Dressed Lumber BoxcsandStrawberry Crates Parkdalc, Oregon fruit. 40 Crawford peach trees, 5 cherry trees and a row of logau berries on gal vanized iron trellis. A fine irrigating plant costing over fr.00, eonsieting of asoline engine with juiixi j and all at taehiiieiits and ilw to HtHKl-galUm tapk, ill in good working order. A small carpenter shop on the property. As 1 have no agents, apply to owner on the premises. DiiVid Upton Cottage Hospital Indigents, $67. Gertrude Cameron, jury, $2. The tio.no. W. E. Hanson, stamps and express, tf), J. F. Hendrick, supplies indigent, $15. Home Telephone Co., phone rent, u 25. Hood River News Pfl., Publishing nrruwedintra. 12.50. L, H. Hoggins, supplies Indigent, $10, Maurice Jayne, fighting fire. $2.50, (',. G. Kent, ftuhtins lire. $25.. Banks Mortimer, Inspecting court hmisn imnrovement work. Z34.00, Don Bronson. inspecting court house imnrovement work. $2 50. Murray Kay, inspecting court bouse imnrovement work. $3.37. fhfis. F, Johnsun, Incidentals, $fl.f5. 0, Li Henderson, boarding prisoners, to. l a Yrr. blacksmith work. $9.30. H. A. Moore, rent saddlejhorse, $33.75. D. McDonald, powder and fuse, C. L. Morse, witness grand jury, $4, K. Nelson, da. 26. Journal ublishinglCo., advertising, iireBanian. au. sa.on. Patie, lumber for roads, The Oregqnian, do, 15.88, J tit lift... A i' VHii.a Mr 4 lc Wi C. & M, OC3 0 Furniture and Pianos Moved Draying, Express and Baggage AH Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Treat the Horse Well and he will treat you well. Have your Horseshoeing all done here and you will be as Well pleased as our oilier customers are. We make linrseslim'ing a bus iness iniil we make it a success, lie cause it is done right. If you want that kind, remember tlx every time you liat any to be done. PHONE 15TX Shively & Driscoll Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection o TAFT TRANSFER CO. Office Phone 29 Residence Phone 23 8 K WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A MiESH SUPPLY OF 1 rf3 AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS UOME TO US D1KKCT FOR WOOD.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon For Sale by Owner 20 Acre Three acres seven-year-old New towns, two acres four years old, 10 acres solid three-year-olds, S acres in hay, mm acre loganlierrics, one acre strawberries between trees. Some small fruit and small mixed family orchard. Seven room house, rihmI Imrn and outbuildings. Two miles southwest of town. Half cash will handle this place. If interested Phone 3332-L ninl owner will take you to property in automobile. Will sell 5 or 10 acres athletes. Ha used to swim the Uolum bia, which Is about a mile and a tenth wide here with perfect - ease. Mr. Avery Is a prominent hardware mer chant in Portland. Mr. Hudson, who . .i i . . . i . ..J nn ,1.0 at me lime oi we game tcbiubu vu hj i , plae'e at present owned by J- H-Shoe-9q tf maker, is now a resident of California. . "su The game was pitched by Judge Henderson, who had a phenominaily swift underhand ball. Although it is said that he did not;exert himself very much his speed was marvellous. Mr. La Fiance caught for the Hood River ium ' llnl.iuo h was hehind the bat.. thae'arly fang nver felf ffinflden, His hands were smalll for those pf a man and smooth us those of a woman. However he never failed to takethe speediest bull, although no protection whatever was used. So deftly did he receive the balls that he 'was never known to suffer the slightest bruises. Mr. Clark before coming to Oregon from Sioun Falls, North Dakota, was known as one of the huskiest athletes in the section, where he was a cham pion wrestler. Chagrined at the defeat, The Dalles boys a isertcd that Hood River might be able to trounce them on a Hood River Held, but challenged the local aggregation to play them a return game at The Dalles. The challenge was met and in a few weeks with a hundred or more supporters a boat was chartered and the local team proceeded to The Dalles to call the bluff. How ever, the return game was never played. The residents of The Dalles asserted that with but few exceptions all of their players were away in the harvest field. The Hood River people rp-emi,i,rkid on the boat and returning down the river soent the remainder of Mcmft loose Island, the In ,iiim hnrvinir 17 round so rich in the mythology and legends of the redskins. Common Colds Must be Taken Seriously. For unless cured they sap the vitality mid l.,u..rth vital resistance to more uuri.,,. i,,l.,inn. Protect vour children v,.nr.uif bv the nromiit use of i.i,i,.u'- i!nw ml Tar Compound and n,,t it ,,m,.lr ami decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections ot tne tnroai, l,..st ! innirs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Remember tne name, k'n hv'i li.iiPir all. I lar iouiiMiuiiu aim rpfnse KiihMtitntes. The genuine is in a vellow package. C. A. tlatn Slab Wood Cord Wood Coal Yards A. c. Lofts PHONE 310.X J KELLY BROS. HAY AND OATS Rolled Hurley, Hran, Shorts and Straw nioNF. 1J7-M Fourth Str-'t lli-twwo Oak ind Suif Advertised Letter List Armstrong, Mrs. Katherine; French. Miss usie: Hawley, Miss uieiien; Johnson. Mrs. Albert; Mayberry. Miss Mattie; McRay, Ida: miner, m. , C: Nelson, Miss Louise; Parker, Mrs, p,,,..r. Miss Winmfred; Wat ii,. Moi Williams. Irene: (2) ciy'it, i.io.j , ' . . Auiormun Tnmmie: nucniiiKiiaiu, P.; Davis, Guy. W. ; Day s, J. R. Davis. G. ; Duby. Joe: Eldndge, A. Ericksun, John E. C- Green, Carey ; Haielwood Farm: Hood, p t . n,.mfl.Pt. Joe: Hutchinson, lo''. Wilv! Kistner. Lewis Kilingian, Toros ; Landmark. S. 5 Louis, Loue C. ; Uwery, Jack: Lucke, Frank Mason, Pearl ; McCloud, W. 4. ; Mey pr w ii Rnminff. Ed.: Rogers, J n . o i " ,'i r:i Van Ordt. Dick iviiu..a k.,.1 Wheeler. Chas.M. ; Wll ...v u'uV Wilkins. Master Leo, ' Jav P. Lucas, Postmaster, A Dreadful Sight ii i r....m nf FreevilU?, N. ... .'.'t l,t had planned his life for vears in spit of many remedies be tried" At last he used Bucklen s Ar-kk-u n,l wrote: "it has entirely healed w ith scarcely a si-ar left. llnriia l!,ila. KfXema, Swellines, Corns and Duly 2.V at Cbas. iN 8il .an. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., long distance rails. S.80. Pacific Power & Light Co., light and water. J 18. 20. State of Oregon, sej p Minis ure ouom, court nouse supplies, 1.S0. Shaw & Bronson, care of indigent, J2. Stewart Hdw. Co., office furniture, $4.75. Seaton Construction Cp., bwiWih macadam. S2246.75. Whollet1 publishing Co,, dictionary, C. D. Thompson, Incidentals, $10.35, Sam Woodward, burying skeleton, $5, Wind River Lumber Co., lumber for roadB. $2.10. Sana WprwJward, salary fire warden $57.50. Thos. r . Johnson, expenses aiaie vs Featherstone. c.b.iJ5. Hood River U lacier, printing ana S plies. $15. i. U D umble, coroner's fees, $1 A. H. Fulton, coroner's juror, $1 A. A. Syring, do, $1. L. Eliff, do. $1. W. a Smith, do, $1. Robert Diffin, do, $1. S. C. Norton, do. $1. Andrew Vanstrom, coroner's witness J1.50. Mt. Hood Milling Uo., lumber lor roads, $19.20. M. D. Udell, circuit court juror, $4.60. O. M. Uewitt, uo, 4,w, Geo, Sheppard, do, $4.80. F. G. Church, do, $3.20. J. G. Jarvls, do, $3.70. John A. English, do, $4.20. Geo. T. Prather, do, $4.60. J. M. Taylor, do, $4.60. Delbert Rand, do, $3.40. S. G. Oxborrow, do, $3.80. F. S. Smith, do, $3.30. G. W. Mcintosh, do, $3.60. T. A. Reavis, do, $3.30. Harvey. Thompson, do, $3. Frank Noble, do, $3.30. S. W. Arnold, do, $3. W. V. Perry, do, $4.20. Frank Sherrieb, do, $3.90. J. M. Schmeltzer, for cashing road auppy. eneexs, tiiuo.oo. M. Lee Kingsley, foreman west side macadam, $35.75. Mrs. J. H. Hunt, care oi inuigeni Indian, $30. Cottage Hospital Association, xo ap ply on contract, $20. Boys and Girls Aid Society, subscrip tion for August, $iu. W. W. Williams, salary road engin eer, izo. , , , t ,. The W. u. Aiurea jo., Duuuing ma cadam, $2769.06. . . G. A. Mcuuray, salary commissioner, $20.80. O. H. Rhoades. do, $20.80. C C. Piper, stop watch, $5. C. M. Hurlburt, surveying, $10.50. Heals Bruise, Piles like magic Clarke, Rublmr Stamps at the Glacier oflice, means the besf quality all the time. Every piece of lumber in the Stude baker wagon is air-seasoned four to five years; then Inspected rigidly before being nsed. Selected New Eng land black birch bubs; choice w hite oak spokes 'and felloes; the best butt cut, second growth hickory axles; spokes are slope shouldered and driven into the bubs under a hundred tons pressure; ironed and reinforced in every way that will add strength, with refined iron; painted in a thorough and durable man ner. That's why the Studebaker IVagon has kept the lead from ox team days down to the present day. Every StudebaVer wagon is made on honor. We sell the Studebaker Wagon because it fa the kind that gives satisfaction and makes friends. Come in and look them over. They are made in many styles, from the lightest farm wagon to the heaviest truck or log wagon. Call and get a Studebaker booklet. We want everybody interested in vehicles to have one. Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Co. Hood River, Oregon. O i- jr1 Always P J) r 1" U MmiMMh. Front "Some" Paint We do not believe in American slang, but we must admit that when it comes to good paint, Sherwin-William's is ceatainly "some" paint. Made of pure white lead, pure linseed oil and tur pentine,, you thus get durability, and all wood work is rendered impervious to the weather. Comes in all sized cans, large and small. Different tints, shades and colors. ART WOOD FINISH AND STAINS CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy 3o ON SAVINCS ACCOUNTS 'UNDER U.S. GOV'T SUPERVISION; Why You Should Make This Bank Your Bank Its location in. the very center of the business section of the city at the corner of Third and Oak Streets makes it especially convenient for business men and employees. It invites small accounts as well ar large. Its officers are al ways pleased to lie consulted upon matters of business or in vestment. Its management is inspired by the highest ideal of conservatism judicious progreesiveness. There is no branch of modern banking which this bank cannot perform in a most satisfactory manner. Four Ams Drive Negro Crazy. Four aces dealt i'n a jxker game to Claude Lyons, a negro prisoner in the county Jail at Owensborro, Ky., a few day ago, probably drove him crazy. He was being held on the charge of malicious shooting and whiled away the time by playing with other prison ers. He. was not in mental condition to go to court when his case was called Wednesday. Immediately after view ing his "hand" he became incoherent, in which condition he has remained ever since. Dlffstlos and Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi lated that gives strength add vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and "Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by all dealers. Fine Chickens that are plump and tend er, and as savory as any you ever enjoyed, are constantly carried by us. We also carry all game birds in season. OUR MEATS ARE FRESH and every ounce is full of nutritive goodness. We never buy second grades, but we charge you no more for the best than if you bought inferior quality. HOOD RIVER MARKET S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Embalm er EaUMIshed IS Vm HOOD RIVER, OREOON leaamamBammammum