The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 21, 1911, Image 3

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These Chilly Evenings Suggest
Heating Stoves
We have a complete stock at popular prices. Buy
now before stock is culled over.
We recommend the MALLEABLE of South Bend to
discriminating buyers. It is not cheap, but good;
will last a lifetime, and the price is $20.00 to $25.00
less than asked by peddlers for ranges nowhere near
its equal.
The Fearless Malleable is Good for
the Price$45.00
made in Oregon, is the best Range for the price we
have ever seen. 150 satisfied owners in Hood River
Valley will recommend it.
Blowers Hardware Co
Phone 99
Oak and 1st Sts.
Has moved to his new Sanatarium
The Famous Hydropathic Baths Are
Now. Ieady
In the Henderson Building on State Street, Near the
Court House.
A Cure For All Diseases
Opposite Postofflca
Electrical Contractors
Bartmess Bldtj. BAILEY & COLBY Phone 60-x
Estimates cheerfully furnished
High Grade Electrical Fixtures
Up-to-date Line of Glassware
Westinghouse Electric Motors
Heating Apparatus, Etc., Etc.
Full Line of Electric Wiring Supplies
Sheet letal
The recent SUte Good Road Conven
ton held in Portland, has performed iu
work, and it ia now up to the legisla
ture to look wise and compare the rec
ommendations of this convention with
their own bills passed at the last legis
lature and vetoed by the Governor.
I miffht state here that the road bills
Having secured the services of an expert 'sheet metal
worker, we a re prepared to handle in the best possible
Sheet Metal Work
Automobile Fenders
Tanks and any class of Sheet
Sheet Metal Work
R. D. Gould, Plumber
Hood River, Oregon
KnTTrie-Tn whom tt nay onmro: I, the
nuderaigned, mum diipoa of my right and
leaaeon the property lurnieriy onw by .
C. Adam. 1 am not able to rua toe place
tad lu tut avcrtftc la order to wit. Come aud
snie. 1 will gtvwmeonea oaraam
ill V. If. PKAN. Barref
Notice of Sale tor Delinquent Assessment
Nolle la hereby given that cu the Mill day
of Mepternber, lull, a waaduiy and
regular' leaned by the Keoirderol Ihet Ityof
Hood River, Oregun, to me directed ami de
livered, eonimandlug me Ui forthwith ad ver
ity. ,. in,inv mentioned and deet-rlbed
therein agaioat which the aeeeeameiil for the
coat ol Itn proving Twelfth alreet oy ouiug.etc..
Id the Circuit Court of Ihe Mtate of Oregon In
au.l for Hood Kiver lYmuty. Ida May Vau.
Ai'eu, Plaiutifl, va. Kgbert VauAueu, De-
T Kgiwrt Vau A 11), Defendant:
In Hie name of Die State of Oregon: Yon
re hereby required to appear aud auawer
the complaint tiled again! you lu the above
named court and entitled auit, on or be hire
Ihe Ian day of aix cuuaecuuve weeka from
the Uate of the flrat publication of thia Hum.
tuonii, a hereinafter alaled.atid If you felltono
appear and attawer, for want thereof, plaiuliff
apply to thia court for the relief demand.
Ml tl lir um!,1 A.tllutl,t att.l will lulu l.i,!..
nieut and decree of thia court agaiuat you
Mr a divorce froiu Die bonda of matrimony j
ou tiie grutiud of wtlfull deeertiin lor more
than tine year, for Hie care, cuxudyaud eon-1
trot of her minor cUihiren, Koy H. Van Allen i
iatiil Niua VauAileu, aud tor other equitable
fnvrntinn ia the DrodUCt Of 15 OUt Ol eteita and dlaburaemeut iu manner , t,..-.. . ,, ,
ixmvcnuon ia ine "u " I .,.,.,. b lM id lo -eturo the prm-eeda uu are hereby aerved by publication of ,
83 men appointed by the Governor to Jjf K,b Mte', th. oly i nsurer or thet ity ; tL,iiuiu.oby order of Hou. t.eo. it. cuu i
formulate luturs roaa laws tor urr ( Hood Klwr, uwioo, Ma ui miiiu i wn-.u, urauijr juurra nmn iiivct vvuiiij,
(There were 18 men present Who description of the property agalu.l which (Oregon, made Aua.l W, iMI. which order
gon. (IPtre wetc lonreu K, . ,c iMaiwiii ni levied and which li delln. pr.enbed thai you ahall appear and aiwwer
Voted on these recommenuauons i u Ifflll .nd mnrm the uame of the person to i mm complaint on or before the laat day of 1
whom It waa aiiarneinl, and the amount of the an couaecutlve weeka from the date of the
aaaeeamenl Uiereou now due, to-wn: . i nit puiiiicatimi in una Kuiniuoua, auu ine
j .iii oi Align", i9ii, in me UMie oi lur miu
i Ami publication; and you are notified that
uii'i iinte la and will be me nrei puuncaiion
11101-- the) nrariuct ot SJU men eiecieu oy oi earn eii-y wa iumuo, ... r , -
rhrpe.ePOrlgon. The r mm eri g SSmr
atinna of the recent SUte Good Koad ou,. uMumrui, toaetber with luterei.
for, 3 against and I believe that my
most bitter enemies in our county will
say that 1 am ngni wnen inry mm
understand Do in smes oi inia contro
versy. 1 gave my support to the
minority report which was postponed
indeliniely by the 15 against it.
Without going into details at present,
I will only insert the principal features
of the two reports.
The majority report has asked for a
one and Z-iu nun annual tax icvy,
which will raise a little over $1,000,000
per year, and in order to use this the
several counties in the state must put
up another $1,000,000 per year. In
addition to this the report asks for 30
year State bonds to the amount of
$2,000,000 annually until we have
issued $20,000,000. If all of this was
in force we would be spending $4,000,
000 annually.
But who selects the roads upon
which this vast amount is to be spent?
None other but the State Highway
Commission (just one man unless he
has some friends to assist him without
rmv.. Of course he would not be
bothered (T) with such assistance (?)
, vv. t A.
N 115 ft, lot 90, block , Hull's Hob,
L. Knihiona, 124 1, coma ;.
8115H. lot I, block , Hull's Bub., Frank
Davenport. tU.M, coata 16c,
Ntofl. lot 21), block , Hulls Hub., L. 11.
Uj,vm1 tin l Mh.ll ?:wv
Lou 3 and 4. block 1. Baldwin s. C. B. True,
118 4.S, coma . , ,
Lad and N W ft. lot 1, block 1, Baldwin a.
Lulu B. Wleveu, III 0, coau ;,ic
H au n lot 1, bkM k I, Baldwlu'a, Klla May
Jonca, ft UU, coata 75c. ...... ,
Lot v, bloi-k S, Htranahan a lat, Matilda dur.
rell, Ui.6U, enHM 15o.
ixit , block t, Htranabao'i 1st, Jeane I. Ham.
niond.flO.IA. coauTSo.
Lot 6. block i. Htrauahan'i lat, MellHea
Cooua. 11(1 , coata 7SC
Ixl 4, block 1, Utranahaa't Ixt, A. w. KIiik,
H l.i, coata 75c.
Now. therefore. In puratiance of aald warrant
and for the purpoe of aallatylBf lUe delin
quent aHeeaemeut iiientloued therein, 1 will
ou Satunlay, thejlat day of October, mi. al
the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of aalil dy, at
the Iroiil di-or oftheC'lty Hall, In the Cily of
of Urn, Hii illinium.
Hood Kiver, Oregon,
Flaltittira Atuiruey.
Notice of Improvement of Streets.
Notice la hereby a I veil purauaut to Orel I -name
No. S ix, paiwed thecominun tiuncil of
Ine I'll y of Hood Klver, on the 14lh day of
June, Ih'iu, ami approved by the Mayor on the
kitiiirday, providing- Air the linprovenieut of
lite north able of State Hlreet from the weal
line of rtlxlh Street went lo the eaxt Hue of
Ninth Street, except where aldewalka. etirba
ami tfiittere havealrettdy been laid or permlu
lilted for the coiiMtriictl'ou of the aame under
I bin oMInance, that blda will be recelveit by
iinlrraiined t lly Kecorder at bla office lu
: lit- Hellbronner Hulldiii In aitld I'lty ui) to
I:.' o'clock, niHiu.ou the ld day of Hepteiuber,
ivM. lor the Improvement ol aatd alreet by
Hood Klver, t'ouuty of Hood River, Htale ol J (lading down to the cwtabllahed grade from
fur miiiy Olid MP 111V Klll-l llll, IUI Will
Uretron, pro!eed lo aell at ptiuito auction to
thehlgheat bidder for raah lu hand, the aev
ral iracuor paroela of laud above mentioned,
or eo much thereof aa can be Bold aeparulelv
to advantage aufnclent to pay said dellHiiienl
aaaeaameut, together with the Interest, con
and diaburaementa provided by law, and will
continue aald aale from day to day thereafter
until aald properly In aula, or eo uiucn uiereoi
After robbing the County Courts and Ljnuy be ucceaiiary loaHtlafy aald aaaeaamenl
Surveyor of any powers in expending
this vast sum they then Bay in a
County Bonding Act, of almost 10
lines, that tncy can can an election w
vote county bonds for roads and do as
they please with it No confidence or
powers in one. and all in another,
intone v (lh thou art a 'rjeach.' "
A County Court can not even repair
a mud hole in any of the roads built
nv anv of this $4,000,000 ordered to do
so by the State Highway Czar.
Friends, this is following in the line
of our Bister State of Washington In
the way of State and Good Koad laws.
They had them once, but knocked them
out at the last Legislature. It simply
rent the State into three or four polit
ical road factions. Are we so blind
that none can see? Are we so foolish
as to want to mortgage our County,
State and Horn a and not know before
hand where and how our money is to
be spent? I don't blieve we are.
The minority report of this Conven
tion embodied two bills: One creating
the office of State Highway Engineer,
giving him educational, judicial and
approval powers only, and a strong
County Bonding Act, giving the people
the power to select the roads upon
which their money is to be spent, long
before the vote upon the.issuing or
bonds. .
Time forbids me going into details
tf these two bills now, but suffice to
say that the State Grange of Oregon
will initiate them at our next general
election. You will have ample time to
studv them. In the meantime we
should Jnot let prejudice or haste for
good roads get us into an everlasting
Good Road disgrace as has already
happened in the States ot New York,
California and Washington.
The closer to the people you keep
the expenditure of large sums of pub
ic money me more naeiy we arc vu
get the worth of our money ana me
better satisfied we are.
The ma ontv (15 men) of this Legis
lative (?) State Good Road Convention
has asked for an etxra session ot th?
Legislature which will cost the state
from $15,000 to $25,000, to make some
better (?) road laws than they did
before. 1 voted NO.
They gave us four good roaa laws
last winter and the Governor vetoed
them to satisfy a few of the Portland
Rule or Ruin fellows. What assurance
have we that the same will not be
repeated? None. Yours sincerely.
A. i. mason.
Dated at Hood Klver, Oregon, thia Slat day
orHeplember, lull. ROHKKT l.bWIH,
Manual of the City ol Hood Klver, Ore.
Notice of Completion of State Street
Notice la hereby given that th W. i. A I.
dred Co., ooulracUm, have filed written no
tice thia lull day of Sept., 1MI1, of the coin,
plelion ol the linprovenieut of Hlate 81 reel.
In Innit of aud adjoining Una C, 1, K and
W'4 K. Hood Klver Proper, In the t'ity of
Hood River, Oregon, by gradiug aame to Ihe
eatabllahed grade from property Hue lo
curb line, under their contract with
thia Clly , hitherto made and entered into,
aud that the amount due aald coiitraciom
for aatd Improvement upou lu acceptance,
ia hereby alaled to be the amouul of f-;:il.:t5.
Aud notice la hirthergiveu that aoy olijec.
llniia to theacceulanceof aald grading under
Ihe contract with Ihe aald comrac.lore on Ihe
part of said Oily may be Bled In tha onnw ol
the undeniiviied I'llv Kecorder by any Inter.
eated party al any time within aeveu day
from the date ot filing aald notice, to.wu,
within aeven daya from toe 14th day ol
Mpntemher. lull.
f hla notlne la Dubllahed In the Hood Klver
Olacler for two couaecutlve taanea thereof, Hie
date of the flrat publication thereof being me
ItthdayofHeptember, lull B,AN(JIUJ,
14a2t City Recorder.
Notice of Completion of fourth Street
Notice la hereby given that the W.O. Al
dred Co.. con! r acton, have filed wrltlen
nolloe thia 14lh day ol HeitemlMr, 1111. of the
ratmniAttoii of the linnrovement of Kourth
street, between Oak Hlreet and Columbia.,
Street, by excavating, tilling anil roiling aame
to the ealabllHIiea grade, uiiucr meir miuritci
with thia t'ity belolore inane auu eiucreu
into, and Hint he amount due nhIu con
tnu'torafor aald Inmrovement noon its accept-
uiiiw la bereby alaled to be the amouul of
And notice la further .riven that anv oblec.
tloua lo the acceptance of aald work under
the contract, with Ihe aalil coiilru.'Kirn ou the
partof aald city may uenieu in oi
the underalened Citv Recorder by any Inter-
eated party at any time within a ven ditya
Irom the date of tiling aald notice, to wit,
within seven daya from the 14lb day of Hep.
temuer, in I.
rtila notice la published In the Hood River
lacier for two consecutive Issues I hereof, the
dme or the first publication tin reof being the
lllh day of Hepteiuber, lull.
at4a21 t'lly Recorder.
ditiiance lo the width of U feet, and the laying
of cement aldewalka alx feet In width a dia-
tBii.-e of two feel from the property line aud
Hie conntrucllon of cement curb and gutter
long the curb line upon said grade. Held
work shall be let lu one contract, ana enaii ue
required lo be completed lu HO daya from the
dale or awarding Mild contract.
Knid bids wilt be opened by the Htreet Com-
nuuee as soon as practicable after the lime
tiled for receiving bids, aud Iheeeveral blda,
together Willi the aummary thereof, will be
rviHirted to the Commou Council at Ita neit
tvtcular meeting thereafter, to-wlt,on the 2 III
dn.y of September, mil, at the clly Hall, lu
said city, at which time aald bida will be con.
Notice la further given lhat any tntereated
party may nie lita objection to the letting of
said contract within the tune epecinea lor
receiving blda, and tnai the aame will ne
transmitted to the t lly Council along with
said III ila for their consideration at aald meet
lag. The persou, firm or corporation to
whom the contract la let will be reuuired lo
enter Into an agieemeut to the effect that said
contractor shall look alone lor payment for
material and work to auch particular portion
of the fund lo be assessed uiniu Ihe property
liable to pay for mini Improvement auu psia
Into the Clly Treasury lor lhat purpose, aa
shall be assessed to Ihe proierty 111 front of
which and lo the charge or wntcu a particular
nart of I lie Improvement lo be done by the
successful bidder is lo be made and collected
aud paid Into the city Treasury, and anch
contractor shall In no event reiiili t lie Clly
ofllisid Klver or any of Its ottloera or agents
lo pay the same, except oui or aucn particu
lar portion of asia lunaaao aaaunaeu or eoi.
lecled 'nto the City Treasury, aud for auch
portion of aald Improvement, nor aeek to
enfoi-oe pay limit of the aame or auy part
thereof agaliisi I tie envoi uooa niver or auy
of lu officers by any legal procesa or other-
wlae. except out of such particular num.
All Dtt mum state wice lor grauing saiu
sidewalk to grade, and price for constructing
said sidewalk, curb and gutter, which work
shall be done in the manner and form pro
vided for lu Ueneral lmprovemetitOidlnance
No. 14 or the City or Hood Klver. No bins
will be received which specify more than one
urice ou aald work chargeable to oue block lu
length. A bond for Ihe faithful performance
of the contract to an amount equal to 'i't per
cent, of the estimated contract price will lie
required orthe successlm bidder, the council
reserving tile right lo reject any and all bldr.
Dated aud first published Heptetulier 7, mil.
7k.'1 C'lty Recorder.
In early fall showing of Outings, all colors, to make
good warm gowns for the whole family. The
yard lOc and 12 l-2c
A nice line of ready made Gowns in white and colors
at 75c, $1.00, $1.25
Splendid line of Underwear for Indies. Extra
fleeced, per garment 50c
Medium fleeced 35c
Good values in Children's Underwear for fall and
winter wear. The garment .....18c, 25c, 35c
Call and examine and get prices on a
pjL-lin e of de pend ablejne rc h a n
dise as can be bought in the city.
The Oldest and Best Dry Goods
House on the Hill
A. L. CarmichacI
Phone 283 L
On Heights
I To Our Country Patrons
We now operate a country delivery service
without extra charge,
We carry a full line of Stanle and FancvGro
ceries. Flour, Feed and all kinds of Fruits
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County of Hood Kiver,
S. J. Kaminnky. Plaintiff, va. James T. Weart
and Lessee! U Weart, Defendants.- Summons.
To James T. Weart and Lesaeel L. Weart, above
named defendants:
In the name of the SUte of Oreiron! ' You are
hereby reuuired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you and each of you in the
above entitled action on or before six weeka from
the date of the ft rat publication of this summons,
to-wit: On or before the lath day of October,
1911, and if you fail to appear or annwer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will take judgment atrainst
you and each ef you for the sum of $.U0, togeth
er with intereat thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the lat day of ebmary. liu: ine
sum of $1)78.00, together with interest on 1760.00
at the rate of six per cent per annum from the
1st day of August, 110, to the 6th day of Novem
ber, 1910, and interest at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 6th day of November, 1910.
until paid, on the Bum of H7K.00; the further aum
at in, nil aa attorneys' fee: the sum of $A0 00. to
gether with interest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum Irom tne inn aay oi juiy, iiu:
th further aum of ttb.00 as attorneys' fee, and
for the costs and disbursements of this action, aa
nraved for in the complaint on Ills herein, to
wkih Nfnnr ia hereby made.
This summons is served upon you by publication
tkorOTf fnr six weeks consecutively in The
reliable and Safe remedy. Moan a Kid- u.j r:v (;i.u.r. bv order of the Honorable
nev Pills, Which has Cured people right (ieo. I. Culhertson, County Juds-e in the above
: J . .! . n. I.niiilorf whiph nnler la dated On the 28th
here in Hooa Kiver. Zji .is mi.
William Borllian, 415 Sherman it., The date of the first publication hereof ia the
Hood River. Oregon, says: "Since 3ithday of Aug-ust, 1911. and the dateof the last
.V.l?l nX.eina lVnan'a KirinPV Pills publication hereof is the lh day of October. 1911.
publicly endorsing uoan s Kidney ring " kmmons a emmons a kkid.
in aeptemoer ju, i nave ihscm mem
Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerons lor
Hood River People to Neglect.
The great danger of kidnf y troubles
is that they Jget hrm.hold heiore trie
sufferer recognizes them. Health is
gradually undermined. - Backache,
headache, nervousness, lameness, ure
ness, lumbago, urinary troubles, drop
sy, and Bright's disease, follow as the
kidneys get worse, uon t negiect your
kidneys. Help the Kianeys wim me
and sale remedy, uoan a rviu-
Rubber Stamps
off and on and they have never failed
to give me prompt relief. At one time
my back was quite lame and 1 could
not stoop or lift with any freedom. 1
also had a great deal of trouble from
the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney
hills relieved these difficulties and I
was thus convinced of their merits."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents (or the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Death of Little Girl.
Alice Maybeth, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James McBain, died
Wednesday, September 13, at their
home in Klickitat, Wash. The death of
the little girl, who was six years old,
was due to an attack of spinal tnenen
gitis. The funeral services were con
ducted here last Thursday at the Bart
mess Chapel by Rev. J. L, Hershner.
Burial at the Idlewild ceimtery.
In addition to her parents, who were
former residents of the Heights, the
child is survived by a sister and three
brothers, Catherine, Louis, lom ana
No Need to Stop Work.
When your doctor orders you to stop
work, it staggers you. "1 can't," you
say. You know you are weak, run
down ami must work as long as you t an
stand. What vou need i Klectric Bit
ters to give tone, strength, and vigor to
your system, to prevent ureaauown anu
iinild von ud. Don't te weak, sickly or
ailing when Electric Bitters will benefit
you from the hret uose. inousanus
bleea them for their glorious health and
strength. Try then:. Every bottle is
guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at
Chas. X. Clarke.
At Summer Home.
Doctor BroHini announces his Slimmer
home established at Udell. Phone 20
where he can 1 consulted morning anil
evening; city oflice, Hood River, phone
12-B, open as usnal, 10 to 4 daily; Night
Calls answered from Udell, phone 20. U
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Board of Trade Blda., Portland, Oregon.
Vm The lal lea m Ut No. 0H:t3U.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offloe, The Dalles, Ore
United (state
ion, July T., 1911
Nut oe la hereby
nine poatomce
address Is t. Paul. Mliuiesut, has tills sun
dsn nfJulv. 1911. filed lu this tittle Ita appll
ci Inn to select under the prnvislnna of the
Acl of :oiicress, approved July 1, IHUH, (:J
dial. 597, 620,, aa extended by the Acl of Con.
ureas, auuioved May 17, lata., the N w w n
Section lo, Township 1 Noith, llunge 11
w M Nn l:Cl.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely
the lauds described, or desiring lo object be
cause ot the mineral character ol the land, or
for any other reason, lo the disposal ki ap
nitnaiit. should Ble their aftldavils of protest
In this office, ou or before the nd day of
aeotember, Wll. C W. MUUKK,
aI7a2l. negiaiei.
by given inai ine normern
Pacific Hallway company, wtuwe
1100 The Dalles, Oregon, No. 21. List No. OWaU
Notice For Publication!.
United Hlatea Land Office, The Dalles, Ore.
gun, August 9, 1911. u ,
Notice is hereby eiven that the Northern
Pacific Railway Company, whose postortlce
addresalaMl. Paul, Mtmieaola, has this nth
dav of Ainrusl. dtll. filed In this otnc Ita av
illicit Ion to select under the provisions of the
Act of Congresa, approved July I, Its!, (:W
Mat. W7. nan. As extended by the Act of
May 17, IMA. NK'., of HW'4 Hectlon 1, Town
Inn 1 North. Rauite Kasi, W. M. No. DKWl
snv and all uersnns clsim Init adversely v
lands dmcrlbed. or drainuc to object because
ol the mineral character of the land, or for
anv other reason, to the disismal to appll.
. tl.niilfl Hie iheir altldavluof protest I
thia iilfli-e. ou or lie for the lend day of Oc
tober, 911. C W.MOUKK,
alTaXI Beglater.
Not Coal Ijind.
The fialles. Oregon. A of. 2llh. lull.
Notice la hereby given that Joseph Krwin.of
or ML Hooa. oreiron. who on juijt , i,
msile Hnn.Mtead entrT. NO l4l Hir rvt
MWU, fee. en, ana nr.1, nr. ,, i-;,rr.;.
Keel l in su. Townshln 1 South, Range 10 Kant
Willamette Meridian, has Bled notice of In
tention to make Unal .;onimniiiu rmw iu
MU.hiiah elaiua to Ihe land above deac.rllied
liefnre r. A. Bisho'i. II. a timmlBBloner, at
his office, at Hood Klver, Oiegon, on tha 1st
H.w nt flintier. 11,11.
('is I mailt name aa witnesses: William
MrsKly, Homer A. Kweri, Jolin Ooldabury
Mark waygandt, all of Ml. Hood. Oregon.
Hoi C, W.MUOrtfc,KeiaUsr
Jm e .as
and Vegetables in season,
promptly filled and delivered.
Phone 78
City orders
Kinnaird &'Kinsey
h H-H"l"l-!"MHH-HH-W-MH--H-44
Notice of Improvement of Street.
Notice Is heretiy aiven, pursuant to Ordinance
No. Ma, passed by the Common Council on the 6th
day of September, 1911. and approved by the mayor
on the same day, providing for the improvement
of Pine Street from the east line of Twelfth
street east to the east line of Fourth street,
May afreet from the west line of Seventh atreet
to the east line of rourth street; Montello avenue
from the east line of Ninth street east to the
west curb line of Second Btreet; Seventh street
from the south line ot Montello avenue to a point
1MI fret south of the south line of Pine street:
Kourth street from the south line or Montello
avenue to the nortn line or fine sireei.
except in front of such property as permits for
the improvement or wnicn unuer mis oruinance
shall have been Issued, that hula will lie receivea
bv the undersigned City Kecorder at his office III
the Heilhronner buiklina. in said city, up to 12
clock noon, on the day or September, 191 1
for the improvement of said streets by grading
name for the full , width thereof from curb
line to curb line, and for the construction
of cement curbs on both sides of sasl streets and
the grading; down to grade for and the construc
tion of cement sidewalks along both sidss of said
streets excepting tha north side ot Montello ave.
nun. uoon the established grades therefor, ai
nmviilMl for hv the City Surveyor. The work of
arailinir said streets and aulewalka shall be
let in one contract and tha construction of said
pmeiil aklews ks and curbs shall tie let in a seti.
prate contract, and each of saul contracts snail
i required to be compieieu wiimn auuaysirom
i. iluti of twin init same.
Saul likln will beouened by the Street Commit
tee as soon as practicable after the time fixed for
receiving bids, and the several bids, together with
the nummary thereof.wlll he reported to me com
mon Council at its next regular meeting there
after, to-wit, on theaithday of September, 1911,
the City Hall in said city, at which lime as id
bills will be conHsiered.
Notice is further given that any interested par-
msv file his oblectlon to the letting of said con
tract within the time specified for receiving bills.
and that the same will be transmitted to the City
ooncii along with said bids ror their consuiera
ion at said meeting. The person, firm or corpor
ation to whom the contract is let will 1st required
lo enter into an agreement to the effect that sasl
contractor shall look alone for payment for mater
ial and work to auch particular portion or tne
fund to be assessed upon the property lisble to
pay for such improvement and paid into the City
treasury for that purpose, aa shall be assessed to
ihe iirooerty in trout or wrilcn ami to tne cnarge
of which a particular part of the improvement to
lie done bv the success! ul bidder is to ne made ano
v,ll rl and i-aiil into the city treasury, and such
contractor shall In no event require tnecuyui
Hisai Kiver or any of its otficera or agents to pay
Ihe same, exeept out of such particular portion of
u funds so assessed or collected inte the city
treasury, and for such portion of aaid improve
ment, nor seek to enforce payment of the same or
anv nart thereof aeainst the City of Hood Kiver
or any of its officers by any legal process or other
wise, except out or aucn particular runu.
All hula must slate price for grading said
streets to grade, and price for constructing
sasl curbs and Bulwaiss wriicn wort snsn
Im done in the manner and form provided
ir in General Improvement Ordinance no, 19
of the City of Hood Klver. No beta will be
received which stieciry mure man one price on
sasl work chargeable to one block in length. A
bond for the faithful performance or me con.
cact loan amount eoual to 26 per cent or the es
timaiMil contract urice will be reuuired of the sue.
cessful bidder, the Council reserving the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated and first publisneu nepumnen, iii.
b7&21 City Kecorder.
The Middle Valley Mill
Is now in operation and ready to fill orders for
Three and One-half Miles South of Odell
Mt. Hood Milling Company
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Notice of Bond Sale.
Horsus iKiuglit, aoM or exchanged.
FUtaaiire parties can sociireflrHt-claiiB rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture an
We do everything horses can do.
Harness and
II aniens Repaired & Made
to order.
Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, Tents,
Wagon Covers, Water Bafs. ttc.
Davenport Harness Co.
Purauaut to the order of tha Common
('micll and umvlaloua ot Ordinance n. xa,
m and SU orthe I'lly or moot mver, mnn-e
la bereby giveu that aealed proiinaala will lie
recel ved bv the undersigned City Recorder
ai ula oflice In the Hellbronner Building
In the ('.It v or Hood Kiver. Oregon, nir tne
nurchaae of iff Improvement bnutla In th
iwtiea aggregating tue aum oi iij,ik ., aa mi.
Iowa; Klghleen leinda till each and oue bona
f:KM Kh three bonda MI0 each and one bund
HI 10: three bonda tftuo each aud one bond, deled the Imh day of July, lull, due
ten yean alter aaie, or at any
Dual interest paying period aner one year
from dale, opon giving due notice aa required
by law, laeued for the oouatructiou of aewera
In IIIVIHIOII t lllBiricl o, iriviniiiu I i'i
trlet 7 and Im IhIou !! of liiatrlct i, reaped! vely.
of the general aewer ayalem ID me tny oi
Hid Klver, will be received up to Vi o cinca.
ItOOU, Matliruav.tlie l.vx uay ui ,,
Said bonda will draw I tile reel al Ihe rale of
alx per centum per annum, Intereat payable
aetnl-annually at the office of the Treasurer
ol the City ol Hood River, and will be wild
to the iilgheat reaponainie uumer luereetr
for caah, aud no blda will be conainereu ior
ieaa than far and accrued Intereat, the I 'nun.
ell reaerviug the right to reject auy and all
bin. . . .
Heparale blda ahould tie made for each of
Ihe iamie above atated.
All blda aubmltted for the purchase of aald
bonda will be opened and conaldered at th
nel regular meeting of the Common IViuu
cllof aald City, to-wit: at lu meeting, Mou
tav Henteniber Sfi. mil. at o'clock p. in.
f bla nonce la pnbllahed In the Hood River
Glacier lor three laeuea thereof, the dale or
the flrat publication being September 7. Wll.
7ttl City Recorder,
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Without Investigating
Mosier Valley
Natnral BdvantagfB for fruit
growing onextllnd. Land
nrieeg liava doubled within llio
last two yearg.but are not over half tliat'ah.ed for nimilar. land in other
sections. Buy now belore the speculators add their profits.
MOSIER, OREGON. - Six Milea East of Hood River, Oregon
Phone 32-M
Office Phone
45 I.
W. M. M.f .ONM LI.
Hadlock Sc McConneli
Improved and Unimproved
Office First Door West Mt.
Hood Hotel, Ground Floor