HOOD RIVER GLACIER,' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 IjMil. ftturr (Blartrr SKAMANIA COMPANY ARTHIR D. MOE. PuMMutr. Subscription, SlJiO Pt-r lear. CONCERNING CHARTER AMENDMENT. Id his otijectiunn to sign the warrants fur the purchase of the Pacific Power & Light Company water plant, Mayor Hartwig says that the city has taken no steps toward the amendment of the city's charter ai.ked for in the communication to the council from the New York attorneys of the Chicago bond brokers, Ulen & Co. With these amendments, he sUtesI the! city could go into the market with the bonds and receive bids at a greater advantage. 1 seems, noting the fact that Mr. Hart wig. himself, has been chairman of tu charter amendment committee ap- tiointed by the council more than months ago.that he should have made some effort to call the committee to gether for action. However, the fact is that the Charter Amendment com mittee has been called together but once, and then at the instigation of Councilman Howe. Mr. Hartwig deliberations are too lengthy. ANOTHER MISTAKEN IDEA. The following misconception of apple culture is clipped from the Ottumwa, Iowa, Courier: " 'There is more money to be made in fruit raising in Southwestern iowa than there is in the West I his state ment was made by A. It. Cooper, an apple expert from the Hood Kiver. Oregon, apple country, who attended the Iowa state fair. 'I believe that with excellent care an orchard would pay better profits along the Missouri river than out where I am located,' Mr. Cooper added. 'It would take three or four years to get the trees in proper condition. But the soil, the climate and other conditions are con durive to raising good apples.' What Mr. Cooper sayu of the southwestern part of the state is true of the southern and the southeastern, as well as other sections of Iowa. There are no better apples grown anywhere than those of southeastern Iowa. The only trouble is that the Iowa orchard has been only a side line, with very little attention given to u. It is rather difficult to believe that an "apple expert from Hood River" could show such ignorance; for the editorial statement clearly evidences a luck of knowledge of the elements con ducive to the most successful apple culture. It is possible that his state ments were misinterpreted by the writer of the article. However, it is very gratifying to know that the statements are not taken seriously at Ottumwa. The following letter, relutive to the arti cle, was written to W. F. Cooper by W. F. Dykes, a prominent citizen of the Iowa city. Ottumwa, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1911. My dear Mr. Cooper: Will you please just read the marked item in pajier enclosed herewith. What do you think of that, anyway? And to come from a Hood Kiver man at that ! Do you realize now what you missed when you left Iowa when in search of an apple country? Now will you be good? Our old friend, Fred Hukey, once mailed me a copy of the Portland "()regonian."or what ever it is called, with a marked item about some man who had been arrested and fined for offering wormy apples for sule on the streets of Portland. Here in Iowa, we would arrest a man for selling an apple without a worm. Vou know we want all that is coming to us, and if the worm goes with the apple, then we want the worm. Seriously, I never regaidcd Iowa as much of a fruit state. I think climatic eonditi ona art against it. We excell in many crops but not in lruit. Possibly, with the same care and cultivation given the orchard that is grown in thiWestcrn inni uisiricis, it might prove, in t manner at least, true, as this Mr, iaio er savs. i.erininiv uifh nnnr laws regulating the spraying and care oi trees the quality of the fruitr could uiiiriveu, out i am oi the opinion that climatic conditions would make the crop;too uncertain. I also believe much deH'i)ds upon irrigation, so as to get the right amount of in oiaturo ui the right time. WILL OFFER POWER Sam Samson, who was a resident of this valley during the winter of 1905 and I'., but who is now presiding at Stcvenson.where he is owner of ithe Stevenson Hot springs, accompanied by engineer F. Vai divert, was in this city yesterday to confer with the local business men and members of the city council relative to furnishing power to the city for a municipal plant. Mr. Samson is developing a site on the Wind river, where he says he will be able to secure 6,000 horsepower. He plans to sell his electrical energy to different municipalities along the Columbia at wholesale prices and allow the city governments to retail the power through a municipal plant. Mr. Samson, who will in person or through a communication present his proposition to the council tonight, states that he will be willing to make a cut, furnishing power on a wholesale basis, of 60 pel cent in the present rate schedule or the Facinc rower & Light Co. In the event that the city wili entertain his plans, he will be willing to submit sealed bids in com petition with any power companies. He left here yesterday for The Dalles, where he will make the same proposi tion. He has placed the proposition before the cities of Vancouver and Washougal, Wash., where it is looked upon favorably by the citizens. the MevenBon man, has spent several years in Alaska, where he made a large fortune in mining enterprises. Special Here is an opportunity to get a 2rc jar of Hydro IVroiide Cream and a 28c boltla of Hydrox Peroxide for only 25c. Two of the most generally used preparations on the mar ket today for the price of one. A 2-V jar of Cream and a 2-V bottle of Peroxide, only 25c Millinery We want to rail your attention to our fall line of Millinery. It is the largest and must complete line in the city and we can save you good money on your hat purchased. This d partmeut is under charge of ooe of the best milliners in the state and if you witdi a hat made to order we can do it for you and guar antee it to be first-class in every way. Call and see the splendid assortment that we are showing. SECOND FLOOR. Shirt Waists for Ladies SKCOXI) FLOOR Special bargains in this line in some drum mers' samples that you should not miss if you wish something good for a small expenditure. Men's Shirts We carry one of the most complete lines of Men's Shirts, either in the soft collar or the band collar, that you could wish for. All kinds, from a percale shirt for boytlor 25c up. In men's every day wear shirts of percale, sateen, twilled shirting, cheviot thirling, khaki, runton, corduroy or flannel for 45c, 0r, 70c, SI. 00, 11.50 and up. We are selling a genuine Soisette Shirt worth $1.50 anywhere, in colors white, cream and tan. Full cut, well made in every way, a dandy dress shirt, each 90c Then in Dress Shirts with band collars, we want to call your attention to our excellent liue of MANHATTAN SHIRTS, acknowl edge! by all who kn w as the best shirts made. The colors are guaranteed not to fade and the cut and fit are lierieet. Plain or pleated front- in all the delicate shades and patterns. You will find it a great satisfac tion to have a shirt that will stand the 'laun dering and each time will come back as fresh and bright as the day vou got it from the store. MANHATTAN SHIRTS for $1.50 !., 11.75, $4.00 and up. Other makes for 50c, 75c, 5e, $1.00 up. Men's Suits Your interests are ours in this business. There wouldn't be much sense in selling clothes that were not good for you. We couldn't keep it up vert long. Our idea is to sell you clothes that are best for yoo. We know something about quality in clothes. Hart, Schaffner (EL Marx tlothes are best for you because there are n better suits made. They're best for us. H., $. & M. SUITS FOR $18.00 AND IP OTHER MAKES $5.00, $6.00, $8.00 UP Rugs Our new (all line of Rugs and Art Square? is now on display. We can supply you in this line at a good saving. When you are in just look over our assortment and see how reason able you can be supplied. SF.COND FLOOR. House Dresses A big assortment Your choice. .... . in values up to 5.00 .91.50 HYDRO ELECTRIC MAY ENTER THE DALLES THE PARIS FAIR The Store That Gives You the Best Values N. C. Evnsa, one of the chief stock holders of the Hydro Electric Co., met with the common council at The Dalles ant week and asked that body for franchise in their city, tiis plan re. ceived favorable attention since the people of The Dalles are at present protesting the heavy rates of the 'acihc Power & Light Co. I he matter was referred to a committee, which will make a report October 3. Mr. Lvans said in part to The Dalles Council The situation here at The Dalles is the same as at Hood River. Myself and associates are getting ready Copyrlgbi Hrt Scbaffner & Muip u " BRUNQUIST RETURNS FROM FAIR VISIT A.' J. Brunquist, who has been repre senting Better Fruit at the'htate Fair returned from Salem Saturday even ing. He reports that although it wus too early for the best in the line of a 0 fruit display, yet it was a great fair. nstall an electric plant at Hood Kiver Ine agricultural exhibits this year and w nrniin and wish tn mka it were more elaborate than ever and pro larire enough h.i that wa cm !,, vided a striking demonstration of the supply The Dalles with juice. We ' that every section of our Mate, have secured a franchise at Hood although differing In soil, topography nd there is no reason whv people here "n" ornate wun intelligent anu up hould not give us the same privilege unless they want to be held up and robbed. We will guarantee to furnish electricity 20 per cent less than the rates nere at tne present lime, and in reality the charges of our comnanv would probably be nearer what they are now, I0RSE THIEF CAUGHT AT LA CENTER D. Chubb, according to a dispatch to regoniun, aged zt. was arrested hv hhorilt Cresiin mid lleiiutv Sheriff Woodward lueiiday at La Center, on a charge of stealing two horses valued at $MM) from timer Bcrtelsou, of Cam Prairie, Wash, last Wednesdav night. Chubb is held in the county nil here until he can be taken back to Camas Prairie for trial. He confessed to the theft. Lhutib, who says his home is at rout Lake, Wash to date methods, is capable of enor mous yields and good profits. lhe camping features of the Oregon State Fair is a distinctive one. All State Fairs have a few campers, people rwho are either exhibitors or have con cessions, but there are hundreds of people who are already looking for ward to their week of camp life at the Oregon State Fair next year. lhe attendance at the Fair was very good considering the fact that it rained nearly every day. A fine string of races had been arranged but as the track was heavy no records were brok en. Better rruit received gratifying words of appreciation for the work it is doing both from subscribers and advertisers. Minstrel Show Next Thursday. The amateur minsrel. to" be eiven for the benefit of the St. Mark's Episcopal (Juild. will be eiven next Thursday evening at the Electric Theater, which has been chartered for the occasion. Numerous somrs and reached La Center stunts will be rendered by the city and For Sale This Week Only Household Furniture SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT Inquire at 721 Columbia Street, at the Corner of Eighth OAUDALE GREENHOUSE It is time to think about those roses and bulla you are going to put in fall, to have bloom next spring. Better see the roses in bloom ami pick what you want. We have a full line of shrubs, vines and pereuial plants, flowers and designs to order on short notice. this out Cut Phone 1972 M Fletcher Q Fletcher r. i. Hood IUvei WANTED th. last night in a starving condition, valley 8 most talended artists and having had no focd since Wednesdav are assured an evenine of mirth except two sandwiches and all a counlo of cookies. After leaving Camas Prairie followed the old McClellan trail and forded the North fork of the ewia Kiver in the darkness. He savs he had a nurrow escape from drown ing. The stolen horses were aban doned in a pasture by Chubb shortly iter ne crossed tne river. THE PRICE OF SUGAR. TI. f .. !l .1 i ne innure oi tne sugar licet crop on the European continent ia said to Le the cause of the high price of sugar, which has reached such a figure as to cause the housewife look for suitable substitutes. Unless the rise breaks, candy lovers Bhould purchase from their confectioners before he has to visit the market again. The Ore- gonian says: "It costs something to satisfy the pruveniiai -sweet tooth of the nation these days. The day in which an advance in the price of sugar is not iuivu uuiujiu-B u luneNonie place on the week's calendar. It really looks as if we would be compelled to return to "blackstrap" for sweetening our conee, .taiiy lor our daintiest sweet- iiiuei, aim gmgeroreiiu lor angel cake, However, self-denial was scheduled i saving grace by our Puritan forbears, and this may be a good point at which to begin the pi actice of this old-fash iiicu vii me. ai any rate, sugar is higher than in some years-highest, it is even said, in the history of sugar refining. Evidently we have got to "stand the rise" and make the best ci it. The Hood Kiver school board is cred ited with having passed a resolution forbidding High School students from participating in any form of athletics who fail to mantain a standard of at least 8(1 per cent on weekly markings in their studies. If all school boards would adopt like measures it would raise the standard of athletics by elim mating a lot of the "unfit," and it would also induce others who are in clined to be lax in their studies to brace up and make good. Newberg liraphic. Mayor Signs Ordinance. The news was received at a late hour yesterday afternoon that Mayor Hart wig had signed the ordinance provid ing for the transfer of the $'. 000 water bond issue from Ulen & Co., the Chicago broekers, to Morris Bros., of Portland. i KEELINE SELLS i Mir.u appii? runi) Novelty at the Cem. I'atrons of the Gem theater had the pleasure of seeing the wonderful pen anu-niK SKeienes or the famous car toonist, McKaid, Monday aid Tues day evenings. The program for to. night is: "The New Dress," A tragedy in Toy Land and "The tan,bler s Chance" The excellent playing of mandolin club on Tuesday evenings draws large crowds. " Sewer Work Progresses. City Sewer Inspector L. A. Hedn ler son states that the work on sewer con struction on the Heights is prosgress lng rapidly. i'raetiea v all of the grading of District No.7 is complete lhirty-five carloads of apples, 1(50 barrels to the ear, all from the orchard of W. S. Keeline. near llouncil Bluffs. ---j, . uu p, it.; iiuiiuerMON stales mat the seenaire haa hotm hion nuul for i h.i u....... I .. . t.c th0 T,,,,r, T., ,1 ""-.."''"? " water irom tne old water mams has they hang on the trees. 1 he orchard caused a great deal of trouble in the .. ituivii una Kit.-tit iTup im.i ueen sold consists of fifty-three acres, and nas ueen cultivated troin the begin ning under the direction of tha scien tine department of the Iowa State Agricultural college at Ames. construction work. Work on District no. z will soon beirin, University Club Smoker. The entertainment committee of Several times this cron of annles htm University Clnl. nnniunmu n,,.t i. been saved bv the use of oil burners Colleizians will irivo mu.i: i. i i .. . . . " ....v. .ic j " oeen ire(iientiy inspected by rooms oi the Umimerial Club Saturday Profs. Beach and Greene, of the Amex niirht. Seutemher .'to. whn it ia i,ri school. that all members of thp ineueai oetween Mr. Kee ine am be present tn i Iwnwu tha f,,i,, i itiiiiur v,u. was n,aoe on the tollow- policies of the will be served. ng quotations: Jonathan and Grimes Golden, $2.45 per barrel; Winesops and Genitalis, $1.90; Ben Davis and similar varieties, $1.45. Half of the crop is uj me jonHinan varieiy. Mr. Keeline is president of the Na tional Horticultural association. The price received for his i pples yields him aooui ma an acre. Sioux City, la., iiouniHi. Mr. Keeline is the futher of Frank Keeline, who has been in the Hood Kiver Valley for the past year making ocrhestra. a niuuy ui appie culture. club. Refreshments Tennis Club Holds First Dance. the first dance of a series nf niii-tina to be given by the Tennis Social Club was held luesday evening at the Heil bronner hall, which wax hnnHs.nnu.lv decorated with tennis rackets anH balls, and beautifully colored vin maple leaves. About a score nf counlcs werp nrru.mt f..i- ik. ...,... the Hood The music was furnished by the Vogle oernesira. a delicious fruit punch was served throughout the evening. Little Dorothy llarwood follie Train Demolishes Wagon. nnen tne local morning passenger the funeral services of little train was arriving in the city Thursday Dorothy Harwood Collie whose death iiiuiiiiiik ma locomotive strucK the de-1 was caused the afternoon of Wednes nveiy wagon oi Mcuuire tiros., com- day, heptesmber 13 in the East Side pieu-iy ueinoimning it and hurling Krn- automobile accident, were conducted cat rum, wnu was driving ine team, oy uev. ft. A. Harris at the home of uirougirine air oe.xioe the track. How- ner parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Collie ever, fortunately, young Ford's injuries Friday afternoon. Buriel at the Idle amounted to no more than a slight wihle cemetery. The litte girl was A'. 1 . . oorn in Illinois, the former home of me uiinii:i ui me collision ireed the "er parents, in l'.'U.l. team irom tne wagon and hurled the Horse Injured on a Platform. One of the horses ing to II. A. Moore, whirh used on the excavation of thp Annl Fair Association building, fell last week through the raised platform on which the scrapers are driven f.ir th purpose of dumping the earth into wagons. In its struggles the animal badly injured one of is legs. top ot the vehicle over a wagon that was standing near the track. The driver was unable to see the approach oi tne train because or several box cars standing on a siding. Taft Begins Long Trip. President Taft left Boston la.st Fri day night on his l.'i.OOO mile speaking tour, which will embrace about 75 cities and will continue until Novem ber 1. lhe presidential party will he in Portland on October 11. resident laft celebrated his fifty B . I. ' A L 1 -1-1 ... .. . J lorm oirtnuay rruiay. ti is Heverly, Mass., home was Hooded with ronirra't- ulalory messages. The following was received from King Georue of Eno i . " ami : " iv'im; ui me entire miner L.. . l . AtHn.ilniln ..h 4) i nave great pleasure in sending " uu me cnoice, .. . . . . .. . you my most nearly congratulations on the anniversary of vour birthdav and trust that the friendly relations exist ing between our two countries may ever continue." I'pper Valley Club Will Elect Officers. The Upper Valiev Progressiva a.., ciation hold its annual meeting for the election of otlicers at the Parkdale hall Monday. A large attendance is de sired in order to iret a full nvnrodum. -II L .. ' . .. "..v. on me ucupie oi tne entire Miss Lucile Smith, nf here visitinx her aunt. Mr p 'u Wallace. Mrs. Wallace alst, ha ho guests Miss Newhall, of Portland, and I Miss Merrill, of Boston. ESKIMO SEALERS. A Battle of Alcrtnost Betwun HunUr and Hit Prey. The Eskimo method of bunting aeala shows a primitive calling improved to a Que art When a seal la discovered the direction of the wind ia at once noted. Then the hunter, keeping himself to the leeward of the seal, walks up to wlthlu about a quarter of a mile of It Beyond this he begins to crouch and advances only when the seal's head Is down. Now, as the seal Is one of the most wideawake of animals and has the habit of throwing up Its head quickly every few seconds, to guard against danger. It follows that the Eskimo has to be extremely alert if he would get his seal. When the seal's head Is down upon the Ice Its eyes are shut and It Is said that in these brief Inter vals It takes Its sleep. The hunter by carefully watching the seal's movements Is able without much difficulty to get within about 200 yards of It, but at closer quarters he Is obliged to employ other tactics. He lies down at full length on the ice. Then the real sport begins. When the seal's head Is down the hunter, who keeps a keen eye on his prey, is able to approach still nearer by dragging himself forward on his elbows. This maneuvering continues for some time until the distance be tween man and beast has been re duced to a few yards.' When near enough to make a sure shot the Eskimo takes his bow and arrow from his side and sends a swift shaft through the head of his outwit ted companion. Sometimes instead of the bow and arrow a harpoon is used w'lth eqtful effect Harper's Weekly. Th Parents' Joke. Some pnrents seem unable to resist the temptation to make a Joke with the Christian names of their children, says the London Chronicle. The Somerset House registers testify to the existence of a Mr. Mineral Waters, a Frosty Winter and an Alfred Days Weeks. There Is something to be said in favor of naming children In the order of their arrival Primus. Secundus, etc. but it is unfortunate for a well known Canadian named Cunibcr that it should hare fallen to his lot to be Qulntus, for his name Is always ap pearing In the papers as Mr. Q. Cumber. A Beaton 8treet. It was one of the older conductors breaking In a new recruit who bad shown that be was not particularly quick to catch n Idea. The car came to Webster street, and the older con ductor whispered the name to the re cruit The latter did not understand, aud the conductor, losing patience. said. "Webster-Webster's dictionary." And the passengers were amazed to hear the new man bawl out "Web ster's dictionary." Boston Post Yarnd For Excitement. "Tes, the great society leader is ab solutely enuuied." "Tired of eeryth!ng, ehT "Positively. The last time I saw her she was faintly wondering In a bewildered wsy whether she'd better take up aviation or get a divorce." Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Quick Reoovery. Miggleton-It looks like rain. Ham- baugh-Wbat looks like rain? Mlggle ton (taken by surprise but equal to the occasion) A shower bath In action. Chicago Tribune. Enmeahed. Maud After all, a hammock Is noth ing but a net Jack-Right! Many a. girl makes a good catch In one. Exchange. One may ruin himself by franknea., but one surely dishonors himself Ity; duplicity.-VloWard. Correction. Instead of Charles Castner going to Boston to conduct a packing school ns was erroneously stated in last week's Glacier, the name should have been that of John B. Castner. The dute of the Hood Kiver Apple fair should have been November instead of October 9, 10 and 11. L. F. Morris, cf the Heights, and a party of friends enjoyed a "coon hunt" down the river Tuesday ' night. They.had an excellent pack of dogs with them and secured one of the ring tailed beasts. Miss Bertha Masters, of Portland, is spending the week here with the family of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs in the Willamette Wm. Ehrck. who has he. ill at his home in the city, was report ed better yesterday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H.'H. Baih y, Sr. of Portland, visited their son Harry Bail ey, the first of the week. Mis. A. B. Jones has returned from an extended visit at Willow Kanch, Calif. Ralph Laruwaf visited Valley last week. Wanted-Mau toclrar ten acrea of willow land, in ayuviit for which will give SB acre, 3ft of which are tillable, a) on a gentle Klupe, 16 ai-ree uu side hill, M UiiOor more feel of raw 1 1 inter. This tract Ilea Juat east oi the Mid. die Valley. Wee owner on place or address C. K. Burues, Ml. Hood, Ore. oU Wanted A young woman to anoint Id gen eral housework. Mrs. Murray Kay, phone S2 B. OU Wauled-HIMintlun as bookkeeper, general office man or clerk In Hood Kiver. Best of references. Kugeue O. Kexford. Telephone 1HU.K. 012 Wanted A woman for general housework In laiully of lour adultx In Hood Kiver. Uood pay for good work. Telephone 17S-L. a'28 Wauled Woman lor general housework for particulars call SS-K.. to 10 iuorulng or eveulug. nil Wanted 35,(100 t'lark Heedllnid strawberry plant, from youug plants. Kellogg it Marquis, phone 32.r3-M. 06 Wanted-By September 25. a place for a man and woman, or a man, to work on a ranch, i'iioue M-odell. oft Wanted A good young horse, weight not less than I'M). Must be Hound and gentle. C'has. Allbrlglit, routes. Ml Wanted to Kent A 15 to 20 H. J. tract lor engine. Write JiuHibwm-Hade Co, 4H7-41;. Stanton St., Portland, Ore. 821 Wanted Position as housekeeper on ranch by middle agea iudy. Address li., cure ol Miucier. sl For Sale Light team of horses. Call MW-X tar Wale-Klne Alberta aud rrawfurd peaches lu Oak Urove district, Ptioue lidi-X. 06 ror Hale-Hrst-class cow, rich in I Ik. One good buggy; law pound mare, all rouud single worker, and Hood Kiver Apple land Phone Udell 17. P.O. address. Dee, Ore. W K. W loans. (j II you wish to Improve your stock of Pi. moulli Kock chickeus now is the lime. Tlia Koklord yards have some grand young uul leiaandroosteisfor sale at low prices" )U. slderiiig their quality and the marking of the birds. These chiukens surpass ail pre vious year' aUick. Kockford poultry yards, phuue 1S3 X. Kor Sale-Twenty acres first class aunle land lu Willow Klat district. acres comuier. clal orchard three years old. 4 anres ready lu net lu trees, 8 ar res in stumps, 2 acres lu tlm. bor. Price J8.000. one-half cash, balance long time. K. ..liue, Hood Kiver, wliu Light and Power lyt ... o!2 For Sale-Bmall quantity of live, seasoned wuodlnstovelengt.li. Phone or call ou W. H. warren, Belmout District, plioue MOL. ol For Hale-Kunge, dining table, six chain lloosier cabiuel. Mee O. P. Christie, The Heights. Kor Sale Cord wood, hde. F. W. lirowu, Wanted to Kent A furnished or iinfur n lulled house, prefer five or six rooms, mod em, close In. U O. rilius, with U. Y. Ed. wards & Co., phone !H. srtf Vary 8impl. "Pvo been working two or thres evenings making an umbrella stand," says the man who has taken up arts and crafts endeavor. Two or three evenings!" exclaims the other man. "Why waste all that time? Why don't you lean it in a cor ner or stick It In the ground 7"-Judge. The Trouble. "What's the trouble?" Inquired the Judge. "This lady lawyer wants to make a motion." explained the clerk, "but her gown Is too tighf-Washington Herald. Wanted A position as bookkeeper. Twi years' experience. Addrea H. K. F., care ol uiacier. s's Wanted Non-church goers and strunger io ioiiow ine loots eiunuay-mornihg or even lng to the people's church. Mixlli and Oak Kindly, J. ft. Parsons, Hmce U. li. Minister BesldenceWBOak HI. Teleplione 11S-K. ! Wanted iirl for general housework. Uood waxes, laquire of Mrs. Frauk A. Cram. k2c For Hale or Trade Modern 5-rooin cottage o. u.rruitK. i'iioue Z17-M. 11 A Lesion For George. Betty George intends to have his own way in everything when we are married. Grace Why are you going to marry him. then? Betty-Just to relieve bis mlud of a false Impression. Can You Beat HI Tm afraid. Tom, dear, you will find me a mine of faults. He Darling, it shall be the sweetest labor of my life to correct them. She (flaring up)-In-deed, you shan'tl-Boston Transcript Peraevtranoe. Perseverance is more prevailing than violence, and many things which cannot be overcome wheu they are together yield themselves up when taken little by little. 91-ACRE Home 9'i acres of fine deep mellow loam, all In cultivation but one acre that has a chicken park aud a cow lot; there are 8', acres of garden, such as potaUM-a, cabbage, corn, beans, onions, cauliflower and small fruit such as strawberries, loganberries, rasp berries, young grapee and a lamlly orchard; It-room frame house, good barn 24x28, wagon tied, chicken houee, well aud spring water; good Jersey oow, good horse, weight Into lbs., 40 chickens, wagou, buggy, farm tools, hay aud giain; only one mile from graded school, K. V. D., phone, cream route, less than I mile from Oregon City and It miles from Portland on good road. If It's garden, berry land or a chicken ranch you are looklhg ror don't fall to see this one, as It Is (one or the nicest little farms in this clnimimitv Priro fAsjq, fAlM cash, balance per cent. f. Elliott & Son End of Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Or. . 012 Notice to Apple Tree Planters. Htart your orchard right by buyl g the tree you need ol Nealelgh Bro. Square Deal Nursery Co. We are going tn have some fi ne trees for sale for the seasons of lull and lli. Our price are right and our motto: "Live and help others lire." Come aud In spect treee. Nursery l1 mile south of Houd Kiver. on West Side. Write J. T. Nealelgh K. 1). No. X Phone 21S.K. Yours truly, fu NKALKIOB BROS. Lost Light brown and white collie dog youog; wearing plain strap collar with ring attached. Call SHi. Keward. o!2 Kound A silver cuff lluk with Beta cont-of. arms on lu Loser cominuuicate with B-3. care Glacier. Lout Key ring with three kevi aud a but tounook. Return to Ula 'ler office. oil Wsoled- OsJI 147 X. To rent a plauo for the wiuter. oi. ror real corset comfort, a Splrella Corset fitted to your form. Splrella Boning of ocu construcll iu, admits of free ventilation, ssnt lury aud comfortable. Retains Its Bhape per. manenlly. Send ixwlcard, or phone lor up polntmeut Willi Mrs. Hattle iM. I'aatuer, i!;v cascade ave., liood Kiver, Ore. Phoue I1S-K S7tf FOR SALE ror Sale Two Jersey cows. One will be fresh u a few days, the other Is a 2-year-old wcmci. tt . in. owicK, AVUlon n ay. IKS rnr Hale collie Pup, very good pedigree. (J. v.. lyurpemer, puoue aua, ola For Sale Full blooded cockerel. Phone Odell S3. brown leghorn S'AI ror saie-rurnlture, piano, stove, etc. am leaving town. One mile west of Couuaway uuuc vfuru isy. u. u. risn, sal rornaie n ice nurse, weight IW0 lbs., work alugleor double; also light barnesa anil lluhl wagou, for 1115. Inquire No. 14 oak Si., For Sale-Two doueu lirowu leghorn hens. Phone 103 Odell. For Sale Fox Terrier, male, black mark ings, one year old, hou-e broken, good ratter due pedigree, suitable for stud aud show dog, A. X. t:. No. 147.V4S. Address Howard Parker K. . 1). No. 3, Tel. latKiM, Hood Kiver. uv For Sale-Light Old Hickory wagon, with shafts ami pole for one horse or le.im, price fc'ft.uO. Hee 1 Hick wall A Kvlvesuar iwvmwl Tucker's bridge. K!l Kor ISsle Household goods, street, phone 171 M. Apply Mt! Oak For Snle-A pair of bay mares, weight UM) good workers single or double. Will sell separate, and as 1 wish to close out my busi ness, ill sell at a great sacrifice to the first that conies with the cash. Kockford Wore, Hood Kiver, phone 183 X. s21 K01 Sale Uood ranch horse cheap If taken at once, A. J. brunquist. sl F'or Sale-Fresh young Jersey cow. C. K. Miller, phone 211S-M, . Apply SJl ForSale-Plgs. phone sfiF'. F. H. Taylor; Oak Orove, K!l For Sale-Any amount of good dry oak and pine Wood. Phoue 3JUX. i For Sale Lot and 4 mnm hnnui.iK,. electricity; city water iu kitchen," with sink aud dralu to cesspool. Call 272M or No. 3. tf Park. If For Sale 1 Team and harness, true pullers, ;ood travelers; 1 No. i Faultless stiiaip pul.er xnnplele; jersey oow 4 yers old. These are 'ery cheap buys. It will pay you to Invest! rate. 1. Currier. Jr.. odell K4, imile 2. ui4 For Hale Prunes, 75 cents per apple box. I'hnne lill-M. oe For Hale-Ursy Ally, four years old. Work Ingle or double; fair horse ou road. Phone 4 Odell. o5 For Sale Violin cello, good condition, will ell cheap. Phoue 54 Odell. o;"i For Male 1 have $4(l,U(KI equity In Chicago ipartuient house building which 1 will tiaile mr Hood Kiver beariug orchard. This bulld og Is first class In every respect, ouly oue year old, well located aud will stand strictest investigation. 1 will consider only lower I alley strictly commercial bearing orchard. ireferubly clear aud with modern Improve neuts. Write ,for persoual interview. Ad tress U. care Olaeler offlce, oft For Hale -Cheap, eutle and sound. horse, weight about 11 fill: Ptioue SD1, o;, For Sale A horse cheap or will trade for ituiuppuller. See K. B. hragg.or phone I mi K 00 For Sale 20 acres of land at a bargain. See K. ti. liri'gg, or phoue lUti-K. o5 For Sale Apple trees, Newtowus, Hpll2 aud Irtley. m per hundred. Philip Kollas, 2 miles 8 W. of Odell. if ForSale-ai acres 5 miles out, west side, lu foot hills, under Irrigation, deep rich soil, no ruck, 21 acres cleared, IKA4 acres plained to commercial varieties or apples full bearing down to 1 year; never falliug spring, good 7 room house and out building. Terms ' casli, balance li per ceut. Address X. V, '.., care Ulacler. ( For Hale-Tuexedo Suit In good condition. A bargain. Hee Buelow, The Tailor. tf For Sale Uood farm team and harness, or sell oue horse. K. H. Wallace, phoue 1HU.M. If FOR RENT For Kent-Barn. 1UU-K. See K. H. Bragg, or phoue S2M For Hale A very neat one or two horse hack in very good shape, uot had much heavy work, will last 5 or H years, will lie sold at less I ban haf lhe price of anew one.Thl Is a snap II taken at once as we need lhe ejuh. kock Mr. I Store, Phone Ih3-X. " u6 F'or Rent Nleelv furiiisiiiHl nwtm ipifhfur. mice heat. 717 Eugene SI. Phoue 273-K. s21 For Keut Rooms fur houiAkeenintr. either furnished or unfurnished, suimhle for Hun School students. Near Cor. Twelfth St. aud Slranahan Ave., two blocks from High school, or, room and board for young ladies, itrs. Kmina o. Willis, uear Cor. Twelfth St. aim Dirauituau Ave. S3) For Rent. Moilern ft-riuitii liiinrulnw located at 505 May street. Call aud see It- hone 21U.L. . ol'l MISCELLANEOUS NURSERY AUENTS WANTED. We Want rellaille BtfentJi ul.n ciin sell nnr high-grade fiuit trees, irniwn at Kennewlck aud SpokAne Valley. p:xpenses advanced weeieiy. r ree expert advice to fruit growers, by Prof. Van llolderbeke, for five years Washington state horticulturist. Van llolderbeke Nurseiy Co., Wtf . Skokaue, Wash. For bale-one -year.old Clydesdale mare light bay. nentlennrt true 11.11 .-..,.,.1- ,...,. .w'ttie0v.?u5.tle- 'ne orchard animal.' Phone 20H2-L. w.H. Warren. k; TYPEWRITERS For gale or rent on easy te.-ms. A. W. outhauk. a3i.f For Sale Chean a.i i ftr small place, fprwiiu ...a .!..,, ers. bioketo dr.veor ride, weight Vol pounds! ruones.H2M. al7tf Land F'or Sale jra nt iuh ... , from i-t) per acre up. W ill sell In 20.ncre tracts with part in trees. C, J. Csiklns, phone 50 K. Jnxtf For Sale Wearennwtn nsiui.n ... nlsh rough and dressed lumber of th vun! ons kinds. Apple boxes and strawberry crates tor this feasor, order mil k'1 Promptly filled. IV; miles southeast of Par' . dale. Hay A Wlesel, Parkdale, ore. taiit For Sale- eally new. L. C. Smith typewriter. Phone 2WV.X. Practl-06 For Sale Chean rnrti.. Lit mti. ... luiublaSU. Addre ll,ll M. 7th St., North Portland, Ore. ' , For Sale. Fresh ntw at 111 u . . Paltrsou, Loet-Ladlea' mild Butch with IiiIIIhI H. A. inscribed ou back. Kinder please return lo Ulacler offlce for reward. oU Lost-White horse, weight about lUW lbs., 12 years old, rope around neck. Notify Ulacler oftlce. oitf I ost Pair of cross tan woman's kid driving gloves, one brass button. Lost, lu business portion of city between Ml Hood hotel aud Bntgg's store. Return to this office. . sSl lost-Small gold locket. Initials J. M. 8., Under leave at Ulacler offlce for reward. 06 Lost Black .hand hag containing books, card, etc., bearing name Nita L Brlggs. r 1 uder please leave at Ulacler. Reward. s2l Found-Two Inner tube tires bn Heights. Owner msy have same by calling Jno. Casou, t3M,aud paylag for this ad. s21 Lost Pair of ladies' gold culT bnttons with small diamond in center. Keluro to Ulacler for reward. For Rent-Ten acres unimproved with house land barn, ou Methodist Ijine, near Herret school bouse. Frank Davenport, Jr., phoue 344 L. s2tl For Hire Eight-passenger Stearns touring car. Special rales to dances. Thus. Sbere, phone ;i:K; stand, 150; garage, 3U6U. ol n