(Tf Id - VOL. XX III 11001) KlYKH, OREGON, THl'llSIUY, SEITEMRER 21. 1911 NO. 17 Bm-nm.r ., - -r , - - " : ..... On Account of Old Age, This Fine Home and 15 acres bearing orchard; 15 "acres hay land; about 20 acres pasture; team, cow and all farm tools; 5 miles from Hood River, will be sacrificed for $26,500. $6,500 cash, balance terms. See owner's son-in-law, J. H. FRARY 1123 Twelfth Street Hood River, Oregon FALL MILLINERY OPENING On and after September 15 our Dress Hats will be ready for inspection. J. L. HAWLEY Beautiful Home Spot Five and one-half acres, one mile from town, on Tucker road. One acre full bearing; four acres in four and five year Newtown and Spitzenburgs. Bing cherries, Anjou pears, blackberries, raspberries, peaches, prunes. One acre in strawberries. One half acre in alfalfa. Unexcelled view. All conveniences. Run ning water in house. Price $ti,500. EUGENE G. REXFORD Phone 190-K Music Lovers See Our Celebrated HARWOOD GUITAR Nothing has been sacrificed to make the Harwood perfect. A fine line of Mandolins, Violins, Strings, Columbia Records and Graphaphones; Inspect our new Columbia Grafonola R. M. Dunham Hood River Studio, Third Street Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, lite. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. PRATT & LAMBERT'S VARNISHES. CALCIMO. For room tinting mixed to order. CI1I-NTAMEL. For old furniture and wood work ; any color. ROOM MOULDING. Plate and Card Rail. Dry nice line of Wall Paper. Painting, Carriage Shop ;hone 100L Mr. Fruit If vou are contemplating increasing the size of your orchard you should be careful in the selection of your trees, for without the proper type of trees to start with, you cannot hope for the success you deserve. The True-to-Name Nursery has furnished the larger por tion of the trees for the most profitable orchards of Hood River, the or chards that htive in later years produced the prize winners were horn trees grown by the True-to-Name Nursery, including the prize winning car of Yellow Newtowns at the National Apple Show at Spokane. The trees that we have to offer are not "pedigreed" nor "thoroughbred," but are of the type that have produced results that speak for themselves. Our years sf practical experience in the nursery business is a safeguard gainst mistakes aud should be a sufficient reccouiniemlution to merit your confidence. It will pay yon to examine our stock o: write us before placing your order. Address all communications to True-to-Name Nursery PHONE 2002-K Paste. OIL CLOTH for walls and a Paper Hanging, Sign and Carriage Work Store phone 110 15 Oak Street Grower! HOOD RIVER, ORE. 1 ! M-H-M-l 1 I I I 1 I I I II 1 1 I 1 I It H Land Bargains in Hood River 20 Acre, $5,500 5J miles from town. ft w cleared ; fair house; 2 good spring; fine view of vallcj and both mountains; red shot soil; easy terms. 19 Acres, $8,000S miles from town. 1 acres cleared; 2 som in trees ; balance in Hover aud uluiU; all but 1 acre Urst-claBs apple land; tpleudid view ; ta-y terms. f 17 Acres, $125 an Acre 1 store and church ; all uncleared 20 Acres, $22,0003 acres pitzenlmrg, .Newtown and Oillevs. One ol the signmesv pi:u.-H m the valley und is in the heait of the apple growing section, Near store, School etc. Terms. We have a number of special bargains in inside business property that are sure money makers. J. H. Heilbronner & Company : The Reliable Dealers 4-W4-H"I"l-H"H"M"l-l"H"I"H-l-H-l- Mourdant A. Gopdnough PIANIST Will Give Lessons on the Piano in HOOD RIVER providing a sufficient number of pupils can b& secured to make it worth the trip. For further particulars call up phones 175 OR 1902-L Land For Sale 1 have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land, most of it under diteh at prices ranging from f GO per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE Hood River ... Oregon For Sale by Owner 200 acres, GO uctch cleared, 11 acres planted, balance unimproved. Price cheap and easy terms. J. P. Thomsen It. F. D. No. 1 box 09 GUY Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon Building Phone 22S-K $6,250 -Five acres 1 mile from city limits, all in trees; 1 acre bearing; balance 4 and 5 years old; house, barn, running water in house; fine view. Terms, $2,000 down. $14,000 Ten acres in Oak Grove, nearly all in full bearing; house, barn and all tools; main road, and only 4 1-2 miles from town. Reasonable terms. $2,500 -Five acres, 4 miles out on West Side; 3 acres in trees 2 and 3 years old; 2 acres ready to set; house and barn. Terms, one-half cash. $7,000-Ten acres on East Side, near Van Horn; 5 acres bearing; balance 2 to 4 years old; new apple house. Owner going east and must sell. Get Our Complete List - 1 - 1M II 1 1 1 1 IH'I ' V i H-f ! mile from chipping station, h, IhmiI, but line land lor applet) ; a snap. ?-ver-oJ; 1!) acre in 6-year-ol.l Hood River, Ore. i Phone 2!)G Odell COURT RECEIVES VERDICT PRICE BOND ORDINANCE STILL UNSIGNED Mayor Fails to Attend Monday Evening Meeting of Council -Batchelder Wants an Injunction. l!y action taken at an adjourned meeting of the city council last lliursday night the city drew warrants to the extent of $12,441, which have been delivered into the hands of the circuit court clerk, W. E. Hanson, in order thut the eity take over the water plant of the Pacific Power & Light Co. and receive the revenue derived from it. Mayor Hartwig, who was reported to have refused to sign the warrants, stated in a long message to the council that reports of his refusal to sign the warrants should have been modified by the additional statements to the effect that he desired further time to deliberate over the mutter. He made his signature to the warrants provisional on the unanimous favorable sentiment of the councilmen for the warrant procedure. However immediately on the receipt of his mes sage the council unanimously passed such a resolution. Mayor Hartwig stated that according to a decision of the Supreme Court of the state in the case of the city of Sumpter, under circumstances prac ticlly similar to the local situation, de cided that a mayor was not a mere au tomaton and that an official has no legal right to put into circulation a commercial paper by which any holder may be injured lor want of funds to pay same. The mayor further stated, in hi Thursday evening communication, that he still protested the transfer of the $".10,000 water bond issue from Ulen & Co. to Morris liros. Me said: "In this connection 1 would also like to call the attention of the meinbvrs of the council to the advisability of re-advertising the $!0,000 bond issue together with the added amount necessary to take over the water plant, as said bonds may be sold at a lower rate of interest." However, an ordinance providing for the transfer of the bond sale was put on its filial passage. Up to yesterday the mayor had refused to sign the or dinance. He says that the city will not be able to do any work on the mu nicipal water plant this winter, and that it should take advantage of a re sale of the bonds, when a smaller rate of interest and perhaps a premium muy ne secured. "'1 he rate of six per cent on bonds in effect makes individuals pay eight per cent on loans. Why should not a city with the prestige of Hood Kiver secure a bid of five per cent on a sale of its bonds and thus enable its citizens to secure loans for seven per cent at least," said the mayor. The street committee of the council, however, in U report on the Batchel der commuication, the views of which were practically identical with those of the mayor, stated a re-advertisement would be inexpedient, since the work on the municipal water system would le Iheld up as well as much needed street improvement. In order to remove one of the may or's main objections to signing tne warrants for the purchase of the water plant, an ordinance, providing for a Waterworks Condemnation fund and placing an interest of six per cent in stead of eight, according to the old law, was'passed. Other important action at the Thurs day evening was the adoption of a re port of the Street committee providing for the opening of a street from the warehouse of the Apple Growers' Un ion to the Hood Kiver Apple Vinegar Company's plant. The city marshal was ordered to consult with the city attorney for action necessary for the abatement of nuisances. The Judici ary committee was instructed fc bring in an ordinance, providing for signs to be placed at the city limits warning automobilist8 against a speed of fifteen It was hoped by other members of the council that the mayor would make some statement at the Monday night meeting of the council as to his atti tude on the signing or vetoing of the bond ordinance. However, when the council met, the mayor was not pres ent. When it was seen that he would not arrive, J. M. Wright, president of the council, took the chair and it was decided that the body should adjourn until Thursday night, when an adjourn ed meetine would be held. When seen yesterday morning rela tive to his absence from the Monday evening session. Mayor Hartwig stated that he understood there would be no quorum present. The business of the evening was of no' great importance, he said. The mayor attended a moving picture show during the evening. At the time the decision was made to hold an ad journed meeting Thusrday evening all of the members of the council were present with the exception of J. K. Kobertson, who came later. J. F. Hutchelder was circulating among the business men of the city yesterday morning a petition, or rather a contract, asking that money be donated toward defraying the expenses of hiring an attorney to institute in junction proceedings against the sale of the $!)0,000 water bond issue to Morris Bros. Judge Bradshaw received the order of the verdict of the court for his signature last night. As soon as he sings this, the city will assume control of the water plant. DARING HORSE THEFT AT CAMAS PRAIRIE Posses'of men, composed of county officials and residents of the Camas Prarie district of Klickitat county, Washington, aroused at the daring theft of a pair of large bay draft horses, property of Contractor Hurtle' son, who will dig the big ditch drain- I ing Camas Prairie district No. 1, have been scouring the regions adjacent since luesday night, Sept. 12, for the culprits. Mr. Burtleson for the pur pose of carrying out his large contract brought in a number of teams. The bays stolen were saidjto be worth more thna $700, the most valuable pair of horses in the bunch. It is thought that the theft wascom n.ited by persons familiar with the camp of the contractor's crew and who were well acquainted with the surround ing country. The horses were taken from the barn at midnight. It was possible to follow their tracks forabout six miles toward the Columbia, when the trail became lost at a cross roads. The theaves or thief then turned either to the east and headed for the Yakima country or went west into the head waters of the Iewis Kiver. The sheriffs of five adjoining counties were notified and have been conducting an organized search. It is possible that arrests wilt be made soon. It seems that' within the past several weeks a number of horses have been stolen in the vicinity. During the Indiun races at Trout Lake the horses of several visitors were taken, among them was that of Editor Ounnicliff, of the White f almon Enter prise. The theft of the Birtleson bays has; left the impression among the residents of the community thut the work has been that of an organized band. The contractor has offered a reward of $250 for the arrest of the thief. FORGER ACQUAINTED WITH LOCAL AFFAIRS Additional cases of forgery on banks here which came to pass in New York last week, demonstrate that Nw York banks are easy for the man with nerve. Two forgeres for $1,500 each and one for $H,750, which netted the forger I,7.)0, were reported to the National Surety Company a few days ago. Judging from the facility with which the forgers who are not believed to be connected in any way, but to have worked entirely independent of each other got away with the money it might almost seem a pity for any man to plod along, working hard for a liv ing, when banks in New York are bursting with money they appear are only too happy to let out. F)r instance, last Friday a nice-looking man walked into one of the biggest national banks i:i the city and intro duced himself as James if. McCann of Hood Kiver, Ore. He. had a cashier's check on the Butler Banking Company of Hood Kiver. That happens to be a corresioiident bank of tiie New York concern. Hood River is where nice-looking aiples come from. Mr. McCann intro duced himself to the cashier. He knew everybody connected with the Hood Kiver Bank, and talked apples, crops, and weather, aud made himself agreeable. He had a check for $8,750 which he would like to deKisit with the national bunk here to open an ac count. He was not in need of any money, but would like to deposit the check for collection and safekeeping He was stopping at the Plaza. Well, of course anybody would ac comodate so affuble a man, especially when he didn't want any money. Just wanted his tashier'i check taken care of. So this stranger, with no other introduction, opened an account for $8,7f0 with one of the largest banks in New York and went his way. There is several hours' difference in time between Hood Kiver, Ore., and New York. When it was noon here last Monday the Hood Kiver Bank was just opening its doors. The cashier's check had just been received there when the day's business was half over here. They did not think of thut at this end of the line, but when Mr. Mc Cann walked in Monday morning here and drew hi check for $3,750; they paid it without a murmur. A few hours later they got a hot wire from Hood Kiver informing them tho click was a forgery. Of course the poor forger loses the $5,000 balance he still has to his credit. New York Globe. SPOKANE RECEIVES FIRST ENTRIES The first entries for the Fourth National Apple Show have been re ceived ac headuurters in Spokane. Six carloads are contained in the first entries, says a dispatch to the Oregon ian. One carload of Jonathans is entered by Latah County, Idaho, through Sec retary P. L. Orcutt, of the Moscow Commercial Club. Home Beauties, enough to fill a car, are entered by the Wrightville Fruit Farm in the Lake v'helan county. R. P. Wright, the owner, took the highest number of prizes of any individual, county, district or state at the l'JOH show, lie took also the first prize on Rome Beauties last year. J. F. McCurdy, of Parker, Wash enters one carload of Stayman Wine saps. McCurdy won first prize for the mixed carload in 1909. Threo cars of winesaps are listed by H. M. Gilbert, of North Yakima and Toppenish. With hve or six cars entered last year Gilbert made a good showing. In 1908 he was beaten by Chelan County for the sweepstakes. The Yakima Valley Fruitgrowers' Association, Naches and Seluh, also will exhibit for district prizes. BOARD'S RULING WILL STAND At a recent meeting and re-organiza tion of the student body of the local high school, the high school boys and girls made a strong protest against the action or the city school board in raising the standard of scholarship to be maintained by those participating in athlet'cs from a weekly grade of 75 per cent to that of 80 per cent. By unanimous vote the board was asked to reduce the grade of that to the old standard. The Bchool board, however, according to one of its members, Dr. II. L. Dum ble, will retain the 80 per cent stand ard. "The high school students should not think that we are opposed to ath letics," said Ur. Dumble, for no one believes more than we do in the benefit of sorts properly conducted. But we consider that no student, who does not maintain a standard higher than 80 per cent should spend time on the allhetic field. Notice. A special meeting of the Masonic Lodge will be held Saturday evening, when there will be work in the M. M. Degree. W. L. Robertson, of La Grande, was here the first of the week on business. DIRECT! J iS ELECT RETIRED LAWYER II. G. KAUFMAN SICCEEDS SKINNER Former Illinois Citizen Will Handle Com mercial Onb Publicity -City .Weds s Pay Roll, He Says. At "meeting of the boarj of Direct ors of the Commercial Club held Tues day afternoon, H. C. Kaiiffinan, for merly an attorney of Oregon, the county seat of Ogle county, , Illinois, was elected to the secretaryship to succeed J. C. Skinner, whose resigna tion takes effect the first of next month. Mr. Kaiiffinan, with Mrs. Kauffman, arrived in Hood Kiver in April. Mrs. Kauffman says thut the Hood River Valley, the fame of which came to Mr. Kauffman through a box of its apples, was really the cause of his coming west. 'IHood Kiver Valley by well selected advertising has become well known throughout the Kant and Middlewest," said Mr. Kauffman, when asked as to the policies he would suggest for the club s publicity work,' "and this ad ertising should he judiciously con tinued. The greatest work of the publicity manager for this community should t.ow be toward finding new markets for the distribution of its products and in keepnig Hood Kiver before the public eye. "It should be one of the duties of the club to carry on the work of en couraging the improvement 'of the Valley homes and progress of the city. The town of Hood Kiver to grow needs new manufactories, a psyro 1. We have a limited field for this kind of work, but we should take advantage of every opportunity ot secure factories." Mr. Kauffman wus for seven years president of the board of education of the Illinois city, his former home. Mrs. Kauffman, who will assist him in his duties, was for nine yeuri president of the Civic Club of Oregon and was for a number of years chairman of the Forestry committee of the Illinois fed eration of the Woman's Club. Mr. Kauffman was chosen from a large list of candidates. In addition to the former Illinois attorney were: C. H. Henney, Kay Scott, A. T. Allen, Or. M. H. Sharp, Oscar J. Tilleson, H. C. Allen and A. C. Ashley. With the exception of Mr. Tilleson and Mr. Ashley all are local residents. The former is a Portland real estate man and the latter is secretury of tho Mosier commercial club. The selection of Tuesday afternoon, however, was ninde from the three names of Kauffman, Allen and Sharp. The other candidates were eliminated from the field at a meeting of the board of directors last Thursday after noon. On Tuesduy afternoon's ballot, Mr. Kauffman received three votes, Mr. Allen two and Dr. Shurp one. One of the seven directors was not pesent at the meeting. NEAL CREEK ROAD PROVES POPULAR Although opened to traffic but a short period, the Neal Creek roud, which wus surveyed and a new grade established over the route lust summer, is proving one of the most popular highways between the upper and lower Hood Kiver valleys. Tne highways formerly used by resi dents of the upper and lower regions were the road over Booth lull and the Dee road. The former had such a heavy grade as to make it impossible to pull heavy loads over it, while in addition 'to a number of grudes, the traveler passing over the latter met with bad stretches between Dee and Summit. Since the Neal Creek road has been in use the auto stages have found it to be the most convienent route to the upper country. NEW STATION OPENED SUNDAY The handsome new O-W. R. &. N. passenger statoin was turned over by the contractors Isut week and was opened to the public Sunday. The waiting rooms of the new structure are conveniently arranged and hand somely furnished. In the east end of the building, one on either side of the passage leading to the concrete plat form that surrounds the sturucture, are thu smoking room and the ladies' rest room. The office is located at the west end of the main'waiting room between it and the baggage room. A pasaBge connects the baggage and waiting rooms. The stution bus one of the new drinking fountains, where the traveller drinks from a flow of water bubbling from a basin as though from a spring. C. C. CARPENTER KILLS BIG WILD CAT C. C. Carpenter, who recently pur chased the Howard place in the Pine Grove district, killed a large wild cat in his back yard Tuesduy night. The big feline measured more than 48 inches from tip to tip and was of a grayish color. Mr. Carpenter slew the' brute with a 22 rille. The bullet went entirely through its head. When shot the animal was not more than ten feet away from the back door of the Carpenter home. It is supposed that the cat was prowling in the back yard preparatory to raiding the rancher's chicken roost. It was seen near the house in the day time not long ago by Mr. Carpenters' cook. Junior Dan Patch Shows Well. Junior Dan Patch lupheld the record i,t hia nii-A Pull l" l Mi'Can'a Tin Top ranch 'stallion, Friday when he tooK tne z :u consolation pace lor a $1000 purse in three straight heats without apparent difficulty, says the Oregonian. In the last heat H. Hogo boom was holding him in, watching W. Hogoboom hitting for second money several lengths behind. Truman Rutler was a business visitor in Portland last week.