The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 14, 1911, Image 9

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V. H. Miller and family spent tlic
week in Portland.
Are you in 1 ho market for saddles or
chaps. See the Ihuciiport Harness Co.
lry Hi-inch slalt wood (or sale at $2.00
per ciinl. l'ine (irove liox Co
All kinds of Fruit and Mercantile
SI amps made to order. I'hono :'.7.
Fred Shoemaker, of Seattle, was
here Saturday visiting relatives.
Try our pure pork sausage. We stand
back of it, at Central Market.
Mrs. C. D. Hinrichs is visiting rel
atives in Spring Vale, Ontario.
Now is the time to buy cheap slab
wood. A. ('. Lofts, phone yl()-X.
I? .1 I? Hiirirrnnvns visited Rev.
Lowden at Underwood yesteiday.
VV. N. Winter, of the Upper Valley,
was a business visitor in the city Mon
day. Don't forget the "Twentieth Sen
cherie I'ennie Social" at the Jiaplist
Church, Thursday, Sept 14th.
The Kail Social of the Young
People's Society will be held at the
liuptist church 'lhursday night.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Good wages. Inquire nf Mrs. Krank A.
A. J. Rrunqtiist, who will represent
Petter Fruit, left Tuesday afternoon
for Salem.
For a nice prime beef roast go to the
Central Market.
J. R. Allison and Thurman Cave, of
I'.ig Eddy, were here Saturday on busi
ness. Christ ian Science services are held in
Heading llnoin No. ( Davidson ISuilding,
Sunday U a. in. and Wednesday 8 p. m.
Six room bungalow for sale. Corner
Cascade Avenue and 10th Street. Mod
ern. Enquire of owner on premises.
R. W. Hueler, of Talca, Okla., was
here over the week end looking over
the Valley.
K. K. Harbison and family left yes
terday for their future home at llills
boro. For Rent Modern furnished bouse
on Columbia street: plumbing com
plete. I. Inland Henderson, (Inc.)
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Cannon left last
week for Los Angeles, where they will
make their future home.
Now is the time to buy cheap slab
wood. A. C. 1-ofts, phone 310.X.
Fred MeCrea returned Tuesday from
Portland, where he spent the past
week on business.
Our Hamburger is always nice and
fresh, or we will make it to order at
Central Market.
Miss Dorothy Dorsey and her guest,
Miss Alice Uixby, of Indianapolis,
were week end guests in Portland.
Insure ymir automobile against acci
dent. See Hood River Abstract Co.
C. L. Rogers, after an extended visit
here, L'ft Monday for his home in
l)on't forget the
"Twentieth Shncherie Pennie Social"
at the Baptist Church, Thursday Sept.
For the 6ne stemmed pea green alfalfa
bay, the finest in the west, write to
The. New port l and & Construction Co.,
llermiston, Oregon.
fnr Sil All kinds, carlots
only. H. k. Davenport, Phone Odell
66. "
ew La Vogue
The standard of value recognized
throughout the cloak and suit world
as being leaders in their line. We
want you to call soon and inspect
our selections, if only for the pleas
ure of seeing the very latest ideas on
Ladies Cloaks
Misses Cloaks
Ladies Suits
Raincoats and Caps
Mrs. L. F. Henderson spent the
week end in Portland visiting rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Greensfelder, of
St. Louis, Mo., arrived here Friday
for a look over the Valley.
If your shoes have gone wrong take
them to Johnsen.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Michell, who
have been spending the summer at
Seaview, returned last Thursday for a
short stay at their Heights home.
Money to loan on farm and city
property, G. Y. Edwards &Co.
J. II, O'Neil, day operator at the
O-VV. R. & N. passenger station, is
spending a month with relatives in
Illinois and Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. O'Neil, who
resided here about ten years ago, re
turned for a visit Friday. They are
stopping at Mrs. Howe's.
'A thiiu ol beauty and a joy forever."
Hurley-Davidson Motorcycle at Mc
Donalds. Rev. Edward Trew Simpson, rector
of St. Mark's Episcopal church, is at-
tendirg the convention or M. Andrew 8
brotherhood in Seattle this week.
Ernk Wairner. of the Chicago firm
of apple buyers, G. M. H. Wagner &
Sons, after a short visit with local
apple men, left Tuesdaylafternoon.
Furniture and first-class range for
sale. Enquire C. L, Clapp, Avalonway.
Miss Frances Oberteuffer. of Port
land, whose engagement to E. R. Mol
ler was recently announced, was here
last week the guest ol valley menus.
A. W. Goodman, of Heppner, was
here last week visiting friends. Mr.
Goodman was a former resident ot
Hood River.
Are you in the market for saddles or
chaps. See the Davenport Harness Co.
Born-Saturday, September 9, to
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Hansell, a son.
The young man has been christened
John Price.
Miss Sewell, of Portland, arrived
Sunday night to take charge of the
suit department of the Bragg Mercan
tile Co.
We get our meats in fresh every day.
Our prices will lit your poeketbook at
Central Market.
Roht. T. Cochran, a New York'com
mission merchant spent thelatter part
of last week here visiting local fruit
men and sizing up local conditions.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Butler, of
Akron, Ohio, were here last week vis
iting friends and looking over the
If yon want shoes that don't go
wrong go to Johnsen's.
Miss Belle I ayman, who has been
here visiting Mhs Doiothy Dorsey, re
turned last Friday to her home in In
dianapolis. The Teachers' Institute of Wasco,
Sherman and Hiol River counties will
be he d at The Dalits October 2, 3 and
Now is -the time to buy cheap Blab
wood. A. C. IjDftS. phone 310-X.
The many iriends of William Ehrck
regret to learn of his serious illness.
Mr.. Ehrck is suffering from an abscess
on his lung.
David Currier, Jr., fiis father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. Currier, Sr.,
and his uncle, spent the first ofjthe
week in Portland.
Unimproved Upper Valley forty,
well located, to exchange for city or
close-in property. "A" care Glacier.
' Shoes made or repaired at Johnsen's
$5.00 to $30.00
2.95 to 15.00
15.00 to 35.00
1.95 to 25.00
C. V. Carr and son, of Greene. Iowa,
and E. M.' Packard, of Packard, Iowa,
were here over the week looking over
the Valley.
Mrs. L. H. Kilbourn and little son,
of Oklahoma, have been here visiting
Colonel and Mrs. W. F. Tucker ut
Corregidor, their Upper Valley home.
Wanted Contract by someone to
clear "JO acres of land on Central Or
chards tract. C. R. Rone, phone
ltil-M. sl4.
A farewell party was given Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Andrews for Rev. and Mrs.
Wood. Rev. Wood is the retiring pas
tor of the Belmont Methodist church.
W. S. Kirk, a postal clerk of Denni
son, Texas, was here Saturday to look
over the Valley. He states that Hood
River, from the apple shipments to
that state,.has a great reputation in
G. Y. Edwards & Co., can place
several large loans on farm arid city
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hayt, of Park
City, Utah, were here over the week
end looking over their uronerty. Mr.
Hayt purchased a part of the Sproat
orchard last tall, lie is considering
making the Hood River Valley his
For Sale Nursery stock grown in
Willow Flat. None better in the Val
ley. Big, stocky trees. Varieties:
Wealthy, Gravenstein, Baldwin, Spitz-
enburg and Newtown. Bargain for
cash. C. K. Hone, phone Kil-M sH
H. A. Boomer, general superintend
ent of the Lake Erie & Western It. R.,
was in the Valley last week. Mr
Boomer, who was accompanied by his
daughter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence E. Coffin while here. They are
touring the West in then private car.
Household goods for sale. Enquire
C. L. Clapp, Avalonwav.
Rally Day will be observed at the
Baptist church next Sunday. Mr,
Hargreaves will preach both 'morning
and evening, bpecial music at eacn
service. A cordial welcome to all.
For Sale NurBery stock grown in
Willow Flat None tatter in the Vat
lev. Big. stocky trees. Varieties:
Wealthy, Gravenstein, Baldwin, Spitz
enburg and Newtown. Bargain for
cash. C. R. Bone, phone ltil-M. 14
F. X. Arena has returned to New
York, where he will resume his work
as leader of the New York People's
Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Arena .is
also one of the most noted vocal teach
ers in the East.
If vour guests ask yon where you got
such nice chickens for your Sunday din
ner, don t forget to tell them ot the
Central Market.
At the morning Sunday services at
the Unitarian church this month Mr.
Mac Donald is speaking on different
phases of Loyalty to the i.huicn.
Next Sunday he will speak on "teau
fastness in Facing our Difficulties."
A cordial invitation is extended to all,
Adolph W. Folck was married Tuea
dav. September 11. to Miss Eva Hill
Strom. The ceremony was performed
by Judge A. C. Buck. The young
niiinlo have left for Oretrnn CitvV
where they will make their future
G. Y. Edwards & Co., announce
that they have made arrangements
with Holland capitalists to loan
money in any amounts on farm or
city property.
Wanted work for team hauling ap
ples, wood, etc. Phone X1 Odell.
tf C. R. Schmick
Our Men's
Are arriving daily and we are pleased
to announce we will show a larger
and better line this fall than ever be
the kind that wears and gives per
fect satisfaction.
New Golf Shirts
New Winter Underwear
New High-Cut Shoes
For Men and Ladies, as well as Boys
and Girls
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shepard, Miss
Elizabeth H. Shepard and Mrs. R. Lea
Barnes, of Portland, who have been
making an automobile tour of Central
Oregon, arrived in the city Friday
from The Dalles. They took the bout
from here to Portland.
C. C. Thompson left Friday evening
to join a number of his class-matt s
and fraternity brothers of the Oregon
Agricultural College in Portland, from
which plaee they will start on an auto
mobile trip to Government Camp,
where a short outing will he spent.
Mr. Thompson is a member of the
Delta Omega fraternity.
An entirely new use bus been discov
ered by a prominent real estate man of
the city fur those little coral ueans
that are at present so popular as neck
laces. Just before retiring one even
ing recently, thinking he was taking
pills he took a generous dose of the
beads, which had become unstrung and
placed in a pill box for safe keeping.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mendenhall, of
Portlaud, where Mr. Menlenhall is
general agent for the Fidelity & De
posit Company, or Ualtmiore, Mary
land, are spending several days in the
Valley. Mr. Mendenhall was an of
ficial timekeeper at the Astoria regat
ta. He also took two first prizes and
second money in one event with his
sail boat.
Miss Eva Brock, who leaves next
week for Whitman College in Washing
ton, has been the recipient of a num
ber of delighttul social lunctions tnis
week. Saturday evening at the home
ot her mother, Mrs. V. C Brock, she
was entertained with a dinner. Iter
cousin, Harold Wilkins, an attornr y of
Portland, was present. On Tuesday
evening Mrs. C. H. Ilenney was the
hostess of a dinner party given for
Miss Brock.
Prof. L. D. Bailey, of Corvallis,
where he is Assistant Plant Patholo
gist in the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, after a two day's i nvestigation
of fruit conditions in the Valley in the
comnanv of Prof. W. II. Lawrence,
returned Saturday. Prof. Bailey, who
will conduct tests this winter in fruit
snot diseases, savs that the local apple
community looks exceedingly well to
him. This was his first visit to the
Valley. Indeed, he had ordy been in
Oretron but two months, having re
cently arrived from Wisconsin, where
he was a graduate student and assist-
at the State University.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Beers, who
have been visiting at the home of
Carson C. Masiker on the East Side,
returned by boat to their home at Ore
gon City. Mr. Beers is a son of Alan
son Beers, first Governor of Oregon
under the Provisional Government, or
tranizd at Champoeg on May 2, 1843.
Alanson Beers was a blacksmith and
came to Oregon with the missionaries
in 1837, reaching Lee's Mission on the
17th of May. Jonathan Beers was
born at Salem. Oregon, in 1848, and
wss an uncle of Mr. Masiker's first
wife, who died in 1876 at Haystack,
Wheeler county.jOre gon
Date Set For Hood River Apple Fair.
Workmen have begun excavation on
the lot opposite the Hotel Oregon pre
paratory to the construction of the
basement of a ouilding to be erected
bv the Hood River Apple rair Associa
tion. October 9, 10 and 11 are the
dates set forlthis year's show. Grow
ers are asked to prepare their exhibits
as soon as possible.
"We will construct a substantial
shelter over the basement this year,"
says Prof. C. D. Thompson, "and the
site will make a suitable show place."
A. T. 0. Establishes Alumni ('hapLr.
At a banquet held at the Hotel Ore
gon Friday night the members of the
Alpha Tuu Omega Greek Letter Col
lego fraternity established an alumni
chapter in tiie Valley. Frank E.
Deem was elected president and Ches
ter Huggins secretary. Those present
at the banquet were: Francis Irwin,
Este Brosius, Cheater Huggins, Karl
Onthank, Ted Williams, William Bak
er, Roger Moe and Lynn Young. The
latter was an invited guest. Mr. Moe,
who is one of the fraternity's pledges,
will leave Saturday morning for Port
land, from which point he will leave
next week to attend the University of
Oregon at Eugene. The members of
the fraternity wiil hold a banquet in
Portlaud Saturday night. Those re
turning to the University of Oregon
are Este Brosius, Karl Onthank, Ted
Williams and Chester Huggins. Wil
liam Baker will return to the Univer
sity of Washington ut Seattle.
Conference Appoints Ministers.
Knv W Jt YniiDd ulin f(tiiuH here
from l'alouse, where he has been min-
iKter of the Mcf.hiiiliMt. ehureh. has
written Dr. W. S. Niehol announcing
that he will arrive here tomorrow
night and will fill the pulpit of the
Ashbury M. E. church, to which he
uuh iioDointed hv the recent Confer
ence at Spokane. Mr. Young is a
brother or r.enjamiii roung, pasior oi
the First Methodist church in Port
land. Other appointments were:
I. W. Chumller for the Belmont
church; C. M. ('arson for l'ine Gorve
uiu I (lili'll ii mi II. C Chirk returned to
White Salmon. Rev. E.rMcOinber, the
former pastor of the city church will
take charge of a pastorate in Illinois,
hiu former hnrm Rev. 11. .f. Wood.
former pastor of the (Belmont church
iruim tn Grund View. Wimh. Rev. M.
J. Purdue was appointed to The Dalles
church, ltev. Walton Mupworlh, as
district superintendent, '.was succeeded
by ltev. Jl. O. I'crry.
"Rally Day!
Next Sunday will be Rally Day for
the Sunday school of Riverside church.
The school will meet with the congre
gation at 11 o'clock at which a special
program will be given. Miss Maude
Howard will speak in behalf of the
school and Pastor Harris will give an
illustrated sermon. Special music will
be provided and all scholars and par
ents are especially urged to be present.
Rev. E. A. Harris occupied the pul
pit of the Christian church last Sun
day evening in the place of Rev. Mr.
Hand.saker, who has been quite sick.
Entertainment I'lanned by Guild.
The members of the St. Mark's
Episcopal Guild and friends'are plan
ning an entertainment for the lattir
part of the month. Several short
vaudeville stunts will be prepared and
a program of songs, readings and
special stunts will be rendered. The
city and Valley's best dramatic talent
will be seen. The scene of thcjjevenl
will be Heilbronnr's Hall.
Musical Treat Promised.
At some date during the early part
of the month of October the .members
of the Congregational church are plan
ning an exceedingly good musical ; pro
gram. The occasion will undoubtedly
be a treat for lovers of good music;
for a number of the Valley's most tal
entitd musicians have promised to par
ticipate. " Job Printing at the Glacier office.
Rain Coats
$10, $15, $20, and $25
L X ci OTnr:,j
$ mi
f A
W , w
1 VCv 'V;1
Mayor E. II. Hartwig, by his refusal
to design the warrants for payment of
the sum of $32,441, the valuation
placed by the jury on the water system
of the Pacific Power Xi Light Co, will
delay definite action by the city. The
mayor has expressed that he will veto
the ordinance providing such proced
ure. However, the council is unan
imously in favor of the ordinance.
Mayor Hartwig gives as his reasons
for the action that (he warrants will
become commercial paper, which may
bear un interest of 8 per cent for six
months, the lime allowed lor an ap
peal, lie also asserts that he will be
come personally liable.
L. V. Driscoll, formerly of Pitts
burg. Pa., but who has been a resident
of the Valley since May, has purchased
trom l ete Shively a half interest in
his horseshoeing uhnp located on
Fourth street. Both aru expert horse
shoers. They will continue their work
along the same lines.
Wanted Contract by someone to
clear lit) acres of land on Central Or
chards tracts. C. R. Bone, phono
Hl-Al. tilt
Stationery Saving
Buy Voui Writing Paper by the Pound
Hero are some now arrivals from the FACTORY at FAC
Berkshire Linen, 78 sheets, jor box 25c
Envelopes to match, per hunch 10c
Scotch Dimity, 78 sheets, per box 30c
Envelopes to match, per bunch 10c
Linen Crash, 78 sheets, per box 45c.
Envelopes to match, per bunch 15c
Pupicr tie Luxe, 72 sheets, per box 75c
Envelopes to match, per bunch 20c
These arc all high-grade Linen Finish Papers. It will
pay you to look them over.
..Slocom's Book and Art Store..
' The Place That Does the Framing
Hood River Plumbing Co.
Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline En
gines, Pumps. Rams. Repairing Promptly
Attended. Estimates Furnished.
Oflice in Davidson Building
Phone 1G5-M Third and Cascade
While Salmon Man Injured by Chain.
Charles Hubbard, of White Salmon,
is lying close to death as a result of
using a chain in the grubbing of
utumps, says a dispatch from that city
(o the Oiegonian. His throat is gashed
to the jugular. When the chain broke
under the tension three or four link
hits lluhhard, standing z', reel away,
tearing across his neck like shrapnel
from a cannon.
("has. Caslner Teaches Pack at Boston.
Charles Caslner. who has had a broad
experience in apple packing in the Val
ley, let l .Saturday lor lioslon, where,
he will conduct a packing class for the
State Horticultural Society of Massa
chusetts. Hood River's apple pack
has become famous the world over.
For Lease.
Small fruit, farm near Mosier. 2(10
bearing trees; l(i acres in cultivation;
water for irrigation; implements, good
horse and Al cow furnished.
Address R. M. Ross, Mosier, Oer
Do not forget that Sherwiu-Williains
Arsenate of Lead ill not create black
spuls on your apples. For sale by Mc
Donald. Job printing at tlm (.'lacier ollice.