The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 14, 1911, Image 8

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    iioop feivEit oLifiibR. Thursday, September u, 1911
Of the
ML Hood Hotel
Electric Fans
Ventilating Fan
Hot Weather Dishes
Cool, Screened Porches
We Also Serve a Thirty-five Cent Merchant's Lunch
at Noon
Astoria Centennial
August IO to September 9
The yrcat event of the year. II ( elebratea t lie ruining of white fet
tle in lfill. A ,leiidil program f ir thirty day. Historic buildings
ami collection, hydro-aeroplanef, army and navy evolutions, concerts,
opera, fireworks, agricultural exhibits ami I'aeifiu Uegatta.
Special program funiinlied on reijiient. I'aily round trip fares to
Clatsop litach 011 the I'ncilic allow ciops at Astoria,
Low Round Trips East
August 1 1, IS, lii, 17. 21, 22, 2.i, 28, 2i), 30; Sep
tember 1, 2, 4, 6, (i, 7. Ktopoyers and choice of
routes in each direction.
Oen. Freight and Puss. Agt.
E,. A. CIBERTi Agent
White Salmon, Wash
cordial invitation to you, personally to call and open a
checking account. Any amount will open an account in our
savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded
semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfac
M.M. JIii.i., I'reHident J. W. ('ocki.anh, Vice-Pres. U. W. I'mrr, Cashier
('Iiiih. (J. Prutt, Wilson Fifce, Jos. t'opeland, C. II. Stranahan
la Becoming to bo Recognized as
We make them in Hood River and in any quantity.
2) C2v
ixiiuuc ui 3uud, muridie ui ruian
Hood River, Oregon Jf)
Fresh Flour and Feed
The Celebrated
White River &
Haltese Cross
Made From Selected
Hard Wheat
A SiLCC .SSI-LL IIAMMI Mows the use of the White River and liest
latratMalimt-iUMfrtar. Imn you bake bread, pi,, cakes or anv
kind of pantry you will find this Flour a sate and reliable Mamlbv. Try it
wiivn mm juii iu iii'vtr uvu any oilier.
11001) KIVHK, OREliON.
ihhi ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in it ii in
For 5ale
Ten acres near town,
some bearing or
chard, or will trade
for Hood River city
property or Portland
j Hood Rlvtr, Orifon
H-M-H H I III 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 II I I
-M i m 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1
Non-Irrigated Budded
Trees, Guaranteed
True to Name
J Spitzenburgs
Phono Odoll 84
Hood Rivor, Oroon
HHnH"l"H"H"H"l"I I I I I 1 M-
For Sale
1 5 Acres 1 3-4 miles from
postoffice; all in fruit, 9 acres
in orchard; spring water
piped into house and barn
team, tools, cow and pigs go
with place; good house and
improvements. Will sell rea
sonable on easy terms.
Phone 333-L
C. A. Richards & Co.
Confectionery and
Amusement Parlors
Full Line of London Made Pipes
See Otir Line of
Kauffman Bros. & Bondy Pipes
and Dumutn Pipes. Best Made
Phone 64
Agency Oregon Daily Journal.
Booth' Kasteru Oysters.
Bargain In City Property
100x150 feet on corner of Montello
and Thirteenth streets. All In bearing
fruit. 40 Crawford peaeh trees, 5 cherry
trees ami a row of logan berries on gal
vaunted iron trellis. A fine irrigating
plant coating over 500, consisting of
gasoline engine with pump and all at
taeliuients and pipe to i'000-gallon tank,
all in good working order. A small
I carpenter shop on the property. At I
have no agents, apply to owner on the
David Upton
Treat the Horse Well
and he will treat you well. Have
an uone Here and you will be as
well pleased as our other customers
are. We make horseshoeing a bus
iness and we make it a success, be
cause it is done right. If you want
that kind, remember us every time
you have any to be done.
Shively & Driscoll
I,, ,
One of the most interesting features The Hood River Fellowship Associa-
h ! Inland '. to w Planning one of the biggest
when Franc, J., aired by the famous meeting, in the history of itsorganiza-
Tip Top atallion Pateben Boy. upset tion here Saturday, September 23. All
ueeu unu wun over a nunn nr i momKoM r kA j ir. .
r.l.rn,ni. tZr..t ..... o." 7.r: nu auey
iB.viiiv., o t a ivuBcue I iruiivrnwpri im updmi t , . . ,. t
K arret ir, tv, llrr.;. I ..j r .." V. . r"""-
--"--. .v6.,. nu w onnz me r mends. Prof w
.uci. 4 i nj, uarK uay atai- n. Lawrence, who has charge of h
anven by .the veteran Joe Mc- work of the orniiti i;.,.
an addresa and tell of what the
methods used have accomulished and
outline his future clans.
A number of other prominent horti
culturists of the state have been invit
ed to address the meeting. Among
them are C. E. Whisler, of Medford,
and Prof. Lewis, of the Oregon Agri
cultural College. Prof. Lewi will
speak oi crop handling, while Mr.
Whisler will deliver an addreas nn war
To The Incurable
Who have tried everv method nf
treatment and now feel so discouraged
as to consider themselves incurable.
Such cases often respend readily to
Chiropractic Treatments.
Umsultation and Examination Free.
Dr. E. R. Carpenter,
Phone 295X. 17-18 Heilbronner Bide."
Guire, of Denver, walked away in the
classy 2:08 pace, the $5000 feature of
me ir.ird day of the. Portland hair and
livestock fcx position, Wednesday, win-
mne mree straight heats over th Csl
norma favorites. Teddy Bear. 2:05.
Don Pronto. 2:051. Nordwell. 2 -mi
. v. rorier s pacer ana outers on a
iracx that was exceedingly bIoduv
BeBt time 2:17.
Between two and three thousand
people aaw the upset of "the dope,"
which terminated in the ignominious
rout of Teddy Bear and the reverse
English effect of a heavv track uoon
me northern performers Francis J.
owned by J. C. Leeeett. of Oerten.
Utah, which crossed first: Junior Dn
ratch. 2:101. owned by J. F. Klwell,
Spokane, second ; Alierdaw, Lou Chi Ids,
Spokane, third, and Don Pronto, owned
by Clarence Berry, the Los Angeles
Laaeoaii magnate, fourth.
California horsemen- naturallv at
tribute the poor showing of the
inmi if iAn .4
the track, .which was even murkier Notice of Improvement of Street.
luesuay, uuv (lie oenavior OI I Wotico la hereby given. Durmuant to Ordinance
wi winner, r ranciS J. a seven-vear. I . pmi m uumnn Council on the sth
old, sired by Patchen Boy, Captain C. Sir, !f!r-t!frU1J?nd i'"riy mayor
P. McCan'. Hood River Stallion, would of HiiiSit iKi '"S? k ZZt
seem to stamp him as one of the gam-1 i the cut line of Kounh treet.
est finds of the season. tL'irTVt" !ine ',s"'i'
McGuire's charge has snlendid oual- SoS th7.rii . r:.'" "Tf"
i- t ,. . . . ,i . ..t.Tr" j t v mux
ii" OI limD, Unexcelled ISlamina and I r fLurD 9? ec"ia Btreet; Seventh street
' , t n iii avenue ui poinT
MOteettouth of the south line of 1'ine street:
rourtn street from the south line of Montoll..
venue w uie nortn line of Pine street,
except in front of such property sa permits for
the improvement of which under this ordinance
ueen uuiuea, mat dkis will be received
V ,"Mer'Kn nty Kecorder at his office in
the Heilbronner builHintr in uutH itu . 10
a clock noon, on the S!3d day of SepU-mber. 1911,
for the improvement of said streets by grading
same for the full width thereof from curb
line to curD line, and fnr (ht inut.
of cement curbs on both sides of said streets and
m arwiing uown to grade lor and the construc
tion of cement sidewalks along both sidss of uid
streets excepting the north side of Montello ave
nue, upon the established grades therefor as
provided for by the City Surveyor. The work of
grading said streets and sidewalks shall be
iei in one contract ana the Rwntmiitmn ,.f
cement sidewalks and curbs shall be let in a scp-
praie contract, and each of said contracts shall
be required to be completed within 30 days from
ti.c tittle uk waruins; same.
Said bids will be opened bv the So. r',n.v,;t-
teeas soon as practicable after the time fixed fur
receiving bids, and the several bids, together with
ine summary tnereol.will be reported to the Com
mon Council at Its next nvultr nuu.On.
after, to-wit, on the 26th day of September, lull.
u-j -iTr ' " city, at wnicn time said
urns win oe consiaereu.
Notice is further given that any interested par
ty may Ale his objection to the letting of said con
tract within the time
and that the same will be tranHmitttvi tn ti. rsi.)
vjuutu aiuug wun saia omis lor their comtulera
tion at said meeting. The oerson. firm nr
ation to whom the contract is let will be roiuh-ed
to enter into an agreement to the HWr that uu;a
contractor shall look alone for payment for mater
ial and work to such particular portion of the
fund to be assessed upon the property liable to
my lor sucn improvement and paid into the City
treasury for that purpose, as shall be assessed to
the property in front of which and ta ,1
of which a particular part of the improvemont to
00 uone oy me successlul Didder is to be made and
collected and paid into the city treasury, and such
contractor snail in no event require the City o
noou ruver or any 01 its officers or agents to pay
pure and perfect gait While the
Denver driver has had him but one
short week, he feels sure that subse
quent work on drier tracks at Salem
and other North Pacific meets will
justify his trust in the Utah pacer.
The $5000 purse is split 60. 25, 15
ana iu per cent ameng the first four.
i naving tirst oeen nerd out lor a
consolation race later in the week.
Her Secret
r j . ...
une oay a rasior was canine unon a
dear old ladv. one of the "mllan" of
ine cnurcn to .wnicn they both be
longed. As he thoueht of her lomr and
useiui me, and looked upon her sweet,
placid countenance bearing but few
tokens of her ninetv-two vears of
earthly pilgrimage, he was moved to
ask her, "My dear Mrs. s.. what has
been the chief source of vour strength
and sustenance during all these years?
What has appealed to you as the real
basis of your unusual vigor of mil d
and body, and has been to you an un
failing comfort through iov and sor
row? Tell me. that I mav Dass the
i . ., t .X- ...
secret on to omers, and, ii possible,
proht by it myself." The old lady
thought a moment, then lifting her
eyes, dim with age, yet kindling with
sweet memories of the past, answered
nneny, "Victuals." September Lip-
pincoit s.
hM, A7; Si 2 ' Always
fwHwmmii Front
M)' Mi ;A 'i jtTJ I I f the best quality
"IV-, ---
MaflV IIoArl Rivpr Wnmpn ir 1 -arnmo 'n?,8",. eept out of such particular portion of
many UUVU Hirer nUIIICU TB Learning I M,d funds so assessed or collected into the city
the lure.
often, suffer not knowing
dizziness, ner-
the causa,
Backache, headache,
Irregular urinary passages.
ness, languor 4
bach a seeming torture of itself,
Together tell of weakened kidneys.
strike at tne root get to the cause.
Quickly give the help the kidnevs
No remedy endorsed like Doan's
Kidney Pills.
Kecommended by thousands
Endorsed at home.
Here s convincing croot from a
Hood River citizen.
Mrs. A. L. Vincent. Eiehth and Col
umbia bts.. Hood Kiver, Oregon, says:
Doan s Kidney Pills have been used
our family and have proven verv
Denenciai. Whenever my back aches,
I take this remedy and it relieves
For Bale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-.Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United butes.
Kemember the name Doan
take no other.
treasury, and for such portion of said improve
ment, nor seek to enforce oavment of the sum. ..r
any part thereof against the City of Hood Kiver
or any of its officers by any Iwal process or other
wise, except out oi sucn particular fund.
All bids must state price for u-mi 1 1 no-
streets to grade, and nrice for constructing
iu euros anu siawaiKs which work shall
oe uone in the manner and form r.,.u;. i.i
for in General Imnrovement ovltnMn ni itu
of the City of Hood Kiver. No bids will be
receiveo wnicn specify more than one price on
said work chargeable to one block in length. A
bond for the faithful performance of the con
tract to an amount equal to 25 per cent of the es
timated contract price will be rennired nf th ai,.-
eossf ul bidder, the Council reserving the right to
reject any anu all Dias,
Listed and first published September7, 1911.
H. B. LANCir.r R
'"21 City Kecorder.
Notice of Improvement of Streets.
Nonce is hereby given nursuant to nrrti.
nance No. ats, passed the Common Council of
the City of Hood Kiver, no. the Hih duy of
rfuue, iifiu, uuu aiipruveu oy ine aiayor oil t lie
same day, providing for the Improvement of
tne norm Hide or mate Blreet from the west
llneof Hlxth Street west to the east line of
winin rureei, except where sidewalks, curbs
and gutters have already been laid or penult
Cornell Will Teach Local Pack,
For Sale by Owner
20 Acres
Three acres seven-year-old New
towns, two acres four years old, ID
acres solid three-year-olds, 5 acres in
bay, one acre loganberries, one acre
strawberries between trees. Some
small fruit and small mixed family
orchard. .Seven room house, good
barn and outbuildings. Tvo miles
southwest of town. Half cash will
handle this place. If interested
Phone 3332-X
and owner w ill take von to property
in automobile. Will sell 5 or 10 acres
Manufacturers of
Rough and Dressed Lumber
Boxes and Strawberry Crates
Parkdale, Oregon
Slab Wood
Cord Wood
Coal Yards
A. C. Lofts .
Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and
Fourth Street Between Oak and State
Hood River Dackiner will be taucht
Dy Cornell Universtiy. Ihe institu
tion. working in conjunction with the
Growers' and Shippers' Exchange, a
company incorporated under the laws
of the State of New York, with over
1100 growers as stockholders, will
establish a public box apple packing
school at the Public Market, in charge
of ueorge Creswell, expert from Hood
No Need to Stop Work.
When your doctor orders you to stop
work, it staggers you. "I can't." you
say. You know you are weak, run
down and must work as long as you can
Btand. What you need hlectnc .Bit
ters tfl give tone, strength, and vigor to
your system, to prevent breakdown and
build you ud. Don't be weak, sickly or
ailing when Klectric Bitters will benefit
you from the first dose. Thousands
bless them for their glorious health and
strength. Try there. Every bottle is
guaranteed to satisfy. Only bOo at
Chas. N. Clarke.
Hydropathic Baths Will Be Established.
Dr. J. Sowerby, Chiropractor, wishes
to announce that he has leased the
Henderson house on State street oppo
site the Stewart Hardware & Furni
ture Co. and that he will establish a
Hydropathic sanatorium
building will be moved
from the street -and be fitted with
mineral baths, vibrating electrical
massage machines and massage par
lors. All diseases will be treated, but
nervous cases and rheumatic troubles
will receive especial attention.
Dr. Sowerby has secured the local
territory for the famous baths orig
inated by Prof. Mooreland, of Chicago.
These baths have taken a number of
gold medals at expositions because of
their efficiency in cases of stomach
troubles and other diseases. The
ladies department of the sanitarium
will be in charge of a first class lady
masseur and a graduate nurse.
Digestion and Asslaillatica.
It is not the quantity of food taken
but the amount digested and assimi
lated that gives strength add vitality to
tne system. Chamoerlain s stomach
and Liver Tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and enable them to
perform their functions naturally. For
sale by all dealers.
At Summer Home.
Doctor Brosius announces his summer
home established at Odell. Phone 20
w here he can be consulted morning and
evening ; city office, Hood River, phone
12-15, open as usual, 10 to 4 daily ; Night
Calls answered from Odell, phone 20. tf
Issued for the construction of the same under
in 18 omnia nee, thai ulils will be received by
the undersigned city Recorder at his oflioe iu
tne tieiiDronner Building in Bald city tip to
is o cioi'g, noon, on tne ZI1 day of Meptemuer,
lvll. tor the improvement of sld yirt i,v
giadlng down to the established grade from
the property Una to the street Hue for siild
distance to the width of 1-2 feet and the iuvi,
of cement sidewalks six feet In width a dis
tance oi two reel from the property line and
the construotlon of cement curb and gulier
along the curb line utiou said irraile. Muld
work shall be let la one contract, and shall be
reoulred to be comolefed In :ui riuvu fivm ti,A
date or awarding tald contract.
Hald bids wlllbe opened by the Street Com
mittee as soon as practicable after the time
fixed for receiving bids, and the several bids,
together with the summary thereof, will be
reported to the Common Couactl at lis next
regular meeting thereafter, to.wlt.on tha ih
day of Beptember, mil, at the Clly Hall, In
said city, at which time said bids will be con.
Notice is further given that any Interested
parly may file his objection to the lettlnv of
said contract within the time spectlieii for
receiving kius, huu taat the same will he
transmitted to the Cltv Council alomr wlih
aid bids for their consideration at saldiiieet-
ing. ine person, nrm or corporation to
whom the ood tract Is let will be rt-milred to
enter Into an agieement to the etlect that said
contractor shall look alone tor payment for
material and work to such particular portion
of the fund to be assessed upon the property
liable to pay for sucn Improvement and paid
Into the City Treasury tor that purpose, as
shall be assessed to the property In front of
which and to the charge of which a particular
part of the Improvement to be done hv the
successful bidder Is to be made and collected
and paid Into the City Treasury, sud bucIi
contractor shall In no event require Ilia city
of Hood Kiver or any ot Its officers or sgetit.8
to pay the same, except out of such particu
lar portion or said runds so assessed or col.
lectei) Into the City Treasury, and for such
portion of said Improvement nor seek to
enforce payment of the same or any part
thereof against the Cltv or Hood Kiver or sny
of IU officers by any legal process or other
wise, except out of such particular fund.
All bids must state price for grading said
sidewalk to grade, and price for constructing
1,1 .iHalb ..K ,. .1 ......... .,.,....
8n I t, . I " liutrei, wiiicu wins
there. The lYEYJJ".. "a. '.,r.m. .Ln.
furthei back No. m of the City of Hood Kiver. No bid
will be received which specify more than one
priee on Bald work chargeable to one block In
length. A bond for the faithful performance
of the contract to an amount! to 2S per
i-eiib. vi toe rsiiuiniru couirnci price Will oe
reoulred of the siicct-ssful bidder, the Council
reserving the right to reject any and all bldv.
i'aieu ana arsi puunsiied (epteintier 7, 1911.
11. B.L.AN(4II,I,K.
"21 City Kecorder.
Notice of Completion of Oiling 12th St.
Notice Is hereby given that the Beaton Con
struotlon Co., contractors, have tiled written
notice this 7tb day of September, mil of the
completion of the improvement of Twelfth
street from the city limits on thesoulh north
m may ciireerana May Blreet from thewest
llneof Twelfth Htreet extended north to tne
east line of Twelllh Street extended south
in the City of Hood Kiver, Oregon, by the
cleaning of said street for a width of thirty
feet, by oiling same, by spreading a coat of
sand over said oil and by rolling said street
o an even surface under their contract
Wlih this City hetofore made and entered
Into, a i, si that he amount due said con
tractors for said improvement npon Its accept
ance 1 hereby stated to be the amount of
And notice is further given that any objec
tions to the acceptance of said work under
the contract with the said contractors on the
part of said city may be filed in tne office ot
the undersigned City Recorder by anv Inter
ested party at any time within fxvendavs
from tne date of filing said notice, to-wit, I
within seven days from the 7th day of Sep-1
tember. Mil.
This notice Is published in the Hood River !
Olaoier for two con seen live Issues thereof, the I publication thireof beina the
7th day of September, im.
a. a, LA jNun.i.K,
W City Recorder.
means the best quality
all the time. Every piece
of lumber in the Stude
baker wagon is air-seasoned
four to five years ;
then inspected riyidly
before being used.v
Selected New Eng
land black birch hubs;
choice w lute oak spokes
and felloes; the best butt cut,
second growth hickory axles;
spokes are slope shouldered
and driven into the hubs under
a hundred tons pressure; ironed
and reinforced iu every way
that will add strength, with refined iron;
painted in a thorough and durable man
ner. That's why the
St utfebaker Wagon
has kept the lead from ox-team days down to the present day. Every
Studcbaker wagon is made on honor. We sell the Studebaker Wagon
because it is the kind that gives satisfaction and makes fiiends. Come
in and look them over. They are made in many styles, from the
lightest farm wagon to the heaviest truck
or log wagon. Call and get a Studebaker
booklet. We want everybody interested
in vehicles to have one.
Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Co.
Hood River, Oregon.
"ssss a. i Mi .
"Some" Paint
We do not believe in American slang, but we
must admit that when it comes to good paint,
Sherwin-VVilliam's is ceatainly ''some" paint.
Made of pure white lead, pure linseed oil and tur
pentine,, you thus get durability, and all wood
work is. rendered impervious to the weather.
Comes in all sized cans,, large and small. Different
tints, shades and colors. '
The Glacier Pharmacy
3 ON
How to Invest
The knowledge and experience gained by the
banker in his daily handling of many forms of in
vestment are, beyond question, the most valuable
guides in enabling him to distinguish between
sound and unsound propositions. The officers of
this bank are constantly in position to furnish to
its patrons first-class real estate mortgages, or
high-grade bonds if preferred, which are both
safe and profitable. Our policy is never to offer
an investment unless it has been thoroughly in
vestigated as to its stability.
Porkers Are
but there's a difference.
Who wants to eat meat
j that is about as tasteless
aa cnijjsj xso one mat s
from here are cut from prime, juicy porkers, that
whet the appetite while you are eating. We know
how to select for our customers.
Meat Everybody Likes Can Be Had Here
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Established IS Years