The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 14, 1911, Image 2

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Eumb ftturr (Blanrr
AWlrtlK U. MOE. Publisher.
SottM-rlptlim, !.:. Pt Year.
irilf ri T7 1 IITA ' f I I I - . rrtai
W ill) the r lin of the verdict of tl.e
jury in the .ii'i. riiiialini in, when a I
valuation', f was I-':" (jn lht'
Pacific IWer I.inl't Company'
wat.r system, although it frit
tl.ut the price wt was several tlMm.--i.inl
dollar in cxccssV.f the real worth of
the system, the ir.ajority of the citi
zens f the eit,v hoped tow a final
;.itl.'t.iotof the utrair. ll.evpr.lict
was in r!Teet a compromise one and
praetically'met both nidi half way.
With the exception of the mayor, it
has bi'.-n submitted U. by the city gov
ernment, who are earnestly desirous of
ussumii.g control of the plant and
hastening the nuuh needed city im
provement. From the attitude of the attorneys
of the Pacific Power & Light Co. the
eomnanv will in all prohahility appeal
the ea. However, an appeal ran in
no event affect the transfer of the
i,rini.i t it -I for the maximum price can
not exceed that agreed upon hy the
parties t the suit. The only wise
f..r the citv to follow is that
adopted hy the city council, who have
paused an ordinance providirg lor uit
drawing of warrants fur the payment
of the plant. Until the fame are
proffered, the rityran not assume con
troPof the plant nor will any revenue
he derived. The action of the mayor
in refusing to approve such an ordin
ance and to sign the warrants could
not better please the present owners
of the system.
The mayor hy his attitude evidences
his characteristic obstinacy, a serious
impediment to the city's progress. A
continued refusal on his part to sign
the warrants will place him in the
"rani uvis" class. He will be one of
the city's greatest luxuries; for in
' eirect the municipality will he paying
him a high salary, about a thousand
dollars a month. We can arrive at no
other conclusion when we realize that
by his action, the city is losing the
monthly revenue of thejwater plant.
As to the communication of J. F.
lialrhelder, which was presented to
the council at its Monday night .meet
ing, its purport may bo considered
meritorious in but one respect. In
deed, by combining the sale of the
JitO.IMMI water bond issue with that
necessary for the purchase of the
water system the city might secure a
better bargain for the issues How
ever, the difference will be small and
the delay will he great. The city has
been loo prodigal in its delays. ,
The time has como for definite ac
tion. 1'opular sentiment should he
beetled, and it is demanding that the
municipal water system be hastened to
completion and thut the much needed
street improvement he cared for.
In this respect the communication is
erroneous. It states that no work can
be done on the niunicpal water plant
until next slimmer. The assumption is'
mi entirely mistaken one. Contractors
can begin immediate, work on the con
struction of the system. The laying
of mains could he completed. Indeed,
with the exception of the concrete
work, all of the work could bo com
pleted. It is to he hoped that the
city'n chief executive will awaken to
the Hituiitioii. Ho states that if he
signs the warrants in payment for the
system, he will become personally
liable. We comnimend him for his
eiiulious business steps. However, the
placing of his signature on the war
rant:! is no mure than a ministerial
act. lie need fear no 'added burdens
to his self-constituted responsibilities.
Whatever liability may be attached
will fall on the shoulders of tho six
coiincilinen, who favor the drawing of
the ordinance. In fact no responsibil
ity will attach to the councilmen; for
(lie vote of the people to issue bonds
to the extent of $-12,5(10 created a fund
from which the money may bo drawn.
The passage of an ordinance, a me
cbanii'iiPstep, providing fur tho sale of
the bonds is all that is now necessary.
An Indiannapnbs hobo stole a new
pair of trousers from a tailor anil dis
posed of the old garment to u rag man.
Hy was caught, the trousers were re
claimed by the tailor, and the culprit
bound over to the grand jury. He is
now languishing trouserless, in prison,
praying for steam heat. Moral: Steal
trousers in the spring time.
The first serioii9 automobile accident
in the II.hkI Kiver Valley occurred yes
ufi,.riiiiii a shorCtime before :
o'clock, when little linn.thy Collie, the
7 year old daughter of W. K. Collie, of
the Kast Side, was killed hy an auto-
i.v M si llnrnthv KnliiiiL'.
mount; 01 i, v.. - ---j - i I i
The victim of the Unfortunate accident j
with several other children was re
turning from school. The rig had
stopped in front of the Collie home,
1 1. The Italics road.
i .i i'..t ..:- I I... I.n.tlu.r hinl
anil ine nine i;.n mm
alighted from it when the car ap
proached, coming toward the city.
The horn of the automobile was
sounded and it was seen by the child
ren, who seemed to be walling for the
ear to pass. However, iust before it
reached them the little boy ran across
the road and the little girl attempting
to follow was struck. She sustained a
fractured skull and life was extinct in
about fifteen minutes.
The accident, it was stated hy by
standers, was due to no negligence on
the part of Miss Kpping;for the car
was moving at a blow rate of speed.
The rig was stopped in the middle of
the road. It is the rule for a car pac
ing a vehicle to turn to the lett. un
fortunately the Collie home was on
this side of the road. The sad accident
was seen by a number of people, who
were standing near. Miss tipping was
accompanied by her father, J. A. hp
ping. Tho young lady is prostrated
because of the futal occurrence.
M. W. Elmer, a prominent hydraulic
and mining engineer of I'ortland, left
Monday evening after having been
busily engaged for several days mak
ing surveys on the power sites of the
Hyrdo Klertric Co., one of which is
situated neai the Tucker bridge on the
county road and the other on the prop
erty of N. C. Kvans, about two miles
up the Hood Kiver from the city. The
former site is on the property of the
Watt Development Co. Mr. Evans
and Dr. J. F. Watt are the chief pro
moters of the big power company.
Engineer Elmer, who hag had exten
sive experience in the East and in
Mexico, says that he has never seen
power sites where plants could be con
structed and maintained more cheaply.
Former estimates of the two sites
have placed the power that may be
developed oi. 7,000 horsepower.
John W. Hutson, while testing the
efficiency of a number of stumping
powder caps, with which he was blow
ing stumps on the Middlecrest Or
chards in the Middle Valley, sustained
serious injuries Monday afternoon,
when the caps exploded in his left
hand. The caps had become 'wet and
Mr. Hutson and A. C. Hallam, his
partner in clearing tho land, were
discussing the prohahility of them be
ing useless. Mr. Hutson took one ot
them and inserting a short piece of
fuse into it applied a match to the
fuse. He intended to throw the
lighted fuse, with the cap attached,
but the powder of the fuse, which
must have been defective, burned like
a flash and immediately exploded the
caps held in his left hand.
The left hand of tho victim of the
unfortunate incident was torn com
pletely from his arm and left a bleed
ing stump, which was hound up by Mr.
Hallam at once, in order to prevent
death from loss of blood. Two pieces
of the exploding cartridges pierced
Mr. Hutson s abdomen anil his fore
head was lacerated by the explosion.
As soon as possible h:i was brought to
the Cottage Hospital in this city,
where he is reported to he resting well.
In earing for his wounds attending
physicians removed one of his fingers
trom the abdominal cavity, where, so
great was the force of the explosion,
it hail torn its way through Ins clothing
and the abdominal wall.
The Untie r l'ank received yesterday
from its New York depositary, The
Irving National Exchange liank, a
forged ;'heck for the sum of $s:,7r0
purporting to he drawn by E. A. Franz
in favor of ("has. A. Met, aim and the
forged certification of Truman I'utler,
cashier of the locil institution. The
New York Hank was immediately noti
fied that the check was a fraudulent
one. A Hurna detective was here to
day investigating the matter. The
man presenting the check for collection
at tho Irving National Exchange llank
opened an account. Whether or not he
has been allowed to check from the
account has not been learned by the
local bankers. The local bank will
sutler no loss from the forgery.
i VfffHB
m it i i fk m i v I
Washington apple growers have ad
mitted the superiority of the Oregon
fruit. The Spokane apple snow will
judge exhibits of apples hereafter not
by the superiority of quality hut by
the excellency of pack.
Help the l'ark Grange save the ten
acre tract west of the city. It is pos
sible to establish there an ideal public
Twenty apples on a two year-oli
tree is Howl Kiver's latest record.
Mrs. (juaikt'iiliiish lluriod in Portland.
Funeral services of Mrs. Edward
QuacUenbiish, who died at Hood Kiver
SepebiniT M, were held at 1 :M0 Sunday
afternoon from the First Presbyterian
church, l he pastor, Jiev. Air. hovij,
officiated. The pall bearers were Wil
liam M. I. add, Fletcher I. inn. Miller
Murdoek, K. K. Warren, A. S. Patullo
and J. T. Koss. The floral tributes
completely covered the grave. Ore
gonian. Mrs. Quackenbush, whose age was 71
years, has resided for several summers
at the (Juackenhush country home on
the Belmont road. Her .death was
caused by a stroke of paralysis. She
leaves surviving her husband, Elmer
Quackenbush, and sons.
The Pacific Power & Eight Company
is "in bad" at The Dalles with thi ir
consumers, who are up in arms be
cause of an increase in rates which re
cently went into etrect. Local business
men have just received their bills for
light and power used during the month
of August, 'and in many cases the bills
are doubled as compared with the
amounts paid for July, says a dispatch
to tho Oregonian.
A special meeting of the Council
will be held within a few days when
an attempt will be made to compel the
Pacific company to lower its rates. If
the electrical concern refuses to do so
and he Council is unable to make it
fUT.dsh light and power at the former
rates, a movement will he started for
a municipal light and power plant in
this city. Should such he the out
come, the plant will be operated in
connection with the local water sys
tem, which is an institution run by the
Warner Purchases in Willow Flat.
W. R. Warner, 111, who has been in
the Valley for more than a year, has
purchased from D. J. Hudson, lo:i
acres of raw land in the Wlilow Flat
district. Mr.Warner will begin at once
the improvement of his tract, clearing
and setting it to orchard. He plans to
make his home here and will later
erect a handsome residence on the es
tate. Mr. Warner arrived here the guest of
Fordham Kimball, in the middle of
July last year. He is a son of W. K.
Warner, the wealthy Philadelphia drug
manufacturer. Mr. Warner spent last
winter in California studying the cul
ture and handling of citrus fruits.
Copyrlgbt Hirt Schaffucr Ic Mr
You're tfoinp; to be especially pleased
with the new models in suits we'll show
you this fall, made for us by HART,
SCHAKFNF.R & MARX. We have one
of the finest assortments this year that
we hav? ever had and would like to have
you call ami see them. We want to see
our customers dressed the best and you
certainly will be if you get one of these
Hart, Schaffner & Marx suits.
Hn S. & M. Suits $ 1 8.00 Up
Other makes for
$5,$G,$8,$10, $12, $15
Boy's Dress and School Suits
and Overcoats
The finest line we have ever had. All
the newest weaves and latest styles.
Iet us show you how reasonably we-can
fit your buys out and how swell they
will look. Boy's Suits from a nice
knickerbocker suit for $1.75 Up
We have put out a table of Ladies'
collars and jabots, Dutch colla'rs, stock
collars, stifF collars, belts, etc. You will
be surprised at the big values in this lot
and the many pretty patterns and styles.
Choice of any article on the table ... lOc
New Fall Suits For Ladies
. We have never before shown such a
splendid line of Ladies' Tailored. Suits
and Dresses. All the latest styles in
the most popular weaves and patterns.
We can please you in this line with the
snappiest suits in the city.
Piece Goods
This department is crowded with all
that is new in the line of Piece Goods,
suitable for any purpose. Silks, Velvets,
Suitings, Satins, Panamas, Albatros,
Fancy Mohairs, Serges, in fact . every
thing that one can wish for. You will
find a greater variety of all the newest
weaves and patterns here, and at less
price than you can get the same quality
for elsewhere.
You will find that our millinery de
partment is the largest and most com
plete in the city and we can save you
good money on your millinery purchases.
Our new fall line is now ready for you
to make your selections, and why not
come early and get all the gojd you can
out of your new hat by having it early
in the season, besides you have a much
larger and more complete line to select
from. One of the largest lines of plumes
and feathers for trimmings that have
ever been displayed in the city. 2nd floor.
Ladies' Pure Silk Hose 50c
On Saturday. September 16, we are
going to place on sale a complete line of
Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, values 75c a
pair.' All colors. . These are a full fash
ioned, fine guage pure silk hose with
elastic welt, high spliced heel, toe and
sole, the pair only 5Qc
School Supplies
We carry a full line of School Tablets,
Pencils, Inks, Erasers, etc. You will
save money by buying these here.
The Store That Gives
You the Best Values
(Continued From I'aj-'e One)
dents of that portion of tho city have
a just reason for their complaint and
would recommend that steps he taken
to jrunt their petition.
We would also present lis part of
our report a letter written hy Dr.
Humble. H. I.. Howe,
Chas. T. Jvirly.
Sept. 9, l'.lll.
To the Mayor and City Council,
Hood Kiver, Ore.
Centlemen: The noise made hy the
skating rink, particularly the music, is
extremely annoying to sick people
living within three or four squares of
the rink. I notice it particularly at
the hospital. This nuisance should
certainly be abated if possible in the
interest of Buffering humanity.
Very respectfully, 11. L. Humble.
The Tip Top Auto Co. announces the
sale of a M) horsepower Speedwell
Cruiser to Dr. VV. S. Nichol and a "0
horsepower Overland ear to Dr. K. I..
Seobee. The above cars were chosen
after an extended investigation ot au
tomobiles. The revival at Odell conducted by
Evangelist C. L. Organ will continue
all of this week and next. An all day
meeting with a basket dinner will be
held next Sunday, ureal interest is
being shown m the meeting. Last
Sunday night the tabernacle was filled
Rev. T. S. Ilandsaker, who has been
ill fur Beveral days, expects to be able
to occupy his pulpit next Sunday
morning and evening. Last Sunday
KvangeliBt Organ pivneheJ at the
Christian church in the morning and
Uev. K. A. Harris at night.
Saturday, September 16, at 10 a. m.
Water Pails
Tea Kettles -Dish
Coffee Pots - -Duchess
Kettles - -Berlin
Kettles -Dairy
Pans, Etc., Etc.
Onyx Enamelware is one of the Best
TRIPLE COATED wares made.
. The BIGGEST and BEST Special we
have jever offered.
Only One to a Customer.
None Sold to Children.
The 5-10-15 Cent Store
Ileilbronne Bldg. Cor. 3rd SL Cascade
It is time to think about those roses and bnllis you are going to out in this
fall, to have bliH. m next spring. Hctter see the roses in lilooni and pirk out.
what you want. We have a full line of shrubs, vines and pereuial plants. Cut
flowers and designs to order on short notice.
Phone 1972 M
Fletcher (El Fletcher r. i. Hood Ri
Wanted Wmi tan lor general housework.
Kor imrtk'Ulura cull V to 10 looming or
eveuiug. h21
V anted --3.r,(mu ( lark wvdliiiKl wrawwrry
plant, from young plants. Kellogg & MriilH.
. phone 32M-M. oft
Wanled-ByRepUiii.ber ii. a place for a man
and woman, or a, U work ou a ranch.
I ..olio n-t-in uueil. m
Wanted A good young horae, weight not
leas than 1'2ik. Must be sound and gentle. Allbrigl.t, route 3. -l
Wanted Work nailing boxes In orchard.
Have had experience. Addreaa, I,. K. Kerhy,
liood Hiver, oro. 14
F. W. llrown, l'ark.
Wanted A modern furnished house for
family of three. Will take lor either long or
abort term. Write care box 31H ilood Kiver,
Oregon. aU
Wanted To buy early hatched Mlnoretn
pullet or young hens. f:all 2;tl Odell, or ad.
dreas J. M. Taylor, H. I). 1. alt
Wanted to Itent-A 15 to 1.11 II. I'. traetlon
engine. Write Jacol.Kou-lhide t'o., 4t7-ll;i
sianton Hi., I'ortland, tire. a'Jl
Wanted I'ositiou as housekeeper on runrh
by middle age lady. Addreaa II., cure, ol
II lacier. al
Wanted Position by lady stenographer
Addreaa, Box Ml, Hood Kiver. Ore. all
Wanted to KentA furnished or tinfur
nlshed bonse. prefer tlve or six rooms, mod.
eru. close in. I,. O. Nuns, with (i. V. Kit.
nniun u. v..i., inuuc
Wanted A poaitton an bookkeeper. Two
veara' experience. Addrea U. K. K, enr-e in
Olaeler. svw
Wanted Non-church goers and stranger
to follow the folks Hunday morning or even
lug to the people's church. Sixth a nil I ink
Kindly, J. B I'ursona, 11 rare U. H. Minister' GOT. Oak l. Telephone MH-K. sa
Wanted Jirl for general housework. Oooc
wagea. laiiuireof rtlra. Kruhli A. t'rani. s2
For Sale or Trade Modern ft-room collage
H.J.Frank. Phone 217-M. tf
-r- in i'1-rtfffS
' r ut
The Senlshiptor is the Shipping He- The SciKliiplicas. is the Porcelain F.nam
frigerutor Which the Shipper I'sis rled 1 ispl.iy From Which We Sell
to Semi Vs Scilshipt )h'ra Sealshipt Oysters
This is the Guar
antee of Purity
Why Cultivate a Taste for "Tin-Can"?
That's what people have to do who choose to eat other oysters
when they can get the real Sealshipt Oysters by coming to us.
"Canned oysters and "tinned" are all imitations of
ealshipt Oysters
Why take the chances with iniit.itions when
you can get the real article?
Sealshipt Oysters are shucked and imme
diately packed into air-tight, ice cooled steel
containers, and shipped straight to us under
seal. We place them in tho porcelain enam-'
e!ed refrigerator. We give them to you in
the waxed lined paper pail.
This is the only authorized way Sealshipt
Oysters are sold, and is the only way you can
be sure of getting genuine Sealshipt Oysters.
Unscrupulous dealers can imitate the name,
but they cannot imitate the manner in which
Sealshipt Oysters are handled, which insures
your getting solid oyster meats.
It's impossible for these dealers to givecon
sumers oysters which are the pick of the fin
est oyster beds on the coast.
Practically all the best oyster growers and
shippers are affiliated with the Sealshipt Sys
tem in order to maintain a high standard of
purity and nutrition in the oyster meatsa
higher standard than the National Govern
ment requires.
That is the reason Sealshipts are ALL AND
always so tempting, tasty, delicious and nu
tritious, too.
We sell Sealshipts-only SEALSHIPTS.
Our First Shipment will Arrive Thursday
Morning, September 14th.
Kor real eorHPt comfort, a Hplrella corset
fitted to your form. Hpirellu HoHiui; of open
const ructi m, nil m its of free vent i hit Ion. khu!
tnry tiinl coinfortahle. Ketiikiis lis shape per.
nianentiy. Henri poNleanl, or ph'Mie lor up
sintiiient with Mrs. M ill lie ;.M. t "nsl ner, 2'.
t'liscmte ave., Hood Kiver, Ore'. Phone HS-k
For Siile-I.lnht Old llii kory whkoii, with
shafts anil pole for one horse or leiin, priet
S'.'Mio. Mee liuckwall Ji .Sylvester beyond
Tucker's hrliig:e. sl
For Hale Household goods,
street, phone 171 M.
Apply r.' Oak
For Hale A pair of buy mares, weight ll:'l
tcood workei-H single or double. Will sel
separate, and as 1 wish to elose out. my bus),
ness, will sell at a xreal stie.rihee to the tlrsi
that eomes with theeash. Hoik lord store.
Hood Kiver, phone is3 X. s'l
For Sale (lood ranch horse cheap if taken
at once, A. J. IlrtitKjiiist. s.'l
For Snle-Fresh younu Jersey cow. Apph
t;. K. Miller, phone 2U.S-M, n2i '
For Sale Pigs. K. 11. Taylor; Oak Orove.
puone vivir. sin
For Hale Any amount of good dry oak anil
pine wiHiri, Phone JAW. ;1
Fur Sale Ixit and .4 room house; wired for
electricity; city water In kitchen, with sink
aud dralu to cesspool, t all 27?;.V1 or No. a. tl
For Sale One (i.year.old I'lydesdale mare
light bay, gentle aud true, l;tni Miinds, workK
single or double. Fineorcliard aniinul. Plioin
2MU-L. W.H. Warren. KJ1
TYPKWKITF.RS For sale or rent on eas
terms. A. W Onlhank. aill-lf
For Sale-Anyone requiring choice peaches
luquire HueUiw's Taylor Shop, all
For Sale or Trade One hrow n mare 7 years
old, about UK) Hiunds, good roudsti r. In
the event of a trade would consider gisut bug.
gy, hack, or orchard Implements, or bay.
Phone Udell lSH. . sit
For Hale Team, Sludehaker wagon, bar.
ness and farm tools cliesp. W ill sell sepitru
tely. M. II. Malier, phone Sit) X. sl5
For Sate-75 ricks of drv pine and Mr wood.
SI. It. Maher, phone ;IA)-X. sl4
F'orSale Cheap Al team. Just, the pelr
for small place. Perfectly gentle, good pull
era, broke to drivcor ride, weiKlil4UiHMiuriK
Phone AMS M. al7tf
I-anrt F'or Sale 2: acres of land for sab
from $.) pel acre up. Will sell in LILaere
tracts with part In trees. C. J. Calkins, phone
For aale-ronkey engine, U1, in good
i.Tricr, l,yl feet 1 luch mam line, .Turn reel
trip line, blocks and nwsssrv eiipiiienl
for imtnediateuse. For quick sale t..
J. K.Thompson, I'arkdale. or Ulacieroitlce. tl
For Sale We are now in a position to fur.
nish rough nnd dressed lumber of the van
mis kluds. Apple Isixes and strawberry
crates lor this season. Orders will be
promptly tilled. 1 miles southeast of l'ark.
dale. Hay A Wiesrfl, I'arkdale, ore. J7II
For Sale--L. C. Smith typewriter. Pracil
cally new. Phone tt-X. oa
For Sale Cheun f'omor llltl. ..., i...
liiuibia Sl. Address Phil Mai'thews, 321 Fast
mi fooriu roriiauu, ore. ofi
For Kale.-Fresli eow al Mt. Hood, Oregou
A. Pattrsou.
For Sale t'ord wood,
For Sale 1 Team and harness, true pullers,
good travelers: 1 No. 2 Fsuhless stomp
complete; jersey cow i years old. These are
very cheap buys. It will pay you 1o luvesli.
gtile, 1. t urner, Jr.. odell ril, toule 2. a.'!
For Sale Prunes, 75 centa per apple box.
I'hoiie ;U1-M. o,'i
For SaleOrsy flily, lour years old. Woik
single or double; tair horse uu roud. Phono
l odell. oft
For Sale Violin cello, go:d condition, will
sell cheap. Phone .'it Odell. o."
ForSale 1 have &10,tD equity In Chicago
apartment house building which 1 will trade
lor HishI Kiver bearing orchard. This build
ing is tlrsi class in every rcspi-et. only one
year old. well lis'ated and will stand strictest
InvestigHllou. 1 will consider only I-ower
T'alley strictly commercU! bearing orchard,
preferably and with modem improve
ments. Write for personal interview. Ad
dress 11. care Ulacier ollice, oTi
For Sale-Cheap, horse, weight about 1 1. 'ill:
genlleand soiinii, l'none Mi I,. of
For Sale A horse cheap or will trade for
stumppulier. See It. II. lhugg.or phone Im k
F'or Suit-2b acres of land at a bargain. See
It. 11. P.r-gg, or phone lut-K. o5
For Sale -Apple trees, Newtowns, Soil- aud
irlley. 3)2 per hundred. Philip Koltas, 2
lilies H W.ofOdeli. tl
For Sale-llo acrt's b miles out, west side, in
foot hills, under irrigation, deep rich soil, no
ock, 21 acres- cleared, Is1 a acres planted to
'omiitercial varieties of apple full bearing
town to 1 year; ncser tailing spring, good 7
oom house and out building, T erins ' :ucash,
la'ance ij per cent. Address X. V,., care
illacier. oii
For Sale Tuexedo Suit in good condition.
A bargain. See ltuelow, T he 'tailor. tf
For Sale (Jood farm 'Jeam and harness, or
'ell one lion!. K. II. Wallace, phone PKI-M. tf
For Kent -Dam,
HK1 K.
See K. 11. llragg, or phone
For SaleA very neat one or two horse
dack In very good shape, not had much heavy
work, will la-d fi or 0 years, will be soiri at less
lliau ilaT the priceol a new one.T'his in a snap
tr taken at once as we luted the cash... KocU ford
-ilore, Phone lM-. " oii
For Kent Nicely furnished room wiihfur
uiceheat. 717 Ktigene St. Phone 27;! K. s'21
We want reliadle agents who can sell our
uigh-grade fi nil tn-es, (rnwn at Kennewick
ind Ssikane Valley. Kxpeuses advanced
weekly. F ree expert advice to t rn it. growers,
by Prof. Van lloiderhel.e, tor five years
Washington state hoructiM uriM.
Van iloklerbeke Nurseiy ro.,
nldtf Skokane, Wash.
I ost Pair of cross tan woman's k lit driving
gloves, one brass button. Lost in business
portion d' city between Mt Hood unlet and
liragg's store. Keturii to this ollice. Ki
l.ost-Sniiill gold locket. Initials .1. M.S.,
tinder leave at tllacler office for reward, oii
Lost A black parasol somewhere In tho
cily. Has square bundle Willi sliver band
and silver heart shaied ornament. Kelurh
to tllacier ottice or ;(l;t l'ineSt.,foi reward, al
Lost -1 iolri Sigma Chi fraternity pin.eioss
shaped and set wil h 12 small pearls. Finder
phase rclurn lo tilacier ottice for reward, sl l
Lost IllHck hand bag containing tsioks,
card, etc., bearing name ISita I., hngis.
Finder please leave at tilacier. Reward. sJI
Found Two Inner tube. tires on lliights.
'iwner may have same by calling .1 no. i ason,
2-wl.M, uud paying for tills ad. s21
Lost-Pair of ladies' gold cntr huttoas with
small diamond in center. Keturu to Hinder
lor reward. s2s
Notice to Apple Tree Planters.
Slarl your orchard right hy buyi g the
Irees you need of Nealeigh Hro.'s Square Heal
Nursery t'o. We are going to have some
tine trees for sate for the seasons of lull and
IUI2. Our prices are right and our inollo:
"Live and help others live." Come and in
spect trees. Nursery P4 inisps south ol Ilood
Kiver, on West Snie. Write J. T. Nealeigh,
K. 1. No. 2. Phone 2IS.K.
Yours trul v,
fis nealf;iuh hkos.
For Sale Light team or horses call .tfti-x
For Sale-Fiue A Iberia and Crawrord
peaches in Oak Urove district. Phone IMUX
I For Sale-Flrst.class cow, rich milk. One
j good buggy; lam pound mare, all round
j single worker, and Hood Kiver Apple land
I Pboue Odell 17. P. O. address, Dee, Ore W
K, Wiuius. oj
NOTIt'K-Tn whom it may concern: I, the
undersigned, must dissse of my rigid and
lease on Hie property formerly owned by W.
; Adams. 1 urn not able to run the place
and must sacrifice in order to sell. Coineaud
see ine. I will give someone tt bargain
s2l K, P. HE A.N, liarret
Christian Church Notes.
About one hundred enjoyed the hos
pitality of the Loyal Herean;Class at
the reception to the High School fac
ulty and students, at the Christian
church Tuesday evening.
Mr. (looilenoutrh, who is tot be heard
in a recital Friday evening, played;
Mrs. Campbell gave a reading, The
Vision of Sir Launfal ; anJ Miss
Reavis and Dr. Sowerby sang.
Mr. Cash, superintendent of the
L'ible School, in a short talk outlining
the "Loyal Movement" in class organ
ization, invited ,,those not otherwise
affiliated, to meet with the school.
Mrs. Schreuders presided at the
"Chrystal Well", filling "the cup that
cheers but not inebriates," and Harry
Cash as "Master of Stunts," certainly
did keep things moving.
Kubber Stamps at the Glacier oliiee.