if 00B 0. VOL. X.MII HOOD MVER, OREGON. THCHSDAY, SEITEMRKIt 14. W r- NO. 10 r 1 F 5- I MJ 1.. On Account of Old Age, This Fine Home and 15 acres bearing orchard; 15 acres hay land; about 20 acres pasture; team, cow and all farm tools; 5 miles from Hood River, will be sacrificed for $20,500. $0,500 cash, balance terms. See owner's son-in-law, J. H. FRARY 1 123 Twelfth Street Hood River, Oregon FALL MILLINERY OPENING On and after September 15 our Dress Hats will be ready for inspection. J. . L. HAWLEY As Near as a Drug Store Next Door Your telephone brings you as near to our store as though you lived next door to us. Keep in mind t hat you can have anything in drug store goods when ever you wish by merely telephoning us. Your or der will be given that careful, intelligent attention which has become a habit with us and the goods will be delivered to you promptly. Our Telephone and Free Delivery Ser vice. Saves Time, Trouble and Effort This service gives perfect satisfaction and costs nothing extra. Our prices are right for reliable goods and are alike to all. When You Think of Drug Store Goods, Think of Us and Use Your Phone Carl A. PIath,DRUGG1ST "The Rcxall Store" Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS. OILS, BRUSHUS, i:tc. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. PRATT & LAMBERT'S VARNISMHS. CALOIMO. For room tinting mixed to order. C1U-NAMKI.. For old furniture ami wood work ; anv color. KOOM Molil.hlNH. Hate and Curd Kail. Dry Paste. OIL CLOTH for walls and a nire line of Wall Paper. Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign and Carriage Work Carriage Shop ;limie lt)0L Mr. Fruit If von are contemplating inoreaning the size of your orchard you should he careful in the selection of your trees, for without the proper type of trees to start with, yon cannot hope for the siicees yon deserve. The True to-Name Nursery lias furnished the larger por tion of the trees for the moat prulitable orchards of Hood Kiver, the or chards that have in later years produced the prize w inners were fiom trees grown by the True-to-Name Nursery, including the prize winning car of Yellow New towns at the National Apple Show at SjKikane. The trees that we have to offer are not "pedigreed" nor "thoroughbred," but are of the type that have produced results that s-ak for themselves. Our years sf practical experience in the nursery business is a safeguard againi-t mistakes and should be a sullicient reccommcndation to merit your confidence. It will pay yon to examine our stock or write us before placing your order. Address all Communications to True-to-Name Nursery PHONE 2002-K ": gnrry-r.' I . Store phone llti 15 Oak Street Grower! HOOD RIVER, ORE. t-H 1 1 in i m i M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Land Bargains in Hood River J20 Acres, 9 5,500 r4 miles , . . House; z gooti springs ; line view oi valley ami noin hiiiwh.in!- , reu shot soil; easy terms. 19 Acres, $8,000ri miles from town. Hi acres cleared; 2 acres in trees; balance in clover ami alfalfa; all lint 1 acre lirst-chi's apple land ; splendid view ; easy terms. 17 Acres, 9125 n Acre1 store ami church ; all uncleared 20 Acres, 922,000 i acres 2-year-old; 19 acres in ft year-oKl Spitzeiihtirg, Mew town and Ortlevs. One of (lie. sighlliest places in I the valley and is in the lieait if store, school etc. Terms. i We have a number in inside business property that are sure money makers. J. H. Heilbronner & Company The Reliable Dealers Hood River, Ore. H-i"i""ri"i""i"i"i"!"i"i"H-H"H"i-H"W mum mi i 1 i-h-i-i 1 1 1 h- A DOUBLE-HEADER 17 Acres in Willow Flat. 5 acres 3-year standard apples; 2 1-2 acres 1-year stand ard apples; 1-2 acre 6-year standard ap ples; balance uncleared; finest building site in the valley; $6,000, $2,800 cash. 31.33 Acres adjoining the above; all good land; all uncleared; $5,000, $2,000 cash. Will divide at $ 1 75 per acre. To See is to Hood River District Land Hood River, Land For Sale 1 have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from f GO per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE Hood River - - - Oregon For Sale by Owner 200 acres, GO acres cleared, 11 acres planted, balance unimproved. Trice cheap and easy terms. J. P. Thomsen It. F. I). No. 1 box 00 GUY Y, EDWARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon Building Phone 228-K $6,250-Five acres 1 mile from city limits, all in trees; 1 acre bearing; balance 4 and 5 years old; bouse, barn, running water in house; fine view. Terms, $2,000 down. $14,000 Ten acres in Oak Grove, nearly all in full bearing; house, barn and all tools; main road, and only 4 1-2 miles from town. Reasonable terms. $2,500 -Five acres, 4 miles out on West Side; 3 acres in trees 2 and 3 years old; 2 acres ready to set; house and barn. Terms, one-half cash. $7,000 Ten acres on East Side, near Van Horn; 5 acres bearing; balance 2 to 4 years old; new apple house. Owner going east and must sell. Get Our Complete List 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 Hf from town. 5 acres cleared; (air i , . . i .i..: i mile from shipping station, school, but tine land lor apples ; toi.ip. the aiiule growing Mertioii, .e:ir 4 of special bargains i be Convinced Co. Oregon Phone 200 Odell JURY'S VALUA TION IS $32111 THE WITNESSES' ESTIMATES VARY City Government Will Abide by the Ver dict, but Attitude of Opposing Counsel is Toward Appeal. After four days' session of the Circuit Court here last week, the jury in the condemnation case of the City vs. the I'ucilic I'ower & Light Co., after deliberating for Hhout live hours, reached a conclusion and placed the value of the water plant in question ut $32.4-11. The case was characterized through out by the great difference between valuations as placed on the system by the experts of the city and power com pany. The owners' experts estimated the value ut figures varying between $i;o,(KRI and $S0,tMK) while the citv's experts, figuring the worth of the plant to the city, placed its value s low as $11,I.(H). The testimony was completed Thursday night and Friday until the middle of the afternoon was given over to the pleading of the attorneys. A brief summary of the testimony offered by thu different witnesses appears below ; The chief expert testimony of the city was offered by L. C. Kelsey and K. A. Taylor, both hydraulic engineers of broad experience. The former has been consulting engineer of halt Lake City, Utah, and has offices in Portland, while the latter for the past decade has been connected with the construc tion of water and sewer systertis in the New Kngland states. At present he is superintending the construction of Portland's new Hull Hun water system. Mr. Kelsey and Mr. Taylor prac tically agreed as to the valuations, lloth estimated the value of the plant, as a going concern, to the city at $U,tsMl. While they placed a replace ment value, exclusive of the real estate, at $L".I.(KK). In reaching their conclusions, , they took into considera tion all elements that a buyer would take to determine the probabilities of the future, its earning capacity, the probabilities of competition and the possibility and probability of contam ination. The condemnation by the State Hoard of Health had its etrett. They figured from the general utility and the structural features of the plant. Both claimed that it was not eflicient us a lire protection for the city. Hood River's present - source of water supply carries colon bacilli, the germ always found accompanying the typhoid germ, und may ut any time precipitate on the inhabitants an epi demic of typhoid fever, according to the testimony of Dr. Yenny, Dr. Andrew C. Smith and Dr. Calvin S. White, hiembera of the State Hoard of Health, who were witnesses. All of the health officers had made trips here to study the environment of the springs supplying the city water. From their observations and from analyses of various samples taken from the springs, the State Hoard of Health last year condemned the source of supply. In order to determine the value of Hie real estate involved in the suit a number of the riost experienced local Trial estate dealers were called on to ttvtify. W. J. linker asserted that the reservoir sites, exclusive of the rights of way, were worth on a conser vative estin.ate, $2,ii(Ki. C. K. Hone placed the real estate a figure of $2,H(HI. Mr. Hone testified that he could not see how any one could place any value whatever on the right of way, as such, to u company making use of it. Dr. W. S. Nichol estimated the value of the land at ji price ranging from ifl.MMI to 12,00(1. un cross examina tion, the power company's attorney asked Dr. Niched what he considered the land good for. He answered that the owner might make a success by establishing a duck pond. "What kind of ducks would you raise, Dr. Nichol?" asked the counsel. Indian Kiiuner ducks," was the prompt reply, "they wouldn t require so much water. J. M. Schmelter, who was placed on the stand as un expert rea estate wit ness for the power company, placed the value of the reul estate, including the rights of way, at f lO.titK). A. S. Hull, the 1'acilic I'ower &. Light Company's local manager, was called by the company's counsel. He testified that the company found it necessary to shut oir the water at nights in the summer time, because of the fact that patrons of the system made such a use of it ut night for irri gation purposes that it was impossible for the company to fill its reservoirs and have a reserve for lire protection and to supply the needs of the day. Kngineer Hcnney, who has been in the United Stales service, by deposi tion valued the system, excluding the water rights, at $-l.ri,tKHl. Including the water rights, he placed a value of $i0,(i0:)on it. A. L. Adams and J. (i. Kelly also testified us to the value for the company. The latter, including the water rights, found a value of $!!). 0N). While the former, including the water rights and the real estate, placed the valuation at $X 1,000. The instructions of Judge Hradshaw to the jury were as' follows- "In arriving ut the value of the property sought to he taken by the City of Hood Kiver, you are to find the present market value of the properly as a whole or single wuter system ; and in so valuing the plant every element that affects that value should be considered by you and each part or component Jpart that goes to make up the system should be considered in its relaton to the whole system. "Hj market value is meant a fair value of the propery bewteen one who desires to sell and is under no obliga tion to sell, and one who desires to purchase and is under no obligation to purchase. It is not what could be obtained for the property under pecul iar conditions when a greater than its fair price could be obtained, nor its speculative value, nor the value ob tained from the necessities of another. Nor on the other hand is it to be lim ited to that price which the property would bring when forced oir at auction under the hammer. "The component parts have been fully detailed to you by experts in this case and consist of real estate, water and water rights, water development!!, reservoirs, structures, pipes, fittings, gates, hydrants and stand pipes, ser vices and all the property and rights that gu to muke up the entire system of waler works. "The element of going value is to be considered by you in arriving at the fair market value of this property, as the City of Hood Kiver in acquiring this proK rty takes it over and re ceives it as a going concern. As a going concern, consideration must lie given to the length of time and cost needed after construction to develop a new system to the level of the present one with resu:ct to business and in come. , "lu l-Hiking at the market value of any of the component parts of this system you are to take the value not only in relation to the system as a whole but also the use to which the I'ucilic I'ower X- Light Co. is actually putting the property und its adaptabil ity for that use "Vou are further instructed that you ran not measure the value of the sys tem and property sought to be taken by the city of Hood Kiver in this ac t ion by its value to the city, or by the city's need for the particular property, or its contemplated use of the prop erty. "You are further instructed that you can not value any of the compo nent parts of the system by tfieir value to the city ror' by the ciy's in tended use thereof.but you are confined to a consideration of the present value of the system as a whole in its present condition. "I further instruct you that there is no evidence before you of any compet ing water plant in the City of Hood Kiver, nor is there any evidence before you that there is any likelihood of a coniieting plant coming to the city, and so you are not to consider this clement in arriving at the market value of the system. "There is no evidence before you that the city of Hood Kiver is building or is contempliif ing liuilding an inde pendent water system to the one sought to be taken in this action, und so you are not to consider this us an element affecting its value. "You are not to take into considera tion in determining the present mar ket value of the system any action taken or threatened to be taken or contemplated by the City of Hood Kiver in building or looking toward the building of a system to supply the city and tlfM might come into compe tition with the plant of the I'ucilic I'ower & Light Co. "There has been some testimony introduced before you concerning water shortage. If uny water short age has been caused by the careless ness or mistakes in the management or operation of the present system of the 1'acilic I'ower & Light Co. in fur nishing water to the City of Hood Kiver and to its inhabitants, and such shortage could he removed by proper and business-like management of the present ; system, then the evidence of such water shortage should be disre garded by you ami not considered in the valuation of the system. "If you find that either or both of the sources of supply of water used in the present system is liable to contam ination from e.esspuwls or outhouses you are to consider in this connection the power and authority of the City of Hood Kiver to remove the same and to provide for proper sewer system to remove such possible sources of con taininution to the water supply. In other words you are not to consider the source of supply valueless, if it would otherwise lie vuliiahle, because it is liable to contamination if. Hie source of possible contamination can be removed. "There has been some evidence brought before you to the elfect that the city of Hood Kiver has not a sulli cient number of fire hydunts in the present water system. On this point 1 instruct you that under the terms of the charter of the City of Hood Kiver and uniler the terms of the franchise held by the I'ucilic I'uwer & Light Co. from the City of Hood Kiver it is the duly and business of the City of Hood Kiver to enter into an agreement with the I'licilic Lower & Light Co. for whatever hydrants the city may re quire and that under the circumstances the number of fire hydrants becomes immaterial and. does not allect in uny way the present market value of the system. "There is no evidence that the City of Hood Kiver has demanded from the present owners, or any of the prede cessors of the water works uny hy drants for lire protection, or that the present owneis or uny previous owners has declined to furnish fire hydrants on the request of the city and I therefore instruct you that any evidence to the elfect that there is not sullicient fire hydrants in the City of Hood Kiver should he disiegarded by yau in arriv ing at the present market value of the entire system." The verdict, placing the value of the plant at $.'12,411, is a compromise one. Members of the jury have admitted that the instructions of the court caused them to raise the price several thousand dollars, and hail they used their own judgment as to the actual value of the plant, considering points which they considered vital, hut which were excluded by the instructions of the court, the verdict would have placed the value under $25,000. The latter price bears out the contention of those who have fought the case for years, ugaiiist paying the excessive price demanded by the old company. Had a vote been taken within the past seven years as to paying the old com pany $2.r),000 for the plant, there is little doubt that it would have carried by a large majority. That the jury in Hie present, suit have admitted that in their judgment, unhampered by the instructions of the court, the verdict would not have exceeded that figure, should be particularly gratifying to those who for u number of years have based their judgment on that figure. However, the city government, in order to hasten the work of improve ment in the city, is willing to submit to the verdict. In a letter received from Attorney J. K. Laing by A. S. Hall, the local manager of the Pacific I'ower & Light Co., it is stated that the attitude of the company's counsel is toward appeal. However, no defin ite action has been taken by them. Mrs. Charles H. Castner and Mrs. George II. Steinhoff were hostesses of the past week, entertaining Tuesday at the home of the former with bridge. The prizes wre won by Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Moulton, while the whist prizes on Wednesday were won by Mrs. Dumble and Mrs. Schmeltzer. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Castner entertained at whist, priz.es being won by Mrs. P. S. Davidson and Dr. Watt, while the consolations fell to Mrs. Heilbronner and Mr. Steinhoff, uuses J TIE VOTE J. F. BATCHKLDER Sl IiMITS ADVICE Council Orders Warrants Drawn to Cover Cost of Water riant --Skating Kink Declared Nuisance. For the first time this year the vide of the mayor was necessary to settle a tie ut the Monday night meeting of the City Council. The members of the council were equally divide I as to whether or not a eorrmunieation from J. K. Hatcheldcr should be tabled or referreit to a committee. The letter in question stated that Ulcii & Co. had no right to make an assignment of the $'.10,000 bond issue to Morris lives., the Portland brokers. It asserted that it was the business and duty of the city government to re-adveitise the hondk together with the sum of $:!2,44l. the valuation placed on the water system. Thus, according to the belief of the writer, large and responsible bond houses will hid on the bonds and the city will get a better bargain. Ac cording to Mr. Hatcheldcr no large and responsible bond houses have yet made bids on the local bonds. He ended his communication by advising the council instead of beginning the installation of a municipal water system this winter, to make certain revisions in the city charter. A motion of Councilman Knrly, sec onded by Councilman Kobertson, pro vided for the tabling of the communi cation. However, Dr. Hrosius stated that through courtesy the message should be referred to a committee. The councilmen voted as follows for the motion: Wright, Karly and Kob ertson, No; Howe, Hrosius and Hog gins, Yes. The mayor voting with the noes, the communication, on motion, was referred to the Street commitUe. A petition from the Apple Growers' Union usked that the city vacate Filth street north of Columbia. As a con sideration for this the organization offers a strip of twenty feet from.the lots owned by it in this section. Hy opening a road over the proposed lots a convenient way is oll'ered to the freight station and the Apple Vinegar Company's factory. The matter was referred to the Street committee for a report ut the next meeting. A petition signed by a large number of citizens residing west of the city asked that the city repair the west end of Cascade avenue. Kecent rains they assert hits so badly washed a small stretch of the highway that it makes the hauling of fruit over it almost impossible. The cost of the improvement will not amount to more than $r0, according to the estimates of the petitioner. The petition was re ferred fto Jthe Street committee with power to act. Mayor llartwig stated that a portiun of the K.ast Side grade was in similar condition und was in need of repairs. He suggested that the Cascade avenue improvement might he made by an assessment, hot added that the Lust Side Grade would perhaps not stand un assessment. A remonstrance against Hie excava tion of First street was submitted by L. M. Hlowers and J. It. Hunt, who stated that the propery owners, who received fills in front of their property should, Jsince they were benefitted, bear a cost in proportion to their own. They further stated that the price actually charged by the contractor had exceeded the estimates as made by the city and that the contractor had prob ably made a mistake in his calculations as to the amount of rock removed from in front of the property. Ke porting on a remonstrance submitted by Mr. Hunt ut the lust meeting of the council, the Street committee ' stated that its members had investi gated the work und found no reason why the work us completed by the con tractor should not be accepted, and un ordinance providing such was ordered. Recorder Langille reported that t he amount due the Seaton Construction Co. for the work of oiling Twelfth street had been attached by the A. 11. Averill Machinery Co., of Portland, in order to secure payment of the sum of $i:il.T2, owed for machinery. The Seaton Company is due the sum of $l'.i.r) on the work. The recommendation of the Fire and Water committee, that Jibe recorder draw ut once two warrants to cover the valuation of the wuter plant of the I'ucilic Power & Light Co. as assessed by the condemnation jury, was adopted. As soon us the city proffers the war rants, it ut once assumes control of the plant and receives the revenue from it. L. A. Henderson was reported by the Street committee to have asked for instructions as to his duties as inspector! for the work to be done in the construction of the new sewer system. He was referred to the city engineer. The matter of the city standing the expense of building a retaining wull in front of the property of Judge John Leland Henderson on State street again came before the council. The Street committee recommended that the city pay the cost of such work, since a former Street committee had given Judge Henderson u permanent grade. Dr. Hrosius opposed the action, stating that it was setting a bad prec edent. The report of the Judiciary commit tee, recommending that the skating rink be closed, was adopted. Thu fol lowing is their report: Hood Kiver. Ore., Sept. 11, Hill. To the Hon. Mayor and Common Council, of Hood Kiver, Ore. We, The committee to whom was referred the matter of the petition to abolish the Skating Kink respectfully submit the following report: We visited the building and was shown ovr it und were unable to inspect ..the interior of the Kink hut eutside a cleaning up had been ni.ule so as to lessen the tire risk. The main cause of the complaint seems to be the noise caused when the rink is in operation and as expressed by some of the residents living near us becoming unbearable. The character of tho building is such that it would be impossible to deaden the sound and still have the necessary vcntillution. We understand thut the owners of the Kink are making preparation to defend themselves against the closing of the building as a Kink, but not.vith stundiiig that fad we believe the resi- (Continued on Page Two I i