The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 07, 1911, Image 3

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Star Orchard
The STAR is the Lightest, Strongest Orchard
Ladder on the market and the Price is the
Same as that asked for Inferior Ladders.
We Carry a Full Line of
Builders' Supplies, Stoves, Ranges, Wagons,
Agricultural Implements.
Blowers Hardware Co
Phone 99
Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor
A Relief for All Diseases
Five Years' Experience Treating Nervous Diseases
Lady Attendant
Ferguson Building'
Opposite Postofftce
Electrical Contractors
Bartmcss Bld4. BAILEY & COLBY Phone 60-x
i ' saaa aa
Estimates cheerfully furnished
High Grade Electrical Fixtures
Up-to-date Line of Glassware
Westinghouse Electric Motors
Heating Apparatus, Etc., Etc.
Full Line of Electric Wiring Supplies
Having secured the services of an expert sheet metal
worker, we are prepared to handle in the best possible
Sheet Metal Work
Automobile Fenders
Tanks and any class of Sheet
Sheet Metal Work
R. DrCould, Plumber
Hood River, Oregon
Rubber Stamps
Oak and 1st Sts.
Telephone 222
The following letter, written by
W. A. Rush, managing editor of the
publication, recently appeared in the
McHenzie, Tennessee, banner:
The last week of ray vacation, was
spent in company with tny sister, vis
iting some life-long friends at Hood
River, and the joy of meeting old time
friends and holding a week-end reunion
will long be remembered. The various
points of interest shown us in Hood
River Valley and vicinity will also
be remembered for this valley is one
of the most attractive that 1 have ever
Hood River, like every other place
of any importance in the West, has
some one thing the "biggest." Wa
shougal has the biggest cheese fac
tory, Kenton the biggest packing
plant, Aberdeen the biggest lumber
mills. Vancouver the biggest steel
bridge, Oregon City the biggest elec
tric power plant, Astoria the biggest
salmon fleet and canneries, The Dalles
the biggest cherries and grapes; so
wtih Hood River, she has her claims
that cf raising the biggest (highest
priced) apples in the world.
The town of Hood River (about
4, (KM) inhabitants) is located on the
bluffs along the Columbia where the
glacial stream bearing the same nan.e
comes tumbling down from snowy
Mount Hood, and, as most of the mod
ern Western towns, is quite up-to-date,
in every respect, elcetric lights, solid
brick blocks and splendid residences.
Following back over the bluffs one
comes into a valley of a most elaborate
(artificial) nature settingroost mag
nificent homes and an apparent end
less stretch of orchards. 1 had heard
a great deal about the world prized
apples of Hood River but never re
alized the extent of tine homes that
I saw while making a trip through the
valley. The culture of the fine or
chards is kept up to the highest degree
under the direction of most proficient
horticulturists. Some orchards are
well irrigated and others are sucess
fully grown with dry culture; the
opinion is somewhat divided as to the
superior merits of the two methods.
The one thing all are together on is
that the trees must be properly
sprayed at the right time and a thor
ough cultivation at regular and fre
quent intervals are the essential re
quirements. I was somewhat amazed at a state
ment in regard to a state law of Ore
gon, on the culture of apples, which
was to the effect that should a man
neglect to spray and care for his trees
properly, the trees in question should
be sprayed or cut down just as the
fruit warden thought best fr public
benefit. In seeing the urgent need of
care and protection necessary to grow
the world prize apples, 1 am brought
fully to believe that we can profit by
a knowledge of same and apply some
of the improved methods that of
spraying and cultivating our orchards
and which 1 am sure would bring us
far reaching results over our present
neglected way of growing fruit. Let
us waken up and apply some of the
great Western methods and be in line
for some of the great things.
In our drive we passed over a low
range of bills into what is known as
the upper valley where the apple cul
ture is just being introduced. We in
quired into the price of lands here and
were told that lands in the rough, un
cleared and timber gone, are sailing at
from $100 to $i50 per acre and that
lands, just set in fruit.biing from $700
to $1000 per acre.
Our trip took us well up on the
headwaters of Hood River near the
base of Mt.. Hood and it was with
much regret that we turned our course
back down the valley as each member
of the party expressed a desire to go
still farther up, and I for one would
like to have tried my mettle on an
other mountain climb, but our plans
had not been made for a long stay bo
we had to forego the snowy climb.
On our way home we passed through
an extensive forest where a score of
men were engaged in logging in West'
ern style. The strange part of the
scene was that of the entire absence
of teams of any sort whatever, the
work being done entirely by steam
power. First the trees had been cut,
falling all timber in the same direct
ion, which is not an impossibility there
as the timber stands very straight and
tall, ihe reason tor thus tailing the
timber is so as to not have the tree
trunks crossed up, which would inter
fere with "snaking them out as it is
called. The donkey engines, giving
the power, are small stationary engines
located at the log road (railroad) and
by means ol long cables the huge tree
trunks are dragged through the exf or
es t to the railroad, where they are
sawed up into logs by steam, and
loaded on cars ready to be hauled to
the large mill, a few miles further
down on the river at Dee. We also
passed that way and were most favor
ably impressed by the gigantic propor
tions of the plant. First we noted a
train load of logs being dumped into a
log pond and following up the scene
across the floating log yard one could
see' why the pond never became over
filled by the dumping of trainload
after trainload, for up an incline, into
the large mill, log after log would
glide in to its destruction. We were
told that the mill had a daily capacity
of 150,000 feet of lumber and with the
double crew shift, over 2,000,000 feet
is being turned out each week. Tho
plant, strange to say, is run as well as
lighted by electricity, which la found
to be even more practical than either
water or steam power. When we see
these great wonders, we are made to
realize something of the wonders of
the present age of great inventions.
Passing on down the river we came
to a very wild scene, in the form of a
turbulent whirlpool in the stream; and
one may judge something of its awful
nesa by the name applied to this fur
ious maelstrom and one can readily
agree that the name is well taken.
The fitting cognomen of the whirl is
"The Devil's Punch Bowl."
Our trip back through the eastern
part of the lower valley was through
the very finest orchards and past some
of the most elegant homes. Some of
the aristocrats of the leading money
powers have built fine homes here and
devote their time to scientific apple
culture. For some time one of the
Vanderbilts was known as the apple
king of the valley but more lately a
millionaire by the name of Van Horn
has overshadowed the former king in
two ways, first by securing greater
orchard possessions and second by
erecting a finer mansion than the for
mer owned, and to make the matter
stll more embarrassiing to his rival,
he set it high up on a hill where it
can not escape being seen and from
which a most magnificent view of the
valley can be had. The use of the
automobile is very common in the
valley, there being over two hundred
machines used there. There is also
an electric system throughout the
valley, there being over two hundred
machines used there. There is also
an electric system throuhgout the val
ley giving both power and lighting,
thus the valley homes have almost
every convenience of a city home the
home of the millionaire.
Anether trip from Hood River was
taken - with u - friend tn town,
across the Columbia River, called
White Salmon. The trip across the
river was made In a-large sail-boat,
and as the white-caps' Here running
high on the water, the sensation-was
that of pleasure to acme and that of
fear to others of the putty. The town
is built high upon the bluff and from
the narrow valley where our boat
landed we climbed over six hundred
steps up to where the little city, of
some five hundred inh&Litants, is
located. Here we found a very thriv
ing little town with solid brick blocks
and electric lights, something that
every town of any importance, 'in the
West, is sure to have. Electricity
seems to be the mark of progress.
After taking in the sights of the city
we returned back by laui.rh to Oregon.
Anotner trip Ol mucn interest was;
to a most beautiful spot a few miles
down the Columbia from Hood River, j
where the Wau Gwin llwm tumbles'
some four hundred feet over a steep !
precipice 'and forma a most beautiful !
falls. A summer hotel, a most cozv !
retreat for the weary, is located near
the edge of the precipice and almost
right over the falls itself where the
music of the falling waters would
almost be a panacea for the tired
health seeker. A splendid view of the
Columbia and, two trunk line railroads
along either bank, can bn had from
the eyrie heights.
Notice of Improvement of Streets.
Notice li hereby rlvtn pursuant to Ordin
ance No. 823 passed Hi Iximiiimi Council of
Ihe 1 117 01 liooa Kiver on mr .u any ol Aug.
list, lull, and approved by the Msvur on tlir
lame day. providing Ibr the liniirtivenir m of
Oak Hireel from the West line ol Front Street
to the Went llneoi rtlin Birwel; i awacle Ave
nue from the Went line of Klrm Mrwl to the
Kaal line of Fifth Htreet; Knini Hinvt from the
North line of Oak Htreet U the Norlb line of
State Htreet; First Street from ilie uth line
of Oak Htreet to the North line of tiale Street;
Hecond St eel from the Houlh line ol Cascade
Avenue to the North line of siHtc Htreet:
Third Htreet from tlieHouth line of the Ore.
gwn-W ashlugtoD Hallioad Navigation Co.'a
right-of-way to the North HneoIHuiie street:
Fourth Htreet from the South line of Colum
bia Hirevllo the North Hue of .State Htreet;
Kin h Street from theHonth line of Columbia
Htreet to the North line ol (ink Street: Col
umbia Htreet from the Went line of Third
Street to the Kast llneof Hevenlh Htreet; and
the Norih aide of HUte Street from the Went
Hue of Front Htreet to the Kant llneof Fourth
Htreet; that bids will be received hy the nn
flernlKllid City Recorder at nia o trice In the
Hellbronner building tn (aid C'liy up to 12
o'clock, noon, of the 16th day of Mentember.
lull, for the Improvement of ssld street by
grading the aame n the established grades
from property line 10 curb line, and by the
construction of cement eurbs and sidewalk
along said streets on both side thereof where
the aame are not already In placeor pprinttafor
same have not already been taken out and as
directed by laid Ordlnanoe No. a.'8. The work
shall be done In accordance with specifies,
tlona contained in Ueneral Improvement Ur.
dlnance No. 194 of the City ol Hood Hiver
as now In force. The contract for grading
nald streets and for laying said sidewalks
and curbs shall be let tn one contract, and
shall be required to be completed In i0 days
from the dale of awarding aald contract.
Hald bids will be opened by the street Com
mittee soon as practicable alter the time
fixed for receiving bids, and the several bids,
together with the summary thereof, will be
reported to the Common Council at It next
regular meeting thereafter, to.wll, on the ihiIi
dav of Beptember, lull, at the Cily Hall, In
said city, at which time said bids will be con
sidered. Notice Is further given that any Interested
party may file hit objection to the letting of
ssld contract within the time specified for
receiving bids, and that the aame will be
transmuted lothe City Council along with
said bids for their consideration at said meet
ing. The peraon, firm or corporation to
whom the contract la let will be required
to enter into an agreement to the effect that
xald contractor shall look alone for payment
for material and work to such particular por
tion of the fund tn be assessed upon Ihe prop
erty liable to pay for such Improvement and
paid Into the CUv Treaaurv for that imrnose.
as shall be ssscsaed U the proH-rt y in front of
ui wuicn au'i wi me cnarge oi wnicu a partic
ular part of the iniDrovcment to he done bv
the successful bidder Is to le made and col
lected and patd luto the City Treasury, and
such contractor Khali In So event reoiilrelhe
City of Hood Klver or any of It otllcersor
agents ui pay tne aamevexoept out of such
navicular nortion of said funds so aaaKaeri
or collected Into the City Treasury, and for
hucn portion oi sma improvement, nor seek
to enforce payment of the same or any part
thereof aKKlust the City of Mood River or any
of I Is officers by any legal processor ther
wlse. except out of such particular fund.
All bids must state opposite to.each tract or
block bid upon, price for each class of work
separately, per cubic yard lorgradlug and per
lineal foot for sidewalks and curbs. No bids
will be received which specify more than one
price for each class ol work chargeable to one
block In length. A bond lor i he faithful per
formance of the contract to an amount equal
to 2f per cent, of tne estimated contract price
will be required of the successful bidder, the
council reserving ine rigut lo reject any and
an uiua.
Dated and first published August .It, Mil.
II. 11. LANUll.l.K,
B31sl4 City Recorder.
Notice of Ccmpletion of Street Work,
Paving District Improvement
Notice Is hereby given that the W. O. A I.
dred Co.. contractors, have filed written no
tice this 31st day of Auiust. lull, of Uie com.
niellon m the Improvement of csacade Ave.,
between Fourth Htreet and Kiflh Htreet; Fourtli
Htreet between Oak and Cascade Avenue and
Fifth Htreet between Oak Hireet and Cascade
Avenue, In the City of Hood Klver, Oregon,
by the grading of said streets by ex.
cavatlng, filling and rolling aame to the
established grsdea under their contract with
this City hitherto made and entered into,
and that the amount due said contractors
for said Improvement npon Ita acceptance,
Is hereby staled to be the amount of H77.70,
made up as lollows: For th improvement of
said Cascade Avenue, IMM ml; for the Improve
ment of said Fourth Htreet iiin.Si); and for the
Improvement of said Kl.'ili Htreet, 10tt sjo.
And notice is further given that auy objec
tions to the acceptance of said grading under
the contract with the said contractors on the
part of said City may be (lied in the olllce of
tne undersigned uuy necorner oy any inter,
ested party at any time within seven days
front the dste-ot filing said notice, lo-wu,
within seven days from the Hist day of
August, la l.
This notice Is published in the Hood River
Glscler for two consecutive issues thereof, the
date of the first publication thereof being the
31st day of August, Ml.
11. t). LAIXIilLLK,
31b7 City Recorder.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of How! Kiver.
S. J. Kaminskr. Plaintiff, vs. James T. Weart
and Lessael L. Weart, lf anil ants. Summons.
To James T. Weart and Lesseol L. Weart, above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
nlaint filed against you and each of you in the
above entitled action on or before six weeks from
the date of the first pub ication of this summons,
to-wit: On or before the Uth day of October,
1911. and if ou fail to appear or answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against
you and each ef you for tne sum ol KZo.taj. togeth
er with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from ths 1st day of r ebruary, lalO: the
sum of S378.00. together with interest on 1760.00
at the rate of six per cent per annum from the
1st day of Auguat. lull), to the Mh day of Novem
ber, 1910, and interest at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 6th day of November, 1910.
until paid, on the sum of $; the further sum
of $75.00 as attorneys' fee: the sum of 1&0 00, to
gether with interest thereon st the rate of six per
cent per annum from the Imh Hay of July, 1910;
the further sum of X26.UM a s'lorneys fee. and
for the coats and disbursements of thia action, as
prayed for in the complaint on file herein, to
which reference ts hereby made.
This summons is served upon you by publication
thereof for six weeks cont-cutively in The
Hood River Glacier, by order of the Honorable
G D. CulbertAon. County Juige in the above
entitled court, which order is dated on the 28th
day of August, 1911.
The date of the first publication hereof is the
31th day of August, 1911. and the date or the last
publication hereof Is the 12th nay or October. 1911.
s31ol2 Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors. ' .
Notice ia hereby riven that the tinder-
signed baa been appointed administratrix of
the estate ot warren wens, nweaaea, ny me
County Court of Hood River (,'iunty, Oregon.
Ail persons navtng Claims against tne estate
should present them to me st Hood Kiver,
Oregon, at the office of A. J. Derby, room S.
First National Bank Building, properly veri
fied, within six months from the date ol this
listed and first published August 10, 1011.
a 10(7 Administratrix.
. Summons.
I the Circuit Cwirt of Ed Rirat Count?. Or
on. -
Fred C. House and Rattle M. House. Plaintiffs, re.
. , " A. Stranahan. Ella May Joswa. A. a Jones.
Albert K. Strmnahan. Correan Stranahan V . , 1
Anderson. Roy Anderson. Uar Mottnhaw. Fred
mwuemw. i union ainoney. Uessie Mouney.
Hope Muoney. a minor, timer E. McCrav Guar,
dian of Hope Mooney. a minor, u. H. McCuis
tam. Sr.. S. A. Mo-Culm ion. Jouas T. Clink.
Anna- B. Clink. Mary E. Michell. Sidney H.
(amine. Katharine S. Ainsworth and K. W
Dark. Defendants.
To Ella May Jones. A. B. Jones, Ethel Anderson.
Koy Anderson. May Mottiahaw, Fred Mottmhaw
Keawe Muoney. Hope Mooney. a minor. U. H.
McCuwtion. Sr., and S. A. McCuuUm. defend
ants, imulratled with the other defendants
above named, and each of them:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You ar
, "by nulr1 f appear and answer the com
plaint hied ajrainat vou. and Mrhi.fv.ut
Court in the above entitled suit, on or before the
last day of an conaecutive weeks from the date of
the ft rat publicatain of this summons aa herein
after stated, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to
this court far the relief demanded in their seal
complaint, and will take judgment and decree of
this court in this suit against you. and each of
you. for the reformation of three certain deeds of
conveyance constituting a continuous chain of
title, by amending and correcting an erroneous
description of land contained in and running
down through all of said deed., so that the aame
Mil conform to the real and true intent of the
parties thereto, and the said dsecnpta therein
read as follows:
Beginning at a point on the quarter section line
running north and south through Bectam thirty
five in township three (3) north, range tenUO)
east of Willamette Meridian, five and ninety-two
une-n.inaraains to K! chains north of the quarter
section comer on the south boundary line of said
section thirty-five 136); thence running south.
m'W east, seven and seventy-live one-hundredths
l).76) chains; thence running north, parallel to
iu quarter sertaai nne. six ana rurty-hve one
hundredths I6.4M chains: thence runninir north
89 Od west, seven and seventy-five one-hund-redths
(7.751 chains, to said quarter-section line;
and running thence south along aaid quarter-section
line, six and forty-nve one-hundredths (6,46)
chains, to the place of beginning.
Said deeds so aooirht t he rwf.irmjwl . - V,...e
described as fullows:
One deed f rum O. L Stranahan anil AHelis A
Stranahan. husband and wife, to D. H. Mi-Cuuv
tRin. Sr., dated July 19th. ItsJI. filed for record
wifh the County Clerk of Waaco County. Oreiron,
on August 7th. 19U1. and recorded by him in Deed
Record No. 32. on page 201. and afterwarda trans
cribed to Hood River County. Oregon, where the
same now appears of record on page 197 of Deed
Record '"I."
One deed from D. H. McCuistinn fir inJ Q a
McCuistkin. husband and wife, to Jonas T. Clink,
dated October 2M. 1906. filed for record with tho
County Clerk of Waaco County, Oregon, on Octo
ber kWth, 1906. and by him recorded in I)eed Kec
ords No. 42. on page 624. and afterwards trans
cribed to Hood River County, Oregon, where the
aame now appears of record on pagea 267 -B of
i-mi iveeoru tv.
One deed from Jonas T. Dtnk anil AnnUD
Clink, husband and wife, to Fred C House and
nauw at. nouse. husband and wife, plaintiffs in
this suit, dated March 24th. 19U8. filed for record
with the County Clerk of Waaco County, Oretron,
on March 31st, lDutt, and by him recorded in Deed
Record No. 46. on page 637. and afterwards trans
cribed to Hood River County, Oregon, where the
same now appears of record on pages 367-8 ef
On such default of aunearanea and innr.
plaintilTs will also take judgment and decree
against vou. and each of you. that those of de
fendants properly chargeable to that duty be di
rected and required to make, execute and deliver
new deeds of the form and substance of the saul
originals, conveying said land according to such
raiormra oescriptlon, within a definitely named
time to be Axed hy the Court, after the entry of
such decree; and in the event that you or either
of you fail, neglect or refuse so to do within the
time se fixed by this Court, then the judgment
and decree of this Court shall stand aa such con
veyance, and you and each of you shall be wholly
excluded from any interest in and to said land: i
? tannins runner pray that tne above named de
endanta, Mary E. Michell, Sidney B. Carnine,
Katherine S. Ainsworth and E. W. Dark, be re.
quired to set forth the nature of their claim in
and to aaid land, if any, adverse to these plain
tiffs, that the Court may decree that neither of
ssid defendants haa any estate or interest what
ever in and to said land aa located by and accord
ing to such ret irmed description, that their said
unjust claims be forever quieted, that the title of
plaintiffs to said land be declared eonri ami vsli.1
and that said defendants be forever enjoined and
debarred from asserting any claim whatever tn
said land adverse to these plaintiffs; and plain-
mm win iaae sum oiner ana lurther equitable
relief aa In the judgment of the Court these
plaintiffs may have shuwn themselves entitled,
together with the coats and disbursements of this
( You and each of you are hereby served by pub
lication of this summons by virtue of an order of
the Honorable George D. Colbertsun, County
Judge of Hood River County, Oregon, duly made,
granted and dated on this 1st day of August, 1911,
for the service of this summons upon you and
each of you by publication thereof and in accord.
ance therewith; and which order prescribed that
you and each of you shall appear and answer the
complaint on or before the last day of six consec
utive weeks from the date of the first publication
ui tnis summons, and the ant day of August, 1911,
as the date of the first publication of this sum
mons, and you and each of you are hereby fur
ther notified that said date is and will be the first
publication of this summons.
Hood River, Oregon.
a3-sl4 Attorney for I'laintiiTs.
Notice of Bond Sale.
Pursuant to the order of the Common
Council and provisions ol Ordinances No. 332,
SS3ands:i4oftheC1lyof Hood Elver, notice
Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be
received by the underHlaned City Recorder
at his olllce In the Hellbronner Building,
In the City of Hood Klver, Oregon, lor the
purchase of 27 Improvement bonds In three
Issues aggregating the sum of 112,192 30, as fol.
lows: Eighteen bonds S)CHch and one bond
1304 10; three lainds (Ml) eacii and one bond
SHI 10: three bonds IlitiO each and one bond
UM BO, dated thelHlli day of July, 1911, due
ten years alter date, or at any semi-annual
Interest paying period after one year
from date, upon giving due notice an required
by law, Issued for the construction of aewers
III Division S of District 6, Division 7 of His.
trlct 7 and Division Sol District?, respectively,
of the general aewer system In the City ol
Hood River, will be received tip to 12 o'clock,
noon, Haturday.the 23d day ol Heplember 1911,
Hald bonds will draw I merest at the rate or
six tier centum per annum, Interest payable
semi-annually at the oftlne of the Treasurer
of the City of Hood River, and will be sold
to the highest responsible bidder therefor
for cash, and no bids will be considered for
less than par and aocrned Interest, the t'oun.
ell reserving the right to reject any and all
Heparate bids should be made for each of
the issues attove atated.
All bids submitted for the purchase of aaid
bonds will be opened snd considered at the
next regular meeting of the Common Coun
cil of mild City, lo. wit: at Ita meeting, Mon-
asy, nepiemoer go. mil, at s o clock p. ill.
This notice Is published In the Hood River
Glacier for three Issues thereof, the date of
the first publication being September 7, 1911.
7s21 City Recorder.
Notice of Sale for Delinquent Assessment
Notice la hereby given that on the 12th day
of August, 1911, a warrant was duly and regu
larly Issued by Ihe Recorder ol the City of
noon niver, uregun, to me aireciea ana ae
llvered, commanding me to forthwith adver
tise the property mentioned and deacrlbml
therein agaluat which the assessment for the
coat of the constriic'lon of Division 7 of
District 7 of the Hewer Hystem of said city
was made, and to sell aaid property or so
much thereof as can be sold separately to
advantage sufficient to pay said delin
quent assessment, together with Interest,
coats and disbursements In the manner
provided by law, and to return tne proceeds
of such sale to the City Treasurer of the City
of Hood River, Oregon, and the following la a
description of the properly against which
'saeasment waa levied and whlcb Is delln.
quent, and gives the name of the peraon to
whom 11 was assessed, and the amount of the
assessment thereon now due, to-wit:
Ixil- 13 snd 14, block a, Park Addition, as
amsed lo Edith Epplng, amount, tlOO.20, costs
Now, therefore. In pursuance of ssld warrant
and for the purpose of satisfying the delin
quent ssseasmenl mentioned therein, I will
on Monday, the 13th day Oi September, 1911, at
the hour of ten o'clock A. M of aaid day, at
the front door or the City II all, tn the city of
Hood River, County of Hood River, Hlale ol
Oregon, proceed to sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash tn hand, the sev
eral tracts or parcels of laud above mentioned,
or so mucn thereof as can tie sold separately
to advantage sufficient to pay aaid delinquent
aaaeastnent, together with the Interest, cosla
and disbursements piorlded hy law, and will
continue said sale from day to day thereafter
until ssld properly Is sold, or so mucn thereof
as may ue necessary io senary sain aaaessrnen.
listed at Hood River, Oregon, this 17th day
of August. 1911. HOIIKKT LEWIS,
Marshal of the City ol Hood River, Ore,
Notice For Publication.
U. 8. laod Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
ia. mi.
Notice Is hereby given that Dean L. Rown
tree, of Dee, Oregon, who, on November 28,
lnn, made Homestead. No. 14R21 Serial, No.
MttW, for N W'4 election 32, Township 2 North,
Range 10 East, Willamette Meridian, baa
11 led notice of Intention to make Final five
year Proof, to eatabllsh claim to the land
above deabrlbed, before F. A. Bishop, U. H.
Commissioner, at nis omce, at Mood Kiver,
Oregou. on the lt! day of September. 1811.
Claimant names aa wltneaaea: (ieorge T.
Prather, ol Hood River, Oregon: Tbomaa Col
lins, Fred Franlacuy, Charles (i. Roberta, of
uee, Oregon. j, w. jsookk,.
1714 Register.
aa B A - TS
PktfHfrW KWatft , axlSam. 1 lit . WWUM Mat j II .III f I It
k on the sole. That's
Xing them; we
, we sell is
nS,. full valui
Sclz Ve 1
Royal sNaJ
Blue Shoes
These Guaranteed
clusively by
A. L. Carmichael
Phone 283 L
U I H 1 H-1- i-H- I'M I II in I 1 II
To Our Country Patrons;:
We now operate a country delivery service
without extra charge.
We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, I lour, Feed and all kinds of Fruits
and Vegetables in season. City orders
promptly filled and delivered.
Phone 78
M II I I 1 1 I M I HI I i-i-i-H-
The Middle Valley Mill
Is now in operation and ready to fill orders for
Three and One-half Miles South of Odell
Mt. Hood Milling Company
.Livery, Feed and Draying..
Don't Leave the
Without Investigating
Mosier Valley
last two yeara.but are not over half that asked for similar land inj other
sections. Buy now belore the speculators add their profits.
Phon 126-M
Hadlock & McConnell
Improved and Unimproved
Office First Door West Mt.
Hood Hotel, Ground Floor
jS&u bet
en you get shoes
:h the name Selz
r reason for sell-
know that every pair
giving our customer
or the money;
gest value pos
e. Look for this
Shoes are Sold Ex-
On Heights
I II II I 11 M...H"1"S- frHH"l"H-fr
& Kinsey
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can set:ureflr8t-claea rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture sns
We do everything horsus can do.
Harness and
Harness Repaired & Made
to order.
lit Robes. Horse P'anKets, Tents,
Wagon Covers, Water Bags, Etc.
Davenport Harness Co.
Hood River District
Katnral sdvantaeps for fruit
growing unexcelled. Land
prices have doubled within the
Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
- L