The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 31, 1911, Image 9

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In U u
r m,.j
New Anvil Brand Shoes
For Particular School Girls
New Fall Ladies' Waists
In Colored hand Trimmed
New Line of Hand Bags
and Suit Cases Opened
Special Shoe. Offer
Ladies' and Big Girls' Tan Ankle
Pumps, Regular $3.50 and $4.00
Special, $2.00
New Line of Fall Ladies'
These Are Extra Good Values
25c to 95c
Fall 1911
Now Ready
WVW ' 'IUW Ff?
wiJmi f til
t I 1
New Napa Tan Shoes
For Boy's School Wear
New Holeproof Hosiery
For the Whole Family
New McKibbin Hats
None Better Made
" "
Special School Offer
Boy's Golf Shirts, Regular 50c
and 65c Values, Your choice
Boy's Corduroy Suits
Values up to $7.50, Ages 8 to 16
Years, Your Choice the Suit .
Mrs. II. J. Frederick spent Monday
at The Dalles.
F. A. Cram was a business visitor in
Portland yesterday.
Automobile insurance written by
Hood River Abstract Co.
M. L. Goff was a business visitor in
The Dalles last week.
H. J. Frederick spent Friday in
Portland on business.
Try our pure pork sausage. We stand
back of it. at Central Market.
Leslie Butler was a business visitor
in Portland last week.
Dr. J. F. Watt was a business vis
itor in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Gleason -were
Portland visitors last Friday.
For a nice prime beef roast go to the
Central Market.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Armstrong were
White Salmon visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Reed were Port
land visitors the latter part of last
"A thing of beauty and a joy forever.".
Hurley-Davidson Motorcycle at Mc
Donalds. Joseph A. Wilson left last week for
a fishing trip in the Upper Deschutes
Mrs. Elvira Cobb, of Mosier, has
been here visiting her Bister, Mrs. S.
W. Stark.
gee our auto gauntlets. Davenport
Harness Co.
Mrs. Paul Hansen and daughter,
Gertrude, were visitors in The Dalles
last week.
Mrs. J. E. Rand arrived yesterday
for a visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Smith.
Christian Science services are held in
Reading Room No. 6 Davidson Building,
Sunday 11 a. m. and Wednesday 8 p. in.
Dr. and Mrs. E. 0. Dutro returned
Monday from a vacation spent on the
West Fork of Hood River.
C. A. Molden, of the Bragg Mercan
tile Co., is spending a vacation on his
ranch in the Horse Heaven country.
Fine line of automobile gloves. Dav
enport Harness Co.
Chief Engineer Cei. W. Boschke, of
the Harnman lines in Oregon was here
last week inspecting the new station.
Mrs. Johnson, of the Belmont dist
rict, was called to Spring Valley Mon
day because of the illness of a relative.
Now is the time to buy cheap slab
wood. A. C. Lofts, phone 810.X.
Mrs. E. C. Smith and Dr. and Mrs.
E. D. Kanaga returned Monday from
a hunting trip near the headwaters of
&agie Creek.
Reymund B. Early left Friday for
Stanford University, Calif., where he
will enter the Law Department of that
Now is the time to buy cheap slab
wood. A. C. Lofts, phone 310-X.
Dr. and Mrs. H. D.W.JPineoand little
daughter, Margaret, have returned
from an extended camping trip in the
Upper Valley.
L. F. Morris, who has been hunting
in. the region near Green Point, killed
an enormous bear last week. Bruin's
akin measured 7 feet. '
If your guests ask yon where yon got
auch nice chickens for your Sunday din
ner, don't forget to tell them of the
Central Market.
Miss Craft, of the Cottage Hospital,
left last week for a visit with her par
ents at Pendleton.
Mrs. J. E. Slade and family, of
Husum, Wash., was in the city visiting
friends Saturday.
If you have a snap in real estate or
want one let us know.
(uv Y. Edwards & Co., Agents.
R. D. Gould began the laying of the
storm Btwers in the paving district of
the city yesterday.
Mrs. H. J. Frederick and daughter
spent last week in Portland returning
home bunday evening.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
719 State St.
Geo. H. Thomas, of Eiler Piano
house, spent several days recently Vis
iting his old irienus, Mr. and Mrs. n.
J. Frederick.
Milo S. Frederick passed the exam
ination for and accepted a Government
position at Seattle and left for that
place August 1H.
Household goods for sale. Enuuire
C. L. Clapp, Avalonwav.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Moselv. of Clin
ton, la., are : here visiting their son.
Chas. A. Mosely, of the Mt. Hood
Misses Eva and Meldia Probst, of
Centralia, Wash., arrived last week
forja visit with their sister, Mrs.Xhas.
Beautiful new bungalow on State
street for sale cneap. Kasy terms. Ap
ply at 11)13 state street.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Johnson, of St.
Paul, Minn., were here yesterday and
were shown over the valley by their
old friend, A. D. Moe.
C C. English, the noted artist from
San Francisco, Calif., spent last week
with his mother, Mrs. Geo. P. Crowell.
Mr. English made the trip here be
cause of Mr. Crowell's illness.
All kinds of Fruit and Mercantile
Stamps made to order. Phone 'AT.
Miss Edna Murray, of Portland, who
has been visiting at the Ridgefield
ranch, while on her way home last
week stopped a day with Miss Viola
Jno. Hurst, at wholesale grocer, of
Clarksville, Tenn., who with Mrs.
Hurst is making a tour of theNorth
west, spent Saturday looking over the
' Dry lrt-inch slab wood for sale at $2.00
per cord. Pine Grove Box Co
Edward Klohn, a resident of Iowa,
is here visiting the family of C. Deth
man. Mr. Klohn is accompanied by
Mrs. Klohn.
W. S. Beattie, of the Beattie &
Hoffman, firm of printers in Portland,
has been here for several days looking
over the Valley.
For Kent Modern furnished house
on Columbia street: plumbing com
plete. 1. Leland Henderson, (Inc.)
S. A. Clarke, a former resident of
this city, who has been in Florida for
a number of years, will arrive here
Saturday for a visit.
Lew Morse, formerly sheriff of the
county but who is now operating a
large stock farm in the John Day
region, is visiting in the city.
Shoes made or repaired at Jobnsen's
E. N. Armstrong, president of the
Teoledo, Peoria Z& Western R. R.,
spent the week end here visiting at
the ranch home of his son, L. K. Arm
strong. Pifcr's book store carries the school
books and school supplies. s7
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dayton and
daughters, Misses Florence and Fran
ces Dayton, of Portland, have been
here visiting at the home of Prof, and
Mrs. L. F. Henderson.
Titer's book store carries the school
books and school supplies. s7
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Palmer, Prof,
and Mrs. L. F. Henderson and Mrs.
Constance Henderson spent the
week end in the Trout Lake country of
Klickitat county. The party motored
into the region.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Plath and child
returned Tuesday night from a week's
vacation spent on the coast. Mr. and
Mrs. Plath was met by Robt. E. Plath,
Mr. Plath 's brother, and N. C. Blake
ly, of Spokane, Wash.
For the fine stemmed pea green alfalfa
bay, the finest in the Nest, write to
The Newport Land & Construction Co.,
Hermiston, Oregon. s28
Mrs. S.JA. Helmer, who has removed
to Portland, in order to be near Mr.
Helmer, who is taking medical treat
ment, visited her Mt. Hood place last
Miss Mary Harbison, who will leave
soon for her home' in Hillsboro, was
pleasantlyjsurprised by a number of
her girl friends yesterday. The party
held a luncheon picnic.
If you want shoes that don't go
wrong go to Jobnsen's.
Geo. R. Cashier, county fruit in
spector, has received a communication
from the Utah Statu Fair commission
inviting him to judge fruit at the
State Fair to be held at Ogden.
For Sale Entirely new Majestic
range, wood baseburner, dining room
set and other household furniture.
Phone 2143-L.
Now is the time to buy cheap slab
wood. A. C. lijfts, phone 310-X.
Grace church. Sixth and Oak, Rev.
J. B. Parson, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Sermons by the pastor at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Christian
Edeavor at 6:30. Earl Burliness,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens, of Port
land, while on their way home from
Trout Lake, Wash., where they have
been spending a vacation, visited Hood
River friends last Saturday.
Our Hamburger is always nice and
fresh, or we will make it to order at
Central Market.
W. J. Gower, who recently removed
here from his ranch in Central Vale,
to Victoria, B. C, received news last
week of the death of his sister, Mrs.
E. L. Everix, of Wooton Warmnen,
Birmingham, England.
J. H. Sutthofl was here Sunday vis
iting with his family in the Oak Grove
district. He was accompanied to
Seattle on his return 'by Billie Haus
man, who has been here visiting for
the past three weeks.
Six room bungalow for fale. Corner
Cascade Avenue ami loib Street Mod
ern. Enquire of owner on premi-es.
Ed Randell', of St. Paul, was here
and at White Salmon last week to call
on old St. Paul friends. He called at
the home of W. B. Dickerson, whom
he intended to surprise by a visit. Mr.
Dickerson, however, was away on a
camping trip in the mountains.
Lost Probably between Postoffice
and Base Ball ground Thursday, Aug.
24, Jpair gold rimmed soe'ctacles.
hinder please return to Mrs. T. L.
Eliot, care Wm. Stewart and receive
suitable reward.
A. A. 'Baldwin, of Canby, was a bus
iness visitor in the city Saturday.
Miss' Nan Guthrio and Miss Belle
Wolford, of Avermore, Pa., after a
visit with the family of Mr. and Mrs.
G. C. Haworth, left Thursday for a
tour of California before returning to
their eastern home.
M. R. Noble and wife and daughter,
Emma, J. O. Eastman and wife and
iaughter, Winnie, Wm. Eby ard wife
and daughter, Ruth left Saturday to
spend the week end at Seaside. They
will visit the exposition at Astoria on
the return trip, '
tiet your school books at Piter's book
store. s7
At the First Christian church next
Sunday morning Minster T. S. lland
saker will preach on "The Desire of
the World." Evening theme, "The
Kingdom of God." Special music at
each service.
Evangelist C. L. Organ and wife, of
Des Moines, la., will begin a series of
meetings in the Union church at Odell
next Thursday evening under the aus
pices of the Christian church. Rev.
Organ comes highly recommended as a
speaker of power.
Wood for Sale AH kinds, carlots
only. H. K. Davenport, Phone Odell
66. tf
St. Mark's Episcopal church Sun
day, September 3, Holy Commnion,
7;30 a. m. ; sermon und'Holy Commun
ion, 11 a. m. ; Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Rector Simpson will preach at 3:15 p.
m. at the Methodsit church in Oak
For Sale and Exchange -Buy Hood
River apple and timber lands of owner
at prices that please buyers, at
Winans' on Mt. Hood R. K. Good
Milling proposition, also good buggy.
See W. R. Winans on premises, phone
17 Odell. I'. O Oee. Ore.
Get your school books at, Piter's book,
store. s7
Mrs. W. E. Shay had the following
visitors last week: Mrs. O. F. Tipton,
of Gladstone; Mrs. Ben Johnson, of.
Wyeth, and father-in-law, Dr. J. H.
Johnson, of Los Angeles, who is start
ing on a tour of the world; and Mrs.
C. S. Roberts, of Portland. Walter
Shay, Jr., of Wyeth, spent Sunday
with his parents.
Chas. Knutson, of Chehalis, was
here the first of the week .visiting at
the home'of his father-in-law, A. T.
Zeek. Mr. Knutson says that Chehalis
crops are fne this year. Especially
will the hop farmers harvest profitable
Insure yrtiir automobile against acci
dent. See Hood River Abstract Co.
The Congregational Aid will enter
tain Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. C. A. Cass, 915 Eugene street.
The men will furnish an interesting
program and the ladies will serve re
freshments. All members, their hus
bands and friends are cordially invited
to attend. Sec. Mrs. George Wilbur.
Furniture and first-class range for
sale. Enquire C. L. Clapp, Avalonway.
Rev. E. O. McOmber, pastor of the
local Methodist church, is in Spokane
attending the Columbia River Confer
ence of the Methodist church. Rev.
and Mrs. McOmber will leaveSpokane
for their future home in Illinois. Mrs.
Geo. Lynn is also attending the Spokane
Conference, a delegate from the local
Plo your order for wood now with
the roads are good and it can be hauled.
Good 4 ft. oak at (5 50. delivered. Con
naway Mere. Co., phone Odell 191. a24
John Franz, of The Dalles, was a
visitor to the city Saturday,
J. Snyder, a resident of Under
wood, Wash., has been exhibiting at
the Franz store this week a tomato,
which he claims is practically blight
proof. Mr. Snyder has been experi
menting with tomatoes for tbe lust five
years and the blight proof plant is a
result of his work. In severe tests
this season, ho claims that his tomato
showe 1 that only five per cent of the
plants were affected by blight while 75
per cent of the ordinary ones were
If your shoes have gone wrong take
them to Johnsen.
The trials of Fr-d Forsland and
Charles Davenport, which were held
before Judge A. C. Buck and a jury"at
the court house Monday afternoon,
resulted in a hung jury. The men,
who reside near the border of the
county on the . Mosier road were
acccused of having shot grouse out of
Miss Pearl Bradley, Miss Gertrude
Calkins, Eldon Bradley, Newton de
Long, of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Lynn, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Howe, who joined the campers
last week, returned Saturday from a
vacation spent in the Lost Lake re
gion. After a little rest at the Valley
Christian church, services will be re
sumed next Sunday morning and even
ing. The pastor, Mr. Peart, will
preach at both services. Subject in
the morning will be, "Therewasjgiven
to me a Thorn in the Flesh"." In the
evening the theme is, "You and 1"
which will be the first in a series of
special sermons in present day topics.
All will find a hearty welcome. Come
and bring a friend with you.
AH kinds of insurance in old com
panies. G. Y. Edwards & Co. Phone
J. H. Blake, a prominent Kansas
City commission merchant, was here
over the week end looking over the
Valley's apple prospects. While here
he was driven over the district by W.
A. Morgan. Mr. Blake says that he
handled a good many Hood River"
apples last year. "The reliability of
the pack and the quality of the fruit,"
he says, "will make it bring good
prices anywhere. "
Miss' Grace Furrow, a graduate of
the Iowa State Teachers' College and
formlerly a student at the Oberlin
Conservatory of Music at Oberlin,
Ohio, who has been visiting friends
here this summer, will remain here for
a year to conduct lessons in music.
E. A. Franz has sold his'residence at
the corner of Oak and Ninth streets to
Chris Dethman, who with his family
will remove to the city in the next few
weeks. Mr. Franz says that he will
build a new residence in the city as
soon as he can find a desirable lot.
A. L. Crocker, Henri de Reding,
James Lemmon and K. R.'Poley toured
by automobile to Camas Prairie last
week. The return trip was made by
Goldendale, The Dalles and Mosier.
Peter G. Burlthart, a retired capital
ist of Reynoldsville, Pa., who has been
here fcr the past five weeks visiting
his sister Mrs. G. A. Van Anda has
returned to his home.
The Loyal Berean Class of the
Christian Bible School held the regular
monthly business meeting at'the home
of Samuel Barker, on Belmont avenue,
Monday evening September 4, at eight
Wanted to rent-A 15 to 20 H. P.
Traction engine. Write Jacobsen-Bade
Co., 407-413 Stanton St., Portland, Or.
For the Opening of School?
Tablets,, Pencils, Crayons, Pens, Erasers, Com
position Books, Note Books, Loose Leaf Note
Books, Inks, Water Colors, Brushes, Etc.
Depot for School Books
Our years of experience enables us to carry just what
is needed.
..Slocom's Book and Art Store..
The Place That Does the Framing
At the Baptist church next Sunday
evening, Mr. Hargreaves will open a
-eiies of sermons on "Superstious
Fallacies and Realities." The differ
ent themes will be treated in contrast
as follows :
"The Atonement of Heathendom"
"The Atonement of Jesus Christ";
"Commercialized Christianity" "The
Church and the Kingdom of God";
"Ceremonies Saeredotal " ' 'Ceremon
ies with Spiritual Significance"; "The
Name of Chrisf'-'The Mind of
Christ." Acarefu!ly prepared song
service will precede each sermon.
Services open at 7:30.
We bad a mild winter last, will have
a hard one this winter. Don't put off
buying your wood until it is fil.OO per
cord, but buy good oak now at $5.50.
delivered. Connaway Mercantile Co.,
phone Odell I'll.
While working on the new building
of the Hood River Apple Vinegar Co.
last Friday Kay Robinson was seri
ously injured when a large timber
struck him in the face.
Miss Nona Lawlor, who has been
visiting Mrs. C. Allen Heed, returned
last week to her home in Portland.
Wood For Sale Mood 4-foot oak wood
15 50 per cord, delivered. Connaway
Mercantile Co., phone 111, alM
Mihb Ruth A rinct nimi ,.f Cult f
....... . . ....j v. v...,,, vj i .mil, ijanc
City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Armstrong, visited here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Landers and
son, of Chicago, arrived Sunday to
look over the Valley.
Miss NttA T.. Kriptrtt nf IWf l.xl iu
here the guest of Mrs. G. H. Bobbins.
Hood River Sweet Cidur, Hires Root
Beer and Soda Waters .if all flavors can
1 obtained for family use at all the
confectionery and grocery stores at
$1.00 per dozen with an allowance of
50 cents per dozen for the return of
bottles to the party from whom pur
chased. Keep a few bottles lit a cool
place during warm weather.
Hood Kiveb Applk Vinkuar Co.
BOOST-Home Made Cigars. Why
not buy and smoke Home Made Cigars
when you know they are made of clean
Tobacco. There is no better cigar on
the market than Father George 10c
cigar and Little George 5c straight.
Krtl's Guarantee is back of them.
Send in your orders and you will be
please I with the Goods.
Respectfully yours,
John Krtl,
Hood River, Ore.
The Endeavor Society of the Chris
thin ehurcii meets at 7 p. in. ; the lead
er for Sunday evening is Mrs. P. G.
Schieuder. The newly elected officers
are: President, Mrs. Schreuder; Vice
President, Harry Cash; Secretary and
Treasurer, Dr. K. R. Carpenter; Pian
ist, Mrs. Merle Waldie; Chorister, Mr.
We get our meats in fresh every day.
Our prices will tit your pucketbook at
Central Market. ' ' 1
Sunday, September 3, the Sunday
school and morning service at the
Unitarian church will be held as usual.
The subject will be "The Church; its
decadence; its reconstruction." A
coridal invitation is extended Uall.
Wanted to rent A 15 to 20 H. P.
Traction engine. Write Jacohsen Bade
Co., 407-11:1 Stanton St., Portland, Or.
John Krtl, the proprietor of the
Hood River Cigar factory, wis a bus
iness visitor in White Salmon Monday.
O. J. Nelson, of Goldendale, was a
week end visitor in the city.
Spirella Corsets.
If von have nut worn
set you have not known
isfaction. Its patented
the mott flexible, dm nit
lightest, coolest, most
ever made, and it perm
its shape. Appoint men
convenience in your o
card or phono Mrs. t
corsetiere, phone 118
street, Hood River.
a Spirella Cor
real corset sat
lioning makes it.
le, comfortable,
sanitary corset
anently returns
ts to suit, your
n home. Send .
1. M. Castner,
K, 272 Cascade