The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 31, 1911, Image 2

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i . . ! - , .
SobM-rlptlon, 81.50 IVr Vfr.
ii -str nasn uresses
The Hood River Volurtter Fire De
partment should receive the hearties1
support of every citizen of the city.
The members of the department devote
valuable time preparing themselves
for efficiency in times when the city
may be menaced by conflagration.
The work is that of public npirittdness
and is deserving of commendation from
all. The old proverb, "Prepare fur
War in Times of Peace," is equally a
applicable for the prevention of fires.
Once under way a fire might play
great havoc in the business portion of
Hood River. Our disasters from con
flagration have been few and'far be
tween, but to maintain this record
nothing will be of more assistance
than a well equipped and fully trained
corps of fire fighters.
Members of the local lire depart
ment, young business men of the city,
have recently begun active work, hold
ing meetings and making themselves
acquainted with all peculiarities and
situations that might arise in case of
fires. The boys are now holding fre
quent contests for the purpose of
choosing a hose team to enter the con
tests to be held at the Labor Day
celebration at The Dalles next Mon
day. We wish them success.
County F.ngineer Murray Kay has
completed the drawings and specifica
tions of tl e new steel bridge to Le
constructed by the county across Neal
Creek near the Harbison mill. The
mam span of thj structure, which will
rest on concrete piers at either end,
will be ISO feet long. The new bri.lgt
will cross the creek about 1UU feet
south of the old wooden span. Tin
highway wilP'proceed straight South
for a short distance from the Wilson
Kike place before the turn is made.
The new rij't.t f way will pas- ovi-i
the land of Dr. Stanton Allen.
A prominent bridge man of th, who was recently here in
spcoting the ground over which the new
a '.eel span will cross and looking ovei
the sm-( ilieatiim, complimented Kngi
neer Kay on the clearness ami excel
lence of his designs. "It is r.ot oftei
that we meet with county engineers
who give us as comprehensive designs
to worn from," he said.
by accident were many . in
the State of Oregon lust week. No
less than a half dozen fatalities were
reported from automobile accidents.
The drivers of machines should not
only be careful while on the road, but
the mechanism of the cars should be
thoroughly overhauled frequently in
order to prevent such appalling catas
trophes as thut which occurred near
Oregon City last week, when two of
the prominent farmers of that section
met death because of the steering gear
going wrong.
Exponents of an International Peace
Conference were never more busy and
yet the building of machines of war
still goes merrily on. The United
States will soon launch the Florida
and Utah, enormous sister battleships,
which when completed will be the
1 . . . .
largest under the American flag. No
government has yet come to the con
clusion that anything is more efficient
in the maintenance of peace than a
formidable bunch of dreadnoughts.
The modern age is one of conven
tions. Even the hoboes are having
their annual meetings. Thousands of
the 'Weary Willies" are reported to
be taking passage on freight trains for
Washington, D. C, where the sessions I
of the unemployed will be held from
September 1 to 4. James Fads, the
St. Louis "Millionaire Hobo" will be
chairman of the Assembly.
an . i, i ... .....
loose noou Kiver "tellers" seem to
be determined to keep in the lead.
They now talk of hauling their fruit in
auto trucks. Oregonian.
Farewell Reception and Dinner.
The ladies of Canby Relief Corps
held a social and dinner at the resi
dence of Mrs. Alida Shoemaker or
Wednesday, August Z, that ".was at
enjoyable affair. It was culled as f
farewell to Mrs. Agnes Cunning, wh
will shortly have to spend the wintei
in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett,
of White Salmon, who were 'chattel
members of the Post and Relief Corps,
were present to meet and renew ac
quaintanceship of old time friends
The president of the Corps, Mrs. O.
H. Raker, on behalf of the Corps,
presented Mrs. Cunning with a hand
some gold badge of the order, in ai
address that wa.i a touching testi
monial. Mrs. Cunning, taken com
pletely by surprise, for once couk!
not talk, but managed to express hei
thanks and pledge herself to assist ir
giving each member a similar token.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewett spoke of tlx
pleasure to them oi meeting so mam
of the old and new members of tin
order and hoped the members of Post
and Corps now in session in Rochester,
N. Y., would have us pleasant a time.
Comrade Collin, Judge Wilbur am!
Dr. Fdgington spoke of the good being
done by the order. Mrs. lientley, Corps
artist, regretted that an accident ti
her camera prevented her from taking t
picture of the gathering. Miss Edna
Jaegar, of Seattle, who is staying
with- Mrs. Shoemaker, entertained tht
crowd with some choice classical and
popular music. She is a lightning
player on the piano her fingers llj
over the keyboard apparently without
touching, but the music Hows as fron
a full orchestra.
Canby Corps is capable of doing
great things and when it comes to giv
ing pleasure to others have no equal.
J. T. C.
Splendid little garments made
of best quality ginghams, cham
braya, percales and linens. Some
high, others with square or round
neck, elbow kimona and long
sleeves, trimmed with pretty
embroidery, plain bandings or
pipings. These are just the
thing for school wear. Dresses
for 15c, 45c, 50c, 75c, ' 1.00 and
up. All ages from 2 to 10 years.
Ladies' Linen Suits
There will be many warm davs
yet this season and these suits will afford a lot of
comfort All neatly tailored and will fit ix-r-fectly.
$5.00 Suits now $1.75
$0.50 Suits now $1.88
$9.00 Suits now . $2.63
$10.00 Suits now ... $2.88
Suits for $2.75, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.00.
Men's Shirt Special
Here are surely some big bargains in the
shirt line and when you see them you'll say they
are the best values you ever have seen for 98c.
Mostly Cluett and Monarch brands, made of cord
ed madras in striped, jacquard and novelty stitch
ed effects, in self and contrasting colors, perfectly
finished and full cut All sizes, 14 to 17 1-2 necks.
Your choice 98c
The Home of Hart, Schaffner
4 Marx Good Clothes
If you're enough interested in fine clothes to
enjoy looking at their -e want you to know that
we're enough interested in fine clothes to enjoy
showing them. We've got them to show, too
the new fall weaves, colors and patterns. They're
so good, these clothes, that they don't really cost
much. There's true economy in buying them.
Suits for $18.00 and Up
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Here are some extraordinary economies for
women who need waists. These are drummer's
samples, and while some are slightly soiled and
mussed, you are offered these at but a fraction of
their real value. We have grouped .these in sev
eral different lots and marked them all at the big
gest kind of bargains. There is in this lot only
one or two of a kind, but all sizes in the lot.
Dainty Lingerie and Marquisettes with high or
Dutch necks, with three-quarter or kimona sleeves,
trimmed with white or colored embroidery, Valen
ciennes insertions, pin tucks, etc. There are
waists in fancy trimmed or tailored styles. The
tailored waists are in the Gibson effect, pleated
fronts, stiff collars and cuffs. Waists for fall and
winter wear, medium and dark colors of Voile,
Henriettas, Woolen, Sateen. Velvets etc.
Lot one, your choice ... 75c
Lot two, your choice '. ,. 98c
Lot three, your choice
Lot four, your choice...
Lot five, your choice
Lot six, your choice.
Lot seven, your choice .
Lot eight, your choice
SI. 19
The Store That Gives
You the Best Values
Consul Commander to Deliver Address.
Business Men ill Close Stores.
At the meeting of the HiiKii.esH
Mens association Tuesday night it
was declare.! that all stores would tie
eioseu monuay, Labor Day. The mem
bers oi me association, who have
always lent their heartiest support to
vue .uiuiiieer iearimct, passed a
resolution to assist in the le-orgiinizH-tion
of the department and to place it
on a better footing,
.. l'1I'.Va"k'"t K- Hmyforil, Secretary J.
M. Wood and Treasurer K. O. lilancliar
wereaiso elected to their' respective
The name of the Stanley-Smith
Lumber Co. was drawn out for the b
prize. No representative of the com
pany, nowever, was present and th
money went hack to the treasury.
f" .. " ' :.;, ..
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For Toilet and Bath
Clown Castile Soap
1 Oc each, 3 for 25c, 7 for 50c
Turkish Bath
1 Oc each, 3 for 25c, 7 for 50c
Carf A. Platffc, DRUGGIST
"The Rexall Store"
i i n.,.,1, ti 1 1 i
.. .. jicuu voiisui (jummaiKler
oi me w. u. w. and one of the most
noted speakers of the country, will
oeiiver an address at the K. of V. Hall
iMonduy evening, .September 4. The
public is cordially invited.
. ti. I'ettis. the Cowluie Pr,.i..r
who has a ranch near llusum, has been
upending a part of the summer months
worKing on plans lur a tour of the
Kast next year in the interest of pro
hibition. The evangelistic cowboy will
endeavor to persuade his listeners in
iruiy wiltlwesi fashion. He will be
accompanea liy a cowboy quartet, who
win iravei in covered wagon drawn by
We can supply your school wear needs with re
liable goods at the most reasonable prices.
Neat, Durable School Suits $2.65
Better Ones, $3.50 and Up
Knickerbocker Pants, fall wt 50c
in tht!
Having had years of experience
good a
t Fire Department Will Not Disband.
"The recent report to the eireet that
the ll.Kid Ktvei hre Department will
disband, says Chief William (Janger
is erroneous. Wo are going to con
tinue in the performance of our duty "
Ihe hre boys are practicing every
night, training a hose team to take part
In I ItU At'nn! ... I... L. I I . ii . . .
f'"""' -eieursin. illiiim Hall
had a narrow escape ifrom serums in
jury luesday night, when he fell in
tront of the hose cai t at the corner of
third and (.ink streets. '
Citizens Will Endeavor to Stop Piano.
Declaring that the el..rir,c ,,jall0
with orchestra attachment is so great
a nuisance that tr.ev r i.i,i., ...
sleep when the.nnk is ;()pen residents
of the district near the Armory, where
the skating is located, will present to
the council at its next meeting asking
thot the musj.j be abolished.
So great has become the annoyance
to some of the citizens living near by
that they declare, in case ttie council
takes no action, they will proceed Jo
abolish the music through the courts
is vis-
Water Trial Set For Next Tuesday.
The condemnation proceedings against
the water jdant of the 1'acilic I'uwer
. vy nir ciiy Will come til
fur trt,.l ut b i . 1
.-....,... .. cciai term 01 the I ir
nut ciinrt .i I... k l.i . i . .
i.cKinning next tuesdav.
wuukc uuroy and Jesse Steam wi
represent the city in the legal battle.
tfuuge nrausnaw has announced that
. win aitemi 10 any other legal busi
ness presented to him by the attorneys
during the special session.
We have made no merchandise sale
beyond the ordinary, nor considered
one. In fact have made tno Isale ex
ceeding JM.-iO, nor have any in contem
plation, if interested parties report
ditrerently brand the statement with
a plain label.
Stuart Hardware & Furniture Co.
The landing of the Underwood Ferrv
will mov tomorrow fr.
of the White Salmon Ferry back to the
exienus into the Columbia
north of Hood Kiver.
J. G. and K. M. HoTms spent one
day last week with the family of F. F
liarria in Bingen.
( ruin 1 1 if XiiU-i irlst'
Ceorge Smith and family were
itors at Washougal last week.
v?i.,,f.....l 1. . e ii ... .-mil lu, ui noon ttiver, was
in town calling on iricnils Tuesday.
!(.. tl.,.,1, l. I ....
...,.v,.uKMa gone to Salem
tur a snort lime.
wish lianan, of Mexico City,
miiK ner uroiner K. Li. t o lllor.
i.memen went to the Mt. Adams
touniry inursclay to string telephone
wires connecting all the forest ranger
stations on the lieserve. This work is
pituiue.i uir ny tlie Government, and
' n w i.u- JUfil ISIOI).
HI n . ...
men, riaiverson and Wilson, of
.un r.enu Wash., were in White
.iiinou Wednesday. 'J hey were tour
ing ine eounlrj on bicycles and had
just made the trip from l.yle to Trout
ou tinea via llusum.
:.... .. .
i rectors or ine White .Salmon and
L nderwood I niuns met and formulated
msuictory plans lor the organization
of one I nion to handle the fruit bus
iness ot do in Fcctions. It wa- a very
.m.iin.iiious meeunir. am th.. ir w.,ri.
undoubtedly be ratified lv th
.ineir meetings to be
price is our aim
Acrobat Footform Shoes for children are sensi
ble and serviceable and priced right.
ioy s UUt School Shoes. 9 to 13 venr
solid - . . . 1 '
Join the Band
' The Dalles
September 4
Round Trip 75c
The Hood River Band of
18 Pieces will Fur
nish Music
Parade and Athletic
Grand Ball at the Voght
Don't Miss the Fun
It ia time to think about thoae roues and bulbs you are going to Rut in thi
fall, to have bloom next spring. Better gee the roses in bloom and pick ou
JUU .Ml. ne nave a mil une oj snrnos, vines and perenial plants,
tiowers and designs to order on short notice.
Phone 1972 M
Fletcher (EL Fletcher
R. 1. Hood River
Wanted-HUttdyJnb driving team or geu
er runeu work. References given. Wrlle
to 13 c stret t, Hood Kiver.
Wnuted-A good young home, welgbt not
... .7..' . "u"' " kiudu ana gentle,
Vliaa. AllbrlgUt, mute 3. . I21
Vtanted-Foltlou u practical
Reference, glveu. Addrew J, a.
Hood River, and state taring.
Wanted-Work nailing boxen in orchard.
Have bad experience. Addres. L. E. Kerby.
j t ' Mil
Wanted-A modern furnished house for
hmlly of three. Will uke for either long or
short term. Write care bo 313 Hood River
0rw"P. b,4J
Wanted-To buy early hatched Mlnorcla
pulleu or young hens. Call m Udell, or ad.
dread J. M. Taylor, R. D. 1. ' 8l4
W anted to Kent-A 15 to SO H. P. traction
engine. Wrlle Jacobwm-Bade Co 4ii7-tl;i
Htanlon 8t , Portland. Ore ' Hi
For Hale or Trade Heeond-hand
fhll Bebee, phone 334 M.
Kor Sale Cord wood,
F. W. Brown,
For Male 16-Inch Or wood at II III r
in the wood. U a. E. Clark, puoud Odeli
For Sale Team of maree, weight UiiO. 7 and
yearn old: 11.15 hHck, new; set of good work
hariiHin. Will be anld cheep. Ad (Irons O W
Murphy, White Oalmou, Wash. Ml "
or Hale 1 Team and barneHs, true pullers
good traveler: 1 No. 2 Faultless stump puller
complete; Jersey cow 4 yers old. These are
very cheap buys. It will pay you to luvesti
! t. furrier, Jr.. Odll m, loule i. gJ4
For Sale Light team of horses. Call 32-X,
Fo' gale Cheap A light team, safe and gen
tle, f imd for cultivating nn tu ri
or under the saddle. Phone 32u2 X. a31
B. P. Kinney, phone
Kor Bale Jersey cow.
Wanted-P.wltlon as housekeeper on raueh
" """ aea iauy. Address H., care of
Wanted-Pojltlon by lady stenographer.
Address, Box am, Hood River. Ore. ii
KorSale-l.lght Old Hlrkory wagon, wltb
shafts and Dole fur una I.... , .r1." " '
fiSuO. ee iiuckwall A Mvlvnuar iluf-....
rueker's bridge. sjl
For Bale Household goods. A pply 02 Oak
street, phone 171
For Hale A Dair Of hav nanu mi
good workers single or double, win l.ii
separate aud as I wish to close out my busi.
ness, will sell at a great sacrifice to the first
HiKKt River, phone l3 X. kji
For Rent-A slx.foot Kentucky disc seed
ami fur drilling In your cover crops. Call c
b.Cornu phone SXS M. ;
For Rent -5 room ranch bouse. 7 miles from
towa. Completely furnished, piped sprlns:
water. Terms low. Phone IStt-X
f..i ,,l7Two..?r three furnished rooms
Inrt 'S,h'nT- -trlc lHSHt. furuac heat
n?b,.-N",l'Kliclinol. Prices reason,
able. 2ia l'r,pec-t street, phone 2ti X. a3t
. Jfi,r Knt-Pa8turage for stock byThe month .
Address 1 boiiiBg D. Calkins. PboueaaaM. s7
for Rtiiit-one 3-room and one 2.rooin
suites, furulshed for housekeeping in modern
notice newly papered and paluted, close In
ton Columbia street between ath and th. 87
For Sale-Good ranch horse cheap if taken
at once, A. J. Brunqttlst.
. l'i.?r.H,,!!f-,',re,,h yu mi Jersey oow.
.. Miller, phone aU3-M,
F. H. Taylor; Oak
For Hale Piira
phone itsnF.
I .lilr- "t-P1' wUn Karnet- Tuesday,
August 1. F luder please return to iUiZi
ior reward.
For Sale Anv amonntf ifw ,
pine wood. Phone 3J0X. ' ".uu
Kor Sale Lot urn t r.., - cltv in w 1. ' Z .,.."!
and drain u. cess,H .l. Call 27SM oi So. a if
For Sale One
light bay , gentleand true, l;W) pounds, works n'ifb-grade fruit treesgrown at
i'SP1,60'..?0!1.01! ''ueorchard animal. Plioue ind, Pl"'kne Valley." Kxpens.
w it . . if nrreu, .
w. ms. A. w. Oulhauk. a3l-tf
For Sttle-Anvtino ' ;
Iuqulre BuelGw", Taylor Hhon.UU,W vtmtS'
,,"5KrldJ' AnKUst 4, a new saddle blauk
lice or call John Weaver, It X. a it
Home Hsru-Hin Ml tv.i ,
built lU blltlette. Sn larv nlnt,l,. .. 1...'
all in good condition. Close to high school'
! LT "y Mreet "" Park venue. Pricle
.1.600. Terms. Call at iiniun. .v.
We want relladle agents who can sell our
k uV .. "I" aavice 10 rru t. growers,
by Prof Van rfolderbeke, for OvJ years
Washington state horticulturist.
van uoiuerbeke Nursety Co.,
fikokane. Wash.
F or Hale or Trade-One browd mare 7 vears
i. .1. oum musiaer good bus-.
Ky'.ba k-. ?r. orchard Implements or ht
'hone Oilell 168.
Fine Lisle Iiibbod Hose, 5 to 9',;, three
Bragg Mercantile Co.
Investigate Chiropractic.
Not Medicine.
Not Surgery.
Not Osteopathy.
It will save you money and bring
you health. Ki-ro-prak-tic. is the
science of locating the cause of Dis-
ease, which is abnormal pressure uoon
ii ia uiao me art oi removing
n.mol . ......... . , i .
iroBuic, wnicn gives
mUt u 0'hok Prasol somewhere In tha
. ,yT,nHMUHre bliI1lle wlb "Iver bauS
lo Ulacler ollice or 313 Pine Sl.,foi reward, a
LOSt An ttlfat hat nln L I.. .
turn to iii..i;r .. r. I- "fcr l"a -
-. mi rewaru.
For Hale-Team, Htndebaker wagon har
telv M 'R""u,'u''',!,e"r- Will t?sep:
tely. M. H. Maher, phone Sa) X. .in
mMKJP'" ' wood.
For Hale Pigs. W
phone JOB L, box 64
VanAllen, route 1,
Icy an,l
live fruit
held shortlv.
A iret'tiiiK' hHs been culUM at Husiim
tor the ortTHllizMtiim ,( . i
C ub to be olbtvrcd t,y the leading
live wires of Husum and vicinity.
Ihe object is to augment publicity
work for tl.e betterment of thut sec
mm tu ine in lo Salmon Vti
to get in Hue as one of tlie
regions (,f the Nrthwest
1 he Frank Monro liKl-aere tract' has
hcen sold. A. (i. HeUh.-i ..i ' i
Wheeler, of llu,l !;;. .?
White Salmon Wed
the papers which make" l'asier'w
lKxigon. of New VnrW ,.... .
beautiful ranch. It is locale,! in ti.'
center of Trout I.nkn V;ill... i. ..
beautiful view of both Mt ii...i ...j
Adams and has the White Salmon river
.n,uK i n roue n it: 7; uor.a .....
cleared and under cultivation, and Mr
Holgson will soon clear the hula,,,...
nd by rlnmini- aon tho
river he will nut tho t
tract under irrigation. Mr. Hodgson
contemplates making this a model
farm, and be ha? ample means to carry
vui ii.s uc.Mre in mat line, lit
take possession in a year from
Permanent Position With Splendid Prospects.
Apply at
Hood River Bunking & Trust Company's Building
of it.
Kubbcr Slumps at the (ilaeier ollice
said abnormal
Ease or Health
II you are sick consult a Chiroprac
tor and get relief from your ailments.
All organs of the body are controlled
vy meniai impulses irom the brain
n tnose impusies are interfered with
oy pressure on nerves, we have Dis-
Consultation and Examination Free.
Lr. c. k. carpenter,
17 Heilbronner Bldg.
Fire on Little White Salmon.
The large column of smoke seen
ruing across the river in Skamania
county Sunday was from a fire on the
.' . Salmon near Chenowith's
Mill. It is reported to be destroying a
large amount of green timber. An-
uiiirr mrge nre nas been
Underwood mountain.
raging on
W. F. Laraway
Doctor of
' Ophthalmology
Over 30 years'
Eyes Tested and
Glasses Ground
m ' i ,u m .wa.vx :svi w J -
rurnn r i iiuin i . ..
e'rs SfrF, '.ZX
phoir&M f,iveotria.iiii.rdi
fron iV f ir ale
Mt K.
i part in trees. C. J. Calkin., phone
Between tha Paria r.i. ... u -
nX't8ltJ,ihT1y "". bron
RSrSJi.1.11 ' ,bJ'"',k purBe ln1,e eoiiuinlng
leaves, uiP1' W"'e Under' puLS
wSrded. 0'ac'w offlc aud he sultaby re-
Lost Hold Siirlriu i'hl . . ' "
shaped .nd "with hrXZiJr"iES2
ytase return to Ulacier otBce fir reward. sl4
.M"t'"'.k h?nd f"Mf ntal"iilng books
villi., ' b',Hrin name Na ' BrUrits'
Finder please leave at O lacier. Reward. i?i
n1I?(,T'!Vnner ,l,b 'r on Heights
4M, aud paying for this sd. - .
Notice to Apple Tree Planters.
Htnrf 1 . ....
tMl von nMri Ar v ii !? ... f .?W th
I . . " ilCfl It la? II nn. Mi.iiu I k. i
t!' ,f fleTs fo?" JK? fotiL? f
i. ' ;.""rH r Vt and'our'nVoT
p., f.Tl ! W'pmkt
. ,ijr UUII'K BW
For Hale We are now in a Dosltion i.. n,
nish rough and dressed 1
Promptly flj. ,,4 m of Park
dale. lfayWleaSl, Parkdale, Ore. i?t?
For Sale
Live aud lielo othr B..
..... . . 1 J l IT ., I . U ia, a II
. -
tome .nd lo-
K. D. No. 2.
-iiousenold goods; 1 Orand Ranld.
"i iiei, t wash
nlng table, l large
Phone 218-K.
Yonrs trnly,
L"?Lacl1 ne' ."" Oak dining t Th it
nR'ainv rlialr 8i,,uii ..t...- .c
I ng stove . .c""lr. I heat-
Z,W. I. the
leaseon th. ...',"t:rc "gtit .nd
can). Ail
refrigerator been
t an and see eoods at
uire ai oo.i s store, 31
'''" ,i " DO- "le to run the
7.'"."- or' to WM- Come and
) me.
Sttffi we,ght lm v:
to run the
I k, i ll i WWII. 1 Oil
i ill give someone a bargain
. P. IKAN , Barret
Dickinson House
Meals 25c
Board and Room by Day or Week
Home Cooking
. airrei wear front
and spetMes. household NecesslUea
iuveuucut or iuv riak
With uur UnA
Ihkft at....L
il tt.ardst.,Ht. Paul, Minn.
).ou can make more m.J
thaa merchant win, . ..r..i,
: t SL .
V -
SrkaiTui . """1 'is I '
Reference: Over 2.000 fitted in Hood River U.S A
The rpcrnlor
Ir il V. riVK",.ule. Maonic
Septembers The meeting w K
important one: for amnniAWJ
ration of other business will be that
I .the Purch" of anofKer
Denver Will Have Apple Show.
the American In.,., t ..
.Hold su annie .h ,.rv.r. t
ion. u,,;. r. . .
! H. C Atw7. ' K ?' .ure" :
ShenarH li.A v,",ve.. H. I
Salem; C. H. Steward aX.. TO
f Millinery or Dress-
making Shop
ivoom known as "The
Style Shop," on Oak St. I
xiuuseKeeping rooms in I
uierear. inquire of
Heilbronner Building J
Moxie ' "ieo