The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 31, 1911, Image 1

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    n. .
: ' ' J 111 JJt? J
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NO. 14
A Small Investment
In Ten Acres of Our
Mosier View
Planted to a commercial variety of apples and cared
for by experienced horticulturists for a period of five
years, will net you big profits at the end of that time
and make the owner independent. Guard against
your lack of ability to earn money in your old age and
Provide for
the Future
by investing NOW in one of these choice ten-acre
tracts. Easy payment plan. Call or write for our
Hood River Orchard Land Co.,
(Capital $500,000)
Devlin & Firebaugh
Sales Agents.
Hotel Oregon Bldg., 906-909 Yeon Bldg.,
d River, Oregon Portland, Oregon
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Without Investigating
Mosier Valley
Natnral advantages for fruit
growing tin ex eel led. Land
ages 1
prices have doubled within the
last two years but are not over half thal'asked for similar - land in other
cuy now ueiore ttie speculators add their proms.
Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
Phone 326-M
Office Phone
Hadlock & McConnell
Improved and Unimproved
Office First Door West Mt.
Hood Hotel, Ground Floor
M Ml 1MM II 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 I I 1 I M-M I llll M I II 1 I 11 l-H-IH
Land Bargains
in Hood River
20 Acre. 95.500 "ij miles from town. S acrea clmitJ; fair
house; 2 good springs; hue view of valley and both !iiiitiii':iin ; red
shot soil ; easy terms.
19 Acres, $8,0005 miles from town. HI acres cleared; 2 aercs
in trees; balance in clover and alfalfa ; all but 1 acre first-i apple
land ; splendid view ; easy terms.
1 Acres, $125 am Acre-I mile from shipping station, m IuhiI,
store and church ; all uncleared but tine laud for apples ; a simp.
20 Acres, $22, OOO ! acres 2-year-old ; 19 acre in .Vvear-old
Spitzenburg, Newtown and Ortlevs. One of the sightliest piji-es in
the valley and is in the heait of the apple growing eertion. Near
store, school etc. Terms.
We have a number of special bargains
in inside business property that
are sure money makers.
J. H. Heilbronner &
The Reliable Dealers Hood River, Ore. i
,,,,,,,,,, , miimmnm.tmim!
17 Acres in Willow Flat. 5 acres 3-year
standard apples; 2 -2 acres 1-year stand
ard apples; 1-2 acre 6-year standard ap
ples; balance uncleared; finest building
site in the valley; $6,000, $2,800 cash.
31.33 Acres adjoining the above; all
good land; all uncleared; $5,000, $2,000
cash. Will divide at $175 per acre.
To See is to be Convinced
Hood River District
Land Co.
Hood River,
Land For Sale
-3jt 1 have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land,
3j most of it under ditch at prices ranging from f GO
per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up.
Hood River
For Sale by Owner
200 acres, 00 acres cleared, 11 acres planted, balance
unimproved. Price cheap and easy terms.
J. P. Thomsen
It. F. I). No. 1 box CO
Phone 200 Odell
Mr. Fruit Grower!
If vou are contemplating increasing the size of your orchard you
should be careful in the selection of your trees, for without the proper
type of trees to start with, you cannot hope for the success you deserve.
The True-toName Nursery has furnished the larger por
tion of the trees for the most profitable orchards of Hood River, the or
chards that have in later years produced the prize winners were from
trees grown by the Trueto-Name Nursery, including the prize
winning car of Yellow Newtowna at the National Apple Show at Spokane.
The trees that we have to offer are not "pedigreed" nor "thoroughbred,"
but are of the type that have produced results that speak for themselves.
Our years st practical experience in the nursery business is a safeguard
against mistakes and should be a sufficient reccommendatlon to merit
your confidence.
It will pay you to examine our stock or write us before placing your
order. Address all communications to
True-to-Name Nursery
PHONE 2002.K
9 7,500 East Side, 10 acres; fl miles out, very beet tection;
2 acres 10 and 12 years old ; 2'4 acres 5-year-old ; balance
1 and 3 years old ; new apple house; crop goes with the
place. This ia close to church, school and store. Easy
terms. Owner of this must leave for the East tliis fall.
4500 Ten acres, 4 miles out; small house and barn ; 2
acreB 7 years old ; 3' j acres 1 to 4 years old ; 2 acred ready
to set; balance pasture; fine view; main road; $3X) down.
H5500 Ten acres bearing orchard, near Van Horn;
Spitz, New towns and Jonathans; fine view; ash soil and
first-class in every way. Owner must sell. Remarkable
Get Our List of Other Properties
Office Hotel Oregon Building
here yesterday to return to Missouri,
the Commodore's native state, whera
they will visit relatives.
Deitz Brothers Meet at Rochester.
No reunion of G. A. R. week will be
enjoyed more thoroughly by its partic-
BOARD MAKES RI LE ON ATlIirnCSlKXri met last wJS .mK
nome or John w. Deitz, No. 13 Dover
Students Participating in Athletics Must
Maintain a Grade of 80 Per Cent
- Coad Favors Ruuliy.
The summer vacation is over and the '
school children of Hood River county
are returning to tlreir books. The
Odell, Frankton and Oak Grove schools
began Monday, in order that they
might be closed as early in the spring
as possible. In the spring months,
when strawberries are are being har
vested the young people make ellicient
pickers. With perhaps one or two
exceptions the other schools of the"
county will open next Monday.
Hie 11 inn School will enroll its
pupils Monday, despite the fact that it
is labor day and that a few of the stu-
lents have protested on this account.
However, the work of the day will be
no inure than registration and the as
signment of lessons for the next day.
h. h. (.oad, superintendent of the citv
schools says that the 'parents f
children entering the primury grades
should use every endeavor to have
them enter the schools as soon as pos
sible. No child under the age of six is
allowed to enter the school and none
can enter two weeks after the begin
ning of the term.
Carpenters have been at work on
the school buildmes this week, over
hauling them and constructing shelv
ing and arranging disks. The build
ings are all being fumigated under the
supervision of the city health othcer.
Dr. Malcolm lironson.
During the coming year the girls
and boys of the Seventh and Eighth
grades will be in separate classes.
Ihe girls' classes will he in the Hinli
school building, where thev will he
able to conduct work in domestic
science. The hoys, however, will con
tinue at the l'ark Street building,
since no work in manual training has
been provided for them at the High
School building.
That no student shall be ullowed to
participate in any form of athletic
events unless he or she maintains a
scholarship standard of at least 80 per
cent on weekly markings is the eMeet
of a resolution adopted by the city
school board at its last meeting. It is
asserted that the high school faculty
and the patrons of the school commend
the action of the board. However, a
ruling of the student body lust year
prevented any one of its members fiom
taking iiart in athletics, when the
scholarship fell below a grade of 75
per cent.
"The pupils of high school will not
be allowed to take any time from their
studies for participating in athletic
events," said Superintendent Coad.
"Nor shall 1 give my consent to any
student to play football unless he sub
mits a written permission from his
parents. 1 have always been fond of
the game of football. 1 have played
myself and the sport has its good qual
ities. However, in the high school
especialy, where it is impossible to
make the members of teams maintain
a strict training, too many students
are injured. I believe the time is
coining when all the high schools and
colleges will take tap Rugby instead of
the more dangerous American game.
The high schools of this state should
make the change." Superintendent
('oad has made an endeavor to get
The Dalles High School authorities to
co-operate with him in the matter of
taking up Rugby.
The members of the city school
board are thoroughly in accord with
the city superintendent s views on
football. Hecause of the danger of
football the student will have to
procure written permits from their
parents in order that the responsibility
will rest with them.
Miss Elizabeth Kate Cooper, of
Mount flood, was elected by the Hoard
to fill the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of Miss Mario Joliuston, who
has been teaching the fourth grade in
the grammar school.
The following is a list of the
teachvrs of the city schools :
High School faculty :
J. O. McLaughlin, Principal of High
School, Mathematics: I.. B. Gibson
English; J. E. ('rites, Science; Miss
Barton, German; Miss Brunquist,
Latin; Miss Kurrow, History and
Mathematics; Miss Horning, Domtwtie
Science and Art. '
Grade teachers in High School:
Miss Stewart, 7th Grade girls; Miss
Knox, 8th Gra'le girls.
Park Street building:
Miss Howard, (ith Grade, Principal;
Miss Heath, 7th and 8th Grade boys ;
Miss Eby, tith Grade; Miss Tidd, 5th
tirade; Miss Cooper, 4th Grade ; Miss
Evans, 3rd Grade; Miss Hicks, Und
Grade; Miss Poole, 1st Grade.
Pleasant View building:
Miss Goyette, 4th Grade; Principal;
Miss Clapp, 3rd (irade; Miss Jennie
Edgington, 2nd Grade; Miss Vannett,
1st Grade.
The teachers at Odell for the coining
year are: R. Lee Black, of Ozona,
Texas, Principal; Miss Delia Rush, of
Lincoln county. Or., Intermediate;
Miss Elza Love, of Heppner, Or.,
Intermediate: Miss Florence Leedy, of
Portland, Primary.
The Frankton teachers are: Prof.
J. E. Stubbs, Principal; Miss Cable,
Miss Raker, Miss Davidson and Miss
Merchant, assistants.
Miss Hukari and Miss Florence
Wilson will teach at Oak Grove.
Superintendent Coad wishes to call
the attention to all patrons of the
school to the fact that they should
become acquainted as'soon as possible
with the teachers of their children.
Commodore Orchard Visits Valley.
Commodore Mat. Orchard, who re
cently retired from the United States
Navy at Vancouver, was here Monday
and Tuesday visiting his cousin, Dr.
W. S. Nichol. He was accompanied
by his daughter, Miss Marian Orchard.
the retired naval commander was
shown botli the Upper and Lower Val
leys and was highly impressed with
them from both a commercial and
aesthetic viewpoint. "I have come in
touch with Western people," he said,
"from San Diego on the south to
Seattle on the north and I find that
one of. the significant things in all
places is that they are pushing ahead.
They are progressive. They have come
out of the routine and ruts, so char
acteristic of the East."
Commodore and Miss Orchard left
street, for the first time in thirty
years, rive of the brothers saw active
service in the war. A few years after
its close the parted and had not seen
one another again until last week.
They all enlisted at the village of
hcottsville, two in lStil and three in
All six of the brothers are compar
atively tall and are in almost tierfect
health despite the fact that thev are
considerably advanced in years. The
brothers are John Deitz. of No. 13
Dover street, Rochester, who served
in Battery I., of the First New York
Light Artillery; Lieutenant Frederick
Deitz, of Hood River, Ore, who served
in the same battery : W i ham Dielz.
of Canton, 111., who served in the
Third New York Cavalry : George
Deitz, of liutralo, who served; in the
Fourth New Y'ork Heavy Artillerv:
Alonzo Deitz, of Northwood, N. D.,
who served in Mattery L, of the First
New York Light Artillery, and
Alphonzo Deitz, of Belden. Mich.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Morton, of the
great Hood River apple district of
Oregon, have arrived in Redlands and
will make their home in Yucaipa Val
ley, where Mr. Morton has purchased
an apple ranch. In speaking to a
Facts reporter today. Mr. Morton
stated that he had visited the locality
where Redlands now stands, more than
thirty years ago, living here Jor a
period of nine months.
"I remember that there was no Red
lands at that time, the only houses and
settlement being known as Lugonia
and all situated on the north side,"
said he. "I ploughed where the prin
cipal streets of Redlands now are, and
have chased the coyotes, rabbits, foxes
and deer riurht through wbat is now
your best residence section. ( came
back to note the great development
that has taken place. I expected to
meet a few of the people that I knew
years ago, but I have as yet been
unable to meet a single man that I
knew then.
"After leaving Redlands "we went
north and finally drifted into the great
Hood River district, the greatest apple
district in the world. Rut Yucaipa
Valley has a great chance to become a
great apple district, otherwise I would
not have purchased a ranch in the val
ley. The success of Yucaipa Valley,
or for that matter any other district.
depends upon the class of people who
settle there.
"The marketing conditions of the
Hood River people ore absolutely the
best to be had. A grower of apples is
not allowed to touch his own fruit.
It is all handled by the union or the
packing association. The fame of the
apples from there is known everywhere
for, if you examine a box, or hundreds
of boxes of apples, you will find they
are all alike, no bail apples in the lot,
everyone being just like its fellow
apple. Such conditions of marketing
existing in Yucaipa Valley will make
the district above Redlands just as
famous as any in the country." Red
lands, Calif., Facts.
The Hood River Valley continues the
goal of homeseekers. W. H. Johnson
and J. Cruse made purchusei here last
week and both will move their families
to the community and make jierma
nent homes. The former, who is from
Philadelphia, purchased 20 acres from
Cutler Bros., paying for it the sum of
$:IO,000. The tract bought is comprised
of about 7 acres of 13 year old stand
ard commercial orchard, Spitzenhurg,
Newtown and Arkansas Black tree,
and the rest is set in rive year old com
mercial trees. The 20 acres bought by
Mr. Johnson has located on it the
handsome Cutler residence, in which
the owner and his family will live.
Cutler Bros, purhcased a 05 acre
tract, of which the 20 acres sold is a
part, from E. J Young three years
ago for a price of $32,000. The greater
portion of the land retained by them
is set in young trees and the remainder
is devoted to the raising of hay. They
will build a bungalow on the land re
tained and make their residence there.
Mr. Cruse, who is from Boise,
Idaho, bought forty three and a half
acres from A. B. Combs in the Willow
Flat country. He paid for the land,
which is in a raw state, the sum of
$5000. He will build on the tract and
begin at once to improve it. Both
sales were made through the agency
of Dr. W. S. Nichol.
William Rogers, a negro, suffering
from numerous contusions about the
head and body and who claims that he
was returning from Green River,
Wyoming, hay fields to his home in
Vancouver, Wash., was taken from a
westbound freight train, which ar
rived here about the middle of last
Thursday evening, by Marshal Lewis.
The negro claimed that he had sus
tained his injuries in an encounter
witit three brakmn. He was stealing
a ride and to prevent them from throw
ing him from the train he had given
them all of his money, which amounted
to the sum of $2.50. After the train
left Mosier, he claims that they at
tempted to make him leap from the
fast moving cars. When be refused
they beat him into insensibility. A
number of traveling men, who were
awaiting the local passenger train
here, when they heard his tale of woe,
threatened to mix with the brakemen.
The marshal, however, interfered and
the black boy was taken to the city
prison, where on an examination hv
County Physician Bronson it was found
that his injuries, while painful bruises,
were not serious.
Pension Day Dinner Monday. Sent.
4th. Members of Canby Corps are
requested to come with well filled bas
kets and have a good time.
Sunday Cosing Question Still in Hands of
Judiciary Committee Henderson
Will Inspect Sewer Work.
The city hall was crcwded to capac
ity Monday night at the regular meet
ing of the council. Large delegations
were present from the Heights portion
of the city and the Columbia street
district, where the city government
will conduct a great deal of improve
ment work.
The street committee, reporting on
the remonstrance tiled at. a prev'oua
meeting by Columbia street residents,
protesting against the proposed con
crete walksjfor the district, aubmittej
the statement that its members, after
an investigation had found that a
minority portion of the property front
age was represented on the remon
strance, and recommended that the
walks be laid. The committee also
stated that the old hoard walks were in
many places inadequate for the needs
of the residents. Attorney A. A.
Jayne, representing'the remonstrating
property owners, spoke at length to
the council. He said that he and a
great many of the residents along the
street considered the old walks sulii
cient to meet the needs of the district
for a number of years. The recommen
dation of the Srteet committee, how
ever, was approved by the council.
In order to connect the side walk on
Cascade avenue with the landing of
the stairway leading down to the
O-W. R. & N. station, the side walk
will be slanted. This will necessitate
a retaining wall at the street curb.
The wall, however, will be constructed
by the railroad company.
The council was presented with
another petition from citizens of the
Heights, who protested against the
sidewalks in Sewer districts No. ti and
7. However, it seems that a majority
of tins residents of that d istrict are in
favor of the work of improvement. A
number of those at the Monday night
meeting , addressed the council and
gave the action toward the street ' and
sidewalk work their hearty support.
Father Pius, of the Catholic church
and Rev. J. 1.. Hershncr both gave it
their endorsement. At the suggestion
of A.W. Onthank, the ordinance, which
provides for the work, will huve an
amendment clause providing fcr cross
J. H. Gerdes, proprietor of the
Gordes House at the corner of Cascade
avenue and Second street was granted
a petition, which asked permission to
move the curb line of the walk to bo
constructed in front of his property
six inches into the street, in order that
he may protect the peplar trees there.
Whether or not the moving picture
shows of the city will be allowed to
open on Sundays is now a question for
the Judiciary committee of the council
to decide. The council was presented
with a petition at the regular, meeting
a week ago trom Monday night which
was signed by 185 citizens and asking
that the council close the electric
theatres. At the last meeting a re
monstrance against the former petition
was presented to the-council. ' 'the re
monstrance was signed by 312 citizens.
The Judiciary committee will check
over the signatures and base their
decision upon the result.
Louis A. Henderson was appointed
by the council to inspect the work to
be done in the construction of the
sewers in Districts Nit. (i and 7. Mr.
Henderson will it.ceive a salary of $3
per day for his work. D. Currier, Jr.,
was an applicant fur the inspection
work at a salary of $150 per mouth.
H. F'. Davidson whs granted an ex
tension of time to place concrete side
walks in front of his property. The
extension was asked in order that he
might seure iron trap doors for the
To bo the bride in two weddings and
the recipient of two wedding rings in
ten days was the experience of Miss
Sara Jennie William Kerr, daughter of
Alexander H. Kerr and Mrs. Amanda
Kerr, .who became Mrs. Kenneth II.
Holbrook in a church ceremony Mon
day night to please her parents, says
the Oregonian. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr,
while favoring the match of the young
couple, both under 21, were displeased
over the informal nuptial knot tied at
Vancouver a, week ago last Saturday.
The bride met Mr. Holbrook while
he was visiting Pnrdham Kimball at
Hood River, lust May, she and her
mother also visiting there at the same
time. In the Rose Festival, Mr. Hol
brook returned to Portund and their
engagement Boon followed. Mrs. Hol
brook came West about a week ago
and Kerr visited her. This
seemed the opportune moment for Mr.
Holbrook, who induced Miss Kerr to
go with him to Vancouver and be
married. They took Mr. and Mrs.
Cunningham with them and, obtaining
a license, were wedded by Rev. J. M.
Cause there, the bride going that
afternoon to the beach to join her
As soon as Mrs. Kerr learned of the
secret ceremony, she began prepara
tions for a church wedding. She had
advised the couple to wait a year, feel
ing they would then be of better age
fur the step. Monday evening's cere
mony was according to her wish and
was one of the exclusive events ot thu
Squaw and Pony Obstruct Road.
B. E. Duncan and Chns. L. Wheeler,
two of Hood River's realty men wcrt
on their way to the ice cave the other
day, says a Trout Lake dispatch, when
a cayuso pony stationed itself in front
of the auto and refused to budge.
When the machine approached the
pony, it kicked the fender, bending it
out of shape. Where the two canw
together, the road was very narrow
and the autoists could not get around
and were forced to retreat to Trout
Lake. The pony was in care of a
squaw but she refused to interfere
with the freedom of the "cuitan"
uuless the reafty men wculd appropri
ate some of their hard earned money
toward her exchequer and this they
refused to do. Their trip to the caves
was annulled.