noop Hirr.R glacier, 'rnbhjbAT, acgust n, mi HOOD RIVER PARTY ENDS LONG TOUR LEWIS ROUTS YELLOW JACKETS WENATCHEE CROP PLACED HIGH Mr. and Mrs. Burt Stranalmn, Mr. and Mn. I.. C. Baldwin and child, when thev returned to this city aboard the Baiiley (iatzirt from Portland Monday ended a 12UO mile journey, all of which, with the exception of the I'ortland-Hood River boat trip, was made in Mr. Baldwin's automobile. The party left here Saturday, Jvily 30, and proceuinjf through The Dalles, entered the Central Oregon country arid from thence nouth to Northern California. The followirineitie were visited: Madras, Redmond, JSend, Sil ver Lake, .Summer lake, I'aialey, Lake View, Surprise Valley and Al tuias, Calif.; Klamath, Ashland, Med ford, Grant's Pass, Salem and Kutferie. "We made the journey wthout an accident, ' said Mr. Stranahan, "and it wa8 certainly a tine trip. The roads from The Dalles down throng the Central Oregon country are great. An autoist couldn't want better. That country looks pretty fine to me. too. Our journey north, however, wasn I bo pleasant; for ttie roads in the Wil lamette and Kogue Kiver Valleys are pretty badly cut up. Correction. The date and pluce of the birth of Andrew Jackson Kand, the pioneer, who died at bin home on the Fast Side grade lat Wednesday, were given erroneously in the Glacier of last week. Mr. Kand was born in Jelter son county, Ohio. January l!t, When he was 10 years old his narents moved to Jackson county, Va. lie was married to Mary Jane Latiinore in 1H4X. He and his wife moved to Madison, Wis., in 18.10. in 1X5.'! they moved 111 l.a Crosse, where Mrs. Kand died. Mr. Kand moved to Oregon in JKKG, At the beginning of the Civil War the deceased enlisted in the Second Wisconsin Cavalry and served faith fully as a solider throughout the con diet. He leaves surviving in addition to the members of the family men tioned last week, four nephews, all brothers. They are T. B. Kand, of Montavilla; J. H. and M. V. Kand, of Portland; and Robert Iturnl, of Wnu tJ win (iwin. Local Autoists Make Record Time. W. A. Morgan, who recently came here from Portland as a representative 01 the Michigan Vehicle Co., made a record trip to The Dalles in a car of that make buturday. 1 he entire dis tance was covered in an hour and .'11 minutes. The distance between here and Mosier was traveled in !I7 minutes. Will iluggins, who made the trip to J he Dulles on the mime afternoon, took l(i more minutes to cover the alrefch. Willard Young made the trip in good time Sunday. The roads traveled are in very good shape and this makes a very beuuliful trip for motorists, as the scenery along the route is unsurpassed. Many Japs Will Root For Team. Hood River will be full of Japanese baseball fans Sunday, when the Lower City aggregation will go up against the Japanese ball 'team from Seattle and Portland. The yellow men will pour in from White Salmon and all otner adjoining districts as well as from the Hood River Valley. Local enthusiasts assert that their team will give the Lower City boys a good tus sle. Wtwi!l certainly make a better showing than the black fellows did Sunday," said one. Indeed, Sunday will be a great day for the Japs. One should be able to find plenty of amusement at Columbia park, while the game is under way, and get an idea of how the Japs con duct their cheering. J The Coon team from Portland that played lust Sunduy was frost. The game resulted in a victory of 12 to 0 in favor of the local boys. One big negro by accident connected with the ball and would have made a home run. However, u lazy team mate, who was on sceoiul buse when the hit was made, was overtaken between third and homo and caused both of them to be put out, Hay Fever, Asthma ami Summer Colds Must be relieved quickly and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. K. M. Stewart. 10114 Wolfram St. Chica go, writs: "1 have been greatly troubled during the hot Hummer months with liny Fever and find that by lining Ko leys Honey nod Tar Compound get great relief." Many others who suffer aiui'liarly will b glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is effective for cou.'hs and colds iu either children or grown persons. No opiuts, no harmful drugs. lua yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For sale bv C. O. Plntli. See the new up-to-date ownership map of Hood Kiver Valley, for sale by Hood River Almtiact Co. AND YOU'LL PASS ANYTHING J. Marshal Robt. Lewis spent one of the most strenuous times in the his tory of his official duties last Friday morning, when he evicted from the Cascade street sidewalk a nest of yel low jackets. The little pests had tres passed on the city's property and hail taken possession of the board walk for a length of more than 50 feet. They have had heated arguments with a number of citizens 0 the neighborhood and have always been victorious. Marshal lewis was beginning to fear that it would be necessary to call out the fire department to tssist in the removal of the trouble makers. How ever, he Becured a beeman's veil, heavy gloves and other safeguards and cau tiously approached the entrenchments of the yellow warriors armed witn matches, pine shavings and sulphur. When the brimstone fumes began to penetrate their quarters the most of the yellow jackets were overcome and were consumed by the flames, but a few of the more hardy warriors es caped and the attacking marshal was given several merry chases around the block. HEIGHTS NEWS While taking a bath Sunday morning Marshall Hill was seized with an attack of lumbago. Mr. Hill suffered severe pain for several days, but is now reported much improved. Ben W. Scott, who has been here organising the lodge of Maccabees, is seriously ill. K. C. Bucklin, the Heights black smith, reports that businss is unusually active for the season. Ray Samuels, who is with the San tary Market, is spending the week at Portland and Seaside on a vacation. The Union Temperance meeting held at the Christian church Sunday even ing was well attended. Rev, Parsons spoke quite plainly on some of the evils that are before our young people, and Rev, McOmber gave them a rem edy to overcome them. The choir gave us some good stirring music. Miss Beth rxigington 'sang a solo in her sweet natural way that was very taking. The next regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. fclla Wilbur on Tuesday afternoon at 2:110 o'clock, August 22. It is necesary that all members be present as it is election day and if the Union is carried on another year there must be a new corps of otlicers. All that do not wish theUnion to go down must be present. Don't forget the date. Mrs. J. K. Carson and two little daughters, Alice and Alberta, take their departure for Seaside this morn ing where Mrs. Carson is going to see what the salt breeze will do for her health. She is in a very nervous and run down condition, and needs a good long rest. We all hope she may be greatly benefitted. The Woman's Relief Corps had one of their good time socials at Mrs. Jen nie lientley's yesterday. Everyone enjoyed the picnic dinner. Mrs. Eva Nelson, a neice of Mrs, Crowell. is coming from California to spend some time and assist Mrs. Crow ell in her care of Mr. Crowell, who does not improve as it was hoped he might. Carl .Sunnier has a brother visiting him from the Kast. He came to see his mother, 'Mrs. Mary Sumner, who has been sick so long. River Sailing Delightful Recreation. "It's an ill wind that blows no one good." When the strong breezes surge from the coast up the Columbia, tiood Kiver citizens have learned that it en ables them to enjoy excellent sailing. No recreation is more delightful. Ihe sail boat, with its big canvas Mapping, scouts straight away or can be made to turn on a tack and run alumni into the very teeth of the wind, which with the broad expanse to play upon, creates larger swells than one would suspect. Ihe pleasure seeker is often thrilled by the dips into the troughs. Many parties have recently enjoyed the sailing with O. C. Dean and Roy Sheplar, the proprieties of the Hood River-White Salmon ferry. When the wind is strong the trips to and from White .Salmon are made especially pleasant. Torpedo Boats Will Not Come. Because of a change in the itinerary of the Pacific Torietlo Fleet, none of the mosquito craft will be seen nearer to this city than Portland. Says Lieu tenant Louis C. Richardson, fleet com mander, in a letter to Dr. W. S. Nichol: "Our itinerary has been chauged on account of the Centennial at Astoria, and 1 regret very much that we will be unable to send a boat further than Portland." Lieutenant Richui'dsoii plans to make a visit to the Hood River Valley next summer. A TIP Stylish Suits !."n!l.$l5.00 oxfords s,..!h!..;:v!aiko:: 4.00 Hitc The newest of the season, and a 9 AA 11013 "Gordon," too O.UU Shirk What's better than the "duett?" I rn JUIl 13 Anybody knows the answer I.JU Underwear klnuSons m pTece0'. 1.00 Socks f in CoIors' 5()c; Si,k Fnisi1 25 $24.75 G. VOGT That 30(i0 cars of fruit will be shipped from the Wenatehee valley this year is the estimate of Inspectors P. S. Darlington end I. E. DeLong, says th Wenatehee Advance. Of the total movement tnere will be 20)0 cart of apples, 600 of peaches and 400 of pears and other soft fruit. According to the inspectors the apple harvest. this year will yield twice as' many Winesaps the leading variety in the district as last season ; Spitzen bergs, Rome Beauties, Black Ben Davis and Arkansas Blacks will be fully as large a erop as in 1910; while Ben Davis, Ganoa and Jonathans, which were unusually heavyjast year, will be short this season. More people, men women, are suffer ing from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before, and each year more of them turn for quirk relief and er-' maneut benefit to Foley's Kidney Rem edy, which lias proven itself t l one of the most effective remedies for kidney and bladder ailments that medical science has devised. I Notice to Bridge Companies. HexleO blilx will be received at tli ofllca ol tli undTHiiifl Id the City of Hood Hlver, oretton, uulil noou, Augual :u, Itrtl, tor llie formxli I iik ol necnuwry materia la and I lie couMruclioii of a a(l bridge aerm Neal CreH, bout flvfl mile aoiilh of lioud Kiver. In Hood Klver County, Ort-gou. Tub tel pan of Mild bridge to be l:t) feet lu leunlU Willi timber approach about luu reet meU, and wHd. frame auperatruuture upon oou. erele plwra un -er aald apau. The carrying capacity of aald bridge muat uol be lena tbau m tuna live weight. Plana and aptriltcatlima of aald bridge cau be axeu at the office of W. K. Ilanaon, County Clerk, on and aflor Auguat If., mil. A certified check for i per ceul of the proiHinal muat aceoiiipauy eucti bid. The right or rejection of any and all bid a la here by eipreaaly reaerved. Dated Auaual U. lull. UKO. U. ( UM1KKTMON, I7a24 County Judge. Notice of Improvement or Streets. Notlre la hereby given purauant to Ordl. nance No. X!A, panned Ihe Coin mini Council of theCity of lliaid Kiver, on the 7tti day ol Anguat, 11J, and approved by the Mayor on tue.Tth day of Auguat, lull, providing for the Improvement of the south aide of Columbia HI rent from the weal curb line of Heveulu Street weat to the eaat curb line of Kourteeuth 80 eel, and on the north aide of aald street from the wesl curb line of Heventh Htreel weat to the eaat curb line of 1 hlrteeuth street, ex cent where aldewalka have already been laid or permlta laaued for the eonatructlou of able, walka under this ord liianca, that blda will be received bv the tinderalgued My Keeorder at ma otnee in Ihe lleilhronuer Kulliliug lu aald City up lo hlo clia'k, noou, ou the and day of Mepteinner, mi, lor uie improvemeni 01 aaiu (reel by grading dowu U Ihe eatahliahed grade from the property line to the street line tor aaiu uiaiHiiee ui me wnoii oi iu ieei, and the laying of eeiuetit aldewalka six feet lu width a dlatanceo' two feet from the prop- rly line Uam aald grade. Hald work shall be let in one contract, ami anao ne reuireu to be completed lu M daya from the date ol awarding aald contract. Huld bids will be opened by the Street Com mittee aa wmu aa practicable alter the lime fixed for reviving bhla, and the several bids, together Willi the summary thereof, will lie reported lo the Common Council at Its next regular meeting thereafter, l4-wlt, ou the 4th day or Meptemlier, Hill, al Ihe Cily Hall, In aald city, at which time aald bids will he con alderea. Notice la further given that any Interested party may file his nh.lei'tton lo the letting of said contract within the lime specified for receiving bids, and that the same will be transmitted hi the City Couuell along with said bhla for thelrcoiiHideration at said meet ing. The person, III in or corporal Ion lo whom the contract la lei will be required to enter into an agreement lo the effect that aald contractor shall haik aloue for payment for material and work to such iwrllcuitir por tion of the fund to be assessed upon the prop, erty liable hi pay for such liuprovemeut and paid Into the City Treasury for that puraise, aa shall he assessed lo the projierty lu from of of which and to the charge of which a partic ular part tit the improvement lo be done bv the successful bidder Is lo Im made and col lected and paid Into the City Treasury, and such contractor shall lu no event require the City of Hoi al Kiver or any of lu oillceraor agents to pay the same, except out of such pattlcular portion of aald funds ao aasesaed or collected Into Ihe City Treasury, and for such iHirllon ot ssld Improvement, nor seek to euioroe imymeul of the same or any part thereol against the City of Hood Kiver or any of Its ollloera by suy legal process or ther wlae. except out of audi particular fund. All blda must slate price lor grading said sidewalk U grade, and price for construct ing said sidewalk, which work shall be done in tne manner and lorm provided lor in ueu crul Improvement ordinance No. IW4 of the l 1 1 y in flood Kiver No bids will be received which apeclfy more than one price nu said work chargeable lo one block In length. A bond lor the faithful per formance of the contract loan auioAut equal to 1 per cent, of the eat minted cont ract price will be required of Ihe successful bidder, Ihe l oiiiicll reserving the light to reject auy and all bids. Dated and first published August 17, 11. 11. I.ANdll.l.K, al7a!U City Recorder. SECOND-HAND BUILDING MATERIAL AND WOOD For Sale on the old Box Factory Property Lot. See GEORGE B1GLER rhona 167-L, Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods I ON THE ROAD A Honest Reliable Prices ? E. A. CARDUl WORKED LIKEA CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, Cardui Worked Like a Charm. Jonesvllle, S. C "I Buffered with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. J. S. Kendrlck, in a letter from this place, "and at tlmea, I could not bear to stand on my feet. The doctor aald I would never be any better, and that I would have to have an operation, or I would have a cancer. I went to the hospital, and they oper ated on me, but I got no better. They said medicines would do tne no good, and I thought I would have to die. At last I tried Cardui, and began to Improve, so I continued using It. Now, I am well, and can do my own work. I don't feel any pains. Cardui worked like a chann." There must be merit in this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women Cardui for It has been In successful use for more than 50 years, for the treatment ot womanly weakness and disease. Please try It, for your trouble. N.B. Hrilcffi; Ladiea' Advisory Dept. Chalta nf Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term., tor Spertal InntrHftiuHs, and 64-page bunk, "Home TraatmtQI kjt Wuwaa," cnt In plain wrappar, m laquaal. THEY'RE COMING! The Mirth Making Monarch! RICHARDS & CRINGLE'S FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS 40 FAM0US FUNNY FELL0WS40 Not the Make Believe But the Real A Big Ensemble of the World's Greatest Comedians BIG STREET PARADE AT NOON THE COOL DINING ROOM Of the Mt Hood Hotel Electric Fans Ventilating Fan . SERVICE. A LA CHRTC ., We Also Serve a Thirty-five Cent Merchant's Lunch at Noon . o EXCELLENT CUISINE '( MOSELEY & LARS EN; Props. , RUIT STAMPS AT THE GLACIER. OFFICE APPLE LADDERS CEMENT NAILS THINNING SHEARS TARRED ROPE r. CANVAS HOSE TENTS TACKLE 1 SEED' OATS VETCH t Bread is the Staff of Life and Log Cabin is the Best The Best Staple and Fancy Groceries m.i!E-:Gibson- 102 Third Street Hood River, Oregon Hot Weather-Dishes Cool. Screened Porches 0 COMPANY Fresh French, Rye, Whole Wheat, White and Graham Loaves every day. We can please every taste. And don't forget that Saturday we will give to every customer one of our beautiful Log Cabin Cake Plates Remember the opportunity. Are You on the Right TracK? iThe way to ill -health is down grade, and the faster you get running the harder it is to stop. Our pure, fresh and reliable medicines will put you on the right track to recovery and bring you back to perfect health. Our store is known for hfgh qual ity and fair prices. If you are in need of a building up we recommend "Elixir Americanitis," it is a valuable tonic. : We recommend it because we know its formula. Sold with the Rexall guarantee, two sizes, 75c and $1.50. Carl . A. Plath, druggist "The Rexall Stove" A Prompt Courteous Treatment