n. . ' a. ' ! : 11 VOL. XX III HOOD MVEU, ORKOOX, THURSDAY, AHMIST 17, lull 0. 12 mw eg A Small Investment NOW In Ten Acres of Our Mosier View Orchards Planted to a .commercial variety of apples and cared for by experienced horticulturists for a period of five years, will net you big profits at the end of that time and make the owner independent. Guard against your lack of ability to earn money in your old age and Provide for the Future by investing NOW in one of these choice ten-acre tracts. Easy payment plan. Call or write for our FREE BOOKLET. Hood River Orchard Land Co., (Capital $500,000) Devlin & Fircbaugh Sales Agents. Hotel Oregon Bid?., 906-909 Yeon Bldg., c d River, Oregon Portland, Oregon hi 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii i M 1 1 1 1 n ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n m 1 1 1 1 1 1 if It Don't Leave the Hood River District Without Investigating "I yf X T 1 1 Natural advantages for fruit VI OS1 PI VflllPV growing unexcelled. Land ITXVaiVi. T 14J.1VJT priCes hav doubled within the last two yeare'but are not over half that'asked for similar land in other sections. Buy now betore the speculators add their profits. . COMMERCIAL CLUB OF MOSIER MOSIER, OREGON. Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon H. H. HADLOCK Phone 3AM Oftic Phone 45-L W. M. McCONNELL Hadlock & McConnell REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Improved and Unimproved ORCHARD LANDS Office First Door West Mt. Hood Hotel, Ground Floor HOOD RIVER, OREGON Land Bargains in Hood River J 20 Acres, $5,5005 miles from town. 5 acres cleared; fair nouse; z goou springs; nue view 01 vane; nu iw c shot soil; easy terms. I 19 Acres, 8.0005 miles from town. Id acres cleared ; 2 at red in trees; balance in clover ami alfalfa; all Mil I acre nrsi-eias a,, pie ' land ; splendid view ; easy terms. 17 Acre, $125 en Acret mile from shipping station, school. store and church ; all uncleared but hue land lor apples; a snap. 20 Acres, 922,000 3 acres 2-year-old ; 19 acres in 6-year-old P U., ;.....!. Vau I....... a... I lt..liu. iknaM fl.A uiollllifHi ItlHlf ill k'ii&ruiiuig) tirniunu iiiiu 'luriD. v'j ... ...... -.- r the valley and is in the heart of the apple growing section. Near store, school etc. Terms. I We have a number of special bargains in inside business property that are sure money makers. J. H. Heilbronner & Company The Reliable Dealers Hood River, Ore. i ...... $ H-M-M 1 1 M"I'1"H"1""I"I""" il'H-H-H 1 11 1 111 111 1111 II I 1 I I 1-H TwentyFive Acres 250 full bearing apple trees 1 75 bearing peach trees 1 0 acres, 1 to 4 year-old trees Balance uncleared Plenty of free water Small house and barn West Side Eight miles from postoffice $ 12,000; $2,000 cash Hood River District Land Co. Hood River, Oregon Land For Sale i -1 have about 1,000 acres of No, 1 Apple Land, jg most of it under ditch at prices ranging from f GO 3r per acre up. In traits from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE Hood River - Oregon For Sale by Owner 200 acres, 00 acres cleared, 11 acres planted, balance unimproved. Price cheap and easy terms. J. P. Thomsen It. F. I). No. 1 box ! Phone 21)0 Udell Camas Prairie Opportunities Ground Floor Investments in Choice Tracts of Meadow Land Now Being Drained. Only a Limited Area in This Hay, Stock, Grain and Dairy District INVESTIGATE NOW . DUNCAN & CO. EXPERTS PLAN STORAGE TESTS GOVERNMENT IS EXPERIMENTING Representatives from Agricultural De partment Visit Valley Storage Plant at Spokane. rt. B. Pratt and II. J. Ramsey, ex perts trum the pomological oflices of the United States Department of Hor ticulture, spent last Friday and Satur day here to make an investigation of local cold storage conditions. Both men have been making a study . of refrigerating problems for the past few years in the State of California. 1 hey have recently been at I uyallup. Wash., and at Salem, where experi ments were maile with pre-cooling sys tems by the government. rriday utternoon the government experts, atfer a trip to the Union's cold storage nnjins, where they were presented by James K. Montgomery with jellow Newtowns grown last season in the Central Vale orchards. were taken over the Valley in an automobile by Secretary J. C. Skinner, of the Commercial ("lull, and I'rof. W. H. Lawrence, the Fellowship ex pert. Fvery section of the Lower Val ley was visited, and the -party pene trated the Middle Valley, in order that Mr. Pratt and Mr. Ramsey might get as comprehensive an idea as possible of the different soils of the region. They left here Saturday afternoon for the White Salmon country, where they will spend a day in going over condi tions. The storage experts will visit every important fruit section between now and picking time, when they will secure samples of apples from the different localities for the purpose of experimenting with them at Spokane, where the government will conduct its storage tests. The Agricultural De partment is conducting the tests for the purpose of working out the proper details of refrigeration for the differ ent varieties of apples from the differ ent communities. Apples of different keeping quailtiea should be subjected to different storage methods. This year's work, which is of a preliminary nature, will be for the purpose of determining the keeping qualities of apples from each section. It is prob able that all the fruit will be subjected to a temperature of 32 degrees. Next year the work will probably go a step further and the action of soils with reference to keeping qualities will be considered. It is a well known fact among fruit marketers that the soil in which fruit has been grown has a great deal to do with its preservation. In the tests that are to be made Hood Kiver "fruit should prove to be among the front rank ol keepers. I he firmness of its apples is well known wherever the fruit has been marketed. The Newtown Pippins that are Fat present in the Union's warehoue are an example of the quality ot the Val lev's fruit. Secretary Skinner pro cured from the cellar of a rancher in l'.lOil about a dozen Arkansas Blacks, which were at the time a year old. He placed them in the Union warehouse, where they remained in a perfect state of preservation until the next year. Mr. Pratt and Mr. Ramsy spent Sat urday morning going over the local situation ' with Secretary Skinner and Prof. Lawrence and securing data. Neither of the experts had ever been to the Hood Uiver Valley before. They stated that it hud a reputation as being pre-eminent among the North west a fruit districts. Both were en thusiastic after the motor trip through the orchards and were delighted with the beautiful scenery of the surround ing country. "It is indeed ideal," said Mr. Ramsy. "Your orchardista should consider themselves particular ly fortunate. One of the things for which you are to be envied Is the class of people of whom your growers are made up. With the, exception of one or two small orange growing sections in California it is alone, 1 suppose, in the United States." And when the Union's system of grading and the hearty co-operative spirit with which the organization was maintained, the methods of the Fellowship association and other details of the Valley's bus iness machinery were explained to him he concluded: "No wonder, with such spirit, you are able to forge to the front ranks." CRITICIZES BILL roads to Le improved in the order for election. This would give the people an opportunity to know which roads were to be improved and to pass upon the same, and at the same time it woud obviate such a squabble as would be almost sure to occur in every mass meeting such as proposed in this bill." iSPROAT RETURNS FROM DETROIT COUNTIES AID STATE IN FIRE PROTECTION The national good roads department does not approve the highway bill drafted by the state grange, says the Portland Journal. 1 his lull was drafted sexeral months ago and, it in said, will be presented to the people of Oregon as a proper measure to pass by C. K. Spenee ot the slate grange at the Astoria meeting of the Oregon Development league. Logan Waller Page, director of the United States office of public roads, has written to Phil S. Bates, special representative of the department in Oregon, saving : "Sections 2-7, inclusive, provide for the selection of the roads to be im: proved through the medium of a road convention whis is to be composed of delegates from each road district in the county to be elected at a mass meeting to be called therein. 1 should think this would prove an unsatisfac tory way of arriving at a decision as to what roads should be improved. "In the first place this method of procedure would most likely be more productive of local factionalism and bitterness than of wisdom in the selec tion of the roads. The mass meeting might pass off harmoniously, but there so many conflicting individual interests and so many indivuals are unwilling to make concessions when it conies to a matter of road sellection, that it is almost impossible to get as large a body as this would be to agree upon any course. It would therefore often happen that a very bitter fight would occur in the election of delegates to the road convention and at the road convention the conflicting claims of the representatives of the different localities woud haye to be thrashed out and passed upon by this convention, also composed of a large number. I, therefore, think that this plan is un wise and that it will be better to re quire the'eounty court to designate the Reports from all section of the state received at the office of the F'orest Service, Oregon Forest Fire Associa tion and Slate Forester, show a most gratifying condtion so ffar as forest tires are concerned. The iieriod of cloudy wcaher accompanied by'showers in me .mountains which followed the hot spell hat made it possible to suc cessfully cope with all of the fires winch started late in July. The promptness with which tires have been discovered and steps taken to suppress mem, renects great credt upon the work of the federal Oovernent. State and private interests. 1 lie period ol.greatest danger, how ever, still remains. Loss of green timber has so far this 'summer been comparatively small, the 'tires, with few exceptions being confned to slash ings and old burns." There is, how ever, ample opporunity to reverse this good record unless the utmost care is exercised. Fires not thoroughly extinguished and which have caused no trouble luring the cloudy'wcather will become a decided menace with the advent; of a few hot days. These mud be care fully watched to prevent their break ing out again. Campers in great numbers are now in the mountains. Thev will Drove a sourcejof protection if the fire'lawa are strictljlibservedbut a decided menace il throughllessand careless. Fire proleclon in the state has been stimulated by Counties taking upon themselvesj some'responsibiltiy in the mutter. Clatsop, Columbia, Lane and Hood River Counties have each, at their own expense put on a man to assist the Stale Forester in his work. Federal assistance through the Weeks Law is now assured and with a co operative public and extreme vigilance on the part of patrolmen Oregon has an excellent opportunity to establish a record unsurpassed in former years. CAPT. SPENCER WILL COMMAND REGATTA BOX APPLES ARE GAINING GROUND Convention Attended by Representative Men -Prices for Year Continue Indefinite. Captain E. W. Spencer, father of Char leu Spencer of White Salmon and famed as a motorboat expert and wel known among the steamboat men of the northwest as one of the pioneers of that clique, has beenjappninted'admiral of the Pacific coast regatta to lie held at Astoria September 4-'.) as a final glorious wind-up for the Astoria Cen tennial exposition, says the Portland Journal. Admiral Spencer is popular among lovers of waler sports and has always taken a keen interest in the various aquatic events which have been held on the Willamette river and other water spurt centers in the'northwest. He has had a vast amount of experi ence in handling all kinds of water craft and feels more at home on the water than on dry land. Admiral Spencer is one of the real pioneer steamboat men of the Pacific northwest, lie could place a nice little pile of cash in the bank if he were now given a nickel for every time he lias piloted a steamer up or down the Columbia. In swift water stamboating in the Northwest he is one of the few who have become famed. C. II. Sproat 'returned yesterday morning from Detroit, where he at tended the convention of the National rruitbuyers association. The mian- tity'of box apples in the eastern part of the United States and in the Middle West, says Mr. Sproat, is going to be neavier than it was last year. All sections, he stateti, are going to have a lair sprinkling of fruit. 1 tie New York fruit region, the Ozark country and in fact all of the leading districts will have a good crop. The apples are expected to be of good quality. "The box apple section," said Mr. Sproat, "will on a conservative esti mate have a Id per cent smallei Jcrop than last year. The product of some of the sections will be greatly reduced, while others will just about hold their own." Wenatchee's crop is estimated at an increase. The convention was attended by buyers from all over the United States. Mr. Sproat says that they were a good representative body of men and fairminded. They are willing to handle the crop on a business basis and will not make efforts to depress the market. However, the members of the association are all at sea Jas to making definite statements as to what the price for the coming season will be. The figures of buyers and growers are very inconsistent at the present time. The former are offering $U per barrel, while growers are demanding a price of $3. All of the fruit men had a good word to say about Western box apples. All assert that they are growing more popular With the trade. This has re sulted from many reasons, they say. The box fruit is convenient to handle. The growers are careful to make their packs attractive and reliable. The former reason has great weight with the merchant and the latter iwo are persuasive elements with both the dealer and the consumer. Mr. Sproat met a number of the growers from different parts of the country who hadmade purchases of Hood River fruit last season. "All," he says, "were well pleased with their buys. The apples they handled came up to the mark in every way and added to the reputation of the Valley. They all say that they will be in the market again for some of our fruit and assure reasonable prices." Mr.'Sproat made the return trip over the Canadian Pacific. He states that cron conditions are fair throughout the Middle West. The wheat along the Canadian ror l will make an excellent yield, from all appearances, he as serts. However, the farmers of the region are very greatly in fear of a frost, the damage of which would be severe should it come within the next two weeks. VISITS VALLEY C Ford Seeley, treasurer of the Bal timore Orchard Co., which purchased the Ooldthwaite tract last fall, arrived in the city Saturday evening and has been busy since then looking over his property. Mr. Seeley, whose home is in Baltimore, has been appointed one or ine Maryland commission, which will visit San Francicso and select the site for the Maryland'buildinif at the Puna- ma Exposition to be held at San Fran cisco in 19 is, Mr. Seeley states that his company. in which a number of influential Balti more capitalists are interested, is well pleased with the Hood Kiver country, the tract, which is located on the Riv er Road just beyond Tucker's Bridge, has been greatly improved. The com pany is making a specialty of high grade nursery stock. They have plant ed about 2(M),(KH) young trees, which tl(ey are placing on the market. A. N. Swallow, who has been appointed sales manager, reports the sale of 7,(XH) trees this week. The tract is under the management of Marshall Osgood. Mr. Osgood was recently married to Miss Stella Jaycox, of .'old Springs, N. Y. The manager and his bride are making their home at the handsome bungalow located in a beautiful grove of lir trees and over looking the Hood River. OREGON WILL HAVE EXCELLENT LOCATION Oregon may very likely be given first choice in locating its state build ing on the grounds of the Panama Pacific Flxpositiun at San Francisco. Due to the good feeling that prevails between the two Pacific Coast states and the help given San Francisco by Oregon in being made.the Panama Ex position city, a sentiment favorable to letting Oregon place its state building anywhere il wishes on the entire ex position tract has developed and will probably develop into a definite promise. Oregon commissioners expect to score a big hit at the coming exposi tion and assert it will be as much an Oregon affair as an exploitation (of California. Exhibits to be shown from this state are expected to equal fully, if not actually outshine, the showing made by California itself. Place your order for wood now while the roads are good and it can be hauled. Hood 4-foot oak at $5.50. Connawav Mercantile Co., phone Odell 191. a '-'4 SHERIFF DIGS UP OLD TAX ROLL In making up the delinquent tax rolls received from Wasco county at the time of the establishment of Hood River county Sheriff Thomas F. Jolin son has found back tax due to the amount of $2,74:1.4!). The delinquen cies are taken from the rolls or the years 1908, 1904, 1905 and I9(i. At that time there was a law in, force providing for the sale'of property on which taxes were due without adver tising it. Although not required to do so by law, Slit riff Johnson hasj'made a care fulirivestigation of the rolls and has traced the records until he has been able to liud the present owners of the property. He has written personal letters to each stating the situation and the amount of taxes payable. The failure of owners to have been previ ously notified has resulted in heavy penalties from the accrued .interest on the delinquencies. Through carelessness at The Dalles office a number of serious mistakes have been discovered by Sheriff' John son. In a number of instances, on re ceipt of the communication from the sheriff stating that tax was'due, own ers have searched their files and have found receipts forthe amount. In in stances property has passed through a number of hands. The local records have shown that the tax had been paid and contracts of sale have been en tered upon accordingly. In such case the delinquencies naturally create a great deal of confusion. Some ot the property on which the ;Waseo records show tax due on an inspection of the local otlicer has been found still to belong to the government. The old law providing for the non advertisement of property on which delinquent assessment of taxes were due was found to result in great hard ships in many cases and was repealed by the state legislature year before last. Under the existing law one hu If of the amount of the tax is due on or before the first of April. If this amount is not paid at this time after four months the sheriff is authorized to place the property on a delinquent roll and advertise it. The remainder of the tax is due on or before the first Monday in October. If not paid by that date the tax becomes immediately delinquent. The courteous procedure of Sheriff Johnson in communicating with the owners of property, on which the old rolls show delinquencies, is meeting with the best "results and will go far toward straightening out the records. Where owners, through over sight, find that they failed to pay the tax, they'are settling the amounts and glad that the matter is not allowed to run further, whereby greater cohU accrue. Rigby House Secured as Hospital. The Rigby house on Oak street and adjoining the Cottage hospital has been secured by the hospital association and will be used exclusively as a maternity ward. The new ward, which will be under the care of three nurses, will greatly increase the facilities and make more convenient the accommodations for patients. I -I i I j 71 v