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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
V7aa JL LET US FIT YOUR TIRED FEET It Costs So Little and Looks So Neat. Hundreds Say So. Why Not You? Straw Hats at BRIEF LOCAL MENTION Miss Luelia Hawky and Miss Minnie HaUorHen are at Seaside. Harold Rounds, of Portland, was in the city yesterday on business. Meed potatoes at Whiteheads. " Miss Until Kadford is spending a few days in Portland for her health. C. L. and Ellis Moore.of The Dalles, were here Friday visiting friends. C. A.JMacargar, of Mosier, was in the city last Thursday on business. Insure your automobile against acci dent. See Hood River Abstract Co. Geo. R. Wilbur "and family are spending an outing on the East Range. A. li. Gearev, of St. Paul, Minn., spent the week end here with relatives. Now is the t into to buy cheap slab wood. A. O. Lifts, phone S10-X. John Sutthotf, who has been with his father in Seattle, returned home Sunday. Matt Troy and Austin Flegel, of Portland, were here on legal business yesterday. B. K. Duncan and Charles L. Wheeler. were in Ortley on business Monday. ' Christian Science services are held in Reading Room No. tl Davidson Building, Sunday 11 a. m. and Wednesday 8 p. in. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLucas visited the family ot F. E. Harris at Bingen last week. ' Dr. E. O. Dutro and family are camping on the West Fork of Hood River near Lost Lake. Hazel wood lee Cream is the best. Free delivery in any quantity over one quart. Kat Ha.elwood once and yon will have no other. For sale by C. A. Richards & Co. tf. Mrs. W. E. Hanson, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. John Marden, in The Dalles, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Frederick, of St. Paul, Minn., have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dickerson. If you want shoes that don't go wrong go to Jobusen's. O. F. Brisee, of Hanson, Ida., arrived here the first of the week to look over his ranch in the Central ale district. For a nice prime beef roast go to the Central Market. Misses Isabelle and Ellen McGregor, Mrs. Chas. McGregor and James McGregor, of Sleepy Eye, Minn., spent the week end here looking over the Valley. All kinds'of insurance in old com panies. G. Y. F.dwards Sl Co. Phone 22S-K. Misses Sophia and Rosa Morris, of Portland, and Hugo E. Birkner and Hume 1'ritchard, of Lincoln, Neb., were the guests of Miss Virginia Juhnson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Parsons, and child of Portland, are located here temporarily. Mr. Parsons is in charge of a surveying party of the Pacific Power & Light Co. Fine line of automobile gloves. Dav enport Harness Co. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hubbard, of Colorado Springs, Colo., are here looking for a permanent location. Mr. ana Mrs. Hubbard are friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shelton. Half Price Mrs. K. I). Gould and children re turned yesterday from Goldendale, where she spent several days with relatives. Shoes made or repaired at Jolmsen's Messrs. Keeley and Dubois, who own one of the oldest orchards in the Underwood community of Skamania county, were in the city Saturday. Grace U. B. church. Sixth and Oak, the Rev. J .1). Parsons, pastor. Sun day school at 10 a. m. At 11 o'clock a merriorial service will be held in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Brayford. See our auto gauntlets. Davenport Harness Co. Jos. A. Wilson left Saturday for the Soda Springs on Wind River above Carson, Wash. Mr Wilson thinks that a few weeks at the springs will benefit his health. He carried tackle with him and will enjoy the tine fishing of the region. Now is the time to buy cheap slab wood. A. C. Lofts, phone 310-X. Mr. and Mrs. McCatferty, Misses Winilred Douthit, Erma Steed, Anna Huntley, Ruth Stopp and Messrs. Charle9 Bonn, Lee Steed, Edward Crier, and Fred Walther, of The Dalles made a trip to the Devil's Punch Bowl last week. Try our pure pork sausage. We stand back of it. at Central Market. F. B. Snyder andlB. B. Towell have established a new plumbing shop in the Davidson building on Cascade avenue. Mr. Snyder was formerly connected with R. D. Gould in the plumbing business. Mr. anu Mrs. i. w. vvieuricK ami daughters. Misses Kuth ana florence, of Portland, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hinrichs. They are spending the week at Winan's hotel near the Punch Bowl. If your shoes have gone wrong take them to Johnsen. G. K. Rogers demonstrated a process r.. -..: .... R.f4 L1.....I 1UI null JI trnci V Ml Ob IHC JIH. UVUUj Hotel rriday. the process, winch la is stated will keep the natural flavors of the fruits preserved, is said to be very economical. Mr. Rogers will endeavor to secure capital for the erection of a plant at this city. If you have a snap in real estate or want one let us know. ( Guv Y. Edwards & Co., Agents. Nile Walther, station agent at Lyons, Neb., arrived in this city Sat urday for a visit with his coilsins, Mrs. Ella Otis. Mrs. Chas. L. Clapp and Mrs. A. D. Moe. He left Monday for a tour of the Central Oregon country but will re'urn later to look over the Valley. Mr. Walther contemplates locating in the West. See the new up-to-date ownership map of Hood River Valley, for sale by Hood River Abstiact Co. Miss Margaret, Mcintosh of, Port land, who was here spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan at their summer camp near Lost Lake, return ed home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and little daughter, Dorothy, and Charles Wheeler, accompanied by Miss Mcintosh, returned home from the Lost Lake country Friday. Automobile insurance written by Hood River Abstract Co. Notice. I By mistake I Jpaid to someone lest week or the latter part of the week before a fifty cent piece coined in 1831. Will possessor of said coin please re turn to me and receive reward. Jerry Blower, If You Are Taking a Trip or planning one, just remember we are right here with the goods you will need. Ladies' Riding Skirts, Walking Skirts, riiddies, Town and Country Skirts, High Boots, Leggings, Auto Coats and Dust Coats. Splendid Values LADIES' OXFORD TIES TANS OR PATENTS KIDS OR GUNMETALS Every Pair Reduced in Or der to Move Them Quickly Children's Sizes Reduced FRANK A. Mrs. Henry Evenham., of Glenwood, la., while on the way to Eugene for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Seth Laraway, has been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lara way. Mr. Laraway sent his automo bile down by boat Monday afternoon and he, Mri. Laraway, Mrs. and Miss Cora- Shafer will Evenhain motor to Eugene. They will make a trip later to .Newport on the coast. Now is the time to buy cheap slab wood. A. U. Lofts, phone 310. X. For Sale -- Household goods : One Grand Rapids refrigerator, holds GO lbs. of ice; one washing machine; one solid 'oak dining table; one large rock ing chair, one small rocking chair, one heating stove, Charter Oak, 6 cap range. All articles are practically new. The rerfigerator has been used but two months. Call and see goods at 780 May street or inquire at Wood's Grocery store. Seed jiotatoes at Whiteheads. Mrs. M. H. Dorsey and Miss Dorothy Dorsey have returned from Southern California, where they have been spending the winter and spring. They were accompanied on their return by Misses Isabello Layman and Alice Wil son Bixby, of Indianapolis, Ind., who will make an extended visit here. Hood River Sweet Cider, Hires Root Per and Soda Waters of all flavors can be obtained for family use at all the confectionery and grocery stores at $1.00 per dozen with an allowance of fit) cents per dozen for the return of bottles to the party from whom pur chased. Keep a few bottles in a cool place during warm weather. Hoou Rivkk Apple Yinkoar Co. About 75 young people attended the ice cream social of the Baptist Young Peoples' Society on the Belmont road Tuesday night. A highly instructive and- entertaining program had been prepared and the evening was very pleasantly. For Rent Modern furnished spent house on Columbia street; plumbing com plete. I. Inland Henderson, (Inc.) The Misses Letta and Vera Miller, of Tacoma. Wash., arrived last week for a visit with friends in the city and val ley. Miss Caroline Tomlinson, of Lansing, Mich., is the guest of Miss Marie Lemmon in the Oak Grove district. Lucile Patchen Takes Second Purse. Capt. C. P. McCan has received the good news that his mare Lucile Patch en, sired by The Patchen Boy, the famous stallion, also the property of Capt. McCan, took second money in the 2:20 trot at Salinas, California last week. The purse for the race was $8(K). Capt, McCan has been meeting with a gratfying success from his horses which he had in training at Pleasanton, California, the past winter and spring. The Loyal lierean of the Christian Bible School will hold an ice cream social on the lawn of Mr. W. II. Peugh, Thursday evening, August 17. You are cordially invited. al7 Water Rights Case Begun. . Averring that E. O. Reade, lof the Upper Hood River Valley, hag filed on a government spring from which he has been using water since 1903, Jesse Davidson has secured an injurnction against the former to prevent a use of the water of the spring. Mr. Reade filed on the spring during the past month. The merits of the case wilt be heard before the circuit court. Kscss? 7 ""r"H most complete I and elegant line of Suit Cases ever offer ed in America, and we name (he very LOWEST a a PRICES We have in block all styles and qualities to suit you. Prices From $2.95 to $15.00 Ml"1" FINED FOR ASSAlffr Albert Langsdell, who was arrested Saturday night on the Heights by Night Watchman Hickox, was found guilty of assault and buttery Monday morning by Justice of thejl'eace A. C. Buck and asscsed a line of $00 and costs. Langsdell first became a trouble maker last Wednesday night. He had taken lodgings at the Ledgerwood lodging house on Oak street. He re fused to pay for liis room and Mrs. Ledgerwood, the proprietor of the place, called on the night watchman to eject him. However, he returned about 10 o'clock and alter abusive language stepped from the building and hurled a stone through an upper story window, breaking a number of panes of glass. He escaped from the city and nothing mure was heard from him until Saturday, when he assaulted R. S. Hall on the county highway near the Guignard & Rosiger orchard. A warrant wus sworn out. for him and the city ollicer, Hickox, accompanied by Constable Olingcr, lound him on the Heights and the former made the arrest. Langsdell altepmted to escape from the city prison Monday morning. He broke by Marshal Lewis and was making away, when the officer was forced to fire at him in order to bring him to a halt. OBITL'AKY. Mrs. Enoch Bra) ford Mrs. Enoch Brayford passed away August 6 at C A. M. at the Cottage Hospital of this city. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Burtmess chapel and the body was in terred at the Idlewild cemetery. Mrs. Brayford was born at Stafford, Wolverhampton county, England. She was married to Enoch Brayford at Walsall, England, 'Decebmer ti, lXo'7. She and her husband came to the United States in 188!) and settled in Hood River in 1893. Many sympathizing friends gatherd at the grave and presented many handsome floral offerings as a token of their respect. Mr. Brayford wishes to express his sincere thanks for hand some wreaths sentry T. E. Gates, the Ideal Candy Co. and Wadhains & Kerr, of Portland; the Hood River Mer chants' association, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Rathburn, I Mrs. Haitley and Mrs. Watts, of this city. Mositr Club Renews Activities. At a recent meei.inf of the Mnsier Commercial Club over fifty new mem bers signed up and pledged themselves to Rlltutfirt ih.i n-Lruiiiv:tt inn fur th ensuing year and it is the intention of the new board to double this number willnn the next thirty days. The fill IriUi Mir Hiruf'tum urf num.- " ' 1 v..... ....... ...v. ....... nutprl unit plcnt4il tlioii term f.f nffii.n to be effective at once: F. A. Shogren, Kd L. Howe, Dr. David Robinson, J. N. Mosier. W K f'hntvn. II M Scearce, Dr. R. M. Ross, C. J. Little page, and L. D. Firebaugh. Mosier Mrs. Thompson Moves to Goldendale, " Mrs. Genevia Thompson, of Hood River, has arrived in Goldendale to make her future home. She is the mother of Mrs. Ellinore Watson, the expert stenographer at C. W. Ramsey's law oiliee. Uoldendale Independent. In Our Men's Department we are offering some very unus ual values in Men's and Boy's Suits The stock will surprise you in its assortment, and every suit is re duced in price from 20 to 40 per cent. Hundreds to select from and a fit goes with every suit we sell. Men's Low Shoes AT JUST HALF PRICE A Special Value in Gun metal, Button or Lace, Worth $4.00 Regular. Your Choice $2.00 GRAM JACK HANI), PIONEER, DIES FROM LOCKJAW Jack Rand, a pioneer of this county, died yesterday morning at his home on the old East Side grade from lock jaw, which resulted from an (injury received last week when Mr. Rand stepped on a rusty nail while walking near his home. Mr. Rand, who was born at Ravenswood, West Va., Feb ruary 11, 1S28, and moved to this state in 1887, was one of the earliest home steaders of this community. He tiled on a claim on the shores of Lost Lake before it was placed in tho National Reserve. He moved to his country home on the East Side, where his death occuretl, in the year of 18!)0. The deceased was married twice, lie was married the second time on March 10, 189'., to Mrs. John Rand, the widow of his brother. In addition to his wife he leaves surviving four sons, children of her lirst marriage, Charles Rand, of Minneapolis ; Andrew Rand, of Cortelyou, Wash. ; Marvin Rand, of The Dalles ; and Ed. Rand, sheriff of Baker county of this state. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 today by Rev. J. B. Parsons at the U. B. church alter which the body will be interred in Idlewild cemetery. GEORGE S. McLAREN DIES FROM POISONING George S. McLaren, 31 years old, one of the leading business men of Seattle, died Wednesday night of ptomaine poisoning caused by eating Canned mushrooms at a dinner at Ta coma Tuesday night. Mr. McLaren was taken ill while returning to Seattle from Tacoma and hurried to a hospital as soon as he arrived there. Mr. McLaren, who has made frequent visits here with his mother, Mrs. Harriett McLaren, and sisters, Miss Mary McLaren and Mrs. Stanton Allen, is well known to Hood River people. lo whom the news of his death came as a great shock. The deceased leaves surviving a wife'and two sons. BAM GAME, CIRCUS, SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS A Puritan father of the old New England days, living under the strict "Blue Sunday" laws of the early per iod, would undoubtedly have been shocked could he have arisen from the grave and appeared on the streets here Sunday, when the gay crowds from Camas and Vancouver, Wash., who came here on the excursion boat, Kel logg, mingled with the local residents and listened to the baud concert of the Lewis & Clark circus at noon. A cir cus in Hood River on Sunday is rather a novelty and the unusual band music at the noon hour just as the morning services of the churches were closing createa a peculiar interest among the people. Amusements for the day were plenti ful. The wild west show gave an af ternoon and evening performance and; at 2:30 in the afternoon the Camas I baseball team met the local aggrega-1 tion from the lower city. The game resulted in a tie. Nine innings were I played and the Camas boys iad to leave' GOOD BAD 25CTS. X TRACOO D Knee pants lined all through BathinSuits forthe Sea Bath for the wharf to catch the homeward hound boat. It is stated that the Washington lails, who have met with unusual success on the diamond this season, are arranging for a series with the local team. Dr. and Mrs. Robertson, of Moscow, Idaho, were the guests last week of Prof, and Mrs. L. F. Henderson. Dr. Robertson is at the head of the Civil Engineering department of the Uni versity of Idaho. Edgar B. Piper, Jr., son of the man aging editor of the Oregonian, arrived in the city Tuesday and will spend two weeks here with a surveying party of the Pacific Power & Light Co. J. U. Ridell, of The Dalles, was here yesterday advertising the Twenty First Annual fair of Hood River and Wasco counties to be held at The Dalles Octuoer 3 , 4, 5 and 6. Mrs. Annette Ermstrum, after an extended visit in California, arrived Monday to spend several woeks with friendsand relatives here. State Labor Commissioner O. P. Holf was here on business tho first of the week. M..H"l''H"M"H'i I"H"H-M 111111 i Millinery or Dress making Shop FOR RENT t Room known as "The J X Style Shop," on Oak St. t Housekeeping rooms in .1 .. the rear. Inquire of :: J. It. HEILBRONNER & CO. Heilbronner Building A Special Special Hard Surfaced Linen Finish Stationery on Sale For 35C BOX One Quire Paper, 24 Envelopes NEW STYLES-NEW SIZES Sold Every Place for 50c and GOc LSIocom's Book and Art Store.. J The Place That PANTS For BOYS TO $1.75 Mrs. Conrad, of Seattle, who was here to attend the funeral of her cousin, William Evinger, the fvoung man, who was recently drowned in the Columbia, has returned to her home. A number of people from this city attended the dance at Parkdale Satur day night. The .music was furnished by Vogel's orchestra. Dr. Henry Dexter, of Portland, who was here last winter, is visiting John Goldsbury at the Little Red Cabin Ranch in.the Upper Valley. Mrs. Anna Mnuldeu, who has been here visiting her brother, G. A. Moulden, left Saturday for tier home in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Strother anil two chidmi, of Nowata, Okla., are here vistiing Mr. Strother's uncle, S. E. Burtmess. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnell had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lull, of Benton Harbor, Mich. 9 Fgie Henkle and"1 mother, of Port land, Hie camping at the Bartniess homestead in th Oak Grove district.. Rev. and Mrs. E. McComber were entertained Friday evening by Mrs. F. E. Jackson at her State street home. Kent Shoemaker, who was formerly with the Hood River Abstract Co., has been appointed deputy county clerk. After a visit with J.. E. Morse in Morrow county, O. L. Morse and sou returned home Sunday. Albret L. ('rocker and Troop No. i of the Hood River Boy Scouts are camping at Lost Lake. Mrs. 11. L. Muun, of Topeka, Kan sas, is here visiting Mrs. J. R. Shel ton. J. M. Cuibertson and family re turned from Cannon Beach last Thurs day. The family of Chan. N. Clarke is spending the summer at Cannon Beach. C. F. Gilbert was a business visitor in Klickitat c maty Ian wiu-k. Does the Framing