HOOD RITKR GLACIER, ffnujlSpAY, AUGCSTjlO, 1911 Read This37 Before you buy. We ask you to call and inspect our complete line of New and Second Hand Furniture, Stoves and Iianges. Everything in house furnishings We will take your old furniture or stoves in exchange for NEW GOODS. O. P. DABNEY & SONS Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitter Agents for Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges PilONK 24H-K ("uK. Foikiii am Statu Srs. LESLIE HUTU II, Pres. TKl MAN BUTLER, Caahier Established 190(1 Butler Banking Company Hood River, Oregon Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 Savings Department Safe Deposit Boxes r HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. HrilMKI.T7.KK F. A. Bishop ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing SURETY BONDS 'Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New lleilbronner Building Phone 23 HOOD RIVER, ORE. Progressive Fruit Growers WANTING Better Fruit Ought to investigate the merits and results of spraying with Wm. Cooper and Nephews TREE SPRAY FLUIDS The only scientific Sprays produced. Desrip tive Pamphlets and Sprays at D. McDONALD, Local Agt. CHARLES O. ROBERTS, General Agent 247 Ash St., Poi tland, Ore. torage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Transfer Service Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 5 H. T. K AW SON F. 11. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY Stock Grown on Full Root. We desire to let our friends ami patrons know that for the full planting we will have and can supply iu any imnilx-r Cherry, Pear, Apricot, Peach and Plum Trees Grape, Currant and Berry Plants . Shade and Ornamental Trees Also, all the standard varieties of Apple Trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, SpiUenberg and Jonaehan apple tree Rawson & Stanton, Hood River, Ore A TOAST. YE tar druak, O my friend, to th victor; T hv touted th valiant and trong. To th ret of th rth y bv drunk In your mirth. To th win yuu hav lifted your aong. It la ll-tr.ey ar worthy, my brother. A aught that th flrmamrnt (pane. But I pieda you a health to th olhr A health to th "also rant." To th men who went down In th atruf To the runner who finished unplaced. To the weak and to youii. the unknown, the unsung. Th depruved. th oppressed, th dia gramed. T ar blooded, developed, completed; They were bred without stamina, clsss. Tl to them, th aurpaaMd, th defeated, 1 bow aa I drain my flaa. Who ar y that ahould dar to reject themT Do ye know what th handicap weigh ed? Did y suffer th pain, run th race, atand th atraln. That y aroff at th pace that they made? It may be that they ran overweighted. It may be they were left at the poat Far or near, 'tl to them, th til fated, I bow a I drink my toast. They hav loat; they ar 111; they ar weary. T have won; ye are well; ye ar strong. By th drop that they bled, by th teare that they ahed. By your mirth, by your win, by your .song. By all that has e'er helped to aweetan Your Uvea, by your hopes, by your plane, I pled you th health of the beaten, Th health of th "alao rana." Los Angela Herald. ' At th Wrong Door. Wandering Willy Couldn't yon please let uie bave some cold wlttles, ma'am Y Mrs. Hussey Cold victuals! Do yon tlrtnk that tills la a delicatessen store? ri ill iir Aa to Honity. The ninn who would not trust . . anybody else gives himself a " poor recommendation. Chicago Record Herald. H"MH"1"H 1 l"l-l"l-l--H"l-H"W Uad to 8lot Machine. The matinee performance was about half over when a distracted looking womuu with a curly liulred youuKster of six sought out ttie muu In the box otUce. There are boxes on your chairs In there," she begun, "and they say drop a nickel In uud get a box of candy." "Yes, I see," asserted the man iu the box otllce. "Well," she continued Indlguautly, "I dropped a ulckel In for my little girl." "And couldn't you get the candy?" queried the box otllce inuu. "Wait, I'll see If we enn get It out." "Oh. yes." answered the woman, "I got the candy, all right, but 1 couldn't get the ulckel out." And to the ticket man at least this remark furnished a mure dramatic mumeut than any la tho play. Louis ville Times. Very Considerate. "I suppose, Jennie, you wouldn't waut to go to the concert Wednesday In your old hut?" "You deur thing! I couldn't possi bly think of Hhowiug myself In It," "ThHfs what 1 thought, so 1" "What?" "Bought only one ticket to the con cert" Meggeudorfer Ulutter. Fortified. "Does your wife do the cooking on the day the muld goes out?" "Oh, yes." "How does that suit you?" "It doesu't bothw me any. I always get a good meul Just before I go home." Cleveluud I'luiu Dealer. A Motto For Your Wall. In Idleness many discourage ments lurk. The very best way to kill time Is to work. Life. Not Hla. "Do you obey the Bible injunction to love your neighbor?" "1 tried to, but she wouldn't let me." Houston Tost. Astronomy. Ther la a new world out In apae Just being made of starry stuff. Why should this fret the human rac? Th on w hav Is good enough. Washington Star. Do not forget that Sherwin Williams Arsenate of Lead will not create black spots on your apples. For sale by McDonald. Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheeler A Wilson styles Prices and terms to suit everyone. Re pairing and attachments for all kinds of machines. Ollice with Onthank A Ot ten. A. II. Stone, agent Singer Co., tlooUKher. u AT THE 6ATL St. Peter Quiuaa American Wife and Civ Hr Something to Do. T EXT!" called St Peter. iH A tall, comely woman arose from the bench a lid came for ward graciously. She was dressed rather for style than for comfort Her clothe rustled vulgarly, and her balr was manifestly different from what God Intended It to be. "Name, please?" f j t "I am the American wife." V - "Are you aure?" "nere U my marriage certificate." "I mean are you aure you bave been wife?" "As to that, I"- "Wuat do you understand tbe quali fications of a wife to be?" "To take charge ot tbe household and" "And do as little as possible In it eh?" "But yon could not expect me to do tbe heavy work, could you?" "You expected other women to do the heavy work." "Servants! They are a different class." "And you were peevish when they didn't do It just so." "But"- "And you were always complaining that things weren't going right" "Let me"- "And w hen your husband came home t night be bad to bear all your little ailments, physical, mental, domestic and social" "But lon't you" "Your Idea all the time being to di vorce yourself "Not dlvorce"- "Ifrom real usefulness of all kinds In order that you might engage In the most trifling occupations." "Don't you think a woman should have some pleasure In life?" "Sitting around tbe bridge table or at tbe matinee uud eating rich food until you got fat and then haunting beauty doctors until you got thin wasn't that your highest Ideal of pleas ure?" "1 went to clubs and to church." "To show your clothes." "1 had children." "But you found It a terrible nuisance to take care of them." "1 could afford to hire nurses and governesses." "But you couldn't afford to give them any of your own very valuable time." "But my husband didn't want me to work myself to death." "No, of course not. It Is no better to work yourself to death than to loaf yourself to death. Hut, after all, your husband has nothing to do with It We'll deal with him separately. You bad your own life to live. Ula being foolish doesn't excuse you." Tbe American wife burst Into tears as she saw her chance of beaven fad ing away. "Here, none of that," commnnded St. Peter. "Tears have no effect on us." Then be turned to bis clerk. "Clerk, give this lady a glngbam apron and set ber to work peeling potatoes and other odd Jobs. Let me see her again In about sli months." Ellis O. Jones In Life. The Young Man's Tact. The man who was having his picture taken In the photograph gallery was an Innocent listener to this conversa tion between two young ladles on the other side of the screen: "You know, Kate, I sometimes wear a long curl bunging down the back of my neck." "Yes." "Well, when rb.il was calling on me the other evening he asked me If he might have that curl, and I Jokingly said yes. Before I knew what he was about' he bud taken a little pair of scissors out of bis pocket aud clipped It off close to my head." "Why. tbe Idea! Didn't that make you furious?" "Not for the smallest fraction of a second. I thought It was splendid of him thut he didn't seize It aud pull It off." Youth's Companion. Proteat. "What we want," sold the agitator, "Is to get away from tbe tyranny of money." "Thut's right" replied the ball play er. "And It ought to start with a rule against Ones by tbe umpire." Wash ington Star. Both Wanted. "Ha!" shouted tbe rich man, peer ing cautiously over tbe stairway. "I wuut youi" "Well," chuckled tbe burglar, reach tug for the silver, "I'm at your serv ice, sir." Columbian Jester. And They Turned Him Down. "I'm a fmld I can't give you any work. We're hiring about all tbe men we can use here uow." "1 know, sir, but you'd never notice the difference In the little amount I'd do." Pittsburg Dispatch. l-I- l-I-l-I-I-t -l t I I iii-l-M-M-l-H- T h A Road to Diacovary. " ; ; If there wasn't any such thing as running for otllce some people . ! would never kuow how uupopu- lar they are. Atchison Globe. H-I-I-I-H-H-H-H-i-H-H-I-H-H-l- A Long Time to Wait. When cow and pig begin to fly And every robin wear a fei The popl who make profits by Maintaining public nuisance Muy have the common decency Or be so overcome by sham That they will voluntarily liefus to operate th same Chicago Record-Herald, Blankets and Quilts Laundered in ti thoroughly sanitary manner by the Hood River Laundry Co. Phoue 123 SAN FRANCISCANS WILL VISIT OREGON One and possibly two special loads of Sati Francisco boosters will invade i Portland and Astoria in bout two' weeks to fire a few rounds of ammuni-1 tion glorifying the gi eat 1915 Pacific Panama exposition. So says Frank j Lowry, a good roads advocate of Cali- ( ornia, who ia the forerunner of the 300 live-wires who will be in Portland on the excursions. Lowry h an official delegate to "the highway convention which met in J'ortland Friday. "Things are humming along down in San Francisco now since the site of the big exposition has been decided ufMin," said Lowry Friday morning. "The great boulevard which will con nect (Jolden Gate Park and Harbor View, has already been started. The contractors are busy and the landscape gardener are planting the trees that will skirt the famous drive." It has been decided to have all the jinks, stunts, hilarity and -concessions at Harbor View, while all the perma nent buildings and other features of asting character will be erected in Golden .Gate. China and Japan will erect permanent buildings in which their exhibits will be housed during the exposition. Call for Bids. The board of direi'tnrs (if tl.u Pino Grove school district Nn. 7. luin. sealed bids for the painting of tbe school uuuuing ami tinting tne walls ot the school rooms, said building containing about 41)0 yards of 2 coats exterior work, and a 2 I'oat triiiiiniiiif. TIih lu,arl r,. serves the right to reject any or all uius. r or speculations see U. K. lien ton, clerk. tf Advertised Letter List. August 7, 1911. Allen, Mrs. Emma: Baptie. Miss H. May; Bernard, Mrs. Sylvana; Bent, Mrs. .Frank; Kohler, Miss Minnin; McKhon, Mrs. F. r.: Koss, Mrs. Grace Watt; bmith, Mrs. Carrie K. ; Smith, Miss Ollie; Stame. Miss Annie; lhomas, Mrs. 11.; barber, W. H. ; Caton, F. K. ; Colton, James; Foy, Edward ;Gibben, M. R. : Harvell. Edwin E. ; Helms, A. C. ; Howell, E. W. ;Johnson, Carl; Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ; Lee, Earl; Mark, Frederick; Mills, George ; Nielsen, L. P.: Rust. ll.'.C. ; Shunk, A.' H. ; sheppard, Will ; hmith, Mr. O. ; Stevens. Orlo; Stone, K. U ; Tervese t, Parhaat ; Webster, W. A. ; Wheutnn, Frank ; Wood, Harry C. Jay P. Lucas, Post Master. For Sale 1 5 Acres 1 3-4 miles from postoffice; all in fruit, 9 acres in orchard; spring water piped into house and barn; team, tools, cow and pigs go with place; good house and improvements. Will sell rea sonable on easy terms. FRANK CADDY Phone 333-L JJaJJ '! J.T..T..T..T..t..T..Tr T- -- -. For 5ale Ten acres near town, some bearing or chard, or will trade for Hood River city property or Portland property. Address C. S. TRUE Hood Rlvr, Oregon l-l'l"l"H"l"l"H-l"l-H-W"l"H-H-H"I- NORTH BEACH is the pleasure haunt in this part of the country this summer. Its devotees re joice to learn that they can now go and coma on a regular schedule, independent of tides. The popular excursion steamer, "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, DAILY. EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 8:30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also the steamer "HASSAI.O" leaving Portland daily, except Sunday, at 8:tK) p. in. (Saturday ut 10:00 p.m.) REDUCED FARES - PREVAIL From All Points in the Northwest via tho Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Ideal cottage and camp life, a magnifi cent beach that is not surpassed any where, genjal and beneficial climate, and all the comforts of home wit lion t costing any more than if you remained at home. Call on or write to any O.-W. 11. & N. agent for complete information ; also for copv of our summer book, "Outings in Oregon." WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent, O.-W. 12. & K, Co., Portland, Ore. Nursery Stock Hood River Grown" First Class . THE KIND THAT GROWS A Few Dwarf Apple, Pear and Peach C. D. Thompson HOOD RIVER, OREGON Money to Loan on Income Producing Property In Quantities from $1,000 to $20,000, with Interest at 1 W. S. NICIIOL, THE MAN WHO SELLS ORCHARD LAMP The Serving of the Roast is the big feature of the dinner. Too often tliat course has brought em barrassment upon host and guests, through the fault of the market. MEAT OR FOWL bought from us can always be relied upon. You don't have to tell us the quality you want. We sell you the best there is. Our prices are as low as is consistent with faultless meat. HOOD RIVER MARKET FRANK ('HANDLER W. D. CHANDLER L. E. FOUST The Columbia Garage Cor. Sixth and Columbia Streets Automobiles Automobile Supplies, Gasoline ami Lubricants, Automobile Re pairing ft Specialty, tias ami Steum Engines Overhauled, Bicycles Repaired, (ienerul Machine Work of All Descriptions Phone 109-M Hood River, Ore. Astoria Centennial August lO to September 9 The great event of tbe year. It celebrates the coming of while set tlers in 1811. 'A splendid program for thirty days. Historic buildings and collections, hydro aeroplanes, army and navy evolutions, concerts, opera, fireworks, agricultural exhibits and l'acilic Regatta. Special program furnished on request. Daily round trip fares to Clatsop Beach on the l'acific allow stops at Astoria. $7.00, CLATSOP BEACH AND RETURN Low Round Trips East August 14, 15, 10, 17, 21, 22, 2;j, 28, 29, 30; Sep tember 1, 2, 4, 5. 0, 7. Stopovers aud choice of routes in each direction. DETAILS WILL BE FURNISHED ON APPLICATION mm W. E. COM AN tien. Freight and Pass. Agt. K. A. CIBE.RT. Agont White Salmon, Wash. Just What You Need AN EVER-READY PHONE PAD Did You Ever Forget and leave a mes sage slip your mind be fore you could find paper to write it on? Did You Ever Have to look around for a memorandum paper when taking a message over the phone? Did You Ever write a message on a blotter, the wall or the furniture and fail to take it off? Did Y ou Ever Mislay a message after yon have taken it, whi-n someone stps in and interrupts you? Did You Ever Think bow ea-y to have the memorandum paper attached to your phone, and you keep the w hole day's record in front of you and check up at your leisure? Price Holder Complete with Roll of Paper AJJitiunsI Rolls of Paptr Ten Cents. 60c FOR SALE AT GLACIER OFFICE