HOOD 1UYER GLACIER, THURSDAY, Al'dl'ST 10. 19U Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We transact veueral banking buHlumi aud own our own banking property. Intenwt paid on time and Haviuga drpoalta EKNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms U and 15 Hall Euildin. Hood River, Ore. DERBY & STEARNS . Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. DR. EDGINGTON 1121 Twelfth Street, The Heights HOOD RIVKR - . OREGON E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Over First National Bauk, Hood Riv.r, Oregon. Office Phone 71 Reg. "IB Hours a to 4 I', M. and by appointment Drs. Shaw & Bronson Office iu Eliot Block. liOlee ii i.e, No. 4. llMideuofl, No. it E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phone; : Office 35 Kes. :i.r)B Ollice in National Bank Building J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND KUKUKON. Teleplumen: OirU;, :; residfUee.iluB . H. L. DUMBLE, PHYHIC1AM AND bUKGEON. I'alU promptly aimwer3d lu low u or country, liny or NikIH. Telephone: KwiUlt'ui, 16: Office, ltB. Office lu tut BroMlua Uulldlug. FC. BR0S1US, M. D. P1I Y8IC1 AN AND SUKUKON 'V houe C'eutral, or 121. UIIH'V Kiouin; lu wj 11 A. in., two Hod 6 to 7 1' M. 1)B. M. H. HHAKP 1)K. KllNA B. MMAK1- Osteopathic Physicians Graduates -f the American School of OHteopathy, Kirkeville, Mo. .Office iu Elliot Block. Home Phone 102 lie. 102-B H. D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Hex ma 4, 5 and ti Telephone Smith building 131 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence 28-B Office over Duller Bauk, L. A. HENDERSON, GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER Formerly U. S. Land Surveyor, Philippine Islands. Two Doors North of l'ostollloe Phone 41. MURRAY KAY Civil Engineer and Surveyor Brosius Building ALBERT SUTTON Architect Room 16 Hall Building nRlYN71iArF SURVEYOR DRAUUHSMAN All kinds of sub-dividing. Accuracy guaranteed. Res. 245K A. 0. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Broalms Block liockenberry & Bartlett ARCHITECTS HOOD RIVER, OREGON Hellbronner Building Phone 61 DR. J. SoWERBY Chiropractor Office hours: 8 to 12, I to 5, 6 to 7 Ferguson Bldtf. Hood Rtv.r Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. V. W T.APTT U -aw Contractor and Builder Estimates on Request Phone 212 K SURVEYING and BLUE PRINTING RTM. Morse If eilbronner Bldg. Hood River ofiice for Newell, (lossett & Walsh, Consulting Engineers of Portland. WM. DAVIS 5-Passenger Maxwell for Hire Stand Hotel Oregon Rood R'v PHONES Residence t""fe ,12 v . ui' v '-"a. ill i a Bright Looking rooms and offices make happy homes and business places. If you are looking for Electrical Lighting of Perfect Satisfaction you can get it here. All our electrical supplies, as well as our lighting install ations, are absolutely perfcclion. At Always Low Price Our Work is Guaranteed DEAN & SHAW Phone 3 Res. Phone 272-M Real Estate Bulletin If you want a small home place close to town at a REAL SNAP don't fail to investigate this one. 5 1-2 Acres One-half mile out on macadam road., 1 acre in 20-year-old trees of good varieties, balance 4 and 5 years old. Good 6 room house, new ham, modern poultry house and yards; some strawberries; windmill and stor age water tank which gives running water in the house, 5 inches of irrigat ing water, sprinkling sypteiii for garden. This is a line little home place and one that will afford a good income from the start. Beautiful view of the w hole valley and both mountains. PRICE FOR A QUICK SALE $6,250 Guy Y. Edwards & Co. Agents Office Hotel Oregon Building PHONE 228-K AMERICAN CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. V. S. MONTGOMERY Manager for Oregon JAMES E. MONTGOMERY Agent in Hood River Accident and Health Insurance Office 3rd and Oak Phone 161-M F. T. ANDERSON Cleaning, Pressing' and Repairing Hood River Heights Phone 225-L WJ.Baker&Co. Dealers in RE:AL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON FREDERICK ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS IftoMtof faratehod til klatda at vaik Phono.: tZZJt'lLZ- The Milton Nursery Co. Offers Hardv Trees from Northeastern Oregon. Large assortment of fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Windbreak Tr..I 32 Years of Reliability. Address R.T.Newhall,Agt., Hood River, Or. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SIRUE0S la prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be found by oalllnK at or phoning to Clarke a drug store. C. Q. VAN TRESS, Public Stenographer and Notary Publi6 Elliot Block. Phone 308 M FABLES FROM ELI. Every Observation Has a Moral of Its Own. LAMB BLEATS GET THE WOLF Bambooiling It Eaaier Than the Club. Pared Down Note Can't Smell A Talkleaa Man la Alwaya Safe No Show For a Maligned Cur. By M. QUAD. (Copyright. 1811. by Associated Literary Preaa 1 ONE day the Wolf found tba Lamb wandering In the forest, and as be caught sight of her he said to himself: "Hully gee! But things have come to a pretty pass when the Lamb comes and offers herself for my dinner! I will give thanks and dine on chops." So saying, be approached the Inno cent and was about to spring upon ber when she said: "Oh, Mr. Wolf, I was looking for you." "And you see I can always be found by a Lamb. What ts wanted?" "My ma has got hung by the wool in a thorn tree, and I want you to help get her free." "And you shall bare It," said the Wolf as he licked his chops over the prospect Right there was more mut ton than be had bad In six months. "Right this way. dear Mr. Wolf," said the Lamb as she entered a path. "Mother said you wouldu't come, but I was sure you would. Oue look Into your face told me what a kind heart you had." "Here's hayseed by the bushel!" chuckled the Wolf as he followed after. "Won't the old sheep bleat a few when she catches sight of me!" The Lamb led the way at a gallop, and the Wolf followed close behind, and at the end of a few rods they turn ed a corner. The Wolf fully expected to see a struggling sheep, but It was a shepherd who rose up and gave him the contents of a shotgun and bowled him over. Moral. An old dog Fox who had been concealed In the bracken and seen all arose and stretched himself and said: "1 haven't lived lu this cold world but seven years, but my experience has taught me that it Is just as easy to bamboozle a man as It la to hit him with a club." The Diacontentad Clam. One day the Clam paid a visit to the Sage, and when be bad come into the presence of the wise man be said: "O Sage, I am not content with my lot aud would have you better It for me." "But you are a large and Juicy Clam," replied the Sage, "and no TUK WHISKEKS WBKB THERE. doubt you have the respect and good wishes of all your fellow bivalves. That ought to be good enough for you." "It may appear that way, O Sage, but of what use is a common Clam? Am I pretty? Is there anything stylish about me? Have 1 a Piccadil ly gait? Why, I never attract a pass ing glance from any one except the clam hunter, and be bas never com plimented me. In fact, 1 beard him calling his old woman a clam the oth er day lu a voice of derision. I want to stand out from my fellows. I want to be known as the Clam." The Sage took a long drink from the bottle aud returned It to his coattall pocket without offering the Clam any and then wiped off bis chin to say: "Urn! Um! Did it ever strike you that there was auything In long cblu whiskers such as fake doctors wear to secure the confidence of clubfooted men?" "By George, but It bas!" exclaimed the Clam. "It's Just the cheese. Gimme long flowing whiskers for the sea breezes to toy with and I'll ask for no more. I'd be a mighty poor coot of a Clam If I couldu't make a hit with them." The sage waved his hand, and the whiskers were there. The Clam strok ed them lovingly, gave thanks and waa gone. He bad scarcely begun to show off, however, when a fisherman came along and scooped him up and, after taking a long look at blm. said: "If be was a Clam I'd chuck blm into my basket and send blm to mar ket If he was a dudo I'd sell blm to a dime museum for 50 cents. Being be ts neither a Clam nor a dude, I'll smash bis shell and toss blm aside for the crows to eat" Moral. Discontent seldom mean Slab Wood Cord Wood AND c: Coal Yards A. C. Lofts phone, aio-x betterment The man who bad a Ro man dom pared down lost bU seu of smell. Looking For Wiadom. One day a Traveler w ho w as making bis way along the seashore espied an Owl perched on the branch of a tree, and at the water's edpe revised a Clam. The Owl winked and biiuked, but preserved silence, aud the Clam kept Its shell tightly closed and gave no sign. "Ah. but here Is wisdom in chunks!" exclaimed the Traveler. "1 tlnil.t not that both of these could give me valu able advice if 1 could ouly prevail umu them to break through their silence." Thereupon he coaxed and entreated, and at the end of half an hour his ef forts were crowned with iunw. The Owl opened his mouth and gave utter ance to a dismal hoot, and the Clam opened Its shell and yawned sleepily. "Good lands, but Is that all!" ex clalmed the Traveler tn disgust as he turned away. "The one but opened his Month to make discord and the oilier his shell to show that be Imd no brains!" Moral The man who never t:i!ks can be criticised only for what he doesn't say. No Eacapo For tho Rat. The Householder, having set a trap and caught a Itat In his cellar, was proceeding to draw water to drown his Tlctlm when the Rodent called out: "How now, man why do you wish for my death?" "Because you ate my cheese," was the reply. "But you have no cheese In the bouse." "Then you ate my pickles." . "But no rat eats pickles." "Then you gnawed a hole In my coat," persisted the householder. "Here It is before your eyes." "I deny It. That hole came from a burn, as any one can see." "That may possibly be the case, but your squealing when you found your self lu the trap greatly disturbed me. I thought sure It was a cat tight." "You are still dodging the truth, sir. When 1 found myself a prisoner 1 was so surprised that I made no noise whatever. You have no excuse for putting me to death." "Oh, but 1 have," replied the house bolder as the trap went into the tub. "It's not that you actually ate the cheese I didn't have, but that you would have eaten it If I hud had some." Moral.-Glve a dog a bad uame aud he has no show. Optimiatio. Some time a so there was a flood In British Columbia. An old fellow who had lost nearly every thing he possess ed was sitting on the roof of his house as It floated along, when a bout ap proached. "Hello. Jim." "Hello, Bill." "Are your fowls all washed away, Jim?" "Yes, but the ducks can swim," re plied the old man. "Apple trees gone?" "Well, they said the crop would be a failure anyhow." "I see the flood's away above your windows." 'That's all right, Bill. Them win ders needed washln' anyhow.'1 House keeper. Sagacity. One would have It that a collie Is the most sagacious of dogs, while the oth er stood up for the Better. "I once owned a setter," declared the latter, "which was very intelligent. 1 bad him on the street one day, and he acted so queerly aliout a certain man we met that I asked the mnu his name, and" "Oh, that's an old story!" the collie's advocate broke In sneerlngly. "The man's name was Partridge, of course, and because of that the dog came to a set. Ha. ha! Come again!" "You're mistaken," rejoined the oth er suavely. "Tlio dog didn't come quite to a set, though almost. As a matter of fact, the man's name was Quayle, and the (log hesitated on uc couut of the spelling!" Lippiucott's. Regardleaa of Insurance. We never realize the value of a thing till we have lost It. This applies particularly to losing a leg in a railroad accident New York Times. "M"I"I" Established. Tollce Justice (to sable witness) Has the defendunt a reputation for ve racity, Erastus? Suhle Witness (with reference to equally sable defendant) Fo voracity! Why, mighty Guhr'el, yo' ounuh, I's see dat dub coou cat a hull barn! Browning's Maguztne. Where He Waa. "Did you say when your husband comes home very lute at night be al ways brings you a novel?" "No, I didn't I said be always brought home a lot of fiction." St. Louis Globe-Deinocrat A Futile Quest. "Dubbs Is advertising for an office boy who doesn't like baseball." "He might as well try to find that mythical pot of gold at the end of a rainbow." Birmingham Age-Herald. Not In Real Life. Though he was false. She loved him still. But 'twas In the sketch At the vaudeville. Chicago News. A SNAP 12 Acres on the East Side, 10 acres in trees. 2 J acres, 9-year-olds; ?4 acre in 4-year-olds; remain der cet this spring. Balance oak grove. Beautiful building site, w hich commands a glorious view of the valley. E. C. NAPER Rout 1 Box 80 . ;,-;L -J , ... ' ' -it. 3 " -t!"' t:xr'T -: ijil' . , .,-,! ti ,- .:!& . - i :l i -I in i - --.- For the Week Ending Saturday, August Mrs. R. I). Loomis Mabel Slavin Leonard Miller Mrs. Uayaril Simonton Vera MeCray A. C. 9 G rocery bargains THE BEST SUGAR FORTHIS WEEK PER SACK $6.00 Dependable Making Powder 2'a pound can for $ .75 Dependable Extracts, 4 oz. 55c, 8 oz T. 1.00 Best Head Rice, per pound ",8'n Japan Rice, per pound .05 Extra quality small White Beans, per pound 05 Coffees -o pound can Arlington Our Terms Are 0 H quare Solicits your trade when you are in the market for any tool to cul tivate yDur farm or harvest your crop. FOR CULTIVATING Osbourn Disc Harrows Peg- Tooth Harrows P. & O. Disc Harrows Soil Pulverizers Syracuse Plows Hand and Power Pumps Wire-wound Spray Hose Deoring and Osbourne Mowers and Binders FOR CLEARING LAND Stump Pullers Powder, Caps and Fusa BICYCLES AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES Agent for Harley Davidson Motor Cycles; I. H. C. Gasoline Engines and Ideal Irrigtion Pumps. f!nll ;irwl mnke vnur wants known. It does not cost anvthins? to look at troods. and St . . . ... -. ,..- might be profitable to both of us. Yours very truly, d. Mcdonald 3rd and Cascade Streets HOOD RIVER, OREGON The W. G. Aldred COMPANY I Contractors, Excavating and Grading Crushed Rock, Sand and Gravel I I 20,925 17,800 15,800 8,1)05 '. 8,050 This Contest Will Last For Six STATEN Cash UGGI Deal FOR SPRAYING FOR HARVESTING Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods Don't ride miles out of your way to get Rub ber Mailing, but drive direct to the f GLACIER STAMP WORKS For Your Perfect Printing Rubber Stamps HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BEAUTIFUL UPTON GRAND PIANO at our store? We are going to give it away absolutely free to the person who has the largest number of votes at the close of our eon test. For every cent of 4 purchases at our .store . im i i ; you are enutieu 10 one piano vote. 5, the Vote Stood: Edna Thornburry 5,085 lluth Vaughn 5,025 Nellie Hart 4,555 Helen Dark 1,500 Florence Stevens 2,025 Months ON THE HEIGHTS Qaaaa ibiVIbbVIIj is 0 Club, Golden West and M. J. B., per can 1.00 All 50c Bulk Teas at 40 Folger's 50e package 30 Fruit Jars Mason Pts 55c; QtsG5c; half gal. 85c Schram pts 75c ; qts 85c ; ' ' $1. SO Economy pts 85; qts $1.10 " $1.10 y 1 J 0 We Sell Cheaper 3 CiftP tore N Spring Tooth Harrows Cultivators, riding Plows Cultivators, walking Kimball Weeders Sherwin-Williams Arsenate Lead Hods and Nozzles Hay Tools Carriers, Forks, Track and Rope CJ O f Real Estate LOANS, RENTING, COLLECT ING AND INSURANCE A Hwllty of Clly Property, Rt-sideuoe LntH, and Smiill Tracts Clone lu. For Bargain call on or addrexs T. D. TWEEDY Hood Klver Hume flume 117-L