The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 10, 1911, Image 4

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After Once Having Tasted The Wholesome
Loft' Cabin Bread
You will not be without it. LOG CABIN is
the whitest, best tasting and most nutrit
ous 5 cent loaf of bread on the market to
day. During the month of August we will pre
sent you with a nice CAKE PLATE with
each purchase of 20 bread tickets for one
dollar. Each ticket is good for a loaf of
LOG CABIN. Every Saturday will be bar
gain day. We will give you six nice, fresh
and wholesome loaves' of LOG CABIN for
5 tickets, or for 25 cents.
The Best Staple and Fancy Groceries .
. E. Gibson
102 Third Street
Hood River, Oregon
W. F. Laraway
Doctor of
Over 30 years' ex
perience. Eyes Tested and
Glasses Ground
mJA it
Refer ence: Over 2.000 fitted in Hood River.U.S. A.
We are showing a complete line of Summer
Toilet Goods
In Fact
We are Headquarters for Everything in
the Best Articles
K. C. Lenon Witch-Hazel Cream for Sunburn.
Takes Out All Soreness at Once.
Smith Block Reliable Druggists
If the demand fur the coming season
is at all similar to that of last the
Hood Kiver growers who are doing but
little thinning this vear, will have the
kind of fruit to 'till the till," said
County Fruit Inspector G. R. Castner
in discussing fruit prospects last
Thursday with W. K. Newell, presi
dent of the State Board of Horticul
ture, who was in the city to look over
the local situation.
Mr. Newell says that the crop of all
the Northwest, except in Wenatchee,
is going to be lighter than that of last
season. The estimates of some of the
marketers and growers, he says, place
the crop there at a greater figure this
year than last.
At present it is impossible to make
accurate estimates of Hood River
Valley. The Union, however, is send
ing out its estimate blanks to the
growers and by the middle of Septem
ber, when they are all returned, a
correct set of figures can be reached.
No definite conclusions as to the
prices for the coming season can yet
be arrived at; for no purchases will
be made until after the meeting of the
International Kruitbuyers' Association
at Detroit. August 9-11. All fruit
men, however, say that the year is
going to be a profitable one for the
Northwestern grower.
The apple crop of the'United States
this season is now estimated at about
$2S,6.')0,0X) barrels as compared with
$23,825,000 barrels last year, according
to flguresjcompiled by the Fruit Trade
Journal and the latest Government
reports. The season in the East will
be from ten days to two weeks earlier,
while that of the West will be two
weeks later than last year.
It is too early to learn the exact
amount of commercial apples that will
be producea, as the foliage of the trees
in some of the leading sections is still
so dense that it is impossible to see
and to accurately estimate the quan
tity of growing fruit. Although opin
ions differ as to the approximate out
put, the concensus of belief in all
quarters is that the crop of Ualwdins
will be light and that the quality of
all other varieties will be far superior
to that of last year's product.
Eastern growers having finally
awakened to a realization of the fact
that the Darwinian theory of the sur
vival of the fittest applies to apples as
well as to animate things gave greater
attention this year to spraying and to
scientific methods ol cultivation than
ever before. This is particularly true
of western New York, where the crop
is expected to aggregate 3,700,000
barrels or about 500.000 barrels in
excess of lust year's output.
The Hudson Kiver valley crop is
estimated at from 25 to 50 per cent
normal. The drop has been .very
heavy, not only in this section, but in
several districts of western New York.
What the crop lacks in size, however.
mav be compensated for in quality, as
the 'outlook for very desirable fruit
throughout the State is promising.
The New England Mates are ex
pected to produce a little over 3,000,
000 barrels divided as follows: Ver
mont, 474,300; Massachusetts, 402,700;
Ithode Island. 144,000; Connecticut,
$515,000, $880,500 New Hampshire,
The West Virginia'crop promises to
equal, if not exceed, that of 1910, and
the latest figures obtained show the
output of commercial fruit from the
State this year will amount to at least
6,000,000 barrels. -Pennsylvania will
make a creditable showing with ver
2,000.000, barrels of 400.000 barrels in
excess of lust year'B output; Ohio will
have 1,940,000; Illinois, 1.936,000;
Michigan, 1,74.000; Kentucky, 1,030.-
000; Iowa,' 931,000; Delaware, 125,500;
Maryland. 296,500; Virginia, 3K7,nuu;
Wisconsin, 634,000; Arkansas, 251,000;
Missouri, 44,500; Kansas, Jlb.oou
Indiana, 693,000, and Tennessee, 725,-
We are Now Taking Orders for
Apple, Peach and Pear Boxes
Would Advise Ordering at Once
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co.
Phone 124 Hood River, Oregon
Will trade 30 aore? of land llj ;
miles from While Salmon, no
waste; 12 su-res cleared and ready -j
for plow; partly fenced; cabin ; 2
very large ipring; beautiful view
of Mt. Hood; for small improved j
acreage in Hood Kiver or for
town property. Price $5,250.
Address, !
i D. R. Hughes & Co. 1
Many Hood River People Know the Im
portance of Healthy Kidneys.
The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day.
Well kidneys remove impurities.
Sick kidneys allow impurities to
No kidney ill should be neglected.
There is grave danger in delay.
If yuu have backache or urinary
If you are nervous, dizzy or worn
liegin treating your kidneys at once;
Use a proven kidney remedy.
None endorsed like Doan's Kideny
Keeommended by thousands.
Proved by home testimony.
V. G. Stuart, of Hood River, Oregon,
says: '1 had an aitacK 01 oacKacue
and kidney trouble a short time ago
and hearing of Doan a Kidney Pills
highly spoken of, I procured a supply.
Upon beginning their use, found thtmi
to be just the remedy I needed and it
was not long before my trouble was
driven away. 1 can recommend Doan s
Kidney Pills to anyone similarly
Kor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, NewYork,
sole agents for the United States.
Keinenilier the name Doane's and
take no other.
Stylish Suits y n!,!r. $15.00
Oxfords Kl,h!.:Wa": 4.00
Hole The newest of the season, and a ? AA
IiatS -Gordon," too
Cnirfc What's better than the "Cluett?" CA
jlUll3 Anybody knows the answer Jv
Underwear 1.00
Socks ? ilk' in Colors' 50c; silk Finish 25
flWHWI I 1 1 1 I 1"M 1 1 I liH
Jackson Will Vote on $1,500,000.
"On the receipt of opinions from a
number of. leading attorneys, who
state that counties may according to
the .state's constitution, vote bonds
and create a debt for the improvement
of highways, the county court of
Jackson county at Medford last week
ordered an election October 2 for the
purpose of voting on a bond issue of
$1,5!X,000 for building good roads in
the county. Petitions for such action
were submitted .by the majority of the
business men and orchardists of the
Seemed to (iiv Him a New Sfomach.
"I tMiflered intensely after eating and
no medicine or treatment 1 tried seem
ed t.) do anv good," writes H. M.
Yoiingpetern, Kditor of The Sun, Lake
View Ohio. "Tie first few doses of
OiamlwrJain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets gave me surprising relief and
the second bottle seemed to give me a
new stomach and perfectly good
health." Kor sale bvali dealers.
Heights Wins t Parkdale.
The baseball game at Parkdale Sun
day between the Heights team of this
city and the Parkdale club resulted in
a victory for the Hieghts boys with a
score of 10 to 6 in their favor. The
game was well attended by the Upper
Valley citizens and a large delegation
from here. The local crowd accom
panied the Heights aggregation and
made the trip by the Mt. Hood train.
Buv it now. Now is the time to buy
bottle of Chamberlain's folic,
Choiera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
almoM certain to be needed More the
summer is over. This remedy has no
superior. For sale by all dealers.
The open season for hunting deer as
well as a number of other animals and
game birds, began August 1, and State
Forester K. A. Elliott has his ear to
the ground for reports of forest fires
started through the carelessness of
hunters. Every year a great many
tires are caused by sportsmen leaving
their camphres unextinguished, and
thruughtlessly dropping lighted
matches, cigars and cigarettes as they
travel through the forest in pursuit of
It will probably be news to many
people of Oregon to learn that the
Forest Fire Law, which went in to
effect February 24, empowers the
Governor to declare a closed season
for the shooting of wild birds and
animals of any kind. The law cover
ing this point is as follows:
"Whenever, or wherever, during an
open season for the hunting of any
kind of game in this State, it shall
appeajto theJGovernor upon the show
ing of the State Forester that by
reason of extreme drought the use of
firearms or fire by hunters is liable to
cause forest fires, he may, by procla
mation, suspend the open season and
make it a closed season for the shoot
ing of wild birds and animals ot any
kind for such time as he may dt sig
nate, and during the time so desig
nated all provisions of law relating to
closed seasons or game shall be in
"It is, of course, not my intention
to urge the enforcement of this pro
vision unless it becomes absolutely
necessary in order to prevent destruc
tion of forest property," said Forester
Elliott in cementing upon the above
extract. "Whether any action is
taken depends entirely upon the be
havior of the hunters themselves.
However, just as soon as this oflice
receives reports that tires are being
started through the carelessness of
hunters, 1 shall immediately present
the facts to the Governor and recom
mend that a closed season be proclaim
ed. The Governor is heartily in favor
of this plan and has assured me that
he stands ready to issue such procla
mation should conditions warrant it,
This matter, as i see it, is entirely in
the hands of the hunters, for as long
as they exercise due precaution while
in the foresst 1 will, of course, have
no reason for taking action. It would
be an excellent plan for every hunter
to familiarize himself with the Oregon
Forest Fire Law, copies of which will
be sent upon application to this
Big Cold Storage Plant For Milwaukie.
W. J. Mooney, one of the best pro
duce men in the West, and head of
the W. J. Mooney Produce Co., this
citv. has accepted the general man
ugership of the United Cold Storage
Co., Milwaukee, this is a new com
tmnv and the warehouse is now in con
struction a region, Florida and David
son street, Milwaukee, adjacent to the
city's produce district. There is a
buiding now on this ground having
million cumo ieei capacity, power
house and stack already built, and
ground will be broken next week for
a concrete and steel constructed build
ing, six stories and basement, 160x180
feet, which will be the most peifevi
up-uto-date cold storage in this
country. The total plant will have a
capacity of three million cubic feet
and will be operated as a public cold
storage for everything in the produce
line. Produce News.
Hay Fever, Asthma and Summer Colds
Must lie relieved quickly and Foley'i
Honey and Tar Compound will do it.
E. M. Stewart. 1034 Wolfram St. Chica
go, writs: "1 have been greatly troubled
during the hot summer mouths with
Hay Fever and find that by using Fo
ley's Honey and Tar Compound 1 get
great relief." Many others who suffer
simdiarly w ill be glad to benefit by Mr.
Stewart's experience. Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound is effective for
con ;bs and eolds in either children or
grown persons. No opiats, no harmful
drugs. In a yellow package. Refuse
substitutes. For sale by C. i. Plath.
Glavis May Accept Position.
A dispatch from San Francisco says
that Louis R. Glavis, the conservation
expert who, while in the employ ot the
interior department, offered testimony
which ultimately resulted in Secretary
Richard A. Ballinger's retirement
from the cabinet, has been offered the
position of joint secretary of the con
servation commission of California and
the conservation board of control.
Glavis is in San Francicso and un
doubtedly will accept, according to
former Governor George C. Pardee,
who is a member ot Che commission.
Mr. Glavis is the owner of ranch
lands near White Salmon and has been
there this spring developing them.
"A thing of beauty and a jov forever."
Hurlev-Davidson Motorcycle at McDonalds,'
j i
S f
This Is the title of a beautiful 4-pa; book, which
will show any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal in the mall TODAY and It will be tent FKEE.
The aim of the College li to dignify and popularise
the Industrie!, and to serve ALL the people. It offer
courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engin
eering, Forestry, Domestlo. Science and Art, Com.
nierce. Pharmacy and Music. The College opens
September aid. Catalog free.
0OLLEOE, CorvaUls, Oregon.
Furniture Pianos Moved
Draying, Express and
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed
Store in Connection
Office Phone
Residence Phone
Hood River Plumbing Co.
Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline En
gines. Pumps, Rams. Repairing Promptly
Attended. Estimates Furnished.
Office in Davidson Building
Phone 1G5-M Third and Cascade
Drop into the cool and cozy corner at the
Blue Ribbon Bakery
on the Heights, after the ball game.
Piano for Our Patrons
Hood River Heights, 1107 Twelfth Street
Manufacturers of
Rough and Dressed Lumber
Boxes and Strawberry Crates
Parkdale, - - - - Oregon
The Purity Dairy Co.
Yours for prompt service and
Good Milk