IIOOD RIVER GLACIERTHURSDAY. AUG! ST 10, 1011 E Star OrcKard Ladders BEFORE BUYING The STAR is the Lightest, Strongest Orchard Ladder on the market and the Price is the Same as that asked for Inferior Ladders. YAK1MANS FIGI1T RED SPIDER PEST LARGE GUEST LIST AT CLOUD CAP We Carry a Full Line of Builders' Supplies, Stoves, Ranges, Wagons, Agricultural Implements. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON ANY OF THESE LINES. Blowers Hardware Co Phone 99 Oak and 1st Sts. Deflating that Horticultural Inspec tor K. A. Huntley has failed to warn the rancher in time to prevent damage from the red npider. County Commis sioner M. K. Olson, who is also ranch er and president of the Yakima Valley fruit Growera' association, is gending out another warning to the valley urg ing immediate action in all parts affec ted by the pest, nay a dispatch to the Spokane Spokesman-Review. The simple remedy suggesed by In spector lluntlev. namely, the use of plenty of water, is nol aumcieni, accor ding to Olson. A spray is needed. Ury sulphur is found to be effective in some cases, but a wet milxure uison nas found more effcetive. Dr. J. S. Kloeb er recommends the use of the Bordeaux mixture, half strength. Olson calls attention to a bulletin of the Califor nia exneriment station, which has been working on the red spider lem for years, and recommends the Yakima growers. Summons. Ia tht Circuit Court of rhaal Kiver County. Or un. Fred C. Huuiw and Hattw M. rUu. Flmtiit.v. Afe-lt A. Stranahaa. Eila May wa. A B J. , Atbert K. Sttanahan. lutrt-an Si taii;han, V 1 !iei Antlrwui, K.v AiwT"tn. May M..Ui-l.w, t I.-.I M.itu-haw. t'linl.Ml M'.'ney. Iv-w M"iM.'y. llHye M.mwtey, a nim.r. hlnx-r K. iH mv. l.Uiir dtan of H'i Mi.om, a minor. 1. II. M'uf tam. Sr. S A. M.t u i-ti-i. J.-nas 1. t link. Amur B. t'lma. Mary K Mnh.ll. Sah.i II Cartiint. kathannr S. Ami-woith and h. W. llaia. IVIeii.huit. To Klla May J.ne. A- R J"fe. K'hel Ar..len-n, Hoy Ai..l. r-..n. Ma. H..lli,li.,.tr..l M ..Iti-liuw I Hi' ataM:.-v. li..)- M...e-. a minor. II II. M. UdtH.n. .r . and S. A Mil .llvta.ii. .1.1. ml- j fenls. imnn-a.11 with tttr o' In r d.-f. mlunlft . abutr ha:m.l. and eaeti ut lt nir I In tm iivm.. ..f ti... IhI ..f lli.-i-.in Y.rti art 1 t-ampuell, iNohear.e j herrtiy ret-uin-.! U. aw-tar and an-wer lite cm- ; HI 4 Ktultltf Neil II 1 plainl lile-l aam-t )..u. and -n. h of i. in llu.- ' . ' ' a.. prob it to DR. J. SOWERBY Nerve 5pecialist and Chiropractor A Relief for All Diseases Ferguson Building Telephone 222 PLUMBING STEAM and HOT WATER HEATING WINDMILLS, PUMPS. TANKS r C. F. SUMNER Valley Christian Church. The I.oyal Sons were victorious Sat urday by a score of 9 to 0. There must have been something wrong with the Live Wire's generator, for only one Live Wire showed up. We are afraid to Ray what we think of them they could have us arrested. Tutting it mild, however, they're a bunch of pikers. The bantpiet that wer'e going to get maybe may serve to appease our wrath somewhat. If you want to secure a good seat at the forum now being held at the church every Sunday evening. Come early for the speakers face a crowded hvuse every evening, rurmermore, u you are at all timid don't come at all for the singing lasi sutwuy rose in such mighty volume as to shuke the house. Prof. Kodwell spoke for over an hour on his observations during his sojourn in the Fhillipines. His talk was prouaoiy me most, instructive ever given in this church ; that is, outside of the regular lecture courses. Those who stayed away from the concert last Wednesday night because thoy .thought they could hear some thing "just as good" at the forum were not disappointed, nom with. Armstrong's vocal solo and !Uoy Cor nells cornet solo were received wun a cataclysm of applause. Hon. A. A. Jayne will address the forum next Sunday on the subject or the Ministry and the Gospel. The teacher of the Live Wires wants a lull attendance oi me ciass, next Sunday morning. He is going to vary the monotony somewhat and- hold the session of the class at eleven o'clock instead of at ten, the regular hour. G. K. Wilbur, a lawyer of Hood Kiver, will speak at the forum next bunuay evening. lxiyai sun. People Should Support Home Industries. Authorities on the manmulacture of furniture assert' that Grand Kapids alone sends $5,000,0(10 worth ot lurni- ture to the i'acitie Coast every year, and yet we have in Oregon a number of factories which are manufacturing fumiture.of the highest grade at prices that Zare" as low, or lower, than those demanded by the Grand Rupids manu facturers. Oregon has many naro An.,,ni7 those who have enjoyed the hospitality of Cloud Cap Inn the past wwii uifrt the following: Mrs. Henry M. Kales, Clark K. Fales, Mrs. C. C. McCornack. Van- couver, Wash., flirts. oeorc --.-rii-r. Jr., Miss S. II. Uiwrtnce, n.. i. Strong, G. F. Mackenzie, Lloyd O. Mayer," b. A. Thaxter, J. K. Mackie, Mrs. Chas. A. Gra, Mrs. David Lor- ..... i. -., Uicd I I! me. William n. run, - King, M. A. L' k. IJ. 1 1 . . r. rroillll wuiiun, ra. -' " .. '. Can uilllr.l.iin.nii..Uuil .... ,.r lad.irp Itn" Troost. 1. C. Butt, rorllanil, tjre., , lat dMJ , sl wu , ,,,..,,. f Mis Kvrtha K. Watson, icw I urk, , it,Pi,r-i i,ui.ikn.i ..( ini mmi as ii. -m Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cook. A. W. Cook Jr.. Cooksburg. Fa. ; Mabel ,Y. Pierce, Riverside. Cal. ; Mr. an.) Mrs. Coffman, Chehalis, Wash., Miss KnoU Oakley, Seattle, Wash.; Miss Rat-had Reed, Kstacada, Ore.. Homer A. Rogers. W. H. Orr, A. T. Allen, Wyeth Allen, G. C. Hoggins, w m. A. Cass, Roger W. Moe, John H. Ct.pp.-r. Chas. D. Msh, Mrs. .nas. u. t imi. Alice G. Fish. Obituary. Grace Mabel, daughter of C. H. and S. K. Scott, was born February lllh, 18SU, in Lincoln county, Wash. She died July 30th, 191L tier life was sur rendered to Christ in the act of Christ ian hautUm. while residing at Ci-iitral- ia. Wash , when 11 years old. She first united with the Baptits Church, but later placed her membership with the Christian church at White Salmon. Wash. About a year ago she came with her fa'milv to Bingen, Wash., where she re sided until the time of her fatal ill ness. She leaves her mother, one brother and two sisters to nu.urn her departure. "Where thou art gone? Adieus and farewells are sounds un known. May we but meet thee on that peace ful shore. The parting sound shall pass our lips no more." After a short service in the Metho dist church the body was laid to rest in the White alinon burying ground Card of Thanks. Mrs. S. E. Scott and family desire to express sincerest thanks to their many friends for their kindly services ren dered durintr the sickness and death of their daughter and sister, Grace. M -tin ') ' .---;:;-v.r,.. ou oei vixlue r wnen you gci s J with the name after KtaiM. if VfU fail fci-p; mi 1 ianr, frr wuol lhrf .Hi.titT will Hi'Wy t j this rourl f.r tht r-lt-f tl rtmiult-, m th.ir OKTipUliit. hittl will lukt J')ttKt'i-'H ai.tl ils-r- i J ( thin NMirt in tluit iint , in-t u. ui.J ( ! yHi. for th n forrnattttii uf ihrw rrrtjain iltt1 uf cnveyaii" oi.l I ut in H roni uhk'U- rham f title, hy amendniir mi corrt-clniK on eniitais I deHi'ritun f irtiui nmtanutl in uni itnwuiitf down through all f mhI thai th- aitu j will ciforn U the real and tt ue tistt hi f t lie iir(ieK wiereio, ailtl xixv kH1 uw i umu'h ih h-iii read at fnlluwit: BtvininiiK at a int on th quarier svtnm line ruMiiinn north aitd muiIi (hnn.vrli rct khi tint t v- five (;iM til ttitishlp three lint til, riive tenl li't el of Wiltantelte M.'i hi.itn. tT v and ninet -I utie-lmtnlreiths (Ti C't Iihim noith if t lie i) ui.t U r ae'hon eitrtier mi the wtulh tnnuiii v line of !:ml neethin thirt-liv i;i'; then- rutttimtr sith. n tw east, eve?iand nevent v-tiveme-liuiidiinit hi i. ':' chmtiK; thenee riinnmtt imrth. iatulU-l It said ijuarler wi-tMin line, nix mid Intt live one- HtitroItliH i 4.(1 hams: tlieiH1 t iumnK ninth, i ttfi WeHt. seen and m eiit y -In e one hllhd- reilihH (7.7M t hHins, to snid mini ter se lion line: and runniiiir thenee tumU nUmtt nl ni'lttter-WM"-twin line, mix and forty-live one-huiidietKhs 1 chain!. In the phiee of liet'inntinr. Said deli- to sought to U reform! are lri-tl BcrilNtl at. follow: One deed fiinn 4. 1 Sti rtnidian and Ad. Iia A. Straitahatt, litisland and wife, to 1) II. Mtt'uiH tton. Sr., duteil July I'M h. Meil f..r lecuni with the (Vuiity 1 lerk of YVi.no t ounty, Oreenn. on August 7th. Ii"tl. mid rvortiet ly h.m in lei Ket-ord IW .'t2. on imt'e LMl, and utterwunts trttns enhed to iI.wr. Kiver I'unty. tlreoll, where the Hame mw appears iif itn-oitl on iafe 117 of 1 ! Keeord I ' Onedeetl from D. II. Me( instiiMi, Sr., and S. A. Mrt'uiition. hultand and wife, tu Joitaw T. 'hnk. lated thtler l.til. I'.HNi. ile for record with Ihu untv t'lei k of V asM I ount v, dr-voti, on t lier'itith. I'.it'i. and by him record . in 1 ! Kiv onln No. 4'J. n pare :.:!4. and afterwards tran crdied to IIihnI Kit County, (niton. here the name now appear of reeoi-U on payes litli-Kof CiitH ami bruiflea may lo lualtkt In hI.oiiI one-tliirtl the time reiuirMi by the usual treatment by HvlymK ("ham- berlain's Liiunient. It ih an Hiiii.Mdic and eaunes aueh Injuries to heal without maturation. Ihw nmmeni aitt re Iiva HoreneHfi of the muscles ami rheu matic paias. For sale by all ileahrs. Fx i I KruilH (rout tne propny nue iy me mim wouilR capable of being made into good TniefirHid dUtnnce u the width of h itet Notice of Improvement of Streets. Notice h hereby Klven puraiiHitt U Ordi nance No. 817, paHHfd ttieumiirumi tmtiieH oi ihei .lv of Htaid River, on the 17th dny oi .1 ti I v . 1911. and annioved by the Mayor on th'l7lh day of July, lttli, providliut for tht linnroveincnt of the somu aiue oi nia; rireei fnun a noint lfU feet phhI ot I tin Knat line ot Mtxlh Htreet U the Weal Hue of Hewmd strmH, eieeut in front ofthe east halfot Ud K. hip Utta 4. H and J, UimkI River proper, pennlta fur whleh have been Inaued, that bida will be rtaeMW-ed i.v ih iniderHltfiied 1 1 1 V Keitrder al lila olltce in the Hetlbronner litilldniK iu Kaid i iiv mi ui Wo'cl.M'k. noon. on the IHth day ot AnKiiHl, lyil, for the Imprtivenu-nt of Maid Ktrtel by gradlii dowu to I lie estublinhrd rudH (mm ine uroueny iiue iu mr num Opposite Postofftce PHONE. 20 HOOD RIVER Electrical Contractors Bartmess Bid?. BAILEY & COLBY Phone 60-x Kstimates rhcorfully furnished High Grade Electrical Fixtures Up-to-date Line of Glassware Westingliouse Electric Motors lleatitig Apparatus, Etc., Etc. Full Line of Elect ric Wiring Supplies WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION furniture and Portlunil has a hardwood mill which ia dressing Siberian oak, Fiji mahogany and other woods which are being manuiaciurea oy uregon furniture factories into furniture of the highest grade. If the people of this State would insist on having 'Made in Oregon" furniture this one industry would keep hundreds ol thousands of dollars within the State which now goes to Eastern furniture manufacturers every year. This is just one example of what the "Made in Oregon movement win uo ior una State, and there are many others. New Station Soon Ready for Occupancy. The contractors have finished the constrcution of the new O-.W. R. & N. passenger station and carpenter!?, up holsterers and plasterers are now busily engaged working on the inter ior. When completed the new station will be one of the most conveniently arranged and Jmost handsome of the stations along the Harriman line. Every comfort is provided in the wait ing and rest rooms ior ine traveler. The men are provided with a lounging room where they may retire to smoke. And ladies may withdraw from the public waiting room to a rest room, where easy chi irs offer the best of comfort. The handsome new structure will be completed by September 1, when the railroad company plans to tnrow u open to the public. The concrete plat form, although no larger man ine oiu wooden walk, will be much more con venient. The track will be moved close enough to it for passengers to alight from and board trains with ease. Dee Watchman is Found. Missing from the mills of the Ore con Lumber Company at Dee. Or., and supposed to have been the victim of foul play as he had money on his pre son when last seen, E. II. Smith, night watchman, aged GO years, was found in Portland Friday night at the home of a friend, E. M. Uallard, at 753 Ankony street. Smith had bean ill several days preceding his disappearance and the night he left, his condition became worse. He worked the night of July 2(i, ate breakfast at the mill, but as soon as possible left for this city with a friend, with whom he afterwards went to Portland. hoes Selz 11 or seii- Vs nn tlif- :n1r. That's our reason fo Vi Wt .WW'-'w- X ing them; we know that every pair V we sell is giving our customer X full value for the money; Selz vthc biBScst vaIuc Pos" Roval n. sible. Look for this Mm. sLrfc CNAv mark. These Guaranteed Shoes are clusively by Ex- Sold Make the most of your week-end trips with a KODAK Treasure for all time the happiness of today. Kodaks, Brownies and everything for picture making. Carl A. Plath,DRUGGlsT "The Rexall Store" mi.l Hih luy Inn of -uif nt mlf wakks Nil fwl tn whltti a. illHlMiif-e u' wu !ti uitiii uif ihii- . ny line upon mill Kmde HhIiI work hIihII lie IH In HfpBriitewmtrHcla.Bml ahull be miuireit ! Imi completed lu (laya Imni I lie dale ol awarding Hum comraci. hkI.1 1. 1. U will be owned l)V the Street Cum imlleeiiH (uhui a praollCHhle alter Inetlme nd fur retwivliia- Mils, anid the Heverul bids, i.ihi her with the nummary thereof, will he reuirled Ui the t'oiumon ( .illli. ll al ItH tieit fibular lueetliiK Iherealter, u-wlt, on the 2lnl dav of Auu., 1HI1, at thM'lly Hall, In "aid elly, at which llmeBftld blda will be conaldered. Notice la further given that uny liilereMied party may tile his obeenn In the lettlim ol na Id contract within the time specified lor receiving blda, and that the ame will he IraiiKMiilled U) the Oily t'oum-ll alontllh nalil blda Tor Iheirconaideiatlon at wild mecl Iiik. The lieraou, firm or corixiratloii to Whom the n tract la let will be required to enter Into an turreeiueiil. to the ell'rxrt that cald coutraclor Mlmll liaik alone for payment, for material aud work to Midi particular por tion of the fund to be aaMcwted upon the prop erly liable to pay for audi Improvement and paid Into the City Treasury for that pin poae, uh shall be assessed lu I lie properly lu trout ol of which and to the charne of which a partic ular part ol the Improvement U) be done by the (Uiciwaaful bidder Ih lo lie made and col lected and paid Into the t.'iiy i reaaury, ami audi contractor shall In uo event require the City of Hood Kiver or any of Ita otllceraor aKenlaUipay the Name, except out of Much particular portion of (tald funda an uaaeNaed or collected Into the Ciiy Treasury, and lor audi porl Ion ol said Improvement, nor week to enforce payment of the nine or any part thereol aitaiuat the City of H.aid Klver or any of Ita oltieera by any lenal proeeNH or 'iner wliw. except out of audi particular luud. All bids must stale price lor grading- said sidewalk to grade, and price lor construct ing said sidewalk, which work shall be done la the manner and form provided for lu Uen eral Improvement Ordinance No. 1M of the t'ltyoi Hood Kiver No bids will be received which seeiry more than one price ou said work chargeable to one bliak In length. A bond lor I he faithful ier forinauce of the contract loan amount equal to Si per cent, of the estimated contract price will be required of Ihe successful bidder, the Council reserving the right to reject any and all blda. . . Dated aud first published August S, l'.h.l. II. 11. I.ANtill.l.K, City Kecorder. Notice of SherilTs Sale of Real Property. Notice Ih herehy given that I. Thorn an K. Jol.uwm.HI.erltt oflitMKi Kiver ('ounty. re. irao, uuntuaul to tt writ of exei'Utlon liereUt ftire .Mined out or the Circuit Court of the Mti.tAnf(irMnn. for Hood Kiver CouiHV, In theAUMeol Adeli A. Hiranulmn, plaintiir, v- h M. Martin and I. .M. Martin, defend. hiilh. and lew heretofore made In reference iLurum will am HHid Mtierift. Hell at auction, lot tHJ tn block 1, of Htrunalian's Hecond Ao. (i it if in t id I'ltv nf HchkI Kiver. Oreieou, at iiifiviiuk tv in., ou AtiKUHt IH, Ml, at the l')urt Houtjedoor, tn the I'lty of Hood River, County ol Hood Kiver. and rttate ol Oregon. THUS. K JOii NH4)N, jau17 Hherlir. Ih'iHi Kcorl ' K One ritHHt fnm J mi tin T. ( link urn! An mo It. Clink. huslHiul and wife, to Kred C ILmM-aiul HmKM'M. House, huftlHitui atid uift-. Ihhi(iI1s in thiH mill, da tint March iiUh. lilml for record With the County Clik of Wasco i otintv, Orcyroii. on Mnieli 'MM. ItttW, ami h him nvordml in ltnt Record No. 4.', im ve JV'V;, aiul ntierwanls tnoi;- j rrdied to Honl Kter County, On-yon, where the I name nitw ttppeain of re-orl on paKes ;iti7-f ut ( lAnnt Hecord M. i On rnnh default of .iM:irncp and answer, t ptamtirTrt will alfi lake judgment and iteciw . HKauiHt vou, and each iu you, ihut inte m ue- fendanta pntpe-i !y chuiveulde tii thai duty le dl- ( rectini and re)Uirel to inuhe, esm-ntf Hint deliver new deeds of the form and suhsiam-e of the Kind uriiriMuU. convey iiitr Kaid land ut-cordini? to tuti-li retormed dcMi-t it ion, within a delimit iy tiatntni j time to he tixtnl hy the Court, after the entry of i auch decree; and in the event tliut you or either I of you fail. neK.ect or refuse ho to do within the ! time ho fixed lv Hum ( ouii, linn trie jutininciu j and decree f thin Court huil stamt aM such con veyance, and you and each of you Mhall he wholly exclude! from any interest in and to wiid land; J plauitiirs further pray that the aiove ruum-d de- i tendantM. Mary l. Mu-h.-ll. hidney n v a r nine, j Kalhernie , Ainsworin ami r.. w. imi K, 11 i-e- quired to net fori h the nature of their claim in and to Maid hind, if any. adverse to these plain- tuTs, that the Court may decree that neither of Maid defendants has any estate or interest what ever in and to Maui land as local ml hy and accord - iiiaT to such ref irmed desenpt urn, that their said Uhjliat claims le forever tiuieted, that the title of lilathtilTn to satd land l declare) vihmI and vatni, and that said defendant tie forever enjoined and delun red from assert iiur any ctuun whatever tti said land advenw to therie plainliils; and plain- i titf will take mich other am! further eiuiiahle relief as in the judgment of the Ctiurt these plamtilfR nmy have hhown lliemselves entitled, toKetherwith the ciwla ami tlisbuim-incnt.s of this suit. You and each of you are herehy nerved hy pnl licatiim of this Kununona !v virlue of an order of the llonorahle detuve I'. CuIIhm-1su, County Judfe of Hood Kiver County. Oreytin. duly made, grunted and dated on this 1st d:iy of Aumint, lull, for the service of this summons upon you and each of you hy publication thereof ami in uccoid ance therewith; and which order prescnU-d that you and each of you shall appear and niiriwer the complaint on or ln-fore the last dav of aix consec utive weeks fnun the date of the liist puhlicalion of thin mimmtms. and the :trd day of August, I'.M I, aa the date of the first publication of this (tuni tnoiia. and vou and each of you are hereby fur ther notified that said date in and w ill be IheliiMt publication of thia Buinmons. GKOlttiK K. Wll.lM'll, H.Kid Kiver. Oreuoii, a3-sU Attorney for riumtillVi. Phone 283 L CarmichacI On Heights New Parkdale Hotel A Modern Hostelry in the Heart of the Upper Valley, in the Shadow of Mt. Hood Rooms 50 Cents and $1.00 . Meals 35 Cents. Rates by the Week J. M. Clark, Prop., parkdale :To Our Country Patrons We now operate a country delivery service without extra charge. WEST SIDE TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS EAST SIDE MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS $ We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Gro ceries. Flour. Feed and an kinds of Fruits and Vegetables in season, promptly filled and delivered. Phone 78 City orders Real Estate Transfers. Lint of real estate transfers made in Hood Kiver County, during the week ending August 5, 1911, as reported by the Hood Kiver Abstract Co. I,nf,.l llr,.U.H fi, t, Coii.na Alov r.Mlrim 90 nrropa in llnntr VhIIpv for the sum iH linmi lima i.in.u.,,, wun Gedrirn, A) acrees in upper vallty. inlf!tv,t u,rjn at me mi of ir twut i-r (V'litnal Orchard Co. to W. J. Cower I ..,...,, . tiie nrai day of Orioiwr, mtr. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. Notice la hereby glveu that an execution and order of Rule wa laaued out of the Clieuil t'uurtot the mule urtirevuii, for the llotmly of Hood rtlver, on the flrat day of AUKiial iuii n,w, . oirtvmeiit uierein reuaerea in Ihe nrl aay oi AtiKiiai, . tlff, National Credit Ahs.'IhIIoii, and BKalnat the defendant, J. K. M inkier; which aaid ex ecution and order of aale la to ine directed ,i ,,, ulii. v me to sell Ihe prniwrly herelnafler deacrioeu ior ine intw ui lafvinu theludmuvntor plaliitill in aald cause fortheauin iH Uneen lNllara (llfi.ou) 20 acres in Upper Valley. Hood Kiver Development Co. to Kay Wood Sinclair, lot in Kiverview Park. W. A. ScharTner to A. F. Adams, undivided 1 of lots 8, 9, blk 1, Blowers Addition. E. C. Mahaney to Ralph R. Gill, 15 acres near Odell. Hardinger & Baker to Harry Col burn. 10.4 acres south of town. Ida U. Soule to Naomi N. CantielJ, Iota 1 and 2, block 3 Waucoma Park. William A. (Vimbs to Frank Mene fee, 10 acres in Upper Valley. Aroused of Stealing. E. E. Clianlerlain, of Clinten, Me., boldly accused Bucklen's Arnica Salve of stealing the sting from burns or scaliUofany kinds the distress from loilfl or eiles. "It robs cuts, corns, brnises, sprains and injuries of their terror," he says, "as a healing remedy its equal don't exist''" Only Bit', at Chas. N. Clarke. Rubtier Stamps at the Glacier office. a1 Hie further auiu of HIS coata; and the further huiii of i:MM: and the further aum o! tU DO: and the further auiu of IU.( atUirney feea, and the coata Incurred upon aald writ of execution. Thereiore, In comillnce with aald execu tion aud order ot aale 1 will on the VI li day of Mepleuioer, lull, at the hour of 10 o'clock a in , at the Court Houae dir In Hood Klver County, Oregon, sell al puhile auction, to Ihe hla-urat bidder forcaah In hand for tha pur pone of fatlafylng Ihe Judgment above named, the following deacribed real prorty, lo-wit: UH Four (4) and the Houlhwwl of the North weal of Heel Ion Four (I) Towuahlp One 1) Norih, Kauge Kleven (111 K. W. M., all lu Hood Kiver Oiuuly, state of Oregon. Dated thia iUtb day of Augnat. M. alia.7 TilcM. f. JOHNSON. Hherlffof Hood Kiver County, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. Notice la hereby given that the under Igued haa been appointed adnilnlatratrix of the eataleol Warren We! la. deceaaed, hy the County Court of Hood Kiver County, Oregon. All peraona having clalma agaluat the eatale ahould preaeot them ui me al Hood Kiver, Oregon, at tneomneoi . j. "j, . Klrat Nalloual Bank liiilldlng, properly veri fied, within alx tuontha from the date ol thin notice. Paled and Brat published Auguat 10. lull. MAh i WKL.I.H, 10a7 AJmlQlatralrlx. Applh'Diioii No. 5. Registration ot Land Title. In the Circuit Court of Ihe stale of On1on lor I lie Count v of II ooil ltier. In Ihe nuillcr of the npi'llcalinii of Tome, ahlchi Aklyitinii to register I lie line to the lollowlUK liiwcrllied real eatille, lihwlt: Ki-gliiniiiK al llieKK corner ol'llie SK quar ter aectlon of Hwllou IN, In Township North Kaniieltl K.aMt of the W lllinnettc Merldliitl. wlllell lathe inleraecllng corner of Seel Ion I,-, IN ID and :.tl, ruiiulns Uieliee west iiiiiI piirnl. lei with Hie aei'tion line ml roils nml ITi.H liakx lo a point on Ine Keel Ion line; lln nec north and parallel Willi Iheaecllun llt.e.vi inda In a IMilnl; thence cunt i.l nala lf :i IIiiUb to a point; I hence north anil parallel wllh the Keition Hne27roil lo a Hilnl; thenee east ill roda to a lni on (lie Beet inn line between Hecliona IN and IN, thenee Hon lb Hil roda to Hie place of hevtuulng III lowilNliip z mono, iviiiiki' m Kast uf the W 1 1 In luetic Meridian, In IIihhI Klver County, male of Oregon, vcraiia Ana Ix'aiuing. a alngle nian: I hut lea A. i,eauiiug and aa'llh U-iiining, lil wile; n. II. IMioiug and Annie learning, hia wile; Myrtle Ruin ing Conway and !. c. Conway, tier uiisnauir, Jmnea A. McDonald and Mamie Mellonald, hla wilt, and loall whom It may concern, Ue-fendHiita: lake notice thai on ihe I hi day oi renruary. A.I) I'UI, an application wmh tiled hy llie aald luiiiehlililii Aklynina In l lie circuit Court of IDhmI Klver County lor the S'aie of Oregon for Inlllal regiairnliou of I lie Idle ol the land nhove described, and Now unleaa you appear on or iietore liiezitu dayofAuguHt, mil, mid allow cane why auch applleat lull ahull nol he granted, I lie aamewtll lie iiiaen as conieHKcu nun a ue- creee w ill be entered according lo the prayer of the application and you will ne lorever barred from oiMpuiing ine aame. W. r,. ll Am tn, W. J. MAKKI.l M, Cleik. Attorney for Applicant. J!,u.i NOTICK K)U I'lT.UCATltiN UNITKH STATUS hAMMlKKICK The Diillea, Oregon, July Alb, lull. Notice la herehy given dial lilchard N. Hrenl of llee. Oregon, who on December I il ll . 1!"IK, made llome-leail entry, No tr.vtn tor r-r.v. SW'i.and W',Hr.'4. Hi c. H and NVt4 MV, MtH'lloll 17, ToWnahlp I Nul l ll, Kllllge III Klist Willamette Meridian, haa hied mil ire ul in tenllon l,i nilike Kllial ,'oniinulallon I'rool to eatahliah cliilin lo the land aliove deHi rlhed before K. A. IIInIiO'i. C H. Commissioner, III hla oftiee. al IIikmI Klver. Oieaon, on Ihe dh day of SeptciiilHT, hil I. Claimant names a wltnessca: Albert Hehil ler. Jainea (I. Kairfowl, It. A. Collins, Cbai lea (1. KolH ila, all of Dee. Oregon. a.'l-a:il C. W. MooltK, Iteglaler. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Htule of Oregon for Mullnolnah I omit V. Charles W. Minuii'li, plaintlll, va. J. K. Key- nolda, de'endnhl.. I.v virtue of an exM iiliou. ludginent, order decree aud order of aale issued out of I lie above entitled Court in the above entitled cuuae. lo ine directed and naieil ine nil n uny uf June, mil, upon a Jiidguient and deen-e remlrred and entered iu the whiiI I ouil on the Villi ila of Kehrunry, ll, In luvor ol i Inn li s W. Minnich, In i il 1 1 II . and agalli'-l J. K. Keynolds, Ihe ih lendaiil, for I ne recovery from aud againsl the mid J. HI. Keynohla tiie Mum ol IKMI llll. Willi Interest- nl the rale of I) ler cent per annum Ironi Ihe Nth dav ol March, mm, and Ihe furlher mm of f II '.ti coata and disbuiseuunla, an t the ts of and upon thia writ, c uiiui ling ine lo make sale of the billowing real 'Iik iIv. lo.w it: Allot Ulla Z'lBlld at, lllia k ll, IdlewUil 1 dlilon to Hiaid Kiver, Oregon, haether w ith all and every Improvemenl llieieon, or mi iioleh Iherei f aa may be aullieletit lo raise the am it due to planum, lor the principal and Hilereai, and costsol anil, and expenses of aale. Sow therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment, order, deen-e and order of sale aud in compliance with I lit- cnuimanits of said wrll I will on Friday, the Hili day of Septem ber. 1'Jll. at 11 ncloek a. in., at the front ihsir of the County Court House, In lliaul Klvei, Hood Klver County, Oregon, aril al public auction (subject lo redemption i 'o the highest bidder for cash In baud, all the rlglit, title and InureHl which Die Within named de. fendaul had ou Die Huh day of Juue, mil, lo I Ratialy aaul execullou, Judgment, order ami decree, interest, costs and accruing insts. Dated Hint lat day of August, mi I. THOS. K. JOHNSON, Hherllt of HKd Klver County, Oegou. First Ume Aug. ;i, mil. Lal Uaue Au. 31, 1 Jl 1. Kinnaird & Kinsey The Middle Valley Mill Is now in operation and ready to fill orders for LUMBER Three and One-half Miles South of Odell PHONE 6X1 Mt. Hood Milling Company ZFSIOaKT STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. HorBHH bought, sold or exchanged. l'lcrtBiiri) oitrties can aecurH'.flrst-cliisg rigs. Hjieciul ftttontioii given to moving Inriiitnre n pianos. We do evi'rything horsns can do. Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of HAINTS, OILS. BRUSHES. t:tc. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. PKA'TT & LAMBliKI'S VARNISHIIS. CAI.CIMO. For room tmtnitr, mixed loonier. CHI-NAM KL. Forold (tirniturti and v.do.1 work; any color. K00M MOllLlllNti. l'htte and Card Kail. lrv I'aate. (i.CI,OTll for walls and a nice line of Wall Taper. Painting, Taper Hanging, Sign and Carriage Work Carriage Shop phone KWL Htore phone 1 Ui 16 Oak Street 1 Harness and Saddlery Humes ltenairt'd & Made to order. Lap Robes. Horse Blankets. Tents, Wagon Covers, Water Bags, Etc. Davenport Harness Co. !S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Em Embalmer EataMlihed 18 Yeara HOOD RIVKR, ORWION