The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 10, 1911, Image 2

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lljunb JSturr (Blarirr
Subscription, tU'0 IV r Vt-ar.
Now that the streets of the city are
being trailed and everything is being
done preparatory to (laving the btisi
nehs district of the town, it ia not
tuu'tSH that some thought should be
turned to'lhe ovcrluaJ telephone and
ilec-tric wires in the down town di
trict. The city rotinc;.' has
derided that no Duvnii: shall he vmn
iileted until ttie main of the ne
municipal water system are laid
Thus when the paving is once in place
it will be permanent arid traffic will
not be irnneded and the c'ty made
un.sii?htlv bv heaps of debris mai
necessary by excavation.
However, no action has yet bi
taken as to the placing of the overhead
wiring underground. A recent ex
urenisoii of a number of the business
men of the citv favored the under
ground conduits. The day will un
duobtudly coino when the step will
become imperative. When the work
" in demanded and when the pavinir has
been laid, it will not only incoiiveni
ence the citizens in their business
pursuits, hut it will also be an ex
oensive unerutiun for the electric and
telephone companies.
Action on the part of the manage
ment of the companies to place the
wires underground at the present time
will meet with the hearty approval of
public sentiment and will no doubt
prove a wise measure on their part
from a business'stuiidpoint.
I ituens of the Northwest may Boon
have an opportunity of witnessing
marvelous feats of dancing. Reports
from points in Skamania county are to
the effect that disciples of Raymond
lhincan, the apostle of the ancient
'.reek mode of living, have been
giving the aborigines of the district
lessons in the ancient methods of Terp-
siehorean Hport. We may behold a
hybrid fling, composed of movements
of the Greek choruses and the flndiun
pow wow. Duncan and his followers
also preach the wearing of a meager
uttire. However, it is doubtful if they
succeed In imparting to the redmen
maiiyjessons along this line.
W. S. ('hapmiin, whose communica
tion, which was submitted to the city
council at its Monday night meeting,
appears in the columns of this issue of
the (Jlacier, uses a tjrent deal of
energy in an endeavor to tell the city
fathers as to the proper means to
secure the right of way of First street
to the water front. Indeed, the plans
of Mr. Chapman, if not proper, if
followed by the city, would be de
cidedly profitable for him.
The sum of jr.110 for the "Jungle"
lowlands beside the river is exhoibi
tant. The city government will not
for a second entertain the idea of
paying this figure. The fact that the
owner can for a moment seriously
suppose that they might is comical.
The let ter limns up the situation in a
few words, when the writer Hdvises
the city 'tgo to it." Yes, go to it.
The condemnation proceeding is the
only feasible solution for the problem.
The city government is undoubtedly
congratulating itHelf because of the
fact that thu compromise purchase has
been turned down.
Magnitude of a Million.
Ia some public acboxi! tier larg
balls are available an effort baa been
made to realize the meaning of a mil
Hun. They secure 100 large sbeeta of
paper, ea b about four feet all lu be
siiunre, ruled Id quarter Inch aquare
Id eacb alternate aquar a round
black wafer or circle la placed, a little
overlapping the aquare. I bun leaving
an equal amount of white apace be
tweeu the black apota. At each tenth
tiiot a double width la left ao as to
separate each hundred spots, tea by
tea Eacb sheet then holds lO.OnO
spots, eacb horizontal or vertical row
containing 1,000. One hundred eucb
sheets contain, of course, a million
spots, aud thejr would occupy a space
450 feet long Id one row or ninety
feet long lu five rows, ao that tbej
would entirely cover the walls of
room about thirty feet aquare and
tta-nty-flve feet blgb from Boor to
ceulus, allowing space for doors, but
not for windows. The Bible from
Genesis to Itevelatlon Is supposed to
coutalo 8.500.000 letters. If ever let
ter Id the lilble were a dollar It would
about half build a battleship. Louis
Tiile Courier Journal.
Qusersd Himself.
"Abseotmlndedness Is a dreadful
drawback to success," said a promt
neut official. "I know a very absent
Bilndcd lawyer. The other day It was
raining and blowing, and be engaged
I toxlcob. On tbe way to court be
overtook the judge plodding along on
foot through rain and wind and mud,
and be baited the taxlcab and invited
bis honor to ride wltb him. Tbe Judge
accepted the Invitation, tbe taxlcab
duly baited at tbe courthouse, and tbe
absentmlnded lawyer bopped out and
run upstairs to get ready the papers
for a petltloo be waa to present But
when tbe court opened and tbe petl
tloo was presented the judge, wbo bad
been ao courteous In tbe cab a few
minutes before, now repulsed the law
yer coldly and contemptuously. As
the poor fellow stood stupefied crier
whispered to him:
'Do you know what you did? Tou
ran in and left bis honor to pay for
the taxlcab."'-Washington 8tar.
While walking over the old Bruce
orchard in the Upper Valley about a
mile and a half south ot I'arktliile Inst
week V. W. Ilrown and K. L. Mcl.ain
noticed a heap of cull upples that had
been dumped in one corner of the
orchard at pu king time last fall 'lo
satisfy their curiosity they secured
home Micks ami prying away the top
layer in decayed (nut discovered a
gnat number of the apples as sound
as they were when picked last year.
The apples, which showed such remark-
utile keeping qualities, were Arkansas
Macks. Mr. Brown states that lb
orchard, although the owner, who has
hcen.away in r loiulu for a number of
Years, has never given it any care,
bears prolific-ally every year.
The big fun show that you have been
watching for will soon be here. The
manager of the Monroe Opera House
ifiiiiioiiiices the appearance of Kichards
a I'ringle's Kamous Georgia Minstrels
tin Mmidav, August 21st. The company
numbers forty people anil includes the
names of all the lending Kthiopiun fun
The Big First I'art, "The Palace or
Kevcliy, ' is aeons and aeons in ad
vance of anything ever attempted by
competitors. A veritable feast for
the eye and a symphony of sweet
harmony for the ear.
Twelve comedians keep the fun
moving, and a host of singers lend
melody to the testivilies.
It will be one big gala night of
gaiety, ami if you are fond of good
music, singing and dancing and clean,
wholesome fun, you cannot allord to
miss it.
There will be a big free street
parade at noon, and a concert in front
of the theatre at 7 :IiO o'clock in the
ai veiling.
Bright Child.
"How long has your daughter been
studying nrtr
"Five years, and she has made great
progress. Khe can talk about motifs
and atmosphere and such things In
such a way as to make you think she
knows perfectly well what she means."
Chicago Tribune.
The College Damsel Explains.
1 breathe my tows from a sur
charged heart," said the young man.
"Nonsense, George," aald the college
J;imsel. "You don't breathe from your
nearc jou Drentue from your
phragm."Kausus City Journal.
An Ironclad of 1585.
It la generally supposed tbat tbe
first use of armor for battleships waa
during the Crimean war. Aa a matter
of fact, tbe Dutch claim to bare been
tbe pioneers of Ironclad building more
than 300 years ago. During tbe fa
mous siege of Antwerp by tbe Span
iards in lfifW. says J. It Hale in "Fa
mous Sea Fights." tbe people of tbe
city built a huge flat bottomed war
ship, armed with heavy Iron plates.
which they named the Finis Belli, a
boastful expression of the hope that
she would end the war. An old print
of the Finis Belli shows a fuur masted
ship wltb a high poop.- But tbe ves
steered bndly and eventunlly rnn
aground under the Spanish batteries
and fell Into the hands of their com
mander, the Duke of Parma. He kept
the Finis Belli aa a cariosity till the
eud of tbe siege.
New Kind of Flute.
A large musician wltb a larger vio
loncello hailed a hansom.
"Drive me to King's Ilalir be said.
When, after a bard tussle, he had
wedged himself and bis Instrument
Into the limited area of the cab, the
driver cracked his whip and drove off.
They reached the hall. Tbe musician
alighted and took out a shilling.
"What's thlsr demanded the driver
"Your legal fare," aald the musician.
"Yes, 1 know It's my legal fare for
carrying you," retorted tbe Jehu, with
a direful glance at the bulky Instru
inent, "but what about that there
flute?" London Answers.
One Thing Missing.
A woman living In a small town,
says Everybody's, purchased from an
art dealer there a water color outfit,
with printed directions for Its use.
These directions Included, among oth
er things, instructions to moisten tbe
brushes for the first time wltb saliva.
In a day or two tbe dealer received
tbe following note:
Dear Btr The outfit ts complete as or
dered, except the saliva. Tours truly,
"I had such a good time the other
dny watching my wife's discomfiture."
"Nice thing to aay. How waa It 7'
"She Is hard and fast Id ber rules
about the house won't even allow ms
a cigarette. Well, tbe chimney began
In the morning and smoked all day
In spite ot ber." Baltimore America a
The Answer.
"Yes," said Nagget, "a woman usual
ly treats her husband as the average
servant trents brlc-a brae."
"Go ahead." said the wise Mrs. Nag
get "What's the answer?"
"Why, the more he's worth tbe mora
she tries to break bliu." Catholic
Standard and Times.
His Scent.
"How did the young man who want
ed to go in the newspaper business get
"It was a pretty race for success, but
lie won by a nose,"
"What do you mean?"
"A uose fur news." Baltimore
The Mirth Making
Monan lis
Not the Make Believe But the Real
A Big Ensemble of the
Greatest Comedians
a Our Buyer in Eastern Markets
Girl's' Dresses
of tine French (iini;haiii and Madras in
checks, etniie and plaid, ages from 3
to Irt years. You will wonder why you
would even think of buying goods and
making these w hen you can get such
neat ones ami such excellent valueB as
we are offering. Now that school time
is drawing near it wi'l pay you to luck
over our line new assortment just
opened up. Second floor.
Oxfords and Slippers
For Ladies. You can afford to buy an
extra pair of these for next summer's
wear at the prices we are selling them
at. Patent leather, kid and gunmetal;'
light and heavy soles, values up to $2 50.
Choice, tbe pair 98c
Another table of Ladies' and Misses'
Slippers and Oxfords, all sizes and kinds,
suede, patent, gunmetal, tan and ox
blood, including such well known
brands as I'U & Dunn, American Lady,
White House, John Kelly aud others.
Kigbt good, snappy stuff, put out be
cause tbe tizes are broken and we w ish
to clean up on them, values up trt $ 1 00.
Your choice 91. 50
Misses' Canvas Oxfords, ynur choice,
tbe pair 50c
Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, sizes 2 to
C, values up to fL'.&O. Your choice, the
lm,r 73c
LR buyer, Mr. M. E. McCarty. is now in New York selecting our lines of fall and
W winter merchandise. As ia our custom, we make this trip twice each year that
we may be better able to serve our increasing trade. In doing this we are not only able
to get the newest and best articles on the market, but we are able to buy them at the
ery lowest prices which accounts for us being able to sell you goods at a good deal less
than you can get them for from the merchant who is compiled to buy through drum
mers. Lesides, we get to see the entire line and note the stylus, while through the
drummer you have to rely upon what he tells you and live practically "in the dark" un
til your goods arrive and you go to opening them up and then you find that they are
not what you expected they would be.
We carry the very latest merchandise and in all grades. If you want something
good we have it, and if you wish a low priced article we have that also. You will al
ways find our prices the lowest and we will treat you right, as our many customers will
tell you.
As to our qualities, all that we ask is for you to use your own good judgment as to
quality and value and not think that because we do not ask you two prices for an article
that it is not as good as you want.
We buy for cash and sell for cash and mark our goods on this basis, not having to
charge you any extra for bad accounts or for extra bookkeepers' hire, which makes it
easy for us to give you the goods at a big saving.
Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and trusting that your past
experience will merit a continuance of yours, as well as of your friends, we remain,
Yours to please,
The Store That Gives You the Best Values
Men's Shoes and Oxfords
Suitable for heavy work or dress weur,
sizes ti to II. Patent leather, kid, li
calf and oil tinned leathers, values up
to fi.UO. Your choice 91.08
Boy's Suits
Our new fall line of Hoy's 2-piece
Suits are here and we are all ready to
tit tbe boys out for school in suits thut
will stand tbe hardest wear and are
still neat and dressy. We have an ex
ceptionally tine line of lxy's clothing in
all tbe latest wiaves and styles and can
suit you in price, quality, workmanship
aud finish.
We can give you suits in regular new
fall st) lee at 91.75. $2 50, $3.00
$3.50 aud up to ISlO.OO. special
bargain suits for boys, the suits for 75c,
$1.50 and up.
Dress Goods
You will find this department most
complete In all tbat ia needed to get tbe
children's dresses ready for school wear.
Secial prices on summer dress goods
that will enable you to save a little, be
sides giving you tbe largest assortment
in tbe city to choose from.
Creisen Will Go to Watsonville.
C. R. fireisen, former assisant editor
of Hetter Fruit, has sold his house and
lot at 71'J Sherman avenue and will
move soon to Watsonville. Calif. Mr.
(ireisen states that he will engage in
the fruit marketing business in the
Caifornia city.
Dr. E. L. House, atfer a few davs
spent here in look ingover his East Side
ranch property, returned lo Seattle
Wm, Fhrck spent the week end in
Portland with friends.
Frank Dethman spent the week end
in Portland.
C. S. Itawson was in Portland last
Mrs. Chris Ranley left last week for
a visit with friends in Stevenson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark and Dr.
Brosius were at Trout Lake last week.
Many a Siiflerlng Woman
Drags, herself painfully through ber.
daily tusks, suffers from backache,
headache, nervousness, loss of appetite
and poor sleep, not knowing her ills
are due to kidney anil bladder troubles.
Foley Kidney Pills gave quick relief
fiom pain and misery and a prompt re
turn to health and strength. No
woman wbo so suffers can afford to
overlook Foleya Kidney Pills.
Gray's Tailor Shop
More people, men women, are suffer
ing from kidney aud bladder trouble
than ever before, and each year more
of them turn for quick relief and per
manent benefit to Foley's Kidney Rem
edy, w hich lias proven itself to be one
of the most eft. ( live remedies for kidney
and bladder ailments that medical
science has devised.
Olll. e 2Hn-. lo )i; 7::l to
Resilience S7-M Oilier lira, by appoliilurt
Dr. E. R. Carpenter
Chiropractor aud Nerve HeclallHt
Kuse lor All UiKeasu
17 Heiitironner Bliltf. Hood River
We want Mien with wunoim to call on every
fanner lu every county, anil women, too. In
every town, to call on every family, with our
full line of Kiutiauteed Household Necessities
unii NeciiiiHeN.
write toiiny lor our full proKwltloii and
niiii aeiiniK nietiiou, Muling your age, ex
perience and former dcciiiihI Ioii.
Wllhout i-Hpllul, InveMmeiil or any risk
you can innke more money with our Hue
tnuu a inciciiHiil Willi a .'(i omi Block.
a;il -'I W.aid m.,t. fuul, Miun.
Notice of Completion of Street Work,
Paving District Improvement.
Notice Is lieiehy nlven llial the W. (. A I.
dred Co., iiintnii'lorn, have filed wrlllen no
tice Ihix lilili day or Aiiirust. lull, or l,ie com.
pleiiou ol Hie Improvement of ouk Sireel,
between Smtintl Hireel and Kin It htreel; Third
Mireet he! ween Dak ami sime Nlieein, and
Kourlli Kireet between link and sti Htreels
in the l ily of Hood Kiver. Orexou, by the
eradinifof wild alreels by excavating, Hlllnir
mid rolliiiK yinie to the rntalillslied gride
umlei llieir contract wllh Hilarity hlllierlo
mailu and eni. red 111I0, and II111I liie ainolint
due said contractors for aald Improvement
upon It accepiance, la hereby staled lo be
the amount ol 811.1 ni, made upas lollowx: For
the lniproveiiint of said Ouk Ktreet, J.litittl;
for the Improvement of aald Third Street.
IU4 JC; and for ttie Improvement of said
Konrlh Mireet, .H 211
Arid notice Is further given that nny objec
tions In the act-eplstice of said uradlnif under
the oiitract with Hie said contractors on the
purl ol said l ity may be tiled lu Hie ottlce of
ine undersigned i lly Keivruer by any Inter,
ested party at any time within aeven days
from the dale ol tiling said notice, lo.wit
within aeven daya from the lath day of
AllgUHt, It. I.
This notice ia published in the Hood River
(llaeier for two cnnseeullve Issuea thereof, the
dale of the first publication thereof being the
loili day of August, lull.
' II. li. I.ANiill.I.K,
ahlul7 t'lty Recorder.
It is time to think about those roses and bulbs you are going to put in this
fall, to have bloom next spring. Better see tbe roses in bloom and pick out
what you want. We have a full line of shrubs, vines and perenial plants. Cut
flowers and designs to order on short notice.
Phone 1972 M Fletcher (EL Fletcher R. 1. Hood River
Wanted Secondhand Buddie and bridle lu
good condition. H. M. OoX, Phone 2S-X IK.
Wanled-Kresh cow, Jersey preferred, must
be young, flione odell 83. a-t
Want! d Young man 111 years old wants
outside work, fhoiieaut M aflr6 p. in. H
Wauled To rent from 5 to 10 acre of straw
berty land, with or without plunts, five-year
lease preferred. Address Otto MueiileubHiich,
White Maluiou, WuHh. u!4
Wanted Positions on nineties by two
young married men. b'or purliculura phone
iiXH. a-'-l
Wanted A buggy, price must be right fot
cash. It. I,. Kowntree. one mile south ol
Bloclier station on Ml. Hood railroad, K. K
1. No. 2. a 17
Wa-ited -Uirl for general housewtuk, phoni
11 or 128 M. al?
Wanted A tnau lo do farm
or phouej. I,. Cailer, phoue la?
Vi anted lo Trade Portland residence fot
Hiaid Kiver residence. Address SW care o
Ulucier. til?
Wuutd to trade Hunch for Hood Klvt
residence. Address C care Ulucier. al7
Wanted A girl for housework, ('oinniiiiil
chI wllh Mrs, Weller, ltyerdule Oichafd,
M osier. Ore. all)
Wanted Uood, practical farmer to Ink
clmrge of place. Must be married. AddreK
communications, staling experience ano
wages expected, to 11. H.. Ulucier oilice. ah
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Ik hereby given Hint the Hoard of
lilrrctora of the Him.iI Kiver Irrigation Ills,
tricl in II, mkI Kiver County, Oregon, will re
ceive bids for Hie construction ol the news,
sary canals and works lor said district to be
constructed in accordance with the plans aud
KpeclllcatioiiK thereof.
Notice is also furt her given that bids will be
received by suld board for bills of nialerlul
lor the construction of the general lateral
system of said district.
Heuled bids for such work and bills of ma
terial will be received at the office of Hie
B 'iird at the residence, ot It. W. Kelly, Hecre.
ury of the Hoard, In aald District until Fri
day, the i.tli day of August, 2 p. m
Kids must be accompanied by cerlilled cheek
tor ft wr cent of theuuioiint ol the bid. The
Itoiinl reuerves the rluhl I,. ruiiu.l u,t. u.,H .,u
I bids. Plana and stiecltieations inuv be pro
cured arter August loth by application lo the
iterrciary ol me noaru.
Hate ut Hood Kiver.oreaon. this 2nd day
, niiguni, jwii. tv. . k r.i.t.i ,
a3-u2t .secretary.
Wanted To rent or lease a much.
Pray, Uood Kiver.
K. M
Kor Hale or Trade Second hand
Phil Hebee, phoue. 3:14 M.
a.; I
Kor Wule-dule.
Cord wood. F. W. lirowu,
For Mule-Ten acres in Ml. Hood reglou, on
which in located store, creamery, Ice cream
parlor, butcher, ah -p, 3-story warehouse
slaughter house and small barn. The sale
will also Include a cow, three horses aud
wagou. Creamery equipped with SI.60U
worth of modem machinery, and butcher
shop with f2lltl worth. Uvlng apartment In
rear of store Wil li sitting rooms and lu bed-
naiins over neua. fine well ti feet Hot n
oi uouse. vtwi oiKe I'ortluud pra
part uy i il. Write or call oil S. A.
mi. iioou, tire.
pi,.erly lu
, iteiuier,
For Sale-Fine driving horse, city broke,
not a fluid ot automobiles, sound kind and
gentle, also carriage and harness. Vhoue Mia-L
F. Chandler, uiir
for Hule-A combination team of black
mures weighing tusj sutids each. A good
driving Until or will handle the cultivation
on a III or 20 acre tracl. Kach bus un easy
gait under the saddle. Mm nlraid ol auto
mobiles. Will rpllt team or am willing U)
rude team, taking in pun pavmem u horse.
I hat i idea and dnvta. K. L. Meciam, phoue
," K- al?
For ' Kale-Team weighing about sum pounds
. , .miviirii wagon unii uaiiiesa and 3 year
Apply to ueudeiaou Jj McKay, K.
,1,1 cow.
L. No. 2.
Wanted Summer pruning. Best of refer
encea. A. J. ltoseustihl, box f7ft Hood Kiver
ForSale-Plgs. W. U.
phone 2Ut) L, box fit
Van A I It'll, route
Kor Hule
24ft 1..
A surrey aud buggy.
For Hale A west Hide Sucre ranch. 21
acrss In 2-yeer-old Splt.enburgs and New
towns and strawberries; Price tl.taJO. Phone
owner, ISI M. a24
Kor Bale-flood milch cow giving four gal
Ions per day. Phone 7 M. K. M. Holniau
Hie Heights. all)
For Sale An excellent driving borne. Phone
"-v. all)
Hay For Hale-
ih Hlurichs.
Mixed allalfa of 1911 crop
For Sale Fresh milch cow and plea.
32H2 K.
' '
7- I... 1 1
Thera arc "blufla" among ahoea
aa among men. Shoea that put
up a "front" but don't aland th
racist mean money for 1 lie ahoea
naieuu w auuei lor I ha
ItnnilMtlntaaKlca Ym
CV Donne. I men's tthoe ia
the ahoe for the money.
Money's wurth ia
lent her
Money' worth In the
Money's wortU la
the wear
Thnu .m .I.-.
the right tn eioe, ( In a ahoe. Th
l IHmnrll Nho gives you something
mure. It dresses your foot ulih a
thorouuhbred style that compels
attention. It Is too bad thut tbs
O IHinnell factory does not turn out
good women's ahoea as well as men's
shoes, but they du not make wom
en's shoes at all, bscauae by spei'Ui.
Iflng un men's shoea they create ihs
hthtM type of oiHscullns (, ho wear,
uuiuilucuvtU by Umiuiue utudUa,
NewEnglish Slip-On Coats
Ready for Your Choosing
We were fortunate in obtaining a
line of factory samples which were
shipped to one of the large coast job
bers who had placed orders, and
turned the entire line over to us at
We will turn these beautiful season
able garments over to you at a lib
eral saving.
For Sale Light team of horses. Cull .'t2r2-X
for Hale Light team black tnnrea, weight
Ism); ride or drive: fuat on the roud and well
umeu ui ore n am worn. Also bluek mure.
weigui xv. rides only; a good lisiker wllh
plenty of style, life and speed; well broken
but not a child's horae. Mill show any 0
,u .own or si, rniicn, ;i nines from
nwu on main roaa tcjiat side. K. L. Mcclain
1'iiuiie .i iv. JllSIf
lind For Kule 2:10 acre or land for snle
from Kill net acre no. win ..n 1.. ,....-.,
tract with purt ia trees. U. J. Calkins, phone
30 K.
rorwiie-iKinaey engine, 9x11, in good
. , 1 '"en iiiuin nue, .-fljtiu leet
11 rp one, omens and uec'saary enulpmeui
1 u i, ml' r"r tul, K "ate js.
J. r .1 bompaon, Parkdale. or U lacier offlce,
ror Male-We are now In a position fur.
niali rough und dressed lumber of the van.
.. ninia. .ippie uoxes and strawberry
unit- mr tins season. nr,leru win 1.-
Prom nt I v tilled 11 ,,iie. .,,,,i.o,
"ui ' x wiesdi. l ai kilnle. ore. .-r-n
rornuie i nave a teamnrx van ,on h
pled grays, weight about 1200 pounds each
absolutely sou 1 d aud gentle, an ideal orchard
v n,,o u i nre onir 01 roafisijiM e.,u m.,..
onroi i iecnoice minuinullnu teams of Hie
valley. Will guarantee them aa represented
Team aud harness .). See H. C. Allcu, oak
Kor SHlr-UtxHl ftri.i tu,.t ...........
Will sell very cheap. I haveuo uhp for' them!
Fop Stile fhfan ttlit taom 0.,f., i
tie. uood for cult ivatiin. Mn hJ..i-,ua, "
K. P. Fluney, phone
For Sale-Household mvulu-1 ur.,,,1 u
refrigerator (holds M pounds of ice), I wash
ing machine. 1 solid Oak ,li,i. iui.i 1
-,.,L . .. : , iniir
: a cuair, 1 small riK'klug chair. I beut
Ing stove, 1 range, Theater Oak, 6 cup). All
atticles practically new; refrigerator lieeu
used but two tnontha. 1 ull and see kiiIkIs at
"r iu,iuin at Wooil a store. 31
For Sale-Team of mares, weight 11:0, 7 and
8 years old; II hack, new; set or good work
harness. Will be sold cheap. Address U W
Murphy, White Salmon, Wash '
For Hale-Horse, price CU for Uiiicka7e77i7
quire at O lacier offieo.
wm' iitThomt"h"? brok,,n fRrm '".
will sell borws seoarsuu- u..,h . :
J l11"116- R H Wallaceshadow Brook Farm a2j
; For Sale-Oti Hood Kiver Heights, fine view
property. One and one-half acre feoeJ
young fruit tree, and berries; 5.r.a 11 house'
bath; outbuildings. Address owner "17 X
tello avenue, pnoue 276 L. LZ
ror Nale-lluvlng decided U sell out aud
move awuy, we oiler our stia-k of Fl inoulli
Hock roosters, coikerels, hens and pullets of
he bes; bhsided strain lu America We need
not comment 011 their nuality. We h ve
ild the same slm-k and have lecelved salls
aellou for the pust eight yeurs. An excep
i .nul wpporluiiliy to gel gmid slock cheap,
iocklord I'oullry latda, timid Kiver. t'lioue
th A . M 17
For Sale Mure aud colt.
Kiver Murket.
Kuiiuire at Hood
For Male-An excellent 4 year old hav gelli
ng, found and tiue and afraid or noililng.
W eight ,,i,ut l.jtKI pounds. 1,. A. Herman,
phone ;i21 A, al;
For Sale Ked
pho e lsia x.
raspberries. U. t.'.
For Sale or Trade-A inodern f, room cot.
lage on Sherman avenue. Apply S. J. Flunk.
route 3.
ForSule-t hree very high class Airedale
terriers of the best hngllsh und Amencuii
(ledigreed atis k. They are exceptionally flue
-peciniens. Fine hunters aud all around
good dogs. Sickness in my rBinlly .otnpels
me to diss,se 01 my pets. This is an oppoi.
luiiity to gel g,ai Hinke seldo el wllh.
Kocklord Store, Hood Kiver, Ore. I'houe
. a!7
For Sale Fresh, v liii.h
COW. Hill,,,. I4 U a""" l-Jojr
hot Sale ( heup-or for rent, a modern six
room bungalow and huseiuenl, near bigii
hool. t'hone 33A K. al7
For Rent Two or tiin. r,....., .,. . . ..
for the winter Kl., . in.. "i."".
an.) XI..:.. ' "eui
iL ",i 1, " w ""- ' rices reasou.
, , ionuei-1 sLreei. iinone -mm v
For Kenl-
lltxtil m, ltd ,.r .. "1
location. Aiiniv to a i,.i 1! ".'.'i
For Kent-One nti-eiv 1,0 ,0-1, ........
lu one block ol posloillc. Ptione 102 ti, a24
For Kelll-Klne ,.ni.u ,...
low. It, smith block, $H per 1 nou h 17
For Kent lloouu u,,.i ....... ,, 11'
Heurcd. Mell o :.,""L "" u"
nouse. r, Daveuoort. .ir .
- 11
Iisl-Friday. Aiumiki 4 ..,i...
M,.e..r,.uT. . . !.'ur rew"rd lo Ulacler of.
..... dwM,, t-nver, is .,
Lost A tie Dill, sel will iv
August 1. Finder please return i "ufXi'
for reward.
Home Bwrraln Mt 1 - j .
hul I in butlKle: sauitar , u dug ttne o?
all lu good condition, t to 11 Th.H. '
corner May street aud Park avenue frili
Terms, tail at i.r,,i,,i v " J,,
IjOSt HetWPn II. w. 01 . - 1 . .. '
West Side a Id w 'VY " ""?.e,lI.
braided ,-i,ilar Fi.i, ., . ' w
oftlce and reward.' VlO "
I ost - lot I, rul,.., r. .1. ...... , - ..
blem. Keturn 0 IlVH.n kir."".,"" t V
...... . . . ,,,,
Found-Hold foh win. ..
"wner niuv hv -." .7"' ' "'.'?
ottlce and piying Who:
ITearing and itn.mnn,.., . . .
. ..rice. Tan ,,aV,Ua crew
i"iiuieiy. coiiiiuiiuiente Willi A t Hal- HoteJ Oregon, li.a.d Ktver.' If
Sherman avenuV. V gT.,1 br.X,w""
ward're!n. iM,v.','',"',''''l,,IH,l'u,l':'- re
ward return to Morlati 4 Ulhron s. ai7
Lost-Kastern Slur ,,.,
at Ulucier otliee.
Finder please leave
For 8aie-l Team and harnewi. trne pullers
m.d travelers: 1 No. 2 Faultless stump i
complete; Jersey cow 4 yers old. These irl
very cheap buys. It will pay you to iuTwit!
gate. D. t urner, Jr., Odell W, lout i j i
van notderbeke Nurse. y Co.,
a lilt f
Mkokane, Wash.
ctU' H'sbi'", P""""' '"ewhere in the
atdsllvehrehbau' wUu ""w bn
aim silver heart shaped ornament KemM,
lo wacler office or SluTiu,
1 :