The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 03, 1911, Image 2

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thinb &uicr (Blarirr
ARTHl R D. MOE. Publlh.
SuWrlption, $!..". I'er Year.
in a way our American ole are
an ignorant lot. As u example take
ihp ..Rteri society leader, who when
the summer months Ix-giti to atfrouch
lias numerous mi.ui pack numerous
trunks unit bundles together her
daughters and tak.s m.-.n(.'e on an
Atlantic- liner I.oumI for Kuropean
resorts. The Continental hotel keepers
rea a rich 1,-rv. t and this country
suffers from the iejiniaure. In a re
eent bulletin issued l-y Charles H.
Uickey, chairman of the "(ireater
Baltimore Committee," wliieh is
wBKi"K "SeL' America First" cam-paij-n.
it in stated that the .statistics
of the State Department at Washing
ton show that about 220,(tfil Americans
go abroad each year as cabin passen
gers and aDout 70,(H!0 in the steerage,
and that they spend around $200,000,
000 exclusive of money spent for jew
elry and clothing.
The fact is astonishing. It is really
a "Slaughter of the Innocents." The
European managers of hotel trusts
wax fat ami grow more opulent than
American magnates.
Indeed, the movement that is being
promulgated by the Baltimore organi
zation deserves the commendation of
all patriotic American ritizers. Those
who now go abroad should become
educated to the wonders, beauties and
opportunity of America. It is laugh
able often tinus, when the easterner,
who, although be or she may know
Europe and its cities as well as a rep
resentative of Haedekur, begins to
converse about the West. The conver
sation is usually an outburst of ego
istic ignorance.
Woe to the harvesters across the
"I'ond," when the tide is once turned
and the people once realize that they
have u wealtn of wonders here at
liniiic to look upon.
tion are quietly securing the;;e ends
without the eclat that characterized
some of the first meetings.
The news has been received here
that Kichard Lloyd Jones, a nephew
of E. I-. Smith, and is a former asso
ciate editor of Collier's Weekly, has
assumed control.of the Wisconsin S ate
Journal, published at Madison, Wis.
Mr. Jones made the Hood River Valley
a visit' two years ago and in an article
in Collier's was enthusiastic in his
praise or the region. The new publish
er and editor is progressive in his
views an. IJwill stand for the best in
civic and national life.
The lille city of Husum, across the
river in Skamania county, through the
efforts of its corroHjiomleiiti to the
daily papers, who have great and vivid
imagination, relieves a great deal of
publicity. The suicide of a former
resident'in San Francisco Hay, Satur
day, further placed it on the map.
The sixth and last of the baseball
games played between the two rival
aggregations of the city, the League
earn, composed of boys of the lower
town, and the lleiahts team, resulted
Sunday in a victory for the former,
Sunday's game, just as'ull the former
rieounters, was close and interesting.
the score was 2 to 0. Myers, the
crack pitcher for the Leagui flioys, was
again on -the job and did effectual
work. Castner caught for the down
town boys 'I he Heights battery was
Hart and Hall. ISoth the latter
layers have done excellent work this
The last game was lost by the
Heights through errors on the part of
Koontz and Sumuels. Each one of the
pitchers struck out nine men. The
fans of the city are congratulting
themselves because of the fact that
thev were able to witness at "-home
such excellent exhibitions of baseball
I he lleiirhts team win go to earn.
dale next Sunday to tilaylthe aggrega
tion of that place. A special tare win
e made bylthe Mt. Mood Railroad lor
the occasion, andjt is expected that
large crowd will attend Horn here.
IN ferriiig to numerous communicii
tinns (hat are addressed to its olliccs
concerning the location of dill'erent
kinds of lands and the lack of
knowlidge on the part of United
Stales l.and nlltciiils, the Orcgoiiian
in an issue of las week contains an
editorial that ehoiild be perused by
newcomers socking locations.
'the newcomer relies too much on the
knowledge of the ."govl'i iunent lam
agent. In so "far as the bind agent's
knowledge goes such a reliance is not
to be found fault Willi. However, as
I he Oregoniail states, those seeking
land should nut allow (heir prejudices
ui'itiust real ei.tute agents to cause
Ihem not to consult the latter. It may
be true Unit, just as in all industries
and all businesses there are real estate
agents wh. have dealt fraudeiitly.
Operations by such a class, when spec
Ulative periods gave them the chance,
has tended to lower the standard of
the business. The fact i:i one that is
to be seriously regretted; for the real
estate agent, who has the interests of
his community at heart ami, the
greater portion of them will be found
such, is one of the greatest benefuct
ors to mo community in wnicn lie ex
pends his energies.
In its comments the Oregoniun says
"There are six Unite I Stales land
ollices in Oregon, and in each several
millions of acres of hind, about whic
the I. and Ollice ollicials know but
hide, for the reason that they aie not
charged witli any such duties. Where
they ilo Know anything about the lands
open for settlement the ollicials are
almost uniformly courteous and atten
live. Hut the register of the rorlland
Land Ollice would probably not know
anything about the land in the olhe
districts, any more than the regis tc
of the I.akeview district would hav
knowledge of the land around Portland
.' landsoeker must lirst decide in
his own mind which portion of the
state he wishes In settle in. This done,
he should decide whether he wants
arid or humid land. If the former, he
must then decide whether he wishe
irrigated or dry farming land; if the
latter, the price he wishes to pay, for
as a rule il may he said that there is
very little homestead land left in the
humid sectons. There are arid lands
to be taken under the homestead laws,
in tracts of 100 acres, and in places 821)
acres. These lands as a rule are what
are known as dry farminglands as the
raintiill in the veinity is below the
amount relied upon under 'general
larining methods toitinture full crops
U the writer ot the communication
wanted to invest in a box of writing
paper he would probably not go to
paper nun ; ne wouiu umiounicdly go
to some retailer ot the article. And
just the same is true of the land bust
ness ; the best person to set one right
is the real estate agent the man who
invesitgates and knows about th
lands necause that is l: is business.
And as a rule the land agents or real
estate agents are just as reliable as
anv other class of business men.
"Land agents can be found in any
land district who can tell more or less
about every quarter section of vacant
land in the district, and for this they
will m::ke no charge unless they
satisfy the inquirer and locate him."
What has become of the automobile
association? At it;, incept ion it seem
ed that it was going to be one of the
greatest howling successes the Valley
had even k.iown. Its membership
grew like a mushroom. However, for
many wet ks the hot weather has
evidently caused it to take a vacation.
The Automobile Association can bo
made one of the greatest factors in
the county toward the promotion, of
good roads and improvement of
stretches of highways that have been
neglected. Its members, who are
enabled to have a wide knowledge of
the Valley's highways, should be able
to offer suggestions that may be put
into resolution'? and secure an inestim
able good for all users of roads. Per
haps the committees of the organise-
Men's Garters
Men's University Silk Garters,
special, the pair 5c
Men's Underwear
Men's Summer Underwear in fine
Balbriggan, odds and ends. Not a
full run of sizes, but truly bargains
in every garment The garment ..17c
Another assortment in Men's Un
derwear in fine French Balbriggan,
regular 50c and GOc grades, odds and
ends. Choiec, the garment 38c
We carry the G. & S. never break
Trunks. They are the best trunks
made and we sell thorn, for less than
you will pay elsewhere for inferior
makes. Let us prove it to you.
Boy's School Suits
Why not take advantage of our
clearance sale on Boy's Suits and sup
ply them with a nice suit for school
wear at a good saving? Those are all
good numbers and nice patterns, with
knickerbocker pants. About till SIZt?8
in the lot, in Serges, Worsteds and
$2.50 Suits n6w $2.00
$3.50 Suits now S2.80
$4.50 Suits now . 13.70
$5.50 Suits now S4.40
and so on. Our line of Boy's Cloth
ing is the largest and lost in the city,
and we can please you in any kind of
a suit that you want.
Ready made Pillow Cases, made of
a very fine grade of muslin, size 20x35
inches, with deep hem. We bought
these at a bargain and are going to
give you a chance to save some money.
Your choice, each 12 l-2c
Misses' and Ladies' Oxfords. Here
is a chance to secure a nice pair of
oxfords for less than half their value.
Oxfords in Suede, Kid, Patent Leath
er and Gun Metal Calf. About all
sizes in the lot with low, medium and
high heels, ankle strap, lace blucher
and button. Values up to $4.00. Your
choice SI. 50
Ladies' and Misses'
Here is certainly a bargain in the
line of footwear. Oxfords and Slip
pers in Kid, with Patent Tips, low,
medium and high heels, light and
heavy soles, values up to $2.00 a pair.
Your choice, the pair 98c
Ladies' silk loop shoulder
Supjiorters, regular 25c values,
choice -
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests
Square yoke, taped neck and arm
holes, trimmed with lace,- sizes 4, 5,
C. Special, each 5c
Ladies' Silk Und'skirts
In Black and Green. New, fresh
stock just in. Splendid values. Your
choice $2.50
Summer Dress Goods
Look over our fine line of Summer
Dress Goods, Lawns, Dimities and
Silks. We are showing one of the
finest assortments, in all the newest
weaves and daintiest patterns. You
can save good money on your Summer
Dress Goods purchases if you buy
them here.
Advertised Letter List.
July 31, 1911.
Borstal, Mrs. Wm. ; Davis, Miss J.
W. : Daivis, Miss Gladys ; Hall, Mar
garet K. ; Henderson. Mrs. S. R. ; Lar
kin, Mrs. Dena; Mote, Agnes; Mc
Lean, Mrs. Alex ; Smith. Miss Ollie;
Stone, Mrs. S. S. ; Tomliuson, Lulu ;
Cankin, C. E. ; Masters, Alfred:
Rhodes, Walter; Shepard, Ned:
Wheeler, II. K. ; Wilson, (1. : Rainier,
Johan Kristofferson.
Jay P. Lucas, Post Master.
Many a So flerltiff Woman
Drags herself painfully through her
daily tasks, suffers from backache,
headache, nervousness, loss of appetite
and poor sleep, not knowing her ills
are due to kidney and Madder troubles.
Foley Kidney Pills gave quick relief
from pain and misery mid a prompt re
turn to health and strength. No
unman who so suffers can afford to
overlook Foleys Kidney Pills.
'I am sure that you will think that
I am a modern Karon Munchausen,'
says I'i. l.. lingers, who nas jiihi re
turned from no extended visit from
the Middle West, "but my story is an
absolute fact. When I was in Mill
drove, Mercer county, Mo., merchants
were only offering three cents per
dozen for eggs. The people would not
stand for the prices and stored the
eggs awaiting a rise in the market.
In about three weeks the price soared
to f cents per dozen. Neighbors of
the JJpeople with whom 1 was visiting
decided to sell at this ligure. How
ever, imagine their consternation
when they discovered that a great
many of the eggs, stored old out
house, hail ' pipped. (in taking me
temperature of the building they found
that the heat was greater than in the
incubators used by them."
Mr, lingers, who was very ill be
cause of the heat while on his visit,
says that there will be a heavy immi
gration west from Middle Western
points this fall.
J. II. Koberg, who owns extensive
properly along the Columbia River
about a mile and a half above the
city, will begin work soon Jon the im
provement of a pleasure beach for the
convenience of citizens of the town
and valley.
The location owned by Mr. Koberg
olfers an excellent site for a swimming
pool. A large clill', known as Stanley
Rock juts far into the river and forms
a protective cove, whieh'for years nas
been frequented in the summer months
by residents who are fond of aquatic
Tho owner will biuld a number of
attractive , houses along the sandy
IWmhite Insect's Kneniy.
The Hobwhite receives the heartiest
praise of State (iame Warden William
L. Kinley.
"When one that the annual
loss sustained in this country by weeds
and insects is in excess of ifSOO.UOO,
000," he says, "and that the natural
diet of the hobwhite is weed-seed and
insects, he will appreciate the enor
mous saving this bird would he to the
country at large, were it protected and
propagated with care."
A scientific investigation of the food
of the hobwhite reveals the startling
fact that nine birds consumed, among
other things, on one day, the follow
ing: WVM Ilies, 5000 iqiids, 12Sti rose
slugs, l!7 grasshoppers, 2100 pigeon
grass seeds, 5 black crickets, 84 large
and medium sized grasshoppers, ?00
insects, Hot) of which were grasshop
pers, lf;ii; insects, 1000 of which were
grasshoppers, and IS grasshoppers.
The hobwhite is known to eat 13.1
dill'erent insects, most of which are of
the injurious type. Potato bugs, cu
cumber beetles, cut worms, army
worms, wire worms, chinch bugs and
cotton boll weevil are among them. A
careful estimate shows that this bird
will average 7.1,000 insects and fi.OOO,
000 weed-seeds during the year.
It is now in contemplation by the
State Game Warden to release a large
number of these game birds and supply
hobwhite eggs to farmers who will
agree to allow them to be hatched by
their hens and protect them while
young, finally permitting them to wan
der at their leisure to all parts of their
Call for Bids.
The board of directors of the Pine
tirove schoid district No. 7, desire
sealed bids for the painting ot the school
building and tinting the walls of the
school rooms, said building containing
about 4iH) yards of '1 coats exterior work,
and a '2 coat trimming. The board re
serves the right to reject any or nil
bids. For specifications see C. K. Hen
ton, clerk. tf
Job Printing at the Glacier ollice.
1,100 geraniums must lie sold this
mouth, from M)e, 71c and $1.00 per do.
en. 1 ,100 celery plants must also go.
All plants at wholesale price, (ireen
bouse on the I eights.
Ff ; If!!
Gray Bros., TAILORS
The regular meeting of -the Masonic,
Lodge will be held Saturday night.
More people, men women, are suffer
ing from kidney and bladder trouble
than ever before, and each vear more
of them turn for quick relief and per
manent benefit to Foley's Kidney Rem
edy, which lias proven itself to be one
of the most effective remedies for kidney
and bladder ailments that medical
science has d.vised.
Koses 2 years old from 30e to 75c; f 3.50 to $5.00 per dozen. We have many
of the newest ones. Shrubs and vines of all kinds. A splendid lot of Mountain
Ash, Catalpa and Poplar, 8 to 10 ft. high. A few Specimens Catalpn, Hardy
Pernnials of nil kinds, a tine lot of Piones. We have plenty of Aster, Pansy, Ger
aniums, Salvia. Cosmos. Snapdragon, Nasturtium, Lobeliu, and all kinds of
, greenhouse pot plants. Choice cut (lowers on hand at all times. Floral designs
a specialty. Uur prices are reasonable, l ot plants at ttie rranz Hardware store.
Phone 1972 M
Fletcher (EL Fletcher r. i. Hood River
Offlre m- X U lo 12; 1:3U lo 5:31); 7:HU to l
Residence K7-AI oilier hrs. by appoint ni t j
Dr. E. R. Carpenter
Chirnprselor nnit Nerve Hneeiiilht j
Kuxe lor All Disease I
17 Hellhronner Ulilg. Ilnoit ttlver
Too Lale to Classify,
For SHle-Horse, nrloe IKI for cpilck an Ik. In
iulre a I Olscier office. aL'4
For HW Thoroughly broken fio in team.
Will Hell liorMi-M ueimmlely. Bolh perleclly
gentle. II H. WHllHCcMimtlow llrnoL Kami nil
WHiitptj-Hefoinltntnil xHildle anil brittle In
K.mmI eoiiillllon. II M. Cox. Hbime IK.
VV timed F rent i iw, Jersey preferred, must
b young. Phone Odell 83.
Lout A er Hcent nhitped pin net with pear If.
Itenirn toOlecler otlice for rewurd. a.M
I . iNt A blaek purusol somewhere tti the
cliv. Hhh tenure huudle Willi silver hund
mid tttlver lietirt f.tmted ornunifiit. HeHirli
to (4'aeler offtoe or WV.i lMneHtMfoi rewatri. b 4
We wunt men with wugnnfi to cnll on every
fanner Iu everv connlv. Hint women, nxi, in
evry town, to rail on every family, wi ll our
full llnofiiniantee(l HouNehold NeceHStlien
ami- KieelatiieH.
Wrlie t'idny lor our full proposition and
rapid fe'lliiic method, MatlnR your Ui:e, ex.
perleiie- and former occupation.
Wlllw.iit capital, inveKtnient or Huy risk
yon ran make more money with oiir line
thau h ineicliHiit ulih a fro (Mi stork.
n:il 21 W Mid St., hi. Paul, Minn.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby utven that the Hoard of
Dlrri'tni'8 of t lie Hood Kiver 1 1 r I a 1 1 n HI,
trlol lu Hi Hid Kiver County, Oregon, will re.
celve biua for the coiiMtructlon ot the necea.
aai y eauala and works mr ld ctlatrlet to be
eomdrueled In accordance will) tVe plana and thereof.
Notice Is ulso further given that hldx will be
received by said board lor bills of material
for the count met Ion of the ijeiiertil lateral
Hyxteiu of aald district.
Healed blda for such work and hills of ma
terial will be received at the office of the
Biard al the residence ol K. W. Kelly, Hecre
ary of Ibe Hoard, In auld District until Fri
day, llie iolh day of Augiiat, 1911. at 2 p. in.
Plds must be arcompauked by certified check
for 5 per ceut, of tile amount ol the bid. The
Hoard reserves the rluht la reject auy and all
bids. Plans and specifications may be pro.
cured after August lutU by application to Ihe
Secretary of the Hoard.
Iiatea al Hood Kiver, Oreiton, this Slid day
of August, lull. K. W.KEI.l.Y,
.LaJ4 . Secretary.
hundreds of dollars In hard rash!
The TRAIL to it, any wide-awake
ly can follow. Uon't worry any
longer w here to fcet real money or
whatever article you want. Come
to me and get it. Parents investi
gate! for this self-saiuo ROAD lias
led many a ly to a hunk account,
('nine nilh Muir hoy it' you elionse.
Come earlv.
I'. II. t! llliKKD,
41H Slate Street, Hoo.l River, Ore.
Want! d Younu mini lit years old wauls
outside work. I'liiine :H1I M alter li p. III. Hii
Ml!. JAMES 11. G1UHJM will be at our store
vn Tuesday, August the eighth, with a. complete
lull line of the celebrated "Indian Head" Suits
and Coats for Ladies and Misses, made b.i the J.
F. Culdstone Co., of Uroadwai, .Yew l'ork:
Mr. (Iraliu in. brings this beautiful and exten
sive line here for the purpose of giving the ladies
of this community an opportunity of inspecting
the latest creations in Suits and Coats, and will
also be prepared to take' measurements and or
iler specially for you. your Fall Suit and Coat.
H'e cordially invite you, to call at our store on
next Tuesday and examine this lint of the latest
correct creations in II 'omen's and Men's Garments
for fall and winter wear.
Hespectfu I ly you rs,
Wanted To rrnl from 5 to 10 acres of si raw
berry land, with or without plants, tlve-year
lease preferred. Address Otto Mneulenbaiich,
Whlto .Salmon, Wash. km
Wauled Positions on ranches by two
youiiK married men. For particulars phone
.'IXF. a21
For Sale Ou Hood Kiver Heights, flue view
property, One and ona-half acre, feuced;
.MiuiiK fruit trees and berries; 5-rooui house,
bath; oiilbulldlnKs. Address owner, 117 Mori
tello avenue, phone 27(1 I.. a'-4
For Hale 1 Team and burners, true pullers,
good travelers: I No. 2 Faultless stump puller
complete; Jersey cow 4 years old. These are
very cheap buys. It will pay you to Investi
gate. U. Currier, Jr., Odell 84, loute 2. . a-M
For Sale 1 will sell my learn cheap, weight
about Mi); pood orchard team or giaid on
road: safe; -".'fi; or will sell single. I). H.
Itowntree, one tulle south Blocher slatlou on
Ml. Hood R. K., K. F. li. 2. a:)
For Hale I.ate cabbage plauls, Danish
Hound Head vai lely. Bile per buudred. U.K.
Helper, pliolie lil.'c'X, Helmout Koad all
dllion, HatKwrk mak , uiansiu colored run
ning geur, no lop. I'lione X't.JM ail
F'or Kale 'Fen nines lu Ml.. Hood region, on
which Is loeuled store, creamery, le cream
parlor, timelier shop, N-story warehouse,
slaughter house and small barn. The sale
will also include a row, three horses and
wagon. Creamery eiinpU'd with $1,500
worth of modern machinery, and butcher
shop will! Kim worth, hiving apartment In
rear of store with sitting rooms and 111 bed.
rooms over bead. Fine well li feet Horn rear
of house. Will lake Portland property in
part payment. Write or rail oil S. A. Ilelmer,
Ml. llood, tire.
For Hale-Klne driving horse, city broke,
not. afraid of automobiles, sound, kind and
gentle, also carriage and harness, l'hone UIS-I.
F. Chaudlei. m2Titf
Wanted A buggy, price must la? right for
cash. I). I,. Kowntrte. one mile south of
Hlocher station na Mt Hood railroad, K. K.
I). No. 2. il"
Wa'ited Ulrl for general bnuaewoik, phone
llorlJt.M. a!7
or phone J.
A man to do farm labor.
I,, fatter, phouel97 M.
Wanted to Trade Portland resldeuce for
lliaid River residence. Address SM) care of
Wlneier. a 17
Wanted to trade Kaueh for Timid Htver
residence. Address C care Olacier. a!7
Wanted A girl for housework. Communi
cate with Mrs. Weller, Ijiyerdale orchard,
Motder, Ore. alt)
Warned OiMMl. uractleal farmer to take
charge of plaiw. Must be married. Address
communlcatii ns, st.itiug experience and
wages expected, to It. 11., Olacier office. alt)
Wanted To reut or lease a ranch.
Pray, llood River.
K. M.
Wanted General housework by lady. Mrs.
Pearl Hweek, care (j lacier. a;l
Wanted Ueutle driving horse, willing and
not tiMi old, iu exchange for gisid biown
mare which has UK) much life for a lady, al
though perfectly gentle and easily handled.
I 'ash difference If necessary. Phone 277 VI. a3
Wanted Hummer pruning,
Best of reler-
A. J. Rosenstihl, box Mfi Hood Kiver.
"I-'or ale-A Minry and buggy. Phone
-in li. a24
For Hale A west Hide 8-acre ranch'. V.
aeras In 2.yeer-old Spltzenbures and New!
towns and strawberries, price (M.500. Phoue
owner, lm M. aai
Kor Hale-Uood milch cow giving four gal
Ions per diiy. I'hone 7D M. K. M. Holuiau,
me Heights. a HI
For Hale An excellent driving horse. Phone
sm.. all)
Hay For Hale-Mixed alfalfa of lull crop,
Ralph Hinrlcbs. alt)
Kor Sale Fresh milch cow and pigs. Phone
iv. am
Kor Sale-Light team of horses, call 3tl-,
F'or Hale Light team black mares, weight
luul; ride or drive: fast on Hie road and well
broken lo orchard work. Also black mare,
weight Kik rides only; a good looker with
pletity of style, life and speed; well broken
but not a child horse. W ill show any ol
above In town or at ranch, Ali miles from
town on main road East Side. K. 1 McClalii,
phone ail K. juslf
Laud F'or Hale 230 acres of land for sale
from m per arre up. Will sell In aujtere
tract with part la trees. C. J. Calkins, phone
50 K. jnstf
For sale-Donkey engine, 9x11, in good
order, m feet I Inch main Hue, 3uut)feetj
trip line, blocks and necessary equipment
(or immediateuse. F'or quick sale
J. F.Thompsou, Parkdale. or tf
F'or Hale We are now in a position to nir
nish rough mid dressed .lumber of the vari
ous kinds. Apple boxes and strawberry
crates lor this season. Orders will be
Promptly filled. IV, miles southeast of Park,
dale. Hay A Wieaol, Parkdale, Ore. a27lf
F'or Sale-I have a team of S year old dp,
pled grays, weight about 1200 pounds each
absolutely souu d aad gentle, an ideal orchard
team and a rare pair of roadsters, considered
one of Cie choice combination teams of the
valley. Will guarantee them as represented.
Team and harness S.VK). See H. C. Allen, Oak
Orove or phone ltW-M,
Kor Hale Residence, (el State street. Mrs.
J. H, Osborne. a-'t
Kor Sale-Good fresh mlleh cow.
phone 1MK.
Call up
Kor s!cUood farm team, weight 2500 lb.
W 111 sell very cheap. I have no use for tbem.
A bargain. L. K Ireland. Phone. 197-X. a.'t
F'or Hale For 3(1 days at HiO er acre, pin t
terms, large tract of unimproved logged land,
three miles back from Columbia river, ut
Cooks, Wash., Little White HhIiuoii valley,
opposite lliaid River. 1'ea I direct, with owu
er. Addiess care (J lacier. :
F'or Male I Ight Hirdsell wagon.
new, bad very little wear; spring seat and
springs, suitable for hauling berries or ap.
pies. As I am about to dlspos- of my busi.
uess this wagon will be sold al a great sacri
fice. Also a nuiubei of out famous prize
winning Plymouth Rock chickens. Rock
ford Store, phone lull X, llood Kiver a l
For Hale A combination team of black
mares weighing V..0 pounds each. A good
driving team or will handle the cultivation
on a 10 or 20 acre tract, Kiich bas an easy
gull under the saddle. Not alrald of auto
mobiles. Will tpllt team or am willing to
trade team, taking in part payment a borne
that nues and drives. F;. L. McClaiu, phone
201 K. il7
F'or Sale-Team weighing about aKWpouuda
also Mitchell wagon and harness and il year
old row. Apply U Henderson A McKay, R.
1). No. 2. nl7
Kor Hale-Having decided to sell out aud
move away, we otter our stock of Plymouth
Rock roosters, cockerels, hens aud pullets of
the best blisided strain In America. We need
not comment ou their quality. We have
sold the same stiwk and have received satis
faction for the past eight years. An excep.
tional opportunity to get good stock cheap.
Korkford Poultry Yaids, Hood River. Phone
m X. a7
F'or Sale Mare and colt.
River Market.
F.nqillre at Hood
Kor Halo-An excellent 4 yearold bay geld.
Ing, sound and true and afraid of nothing.
Weight about l.'KIO pounds. L. A. Herman
phoue 321 X. H;
Kor Hale Red raspberries,
pno e 1sm X.
U. C,
F'or Hale or Trade A modern li room cot.
tage on Sherman avenue. Apply s. j, Frank
route a.
For Sale-Three very high class Airedale
terriers of the best F,ngllsti and Amerleau
pedigreed stock. They are exceptionally due
specimens. Fine hunters and all around
his Is au oppor-
River, Ore.
goou uogs. sicKiiess in my family compels
... , t,,. v.. pe,. mm is au oniMir.
id strike seldom met with
Innlty to get a goo
Kockford Htoie, Hood
! X.
a 17
F'or Hale F'resh, young,
cow. Phone ;M2M.
high grade lersey
Kor Sale t heap-or for rem, a modern six
room bungalow and basement, near hun
school. Phone m K. ai7 "
F'or Reut Uoud suite of rooms In a good
location. Apply to A. W. Outhaiik, :I5 Oak
street. n
Kor Kent-One nicely furnished nsim with
in one block of poatoffice, Pbone 1U2 B. 24
For Rent-Klneofflce room with bav wlu.
dow, In Smith block. Is per mouth. "al7
F'or Kent House and barn on 10 acres, un
cleared. Methodist Lane near Barrett school,
house. F. Davenport. Jr. tf
Lost Between Hood River aud Odell, on
West Hide, a ladles' coat of Ian aerae, with
braided collar. Kinder please leave al thla
office and receive reward. alt)
Lost-Clotu watch fob with K. of p. em"
blent. Return to Hood River Market for re
ward. al,(
F'onnd Gold fob with monogram "c. H. 8 "
Owner may have same by calling at this
office and paying for ad. alii
Clearing and development of yon.' land
contracted at right price, t an start a crew
immediately. Communicate with A. C. Hal
lam, care Hotel Oregon, Hood River. tf
Lout -Ret ween EDlsconal chnrrh .rl ron
Sherman avenue, a gold broach containing
for re.
S or So pearls and a small diamond.
wara return to Morlan Latbrop's.
Lost -Eastern Star pin.
at Olacier office,
Finder please leav