The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 03, 1911, Image 1

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NO. lo
Worth of ORCHARD PROPERTIES were sold by
us in the past 90 days. Lots 1 to 43 inclusive of
Hosier View
B containing approximately 420 acres, have been sold
and the SECOND DEDICATION, embracing lots 44
to 74, inclusive, is now offered to the public at at
tractive prices and on easy payments. During the
past three months we have sold
Mosier View Orchard
to some of the shrewdest buyers and most careful
investors from New York, Massachusetts, North Da
kota, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon, California, Mon
tana, Washington,' Missouri, Ohio and Alaska. Port
land people alone purchased over $50,000 worth of
these orchard properties during this period. We
plant to a commercial variety of apples these 5 and
10 acre tracts, and care for same in a scientific man
ner for a period of five years, without any cost to the
purchaser except the purchase price, which- is ex
tremely low.
Sunday Excursion Trips
to MOSIER VIEW ORCHARDS are becoming more
popular every week. Call or write to us for our free
Hood River Orchard Land Co.,
(Capital. $500,000)
Devlin & Fircbaugh
Sales Agents.
Hotel Oregon Bldtf., 906-909 Yeon Wdg.,
Hood River, Oregon Portland, Oregon
For Sale by Owner
200 neres, (10 aems cleared, 11 acres planted, balance
unimproved. Price cheap and easy terniH.
J. P. Thomsen
II. F. I). No. 1 box fli)
Land For Sale
$t i have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land,
most of it under ditch at prices ranging from .f (H)
per acre up. In tracts from
Hood River - - - Oregon
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Without Investigating
Mosier Valley
last two yeargbut are not over half that'aeked for Bimilar; land in other
sections. Buy now before the speculators add their profits.
MOSIER, OREGON. Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
Phone J44-K
Dimmick & Hadlock
Improved and Unimproved
Office First Door West Mt.
Hood Hotel, Ground Floor
Phone 2H Odell
ten acres up.
Natural advantages fur fruit
growing unexcelled. I .and
prices have doubled within the
- L
Phone J2-M
M-H-H HIM-MM1 1 HI I frH
Land Bargains
in Hood River
20 Acres, $5.500 51 miles
house; 2 good springs: tiue view
(hot soil; easy terms.
19 Acres, $8,000." utiles from town. 10 acres cleared ; 2 acres
in trees; balance in clover and alfalfa; all but 1 acre tirst-el:ts apple
land ; splendid view ; easy terms.
17 Acres. S12S an Acre 1
store and church ; all uncleared but fine land for apples ; a snap.
20 Acres, $22,000-1 acres 2-year-old ; lit acres in !- ear-old
SpiUenburg, Newtown an. 1 Ortleys. One of the sightlient place- in
the valley and is in the heait of the apple growing section. Near
store, school etc. Terms.
We have a number of special bargains
in inside business property that
are sure money makers.
J. H. Heilbronner &
The Reliable Dealers
..T..T..if .. t. .T.,t. J
103 acres in the Willow Flat dis
trict. 1 5 acres in trees from 1 to
12 years old. Soil of the finest
"Red Shot," which has made this
district famous. Good spring
water. Price $130 an acre; 1-3
cash, balance at 7 per cent.
See This at Once. It is a Great Bargain
Hood River District
Land Co.
Hood River, Oregon
Of the
Mt. Hood Hotel
Electric Fans
Ventilating Fan
We Also Serve a Thirty-five Cent Merchant's Lunch
at Noon
Stanley- Smith
Wholesale and Retail
Lath, Shingles, Etc
Lumber Delivered to
Don't Chase
out or around
town for soine
thing roreign
r x
when you can get a Perfect Printing
Rubber Stamps, or a First-class Job of
Printing at the Glacier ottice. Jost call
Phone 37, We'll do the rent,
Seed potatoes at Whiteheads.
-H I M I I I IWI t H'H 1 1 H Mf
from town,
of valley and
5 acres learr.l;
both mountain!' ;
mi e from ebunnnif station, school,
Hood River, Ore. 1
Hot Weather Dishes
Cool, Screened Porches
Lumber Co.
Any Part of the Valley
A gold brooch, containing
or 30 pearls and a small
diamond. Was lost between
the Episcopal church and 725 Sherman
Ave. Finder please return to Morlan
Si Lathorp's for reward.
If your guests ask yon where you gut
such nice chickens for your Sunday din
ner, don't forget t toll theui oi the
Central Market.
Four Experiment Stations Will be Estab
lished - Press f raises Hood Itiver
Prof. W. H. Lawrence, the expert of
the Fellowship Association, who is
conducting experiments for the bet
terment of orcharding conditions and
for the eradication ofjplant pests.has
been very busy for the past week
Working on a distribution of seed
samples which he hasf received from
the Government experiment station at
Chieo, California, and tfrom tte Agri
cultural Department at Washington,
I). C. From the seeds that have been
sent him he hasjn his' otliee about two
hundred samples from which experi
ments for cover crops will he made.
Among the samples are 58 varieties of
field peas, 41 varieties of horse beans,
7.varieties of llurr clover,"!!.'! varieties
of common vetch, a number of forms
of plants closely related to the vetch
family, samples of scarlet vetch, hairy
vetch, bitter vetch ami 21 varieties of
Lathyrus Sutivus, a plant very similar
in growth to the vetches.
Each sample contains enough seed
for what is known as a row test. The
seeds have been divided into four allot
ments, which will lie tried on the four
dilferent important soils of the Valley.
1 he experiment stations will te.locateu
on the ranches of l'abson Pros, in the
Upper Valley, Dickerson & Peck on
the Fast Side, Capt. C. P. MeCan and
Geo. I. Sargeanl on the West Side.
After the smaller tests are made the
plants that prove satisfactory will be
experimented with on a huge scale.
the cover crop tests sue tiemg made
for the purpose ol muling the most
benecliial plant growth for tliclpiirpose
of storing the soil with nitrogen and
humus. The seeds w ill he planted the
tirst of this month.
A large series of experiments are
also binng conducted bv the horticul
tural expert with dilferent commercial
fertilizers, winch are carriers id the
more important plant foods essential
to theiproper growth and development
of fruitj trees, liotli experiments are
being worked out in connection Willi
the winter injury problem. lty
strengthening the growing tree with
the dillerent essential foods, it is
hoped that the freezing may ho pre
vented. However the results of the
work will also he of inestimable valu
to all of the orchardists of the Valley ;
for by them it will be determined
whether or not the commercial fertil
izers or the cover crops have a bene
ficial effect on bearing orchards that
are in every way healthy.
Prof. Lawrence has just sent 10(1
different soil samples from the valley
to the Oregon Agricultural College
where they will be analysed by the
department of Agronomy in order to
determine their texture for the pur
pose of working out drainage systems.
The Fellowship Association is
another of the evidences of co-operative
measures that, has made so much
for the success of the apple growing
community. The progressive tenden
cies of the up to date orchardists of
this region have been noted by the
whole country. The Portland dailies
have commented on the progress. An
article, highly commendatory, recently
appeared in an issue of tlie Journal of
Economic Entomology, published at
Concord., N. 11.
The Spokane Spokesman - Keview
says: "Hood Kiver people believe in
the state agricultural experiment sta
tions and gladly avail themselves of
its most valuable help. They also
believe in helping themselves in every
possible way., so they put their heads
together anil some of their money, and
established what they call "The Hood
Kiver Fellowship in Horticulture."
They employed at a good round salary
W. 11. Lawrence, who was at the head
of the Western Washington Experi
ment Station. Science, work, money
and leadership have been required to
accomplish the results that Prof. Law
rence has already worked out. '1 lie
lesson is a valuable one for all fruit
growers. "
Accoridng to figures compiled by the
ollice of Superintendent Alderman the
school census for 11911 shows a total
number of 171 ,( school children for
l'Jll. This does not include Lake
County. The school census fur r.HO
including Lake County, showed a total
of 171,742 children, or an increase this
year of 7,944 overcast year.
, Hoys still predominate in the schools.
This'year therefare iH, l.r)2 boys, while
there are n,zM girls, l.asi year mere
were 8,009 boys, or an increase ior
this year of 3,84:!. Last Jyear there
were 84,13:5 girls, or an increase for
this year of 4,101.
Although the boys still predominate,
this'indicates thut there was an in
crease in the girlsjover the increase of
boys, the former being 28 greater
than the increase of the latter.
The school ' population fur Hood
River county is : male, 1,012; female,
1.017. I he total number, z.UJJ, stands
twenty third among the ''utilities of the
state. This is an excellent showing,
when it is considered that the area oi
Hood Kiverjeounty is but a fractional
pait of the other counties.
J. L. Carter, whose ranch is located
2 miles out from the city on the East
Side road, has converted the Ititle
lake that lies in the ravine at the rear
of his home into a beautiful fish pond.
He recently received from the govern
ment fisheries "200 Vermont Hrook
Trout which he placed in the lake.
Prof. Omalley, who has charge of the
hatcheries of this state and Washing
ton and whose headquarters arc at
Oregon City, where a large hatchery
has been established, was recently
hereon a visit to Mr. Carter. Atfer
insoectine the private reserve of the
East Side orchardist, he was enthusi
Hstic over the prospects it offered. He
tated that he thought the trout would
prow auicklv in their new home. The
"Caddy" woiiiis, which are numerous
in this s. elum, he says will furnish the
young tish with suiheient nourishment.
lie thinks that the fish will soon
rapidly propagate in the lake. The
minnows, when placed in the new
luarters, were about an inch and a
half in length.
Although, because of ilslhidden loca
tion, known to but few of the resi
dents of the Valley, the miniature
lake, which is about 300 feet i.i length
and a hundred feet wide, is extremely
beautiful. It is bordered on all sides
by a gruwth of fir trees. On Some
sides a luxuriant growth of reeds and
tall mint plants rear themselves. At
the west end, where the little body of
water is fed from the spring that rises
higher up the side of the ridge and
across the road, a number of huge
rocks border the banks, some of them
partially submerged by the waters.
The visitor to the suit might well
imagine himself far away in the wilds
of an unbroken forest instead of a
short distance trom the wonderful
orchards and civilzation of the Hood
Kiver Valley.
Mr. Carter, who is enthusiastic over
his reserve, plans to turn the whole
surrounding spot into a well kept little
parK. He has already stocked it with
a number of California quail.
r rom a point on the ridge overlook
ing the Jlake one can get a Wonderful
panorama of the Valley. Many of the
most interesting photographs of local
views have been taken from this spot.
Charles A. Hell, the owner of the
Mt. Hood Hotel building, completed
plans Monday whereby he will erect
a two story brick structure at the cor
ner of Oak and First streets. Work
on the new building, which will be
100 bv 100 feet, will begin immediate
ly. The frame structures that have
occupied the lots are being cleared
away in preparation for the excava
tion work.
According to the plans of the pro
posed structure, a large convention
ami opera hall, handsomely equipped
an with a seating rapacity, for a large
gathering, will be located on the
second story next to the First street
side. A billiard hall and bowling alley
will be constructed on the lirst Hour
on the First street side of the build
ing. The main floor on Oak street will
be put into stores. In that pail of the
second story not devoted to the jjopera
hall fust class apartments will be cor
structed. A court will be constructed
in the center of the building.
It is stated thut the building has
already been leaseil to Portland par
Eastern milling experts, says a dis
patch from The Dalles to the Orcgou
ian, are on their way to The Dulles to
help the Wasco-Warehouse Milling
Company plan a new mill to replace
the one destroyed by the $200,000 lire
Sunday night. The new plant will be
larger and more modern than the de
stroyed building, which was erected
ton years ago. The milling company'
employed nearly 100 men and ils out
put amounted to 1.1(10 barrels of Hour
daily, benig one of the largest concerns
of tiie kind in the Northwest.
The Wasco-Warehouse Milling Com
pany was the heaviest loser as the re
sult of the conllagration, being dam
aged to the extent of IflOO.OOO. The
O.-W. K. & N. Company estimates
that the 2.1 curs and contents which
burned on the tracks adjoining the mill
were worth $7,1,000, while its sleek
yards were vuluel at $.1000, thi prop
erty being a total loss The Great
Southern Kailroad Company lost its
depot and 14 cars, the damage to this
road.being $1,100.
Representatives from three of the
world's big fruit houses have been in
the'eityjand valley this week milking
an estimate of the crop prospect for
the coming season. W. C. Michaels,
of the Gibson Fruit Co., of Chicago,
has been here shakingihands with old
acquaintances and looking after the
interests of his lirm. William Cross
ley, "president of theJLondon firm ol'.l).
Crossley & Suns, spent Tuesday in the
K. D. Sprout, who is with the C. 11.
and'. W. Kimball Co., one of the
large New York conur.ission houses,
arrived .here Tuesday and is spending
several days looking over the Valley.
Mr. Sprout has been visitingfrienda in
Klickitat county near the Goodnoe
Hills. This is his first- trip to the
Northwest and he is greatly impressed
with the region's fruit.
The Apple Growers' Union made its
lirst shipment of this year's apple crop
Tuesday. The consignment was made
up of Ued Astrachans. The fruit was
well shaped, smoolh skinned and with
out blemishes and brought its growers
a fair return.
All of last year's apple crop was sold
on July 1 and me business oi last sea
son is now cleaned up and the Union
is ready for the crop that will be har
vested this fall. The apple business
lone by the organization last year
amoiintcd'to appioximately $WIO,000.
Rev. Ilariirtavcs to Speak at Astoria.
Rev." Jan. R. Hargreaves, who is the
pastor of "the Heights Baptist church,
has f acccpteil:in invatation from Sec
retary CC.
T t
Chapman, of the Portland
Commercial Club, to deliver an ad
dress before the members of the Ore
gon Development League at Astoria,
August lo. Rev. Hargreaves will taKe
as his subject, "Community Solidary
Terminal Rates for The Dalles.
As a result of the recent decision of
the Interstate Commerce Commission
The Dalles will, together with Pendle
ton, Baker, ILewiston and other inter
ior cities;, be eiven a rate as low as
that now in effect for Spokane ship
pers. The roads are given to October
15 to adjust their tariffs.
Aldred & fo. Push Excavation Work
merican Express Co., Equips
Quarters on First Street.
The citizens of Hood River will bo
ble to walk the streets this winter
dry shod and on concrete sidewalks.
At tho meeting of the city council
Monday night provision was made for
the construction of several blocks of
new walks, lty ordinance No. 32'!,
which passed lirst reading, walks vill
be constrculcd, where they have not
already been laid, on both sides of Oak
street from rrontto riltu.on ecu t li
side of Cascade avenue from Hist to
Fifth, on south side of Columbia street ,
from Third lo Seventh, on both hides
of Front street between Oak and
State, on both sides of First street
north of Shite, on both sides of Second
street from Cascade avenue to State,
on both sides of 'lhird between Cas
cade avenue and State, on both sides
of Fourth street from Columbia to
State, ami on ihe north side of Stale
street from Front to Fourth. Onlm
anee No. 32.1, which passed lirst read
ing, provides for cement walks on Ihe
north side of Colombia street between
Seventh and Thirteenth and between
Seventh and Fourteenth on the south
Acting on a communication from
Mayor llartwig, who stated that he
had received a number of oral petitions
from citizens in the district affected,
an ordinance was ordered to provide
for cement walks on the north side of
Pine street from Twelfth to Fourth,
on the east side of Fourth to Moid el lo
avenue, on the east side of Monlello
south to the head of the steps leading
upon the hill, on the west Hide of Mou
tello to Seventh, on the west side of
May from Fourth to Seventh and on
both sides of Seventh from I'rospei t to
The American Express Co. was
granted a permit to change one of the
walls of the building formerly occupied
by the Honboro Orchard Co. and to lay
a'cement floor in it. Because of the
fact that there is no avilable space m
the new passenger station, the express
company will use the First street
building as an ollice.
A petitioi was submitted by the
Davidson Fruit Co. asking for a per
mit to tied a frame building .10 by
100 on Ihe east s.iilo of Third stiec
beside the O VV. K. & N. Company's
right of way. The petition was re
ferred to the Fire and Water commit- ,
A communication was submitted
by the W. G. Aldred Co. asking for an
extension of time in ihe contract for
the sereening of Columbia street, tt
whs stated thut all available rock
screenings at present Were needed on
the West Side macadam on the county
highway. However, Mr. Aldred said
that he would be able to complete the
work easily before winter. He was
instructed to find the attitude of the
people living along the street. If (hey
are willing for the work lo he delayed,
tho coui.i il will grant the request.
The Street committee reported that
Chas. Johnson, of 'I he Dalles, who was
Ihe successful bidder on I he layii g of
the concrete paving w'thin the lire
limits of the city, became of the fact,
us he stated, that he would suller a
loss from delays that, might be
brought about from the laying of the
water mains before the completion of
the paving, desired to be released from
his obligations. The actioii of the
committee in granting the release anil
returning his certified check was
approved by the council.
The W. II. Aldred Co. has signed mo
contract lor the excavation ol Ihe
streets and is pushing the work to
completion. The limit of their con
tract will extend only no days, How
ever, instead of 4 months according to
thu original specifications.
Hlds were received by the council on
the State street supplemental bonds
and the Columbia street improvement
bonds. The W. G. Aldred Co. made
a bid of par and accrued interest on
both sets and Mark P. Mills, of Hunt
ington bid $1.02 and accrued interest
on the former. Ihe Aldred to. was
granted the Columbia strict hoods
and Mr. Mills those of State street.
City Recorder l.angllle reported to
the council that he had communicated
wilh both Ulen Co., oT Chicago, ami
Morris Pros., of Portland, relative to
their taking the $1)0,00(1 municipal
bond issue, lb: staled that no reply
had been received from the former
brokers, but that Morris Pros, signi
fied their intentions of taking over the
issue if the city would agree after
acquiring the water system now owned
by the Pacific Power & Light Co fo
control the system anil derive Ihe
revenue therefrom.
A communication from City T-eas-uier
I'.lanchar was submitted staling
that the Oregon Lumber Co. had
placed in escrow at. the First National
Bank a deed to property to be made
use of by the city in the extension of
First street. The deed will be deliv
ered to the city in case it inquires in
a year other property over which the
proposed street must pass.
For the purpose of forwarding the
campaign for a state experiment
station in the Hood River Valley,
addresses were delivered before the
Upper Valley Progressive Association
at the Parkdale hall Monday night by
Secretary Skinner, of the
Club, and Prof. W. II. Lawrence, the
Fellowship expert. Mr. Skinner t"M
the Upper Valleyj'itizons the need of
such an institution and the posibility
of securing it for the community.
Prof. Lawrence dicsussed the subject
from the standpoint of a man who has
engaged in such work for a number of
years. He explained the benefit :t
would be to the section and declared
thut every effort should be made to
secure it.
The "matter has come before the
Fellowship Association and it is
reported that the majority, of its mem
bers are heartily in favor of the sta
Dry lii-inch Blab wood for sale al f'?.)M
r cord, fine (trove Co.
f i