IIOOD'.KIYER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JCLY 27, 1911 Great Piano Contest THE GREATEST THING THAT HAS EVER BEEN PUT ON IN HOOD RIVER p -' I . . "t. : , f y Waif. cJlr L . " fj"-f I 9groj:eryjre, fjT'l ! " J Vf' VV-UZJ j 1 H River, Ore., and idBra-g , .- djLift IIB mijj ! - A. D. Moe, proprietor of sa2S,rs: t -JL-LJ the Hood' River Glacier. The Lyon-Taylor Co., of Chicago, is going to give away $1,330.00 worth of their celebrated KRAUSE PIANOS on the contest that has been inaugurated at our store. If you want one of these instruments get in the race at once. This contest will be put on and conducted by J. M. Wood, proprietor 5--FIVE PRIZES--5 No. 1. $350 Krause Piano Given Awav FREE. No. 2. $260 allowed on new Piano if purchased within a year. INO. a. $25U No. 4. $240 No. 5. $230 tt U M M tf M a M u u M u a M W M M M These prizes to be given to the Lady, Gentleman, Church, Lodge or any Society that brings in the most cash to the store for groceries, or to the Hood River Glacier for subscriptions. Any cash counts, whether it is cash over the counter, cash the first of the month on monthly accounts, or cash on back accounts. The contest will be decided by a system of voting, on the basis of one-half cent for each vote. (For Illus tration, $5.00 will buy 1000 votes.) Mayor E. H. Hartwig will carry the key to the box containing the votes. He will open the box and count the votes every Monday and the result will be published weekly. The contest will start April 3, 1911, and end Aug. 3, 1911. The price of groceries will not be raised. They will be sold the same as they are sold in the other stores in Hood River for goods of like quality. The price of the Glacier will be $1.50, the same as it has been all the time. We expect to get our money back from the 'increased amount of business we will do. The Piano can he seen in the window of Wood's grocery store. Come in and try it. The piano is war ranted to be first class in every particular. Yours for business, Wood's Grocery Store J. M. WOOD, Proprietor Hood River, Oregon Sheet H Work Having secured the services of an expert sheet metal worker, we are prepared to handle in the best possible manner: Sheet Metal Work Automobile Fenders Tanks and any class of Sheet Sheet Metal Work R. D. Gould, Plumber Hood River, Oregon Fresh Flour and Feed The Celebrated White River & Haltese Cross Flour Made From Selected Hard Wheat A SUCCESSFUL BAKING Follows tlie use of the White River and Bunt Patent Maltese Cross Flour, When vou bake bread, pies, cakes or any kind of pastry you will find this Flour a safe and reliable standby. Try it once and youwill never use any other. STRANAHAN & CLARK HOOD RIVEE, OREGON. PLUMBING STEAM and HOT WATER HEATING WINDMILLS, PUMPS, TANKS C. F. SUMNER Opposite Postofiflce PHONE 20 HOOD RIVER Bargain in City Property 100x150 feet on corner of Montello and Thirteenth streets. All in bearing fruit. 40 Crawford peach trees, 5 cherry trees and a row of logan berries on gal vanized iron trellis. A fine irrigating plant costing over $."00, consisting of gasoline engine with pump and all at tachments and pipe to L'OOO-gallon tank, all in good working order. A small carpenter shop on the property. As I have no agents, apply to owner on the premises. David Upton KELLY BROS. HAY AND OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw PHONE 227-M Fourth Street Between Oak and State Treat the Horse Well and he will tyat you well. Have your Horseshoeing all done here and you will be as well pleased as our other customers are. We make horseshoeing a bus iness and we make it a success, be cause it is done right. If you want that kind, remember us every time you have any to be done. PHONE 157X PETER SHIVELY No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. O-W. Hi N. Time Table. WEST BOUND 9, FaBt Mail (Mail Only)..4:50 a. m 7, Portland Local 7:45 a. m 5, Ore. h Wash. Exp.,... 10:50 a. m 11, Soo-8pokane-Portland 9 :25 a. m i, rortiami Local 8:05 p. m 17, Ore. & Wash.Limited 5:45 p. m EAST BOUND 2, Pendleton Local 10:30 . m, 18, Ore. & Wash. Ltd 11:53 a. m, 8, The Dalles Local 6:27 p. m, iu, rani man unan only) h:z& p. ni, 6, Ore. and Wash. Exp. ..10:20 p. m, 12, Hoo-Spokane-Port 10:55 p. m. J. II. FRED1UCY, Agent. For Sale by Owner 20 Acres Three acres seven-year-old New towns, two a-rea four years old, 10 acres solid three-year-olds, 5 acres in hay, one acre loganberries, one acre strawberries between trees. Some small fruit and small mixed family orchard. Seven room house, good barn and outbuildings. Two miles southwest of town. Half cash will handle this place. If interested Phone 3332-1, and owner will take you to property in automobile. Will sell 5 or 10 acres Th Skalaten at th Waging. A. O. C Iiddell was onct test man at a wedding at which on of U present was, to aay the least, dccod rentlonal This U bis story la "Notes From tbs Life of an Ordinary Gentle man:" "Considerable excitement was raised among tbs spectators wben It was rumored that a tall oak box placed against the wall contained a skeleton, and alt sorts of rumors were rife as to tbe significance of sucb a curious wedding gift The real ex planation was simple. An eccentric old gentleman bad once found the bride, who was fond of drawing, mak ing a study from a skr.il aud bad rowed that be would give her a whole skeleton when she was nmrrled. Tbe result was that after protracted nego tiation be secured the framework of an Austrian grenadier, whlih, be lieve. It was found mo?t difficult to import. This was not the sole trouble connected with tbe gift, as when tbe young couple set op bouse the serv ants shied at this strange Inmate of tbe establishment, and ha had to be presented to a hospital." Yarmouth's Hsrrlng Faast. The bloater is not generally consid ered to be the acme of style where a dinner is concerned, and as an article of diet It Is generally tx lleved to be almost exclusively used by the lower classes of society, yet Yarmouth, "the home of tbe herring." has Its annual herring dinner, wben the whole menu from bors d'oeuvres to cheese consists of herrings and sprats the latter her rings In their infantile stage served up In various ways. It must be said that some of these ways are so In genious and wonderful that It Is very difficult to recognize tha familiar sil very fish to which Yarmouth owes so much of la prosperity, yet there is no doubt that the ubiquitous herring la every dish served up et Its famous meal is present in some shape or form. Thus for once the herring Is honored In accordance with Its true value, for tbe dinner Is presided over by tbe mayor of tbe borough and Is attend ed by all tbe leading men of the town. -London Tit-Bits. The Ancient Oracles. Herodotus mentions between seven ty and eighty oracles of one sort and another. There Is no reason for think ing that tbe people who patronized tbe oracles bad other than the liveliest faith In them. The two great oracles were those at Delphi and Dodona, though there were several others that stood well with tbe people. The pre dictions were, of course, nothing but predictions, since It Is now generally understood that the promoters of those famous Institutions were only ordinary human beings like those who patronized tbem. The deliverances of the oracles belong to one of two classes first, those founded on secret information emd, second, those In which tbe oracle bad absolutely no Ideas on tbe subject and took refuge In sheer vagueness. It was the faith of the people rather than the Infalli bility of the oracles that kept tbem op so long. Albrscht Oarer's Tankard. One of the quaintest of drinking ves sels la to be seen at the Bratwurstglock. leln, a Nuremberg Inn which has re mained unaltered since it was built In 1400. Sausages, sauerkraut and beer are the only commodities obtainable, and tbe limit of accommodation Is reached when ten customers are pres ent Yet several fortunes have been made out of tbe bouse, for It was tbe favorite haunt of Albrecht Durer, and the pewter he drank from Is still treas ured. This Is a double vessel, one tankard fitting neatly Into the other, and was reserved for Durer and his wife. According to tradition, when the artist was In a good bumor be used to fill tbe Inside tankard for bis wife, and they would clink lovingly together. When domestic storms were brewing be kept the tankards together and let his wife go tblrsty.-London Graphic. Black Chocolate Icing. When a black chocolate icing Is wanted and there happens to be no chocolate In tbe pantry, cocoa can be substituted for It In the following man ner: Mis together sit even tablespoon fuls of cocoa with five of sugar, one of butter and three of hot water. Cook tbe mixture until smooth, and In tbe right condition for spreading. Test Ct by putting a little In a saucer and set ting tbe saucer on an outside window ledge or where it will cool quickly. This Icing Is rich and dark and uot very sweet Th Tailor's Chanee. "Weel, Tarn, are j gaun bame wl' your work?" was the Invariable greet ing of a doctor to a tailor of bis ac quaintance whew be met him carrying a bundle. Once the tailor saw the doc tor walking in a funeral procession. "WeeL doctor, are ye gaun name wl' your work 7" he asked. BVom "Remi niscences,'' by Sir Archibald Gelkle. Not at His Best. "1 was surprised," said tbe Iter. Mr. Ooodstera sternly, "to see you play ing golf last Sabbath. 1 should think; you'd do better" "Oh," replied Hardcase. "1 usually so much betterl I was in wretched form last Sunday."- Catholic Standard and Times. Lying In Walt "I've been sent down town to any a taboret What's thatr "Don't you know I Ifs one of those things that stand around about shin high In the dark-"-Cleveland Plain Dealer. ASTORIANS PREPARE FOR CELEBRATION Furniture enoueh to fill 2a bit? cars has been purchase in Astoria by the residents who are planning to have everything in shape for tiie Astoria lentennial crowd which ii due with the opening of the pageant on August 10. Five carloads of beds have been shipped there and four more carload" are known to be on the way. j tvcrytioiiy in Astoria is iireiiaring for the greatest crowd that ever vis ited the ciy. The merchants are wear ing great smiles because of the exten sive purchases by the housewives of new bed linen, glassware and fancy articles to decorate for the visitors. At this time more than 6,0 pO persons may be housed in comfort in addition to the ciipacity of the Beach Hotels and the Astoria Hotels. Two school bouses are beirg converted into hotels, and the old Havel House is being reopened under the direction of the Abtoria Centennial. Eveiv extra bed in the city has been assured, and those who write in to the Committee in ad vance may be assured of receiving just the kind of accommodations they need. it will be possible to lodge Catholics with Catholic famlies. and take care of other religious denominations as well. The Committee on Arrangements have fcreated an Information Bureau with is. S. rrisbie in charge. He knows the location of every bed, whether Jit is single or double size, knows exactly what houses have baths in the and what ones are without, can tell you whether there is a telephone in them house or not, and in fact pro duce more information than a United States census report. All this detail was worked out under the personal orders and directions of General Manager A. A. Tremp, who has wide experience in handling record crowds, and big crowds are expected in Astoria because of the unusually low rates created by the railroads. Those who contemplate a trip to Astoria will be furnished any informa tion they ask without charge by the Committee. fc4)&iHf-Zi r Always ' W I FXI W B3an th quality I llilf&ll jVn Hthetime.Evervpiece j (ff'n I 'ii''CW 'IP of IumWr in the St 1 t 'ffiVTsfi rjr7Al:" baker wagon U air sea- H UVJlLAIJilVr oneJfourtofive3ears; n VLi1rvhii r3T n Tll Tijl 1 ! rl nea 'I1SPCC,-'J it'''lv 11 U VTiVXioy iM . rVVCl n I J before being uSe,U ' M I i A" iC't Selected New Eng. it if If Property has its duties as well as lta right. Drummond Kill More Than Wild Beasts. The number of people killed yearly by wild beasts don't approach the vast number killed by d'sease germs. No life is safe from their attacks. They're in air, water, dust, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bit ters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That's why chills, lever and ague, all malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this vmderful purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength they'll give vou. Money back if not satisfied. Only 50 cents at utiaa. N. ( lance's. Rubber Stamps at the Glacier office. Sprains require curcliil treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. Valley Christian Ch ireh. Hie forum opened Sunday evening with E. C. Smith, a prominent lawyer, of Hood Uiver, the speaker of the evening. Dr. lirosius was to have spoken but was unable to be present. Mrs. Auhagen sang h very touching solo, "Face to Face," at the close. More than one heart was touched, as witnessed from the sobs from all parts of the house. Next Sunday evening Dr. Dumble will deliver an address on "Right Liv ing -from the Viewpoint of a Medical Man." Owing to the inclement weather last Friday evening the ice cream social given by the Endeavors did not pan out as well as was expected. Endeavor was well attended Sunday evening; the topic, "Lessons from Animals," was one from which we could all glean something and the leader, Beatrice Boyce, had a most interesting meeting. This is her maiden attempt by the way, and she did exceptionally well. We are just a handful but we're pretty much alive. Our choir leader is trying to organize a chorus choir for the summer months. or as long as'the forum continues. At present the leader, W. E. Cauller, 13 on an outing at Lost Lake with his brother and B. S. Murphy. A basebal game is coining off soon between the "Live Wires" and the "Loyal Sons," that is if the "Live Wires" don't get cold feet. We've got 'em pretty badly buffaloed already. They've got a hunch that they're some athletes. Why, their teacher even said he'd don the gloves and go a few fast rounds with any five of us. Out of ."pity for them we accepted their challenge but will only put up three men. Loyal Son. Announcement of Examinations. Ihe U. S. Civil Service Commission announces examinations on August 2, 1911, to obtain eligibies for appoint ment to the position of Physician (Male) at $150 a month, and Trained Nurse at $00 a month, for service in connection with the care of the injured employees on The Dalles-Cecilo Canal, Oregon, Engineer Department at large. 1 he rexanunation will beheld in The Dalles, and all qualified persons are urged to make application lor and take examination. Application Form 1312 may be secured from the Commis sion's local representative at the post office, this city, or from the Secretary, llthJCivil Service District, federal llldg., Seattle, Wash. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown persons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse rubstitutes. C. A. Plath. NOTICE! I am still weaving Rag Carpets and Rugs; (irinding Tools and ' Filing Haws at 915 Wilson Street, on the Heights. W. Waddell Slab Wood Cord Wood .AND Coal Yards A. C. Lofts phone, aio.x C. A. Richards & Co. Confectionery and Amusement Parlors mean the best quality all tbe time. Ever v piece of lumber in the Stude baker wagon is air-seasoned four to five years; then inspected rigidly before being used.. Selected New Lug. land black birch hubs; choice white oak fnokes and felloes; the best butt cut, second growth hickory axles; spokes are sIojks tbouWered and driven into the hubs under a hundred tJiis pressure; ironed and reinforced iu even- way that will add strength., with refined iron; painted in a thorough and durable man ner. That's why the Studcbalier Wagon has kept the lead from ox team days down to the present day. Fvery Studebaker wagon is made on honor. We sell the Studebaker Wagon because it is the kind that gives satisfaction and makes frieuds. Cou.e ia and look them over. They are made in many styles, from the lightest farm wagou to the heaviest truck or log wagon. Call aud get a Studebaker booklet. We want every body interested in vehicles to have one. Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Co. Hood River, Oregon. ,m sf n''t 'itiatffitlTanrt. "Some" Paint We do not believe in American slang, but we must admit that when it comes to good paint, Sherwin-William's is ceatainly "some" paint. Made of pure white lead, pure linseed oil and tur pentine,, you thus get durability, and all wood work is rendered impervious to the weather. Comes in all sized cans, large and small. Different tints, shades and colors. ART WOOD FINISH AND STAINS CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy Plumbing Supplies We Sell to All at Wholesale Prices HELP US FIGHT THE TRUST We also carry a large and complete stock of second hand pipe for irrigating purposes. This pipe is all threaded and with new couplings. Guaranteed ab solutely first-class. Half -inch Pipe. Per Foot 2c One-inch Pipe, Per Foot 3!c Two-inch Pipe, Per Foot 6'-jc Prices on larger sizes of pipe promptly furnished on request. We can fill your bill no matter how large or small, at prices that will positively save you money. Write Us For Particulars Before Buying Elsewhere J. Simon & Bro. m i iuui aiiu uiaiu ais. Lse asassBBBSi tmmmmm PORTLAND, ORE. 3o ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS r C3 L !) UNDER U.S. GOV'T SUPERVISION H A Z K I. WOO U OAINTI KS Full Line of London Made Pipes See Our I.lne of Kauff man Bros. & Bondy Pipes and Dumuth Pipes. Best Made. Phone 64 Agency Oregon Daily Journal. Booth's Kastern Oysters. H STRENGTH AND SERVICE f-f One reason for the steady growth of this bank is the fact that it is patronized by those who understand the value of unques tioned financial strength, individual atten tion, prompt service and federal supervision. We invite accounts subject to check, pay interest on savings and issue certificates of deposit bearing Z interest when drawn for six months and when drawn for one year.