HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1911 WItay NiDf Ssdv VdDiiDirse King Waists $5.00 Values, now $4.00 $3.50 Values, now 2.80 $3.00 Values, now 2.40 $2.50 Values, now 2.00 Every Waist in Stock Reduced Wmim Dry Goods Best Standard Calico 4c Good Apron Ginghams 5c A. F. C. Dress Ginghams 10c 25-Inch Outings 4c Best 36-inch Percale 12c Manhattan Galateas 16c All Our Piece Goods Reduced Wash Dresses $7.50 Values, now $6.00 $6.00 " " 4.80 $5.50 " " 4.40 $4.90 " " 3.92 $4.00 " " 3.20 $3.00 " " 2.40 $2.40 " (" 1.92 $2.00 " " 1.60 $1.50 " " 1.20 $1.00 " " 80 COATS AND SUITS Every Garment Reduc ed. Some New Beau ties Just Received and Are Included in Sale. GOOD SHOES Ladies' Men's and Children's Odd Lots HALF PRICE Every Pair in Our Whole New Stock Reduced 4 anflnn30p'viuK3 'S 3 3 fi V. H '1 0 1 M asK a i x (h us A TIE- different that will not slip at the heel or off the foot. High arch and heel-complete in every detail-like all FLORSHEliS "Natural Shape" MOST STYLES $5,00 THE AVIATOR Furnishings Men's Balb'gan Underwear.. .20c Bloods Ribbed Undenvear....40c Standard Work Shirts 40c Mexican Straw Hats 12c Good Khaki Pants 96c Boy's Bib Overalls 25c Boy's Knee Pants 25c Men's and Boy's Suits $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $18.00 $15.00 $10.00 $7.50 $6.00 $4.90 $3.50 Fancy Suits $20.00 " 18.00 16.00 14.40 12.00 8.00 6.00 4.80 3.92 2.80 MEN'S FURNISHINGS Shirts, Hosiery, Ties, Underwear, Hats, Etc ALL REDUCED 20. uui vuuii is ucicy This Opportunity Won't Last Always-NOW IS THE TIME Scout Suits COMPLETE OUTFIT, NOW $3.12 Includes Coat, Pants, Knapsack and Leggins Regulation A. B. S. J fen ; VTRAGOOJJ) Straw Hats or Crash Hats 20 Per Cent Off FRANK A. G ARM On Panama Hats You Save 20 Per Cent Here BRIEF 1.0LA1- MENTION. Seed potatoes at Whiteheads. C. Wolf was in Portland Sunday. Mrs. P. A. Clancy has arrived to spend the summer on her ranch. Seed potatoes at Whiteheads. A tour of the Valley was made last week by J. P. Ross, of Maquota, 111. Mrs. B. McCorkindale, of Chicago, is here spending the summer. Hn7.pl wnnrl Ten fpam is the best. Free delivery in any quantity over one quart. Eat Hazelwood once and you will have no other. For sale by C. A. Richards A Co. tf. J Chas. T. Early was a business vis itor in Portland last.week. Geo. I. Slocom was in The Dalles last week on business. .Toe Vogt was in The Dalles visiting relatives the first of the week. If your guests ask you where you got such nice chickens for your Sunday din ner, don't forget to tell them of the Central Market. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marden, of The Dalles, spent Sunday here. E. O. Blanchar has purhcased a 5 passenger Maxwell automobile. AH kinds of insurance in old com panies. G. Y. Edwards & Co. Phone 228-K. Sam. G. Campbell was a week end visitor in Portland. W. G. Huffurd, of Stevenson, Wash., was here Monday on business. Christian Science services are held in Reading Room No. 6 Davidson Building, Sunday 11 a. m. and Wednesday 8 p. in. "f Theodore Neal attended to business in The Dalles last week. Miss Margaret Lowell, of Pendleton, is the guest of Miss Lelia Hershner. WnnH for Sale All kinds, carlots only. H. K. Davenport, Phone Odell 166. tf C. K. Marshall has purchased an E. M. F. five passenger touring car. After a few days' visit with his family in Portland, T. A. Schall re turned here Monday. Phone orders for Sunday dinner on Saturday. Wau Gw in Gwin Hotel. Tel. 392-K. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fields, of Ohio, were here Saturday looking over the Mt. Hood region of the Valley. W. H. La Folette, who was here in the early spring, is here again looking over the Valley. "A thing of beauty and a joy fcrever." Hurley-DavidBon Motorcycle at Mc Donalds. Fred Frazier, who has been in Canada on business, returned to Hood River last week. M. V. Clark, a prospective investor, was here the first of the week inspect ing the Valley. Do not forget that Sherwin-Williams Arsenate of Lead will not create black spots on your apples. For sale by Mc Donald. P.. H Vauchan snent a Dart of last week in Portland on business. was the Louis A. Reed, of Minneapolis, here last week looking over Valley. The Ladies Aid society of The Valley Christian Church will give rn ice cream social at the church i uesaay evening, June 27, everybody is invited. There will be eunbonnets and aprons for sale at the lancy worK dooiu. W. H. Hardinger, of Portland, spent a part of last week here looking over his ranch. Mrs. J. M. Hodson and Mrs. W. P. Mufflev, of Portland, arrived by boat Tuesday for a visit with friends. For a nice prime beef roast go to the Central Market. After spending the winter visiting relatives, Miss Eva Coshow returned Saturday fromyacksonville. 111. A. I. Mason was in Portland Satur day in the interest of the State Grange s good road movement. If vou want shoes that don't go wrong go to Johnsen's. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith and Miss Harriet Hunt spent the week end camping at Onieta. Mr. and Mrs. C. ,B. Williams, of Chicago, are spending the summer on their East Side ranch. Now is the time to buy cheap slab wood. A. C. Lofts, phone 310.X. John W. Weaver, of the Hood River View Co., is in Portland, where he is spending several days on business. C. H. Stranahan left Saturday after noon for a visit in Cascade Locks and Portland. Dry 16-inch slab wood for sale at 2.00 per cord. Pine Grove Box Co. tf Miss Blanche Harbison is home from Pacific Univeristy spending the sum mer vacation with her parents. J. H. Root, who is distantly related to Elihu Root, was here the first of the week inspecting the real estate of the Valley. Folgers Teas, 50c package for 30c, at Huggins' Cash Store. Mrs. F. C. Sexton and little daugh ter, Belle, was here from The Dalles last week making a visit at the Sexton ranch. Mrs. E. D. McKee an Miss Dunlap, of Wasco, and J. A. Eler, of Forest Grove, were here Monday to attend the Lathrop-Urr -weaaing. t.o nnr nnrn nork sftiinaee. V e stand back of it. at Central Market. At tha Unitarian church next Sun day the theme will be "Two Common wealths, the iNation, ana me inurcn. All are cordially inviiea. Mr W CI Harp of Portland, who has been here visiting the familyof .ii ri 7 1 1 (J. r. Ives in me upper vaney, re turned home last baturday alternoon Vnr rannrvat.inna for Sundav dinners at Wau Gwin Uwin, phone d.-J.K, Sat urday morning. " D. Alton Krirhhaum and E. F. Whittlesy, of Morenci, Ariz., are here visiting R. H. Waugh and looking over the valley. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Rand, of Uni voraitv Park, returned to Portland Thursday after a Bhort visit with their dauehter, Mrs. K. rj. namison. When you contract your spraying be sure and specify Sherwin-Williams arsenate of lead, it s iresn siock. A. S. Sisley, who has been teaching in the public schools oi roruana, ar rived here Friday to visit his large ranch in the Upper Valley. , At tho annual meeting of the voters nohnnl riiatrict No. in Pine Grove. L'i'nfv Rontnn waa elected clerk and C. T. Roberts a member of the board of directors. Cheap Building Kites Residence lots in t Via new Middletnn Addition, one block south of High School. Price $250 to $350, 10 per cent dou, easy install merits. John Leland Henderson. Inc. I Shoes made or repaired at jounseu . J H. R. Albright, Grand Exalted Kuler of the Ohio State lodge of Elks, was here over the week end investi gating the possibility of distilling turpentine in this district. Arriving here last Friday on his special car, H. J. Stack, assistant general manager of the O-W. R. & N. Co., inspected the new passenger station. We get our meats in fresh every day, our prices will fit your poeketbook at Central Market. Sid Henderson, after a several days' visit with his brother, L. A. Hender son, returned Sunday to Eugene, where he will take a summer course in the University of Oregon. Karl Onthank and Geo. Howe ex pressed their canoe to The Dalles Sun day morning and drifted down the Columbia Sunday afternoon. They report a very enjoyable trip. Modern bungalow on Oak street for rent or sale. Inquire of John Leland Henderson, Inc. tf At the recent annual ireeting of the voters of school district No. , at Frankton, T. W. Berry was elected to the board and M. K. Noble was elected clerk. Automobile insurance written by Hood River Abstract Co. Mrs. Caroline Hamilton, who has been here making an extended visit with her granddaugter, Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, returned Saturday to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. n. Ridell, in Portland. If your shoes have gone wrong take them to Johnsen. Prof. I. E. Morris, head of the department of music at Depauw Uni versity ai ureen castle, inaiana, wan here last Friday spending the day with John Weaver and looking over the Valley. Fred Wasson, who returned last week from Indianapolis, where he was recently called on account of the ill ness of his mother, accompanied Chas. L. Wheeler and B. E. Duncan to Camas Prairie the first of the week. Our Hamburger is always nice and fresh, or we will make it to order at Central Market. Porter Kinports, .of Cherry Tree, Pa., arrived here last week and joined Mrs. Kinports, who with her grandson, Kinports Wilson, arrived here in May to spend the summer with Joseph A. Wilson, the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Kinports. Seed potatoes at Whiteheads. . J. E. Robertson, local manager of the Stanley-Smith Lumber Co., left Friday on a two weeks' business trip in the interests oi the company. Mr. Rdberteon will visit points in Wyom ing, Idaho, Nevada and eastern Oregon and Washington. If you have a snap ia real estate or want one let us know. Guv Y. Edwards & Co., Agents CMiss Julia E. Ferguson, Supervisor of Drawing or the rumic acnoois, oi Evanston, 111., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ferguson, of Bon nie View Ranch, and her sisters, Mrs. F. A. Bishop and Mrs. Floy F. Camp bell. Hood River Sweet Cider, Hires Root Beer and Soda Waters of all flavors can be obtained for family use at all the confectionery and grocery stores at tl.00 Der dozen with an allowance of 50 cents per dozen for the return of bottles to the party from whom pur chased. Keep a few bottles in a cool place during warm weather. Hood Kiteb Applb Vinegar Co E. H. Kermott, of Minot, N. D., Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Kermott, of Towner, N. D., arrived here Tuesday to look over the Valley. They were so impressed with the region wnue here on a former occasion that they have decided to look for a location on their present visit. Sunset Magazine for July Vacation Time at Los Angeles Beaches. "The call of the Cool Sea Breeze," by Peter B. Kyne. Beautifully illustrated in four colors. "The Spell," by C. N. & A. M. Williamson. Hunting, 'Fishing, Motor ing and Fiction. On sale by all news stands, jO Dr. S. G. Kerr and Dr. Thomas Smith, dentists of Langdon, N. l).,wlio recently took the Oregon examinations at Portland, are here visiting the family of E. R. Claxton. They are looking for a location in this part of the state. Another visitor at the Caxton'home is Miss Bertha Martin, who will spend the summer here. Now is the time to buy cheap nlab wood. A. C. I)ftB, phone 310-X. 1 Ed. Lang, of Seattle, where ho has been'attending the University of Wash ington, was here Saturday to visit William Baker, one of his fraternity brothers, both being members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He missed Mr. Baker, however, who hns accepted an engineering position and will spend the summer in central Washington. Now is the time to buy cheap i-lab wood. A. C. Lofts, phone 310-X. Hood River has a very distinguished dog for a visitor this summer. Ray mund B. Early has brought the Sigma Chi House dog here with him from the University of Oregon and will keep him during the vacation. "Ted," the pedigreed canine's name, is a beautiful brown Spaniel. He has captured a couple of bench prizes in San Fran cisco. Because of the fact that the carpen ters and contractors of this city are so busy with the local building work, P. A. Beal and H. W. Steckoe, of Wyeth, the latter postmaster there, who were here Saturday to secure a contract for a new school building at that place, found it necessary to proceed to The Dalles for workmen to construct the new schoolhouse. I will make and hang your window screens as follow: nan screens tv cents each; full screens $1.30 each. Price on screen doors and porches on application. I will be glad to do your repairing or work of any class. Esti mates furnished on all work if desired. Phoae 306-X. Wright's Carpenter Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Kaipn uueii Mcfcwen, who were married in Portland last Thursday evening passed through the city Friday, on the noon limited train, on the way to the groom's grain ranch near Athena. Mrs. McEwen. former ly Miss Adele Goff, is well known in this city, where she resided until the family moved to Portland. They will call their home "Honeymoon Lodge." Mr. and Mrs. McEwen were accom panied from Portland as far as this city by Miss Lucile Smith, L. A. Henderson and fm Carroll. Horace Dryden, of Umatilla, where he conducts a large general store, was here Saturday visiting his friend, D. G. Cruikshank. Mrs. Bronaugh, after a visit at the home of her granddaughter. Mrs. J. E. Hall, returned to her home in Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bone spent the first of the week in Portland. Mrs. S. Handsaker, of Eugene, is visiting at the home of her son, Rev. Handsaker. Mrs. J. K. McGregor, of Mosier, was here Friday evening to attend the meeting of the Eastern Star. After looking over his ranch proper ties in the Valley, Robert Livingstone returned to Portland Saturday. A party of young men from here have planned to celebrate the Fourth of July by climbing Mount Adams. Mrs. Hattie Geoenitz, of Williams port, Pa., is here visiting her old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Van Anda. The address at .the Fourth of July celebration to Ira held at Mt. Hood will be delivered by Rev. E. A. Harris. Rev. Handsaker, of the First Christ ian church, will preach at Dukes Valley Sunday at 4 P. M. ; at Odell at 8 o'clock. Mrs. W. A. Webster and son and Mrs. Hattie Stone, of Alpine, Or., have been here for a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Van Anda, Rev. T. S. Handsaker left Wednes day evening for Garfield, Wash., where he is to deliver an address before the East Washington Christian Missionary Convention. Winans Summer Hotol is now open for a limited number of borders. Nearest point to Devils Punch Bowl, good fishing and other attractions. Telephone Odell, 17. At the voung people's meeting of the Baptist church on Thursday even ing the society voted instructions to secure the service of Miss Bryant for the training of the Sunday evening choir. The subject of Rev. E. A. Harris at the morning service of the Congrega tional church willbe: "The Church and Patriotism". Kev. E. McOmber will conduct the Union service sermon at the Congregational church Sunday night. Dr. M. F. Underwood, of San Diego, Calif., was here Monday visiting J. L, Carter and looking over the Valley. Mr. Carter met Dr. Underwood, who is a member of the newer religious idea and a physician-minister, while in California last winter. Bantist Church. Sundav. July 2, Sunday school 9:50 a. m. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Learning Life Secrets." Evening worship, 8 o'clock. Subject, "Glorious Sunshine and Old Shadows." Mr. Harereaves will preach morning and evening. Chas. E. Hicks, who will conduct an auto liverv between here and Cloud Cap Inn this summer, arrived Tuesday and made his first trip to the mountain hostelry that day, carrying a load of provisions and the servants. Miss Adiain Jewell accompanied him to this city. She states that a number of Portland people have evidenced an in tention to come to the famous resort in early July. A party of Hood River people will climb Mount Hood on the Fourth. A Special Special Hard Surfaced Linen Finish Stationery on Sale For 35c PER BOX One Quire Paper, 24 Envelopes NEW STYLES-NEW SIZES Sold Every Place for SOc and 60c ..Slocom's Book and Art Store.. The Place That Does the Framing Centennial Jubilee AT ASTORIA August 10 to Sept 9, 1911 Commemorating the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the First White Settlement in the Northwest and the Beginning of the Oregon Country at Astoria, Oregon Presenting Historical and Ceremonial Features, to gether with a Spectacular Marine and Military Pageant Glen Curtiss, famious aviator, will fly over land and sea in his airship. PACIFIC COAST REGATTA The Greatest Aquatic Event to be held In the West Historically, this celebration is to be one of the most important events to take place this year in the U. S. Advertised Letter List. June 2fi, 1911. Adams, Miss Violet; Johnson 'Mrs. Lew: Morse, Mrs. A. A. : Ban. John : Chase, L. K. : Cole, f . E. : FerKuson. Jas. ; Field, J. H.; Helms. A. C. : Humburper, A. : La Jere, Pete (2) ; Murphy, Wm. ; Rieley, Jas. : Schiller. Geo. : Smith. W. t. U. : Stonsel, Joe; Stockton, Lewis; Taylor, J. 1). ; Wheeler, H. rJ. ; Wright. W. . Wm. M. Yates, Post Master. Rubier Stamps at the Glacier office. 1 THE Oregon-Washington R. R. & Navigation Co. will sell tickets from all points on its lines, including branches, at LOW ROUND TRIP FARES For further particular apply to the Centennial Committee, Astoria, Oregon. WM. McMURRAY, Cen'l Pass. Agl, PORTLAND, OREGON