HOOD RIVER GLACIP:R, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1911 ESSES r We 3 Have a Complete Stock of Lawn Mowers Rubber Hose Sprinklers and Nozzles I SEE US BEFORE BUYING lowers Hardware Co Phone 99 Oak and 1st Sts. OperatorsWanted Home Telephone Co. Money to Loan on Farm Land In Quantities from $1,000 to $20,000, with Interest at 7 W. S. NICIIOL, THE MAN WHO SELLS ORCHARD LAND -1 t i i- -i i i i r i i i i i i i WE PROVIDE PROVISIONS of first quality only. Try our mild, toothsome, sugar cured ham or ba con if you want to know how good such meats can be. If You Arc Tired of the heavy meats of winter, try a change in the way of some of our cured meats. They are appetiz ing, wholesome and delicious. :: An Up-io-Date ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER .1. Il.is l.eeu installed ami we tan now furnish poultry misers with un it! limited tiuantitics of ground bone. 1 MOOD RIVER MARKET I I -I I I- -X I 1 I 1 X I I 1 I I I S I I j j j j .!..!..!..JI..I.. "S&aiaSffimESESS!!! Seeds and Garden Tools Wt a e again opened a complete line of Hurfee Seeds and sell at growerVpriee. It is not necessary in ivIVr to the quality of these goods. This is our fourth vear of success with this line. We have every thing that is good and convenient in Garden Tools, Builders and Carpenters ill find in the earlond just re ( t n fd, every kind (l Idol, l. i k, Hanger ami lilting that t'oiild l-e desired. I his, with a ' " I ' l l ol Hooting, and another N els. insnris vuu ample sup I'H. ,, and ;it pj ii es that can't In? heat . The Spring House Cleaner Should spare a moment and look over the new offerings. A car load of furniture is In and we are full of fresh stock in Mugs, Car pets, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Shades and Draperies. Our I'p holslcring Department resumed active work Marck 1. Perfect work in anything you want. Special Lines Inckuk' IMrigenitors, Cream Freezers, Lawn Mow ers, Sewing Machines, Malty Carriages, Swings, Porch uiTiituiv. Tents, Camp Outfits, Oil and Gas Stoves, uyless Cockers, Spray, Garden and Irrigating Hose, mversal Stoves, (Juick Meal Stoves, Simond's Saws, Distoii yaws. MANDY LLC INCUBATORS - INTERNATIONAL FOOD AND REMEDIES Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co. LAUDS ORCHARDS J W. J. Uellis, a prominent fruit mer ' chant of Liverpool, member of the liberal party and a justice of the peace of Wallasey, the newest boroiiKh of ! Kngland, accompanied by his friend i and political opponent, W. b. Chantrell, councillor of the Conservative party for the borough of Wallasey, spent last I Thursday and Kriday studying the ; methods of the local fruit industry and I viewing the beautiful scenery of the I Valley. Jhe two well known fc,nelish' I men crossed the Atlantic to New York as cabin mates aboard the Coronia of the Cunard line and have since been making arijextensive tour of the United States. On reaching Hood Kiver Mr. Bellis stated that they had traveled 8,072 miles. Everywhere they have been, he continued, that is, wherever it was known they were fighters on different sides of the political fence. they have aroused the greatest surprise among Americans. Mr. Bellis left Hood River on a Soo-Spokane train to return directly to his business in Eng' land. His frier.d., Mr. Chantrell, how' ever, will continue his tour for a while on this continent. He left for Seattle, Vancouver, from which point fhe will start east, mpking a sutdy of a the Canadian provinces as he travels. Mr. Bellis is a strong sympathizer with the suffragist movement in Eng land. However he says that he does not go so far as to support the militant sutlragettes. In speaking ot the militant suffragette who threw the bottle at the head of Mr. Asquit, how ever, he says, that he admires her very much. "1 do not think I have ever seen such heroism," said the English J. 1. who, when he is not selling fruit, presides as judge at Wallun Oaol, "She was certainly willing to sacrifice her life for the cause of the suffragists. For a number of weeks she refused to take food and her life was only sus tained by the liquid nourishment;forccd down her throat by the prison guards." In additon to his political prominence, Mr. Bellis is a leader in the fruit (busi ness, to which he has devoted his time for the past 32 years. He has for thp past 2 years been president of the Liverpool Fruitbuyers Association, the membership ol which extends to all of the cities or northern England. Mr. Bellis states 'that he has 'been much improessed with all parts of the Pacific coast, but grew enthusiastic when speakiing of Oregon. "We Englishmen never realzed what a magnficent country and how much progress was going on on the western border of our country, he said. "Mv. but it is a revelation ! The improvements that you are making are wonderful. And Hood Uiver I have known the place a long time and it is easy now to Bee how you rase such fine apples, after I have be held the healthy and clean condtions of your orchards, f rom appearances. they must receive more attention than the royal park of our England. Mr. Chantrelly, the Conservative councillor of Wallasey, is an enthusiast over photography. He has been secur ing views in all parts of America, with wmen he will illustrate a series of lectures on his return home. He took a number of pictures of the Valley and scenes of Mount Hood. When asked about the scenery of thia state as com pared with that seen elsewhere, he stated that he saw nothing that could compare with the Columbia Kiver Gorge from Portland to Hood Uiver. except some short stretches along the i.oast, L.ine oi tne southern t'acihc. "You must have an ideal climate for apples, said he, "And what a para dise to raise them in." Mr. Chantrell was also impressed with the price received for orchard land. He stated that the most intensively cultivated soil of England did riot bring such a price. Mr. Bellis and Mr. Chantrell were accompanied to Hood Kiver by J. 0. Hihn, a prominent capitalist of Santa Cruz. FOR BALD HEADS A Treatment That Costs Nothing if it Fails. We want you to try three large bottles of Kexall "93" lli ir Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trials will not cost you a penny if it does not give you absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith in this remdey, and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Kexall "93" Hair Tine will irrow hair on hiild hernia except where baldness has been of such long miration that the roots ol the hair are entirely dead, the follicles closed and grow over, and the scalD is dazed. Remember, we are basing our state ment upon what has already heen accomplished by the uso of Rexall IM Hair Ionic, and we have the right to Assume that what it has done ior inousaiius oi others it will do for you. In any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a trial on our liberal guarantee. 1 wo sizes. 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this comunity only at our store The Rexall Store. C.A. Plalh. Civil Service Examination. The United States Civil Service Commission will hold an examination on June If), for the following positions in me ijuaricrmnsier s Department at Large: blacksmith, blacksmith and horseshoer, carpenter, marine steam engineer, marine fireman, master, mate, plumlier, stationary engineer, station ary fireman. As considerable difliculty has been experienced in securing eligibles for these positions all persons interested are urged to apply for application blank and full information to the Commis sion's local representative at the post oiuoe, mis city, or lo me undersigned. No educational test is given in con nection with these examinations, ap plications being rated on experience and physical condition only. Herbert F. Ward, Secretary, 11th Civil Service Dist., 221 Federal Bldg., Seattle Wn. It Startled the World. When tho astounding claims wero lirst made for But'klen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere it i now know n as the best salvo on earth for burns, boils, scalds, Bores, cuts, bruises, sprains, swelling, eczema, chapped bands, (ever sores ond pile!. Only 2fc at Chas. N. Clarke's. Girls Take Long Walk. The Dalles Chronicle says that the Misses Dora Sexton, Selma and Louise Cramer, and Marie Weyerts walked to Mosier Sunday. They left this city at 6:110 a. m., and arrived at their desti nation, a distance of 20 miles, at 6 o'clock p. m., returning to The Dalles on the local train at 7:15. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promoto the flow of gas tric juice, thereby inducing good diges tion. Sold bv all dealers. Are you tired of mending your roof? Genasco f is made of Trinidad Lake Asphalt and gives you long years of service. Doesn't dry-out, crack, pulverize, rot, nor rust. SAVES YOU TROUBLE, TIME AND MONEY Made by The Barber Afphalt Pav ing Company the largest produc ers of asphalt and largest manufac turers of ready roofing in the world. Mineral and smooth sur face. COME AND GET SAMPLES If you are contemplating building don't fail to see us. Esti mates gladly furnished at any time. We have a complete line of building material, such as Lumber, Shingles, Lain, Cement, Fire and Facing Brick, Fire Clay, Prepared Roofings, Sheathing, Water-proof Papers, etc. We have the exclusive agency for GENASCO and PARIOD Roofing, the two best roofings on the market. Let us give you a list of the buildings that we have covered with these roofings. Mantel Facing and Fire Brick we buy in car lots and can give you a variety to select from in both smooth and rock face. We handle Portland "Standard" Cement. Try it and you will be convinced that it is the best. Wo sold ten cars of it in 1910, and that was our introductory year. Doesn't that speak for itself? We manufacture "LARCH" Fruit Boxes of all kinds. Place your order for your requirements early. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Yours vea-y truly, BRIDAL VEIL LUMBER CO. Phone 96-M Yards West of Freight Depot THESHOWTHAT'SDIFFERENT WILL EXHIBIT AT- Hood River, Tuesday, May 9 ONE DAY ONLY AL G. BARNE'S Big Three Ring Wild Animal rv.' Vr till :y i : s I Even When Standing Still von can tell the horses shod by us. They stand bo firmly and quietly on their feet. But the Horses We Shod show even better results w hen in action. They have it bi tter and surer gait, better temper, go faster because they feel better, the same as you do when your shoes fit per fectly and comfortably. PHONE I57X Shively & McGillivary Arctic Sea Lions Performing: Wonderful Feats 21 jroups of Savave Beasts in Salutation-21 "Nero," the Untamable African Lion Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Pumas, Leopards, all in big steel arenas' under the direction of famous male and female trainers High School Horse, Russian Stallions, Ponies, Dogs, Babboons and Monkeys in a host of sensational acts 2 -Military Bands 2 Monster Tents Special Train The Only Real Wild Animal Circus on Earth Rainorshme Hood River, Tuesday, May 9 RainorShine Excursions East LOW ROUND TRIP FARES May 10 to 13, 22 to 25, 27 to 2i). June P, 7, 9, 10, 12, lfi, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30. August 3, 4, 5, 14 to 17. 21 to 211, 28 to 30. September 1, 2, 4 to f . St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Dulnth, Winnipeg. $ 00 00 Chicago, Milwaukee 72.50 New York, Philadelphia 108.50 St. Louis 70 00 Washington, Baltimore 107.50 Denver, Colorado Springs.... 55.00 ttoston 110.00 May 12 and 13, Minneapolis and St. Paul 00.00 A variety of routes going and re turning is open for selection, lie turn limit Oetolier 31. Stopovers al lowed in each direction. E. A. G1BERT, Agent, White Salmon, Wash. W. E. COMAN, Gen. Freight & Passr. Agt. Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath, Shingles. Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley "Some" Paint We do not believe in American slang, but we T must admit that when it comes to good paint, j. -jjt Sherwin-William's is ceatainly "some" paint. -3$t Made of pure white lead, pure linseed oil and tur- pentine., vou thus eet durability, and all wood- & work is rendered impervious to the weather. Comes in all sized cans, large and small. Different tints, shades and colors. ART WOOD FINISH AND STAINS CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy