The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 23, 1911, Image 1

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XI) :iii
The Eyes of the Country
are focused on Oregon. The cry of the East is to
"Where Rolls the Oregon"
The strongest single drawing card Oregon has
today is found in the
Beautiful Hood River Valley
having done more to bring Oregon into the
limelight than the Products of any Other Section.
With all this, good land can be had for less
money in this famous little valley than in any
other less favored districts, and the investors are
waking up to this fact.
Our Boom is Yet to Come
People who will buy this summer at advanced
prices will be able to realize enormous profits in
a very few years.
Devlin & Fircbaugh
Hotel Oregon Bids;.,
Hood River, Oregon
Is the time you need Shoes and Rub
bers that have lots of wear and water
resisting qualities. : ::::::
Star Brand Shoes and Ball
Band Rubbers have it
There are lots of good shoes, but STAR BRAND
are BETTER. Manufactured by
Roberts, Johnson & Ran Shoe Co.
J. C. Johnsen, The Shoe Man
Hood River, Oregon
For Sale by Owner
200 acres, CO acres cleared, 11 acres planted, balance
unimproved. Price cheap and easy terms.
J. P. Thomsen
It. F. I). No. 1 box GO Phone 200 Odell
Land For Sale
1 have about 1,000 acres
most of it under ditch at
per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up.
Hood River - - - Oregon
Heilbronner's Hall, Hood River
The correct way to waltz, two-step, three-step,
schottische and all the latest society dances taught
guickly. Fancy and professional stage dancing a spec
ialty. Classes every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
evenings at 8 p. m.
Children's Classes Every Wednesday Afternoon From 4 to 5 and
5 to 6 p. m.; Saturday Afternoon From 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 p. m.
Private Ltnoni Given Classes Forming Continually
Enquire Hotel Oregon
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Without Investigating
Mosier Valley
laet two years'.but are not over half that anted for similar land in other
sections. Buy now before the speculators add their profits.
Swetland Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon
of No. 1 Apple Land,
prices ranging from $60
Natural advantages for fruit
growing unexcelled. Land
prices hava doubled within the
Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
mm 1 1 1 im i m m ii m l mi
- Are now ready for business in their new
offices in
The Heilbronner Building
We have been corresponding with a
number of Easterners who will be here
early in the Spring prepared to buy
What have you to sell?
J. H. Heilbronner &
10 acres, 3 miles out on West Side; 3
acres in 6-year-old apples of standard vari
ties, 3 acres in 4-year-old, and 2 acres in 2
y ear-old. 5 acres of strawberries between
trees. A good buy at $9,000.
We have also opened up a department for
City Property and have a good listing. If you
want to buy or sell City real estate, call and see
The Hood River
Phone 1 75
List your land with me for 1911, as I makethe sales,
which the following will show:
January Mr. Slain to Mr. J. W McCready (13,000.00
January Mr. Neal to J. Copeland 21,000.00
February fi Mr. Smith to Capt. McCan 17,000.00
February 11 Mr. Heilbronner to Capt. McCan IIO.OOO.OO
February 15-Mr. Church to W. It. McCready 11,000.00
March 1 Mr. Merriam to Mr. Copeland 25,000 00
March 10 Mr. Anient to Mr. Sylvester 2,000.00
March 6 Mr. Lobb to Dr. Homan 4,000.00
March 6 Mr. Briggs to Wheeler Boys 4,000.00
April 14 Mr. Bentley to Smith & Holbrook 0,000.00
April 28 Mr. Slutts to Mr. Hargreaves 5,200.00
July 20 Mr. Brigga to Dr. Younkin 6,000.00
August 15 W. L. Carnee to Mr. Tenny 13,000.00
August 150. A. Baker to II. II. Hadlock 5,500.00
September 10 C K. Bone to Dr. Buell 10,(1)0.00
October 1Wm. Reavi to Mr. Nye 25,000.00
October 15 C. Dethman to II. F. (ileason 24,000.00
November 2 Dr. Hull to Mr. Moore .- 12.000.00
November 2 Mr. Lehming to W. S. Farrs 10,000.00
November 15 R. A. Collins to S. M. Parker 4,000.00
Nicholto Bryde 4,000.00
Nichol to Hadley 4,000.00
Nichol to Nichol 11,000.00
alas Amounting to $262,700 Mad In 1910
Saw filing, furniture repairing, roof
repairing. Wright's Carpenter Shop,
Armory building, phona SOCx.
iiiiiiimin hi i m m 1 1
District Land Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Real Estate
l4t50O Forty acres on east side; 7
miles out. Tart of this above and
part below ditch. Easy clearing
Terms (1500 down.
914300 Ten acres. 5 miles out;
house, barn and out building.
Nearly all foil bearing This or
chard is known as a heavy pro
ducer, which records will show
No rock, and extra good soil and
neighborhood; close to .-dore,
church and m-hool. Reasonable
Get our list of town property
We have two snaps this wee k .
Guy Y. Edwards Co.
Office Hotel Oregon Bldg.
State Street Owners Begin Injunction
Proceedings - Councilman Arnold
Returns From the East.
The regular Monday night meeting
of the city council, though the briefest,
proved to be the most interesting meet
ing of the year. As soon as the min
utes Jof the former session had been
read Councilman Brosius moved that
that portion of the minutes referring
to the Derby ordinance and the may
or's veto of it be stricken from the
record. Mayor llartwig, however,
ruled tho motion out of order. As
reasons for his action he stated that
the minutes might be amended but
that nothing could be stricken from
the record. Councilman Brosius there
upon appealed from the decision of the
ehaii, but Mayor llartwig refused to
called for a division of the council on
the matter. Then in accordance with
the above ruling Councilman Brosius
moved that the minutes be amended
by striking from the record all of the
minutes pertaining to the mayor's veto
of the Derby ordinance and again the
mayor overruled tho motion. The city
barter, section 17, stated the mayor.
prescribes the method of procedure for
u veto. 1 here was nothing, he said, to
prevent the introduction of a new ordi
nance along the same lines, since the
first was lost by its failure to pass
over the veto.
A special session of the council con
vened Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
to consider nn interlocutory order, in
favor of M. II. Sharp. Horace Dietz
and K. E. Parker, temporarily enjoin
ing the city from passing an ordinance
or in any other manner proceeding
with the levy of a supplemental assess
ment against the plaintiffs' property,
which lies on the south side of State
Street between Sixth and East Second
Streets. The injunction was served on
Mayor llartwig and Recorder Langillo
at a late hour Monday night. The
papers were referred to the judiciary
committee with instructions to proceed
with the matter according to law.
The merits of the case will be heard
by Judge Bradshaw Saturday at The
The plantifU give as reasons for
their actions that the street, before
the city council took any action toward
the improvement of it, was in good
condition and of sufficient width for
the uassaire of two vehicles. Tho land
on the north side of the street, they
claim, is level and suitable for busi
ness houses while that on the south
side of the street is a steep hillside
and only fit for residence lots ; that
abutting property owners on the north
side ot btate street west ot "second
Street, where the grading was light,
petitioned not only tor the improve
ment of that portion of State Street,
lying west of Second but also that part
extending to the east of Second and
that thereupon the property owners to
the east ot Second Street submitted a
remonstrance to the council.
Under these circumstances the
plaintiffs claim that if their lots be
made to bear the expense ot this sup
plemental assessment it will be depriv
ing them of their property without due
process of law. They state that it is
unconstitutional to make such special
assessments except where the property
is benefitted by the improvement. In
deed, United States Supreme Court
citations as well as those from the
Supreme Court of this state, will up
hold this assertion. However, the
council is of the opinion that when the
case is rested on its facts it will be
diflicult for the plaintiffs to prove, us
they have alleged, that they were not
Realizing that they were in a hope
less tangle for the evening the council
adjourned to attend the Hubbard
lecture. However, before the body leu
the city hall Councilman Wright briefly
and courteously paid his respects to
Mayor llartwig, telling him that he
had shielded himself behind small par
liamentary devices to take advantage
of the majority desire of the council
during the absence of one of their
Councilman Arnold, who was called
away to the east three weeks ago on
accuunt of the illness of his father, has
returned and was present at the special
C. H. Snroat and C. R. Greisen, who
have returned from the Western Fruit-
iobber'a convention and CitriiH lair,
which was in session mesuay, Wednes
day, Thursday, and Friday of last
week at Sacramento, California, repori
that the meeting was very interesting
as well as profitable, h. H. Shepard,
who was also present at the meeting,
will remain for some time in Califor
nia, visiting relatives at Palo Alto.
In sneaking of the convention Mr.
Sproat says that it was profitable in
many ways to him in his capacity as
manager of the Apple growers union.
He met manv old consignees and a
number of new prospective customers,
who desire to get in tuuch with the
union for future business. The one
point against Hood River doing a great
business, remarked Mr. hproat, is tne
high price of the special'market apples
such as Spitzenburgs and Newtowns.
Howpver, it is universally admittd
that the apples of the 'valley are the
finest in the world. Everybody has
heard of Hood River and its apples
have a reputation as having the highest
c ass standard of any on the market,
"Everyone." concluded Mr. Sproat,
"thinks that the Hood River Valley's
fancy Spitzenburg and Newtown are
too hiKh priced for the middle western
trade. Yet this section is eager to
handle some of our goods. Mr. Sproat
disposed or two canoaos oi iruu ior
the union wnne on nis inp. one win
go to San Francisco and the other to
Los Angeles.
C. R. Greisen makes the following
interesting report of the convention:
"Both meeting and Fair were a
great success. The attendance at the
Fruit Jobbers Meeting was from 400 to
500, and with the wives of the fruit
jobbers, probably between 600 and 700
people. Special trains were run from
Denver conveying about 75 fruit job
bers. As the legislation was meeting
at the same time and excursions were
going to the Citrus Fair all rooms in
both hotels and private houses were
"Of the fruit jobbers, members from
all over the United States were in
attendance and it was certainly a very
enthusiastic meeting. Two men of the
Dept. of Agriculture, Prof. Powell and
another, were in attendance giving
talks on cold storage and shipping of
fruit, and both E. 11. Shepard and
C. II. Sproat were on the program.
"A banquet was held Thursday night
at the Sacramento Hotel at which
about 1000 guests were seated, which
gives great credit to the hospitality of
the Californians. This banquet was
also a good advertisement for the
many excellent wines produced in the
State of California. The menu was
the best the writer had ever seen.
"It was a great change for me to
pass from the snow covered mountains,
with snow 7 feet deep in places, and
arrive in Sacramento Valley and walk
along the beautiful streets lined with
different kinds of palm trees and see
ing the oranges growing on the trees
in the gardens. There is probably no
state capital with such beautiful parks
as those in Sacramento, and to see
flower beds in full bloom at this season
of the year was a revelation to one
coming from a northern climate.
"The Citrus Fair was held in the
Studehaker Building, the second and
third floors being entirely occupied
with the displays. Californians are
great on feature displays and there
were several exhibits of great interest.
Among them was a Dutch windmill
entirely covered with oranges from
Oroville; a line exhibit by Luther Bur
bank of his cactii, plums, peaches and
small fruits, both in the green state
and put up in jars : and some tine color
pictures of fruits that were out of
season at this time of the year. There
was one exhibit of the emblem of the
Western Fruit Jobbers made entirely
of oranges. It was a large box ex
hibit, probably a carload, from the
Pajaro Valley (Watsonville) in charge
of Mr. Redman, who a short time ago
was visiting in Hood River. A small
exhibit from (irandview, Yakima Val
ley, caused a great deal of admiration
on account of the beauty of the apples.
"From Proctorville there was a very
unique exhibit taking the form of a
ttlephone and receiver, enlarged of
course, and covered with oranges and
surrounded entirely by exhibits of
oranges, grape fiuit, lemons, etc.
Back of this phone was hidden a talk
ing machine and during the time of the
show this talking machine was keep
ing up a conversation through the
phone with imaginary fruit jobbers in
Proctorville. This was one of the
most etl'ectivo advertising stunts the
writer has ever seen.
"The ceilings of both floors were
covered with grape leaves and dried
grapes were attached to the vinos.
Yellow tinted electric lights were
strung in all directions and the elf. ct,
looking from one end down the room,
was really beautiful.
The attendance during the first day
was rather small. This was probably
because ot the sad death of hecretary
Wilmarth, due to an accident which oc
curred a few days before the opening
of the meeting. Towards the middle
of the week, however, the crowds in
creased day by day, and the sight was
certainly worth the price of admission.
1 here were Borne line exhibits ot
wines. (Jne vinery had a garden en
tirely surrounded with a fence over
which real grapes were growing, and
from post to post small shelves were
arranged, with exhibits of the different
kinds of wines Ithis vinery produced.
Back of this was an enclosure with
tables and seats where visitors could
go in and sample the diffe-ent grape
juices and wines and of course attend-1
ance here was good.
Next to this was a splendid exhibit
of olive oils and small bottles of olive
oils were presented to visitors and
ripe olives were served on request.
W. G. Palmer, of the Palmer Bucket
Co., of Hood River, had an interested
crowd continually watching the work
ing of this bucket and as Mr. Palmer
has probably best bucket on the mar
ket today he will probably do big busi
ness in California and wherever he
goes. I also had the pleasure of meet
ing Mrs. Entrican, of Hood River, who
was visiting her home in Sacramento."
That climatic condition and wonder
fully productive soil of Hie Hood River
Valley is adapted to raising first qual
ity specimens of other products than
world champion apples has been sue
cessfully demonstrated by local celery
culture. E. Bruno rranz, who had an
acre of his ranch planted to this pro
duct has just disposed of his last sea
son's product.
The acre of Mr. Franz'H ranch,
which is located in the Frankton district
about three miles west of here, netted
him 11000 for the crop just sold. He
expects to make improvements in his
method of cultivation for the ensuing
year which he feels sure will greatly
increase his profits. The stalks of the
celery of Mr. Franz's culture are well
bleached and crisp to the very tips.
It possesses a flavor sweeter than most
of the plant on the market. It has
been served at the local hotels this
winter and visitors often comment
upon its excellent quality. As soon bb
the product became known on the
Portland market the crop was easily
disposed of and more demanded. Local
merchants were also supplied from this
J. M. Hollowell, who is now a resi
dent of McMinnville, succeeded in
making a reputation for the celery
irrown here by him f years ago. Mr.
Hollowell had n small tract of the
J. F. HatrlieMi r property, located west
of the Armory and which is now
divided in city lots and covered to a
gieat extent with residences.
At the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Trieber, at high
noon yesterday, Clinton O. Dunnaway
was married to Miss Rose Ellen
Treiber. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. J. R. Hargreaves, of the First
Baptist church. The contracting par
ties left on the afternoon train for a
honeymoon trip in southern California.
They will be at home after the midillo
of March at Alturo, California. The
groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Dunnaway. ""
St. Mark's Guild will meet Friday
afternoon with Mrs. W. J. Baker,
State and Ninth streets.
President Foster of Reed Institute Prin
cipal Speaker -Subject, "The New
Higher Kduration."
The Commercial Club baimiirt iiven
last night at the Heilbronner Hall was
attended by one of the largest crowds
ever seen at an affair of this kind in
the city of Hood River. About two
hundred plates wert laid and the club
is to be congratulated upon the success
of the event.
In accordance with the sentiments of
the day the large hall was decorated
in celebration of the birth of Washing
ton. Festoons of red, white and blue
streamers hung down from the ceiling.
The tapestries were draped with Amer
ican nags. A border of u isteninc
Oregon Crape, from which twinkled
tiny red, white and blue globes was
entwined along the walls and added to
the artistic beauty of the decorations.
A large American eagle surrounded by
dim colored lights held sway on the
center of the stage.
The witty thrusts of Chas. Hall,
toastmaster of the occasion, added to
enlivenment of the evening and the re
sponses were filled with many laudable
bits of repartee. Though at times one
might have lapsed into something per
taining to business, for the most part
those present forgot dull care and de
rived the keenest enjoyment from the
The principal speaker of the evening
was Dr. Foster, of Portland, president
of the newly established Reid Intsitute
of that place. Tho institution la.s an
endowment fund of it'll, 000, 000 and in
the next few years will tie one of the
most important factors in the Pacific
Northwest. The subject of Dr. Fos
ter's very interesting address was,
"The New Higher Education." In
addition to teaching ihe youth of today
the classics and giving him a certain
amount of culture, he said it would be
the mission of the Reid Institute to
also disseminate a mure practical
knowledge and enlighten him along
lines that would he of actual benefit in
the after walks of life.
Out of town guests were present as
follows: F. W. Robinson, general
freight agent of the O-.W. R. N. Co. :
H. K. Lounshury, assistant general
agent of that company: A. P. Bate
ham, of Mosier; J. C. Mclnnes, of
White Salmon; and Judd Fish, of The
Four entertainers were present from
Portland and the assemblage through
out the evening with vocal and instru
mental numbers and special stunt?.
The following is tho menu of
occasion : ;
Olympia Oyster Cocktail
Soup, Cream of 'lomato
Relishes, Celery, Olives, Sweet
Dill Pickles
Salads, Shrimp and Potato
Entrees, Assorted Cold Meats (Ham,
Roast Mutton, Tongue, Ilead-chi esc)
Chicken Fricassee
Dessert, Ice cream and Cake
The variety and minstrel show of the
Upper Hood River Valley Progressive
Association was given at I arkdale
Saturday night and the capital citv of
the Upper Valley was the goal of all
mirth seekers. Mclsaac's Hall, where
the show was held, was filled to over
flowing. Natives of almost every itnte
in the Union and some from fotcign
landi were present.
1 rom overture to finale the audiei cc
was alert with interest. J he minstrel
circle, composed of C. C. Walton,
Walter Mason, Dean Twelve?, ("has.
I. Moody, R. E. Babson, L. H. Rose,
(I. M. Uptcgrove, Edward Van Nuys,
W. C. Simillin, John Goldsbury and
II. F. (loodlander, with their clever
jokes, skits, songs and local hits kept
the house in spasms of laughter.
"The Wizards" then awed Ihe more
timid spirits present by their magical
performances. Edward Van Nuys made
a hit in a clever monologue.
The second act was opened by the
amusing sketch, "Axin' Her Father,"
the cast of which was as follows:
Pendleton Peppers S. R. McDonald
Priseilla Anne L. II. Rose
Millie Jane G. M. Uptcgrove
Polly Lucretia Edw. Van Nuys
Augustus Tyler H. F. Goodlander
Baldwin and Walton as "The Contor
tionist and the Clown" gave some
modern acrobatic stunts. One of the
great scores of the evening was made
by the Dutch comedians, Twelves and
Moody. Walter Mason, as song and
dance artist, was the equal of an
Orpheum circuit star. The program
was closed by Chas. I. Moody, who
took the part of "Clarice," a man of
the soueaking voice type, who twirled
his silk hat, pulled his beloved side
whiskers and told the audience some of
his varied experiences.
After the show tl e hall was cleared
and an informal dance was enjoyed.
The music for the dance wus furnished
by the Parkdale orchestra.
Visitors from the Lower Valley
present at the performance were 'Mr.
and Mrs. W. N. Winters, Miss Dorothy
Horsey, F. I). Currier, Miss Zena Sea
brook,' C. A. Mosely, W. 11. Walton,
It. I). Gould and Thos. Stack.
Aged Visitor Dies.
Mrs. Hannah Sollitt, who arrived in
this citv last week from Illinois on a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Im
holtz, was called by death early Mon
day morning. Mrs. Sollitt was a great
traveler and had visited most of the
states of the Union. However, until
she came to her daughter's here, she
had never been in the Northwest. She
had reached the age of U0, and, though
she satisfied her desire of seeing the
Pacific Norhwest, the strain of the trip
across the continent proved too much
for her. The body, accompanied by
Mrs. lmholtz, was taken to Illinois for
"Hello, is this you, Bill?" "Yes."
"You are coming to the grand enter
tainment at the Valley Christian church
fcVtilnv pvonmff:
1 should
smile!" "Good, Bill!" Price 2,rc
adults and 15c for children.