HOOD KIYER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1911 8 vr7 rn Kitchen Queen Patent Flour sold with a positive guarantee, $ 1 .25 Sk. $4.90 Bbl. ( Gn ( 0 )( OA Ef m 1 f X.Tf. L -1 t...:,-:4 X,., 1 - .......J LaJ Lui LJ Fruit Sugar 17 lbs. for .' $1.00 Fruit Sugar, per sack 5.50 Swift's Premium Lard, No. 10 pail 1.70 Swift's Premium Lard, No. 5 pail 90 Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, No. 50 can 7.25 Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, No. 10 pail 1.55 Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, No. 5 pail 80 Empire Brand Breakfast Bacon, per lb 25 Smoked Bacon Backs, per lb 18 Dry Salt Backs, per lb 17 Swift's Winchester Hams, per lb 17 Swift's Jewel Compound, No. 5 pail 65 Swift's Jewel Compound, No. 10 pail 1.25 Swift's Jewel Compound, No. 50 cans 5.75 Small White or Navy Beans, 20 lbs. for 1.00 Preferred Stock Raisins, per pkg . $ .10 Ramona Brand Raisins, 3 pkgs. for 25 Pansy Seedless Raisins, 3 pkgs. for 25 Daphone Seedlees Raisins, per pkg 05 Home Brand Currants, 2 pkgs. for .25 Arm and Hammer Soda, per pkg 05 Albers Bros'. Cream Oats, 90 lb sks 3.90 Albers Bros'. Cream Oats, 45 lb. sks 2.00 Corn Meal, 9 lb. sks ; 25 Oranges, regular 50c size, per doz 35 Oranges, regular 40c size, per doz 30 Lemons, regular 30c size, per doz 15 Standard Tomatoes, per case 2.00 Standard Corn, per case 2.10 A. & L. Brand Tomatoes, per case 2.40 Coal Oil, bulk, per gal. $ .18 5 gal. $ .80 Pearl Oil per can 1.10 case 2.15 Headlight Oil per can 1.25 case 2.40 ElaineOil... percan 1.60 case 3.15 Best English Walnuts, per lb 20 Best Almonds, per lb 20 Kingsford Gloss Starch, per pkg 10 Kingsford Corn Starch, per pkg 10 Best Gloss Starch, 4 pkgs. for .25 Continental Corn Starch, 4 pkgs. for 25 Tea Garden Syrup, 2 1-2 gal. jacket 2. 10 Tea Garden Syrup, 1 gal. can 85 Tea Garden Syrup, 1-2 gal. can 45 Koro Corn.Syrup, No. 10 pail 60 Koro Corn Syrup, No. 5 pail 35 The Above List is Only a Few of the Many Reductions in Our Prices Please Do Not Ask Us for Credit as Our Terms Will Be Strictly Cash to All DUD ooc 9 A Complete Line of Honest Goods at Honest Prices Royal Club and Red Ribbon Canned Goods Florshiem Shoes For Men THE HIGHEST CLASS GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT The Parkdale Store R. J. McISAAC k Co. INC. PARKDALE When You Clear Land Como to us for the best Logging and Grubbing Tools. If your old ones are worth fixing we can make them good as new. Snow & Upson, Hood River SELLING AGENCY FAILS ! TO MATERIALIZE After two ilnya' heated diHcussions and debate, the apple growers 0f the Northwest tailed to come to any agree ment on a plan to form a combination. and at noon today adjourned to hold Horond convention at Walla Walla, Feb ruary 2H. The proposition was put in the hands of a committee of Hi, which was made up of men from every dis trict represented in the convention, and was headed by II. W. Otis, of Wenat ehee, Wash., one of the foremost or- chnrdiHts of Washington. They recommended at noon today in effect that the problem was too large to handle in such an offhand way, and it was HiiKKCsteu that each cection or ganize a local union and that the local unions form a district association and that these district organizations send delegates to the Walla Walla conven tion to assist in working out the com bine plan at that time. The chief obstacle encountered was tho fact that by fgorming a selling agency to market and distribute the crop the individuality of each of the famous orchard districts would be lost and the advertising value of such names as Hood Kiver, Uogue River, Nin th Yakima, Wenatchee, and others, would be wiped out. Some of the delegates to the convention feel that tho final out come of tho present movement will result in nothing further than a statistical bureau and a publicity organization, but this is looked upon as a long step in the right direction. Most of the final session of the con" vention was spent in wrangling over the definition of grades of apples. The first skirmish resulted in the wiping out of the words "fancy" and "choice." Then it was decided that the finest grade should bo known as "extra fncy," tho second grade as "standard, and the third as "C" grade. This action was later recon sidered, after n number of vehement speeches, in which dozen growers tried to talk at once. Then the whole former action was undone, and a motion carried to select a committee of live to prepare a report for the Wallla Walla convention on the quetsion of grades. Until permanent organizations shall be effected at Walla Walla, 11. C. Atwell, president of tho Oregon State Horticultural Society, will continue as chairman and Frank Tower, of Tort land, as temporary secretary. -Telegram. Life Saved at Death's Door. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W. K. Patterson, of Wellington, Tex., as when n frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds, in pptto of doctor's treatment lor two years. My lather, mother and two misters died of consumption, and that 1 am alive today is due solely to lr. King's New Discovery, which com pletely cured me. Now 1 weigh 187 pounds and have been well and strong for years." Quick, safe, sure, its the best remedy on earth (or coughs, colds, lngrippe, asthma, croup, and all throat and lung trouble. Mc A $1.00. Trial Inittle (ree. tiuaran teed by (.'has. N. Clarke. White Salmon Has Fire Scare. Heeauso of inadequate fire protec tion property holders are very tender on the matter of fire and when the gong sounded on Saturday a small sized panic was on. It was the chim ney of the opera house burning out and in bo spectacular a way that it had all the appearance of the real thing. Nothing serious resulted, but it had all tho ear marks of comedy. While a couple of the boys were up on the roof putting out the fire with snow balls Chester Craig was on the roof of the Knterprise office furiously pounding the bell with a hammer, for the rope had gone on a strike. The only cool one was the man wl o climbed up two stories with a quart of water in the dipper, and the solo players in the pool hall, who went on with their game, stopping only to inquire if they thought they would have time to finish the game. If a fire should break out in White Salmon the only thing that could be done is to sit on the opposite side of the street and figure up your insurance policy. Enterprise. MAKE THIS TEST. How to Tell If Vour Hair is Diseased. Even if you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether it is in a healthy condition or not. 98 per cent of the people need a hair tonic. I'ull a hair out of vour head: if the bulb at tho end of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair is diseaied, and requires prompt treat ment if its loss would be avoided. If the bulb is pink and full, the hair is healthy. We want every one whose hair re quires treatment to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It ia designed to overcome dandruff:, relieve scalp irri tation, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already in the head, grow hair and cure balaness. It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its goodness that we want you to try it at our risk. Two sizes, 50c and $1. Sold only at our store The Rexail Store. C. A. Plath. A few minnttw ilfihiv in trefttimr soma cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the bouse, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Fold by all dealers. NO WOMAN WOULD ENJOY DRIVING if she knew that every step taken by her horse caused actual agony. the surest way to avoid such un conscious cruelty is to HAVE US SHOE YOUR HORSE. That will mean shoes that fit, prop erly put on so it will be impossible for the shoes to hurt. Send the children s pony, too. PHONE 157X Shively & McGillivary Having Bought the Express and Dray Business of II. H. Johnston I am readv for all sorts of light transfer work. Day Phone 01. Night Phone 11 3L. W. W. COTTON FREDERICK A ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS MMtel raralihad all klodi ( wwrk Phone T- Iv. "WOOD Staple and Fancy The oldest and largest Grocery in7kthe city. We handle only the best stock in our line and guarantee satisfaction. Prompt Delivery. PHONE 7 SEE OUR $125 Power Sprayer IT WILL INTEREST YOU Some of these sprayers are now in use in Hood River and are I "Making Good" We also have a complete stock of Myer's Hand Sprayers PRICE FROM $2.00 TO $28.00 NOTHING BETTER THAN MYER'S BLOWERS HARD WARE CO. We Have Moved Call and See Us t Tho grocery of Kinnaird & Kinsey has moved from I the Heights to the room formerly occupied by Morlan ;; I & Lathrop at the corner of Oak and Second' streets, J down town. A call to phone 78, the same old num- I lor, will give you prompt delivery of the best groceries. Kinnaird & Kinsey iiiiiiwiwii imiinim mini lH.j