E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER. Will Practice in All Court. ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Koonis 14 and 15 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. DR. EDQINGIUiV Smith Building HOOD RIVER - - ORKOON E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Over First National Bank, Hood River, Oregon. Olliee Rhone 71 Kes. 71 H Hours 2 to 4 I'. SI and l.v am.oiiitim.nt Drs. Shaw & Bronson Office in Kliot Blork. C fliie I'lirnt, No. 4. it m. m ., N i. :i E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Olliee 35 Oilice in National Rep. lioli Bank Bnildin J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Olnce, ftp; residence, ;ij II , ISUKUKUN O. K. 4 .N. to. H L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i alls promptly aimwerjd in town or country I'Hy or iNigni. Telephones: Residence, Hi: llfllce, 1 1 '. 1 i . Clltlce In the K rosins Building. F. C. BROSIUS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Plume Central, or Office Hours: 10 f " A. M.; 2 to s and 6 to 7 P M. of t)B. M. H. HHAKH 1)K. Kl)N A H. SUAIte Osteopathic Physicians Graduates f the American Sch:x Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. .Oilice in Elliot Block. Home Phone 102 Kes. 102-11 H D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Olliee over Telephone First National Hank 131 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D DENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence 2S-1! Olliee over lititler Bank, MURRAY KAY Civil Engineer and Surveyor Brosius Building ALBERT SUTTO Architect Room 16 Hall Building A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brnsima Block M. I.HKNSEIf E. WELCH, VETERINARY M'R(E0N Is prepared to do any wort In the veterin ary fine. He can he found by calling Hi or pliniug to Clarke h drug store. C. EVERETT. Tlio Practical Khoeniiik r, At Higgs' Old Stand. Kino Work a Spocijih.v . Carpenter Shop My carpenter shop ih located on Cascade Avenue between Second and Third Streets, where you will find me pre pared to do everything in the carpenter line from the most modern brick build ing down to the smallest repair job. Counter building, cabinet work and gen eral repairing will have our prompt attention. J. M. WRIGHT Carpenter and Builder Telephone Wx jH-H-H-i-M-I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I A Happy New Year to You C. H. DEITZ The Photographer -H-H-W-I-H-J-I--W-H-H- For Sale 1 1 acres under cultivation 5 acres in apples. Spitz and Newtowns, 3 and 4 years old. Water free for irrigation. Good 7-room house. One and one-half miles from town IS ear school. An opportunity to buy a good place at the right price. $7,000.00. Terms. D. E. RAND, Owner Phone 328 X Blankets and Quilts Laundered in i tlioroujrlilv sanitary manner by the Hood River Laundry Co. Plume 12.'5 Taft Transfer Company PHONE 2') Kor l)niyiii Kurnilnre.Mov iw:, Heavy nauimy; and hx- press work. Wood Yard and st ore 111 connect 1011. Hockenberry & Bartlett ARCHITECTS Blue Prints Done to Order. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Davidson Building Phone 61 W. G. ALDRED I'ONTIUCTim I'Olt kxcayatlm; & grading J. A. DONAGHUE VETERINARY SURG EON (Kornierly at Pendleton) Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto Office and Residence, 411 E. 4ti Stree TH E DALLES. Pac. Phone Main l.'il Stranahan & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Hood. River Banking and Trust Co. We transact a general tanking buHlnexg and owo ourowu banking property. Interest pld on time and Havings deposits Sale deix8lt bones. THE VERY BEST Vntlitry on the f arlflc 1'o.nt l icutrd hr. W hre ballt np onr ri-pntation on it. You caa acpftDd on quahty and ranm.t (ret Iw'tr painl. .-.a work anjwhen, no maltor bur much yuu pay. n nalsn plat, ana ''Wi'f', hrldtf work for Out of town patrons In on dr it dMlrd. PaloleM octrtctlo fr wbn pJtM or brldsa work It ordr . Ccmultttion fn. MaltrCrawni S5.G0 8mBrifrrsih4.0d I.UU 1.00 .50 . ". SEnuiwI Fillinft I Silvwfillinn v'M:'l IGood Rubber - AA .,,: '1 piiim o.oo M.W.LWIIt,rmTuiMuuii Pllnltii tnrti .gv a rua anuiaw nmim iut Miiaooa All work fullr (uarantMd tn fifteen jtm. Wise Dental Co.,ic Painless Dentists ,,.riTr,idl.'V.rai!aT.e!, The Milton Nursery Co. Offers Hardy Trees from Northeastern Oregon. Large assortment of fruit, hade ami ornamental slock. Windbreak Trees '.VI Years of Reliability. Address R. T. NewhalMgt., Hood River, Or. Chas.T. Bates Contractor, Painter and Paper Hanging Give ine a chance to limine on your work, All work guaranteed. ' all Phone H04X HOOD RIVER, ORE. NELSON BOOMING KLICKITAT COUNTRY O. J. Nelson, who is in the East handling his realty interests writes fol lowing to Ihe Goldendale Sentinel: "Assuming that my Klickitat friends are interested in the conditions hack here, 1 Bend you a few observations Ihe apple show at Chicago was a sue cess and the sending of our apples there was no mistake. People here in Illinois ana Indiana are getting tne aslmigton fever, and nearly everyone who sees our literature and listens to mv stuinh ling remarks, yearns to go "out west.' i am showing the apples, part of them in small towns and cities, giving talks and literature to those w ho are interest ed. Expert to have exhibits in a dozen of the small towns and cities, and will advertise Goldendale apples 'till either the apples are not fhowable or the hi grippe gets a firm hold on me. The weather here is beastly. That we have a winner in apple land, and that jteoi win come to see us real value, 1 jiave no shadow of doubt. The Goldendale fruit belt will surely he "dreams come true." "1 wish also to call attention to Dr Hartley's splendid work at the apple show, and the able co-operation of Frank Hurd. The exhibit was certainly tine. Special Ocean Mail Service. The Western Union Telegraph Com pany has announced another innova tion in telegraph service called the "Special Ocean Mail Service," de signed to save time in foreign corres pondence. A letter from San Fran cisco to London takes as much time crossing the continent as it does cross- ng the Ocean. A New York man writing to Yokohama must post his letter practically a week before the mail steamer sails from San Francisco or Vancouver, ihe Western Union has arranged for the use of its night letter and other telegraphic service in connection with out going ocean mails so that this week of trans-continental time may he saved. Its New Ycrk office will receive telegrams from anv part of the country destined to Euro pean addresses and will forward them in a sealed specially addressed en velope by the first outgoing: Atlantic steamship mail. The same plan will be followed in San rrancisco. Seattle and Vancouver for trans-Pacific mails. This wili enable correspondence to be dispatched from any part of the United States for an ocean mail within a few hours of sailing time. The only charge in addition to the usual telegraph tolls to the ocean mail port will be rive cents for postage. Teleirrams should bear the full mail address of the for eign correspondent tor whom they are intended and marked "Care Ocean Mail New York" or San Francisco. Seattle or Vancouver, as the case may be. No charge will be made for the address. M-M-l-M-M I I II I"H II 1 I III M-I- .K-i-r-H-H-H-r- -i-l"r Fancy Apples in Fancy Packages Our specialty is attractive packages containing from one to 112 Kxtra Kanoy Hood Uiver Apples. Send your Kastern Kriends a Sample Express prep.iid anywhere in V. S. or Canada Robinson, de Reding & Crocker Commercial Club Booth Hood River, Ore. r-H-!-H-iH"M-H-H-H-X-:H"W Vitro! 40 barrel shipment just arrived. ROCHE HAR BOR LIME, the besl for spraying. At Whitehead's J New Electric Supply and Fixture Store We have opened a new store with a complete line of Electric Supplies, Electric Fixtures and Glassware on Oak Street, next to S. E. Bartmess Furniture Rooms. We are agents for the J. C. English Co., Portland, and carry many of their High Grade Electric Fixtures in stock. We have just received an especially fine display of new Fixtures, Artistic Table Lamps, Tiffany Glass ware and Christmas Novelties which we arc off ering at attractive prices. Call and see BAILEY & COLBY Hlectrical Contractors Phone 60x Res. Phone 268L A Simple Safeguard lor Mothers. Mrs. I). Gilkeson, liL'il Ingles Ave , oungstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. "My little girl had a severe old and cough almost continuously. My sister recommended Foley's Honey anil Tar. The lirst dose I gave her relieved the inflammation in her throat and after using only one bottle her throat and lungs were entirely free from inllainina- lon. Since then I always keep a bottle f Foley's Honey and Tar in the house. Accept no substitutes." For sale by C. A.Plath. I C. A. Richards & Co. Confectionery Parlors also on the Opposite Opera House and Heights HAZHIAVOOI) DAINTIES Best line of Tobacco and Cigars in the City Hot Lunches Served atall Hours Agency Oregon Daily Journal. Booth's Eastern Oysters. W.J.Baker&Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents Kor Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON SlabWood COAL will deliver p;irt of A. 0. LOFTS Slab Wood to any the city. Now is the time to get Cheap fuel. Phone 310X A MONARCH DETHRONED. t'SED to rule my h uisi'hold 111 undisputed swr.y. Anil, barring ma's anieiulinenls. 1 always hail my say, Hut now I don't amount to beans 1 have two dauk'ht.'rs in their teens. One tflrl Is In the IiIkIi school And one is in the K''adi-'S, And their superior manner Authority Invades. or if 1 make a final ruling hey'll KlgKle. "I'a Is only foollhK." I used to pack those Kills to hod Hefore the hour of nine. But ot the earlv bedtime They now ben In to pine. We're lucky if e net them quiet At twelve o'clock without a riot. I used to order thliiKs to eat. With confidence profound. For mother knew my little ways And let me putter round. Rut now those damsels give the orders, So ma and 1 are only boarders. We used to buy their hats and shoes And saved full many a dime, But If wc don't consult them now We're quickly brought to time, For saving Is no maiden's passion When first she learns the laws of fashion. I know I should assert my place And rule tho household as of yore, But I am doubtful If 1 could Kestore conditions as before, Because, to be entirely frank, Those girls are now too old to spank. Spokane Spokesman-Itevlew. The Natural Deduction. His waistcoat was wonderful. Ills tie was tremendous. His socks were positively superhu man. In order to display which his trousers wero tucked up to n ludicrous height. An urchin plucked him by tho sleeve. "Lost somebody, guv'nor?" queried tho youth sympathetically. The swell swelled with Indignation. "Of course not, fellow!" he respond ed contemptuously, proceeding on his way. "Cat or dog dead, guv'nor?" queried the youngster, following. "Ba Jove!" snapped tho "nob," dis tinctly annoyed. "Why do you ask such stupid questions?" "Why, guv'nor?" called the urchin. "Cos I see yer got yer trousls at 'arf ninst." Answers. Why She Went to Reno. Wife (!igri!y)-Wbat do I get by cooking for you? Nothing. Hub You're lucky. I always get indigestion. Uoston Tran- X script. 4 Exasperating. All afternoon Mr. Stubb had been moving pictures from one room to an other, and his only reward was dust and perspiration. "Hurry up, John," chlded Mrs. Stubb Impatiently. "You will never finish at that rate." Mr. Stubb removed the cobwebs from his florid brow. "Woman, do you think I'm a ma chine?" "Gracious, how funny!" "Madam, may I ask what Is funny?" "Why, dear, If you were a machine you would be a moving picture ma chine." And then and there Mr. Stubb wash ed his hands and started for the club. Chicaeo News. Just Arrived Japan's Characteristic Art Goods and Curios For Christmas Gifts KUTANI and TOKYO DISHES BAMBOO FURNITURE M. NIGUMA OaK St., Corner First Phone 10O CENTRAL MEAT MARKET I PH. C. YOUNG. Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER, ORE. Phone Main 6 F ree Delivery Don't Leave the Hood River District Wit liont InveNtigiiting Mosier Valley Natural advantages for fruit growing unexcelled. Land prices have doubled will, in last two yenr.-Tbut.'are not over half that askeil for similar land in other sections. Huy now before the speculators add their profits. COMMERCIAL CLUBIOF MOSIER MOSII K, OKI.c;ON. - Six Miles Kast of Mood River, Oregon PASHIOH STABLE ..Livery. Feed and Draying.. STKANAHANS:& RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. I'li'iiMure parties can secure first-class ris, Special attention given to moving furniture ana pianos. We do everything horses can do. Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of I'AINTS, OILS, ISUUSIir.S, lite. HEATH & MILLlGAN MIXED PAINTS. PRATT & LAMHIIRT'S VAUNISMHS. CAI.CIMO. I r .. . in Holing mixed to order. Oil l-N AM Kl Kor old furniture and o..d wo, : ; : i .. ,,r. UOOM MOCLIUNtl. I'late and Card U..P. Dry Paste. 01l.('l "lll for wills nud a nice line of Wall Paper. Pain ay. Paper Hanging, N n ami C ritge Work Carriage Shop .lione l()!l, Store pin, no I hi - I o O ik Street jf & 4 sfc. & 4 Jfe & & m Kiifej wlJ. inzri lJ m w cj MM It it XT It of stock Under- 4 I Commencing on Thursday, Dec. IS, 1 9 1 0, I will place on sale balance of my stock of naerwear, woo 0 hsrts, weaters I wish to close out balance wear, Shirts, Sweaters, etc., prices to move them. be sold to make room r ""x n ) and will make Every article must for other lines.