HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1910 Commencing Commencing t V Tuesday, Jan. 3rd. Tuesday, Jan. 3rd LZ3 nil The building formerly occupied by us on the corner of Oak and 4th streets is rapidly being re paired and will be ready for us again in a few days. Before moving back we are going to give the public one more chance to buy goods at extremly low prices. Men's Clothing $25.00 Suits for $15.00 and $16.50 $20.00 Suits for $13.50 and $14.00 Homo rare chances to got good All Wool Suits made by master tailors and strictly the latest styles for - - $ 1 0.OO ECONOMIZE Men, if you evau-had a chance to SAY L MONKY it's HKItK and NOW. It will 1)0 a long time before such bargains can be again offered. We Are Offering $25 Overcoats for $ 1 5 Made of good black and dark blue all wool broad cloth and lined with serge. LADIES' COATS AND SUITS A grand opportunity to get a Coat, guaranteed perfect in every respect, at a great saving in price. 127.00 black broad cloth Coat $ 1 7.50 125.00 black broadcloth Coat for $16.00 $15.00 double faced cloth, blue or gray on the right side and a, light checked inside, pockets and cuffs trimmed same as inside, very neat and dressy, and at the same time sensible $8.50 Men's Hats One table Men's $3.00 Hats, blacks, browns and light colors, all good, new shapes, your choice $1.69 Boy's Shoes Boy's High Cut Shoes, two strap and buckles, any size from sizes 12 to 5 $2.39 $3.00 Hats For $1.98 Your Choice of Any $3.00 Men's Hat in the House For $1.98 This sale includes swell new styles Men's Derbys, staple styles Soft Black Hats, and a complete run of sizes $1.98 Men's Shirts, all styles in $1.00 QQp and $2.00 grade - - Slightly Damaged Goods at 12 and 1-4 the Original Cost to Us Our Loss and the Insurance Company's Loss, Your Gain We only have a very small amount of these damaged goods but we are determined to close out every dollar's worth before moving back to our new location. In many cases you can have them at your own price. Children's Underwear 19c At these prices you could affoid to buy next winter's supply and lay tlieni away, you would double your moneythat is better than raising apples. Sizes IN to .'51, at l!c per garment. Shoes 1 lere is another place t he knife has been applied and the prices show some deep cuts. One table of Children's Shoes about 100 pairs in nil and a pretty good assortment of sizes, price 69c Ladies' Children's and Men's Celt Slippers, any size, most: any color, price $1.19 Ladies' Comfort Shoes, elastic sides, very flexible soles, either rubber or leather heels, price $1.98 J. 1 J L K A White Linen Collars, two for 50-Cent Four-in-hand Ties for 25-Cent Four-in-hand Tics for 25-Cent good Cashmere Hose for. .'."-Cent best Wool Hose for 25-Cent IU)w Ties for Any 25-eent Tie for fiO-Cent Handkerchiefs for 10-Cent Handkerchiefs for .'0 Cent Mulllers for 19c 39c 19c 19c 29c 19c .19c 39c 8c .29c fl.50 Kaki Pants for $1.10 $.'5.50 Corduroy Pants for 2.19 Wool Underwear 12.00 a Garment for $1.39 1.50 a Garment for 1.19 $ 1.25 a Garment for 98c $1.00 a Garment for 89c 1.50 Union Suits for 98c .fM.OO Union Suits for 2.19 Cuff Buttons and Tie Sets'for 49c (iallitea Cloth, all new, fresh pieces, about 15 bolts in all, regular 20c grade. Sale price 14c Ginghams. 12c and 15c grades, about :!0 bolts in all. While they last, per yd 7 l-2c Ladies' and Children's Hose Any 25c Hose, 2 pair for 35c Any 20c Hose, 2 pair for 25c Any 1 5c Hose at per pair 11c See our 10c Kemnant Bargains. This contains some big values. French Serges 42 inches wide. Navy blue, gray, old rose aud other shades, regular 1.25 value. Sale price 69c Storm Serge, 50 inches wide, red blue, black and green, regular .25 grade. Sale price. 69c Broad Cloth 51- inches wide, navy blue, black, and tan, regular $1.75 value. Sale price $1.19 Hen's Sweater Coats We have some of the biggest values in Sweater Coats ever offered. -f3.50 all wool, fancy red, trim, Ox ford red trim, and white and blue trim for $1.98 $2.50 all wool, Myrtle and green, brown and Oxford $1.49 $1.50, good heavy Sweater Coats in brown, green and gray for 98c Ladies' Suits One Suit at 49c Many Suits from. .$3.00 to $7.00 Ladies' Coats Ladies' Coats $3.00 Ladies' Coats 5.00 Ladies' Coats 7.00 Children's Coats $1.00 Your Choice $2.98 We have one lot of about 50 bolts and pieces of bolts of Dress Goods. These include Serges, Henrettes, Plaids, Herring Bone Stripes, Cravanets, etc, goods that have sold at 50c, 75cand$1.00. We have put these all out on one counter and marked the price 29c yd. Three pieces Panama, regular $1.25 grade. Sale price 69c An all wool Cravanet, GO inches wide, regular price $2.00 $1.19 nn n (7) n n VLii!J ( U L IhJ JJ I