The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 08, 1910, Image 7

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The committees appointed for ar-rana-ina-
the Christmas Droeram, are
getting busy, and the children I are
looking forward to the usual enter
tainment and Christmas tree.
The Sunday school convention held
last Friday and Saturday at the
Christian church in Hood River, was a
success, so far as the protrram was
concerned, but owing to the weather,
the attendance was not large. Did
you know there was a Sunday school
convention? Would you have gone,
had vou known? If you were not
there vou missed Borne (food things,
Plan to go next spring. The place
chosen is Odell. and the Drocram will
no doubt be a fine one.
Tomorrow evening, December 9, at
the Pine Grove school house, there will
be a special meeting of tax payers to
levy trie assessment for school pur-
lioses. You were not in attendance at
the meeting called for that purpose
last year, hence we must raise enougn
for the two years' expenses. Don
forget the date.
The East Fork Irrigating Co. will
hold a stockholders' meeting next Sat
urday, December 10, at 1 p.m., at the
Commercial Club rooms, and all inter
ested snould be represented either in
person or by proxy. This is an im
portant meeting.
Rev. Mr. Crenshaw is giving us
some good sermons, and should have a
larger congregation.
Mrs. Kedfield, formerly off Pine
Grove, but now living in Odell, has
been the gueBt of Mrs. Ben Lage.
Fred Browne is visiting Mr. Mc
Clain. L. C. Sonneman spent a few days of
laBt week in Portland, and saw the
apple show.
John Hayes, of Seattle, who made a
flying trip to jHood River in October,
and was here less than a day, was so
favorably impressed not only by our
beautiful valley, but by the fruit as
well, has become a "booster" for Hood
If the young man from Odell who
found the raincoat on the main road to
town, about three weeks ago, will call
up 2012K, he will learn who the owner
Mr. and Mrs. Triggs were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Noble Sunday.
Mrs. McKittrick has been the guest
of her siBter,;Mrs. J.W. Dickenson, for
the past week.
F. 0. White, of Ruthton, is assist
ing J. K. Phillips in his mill on Phelps
The Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. are
building and reparing their (loom pre
paratory to opening work early in the
Mr. and Mrs. John McCuistion are
again settled at Ruthton after more
than a year's absence. Welcome back,
Wm. Trigg, who recerjtly purchased
the Scott Doorman place, is making a
great showing in his remodeling of the
place. He is having the timber cut
and other clearing done. He plans to
make a hay farm out of the place.
Owing to the illness in Rev. Parson's
family there was no preaching at Ruth
ton Sunday. Sunday school was held
as usual. We all sincerely hope that
his family will rapidly improve in
A JloiiNehold Medicine
To be really valuable must show
equally good results from each member
of llie family lining it. Foley's Honey
and Tar does just this. Wiiether for
children or grown persons Foley's Honey
and Tar is the Anient iiml best for all
coughs and colds. C. C. I'luth.
H. N. Taylor has accepted a position
as superintendent Jof the construction
of the City Reservoirs at Mt. Tabor
just out of Portland.
J. W. Buttz has been appointed the
successor of R. G. Connor as lockmas
ter at the canal here and the family is
occupying tho former residence of the
Miss Jennie Olin was home from
Portland to Bpend Sunday with her
Henry Govette died Wednesday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Funeral services
were held in tho Methodist church
Thursday afternoon anil the remains
taken to Portland for burial. Mr,
Goyette, formerly of LaCrosso. Wis..
came to the Locks in l'.MHi and was in
the employ of the Wind River Lumber
Co., as captain of their tow boat, the
LaCrow, until the summer of l'.IOH
when be received his first stroke of
paralysis, which rendered him unable
to keep his position. This was fol
lowed by another stroke shortly before
his death. Complications of dropsy
and! Bright' disease set in and he
died shortly after.
Mr. K. Alwick entertained the e
broidery club Friday afternoon.
Mrs. J. P. Lucas, Miss Erma Yettick
and Miss Bertha Hendrick were in
Hood River Friday night to hear "The
Vision of Sir Lauiifal" read hy the
class of Miss Melissa Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Temple, of White Sal
mon, are spending a few days here
visiting Mrs. Temple's uncle, Altert
Kelly. Mrs. temple was formerly
wiiss cveiyn morion, or inejjoeks.
Turner Leavens, of Portland, visited
trie liOcKs last rulay and Saturday.
irrom the Knlarprlse
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs,
Mcllan at Bingen one day last week,
Mrs. G. M. Russell was a visitor ii
Hood River Friday.
1. J. Lindsay has closed the Maple
Hotel at Bingen, and gone to Van
couver to open up in business.
French Stabler and family, former
proprietor of Hotel Washington, have
returned lrom their visit at Great
Falls, Montana. Mr. Stabler may
again become a permanent citizen of
this place.
Theodore Shenler was at Goldendale
on Mt. Adams hlectnc Line business.
He always reports progress on the
road, but he ought to be encouraged
by everybody, for the line will be the
uig mnig ior me whole country.
TA.H . Jewett and wife went to Pasco
Monday nurht on business. Mrs.
Jewett has been very much discom
moded of late on account of a burn
which laid bare the knuckle 'of her
Koueri rorayce, whose young
orcnara is near iimum, ottered to pay
four bits for every worm found in
the orchard. It was a safe otTer, ffor
he had to pay only fifty cents ; one
measly worm was round.
Until further notice, Father Roman.
of Hood River, will hold mass in the
White Salmon Studio the second Sun
day of each month, beginning next
Sunday, December 11.
Mr. Brown, from Ohio, who has been
touring the west and looking for in
vestments, was in White Salmon
again this week. He has been here
several times during the past' summer
and fall and likes the place very
Mrs. A. E. Voigt left for Portland
the last of the week.
Miss Mamie Howard, of Hood River
valley, was visiting Mrs. Jno. Daven
port this week. .
L. K. Webb came up from Portland
the last of the week, visiting friends
over Sunday.
Mrs. A. H. McLane is enjoying a
few dav' vacation from her duties at
the depot, part of the time being spent
in Portland.
Mrs. E. E. Masten left this week for
Sookane. where she will remain most
of the winter.
Mrs C. G. Nichol and little daugh
ter, Mildred, returned Tuesday even
ing from an extended visit with rela
tives in Kansas and California.
A number of prominent Mosier citi
ttended the Annie Show at Port
land. Mosier was awarded some of
the prizes.
Miss II. Chatfield closed her three
months' term of school last week, in
the Grose district.
Mr. S. M. Pavne left Monday for
her home at Red Bluff. Cal. She will
visit relatives near Turner, Amity and
probably McMinnville, Ore., before
continuing on her homeward journey.
Mm. .inn. Wellberc accompanied her
aunt, Mrs. Payne, as far as Portland.
It. H. Smith has iust completed a
nice modern five room residence on his
homestead south of Mosier. One feat
ure of the dwelling, which no doubt
will add comfort beyond telling, is the
large fireplace, for which the brick
was burned by Mr. Smith on the home
Mrs. T. W. DeBussey has her new
residence near completion.
Miss Belle Johnson was a passenger
for Hood River on the early train
Monday morning.
Members of the Mosier Commercial
Club held a smoker, Monday evening,
enjoying a few social hours.
W. E. Husky has improved suffi
ciently to be moved out to his home
south of Mosier a few miles.
C. A. Haee came up Monday from
Portland to spend a few days with
Mosier friends.
C. A. MacCarsrar came up from
Portland Monday evening to be present
lit the social meeting of the Com
mercial Club. Other Portland gentle
men were also present.
J. N. Mosier is having some grading
and street work done.
Thanksgiving In Manilla.
The Government transport Dix ar
rived at Manila with its Thanksgiving
dinner for the soliders. On the boat
there were 30,700 dressed turkeys. 40
barrels of cranberries, 600 pounds of
mince meat and 50,000 Oregon apples.
Every thing was the best to be had
in the market, ine inanxsgiving
ship having fulfilled its mission, the
transport otticialB are getting reaay to
dispatch a Christmas ship from San
Francisco. This win carry cnnsimas
and New Years' repasts to the soldier
bovs in the Phillioines, also thousands
of Christmas presents from friends and
relatives in the states. All presents
Will be shipped free across the Pacific
by the Government. Expressage must
tie paid by the sender to &an r rancisco.
The quartermaster at that point will
forward the shipments to the islands.
An Enjoyable Concert.
Th concert at the Commercial Club
under the direction of the men of the
Unitarian church was a success both in
the artistic presentation, and in the
enjoyment of the audience. Every
musical number seemed especially
adapted to the kind of concert given,
and the character or. the audience, and
the rendition was exquisite.
he skirt dance by r.lda Jackson and
Julia Creighton added a touch of grace
and beauty that left little more to be
desired. The Magic, and tho farce,
with its chief actors, the Bull Terrier
and the Baby, supplied the contrast
and amusement, that made the long
evening enjoyable to the end.
The men of the Unitarian church ex
press onbe more their appreciation of
thoso who made this occaBion so enjoy
able and dignified. Appreciation also
is due thoso who made possible so
pretty and suitable a place in which to
hold such a concert and for the quiet
which reigned in the billiard room
The number present on such a rainy
evening indicates that love of art and
music is still alive in Hood River.
Lettuce at Greenhouse on Heights,
Phone 284 M.
Next Sunday evening at the 5 o'clock
service in the Unitarian church, Mr,
MacDonald will speak on "Giving"
and will make brief reference to the
rccept local newspaper article, "Busi
ness Man has a Novel Experience.
Bargain in Land.
Ten acres, White Salmon, three miles
tin valley on river; eight in cultivation,
half in Spitz and Newtowns, peach tillers
"two years old. Strung growth, Two
springs best water, deep, sub-irrigated
red flmt soil, no rttonnn. Fine garden
without irrigation, Log house. Trout
fishing and water power, Four year
orchard joining held at 1000 per acre.
fJHOtl cash taken this now. No bargain
to touch this in whole vallev. Act quick.
A. L.liOLDER, The Dalles," Ore., owner.
For Sale.
Strictly modern house
of 8 rooms, large
Corner Sixth and Sherman
Telephone 254 L.
Earn An Orchard.
Hood River orchard land for sale by
owner; choice ten acres t'J miles from
city, elevation about 1,(100 feet, almost
level, red shot soil, two acres six-Year-old
trees; balance raw state. Price
11,700, easy terms. To reliable party
will givo work clearing and caring for
adjoining ten acres, amount to apply on
purchase price. Address P. O. Box 131,
Portland, or phone A 6;i74.
Buy your butter, cream and milk
from the Purity Dairy Co., phone 68L.
Milk depot, Davidson building.
Hit llliltllll lllllll H-l-H-H-M-M-M "I-M-H 1 lilt M M-H-l-f
Fancy Apples in Fancy Packages I
Our specialty is attractive packages containing from
one tol 12 Extra Fancy Hood River AppleH.
Send your Eastern Friends a Sample
Express prepaid anywhere in U. S. or Canada
Robinson, de Reding & Crocker
Commercial Club Booth Hood River, Ore.
You (slay ESrivo Home
' with a wagon that everybody takes off his hat to if you
I trade with us. We are not eiveii to extravagant state
ments but the experience we have had selling
Studcbak&r Vehicles
and Harness
warrants us in nutting it strong. That experience proves that
nothing satisfies so well as Studebakers. We don't need to tell
you that they are honest goods. When you have made your pur
chase you go home satisfied and stay satisfied. That's the kind of
customers we need in the building of our business. That's why we
handle the Studebaker line.
Do you need something? Let u figure on It with you.
ailkavt-Vatirrlian Imn Prt Uranrl D Ciratrnn
' P. S. fltudebakerl ar. not f raid to brand their product with tne Bam ntudebaker, and that
namapiata oa your Job II your beat guaraoteahat y ou Hart a Toolcla or trua Tamo ana ""jjAg
Vitro I
40 barrel shipment just arrived. ROCHE HAR
BOR LIME, the be& for spraying. At
tOn Candy
The Seal of
ha a Guarantee
of Perfection
in Quality and Flavor
Patron if e the "Modern Dealer"
Koaara C(tion.ry Co., Mlri., Parllind, Onroa
For the Ambitious
19 SlntoerSitp
a vwmrwwvw
by Bill for thoaa who eaaoot attend la
amoa. All uaamriton, inoiuuwg huh
r "' i . i ruva Tm ...rKara
aiaaiiiiaNuua i. ; r
atodaaU preparing for eollege or nnlr oral-
ay, woaaen'aeluba, frangea, enf naere ih
baa makara. No preliminary aiamtna
ttoa la required. Tbla mail eonrae aa-ua
ojiportnnlty tor yon.
bona ior a aaaonpuTv nunun w --
CorraapondeBo fitudy Department
JnlTcraltr of Oraa-oa
Kuicerte - - - Oregon
Having Bought the
Express and Dray
of II. B. Johnston I am ready
for all sorts of light transfer
work. Day Phone 04. Night
Phone 113L.
W. F. Laraway jjf X
0ph,haImoly lIlII&B
Over 30 years' ex- 'MrbSSBK'
Reference: Over 2 000 fitted in Hood River,U.S. A.
Christmas Greeting's
Santa is coming to your house, but HE HAS ALREADY BEEN TO
SEE US, and has left a fine new line of presents -for your inspection. They
include a large assortment of Christmas Cards, Booklets and Art Calendars,
Fancy Brassware, Toilet Sets, Military Brushes, Ebonyback Hair Brushes,
Hand Mirrors, Shaving Mirrors, Ladies Purses (direct from New York City),
Fountain Pens, Manicure Sets, Smokers' Sets. Bill Books. Safety Razors,
Perfumes, Games of All Kinds, and many more presents of all kinds.
Choose early while you have a good assortment to pick from.
smith block Reliable Druggists
I'm The Candy Kid
Down at the Stai- (Jrocery
you'll find me among t he
New, Fresh Christmas
just arrived from the factory.
See Display in Our
"(lood Things to IOat."
Perigo , vSon
Di'purtimmt of Hie Interior,
I'nlli'il Whiten I jiml office,
The DbIU'h, Oregon, October HI, I'JIO.
Notice Ih hereby given thill the Hlute of
Oi'ckoii lias flleil In HUB otllcu Its uppllcntlmi,
No. ,li7l'i'l o Nelect limler the iovIIoiih ol (he
Act of ConureHM of Aiipfiist U, 1HIS, mid the
AotH iiiipUnienlry mul ameuilatory thereto,
The.KV,NK'4, Heo. HnT. 1, N. K. W K. W. M.
Any ami nil pcrnon clidming mlverNely t lie
lands ileNorthe or (leNlrlnn to object becaiiHe
of the mineral character of the land, or for
any other reawin, tojt he i1Ikmhu1 to applicant,
Nhnnld tile their althlavlta 01' protein In IIiih
office on or before the '.Kith day leceinber,
Will. C. W. MOOKK,
nlO'di! Uetilster.
IVpartment of the Interior,
l S. 1 and Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October , 191(1.
Notice Ih hereby given that William I'.
Htmilltn, of All. Hood, Oregon, who, on July S,
l'.iw, made Homwiteiid entry, No. KS122, for
Nv!,tiW'VlW1.JNV'4acctliiiHand 8W'HV'4
Ncctlon 4,TowiiHhlp 1 W.. Hange 111 K, Will
amette Meridian, ban tiled notice of Intention
to make Klnal Commutation Proof, to eHtah
ItHh claim to the land atiove described, before
V. A. ItlHhop, a U. S, I'oinnilHHloner, at hlH
nfllce lu Hood Klver, Oregon, on the Uth day
of December. 11)10.
claimant names an witnesses: George W.
Dlminlck, Oeorge Klrkpatrlck, Kmest V
Ulainpaand William W. dribble, all of NH.
Hood. Oregon. C. W. MOOKK.
lUO da Register.
The assessments for the year WW of the
Hood lllver Irrigation District are now due
and payable to the Collector at his office and
will become delinquent on lc last Monday
In December nel thereafter and unless paid
prior thereto 6 percent wfll be added to the
amount tliereol. 1 will be at my residence on
Wednesdays and at the Duller Hank on Hat
unlays from 10 A. M. to P. M.
1.. K. DART, Collector.
Trees For Sale
Homegrown apple trees; all
scions -selected ami budded
personally from U. H. Tuck
er's famous hearing orchard.
Quarter North Tucker Hridge
Phone 1U22M.
Extra values in white and gray Oregon City Wool
$4, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $8, $10
They are worth more money
Cotton Blankets, extra large size; the prettiest and soft- S
est cotton blanket we ever ottered, bought direct from
a Southern cotton mill.
Chas. Mairbe's Quilts filled with pure white cotton,
silkoline covered in pretty patterns, soft and fluffy, al
most equal to real swansdown. Prices
$2, $3, $3.25, $3.50
Bragg Me
rcantile Co,